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4. This household occupies:
Instruction: determine by observation

[] House
[] Shack
[] Hut
[] Apartment
[] Room/s in a tenement home
[] Room/s in a hotel or boarding house
[] Place not built for habitation
[] Mobile dwelling
[] On the street; go to person 1 [skip questions 5-24]

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Question 4: This household lives in...
Register the category by simple observation, taking into account that

[p. 33]

House: is a dwelling build originally to be inhabited by persons, with a direct exit to the exterior (its inhabitants do not pass through common--use halls or corridors).

Ranch house: is a dwelling build originally to be inhabited by persons, with a direct exit to the exterior (its inhabitants do not pass through common--use halls or corridors). Generally it has adobe walls, a dirt floor, and a thatch or straw roof. It is a characteristic dwelling in rural areas.

Shack: is a dwelling build originally to be inhabited by persons, with a direct exit to the exterior (its inhabitants do not pass through common--use halls or corridors). It is commonly built of low--quality or discarded materials. It is a characteristic dwelling in urban areas.

Apartment: is a dwelling build originally to be inhabited by persons, which forms part of a building with a common entry. This building should contain at least two dwellings which are accessed through common--use halls, stairways, garages or elevators.

Rental rooms: each room inhabited at the Census moment, that is located in a building of rental rooms, is considered a dwelling. A building with rental rooms is a building that has been built or remodeled deliberately to contain several spaces [rooms] that have an exit to one or more common spaces, with the goal of housing the households permanently as renters. Generally the building has a bathroom/bathrooms and/or a kitchen/kitchens that are used as shared spaces. This does not exclude that some of the rooms can have their own bathroom[s] and/or kitchen[s]. They are also characterized by rent payment that is daily, weekly, bi--weekly and/or monthly.

Hotel or boarding house rooms: are dwellings that have characteristics that are similar to the rental rooms, but also have the difference that the hotel or boarding house rooms follow a special regimen characterized by being under legislation established for this type of commerce, which is exhibited in visible places inside the building or in the registry books of the establishment.

Remember that: The rental, hotel, or boarding house rooms that are unoccupied on the reference night of the Census, should not be included in the Census, which means that you should not complete a census form.

In the street: observe that if you complete a census for a household comprised of one or more persons who live in the street, after you register this situation you should continue directly to administer the population questions.