Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 6 to 26 were asked of persons who lived in occupied private dwelling and were present at the time of enumeration, per Questions 4 and 5.]

22. In this household, how many people are:


[] 0 None
[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Three or more

Deaf or mutes?

[] 0 None
[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Three or more

Paralyzed or with an arm or leg amputated?

[] 0 None
[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Three or more

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Chapter C. Characteristics of dwellings with inhabitants who are present

Question 22. In this household, how many persons are [disabled]?


Each one of the alternatives is read and the corresponding oval is filled in. If no person in the household corresponds to these situations, the "none" oval is filled in for each alternative. The ovals should not be left blank because, if they are, it will be interpreted to mean that the question had not been presented.

For example:

Mrs. Martínez: The only one would be my oldest son who does not see very well. This is why we bought glasses for him. Nobody is deaf/mute or paralyzed.

Because the son is not completely blind, the form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with appropriate ovals filled in.]

A person is considered to be blind if they cannot see anything. Someone who is deaf/mute cannot hear or speak at all.