Persons under 15 years of age are not required to answer this question.
10. Are you: the situation in the last weeks prior to the census day applies in answering this question: in cases of doubt, the situation on May 15, 1991 applies.
Full-time or part-time: employed persons mark whether they are working full-time or part-time. The limit for full-time work is the 33-hour week, so that e.g. teachers mark "full-time work" if they have a full teaching commitment. Other professional groups, such as free-lancers, judges, etc. also mark "full-time work" even if their weekly working hours are less than 33. This also applies to employees in businesses with "shortened schedules". If several activities are performed in part-time, "full-time work" is to be marked, provided that the sum of these activities adds up to 33 or more working hours per week.
Unemployed: Persons over the age of 15 years are considered unemployed if they are not in employed and are seeking work or an apprenticeship, regardless whether they are receiving unemployment or relief benefits or not.
Persons who have never been employed and are presently seeking work or an apprenticeship also mark "unemployed" and put down "no profession yet" for questions 12 (exact description of occupation). These persons may also skip questions 11 and 13.
Pensioners are persons receiving their own retirement benefits and/or survivors' pension benefits and are not engaged in an occupation with a minimum average of 12 working hours per week.
Homemakers: this box is marked by persons who are occupied with work in their own household and are supported by their spouse (companion).
Pupils, students: persons who are not employed (with at least 12 working hours per week) and are presently attending a school, university, etc. mark this box and answer questions 14 to 16 on their schooling.
Persons presently receiving practical vocational training, such as persons being trained as teachers, persons in an apprenticeship, trainees, unpaid trainees, police students, nurse trainees, etc. mark "full-time work" and answer questions 11 to 16 with regard to this vocational training.
Persons being vocationally retrained, provided that their employment is maintained or they receive health insurance through the labor administration, mark the box "full-time work", and in question 11 to 16 give statements regarding your prior profession (not "employment agency").
Persons attending vocational preparatory courses: if this is a full-time course these persons mark "pupils, students", if this is an evening course, mark the box "other livelihood".
Persons receiving "Sondernotstandshilfe" are not considered unemployed and mark "other livelihood".
Other livelihood is marked in cases of e.g. rent, support through relatives, receipt of alimony, social aid, special aid, special supplementary retirement payment, etc.