Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
AT1971A_COMMUT6 Means of transport for daily commute P Austria 1971
AT1981A_COMMUT6 Means of transport for daily commute P Austria 1981
AT1991A_COMMUT6 Means of transport for (daily) commute P Austria 1991
AT2001A_COMMUT6 Means of transport for (daily) commute P Austria 2001
CA2001A_MODEP Mode of transportation P Canada 2001
CA2011A_TRANWORK Method of transportation to work P Canada 2011
FJ2014A_TRANMODE Mode of transport to main daily activity P Fiji 2014
FR1968A_TRANS1 Main form of transportation P France 1968
FR1999A_TRANSWK Means of transportation P France 1999
FR2006A_TRANS Means of transportation P France 2006
FR2011A_TRANS Mode of transportation P France 2011
DE1970A_TRANS Means of transport to school or work P Germany 1970
DE1987A_TRAVMODE Main mode of transportation to work or school P Germany 1987
GR1991A_TRANMOD1 1st mode of transport to work P Greece 1991
ID2005A_PUBTRAN Public transport commuting to primary activity P Indonesia 2005
ID2005A_SHARTRAN Shared transport commuting to primary activity P Indonesia 2005
ID2005A_PRIVTRAN Private transport commuting to primary activity P Indonesia 2005
ID2005A_NOTRAN Without transport commuting to primary activity P Indonesia 2005
ID2005A_PUBTHOME Public transport commuting home P Indonesia 2005
ID2005A_SHARTHOM Shared transport commuting home P Indonesia 2005
ID2005A_PRIVTHOME Private trasport commuting home P Indonesia 2005
ID2005A_NOTHOME Without transport commuting home P Indonesia 2005
IE1971A_TRAVEL Means of travel to school/work P Ireland 1971
IE1981A_MEANTRV Means of travel to work/school/college P Ireland 1981
IE1986A_MEANTRV Means of travel to work/school/college P Ireland 1986
IE1991A_MEANTRV Means of travel to work/school/college P Ireland 1991
IE1996A_MEANTRV Means of travel to work/school/college P Ireland 1996
IE2011A_MEANTRV Means of travel to work/school/college P Ireland 2011
IE2016A_TRANMEAN Means of travel to work, school, or college P Ireland 2016
IL1972A_TRANSWK Type of transportation to work P Israel 1972
IL1983A_TRANSWK Main type of transportation to work P Israel 1983
IL1995A_TRANSWK Transportation to work P Israel 1995
IL2008A_WKTRAN Main method of arriving to work P Israel 2008
IT2001A_TRANCOMU Means of transportation used to cover the longest stretch of your trip to the usual place of study or work P Italy 2001
IT2011A_TRANMODE Main means of transportation to study or work P Italy 2011
MX2015A_TRANWORK1 Usual type of transport from the dwelling to the workplace P Mexico 2015
MX2020A_TRANWORK1 Usual transport from dwelling to the workplace (first response) P Mexico 2020
MA2014A_WKTRAN Means of transportation to work or study P Morocco 2014
PT2011A_TRANS Main mode of transport P Portugal 2011
PR1970A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1980A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P Puerto Rico 1980
PR1990A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P Puerto Rico 1990
PR2000A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P Puerto Rico 2000
PR2005A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P Puerto Rico 2005
PR2010A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P Puerto Rico 2010
PR2015A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2020A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P Puerto Rico 2020
LC1991A_TRANSWK Transport to work P Saint Lucia 1991
SI2002A_WTRAVM Mode of transport to work P Slovenia 2002
ZA2016A_TRANWALK Walks to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANBIKE Rides bicycle to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANSCOOT Rides motorcycle or scooter to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANMINI Takes minibus taxi or sedan taxi to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANBAK Takes bakkie taxi to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANTAXI Takes metered taxi to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANBUS Takes public bus to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANTRAIN Takes train to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANINST Takes vehicle provided by the institution to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANGOV Takes vehicle provided by government (not paid) to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANPARNT Takes vehicle hired by a group of parents or students to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANPRIV Takes own car or private vehicle to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANANM Takes animal-drawn transport or animals to school P South Africa 2016
ZA2016A_TRANOTH Uses other mode of transportation to school P South Africa 2016
ES1981A_TRANS Means of transportation P Spain 1981
ES2001A_TRANS1 Means of transportation 1 P Spain 2001
ES2011A_TRANSPORT1 Mode of transportation P Spain 2011
CH1970A_WTRAVMOD Means of transport (travel mode) to work P Switzerland 1970
CH1980A_WTRAVMOD Means of transport (travel mode) to work P Switzerland 1980
CH1990A_WTRAVMOD Means of transport (travel mode) to work P Switzerland 1990
CH2000A_WTRAVMOD Means of transport (travel mode) to work P Switzerland 2000
CH2011A_WKLOC Workplace location P Switzerland 2011
CH2011A_WKTRAN Main mode of transport to work P Switzerland 2011
TT2000A_WKTRAN Main type of transportation to and from work P Trinidad and Tobago 2000
UK1971A_WKTRAN Means of transportation to work P United Kingdom 1971
UK1991A_TRANS Mode of transport to work P United Kingdom 1991
UK2001A_WKTRAN Transport to work, UK (including to study in Scotland) P United Kingdom 2001
US1960A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P United States 1960
US1970A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P United States 1970
US1980A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P United States 1980
US1990A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P United States 1990
US2000A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P United States 2000
US2005A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P United States 2005
US2010A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P United States 2010
US2015A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P United States 2015
US2020A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P United States 2020
UY2006A_TRANWORK Means of work commute P Uruguay 2006