Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
AR1970A_SCHOOL Current school attendance P Argentina 1970
AR1980A_SCHOOL School attendance P Argentina 1980
AR1991A_SCH Attending school P Argentina 1991
AR2001A_SCHOOL Educational attendance P Argentina 2001
AR2010A_SCHOOL Attend school P Argentina 2010
AM2001A_EDTYPE Type of educational institution P Armenia 2001
AM2011A_SCHOOL Educational institution type P Armenia 2011
AT1971A_SCHOOL Enrolled in school P Austria 1971
AT1981A_SCHOOL Enrolled in school P Austria 1981
AT1991A_SCHOOL Enrolled in school P Austria 1991
AT2001A_SCHOOL Enrolled in school P Austria 2001
AT2011A_SCHOOL Current participation in education P Austria 2011
BD1991A_EDUC School attendance P Bangladesh 1991
BD2001A_STUDENT School attendance P Bangladesh 2001
BD2011A_SCHOOL Student P Bangladesh 2011
BY1999A_STUDENT Student status P Belarus 1999
BY2009A_STUDENT Studying at educational institution P Belarus 2009
BJ1992A_SCHOOL School and pre-school attendance P Benin 1992
BJ2002A_SCHOOL School attendance P Benin 2002
BJ2013A_SCHOOL School attendance P Benin 2013
BO1976A_SCHOOL School attendance P Bolivia 1976
BO1992A_SCHOOL Attending school currently or in the past P Bolivia 1992
BO2001A_ATTEND Currently attending school P Bolivia 2001
BO2012A_SCHOOL Currently attend a school P Bolivia 2012
BW1981A_SCHOOL School attendance P Botswana 1981
BW1991A_SCHOOL School attendance P Botswana 1991
BW2001A_SCHOOL School attendance P Botswana 2001
BW2011A_SCHOOL Ever attended school P Botswana 2011
BR1960A_LIT Literacy P Brazil 1960
BR1970A_SCHOOL Attending school P Brazil 1970
BR1980A_CRSSTDY Level now studying P Brazil 1980
BR1991A_LEVELATT Level now studying in graded course P Brazil 1991
BR2000A_SCHOOL Attend school or daycare P Brazil 2000
BR2010A_SCHOOL Attending school or daycare P Brazil 2010
BF2006A_SCHOOL School attendance P Burkina Faso 2006
KH1998A_SCHOOL School attendance P Cambodia 1998
KH2004A_SCHOOL School attendance P Cambodia 2004
KH2008A_SCHOOL School attendance P Cambodia 2008
KH2013A_SCHOOL School attendance P Cambodia 2013
KH2019A_SCHOOL Attended school P Cambodia 2019
CM1976A_SCHOOL School attendance P Cameroon 1976
CM2005A_SCHOOL Present school attendence P Cameroon 2005
CA1971A_SCHOOL School attendance P Canada 1971
CA1981A_SCHOOL School attendance P Canada 1981
CA1991A_SCHOOL School attendance P Canada 1991
CA2001A_SCHATTP School attendance P Canada 2001
CA2011A_SCHOOL School attendance P Canada 2011
CL1960A_SCHOOL School attendance P Chile 1960
CL1970A_SCHOOL School attendance P Chile 1970
CL1982A_SCHOOL School attendance P Chile 1982
CL2017A_SCHOOL Currently attending school (formal education) P Chile 2017
CN2000A_SCHOOL School attendance P China 2000
CO1973A_SCHOOL School attendance P Colombia 1973
CO1985A_SCHOOL School attendance P Colombia 1985
CO1993A_SCHOOL Attending school P Colombia 1993
CO2005A_SCH Current attendance at some type of educational institution P Colombia 2005
CR1963A_SCHOOL Currently attending regular education institution P Costa Rica 1963
CR1973A_SCHOOL Currently attending regular schooling P Costa Rica 1973
CR1984A_SCHOOL School attendance P Costa Rica 1984
CR2000A_SCHOOL School attendance P Costa Rica 2000
CR2011A_SCHOOL School attendance P Costa Rica 2011
DO1960A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Dominican Republic 1960
DO1970A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Dominican Republic 1970
DO1981A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Dominican Republic 1981
DO1981A_EDVOC Attending or attended vocational school P Dominican Republic 1981
DO2002A_SCHOOL Attends or attended school P Dominican Republic 2002
DO2010A_SCHOOL Attended/attending school P Dominican Republic 2010
