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Educational attainment, Uganda

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EDUCUG indicates the person's educational attainment in Uganda in terms of the level of schooling completed and the years within that level.

Comparability — General

The Uganda samples are consistent in their classification of education through secondary; with the exception of the junior secondary grades 1-3, which are combined in 2014 but are separately identified in 1991 and 2002.

The 1991 census did not identify vocational education, and it is unclear where such cases would have been coded. The 1991 sample gives individual years of university education but top-codes educational attainment at 5 years of university. The 2002 sample indicates some or completed university in addition to post-graduate education. The 2014 sample includes completed university and graduate education including post-graduate (1 year), master's (1.5-2 years), and doctoral (2-3 years) programs.

The 2014 census asked persons' pre-primary education and changed the universe from persons age 5+ to age 3+.


  • Uganda 1991: Persons age 5+
  • Uganda 2002: Persons age 5+
  • Uganda 2014: Persons age 3+


  • Uganda: 1991, 2002, 2014