Questionnaire Text

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F5. Only for women at least 15 years old

49b. Where did your most recent childbirth occur?

[] 1 At a health-care facility
[] 2 In a home
[] 3 Somewhere else
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
F5. Only for women at least 15 years old

Fertility and mortality

The questions about fertility and mortality, asked only of women at least 15 years old, deal with and help provide basic data for estimating fertility and infant mortality rates.
Live birth refers to any child who, upon birth, shows any sign of life such as breathing, crying, or moving, even if the child then dies.

48. Date of most recent live birth
In the appropriate boxes, note down the month and year of the most recent live birth, regardless of whether the child is alive or died before the date of the census. This information makes it possible to document live births that occurred in the year before the census and will be a basis for fertility estimates.

49a. Survival of child from most recent live birth
This question makes it possible to count the number of deaths among children from live births in the 12 months before the date of the census. Mark the circle or bubble corresponding to the answer received.

49b. Place of most recent birth
This question collects information about the place where the most recent birth occurred for women who had live births.