Questionnaire Text

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13. Living continuously in the given settlement since birth:

[] Yes
[] No

If no, then indicate

13.1. The year since a person continuously lives in the current settlement ___
13.2. Previous residence-country, in the case of Armenia-Marz and settlement ___
13.3. What kind of settlement a person came from___
[] Urban
[] Rural
13.4. Main reason of changing the residence:
[] From other countries as a consequence of war actions
[] From other countries because of fear to be exposed to persecution for racial, national, religious belong, membership to any social group or for political convictions
[] Family
[] Repatriation
[] Other
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Question 15

Have you permanently lived in this settlement since the day of your birth?

In case of getting a positive answer for this question the interviewer writes code "1" - the corresponding code for answer "Yes".
Moreover, the continuity of residence is not broken in the following cases:

a. In case of moving from one rural area to the other in the boundary of the same region,
b. In case of moving within the same rural/urban settlement,
c. In case of going for a military service or going abroad for a business trip (up to 1 year).
d. In case of all other leavings with the duration of less than 1 year which are not connected with the change of permanent settlement.

In all other cases, including the movement from rural settlement to the urban within the same area (the former administrative region) and the contrary, as well as movement between to urban settlements, etc. are breaking the continuity of residence.

The permanency of the settlement is not connected with the registration and with its type (permanent or temporary) or with the changing of the address in the area of the same place.

Corresponding code for the answer "No" is written if person changed its place of births.

In case of "Yes" answer for the 15th question the question 20th should be filled in, and pass to, in case of "No" answer the interview should be continued by filling in 16, 17, 18 and 19 questions.