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Major field of highest education completed

Codes and Frequencies


01University, college, academy, without further details857
04Social and economic sciences1,818
06Philosophy (philosophy faculty), without further details334
07Programs in philosophy and humanities623
08Historical-cultural programs429
09Philological-cultural programs1,247
10Translator and interpreter programs125
11(Technical) natural sciences1,801
13Sports sciences and physical training (TT)83
14Engineering sciences2,032
15Mining sciences193
16Agriculture and forestry541
17Veterinary medicine161
18College of arts and music1,287
20Non-university education at the 3rd level3,174
21Higher industrial and trade school7,405
22Commercial academy4,899
23Higher school for home economics1,083
24Higher agricultural and forestry school415
26Higher school for teacher and educator training3,723
27Higher general secondary school25,786
28Intermediate vocational school, without further details, specialization not stated4,394
29Intermediate industrial, trade and crafts school10,918
30Intermediate commercial school26,509
31Intermediate school for home economics7,101
32Intermediate school for social work5,230
33Intermediate agriculture and forestry school5,833
35Intermediate school for teacher and educator training2,646
37Apprenticeship, specialization not stated12,943
38Technical and health occupations1,424
39Clerical occupations6,603
40Wholesale and retail trade occupations27,442
41Service occupations11,785
42Transport occupations551
43Agricultural and forestry occupations7,238
44Basic industry occupations7,600
45Construction and related trades occupations14,187
46Products manufacturing occupations74,641
47Compulsory secondary school313,772
90Response suppressed39
99NIU (not in universe)151,771