Questionnaire Text

Benin 2013 Iran 2006 Panama 2000 Sudan 2008
Brazil 2000 Israel 1972 Panama 2010 Thailand 1980
Cambodia 2013 Israel 1995 Paraguay 1992 Thailand 1990
Cambodia 2019 Israel 2008 Paraguay 2002 Thailand 2000
Colombia 2005 Italy 2011 Portugal 2011 Togo 2010
Dominican Republic 1981 Laos 2015 Puerto Rico 1980 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Dominican Republic 2002 Malaysia 1970 Romania 2002 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Dominican Republic 2010 Malaysia 1980 Romania 2011 United States 1960
Egypt 1996 Malaysia 1991 Senegal 2002 United States 1970
Egypt 2006 Malaysia 2000 Senegal 2013 United States 1980
Fiji 2007 Mexico 2015 South Africa 2016 Venezuela 2001
Fiji 2014 Mexico 2020 South Sudan 2008 Vietnam 2009
France 2011 Nicaragua 2005 Spain 1991 Vietnam 2019
Honduras 2001 Panama 1990 Spain 2001
Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
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Dwelling Unit Characteristics
[Questions 43-56 were asked of all households]

Goods or property items owned by the household
[Questions 58.1-58.5 were asked of all households]

58.1 Do you own the following goods? Write down 1 if the answer is "yes" or 2 if the answer is "no" (for all items listed below)

K - Air conditioner
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Section 5: Goods owned by the household

This section provides information on the goods that household owns. Information on the households' owned goods, and that is normally part of the equipment of the spaces used for habitation [radio receptors, televisions, for example], must be obtained by referring to the households. Similarly, the information relative to rent is necessarily obtained by referring to the households.

The answers to questions that follow shall only be reported on the form number 1 used for the household.

58.1. Possession of [consumption] goods

When it is said that the household possesses/disposes of a good, it is meant that the household is proprietary thereof.

Only take into account functional goods at the time of your household visit. In other words, goods that are provisionally or definitively out of usage shall not be considered.

The modality codes for this variable are:

[] A. Radio post
[] B. Television post
[] C. Hi-Fi chain
[] D. Parabolic antenna/decoder
[] E. Video recorder
[] F. DVD/CD player
[] G. Fridge
[] H. Cooker/gas stove
[] I. Improved fireplace
[] J. Electric iron
[] K. Air conditioner
[] L. Ventilator
[] M. Bed
[] N. [Foam] Mattress
[] O. Modern armchair
[] P Computer
[] Q. Internet connection
[] R. Electric generator
[] S. Bike
[] T. Motorcycle
[] U. Car
[] V. Boat/canoe

Q: "Does your household possess any of the following goods?"

Cite, one by one, each listed good and write, as you go, the modality code corresponding to the given response. All listed items must be cited one by one according their numbering order.

In the small box situated opposite from the designated good, write down the code "1" if the interviewee's answer is Yes, or the code "2" if the answer is No.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_AC — Number of air conditioning units
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2.23 Air conditioning units. (If there is central AC, write the number of rooms served)

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How many of the following items can be found in this household:

If the household does not have this item, record 0 (zero). If there are 9 or more, record nine (9).
[Applies to questions 2.21 - 2.23]

Question 2.23 - Air conditioners (If there is central air conditioning, record the number of rooms served).

Record the number of air conditioners in the household or the number of rooms served by central air conditioning. If there are none, record 0 (zero). If there are nine (9) or more, record nine (9).

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_AIRCON — Number of air-conditioners
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Part 5: Housing conditions and facilities

Information on ownership of some facilities by the household (under each item, write "00" in the square if not available or give the actual number, if available)

18. Air-Conditioner _ _

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96. Filling-in of Form B household questionnaire part -5: housing conditions and facilities

96.1. This part of the questionnaire on housing conditions of the household has to be filled in after completing the main household questionnaire (Form B Parts- 2 to 4). This part should be completed with the assistance of the head of the household or any responsible member of the household.

96.2. In cases where within a household, members use a variety of facilities, probe to establish the facility used by the majority of household members and record it for the household. For example, if the members of a household use more than one source of light you should record the main source of light used by the majority of members.

96.3. Please note that in this part of the questionnaire, for columns 1 to 8 and 23 to 25 you are required to write only the code corresponding to the appropriate answer in the square provided at the bottom of each column. Under no circumstances you should write more than one code for each question.

105. Columns 9 to 22(a) and (b): facilities owned by the household

105.1. Thirteen items of utility are given one each in columns 9 to 21 and two in col. 22. Ascertain for each whether the household owns the facility. If not owned write "00" in the square concerned. If owned ascertain how many items are owned and give that number in the square concerned.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_AIRCON — Air-conditioner
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Form B household questionnaire part 4

Particulars of amenities and assets possessed by household
Give the number for each, write '00' if not owned

_ _ 20. Air-conditioner

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_AIRCOND — Air conditioning appliances
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17. Which of the following domestic appliances does this household have? (expanded)

17.8 Air conditioning appliances?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_AC — Air conditioner
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24. Appliances
Which of the following appliances does this household have?

Air conditioner

[] Electric
[] Does not have
[] 1
[] 2
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Question 24: Appliances

Which of the following appliances does this household have?

The appliances for this question are read, one by one; if the household has the appliance, the circle is filled in according to whether it is electric or not.

If the household does not have the appliance, the circle in the corresponding column is filled in.

For quantity, the circle corresponding to the number of appliances of the same type owned by the household is filled in. If in any case there are more than 3, the circle 3 is filled in.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
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Household goods and services
19. Which of the following articles or services does this household have?

(Read each option and mark those for which the answer is yes)

[] a. Refrigerator
[] b. Stove
[] c. Washing machine
[] d. Television
[] e. Air conditioning
[] f. Radio/music equipment
[] g. Private automobile
[] h. Cistern or water tank
[] i. Computer
[] j. Converter
[] k. Generator
[] l. Landline or cellphone
[] m. Internet
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Question 19: Which of the following articles or services does your household have?

Read all of the articles and services and fill in the bubble only when the answer is "yes".

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
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Section IV - Household characteristics

9. Which of the following articles or services does your household have?

Read slowly all the possible answers, and fill in "yes" or "no' accordingly.
n. Air conditioning?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Question 9. Which of the following items or appliances does your household have?
This information provides standards of well-being, such as the capacity for economic consumption of its members. It is a fundamental question for the analysis of poverty.
Read slowly all the goods or properties and then fill in the bubbles accordingly, if "Yes" fill in code 1 and if the answer is "No', fill in code 2.
[Page 45]
In this question, each choice must have an answer, according to the answer provided by the interviewee.

