Questionnaire Text

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F1. For all people

33. Where do you usually live?

[] 1 Here [Go to question 34]
[] 2 Elsewhere in this country
____ City or community
____ Municipality
____ Department
[] 3 Abroad
Name of country ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

33. Usual place of residence
On the census form, the question about usual place of residence has the following answers:

- Here. If the usual place of residence is in the place where the census interview is occurring.
- Elsewhere in this country. If the usual place of residence is in this country but not the same place where the census interview is occurring. In this case, on the appropriate lines, indicate the name of the city or community, name of the municipality, and the name of the regional department in which the person usually resides.
[p. 16]
- Abroad. In this case, note down the answer in the appropriate circle; then write the name of the usual country of residence.