EC1962A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Ecuador 1962
EC1974A_SCHOOL School attendance P Ecuador 1974
EC1982A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Ecuador 1982
EC1990A_SCHOOL School attendance P Ecuador 1990
EC2001A_SCHOOL Attending an educational establishment. P Ecuador 2001
EC2010A_SCHOOL Current attendance to education institution P Ecuador 2010
EG2006A_SCHOOL School enrollment P Egypt 2006
SV1992A_SCHOOL School attendance P El Salvador 1992
SV2007A_ATTSCHL School attendance P El Salvador 2007
ET1984A_SCHLEV Education level currently attending P Ethiopia 1984
ET1994A_SCHOOL Grade or educational level of enrollment in school P Ethiopia 1994
ET2007A_SCHOOL Current school attendance (level and grade) P Ethiopia 2007
FJ1976A_SCHOOL School attendance P Fiji 1976
FJ1986A_SCHOOL School attendance P Fiji 1986
FJ1996A_SCHOOL School enrollment status P Fiji 1996
FJ2007A_SCHOOL School attendance P Fiji 2007
FJ2014A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Fiji 2014
FR1968A_EMPSTAT Employment status P France 1968
FR1982A_SCHOOL School attendance P France 1982
FR1982A_STUDENT Student P France 1982
FR1999A_SCHOOL Enrollment in an academic institution P France 1999
FR2006A_SCHOOL Enrollment in school P France 2006
FR2011A_SCHOOL Enrolled in learning establishment P France 2011
DE1970A_ATTEND Presently attending a school P Germany 1970
DE1981A_SCHOOL Education status P Germany 1981
DE1987A_STUDENT Pupil / student P Germany 1987
GH1984A_SCHOOL School attendance P Ghana 1984
GH2000A_SCHOOL Ever attended school (full-time) P Ghana 2000
GH2010A_SCHOOL School attendance P Ghana 2010
GT1964A_SCHOOL School attendance P Guatemala 1964
GT1973A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Guatemala 1973
GT1981A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Guatemala 1981
GT1994A_SCHOOL Currently attends school P Guatemala 1994
GT2002A_SCHOOL Current school attendance P Guatemala 2002
GN1983A_SCHOOL School attendance P Guinea 1983
GN1996A_EMPSTAT Economic activity status P Guinea 1996
GN2014A_SCHOOL School attendance P Guinea 2014
HT1982A_SCHOOL School attendance in 1981-1982 P Haiti 1982
HT2003A_SCHOOL School or university attended during 2001-2002 P Haiti 2003
HT2003A_ATTPROF Professional or technical training center attended during 2001-2002 P Haiti 2003
HT2003A_ATTLITCTR Literacy center attended during 2001-2002 P Haiti 2003
HN1961A_SCHOOL Attended school P Honduras 1961
HN1961A_EDATTAIN Educational attainment P Honduras 1961
HN1974A_EDATTAIN Educational attainment P Honduras 1974
HN1974A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Honduras 1974
HN1988A_SCHOOL Currently attending an educational institution P Honduras 1988
HN1988A_EDLEV Highest level of education attained P Honduras 1988
HN2001A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Honduras 2001
HN2001A_EDLEV Educational level attained P Honduras 2001
HU1970A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Hungary 1970
HU1980A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Hungary 1980
HU1990A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Hungary 1990
HU2001A_COMMS Travel to school P Hungary 2001
HU2011A_SCHOOL School attendance at present P Hungary 2011
ID1971A_EDATTAIN Highest education level completed P Indonesia 1971
ID1971A_SCHOOL Current school attendance P Indonesia 1971
ID1976A_SCHOOL Respondent studying P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_EDATTEND Currently attending/ever attended P Indonesia 1976
ID1980A_SCHOOL Current school attendance P Indonesia 1980
ID1985A_SCHOOL Current school attendance P Indonesia 1985
ID1990A_SCHOOL Current school attendance P Indonesia 1990
ID1995A_SCHOOL School attendance P Indonesia 1995