For example: If the informant declares that there is a stove in the household, you should record code 1, in case that the answers is no stove, then you should fill in code 2. Similarly, you will proceed with all options given in the question.

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_AC — Has an air conditioner
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Domestic appliances
[] 1 Electric refrigerators
[] 2 Electric washing machine
[] 3 T. V. black and white
[] 4 T. V. color
[] 5 Cooker
[] 6 Water heater
[] 7 Deep freezer
[] 8 Video
[] 9 Air conditioner
[] 10 PC
[] 11 Dish
[] 12 None
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Domestic appliances
The answer on this questions help to know the household's living quarter standard and it is allowed to have multiple answers as the purpose of tenure is for use and not commerce.

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_AIRCON — Number of air conditioners
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Table 2: Housing characteristics
[Questions in table 2 are asked of all persons, except for the question on educational status]

Consumer durable goods

Several answers are accepted
[] Colored TV
[] Black and white TV
[] Video player
[] Satellite dish
[] Refrigerator
[] Deep freezer
[] Manual washing machine
[] Automatic washing machine
[] Dishwasher
[] Stove
[] Water heater
[] Vacuum cleaner
[] Air-conditioner
[] Computer
[] Iron
[] Internet connection
[] Fan
[] Land-line phone
[] Mobile phone
[] Nothing
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Table 2: Housing characteristics
Mark the correct response number in the square or squares allotted for answering each question. The answer also must be recorded in words beside the square for the questions on dwelling type and ownership type.

Household appliances
There are 18 items. The answer requires the knowledge of how many of these appliances are available at the household, in order to know the living standard of the household. The following must be taken into consideration:

In case the household doesn't have any of these appliances, sign (X) is placed inside the square in front of the word "Not available".

If the household has some of the appliances and not others, the answer will be marked as follows:

The number of each appliance is placed inside the square in front of each appliance available at the household.

The squares are left blank for the appliances that are not available.

The appliances are considered available if they are used now or are set for future use.

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_AIRCON — Number of air conditioners owned by household
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[Questions H1-14 were asked of all households.]

H13. Household durables.
Are any of the following items owned by members of this household?

(State number of items in appropriate box. 0 If none)
[ ] 1 Car/Van
[ ] 2 Carrier/Truck/Tractor
[ ] 3 Outboard motor
[ ] 4 Generator
[ ] 5 Brush cutter/Lawn mower
[ ] 6 Home solar system
[ ] 7 Water pump
[ ] 8 Refrigerator/freezer
[ ] 9 Washing machine
[ ] 10 Clothes drier
[ ] 11 Gas/Electric stove
[ ] 12 Hot water system
[ ] 13 Air conditioner
[ ] 14 Radio/Stereo
[ ] 15 TV
[ ] 16 Video/ DVD
[ ] 17 Sky Plus
[ ] 18 Sky Pacific / PBS
[ ] 19 Telephone (L/line / E/tel)
[ ] 20 Mobile Phone
[ ] 21 Computer/Laptop
[ ] 22 Internet
[ ] 23 Energy saver light bulbs

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_AIRCON — Number of air conditioners
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Household and housing
[Put appropriate number in right hand box]

[H13] Household durables

Are any of the following items owned by members of this household?
State number of items in appropriate box. "0" if none.
_ 13. Air conditioner

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_ACOD — Air conditioned room (DOM-overseas departments)
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Characteristics and comforts of the dwelling

[Housing sheet (DOM-Overseas Departments]

11) Does this dwelling have:
Check yes or no for each line

At least one air conditioned room?
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
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Section C. Household information

Comfort and equipment

8. Does this household have any of the following appliances or equipment?

F. Air conditioner

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Comfort and equipment

Question 8: Does this household have any of the following appliances or equipment?
You should read the appliances that appear on the list one-by-one, waiting for the answer and marking each one with the corresponding circle. Remember that in each of the appliances you should only mark one of the boxes in the space, 'yes' or 'no', but never mark both.

For those appliances that are found in poor condition awaiting repair, you should mark the corresponding box for 'yes' the household has it.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_CENTAIR — Central air conditioning system
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Questions 45-55 should be filled out for households residing in Conventional residential unit (number 1 in Question 44)

47. Facilities and utilities:

6. Central air conditioning system

Does it exist in the housing unit?

[] Yes
[] No

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30. General explanation about questions 41 through 56
Fill question 41 only for normal settled households and leave it blank for other households. But fill questions 42 to 55 also for collective households in addition to normal settled ones.
Note: For those normal settled and collective households for which you filled more than one sheet of questionnaire, fill these questions along with question 56 only on the first sheet and leave them blank on other sheets.

35. General explanation about Questions 45 through 55
Fill these questions only for those households who live in a conventional residential unit (box 1 question 44) and leave it blank for households living in other types of units.

38. Facilities and utilities, Question 47
Different types of facilities and utilities are mentioned in this question. First, ask about the existence of these facilities and utilities in the housing unit and mark either box 1 or 2 in section A. Then, ask about each facility and utility available in the unit (box 1 in section A) separately and whether the household takes advantage of it or not. If yes, mark 1 in section B, otherwise mark 2. For those facilities and utilities not available in the housing unit (box 2 in section A), leave section B blank. Note the following in order to fill this question:

- For electricity, private generators in units are not what is meant, but the electricity available to everyone is.
- For piped water, the important aspect is for the unit to have a pipeline and for the water in the pipeline to be connected to the public water network.
- For piped gas, the important aspect is for the unit to have a pipeline and for the gas in the pipeline to be connected to the public gas network.
- A central heating system, which also includes a package, is a system in which heat is produced in one defined part and is transferred from that point to the entire housing unit.
- A central air conditioning system is a system in which heat or cold air is produced in a specific part and then transferred to the entire housing unit.

Note: for electricity, central heating system, central air conditioning system and bathroom, the point is only to ask for the existence of it.

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
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13. Do you have an air conditioner in the apartment? (Do not include fan.)
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_AIRCOND — Air conditioner
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11. Do you have the following items at your disposal?

Air conditioner (heating and/or cooling system)

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

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7. Question 11

11. Do you have the following items at your disposal?

Please answer to all items as 1. Yes or 2. No

_ Telephone
_ Television
_ VCR (not a camera)
_ Washer
_ Dryer
_ Microwave
_ Dishwasher
_ Personal Computer
_ Air-conditioner (Cooling or heating)
_ Sun-heated water boiler

The aim of the question is to provide data of the standard of living of the households in the country.

A. If the item is at the disposal of the family, mark an X in box 1, under Yes. If the item is not at the disposal of the family, mark an X in box 2, under No. Mark an X and not the number of appliances in the house.

Example: If there are two telephone instruments in the house, or even two separate telephone lines, write an X in box 1 and not the number of telephone instruments.

