Questionnaire Text

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From here, all persons over three years old answer.
[Questions 7 to 12 were asked of persons 3 years old and over]

9. What educational level does/did this person attend?

[] Initial (kindergarten, pre-school) -- Continue with 12
[] Elementary
[] EGB [General Basic Education]
[] Secondary

[] 6-year elementary
[] 7-year elementary

[] Polymodal (Secondary)
[] Higher education, non-university
[] University
[] Graduate
[] Special education (for persons with disabilities) -- Continue with 12

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Question 11. What is the highest grade or year that he/she passed in this level?
11. What is the highest grade or year that he/she passed in this level?

_ Grade or year
_ None
_ Does not know

Complete this with the number of grade or year that he/she passed. Do not add "th" since this is already printed.
In the case of Primary and Secondary Education for adults, the duration of these levels is generally three years. For those who are attending the elementary school for adults, consider the equivalency with the grade or year and not the cycle. For this, use to following table:


Type of studies: Elementary School or Center for Adults
Cycle 1 -- Mark 3
Cycle 2 -- Mark 5
Cycle 3 -- Mark 7

For those who are attending the secondary school for adults, you should use this conversion table:
Type of studies: Secondary School or Center for Adults
Cycle 1 -- Mark 2
Cycle 2 -- Mark 4
Cycle 3 -- Mark 5

If the highest level of education that the person being enumerated passed was elementary school and this was done before 1966, take into account the changes produced in the numbering of the grades starting in this year, where first year of secondary was eliminated and seventh was added.
Grade up to 1966 / Equivalent grade of the Non-reformed System
Lower 1st grade / 1
Upper 1st grade / 2
2nd grade / 3
3rd grade / 4
4th grade / 5
5th grade / 6
6th grade / 7

The definitions that are present below refer to the formal education of all of the persons. This means, the education whose structure and contents are organized sequentially in four level of education: Initial, General Basic Education or Elementary, Poli-modal or Secondary, and Higher (non university or post university). This excludes the attendance at: academies, private institutions that do not belong to the formal systems, and therefore do not accredit for continuation or to begin studies in formal education. For example: courses in foreign languages, information and computers, literacy courses, musical instruments and theater, for teacher courses to stay up-to-date, labor training, technical courses, and courses for hair dressing, dress making, mechanics, electricity, etc.

Last grade or year passed at this level: highest grade or year that the person being enumerated who attends or attended a recognized establishment of the the formal educational system passed.