Questionnaire Text
Questionnaire form
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3. Owner of the building:
Mark only one box with an X. In case of doubt, decide on the basis of the majority of ownership shares.
[] a. Private owner
[] One person
[] Several persons
[] b. Other owner
[] State
[] Province
[] Municipality
[] Other public body (e.g. chamber)
[] Church, legal religious association
[] Non-profit building association
[] Other legal entity (e.g. company, bank)
Questionnaire instructions
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3, Building owner:
If several private persons are owners of the building (e.g. joint ownership by spouses, buildings with condominiums), the corresponding box should be marked. If some of the shares of the property are owned by private individuals and others by other entities, the box should be marked according to the majority of ownership shares. In the case of equal ownership, the box should be marked for the owner who makes most of the decisions for the building.
Other public bodies are, for example, chambers or social insurance institutions. For buildings belonging to parishes, dioceses, religious communities or institutions, the box, "legally recognized church, legal religious association" should be marked.
Enumerator guideline:
Please note that only one mark should be made in this question.
Purpose of the question:
Which owner groups do the buildings in the individual municipalities belong to? Further, buildings of the different owner groups are compared with one another, for example, with regard to property size, building use or the housing unit cost at main rental apartments.