B. Mark an X in box 1 (Yes) even if the items are not owned by the tenants, but used by them.

Example: A person, who lives in a rented apartment and uses the washer of the renter, has to mark an X in box 1 next to the washer.

C. If there are two or more households in the apartment, and the items are at the disposal of all people in the apartment, each household will mark the Yes answers next to these items in the questionnaire.

[p. 37]

D. Pay an attention to the following items:
1. Television -- means color or black and white

2. VCR -- does not mean a video camera, but a device for recording and playing video movies.

3. Personal computer -- not a calculator.

4. Air-conditioner -- for cooling, heating or both.

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
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Questions on housing conditions
[Questions 82-90 asked only once per household]

90. Do you have the use of the following items available to you?

The answers are "Yes" or "No"
90.6 An air-conditioner
[] Yes
[] No
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Part J: Housing Conditions

2. Instructions for answering questions

g. Appliances at the household's disposal
The importance of the data on appliances which are at the disposal of the household lies in the information obtained on the standard of living of families from different localities and different types of places. This information, together with other data, is used by the Central Bureau of Statistics to determine the standard of living grades of localities or areas in the localities. This information is an important factor in the distribution of government budgets and other budgets (such as: Mifal HaPayis - the National Lottery) to the local authorities.
Question 10.70-10.210 - Now I will ask you if you have the following items:

Television, VCR/DVD, clothes dryer, dishwasher, microwave, air conditioner, solar water heater, personal computer or laptop, internet subscription, phone line (such as: Bezeq, Hot), number of phone lines, cellular phone, number of cellular phones, vehicle, number of vehicles.

- These questions examine the existence of these items and not necessarily their ownership. In other words, an item can be considered as available for the person's use even if he does not own it. For example: a person lives in a rented apartment where there is a washing machine that belongs to the landlord, or a person who got a cellular phone from his workplace.
- Write the respondent's answer even if he says a certain item is not at his disposal and you see the item in the apartment.
- If there are two or more households in the apartment and the appliances in the apartment are used by all the people living in it - each household should state that these items are at its disposal.
- VCR/DVD - VCR does not refer to a video camera, but to a device for recording and screening video tapes.
- Personal computer or laptop - does not refer to palm computers, but to desktop computers (PC) or laptops.
- Internet connection - only refers to internet connection from the apartment (and not general use of internet. For example: a person who has internet connection at work).
- Number of phone lines - if a household has more than nine phone lines, write 9.
- Number of cellular phones - if a household has over ten phones, write 10.
- Number of vehicles - if a household has over nine vehicles, write 9.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_AIRCON — Permanent air conditioning system
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Section I: Information about household and dwelling

4.4 Does the dwelling have a permanent air conditioning system?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Section I - Information about household and dwelling

4 - Climate control system (heating, air conditioning, renewable energy)

Question 4.1
Answer "No" (box 2) if the dwelling does not include any kind of heating system, or only includes mobile space heaters that run on electricity, gas or other power sources.

Question 4.4
Answer "Yes" (box 1) if the dwelling is equipped with a permanent air conditioning system (e.g. split permanent or mono- block permanent, with radiant panels in the floors/walls/ceiling, etc.). Answer "No" for mobile air conditioning units.

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_AIRCON — Own an air conditioner
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I. Dwelling characteristics

Q60. What assets does this household own in working order?

Household items

12. Air-conditioner
[] Yes
[] No
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Question Q60: Does your household have the following properties?
The purpose of this question is to collect information about the ownership of basic assets required to access information on daily life.
To record the answer, the surveyor is required to highlight in black the box of the answer code "Yes" as defined for each property according to the interviewee's answer. If there is none, the surveyor must highlight in black the box of the answer code "No".

1) Property of the government is not considered property of the household, such as the government's vehicle.
2) For collective households abroad, please ignore question Q60.

For example: A household's properties such as: 1 car, 1 motorcycle, 1 radio, 2 televisions, 3 mobile phones, 1 computer, 1 fan, 2 refrigerators, and 2 plots of land, the surveyor shall record as follows:
[A table is omitted here]

Malaysia 1970 — source variable MY1970A_EQUI2 — Ownership of air conditioner, telephone, and refrigerator
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24. Household equipment:
[] M/car
[] M/cycle
[] Bicycle
[] Air conditioner
[] Telephone
[] Refrigerator
[] Elect. Fan
[] Radio
[] Sew mach.
[] T.V.
[] Boat with motor
[] Boat without motor

Malaysia 1980 — source variable MY1980A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
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19. Does your household have any of the following items?

Motor car:
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4+
Land rover/van:
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4+
Motor cycle/scooter:
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4+
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4+
[] Radio
[] B/w. T.V.
[] Color T.V.
[] Telephone
[] Newspaper
[] Sewing machine
[] Electric iron
[] Electric fan
[] Refrigerator
[] Air conditioner
[] Water heater
[] Piano/Organ
[] Clock
[] Boat with motor
[] Boat without motor
[] None of the above
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Questions 18-20

Questions 18, 19 and 20 are to be asked of households, occupying Living Quarters of Codes 1 to 17 only. The Living Quarters Codes are obtained from the Housing Census and shown in the House-listing Book (Stage 1) column 2.

Question 19

[An image displaying question 19 of the census form is omitted here.]

The question is to be asked as phrased: "Does your household have any of the following items?".

Multiple answers are allowed in this question. Whenever a respondent says "yes" to any or more of the above items mark the appropriate box. The household is considered as having the items even if it is only hired or bought on hire purchase and not fully paid for.

Take special note of the following:

a. In the case of the motorcar, land rover/van, motorcycle/scooter and bicycle, ask the respondents the number they have, and mark the relevant box.

b. A transistor radio is to be considered as a "radio".

c. A stereo set with radio is to be considered as "radio". However, a stereo set without radio should not be included.

d. Car radio, record player and cassette deck should not be included as radio.

e. Wrist watches are not to be included under the item "clock".

f. Sewing machines can include both manual and electric.

g. Newspapers should be an item available on regular basis i.e. daily or weekly.

h. It is important that you only include vehicles which are intended for private use and not for business use.

i. If items are permanently out of order or spoilt, they should not be included. However, if they are only temporarily out of order, they must be included.

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
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B13. Are the following items available for use by members of this household?

(Do not ask this question if this answer to question A1 is code 10-20.)

Mark X in the relevant boxes.

[] 1 unit
[] 2 units
[] 3 units or more
[] 1 unit
[] 2 units or more
[] Bicycle
[] Air-conditioner
[] Refrigerator
[] Washing machine
[] Telephone
[] Television
[] Video
[] Radio/hi-fi
[] Boat with engine (Sabah and Sarawak only)
[] None of the items mentioned above.
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Question B13
[The form for B13 is not presented here.]

