Questionnaire Text

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Births that occurred since January 1st, 2012

28. How many living births have you had since January 1st, 2012?

_ M
_ F
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28. Live births since January 1st 2012

Q: "Have you/has [the respondent] had any live births during the period from January 1st 2012 until today?"

If the answer to question number 26 ["born alive children"] = "00," this woman has never had any born alive children in her life and as a result, she has not had any living birth since January 1st 2012. Ask the question anyway but under the following form:

Q: "Do you confirm that you have not had any living births since January 1st 2012?"

If the answer is yes, then write down "0" in each one of the small boxes situated opposite of "M" and "F," which symbolize the sex of the children who would have been born alive since January 1st 2012, in the section reserved to the registration of this woman's data.

If the answer is No, meaning that the woman declared having had a living birth since January 1st 2012, ask her the following question: