3. Primary type of heating
[] District heating or block heating
[] Building central heating
[] Gas convectors
[] Electric heating (permanently attached radiators)
[] Central heating system for apartment (single-story heating system)
Primary fuel used (Please mark just one fuel):
[] Wood Coal, coke, briquettes
[] Heating oil
[] Gas
[] Electricity (mobile electric heaters)
[] Other fuel
[] Individual stove(s)
Primary fuel used (Please mark just one fuel):
[] Wood Coal, coke, briquettes
[] Heating oil, fuel oil
[] Liquefied petroleum gas
[] Electricity (mobile electric heaters)
[] Other fuel
3. Primary type of heating:
Explanation: The primary type of heating refers to the type used in the majority of rooms during the main heating season (last winter). "District heating or block heating" should be marked not only if the heat is provided by a district heating plant but also if a block heating plant supplies heat to several buildings within a housing complex.
If a single family home is centrally heated and if the questions on heating were already answered in the building data form (question 4), only the item "Central heating system for building" should be marked on the housing unit data form; the question regarding fuel does not need to be answered on the housing unit data form.
Electric heating (permanently attached radiators) should also be marked, for example, if there is a system for direct electric heating of floors, walls or ceilings.
The primary fuel used should only be marked if the housing unit has its own central heating or individual stove(s) heating system.
Please make sure that in the first part of the question only one mark is made ("primary type of heating").
If a housing unit is primarily heated, for example only by means of a tiled stove, during the main heating season, then "individual stove" is to be marked in question 3, even if there is also central heating in the housing unit. This should be indicated in question 1.3.
Because wood chip heating systems or the like are more likely used for house central heating than for housing unit central heating, no separate marking option is provided for this on the housing unit data form. In recurring individual cases "other fuel" should be marked.
This question concerns an important quality characteristic of every housing unit and also has macroeconomic meaning:
Which energy sources are used? In considering the average energy use and heating costs, calculations about the financial burden of certain household groups can be employed.
[p. 58]
The energy sources used have very different consequential costs in the field of environmental protection. With the advancement of environmentally friendly heating types, the taxpayers are ultimately relieved.