The purpose of this question is to obtain information relating to items/appliances accessible to members of each household.

The household is considered as having the items even if it is rented, bought on hire purchase provided by employer for use by the household members.

Please take note of the following:

If an item is permanently out of order and cannot be used, it should not be included. However, if an item is only temporarily out of order and can be repaired, it must be included.

How to ask the question
Ask the question as given below:
"Are the following items available for use to the member of this household?"

You must read out each category as listed.
For the category "motorcar" and "motorcycle/scooter", ask for the number of units.

How to record the answer
Mark "X" in the respective boxes in accordance with the answers given for the items named.
You are allowed to mark more than one answer, except for the categories "motorcar" and "motorcycle/scooter". When a respondent answers "Yes" to one or more of the above items, mark "X" in the appropriate box.
The box "None of the items mentioned above" can only be marked if all the items/appliances listed are not accessible to the household.

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
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B7. Are the following items available for use by the members of this household?

Mark X in the relevant boxes.

(Multiple answers accepted)


[] 1 unit
[] 2 unit
[] 3 units or more

Motorcycle /Scooter

[] 1 unit
[] 2 units or more


[] Bicycle


[] Air-conditioner
[] Washing machine
[] Refrigerator
[] Microwave
[] Radio/Hi-fi
[] Television
[] Video/VCD/DVD
[] Fixed telephone line
[] Mobile phone
[] Personal computer (PC)
[] Internet subscription

[] None of the items mentioned above

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
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15. Equipment
In this dwelling, do you have:
[Read the options and circle one code for each one]

Water tank
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Cistern or reservoir
[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No
Water pump
[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No
[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No
Water heater or heater-tank (gas, electric, or wood)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Solar water heater
[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No
Air conditioning
[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No
Electrical solar panel
[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No
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15. Equipment
These questions identify if the dwelling has equipment or facilities that allow greater functionality and comfort in everyday activities of the occupants. Read the question mentioning each item, listen the answers and circle the corresponding codes.

[Figures are omitted]

Use the following definitions to explain to the respondents in case of doubt:

  • A raised water tank is a container of large water storage capacity; it can be made of plastic or asbestos. Usually, it is located on the roofs of dwellings, although it can be located at the ground level. Sometimes people call it Rotoplas, because it is the name of the most publicized water tanks brand.
  • A cistern or reservoir is a large water container built underground or at ground level; sometimes it can be a buried water tank. The important point is that people can store water in considerable quantities.
  • In some places, the informant can respond they have a sink or basin where they collect water. If this basin is a big concave structure made of stone or concrete and it is used to store water, record that this dwelling has cistern or water tank.
  • A water pump is a device which has a motor that serves to drive the circulation of the water. It is mainly used to raise water from one level to another, e.g., to a water tank that is located in a high place, or to suck water from a well.
  • Note that the cistern or reservoir and the raised water tank can supply water to more than one dwelling and can use the same pump, e.g. in an apartment building or duplex, triple, or quadruple houses, record that each of those dwellings has this equipment.
  • A boiler or water heater is a device that serves to raise the water temperature. It can run on gas, electricity, or wood; regardless of the type, record this device in this option.
  • A solar water heater, as the boiler, rises the water temperature, but it does through solar cells that capture the sun's energy.
  • An air conditioning is a device used to cool closed spaces (e.g., bedrooms). They are common in places very hot.
  • An electrical solar panel is a device that captures sunlight to generate electricity. A dwelling can have solar panel regardless it has electricity supplied by the CFE or other source. An electrical solar panel is also known as a photovoltaic module.

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
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I. Characteristics of the housing unit

15. Utilities: In this housing unit, is there a:

Read all options and circle one code only for each option
Air conditioning?
[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No
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15. Extended questionnaire
This section of the questionnaire contains the questions you must apply in the households you have registered as: Single house on the land, house sharing land with other(s); duplex house; apartment in a building; housing unit in neighborhood or tenement and housing unit in the rooftop room of a building. That is, with classes 1 to 6 of private housing unit class.

VI. Equipment
15. Equipment
These questions identify whether the housing unit has equipment or facilities that allow for greater functionality and comfort in the daily activities of the residents.

Read the question mentioning each equipment, listen to the answers, and select the code that corresponds in each case.

Use the following definitions to explain to respondents in case of doubt:

The tinaco is a large capacity container to store water that can be made of plastic or asbestos. It is usually located on the roofs of houses, although it can also be found at ground level. Sometimes, the population calls it Rotoplas, as it is the most publicized brand of water tanks.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 246]

The cistern or reservoir is a large water tank that is built subway or at ground level; sometimes, it can be a buried water tank. The important thing is that the population can store water in considerable quantities.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Note that the cistern or reservoir and the water tank may store water for more than one housing unit and may use the same water pump, for example, in an apartment building or in duplex houses; in these cases, consider that each of the housing units does have such equipment if the respondent declares it.

In some places, the respondent may respond that they have a basin where they collect water. If the pool you are referring to is a large stone or concrete construction used to store water, consider that it does have a cistern or water cistern. Plastic drums are not considered.

[Images omitted]

The water pump is a motor-driven device used to drive the circulation of water. It is mainly used to raise water from one level to another, for example, to an elevated water tank, or to suck water from a well.

[p. 247]

The sprinkler is a device that once installed to a water supply, falls in the form of rain and allows it to wash the body in an agile and comfortable way.

The boiler or water heater is a device that has the function of raising the water temperature. It can run on gas, electricity, or wood; regardless of the fuel you use, consider it in this option.

[Images omitted]

The solar water heater, like the boiler, raises the temperature of the water, but it does so by means of solar cells that capture the sun energy.

An air conditioner is an appliance used to cool closed environments, for example, rooms in the housing unit. They are frequent in very hot places.

The solar panel for electricity is a device that captures the sun's radiation to generate electricity. A solar panel can be installed in the house regardless of whether it is supplied with electricity from the CFE or another source. It is also known as a photovoltaic module.

[Images omitted]

The equipment is shown in the following images:

[p. 248]

[Images omitted]

The equipment question is presented to the census manager as follows:
[Figured omitted: When selecting all the answers for each equipment, press next.]

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
7. This household owns these goods and services: (multiple answers)

Air conditioning
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 7. This household owns these goods and services:

This is a multiple-response question. Read the options one by one and mark an "X" in the "Yes" or "No" box for each option.

If there are two or more households in the dwelling that share a good or service, mark an "X" next to option 1, "Yes", for the household which owns the good or service.

Include goods which the informant says are in poor condition.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
12. In this dwelling is there a

Air conditioner?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 3 to 14 only are asked at dwellings with occupants present classified in one of the circles 01 to 05 of question Number 1 "Type of Dwelling".