ID2005A_SCHOOL School attendance P Indonesia 2005
ID2010A_SCHOOL School attendance P Indonesia 2010
IR2006A_SCHOOL Current school attendace P Iran 2006
IR2011A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Iran 2011
IL1983A_SCHOOL Schooling (past/present) P Israel 1983
IL1995A_SCH Current schooling P Israel 1995
IL2008A_SCHOOL Educational status P Israel 2008
IT2001A_SCHOOL Enrolled in school or a post-diploma non-university course P Italy 2001
IT2001A_VOCTRAIN Attending a vocational training/updating course P Italy 2001
IT2011A_SCHOOL Currently enrolled in regular course of studies P Italy 2011
JM1982A_SCHLTYP Type of school or university currently attended P Jamaica 1982
JM1991A_SCHOOL Current school attendance P Jamaica 1991
JM2001A_SCHOOL School attendance P Jamaica 2001
JO2004A_SCHOOL Has ever been to school P Jordan 2004
KE1979A_SCHOOL School attendance P Kenya 1979
KE1989A_SCHOOL School attendance P Kenya 1989
KE1999A_SCHOOL School attendance P Kenya 1999
KE2009A_SCHOOL School enrollment status P Kenya 2009
KG1999A_SCHTYPE Type of educational institution attending P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG2009A_EDTYPE Type of educational institution attending P Kyrgyzstan 2009
KG2009A_PRESCHOOL Attending preschool P Kyrgyzstan 2009
LA1995A_SCHOOL Attended school P Laos 1995
LA2005A_SCHOOL School attendance P Laos 2005
LA2015A_SCHOOL Attended school P Laos 2015
LS1996A_SCHOOL School attendance P Lesotho 1996
LS2006A_SCHOOL School attendance P Lesotho 2006
LR1974A_SCHOOL School attendance P Liberia 1974
LR2008A_SCHOOL School attendance P Liberia 2008
MW1987A_SCHOOL School attendance P Malawi 1987
MW1998A_SCHOOL School P Malawi 1998
MW2008A_SCHOOL School attendance P Malawi 2008
MY1970A_SCHOOL School attendance P Malaysia 1970
MY1980A_SCHOOL School attendance P Malaysia 1980
MY1991A_SCHOOL2 Current school attendance P Malaysia 1991
MY2000A_SCHOOL Ever attended school P Malaysia 2000
ML1998A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mali 1998
ML2009A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mali 2009
MU1990A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mauritius 1990
MU2000A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mauritius 2000
MU2011A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mauritius 2011
MX1970A_EDLEV2 Schooling level currently attending P Mexico 1970
MX1990A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mexico 1990
MX1995A_SCHOOL1 Currently attends school P Mexico 1995
MX2000A_ATTEND School attendance P Mexico 2000
MX2005A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mexico 2005
MX2010A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mexico 2010
MX2015A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mexico 2015
MX2020A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mexico 2020
MN2000A_SCHOOL School P Mongolia 2000
MA2014A_SCHOOL School enrollment in 2013-14 P Morocco 2014
MZ1997A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mozambique 1997
MZ2007A_SCHOOL School attendance P Mozambique 2007
MM2014A_SCHOOL School attendance P Myanmar 2014
NP2001A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Nepal 2001
NP2011A_SCHOOL Currently attending school or college P Nepal 2011
NI1971A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Nicaragua 1971
NI1995A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Nicaragua 1995
NI2005A_SCHOOL Currently attends school P Nicaragua 2005
PK1973A_SCHOOL School attendance P Pakistan 1973
PS1997A_SCHOOL Educational attendance P Palestine 1997
PS2007A_SCHOOL Educational attendance P Palestine 2007
PS2017A_SCHOOL Enrollment in education P Palestine 2017
PA1960A_SCHOOL Current school attendance P Panama 1960
