Questionnaire Text

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II. Individual Characteristics
Entire Population

P11. Residence abroad

Did [the person] live in another country between 1996 and 2006?

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 0 = No
[] 1 = CI (Yes, Ivory Coast)
[] 2 = AP (Yes, other country)

P12. Time since arrival or return

How long has it been since [the person] returned or came for the first time to Burkina Faso? (in whole years)
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P13. Motive for arrival or return

Why did [the person] return or come for the first time to Burkina Faso?

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 1 Socio-political crisis
[] 2 Deportation
[] 3 Educational purposes
[] 4 Voluntary return
[] 5 Other