Questionnaire Text

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From here, all persons 14 years old or more answer
[Questions 13 to 16 were asked of persons 14 years old and over]

16. In the last four weeks, were this person looking for work: answered ads, asked among friends/relatives, put up signs, did something to set up in business himself/herself?

[] Yes
[] No -- End of the interview for this person

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Looking for work: this is the person who does not have a job, who actively seeks employment and is available to work in the past 30 days before the date of reference of the Census.
The activities of looking for work imply: respond to or publish ads requesting work in newspapers or other mediums; register in labor offices; ask in the places of work, shops, ranches, factories, markets, and other gathering places; look for financial resources or materials to establish one's own business; request permission and licenses to begin a labor activity; look for work through acquaintances, friends, family, etc.
This includes: persons who have momentarily interrupted the search in the past thirty days before the date of reference of the Census for circumstancial reasons and those who have been suspended for more than a month and who actively looked for work.
Does not include: persons who were suspended and their pay was not maintained.