PA1980A_EDLEVC Grade currently attending P Panama 1980
PA1990A_SCHOOL Attends school P Panama 1990
PA2000A_SCHOOL Attending school P Panama 2000
PA2010A_SCHOOL Attending school P Panama 2010
PG1980A_SCHOOL Current school attendance P Papua New Guinea 1980
PG1990A_SCHOOL Currently attending school (full-time students) P Papua New Guinea 1990
PG1990A_EDATTAIN Highest level of education attained P Papua New Guinea 1990
PG2000A_SCHOOL School attendance P Papua New Guinea 2000
PY1962A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Paraguay 1962
PY1972A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Paraguay 1972
PY1982A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Paraguay 1982
PY1992A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Paraguay 1992
PY2002A_SCHLPAST Ever attended school P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Paraguay 2002
PE1993A_SCHOOL Currently attending an educational institution P Peru 1993
PE2007A_SCHOOLATT Currently attending a high school, school, or university P Peru 2007
PE2017A_SCHOOL Currently attending an educational institution, school, high school, or university P Peru 2017
PH1990A_SCHOOL School attendance P Philippines 1990
PH2000A_SCHOOL School attendance P Philippines 2000
PH2010A_SCHOOL School attendance P Philippines 2010
PL2011A_EDTYPE Continuing education P Poland 2011
PT1981A_SCHOOL School attendance P Portugal 1981
PT1991A_SCHOOL School attendance P Portugal 1991
PT2001A_SCHOOL School attendance P Portugal 2001
PT2011A_SCHOOL School attendance P Portugal 2011
PR1970A_SCHLTYPE Public or private school P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1980A_SCHOOL School attendance P Puerto Rico 1980
PR1990A_SCHOOL School attendance P Puerto Rico 1990
PR2000A_SCHOOL School attendance P Puerto Rico 2000
PR2005A_SCHOOL School attendance P Puerto Rico 2005
PR2010A_SCHOOL School attendance P Puerto Rico 2010
PR2015A_SCHOOL School attendance P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2020A_SCHOOL School attendance P Puerto Rico 2020
RO1977A_SCHTY Type of school attending P Romania 1977
RO1992A_EDATTEND Level of educational institution attended P Romania 1992
RO2002A_EDATTEND Name and type of educational institution attended P Romania 2002
RO2011A_SCHOOL School attendance P Romania 2011
RU2002A_SCHOOL Currently studying in school P Russia 2002
RU2010A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Russia 2010
RW2002A_SCHOOL School attendance P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_EMPSTAT Employment status (situation in economic activity) P Rwanda 2002
RW2012A_SCHOOL School attendance P Rwanda 2012
LC1980A_SCHOOLTY Type of school or university now attending P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1991A_SCHOOL Attend school P Saint Lucia 1991
SN1988A_EMPSTAT Employment status (past 12 months) P Senegal 1988
SN2002A_EMPSTAT Employment status in the last 12 months P Senegal 2002
SN2013A_SCHOOL School attendance P Senegal 2013
SL2004A_SCHOOL School attendance P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2015A_SCHOOL Ever attended school P Sierra Leone 2015
SK2001A_EMPSTAT Economic activity status P Slovakia 2001
SK2011A_EMPSTAT Economic activity status P Slovakia 2011
SI2002A_SCHOOL Level of current school attendance P Slovenia 2002
ZA1996A_STUDY Studying status P South Africa 1996
ZA2001A_SCHOOL Present school attendance P South Africa 2001
ZA2007A_SCHOOL School Attendance P South Africa 2007
ZA2011A_SCHOOL Currently attends school P South Africa 2011
ZA2016A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P South Africa 2016
SS2008A_SCHOOL School attendence P South Sudan 2008
ES1981A_STUDY Current studies P Spain 1981
ES1991A_EDCURR Current studies P Spain 1991
