Questionnaire Text

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From here, all persons 14 years old or more answer
[Questions 13 to 16 were asked of persons 14 years old and over]

13. During the last week, did this person work for at least one hour?

(Without counting household task in your own household)

[] Yes - End of the interview for this person
[] No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Work is to carry out any activity (paid or not) that generates goods or services for the "market". This deals with labor activities that the person has carried out, for at least one hour, during the week before the day on which the Census begings.


Considered Work:
-The labor activity is paid in money or goods.
-Labor activity that is not paid. For example: attending doctors, an ad-honorum assistantship in the faculty, pro-bono legal services, etc.
-The activity carried out to aid a family member to achieve an income. For example: make empanadas, bread or cakes so that the husband can sell them.

Not considered Work
-The domestic labor of the housewife.
-Unpaid volunteer work. For example: those done by supporting aids in neighborhood dining services.
-The activity aimed at auto-consumtion, whether personal or family. For example: cultivating a family vegetable garden for the consumption by members of the household.