10. Schools attended -- Education completed
10.1 School currently attended
For pupils and university students, please mark just one item.
[] Primary school (including pre-primary state)
[] Lower secondary school (Hauptschule)
[] Academic secondary school - lower state
[] Special needs school
[] Pre-vocational year
[] Apprenticeship training (including compulsory vocational training school, final apprenticeship examination, skilled worker's examination) (e.g. Skilled farm worker, retail salesperson, car mechanic)
[] Intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school (1 - 4 years, without a school leaving certificate qualifying for university attendance)
(e.g. commercial school, home economics school, agricultural school, nursing school)
[] Academic secondary school upper stage (with a school leaving certificate qualifying for university attendance) l - (e.g. grammar school, lycée, a-level)
[] Post-secondary courses (2 - 3 years) to reach a technical or vocational education
[] Higher upper secondary technical and vocational school (5 years, with a school leaving certificate qualifying for university attendance) (e.g. higher school for business administration, higher technical school for mechanical engineering)
[] Academy, college, university (e.g. pedagogical academy, social academy, technical college, school of applied arts, university of agriculture, university of business)
[] Other formal training and education (e.g. foreman school, university courses, master craftsman's qualifying examination, professional qualification examination, civil servant's advancement examination)
10. School attendance/education completed:
[p. 79]
Explanation: Please mark all schools that you are either currently attending (10.1) or have already completed (10.2). For private schools mark the comparable school type.
Re 10.1 "School currently attended": Persons currently being educated mark the appropriate type of school in the first column. The technical field or major subject should not be entered.
Apprentices should mark "apprenticeship training (including compulsory vocational training school)" even if they have already completed compulsory vocational training school itself. (Attention: apprentices are considered gainfully employed and should also answer questions 11 through 15 for this profession).
Nursing trainees should mark "Intermediate upper and upper secondary technical and vocational school." (Attention: these persons are considered gainfully employed and should answer questions 11 through 15 for this profession).
Re 10.2 "Education completed": All levels of education that have been completed should be marked in the second column, and as necessary, the field of education/study should be entered. Commonly understood abbreviations are possible (e.g. "LA" for "teacher training").
Persons who have completed several similar types of training should indicate only the field of training which was most important for their future career.
Apprenticeship training: This is only to be marked as completed if the final apprenticeship examination has been passed. If compulsory vocational training school was completed but no final apprenticeship examination has been passed, this column should not be marked.
The question is so designed that the school currently attended (10.1) as well as the already completed course of education (10.2) is included.
On the following pages you will find - in the order in which the school types are mentioned on the personal data form - guidelines for filling out the form and a list of schools that belong to this school type. Following, the schools are once again listed in alphabetical order.
General information:
If with the completion of an intermediate or higher upper secondary technical and vocational school a final apprenticeship examination for a teaching profession is also acquired, the field or subject of the appropriate school should be indicated and the teaching profession should not be entered in "apprenticeship training."
The attendance and completion of foreman schools, master classes and other courses at intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational schools should be entered in "Other formal training and education."
"Completed education" (10.2) should only be marked if all required final examinations relevant for the course of education were already passed before May 15, 2001 or the diploma was already issued.
Older persons that completed a civic school should mark "General secondary school (Hauptschule)."
Regarding polytechnic studies, polytechnic schools:
The completion of polytechnic studies should only be marked if it was actually attended. If the 9th school year was passed at another school (e.g. the first year of a 3-year intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school) only the previously attended compulsory school should be indicated.
Regarding Apprenticeship training:
Apprenticeship training is connected to attendance at a vocational school (earlier names: winter school, continuing education school). In the text field, the occupation learned (that concurrently describes the field of study of the vocational school) should be entered.
[p. 80]
For women that obligatorily attended the vocational school for home economics: In individual states (e.g. Vorarlberg, Kärnten) attendance at a vocational school for home economics was obligatory for women if they did not learn an occupation or attended no further school. This completion should be indicated in "Other formal training and education" and not in "Apprenticeship training" or "Intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school."
Constabulary and police students: The attendance or completion of a constabulary or police academy is to be indicated in "Apprenticeship training." It involves practical, professional training similar to apprenticeship training. (Attention: constabulary and police students are considered gainfully employed and should answer questions 11 through 15 for this profession.)
Regarding Intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school:
The duration of training amounts to 1 to 4 years (exception: Fashion school of the city of Vienna 5-years) and does not lead to a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination).
[Page 80-81 lists are translated into English.]
[p. 81]
Regarding Academic secondary school - upper stage:
This box should be marked if a general educational school that led to a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination), was completed. Entering a field of study is not provided for.
[Page 81-82 lists were not translated into English.]
[p. 82]
Regarding colleges, post-secondary courses (2-3 years) to reach a technical or vocational education:
Colleges (previously: post-secondary courses) mediate the educational goal of the 5-year higher vocational schools in a 2 to 3 year education. For attendance at a college, a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination) is a prerequisite.
[Page 82 lists were not translated into English.]
Regarding higher upper secondary technical and vocational school:
Education that mediates vocational training and leads to a school leaving examination (new: school leaving and diploma examination) is indicated here. The duration of education amounts to 5 years. Also falling into this category is continuing education at higher upper secondary vocational schools that can be passed subsequent to an intermediate upper secondary technical and vocational school. The duration of education amounts to 2 to 4 years and the education is completed also with the school leaving and diploma examination.
[Page 82-83 lists were not translated into English.]
[p. 83]
Regarding academy, college, university:
Here all education (excluding colleges and post-secondary courses) that require a school leaving certificate qualifying for university entrance (school leaving examination) is indicated. Because around 160 different fields of study are distinguished, the university type (e.g. University of technology, University of business, University of natural resources) as well as the field of study (major field) should be cited as precisely as possible.
[Page 83-84 lists were not translated into English.]
[p. 84]
Regarding other formal training and education:
The possibility of entering further --important for the career path -- education, that does not fall into the previous categories of question 10 exists here. This should also prevent wrong entries from happening in the previous layers of question 10.
[The rest of page 84, pages 85 - 88, and the top of page 89 were not translated into English.]
[p. 89]
School currently attended: The type of school is used to depict the pupil commuter flows, in order to be able to foster inferences on the accessibility of places of education. While an elementary school is mostly located in an easily accessible neighborhood, one finds a college frequently only in the region's main city and a university only in a few cities. The information is gathered for the location and traffic planning in combination with the time expenditure und transportation.
Completed education: From this information charts are created that show the number of persons that have completed the different levels of education. These results are also segmented by fields of study as well as by age, profession and other characteristics.
This data is of meaning above all else for the educational planning but also for the regional job markets that are partly very different.
The information on occupation learned and occupation practiced (especially for teaching apprenticeships) deliver basic information about the connections between education and profession and allow statements about the structure and scope of career changes. In addition, they can be gathered for planning of essential educational, continuing educational and retraining activities for structural changes in the job market (e.g. skilled worker shortage)
While school and secondary school statistics provides yearly the number of graduates by field of study with higher accuracy, these statistics can not portray the level of education of the population at a certain point in time, because the population changes through migration and deaths. Only a complete survey like the population census can provide the appropriate data.