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Chapter C. International emigration

In the table below, record the information for each of the people who now live in another country.
Number _
The person is:

[] 1 Female
[] 2 Male

Year of departure _ _ _ _
Age at departure _ _ _
Country where person now lives ____

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Chapter C. International emigration
The purpose of this chapter is to capture information about emigration of the Bolivian population from this country from the year 2001 to the date of the census.
The first part of the question acts as a ''filter'' to find out if one or more people living in the household moved to another country.

If the answer is yes, ask, ''How many people?'' and note the stated number in the appropriate boxes. Then fill in the table by writing the name of each person who emigrated from this country, the person's sex, the year of departure, age at departure, and the country where the person lives now.

If the answer to this question is no, go to question 21, chapter D, of the census form.