Question Number 12: In this dwelling is there a . . .?
Ask the question as it is written and read to the person all the appliances that are included in the questionnaire.
Mark with "X" the circles in agreement with the response that the person gives you.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
19. Does this household possess a . . .

Air conditioner?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 19: Does this household possess a . . ?

What is wanted from this question is to gather information about the existence of appliances that offer members a large convenience.
Ask the question as it is written and read all the appliances that are included in the questionnaire.
Mark with an "X" the circles agreeing with the responses that the person gives you.
If a person states that any appliance is broken, ask if it has been repaired. If the response is affirmative, mark " yes", and if contrary mark " no".
Remember that there can be more than one response for this question.

[Below the text are pictures of an electric fan, portable stereo, washing machine, car, a man with a cell phone, computer, calculator and television set.]

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

22. Does this household have

h. Air conditioning

[] 1 Yes

How many _ _

[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 22: Does this household have a??
The purpose of this question is to gather information about the existence of appliances and the quantity of them in a household, which provide their members with greater convenience.
It refers to goods available to a household such as TV, radio / stereo, home phone, cell phone, refrigerator, washing machine, electric fan, air conditioner, sewing machine, automobile, computer, cable / satellite service and internet access.
Ask the question as it is written and read all the appliances that are included in the questionnaire; by marking with an "X" the corresponding circle, according to the respondent's answer.
Note the following definitions:
a. Stove: electric power or gas-powered appliance used for cooking.
b. Refrigerator: electrical or gas-powered appliance which can freeze or keep food cold.
c. Washer: electric or gas machine for washing clothes.
d. Sewing machine: home use machine that mechanically performs sewing of fabrics, leathers, among others.
e. Home fixed phone: electronic device that allows distance telephone communications with other phones and usually stays at home.
f. Radio / sound equipment: electronic airwaves receiver (AM, FM, digital and SW). It includes stereos with radio.
In this case ask, how many?

g. Electric fan: electronic appliance to cool down a room or suite.
In this case ask, how many?

h. Air conditioner: electronic appliance that allows a room to get to a desired temperature.
In this case ask, how many?

[p. 101]
i. Cellular phone: mobile and portable electronic device that enables telephone communication through a wireless communication network.
In this case ask, how many?

Automobile: motor vehicle, usually with four wheels designed for individual or family land transportation. A motorbike is not included, nor those that are exclusive for business.
In this case ask, how many?

i. Television: Electronic wave receiver of television: VHF, UHF or signals from cable or satellite.
In this case ask, how many?
If they have TV, ask:
Cable / satellite Connection: a system of cable or satellite television, offering a wide selection of programs, through a plural number of channels.

j. Computer: device processing data electronically through software programs and that converts information in audio, video or printed documents.
In this case ask, how many?
If they have a computer, ask:
Do you have internet connection?: Connection to a network of computers that are connected together on a global level, to get or share information (news service, email, file transfer, among others.).

Remember to mark with an "X" those circles according to the answers given by the respondent and quantify in two digits whenever it is requested. Precede 0 when the amount is less than 10.
If the enumerated person declares that an appliance is damaged, ask if it can be fixed. If the appliance can be fixed, mark circle 1 "Yes", otherwise mark circle 2 "No".
[p. 102]
Remember that all sections must have an answer, either Yes or No.
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]
[p. 103]
Mrs. Virginia Rodriguez stated that her household has: stove, refrigerator, washing machine, 3 radios, 2 electric fans, 1 air conditioner, 2 cars, 4 TVs, 4 cellular phones, sewing machine, 1 computer and a 3-in-1 package with Cable Onda: fixed phone, cable and internet.
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_AIRCONN — Number of air conditioners in household
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

22. Does this household have

h. Air conditioning

[] 1 Yes

How many _ _

[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 22: Does this household have a??
The purpose of this question is to gather information about the existence of appliances and the quantity of them in a household, which provide their members with greater convenience.
It refers to goods available to a household such as TV, radio / stereo, home phone, cell phone, refrigerator, washing machine, electric fan, air conditioner, sewing machine, automobile, computer, cable / satellite service and internet access.
Ask the question as it is written and read all the appliances that are included in the questionnaire; by marking with an "X" the corresponding circle, according to the respondent's answer.
Note the following definitions:
a. Stove: electric power or gas-powered appliance used for cooking.
b. Refrigerator: electrical or gas-powered appliance which can freeze or keep food cold.
c. Washer: electric or gas machine for washing clothes.
d. Sewing machine: home use machine that mechanically performs sewing of fabrics, leathers, among others.
e. Home fixed phone: electronic device that allows distance telephone communications with other phones and usually stays at home.
f. Radio / sound equipment: electronic airwaves receiver (AM, FM, digital and SW). It includes stereos with radio.
In this case ask, how many?

g. Electric fan: electronic appliance to cool down a room or suite.
In this case ask, how many?

h. Air conditioner: electronic appliance that allows a room to get to a desired temperature.
In this case ask, how many?

[p. 101]
i. Cellular phone: mobile and portable electronic device that enables telephone communication through a wireless communication network.
In this case ask, how many?

Automobile: motor vehicle, usually with four wheels designed for individual or family land transportation. A motorbike is not included, nor those that are exclusive for business.
In this case ask, how many?

i. Television: Electronic wave receiver of television: VHF, UHF or signals from cable or satellite.
In this case ask, how many?
If they have TV, ask:
Cable / satellite Connection: a system of cable or satellite television, offering a wide selection of programs, through a plural number of channels.

j. Computer: device processing data electronically through software programs and that converts information in audio, video or printed documents.
In this case ask, how many?
If they have a computer, ask:
Do you have internet connection?: Connection to a network of computers that are connected together on a global level, to get or share information (news service, email, file transfer, among others.).

Remember to mark with an "X" those circles according to the answers given by the respondent and quantify in two digits whenever it is requested. Precede 0 when the amount is less than 10.
If the enumerated person declares that an appliance is damaged, ask if it can be fixed. If the appliance can be fixed, mark circle 1 "Yes", otherwise mark circle 2 "No".
[p. 102]
Remember that all sections must have an answer, either Yes or No.
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]
[p. 103]
Mrs. Virginia Rodriguez stated that her household has: stove, refrigerator, washing machine, 3 radios, 2 electric fans, 1 air conditioner, 2 cars, 4 TVs, 4 cellular phones, sewing machine, 1 computer and a 3-in-1 package with Cable Onda: fixed phone, cable and internet.
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section III. Household information

[Question 14 through 24 were asked of occupied households with present members]

Air conditioner

[] 6 Yes
[] 0 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
[Question 22 is asked of occupied households with present members]

Question 22: In this household they have?

