Questionnaire Text

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For gainfully employed persons, pupils, university students, persons on compulsory military service and conscientious objectors doing non-military service: Please turn to the next page and answer question 15. In item 15.4 you will also be asked to enter the address of your place of work or of your school and you could help save us tremendous sums in processing the forms by also indicating the phone number. Thank you very much!

15. Way of getting to place of work or school/university (traffic flows):

15.2 Is your place of work/school in the same building as your main place of residence or as these other accommodations?

[] Yes ; e.g. home worker, farmer, pupil at boarding school : Thank you! No further questions since there is no travel involved in getting to school or work.
[] No : Please proceed to question 15.3

15.4 Address of your place of work/school (destination of your daily trip to work/school):

____ Street (locality)
____ Building number
____ Name of municipality
____ Country
____ Postal code
____ Area code
____ Phone number (without extension): The phone number is not used for follow-up inquiries. It is only to be indicated for places of work/for schools within Austria and helps us to process the precise destinations of traffic flows quickly and cost effectively using electronic data processing.

Questions 12 to 15:
Persons who marked one of the three "gainfully employed" boxes in question 11 must always answer questions 12 to 15 for this gainful employment regardless of the referrals to other questions. If you hold several jobs, please answer questions12 to 15 for the occupation involving the most working hours. If you are switching jobs at the time of the census, please answer questions 12 to 15 for your situation on 15 May 2001.

Question 12:
The "self-employed" (also freelances and professionals) are individuals who pursue their profession for their own account and are therefore not in an employment relationship as an employee.

Persons "helping in family business" are gainfully employed persons who are working in a business owned by a family member without receiving formal remuneration for this work.

Persons "under contract for work and services, freelance staff" are individuals who perform their work for their own account, similar to the self-employed.

Question 13:
Please select the designation (job title) that best describes your work (where possible, also the degree of responsibility you have within the business or operation).

Examples of precise work designations:
Accounts clerk
Men's shirts packing machinist
Glas cutter
Foreman at dip painting plant
Manager of retail shop
High voltage line installer
Planing machine operator
Scientific researcher in environmental protection

Question 14:
Please indicate as precisely as possible the name of the business/establishment at which you work for item 14.1, its industry (branch of economic activity) for item 14.2.

Please write in 14.1 the complete company name (e.g. Robert Miller GmbH). If you own a business without a formal company name (e.g. farmer), enter your own name in question 14.1.

Persons with several employers enter the company where they work the most amount of time and answer the remaining questions for this company.

Question 15:
The information from questions 15.1 to 15.6 on going to work or school everyday can be used to determine traffic flows. If you go both to school and to work, you should answer the questions for going to work.

Re 15.1: Persons commuting once a week enter the address of their accommodations at their place of work/school. If you depart both from your main place of residence and other accommodations, please indicate the place from which you depart more frequently. In case of doubt, the situation on the reference date applies.

Re 15.2: Gainfully employed persons with telework positions who visit their company at least once a week should include commuter data for these trips to the company.

Re 15.4: Gainfully employed persons enter the address of their place of work where they start work everyday. In other words, it is not the address of the head office of the company that is to be entered but e.g. for sales staff the address of the branch and for teachers the address of the school (base school) at which they teach. Persons with variable places of work (e.g. traveling salesmen) are kindly asked to enter the address of the place of work where they receive their work assignment.

Re 15.5: Persons who switch the mode of transportation they use day to day should indicate the one most frequently used. In case of doubt, the situation on the reference date should be entered.
Car pools with alternating drivers should indicate the situation on the reference date.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Regarding questions 14 and 15:
Among the goals of the population census are: the determination of the affiliation of the population in the different branches of the economy (industry, services, etc) as well as the depiction of the traffic flows from housing units to the companies, office, schools etc.

The prerequisites for this analysis are composed of the information on name, address, economic sector and company (office, etc.) telephone number. The telephone number corresponds to a critical importance in as much as it, with your help, - number statements are easier to process in the EDV than text - should be possible to relatively quick and inexpensively ascertain the company and its economic sector or exact location in the company registers of Statistics Austria. If that - for example, because of a missing telephone number - is not possible, this information must be gained relatively expensively and time consuming, from the text statements (address, economic sector).

The telephone number will, under no circumstances, be used for further inquiry at the company in question - this is impossible, because the data sets for persons are saved without names in the EDV.

15. Way of getting to place of work or school/university (traffic flows):
The information from questions 15.1 to 15.6 on going to work or school everyday can be used to determine traffic flows. If you go to both school and to work, you should answer the questions for going to work.

Re 15.2:
Explanation: Gainfully employed persons with telework positions who visit their company at least once a week should include commuter data for these trips to the company.

Anyone who works in their home or on the same property (e.g. janitor, farmers, businessmen with business and housing unit in the same house, home workers) or lives in the school building, marks "yes"; for these persons the following questions are not applicable.

The provisions for teleworkers that do not work exclusively at home were adopted because they -- like the marginally employed also -- contribute to the traffic volume on the days that they visit their company.

Re 15.4:
Explanation: Gainfully employed persons enter the address of their place of work where they start work everyday. In other words, it is not the address of the company management that is to be entered rather for example: for sales staff the address of the branch and for teachers the address of the school (base school) at which they teach.

Persons with varying places of work (e.g. traveling salesmen) are asked to enter the address of the place of work where they receive their work assignment if required.

Persons with varying places of work (e.g. service technicians, construction workers, traveling salesmen) enter the address for the place of work from which they receive their work assignments, customer lists, and the like.

Students enter the address of the university building in which they attend the most lectures or lessons.

Persons drafted into compulsory military service enter the address of the barrack, civil servants enter the address of the office where they perform their civil service.

If the place of work or school is located abroad, the country abbreviation should be given before the zip code (e.g. "CH" for Switzerland).

Re question 15:

The depiction of the relationship between residence and place of work/school takes place in the frame of the commuter statistics. Only a complete survey like the population census can present the small-scale traffic flows. Also the simultaneous presentation of the educational, occupational and economic structure of the gainfully employed by residence and place of work forms a unique basis for regional economic analysis.

The information on means of transportation and transit time are used in the depiction of traffic flows and have become indispensable components of commuter statistics. The data are needed for the depiction of the job market integration between the municipalities and regions as well as for planning in public sector und in the economy (housing unit construction, company establishment, time table planning).

This information is particularly significant for traffic planning. Large amounts were and are invested, in order to provide the necessary infrastructure (highways, public transportation). Dependable information on the assessment of the current and future need is essential because of ever decreasing financial margins of the public authorities, but also because of the environmental burden.

The frequent use of the commuter data of the population census appears in the statistics request of the ISIS-data base of Statistics Austria. The commuter flow chart is among the most requested population census data.