ES2001A_EMP1 Employment situation last week (first response) P Spain 2001
ES2001A_EMP2 Employment situation last week (second response) P Spain 2001
ES2001A_EMP3 Employment situation last week (third response) P Spain 2001
ES2001A_EMPPREF Principal activity P Spain 2001
ES2011A_SCHOOL Attends school P Spain 2011
SD2008A_SCHOOL School attendence P Sudan 2008
SR2004A_ACTIVITY Activity status P Suriname 2004
SR2012A_SCHOOL School attendance P Suriname 2012
CH2000A_EDATTEND Current educational level P Switzerland 2000
CH2011A_SCHOOL Currently going to school P Switzerland 2011
TZ1988A_SCHOOL School attendance P Tanzania 1988
TZ2002A_SCHOOL School attendance P Tanzania 2002
TZ2012A_SCHOOL School attendance P Tanzania 2012
TH1970A_GRADEATT School grade attended P Thailand 1970
TH1980A_GRADEATT School grade attended P Thailand 1980
TH1990A_GRADEATT School attendance P Thailand 1990
TH2000A_GRADEATT Grade of school attended P Thailand 2000
TG2010A_SCHOOL School attendance P Togo 2010
TT1970A_SCHLEV Level of school attendance P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1980A_SCHOOL Attending school P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1990A_SCHOOL School attendance P Trinidad and Tobago 1990
TT2000A_SCHOOL Attendance at school, university, or adult classes P Trinidad and Tobago 2000
TT2011A_SCHOOL Attendance at a school or educational institution P Trinidad and Tobago 2011
UG1991A_SCHOOL School attendance P Uganda 1991
UG2002A_SCHOOL School P Uganda 2002
UG2014A_SCHOOL School attendance P Uganda 2014
UA2001A_EDTYPE Type of educational institution P Ukraine 2001
UA2001A_PRESCHL Attending preschool P Ukraine 2001
UK1961A_STUDENT Student P United Kingdom 1961
UK1971A_STUDENT Student P United Kingdom 1971
UK2001A_STUDENT Schoolchild or student in full-time education P United Kingdom 2001
US1960A_SCHOOL School attendence P United States 1960
US1970A_SCHOOL School attendence P United States 1970
US1980A_SCHOOL School attendence P United States 1980
US1990A_SCHOOL School attendance P United States 1990
US2000A_SCHOOL School attendance P United States 2000
US2005A_SCHOOL School attendance in last three months P United States 2005
US2010A_SCHOOL School attendance P United States 2010
US2015A_SCHOOL School attendance P United States 2015
US2020A_SCHOOL School attendance P United States 2020
UY1963A_EDLEVEL Highest level of education attended P Uruguay 1963
UY1963A_EDCURRENT Current school attended P Uruguay 1963
UY1975A_SCHOOL School attendance P Uruguay 1975
UY1985A_SCHOOL Attends/attended school P Uruguay 1985
UY1996A_EDUCLVL Highest educational level ever attended P Uruguay 1996
UY1996A_SCHOOL School attendance P Uruguay 1996
UY2006A_SCHOOL Current school attendance P Uruguay 2006
UY2006A_ATTENDED Ever attended school P Uruguay 2006
UY2011A_EDEARLY Attends early education or preschool P Uruguay 2011
UY2011A_SCHOOL Attends school P Uruguay 2011
VE1971A_SCHOOL School enrollment and attendence P Venezuela 1971
VE1981A_SCHOOL Currently attending school P Venezuela 1981
VE1990A_SCHOOL School attendance P Venezuela 1990
VE2001A_SCHOOL School attendance P Venezuela 2001
VN1989A_SCHOOL School attendance P Vietnam 1989
VN1999A_SCHOOL School attendance P Vietnam 1999
VN2009A_EDUC School attendance P Vietnam 2009
VN2019A_SCHOOL Attending school P Vietnam 2019
ZM1990A_SCHATTEND Current school attendance P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_SCHATTENDPAST Previous school attendance P Zambia 1990
ZM2000A_ENROLL Currently attending school P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_SCHOOL Ever attended school P Zambia 2000
ZM2010A_EVERATTEND Ever attended school P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_CURRATTEND Currently attending school P Zambia 2010