Questionnaire Text

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Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

33. Where do you habitually live?

[] 1 Here - Go on to question 34
[] 2 In another place within the country:

____ City or locality
____ Municipality (Province Section)
____ Province
____ Department

[] 1 Chuquisaca
[] 2 La Paz
[] 3 Cochabamba
[] 4 Oruro
[] 5 Potosí
[] 6 Tarija
[] 7 Santa Cruz
[] 8 Beni
[] 9 Pando

[] 3 Abroad:

____ Give the name of the country - Go on to question 34

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 33. Where do you normally live?

1. The place of residence is whatever the person considers it to be. If the person normally lives in the place where the enumeration is taking place, the oval "here" is filled in and the enumerator will proceed with question 34.

2. If the person normally lives in "Another place in the country"; first, the corresponding oval is filled in and then the name of the "City or Locality", "Municipality (Section of the Province)", and "Province" is recorded in the boxes provided. The oval corresponding to the "Department" [State] is filled in and the enumerator will proceed with question 34.

3. If the person normally lives "abroad", the corresponding oval is filled in and the "name of the country" is recorded. The enumerator will proceed with question 34.

For example:

Mario is doing business in La Paz, was born in Cochabamba, and declares that his place of normal residence is Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the above information filled in.]