-This refers to whether the household has, or not, the electro domestic appliances and/or vehicles that appear on the list. In each option, you should necessarily mark one answer.

22. In this household they have: Yes / No

Sewing machine
Clothes washing machine
Air conditioner
Electric shower
Heating system
Automobile or station wagon
Wagon, cart, or buggy

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Chapter C. Household information

17. Does this household have a...

[] 1 Television?
[] 2 Refrigerator?
[] 3 Installed telephone line?
[] 4 Cellular telephone?
[] 5 Washing machine?
[] 6 Video/DVD?
[] 7 Hot water heater?
[] 8 Air conditioner
[] 9 Automobile or light truck?
[] 10 Motorcycle/motor scooter?
[] 11 Parabolic antenna?
[] 12 Cable TV?
[] 13 Microwave oven?
[] 14 Computer?
[] 15 Computer connected to the internet?
[] 16 Does not have any of these goods.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
C. Information about the household

Question 17: Does this household have ...

You should not assume the answer through simple observation of the conditions of the enumerated household since it could be that you are looking at a television that does not work.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_AIRCON — Air-conditioning
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Dwelling questionnaire

[Questions 1 through 17 were asked of persons living in housing units as the place of their usual residence, according to question II]

6. Does the dwelling have air conditioning?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Filling out the Single Dwelling questionnaire

Question 6 - Does the dwelling have air conditioning?
[There is an image of box for question 6]
Consider as air conditioning any mechanical equipment for climate control that allows a person to control the temperature, humidity, quality or speed of the air in a given space, even serving only one room or a group of rooms within a dwelling.

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

H26. Do you have air conditioning?
[] Yes, a central air-conditioning system
[] Yes, 1 individual room unit
[] Yes, 2 or more individual room units
[] No

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_AIRCON — Dwelling has air conditioning
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

16.2 Air conditioning in dwelling
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
The main type of heating of the dwelling (item 16)

37. The recording of the main way of heating will be done according to the situation:

-- the mark x will be written on code box 1 when the dwellings have the heating provided by central power stations, plants, etc., through hot water distribution points for central heating and domestic hot water, and usually are transferring the heat to the spaces to be heated -- radiators -- usually to a large number of housing units. To this code will be registered the district's heating centers (local heating);
-- the mark x will be recorded, according to the situation, in the boxes of the codes 2,3,4 - when the dwellings are heated by own domestic system, that is installations for heating built in the buildings (steam, hot water) and a system for passing the thermal energy to all rooms inside the building, depending of the type of fuels used (natural gas, solid fuel, liquid fuel).
[p. 30]

Particular situation:

-- when the domestic heating systems are using the geothermal waters the code 4 will be recorded.
-- the mark x will be written on the boxes of the codes 5, 6 or 7 when the stoves are used for heating, according to the type of fuels;
-- the mark x will be recorded on the code box 8, when the electrical radiators , or any different type of heating, other than those mentioned above are used in the dwelling.
When the dwellings have several different heating systems, only one type of heating (the one used the most) will be recorded.
To the item 16.2 the enumerator will record the mark x according to the kind of answer: code 1 when the dwelling has air conditioning or code 2 when it does not.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

18. Air condition system

[] Yes
[] No

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_AIRCOND — Air conditioner
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Record all the amenities, means of transportation, means of production that the household owns by recording the number "1" in the appropriate boxes.]

E11. Household amenities
[] Radio
[] Television
[] VCR / DVD player
[] Refrigerator / freezer
[] Telephone
[] Gas cooker / oven
[] Improved stove
[] Air conditioned
[] Sewing machine
[] None

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

E11. Household amenities

This information gives a measure of the socioeconomic status of the household.
Record each good, and record the number "1" in the appropriate boxes corresponding to amenities and equipment goods existing, functioning, or not working temporarily.

Note: there are several possible answers.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
E- Characteristics of the home environment

E13-E15. Record all equipment and means of transportation and production owned by the household by entering the 1 in the appropriate boxes. Enter 0 if there is none.

E13. Household equipment

[] 1 Owned by household
[] 0 None
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.5 Part E: characteristics of the dwelling

Note: For the following questions (E13 to E15), record all equipment goods, means of transportation, and production owned by the household by entering the number 1 in the appropriate boxes. Enter 0 if the household does not have one.

E13: household equipment goods
This information provides a measure of the socioeconomic status of the household. Cite each good and record code 1 if the household has this good. For a good that the household does not have, record 0.
NB: The household has equipment goods if they are functional or momentarily broken down. There are several possible answers.

- Radio
- Television set
- Video/VCD/DVD
- Refrigerator/freezer
- Landline telephone
- Mobile telephone
- Energy efficient stove
- Air conditioner
- Sewing machine
- Ventilator
- Internet/Wi-Fi
- Computer/laptop
- Solar panel
- Electric generating set
- Fax
- Electric iron
- Hot water
- Cooker
The energy efficient stove, which is an equipment good, property, is cylindrical in shape, about 40 cm high. On the front part an opening is used to supply the stove with wood. Inside the stove, 3 stones are sealed in a triangle in order to support the pots. Clay is often used for its manufacture.
Energy efficient stoves allow a decreased consumption of wood, reduce the time that women devote to cooking and also reduce the risk of burns, especially to children. The ''Jambar'' ovens are modern energy efficient stoves
[p. 64]
Example of an energy efficient stove
[Illustrations are omitted.]
As for the solar panel, it must be remembered that it is a device intended to recover solar radiation to convert it into electric energy usable by humans. In some villages that are not connected to the electrical grid, the solar panel is generally used (by some households) for the production of electricity.

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
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4 Housing, household goods, services and crime and agricultural activities

Now, I am going to ask you some questions related to housing, household goods and services, crime and agricultural activities for this particular household.

Household goods

[4.74] Does this household own any of the following in working order?

17 Air conditioner [excluding fans]
[] Yes
[] No

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_AIRCON — Air cooler/AC
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

41. Does any member of this household own any of the following?
(Mark all that apply)
[] 1 Television
[] 2 Radio/transistor
[] 3 Mobile phone
[] 4 Fixed phone (landline)
[] 5 Computer
[] 6 Refrigerator
[] 7 Satellite dish
[] 8 Fan
[] 9 Air cooler / air-conditioner
[] 10 None

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Q41 "Does any member of this household own any of the following?" (mark all that apply)
  • Read off each item in the list to the respondent.
  • If the answer is "yes", shade the number beside the item.
  • If the answer is "no", leave the number blank and move to the next item.
  • If the respondent says no to 1 through 9, shade 10 "none".
  • This is a multiple response question, meaning more than one item can be shaded.

