Questionnaire Text
Questionnaire form
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2. Number of housing units in the building (Stiegenhaus):
If there are more than three, please indicate the correct number.
[] None
[] One
[] Two
[] Three
Questionnaire instructions
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2, Number of housing units in the building:
The number of housing units in the building does not depend on the original purpose, rather the use actual use at the time of the census. If, for example, a housing unit was completely converted into an office, it should not be counted as a housing unit, rather as a work place.
Enumerator guideline:
This involves a control question: you should be able to verify if all housing unit questionnaires are present.
Purpose of the question:
This question serves completeness control. The final determination of the number of housing units in a building depends on the number of housing unit questionnaires submitted, which is why handing in housing unit questionnaires for vacant housing units is also of great importance.