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

6. Services and amenities in the housing unit:
(For each of the services or amenities listed, mark the appropriate option with an X.)
1. Running water
[] 1 With running water inside the housing unit
[] 2 Without running water inside the housing unit, but with running water in the building
[] 3 Without running water inside the housing unit, and without running water in the building

2. Hot water
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has hot water
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have hot water

3. Air conditioning
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has air conditioning
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have air conditioning

4. Kitchen
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has a kitchen
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have a kitchen

5. Electricity
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has electricity
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have electricity

6. Gas distributed through pipes (city gas, natural gas, propane)
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has piped gas
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have piped gas

7. Telephone
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has a telephone
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have a telephone

8. Heat
[] 1 The building has central heating
[] 2 The housing unit has a separate heating system
[] 3 The housing unit does not have a heating system, but the residents own a mobile or non-mobile appliance that allows them to raise the temperature in one or all of the rooms (include portable electric radiators)
[] 6 The housing unit does not have heat

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
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4. Services or amenities in the housing unit
Air conditioning (central air conditioning, or mobile appliances, not fans) [] Yes [] No

Heating system
[] Yes, central heating in the building
[] Yes, heating system in the housing unit
[] No, there is no heating system, but there is an appliance that heats one of the rooms (for example: electric radiators)
[] No, there is no heat (skip to question 6)

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_AIRCON — Air cooler/AC
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

41. Does any member of this household own any of the following?
(Mark all that apply)

[] 1 Television
[] 2 Radio/transistor
[] 3 Mobile phone
[] 4 Fixed phone (landline)
[] 5 Computer
[] 6 Refrigerator
[] 7 Satellite dish
[] 8 Fan
[] 9 Air cooler / air-conditioner
[] 10 None

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Q41 "Does any member of this household own any of the following?" (mark all that apply)
  • Read off each item in the list to the respondent.
  • If the answer is "yes", shade the number beside the item.
  • If the answer is "no", leave the number blank and move to the next item.
  • If the respondent says no to 1 through 9, shade 10 "none".
  • This is a multiple response question, meaning more than one item can be shaded.

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Part 3. Housing Questions (For Private Household)

[Questions H1-H18 were asked of private households.]

H18. Household Appliance


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Electric Fan

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Water pump for agriculture use

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
3.38 Appliance or Utensil in Possession:

The appliances or utensils are in use and in good condition or in the process of repair. A person may own, possess, or not have to own such utensils. All the goods which are for sale, or are being repaired in the shop or the mending shop, are not considered as utensils or appliances in possession.

All appliances, utensils, equipments, or tools which are used for performing careers such as rented vehicles, refrigerator in the drinking shop. If they are also used

p. 38

for private purpose, they are counted as appliances in possession. If they are not used for private purpose at all, they are not counted as utensils or appliances in possession.

Government vehicle for a particular person of high ranking position in the government, if such vehicle is used only by one person, it is counted as the utensil in possession.
Automobile refers to a private car, rented car, pick-up truck, but not include a truck, freight car, coach or bus.

An Engine boat refers to a small boat with an engine mounted in the middle, or at the tail of the boat, but not includes large engine boats for goods transport.

Section 3 Questions on Housing
(Ask only private household)

Questions on housing are concerned with living places of every private household in municipal area. For those outside municipal area and Bangkok, ask only the sample households.

Guideline for questioning and recording

1. Ask conditions of living place by household not by person.
2. If a household living in many houses in the same area, consider the house where head of the household lives.
3. If several households living in the same house, consider conditions of the living place of the main household, other households or conditions of living are regarded as rooms in the house.
4. In recording answer, circle one code number only. If answer is "others," specify and record the answer clearly.
5. The question that has no answer code, record statement or number in the blank on the dot line.
H 18. Possession of utensils on the date of census

Ask "Normally, does the household possess the following items?

Circle Code 1 if the household possesses it, and circle Code 2 if the household does not possess it.

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_AIRCOND — Air conditioner
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Part III Housing questions (for private household)

H16. Household appliance (on April 1, 1990)
Does this household have any of these appliances?

Record number in the _ [blank space]. If no record '0'.

[] Radio _ _
[] Color-television _ _
[] Black and white television _ _
[] Video-tape _ _
[] Electric iron _ _
[] Electric rice cooking _ _
[] Electric-fan _ _
[] Sewing machine _ _
[] Vacuum cleaner _ _
[] Refrigerator _ _
[] Washing machine _ _
[] Air-conditioner _ _
[] Telephone _ _
[] Bicycle _ _
[] Motorcycle _ _
[] Car _ _
[] Engine operated boats _ _
[] Water pumps _ _
[] Plough machine _ _
[] Local farm truck _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

H16. Household appliance on 1 April 1990
Ask: "On 1 April 1990, does the member of this household have any of these appliances?"

If they have, record the "number" in the space. If they do not have, record "0".
If they have 7 or more of particular appliances, record "7".
If they do not know the specific number of appliances that they have, record "8".

Example of how to record in H16:
Radio - Record 2 means the household has 2 radios.
Color television - Record 1 means the household has 1 color television.
Black and white TV - Record 1 means the household has 1 black and white TV.
Video player - Record 0 means the household has no video player.
Electric iron - Record 1 means the household has 1 electric iron.
Electric rice cooker - Record 1 means the household has 1 electric rice cooker.
Electric fan - Record 2 means the household has 2 electric fans.
Sewing machine - Record 0 means the household has no sewing machine.
Vacuum cleaner - Record 0 means the household has no vacuum cleaner.
Refrigerator - Record 1 means the household has 1 refrigerator.
Washing machine - Record 0 means the household has no washing machine.
Air conditioner - Record 0 means the household has no air conditioner.
Telephone - Record 1 means the household has 1 telephone.
Bicycle - Record 0 means the household has no bicycle.
Motorcycle - Record 0 means the household has no motorcycle.
Car - Record 1 means the household has 1 car.
Motor boat - Record 0 means the household has no motor boat.
Water pump - Record 0 means the household has no water pump.
Plough machine - Record 0 means the household has no plough machine.
Local farm truck - Record 0 means the household has no local farm truck.

With regard to the number of telephones, if the telephone is connected to the main telephone within the household, do not count this connected telephone. However, if the telephone is connected from other household, count that connected telephone as well.

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_AIRCOND — Air conditioner
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For sample private households only
[Questions H1-9 were asked of sample private households only]

H9. Number of household appliances on April 1, 2000 (columns 34-35)

[] Color/black and white television
[] Radio
[] Refrigerator
[] Washing machine
[] Telephone
[] Air-conditioner
[] Electric fan
[] Car
[] Motorcycle
[] Bicycle
[] Mechanical plough
[] Local farm truck

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

5.5.3 Part 3 Questions on housing
[Ask only for the sample private household]

H9: Number of household appliances on April 1st, 2000 (Column 34-45)
[Table summarizing column H9 is not presented here]

Television, color/black and white
Radio/radio and tape recorder
Refrigerator, freezer
Washing machine
Air condition
Electric fan
Farm machinery
Locally made truck

Procedure for recording the form
Question asked [of respondent]: "On April 1st, 2000, persons in your household possessed these utilities?"

If yes

Record the number corresponding to the type of the utilities owned in the check box provided.

If no

Record "0"

If the number is 7 and over

Record "7"

If yes, but the number is not known

Record "8"

If do not know

Record "9"


With regard to the number of telephones, if the telephone is connected to the main telephone used in the household, do not count that connected telephone. However, if the telephone is connected to another household, count that connected telephone also.

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Dwelling unit

(H14) Goods possessed by the household

Record in the boxes (Yes = 1, No = 0)
M - Air conditioner
[] 0 No
[] 1 Yes
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
[p. 49]

F- Characteristics of the habitat

Question H14: Goods possessed by the household

Pose the following question: "Does the household possess...?"

For each good listed below, record in the corresponding box code 1 if the household possess the good or code 0 if the household does not possess the good.

a) Radio station
b) TV set
c) Satellite dish/ cable
d) Computer
e) VCR (Video)/VCD/DVD player
f) Fridge/ freezer
g) Gas cooker
h) Bike
i) Motorcycle
j) Car
k) Fixed telephone
l) Mobile phone
m) Air conditioner
n) Fan
o) Mill

Goods belonging to a member of the household (individual goods) are also considered as those of the household.

Capital goods (taxi, motorcycle taxi, mill, telephone booth, and so on) are also considered as those of the household.

Capital goods that can be repaired will also be registered. On the other hand, RTG registered cars or motorcycles or any other service vehicles are not registered as household property.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_AIRCON — Air-conditioner
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit occupied by household

Interviewer: A dwelling unit must have a separate entrance and not be accessed or entered through someone else's living arrangements.

60. Household facilities available
Does your household have any of the following items?

Air conditioner

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Not stated
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Question 60 - Household facilities available

This question seeks to obtain information on household facilities available and enjoyed by households. Tick the pre-coded box for each household facility. Ensure boxes are properly ticked

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
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Section 11: Housing - Head of household

B. Characteristics of Occupied Dwelling Unit and Land Tenancy

52. Household facilities available

Does your household have any of the following?

[] 01 Air-conditioner
[] 02 Cable TV/Satellite
[] 03 Television
[] 04 DVD/MP3
[] 05 Radio/Stereo
[] 06 Washing machine
[] 07 Clothes dryer
[] 08 Microwave
[] 09 Refrigerator/Freezer
[] 10 Leisure boat/Yacht
[] 11 Swimming pool
[] 12 Vehicle (for private use)
Interviewer: Multiple responses can be shaded.

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
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H27. Do you have any air conditioning?
Count only equipment which cools the air by refrigeration.

[] Room unit - 1 only
[] Room units - 2 or more
[] Central air conditioning system
[] No air conditioning

United States 1970 — source variable US1970A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
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H22. Do you have air-conditioning?
[] Yes, 1 individual room unit
[] Yes, 2 or more individual room units
[] Yes, a central air-conditioning system
[] No

"Count only equipment with a refrigeration unit to cool the air. Mark an individual room unit for air conditioners which are installed in a window or in an outside wall and are used to cool one or more rooms. Mark a central system for a central installation which cools the entire house or apartment."

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_AIRCON — Air conditioning
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H27. Do you have air conditioning?
[] Yes, a central air-conditioning system
[] Yes, 1 individual room unit
[] Yes, 2 or more individual room units
[] No

[Count only equipment used to cool the air by means of a refrigeration unit.]

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_AIRCOND — Has air conditioning
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9. This household has the following:
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2.4 Household appliances

Through the appliances available to households, it is possible to study the levels of comfort and quality of life of the population. This question refers to the possibility of availability, or lack thereof, of appliances. The following appliances are contemplated:
-- Refrigerator: Closet lined with insulating material and equipped with an ice receptacle for the cooling and conservation of food and drink. Runs with electricity or kerosene.

-- Water filter: Appliance that allows the filtration and elimination of impurities in water used for drinking.

-- Radio: Apparatus that receives transmissions with a modulated and amplified frequency, providing diversion [entertainment] and information to the members of the household.

-- Television: Apparatus that simultaneously receives sounds and images providing entertainment and information to the members of the household.

-- [Clothes] Washer: Machine designed to wash the clothes of the household members.

-- [Clothes] Dryer: Machine designed to dry the clothes of the household members.

-- Water heater: Fixed gas or electric appliance that provides hot water in the dwelling; either centrally or individually. Showerheads that provide instant hot water are included.

-- Air conditioning: Electric appliance that allows the temperature in all or part of the dwelling to be lowered. Fans are not included.

-- Microwave: Closed appliance provided with a system that generates high-frequency electromagnetic waves in which food meant for human consumption is heated.

-- Mobile or cellular phone: Telephonic device with mobile cellular technology that transmits the voice. Only counted when the device stays in the household and is used by the household members.

-- Cable television: Fixture that allows access to the different television channels from around the world. This includes satellite reception and other subscription services.

[p. 36]
-- Computer: Automated machine, used in the treatment of information that obeys programs formed by successive arithmetic and logical operations, used by the household members.

-- Internet access: Electronic mail system that is connected through computers, cellular phones, or a satellite television system, with different addresses for the persons or institutions subscribing to this global service.

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
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[Questions 53-57 were asked of all households]

57. At present, is your household using any of the following appliances?


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Radio/radio cassette player?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Washing machine?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Air conditioner?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Motorcycle or motorbike?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 57: At present, is your household using any of the following appliances: (TV, radio/radio cassette, telephone, computer, washing machine, refrigerator, air conditioner, motorcycle)?
This question is to collect information on the appliance usage of the household, regardless of the ownership of the appliances. The enumerator asks the head or representative of the household to verify one by one the listed appliances from top to bottom. For each appliance, if the interviewee says "Yes", the enumerator will mark the box in the row next to code "1"; if the interviewee says "No", the enumerator marks the box next to code "2".

Landline telephone includes wireless telephones also.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_AIRCON — Air conditioner
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Part 3. Information on housing

65. At present, does your household have any of the following appliances:

(Read the name of the appliances in the answer options)
Air conditioner
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 3: Information about housing
The DTV collects information about the housing situation of the household. Do not collect housing information for specific demographics.

Question 65: Currently, does your household have the following types of living equipment?
The DTV reads out the names of the devices so that the household can listen and record the answers.

This question is intended to collect information about the usage of household appliances, regardless of whether these household appliances are owned by the household or not.