Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
BO1976A_LASTBIRY Year of last child born P Bolivia 1976
BO1992A_LASTYR Year of last live birth P Bolivia 1992
BO2001A_BTHYEAR Year of birth of last child born alive P Bolivia 2001
BO2012A_LSTBYR Year of most recent live birth P Bolivia 2012
BR1980A_YEARBTH Year of birth of last child born alive P Brazil 1980
BR1991A_AGELSTCH Calculated age of last child born alive P Brazil 1991
BR2010A_LBTHAGE Age of the last child born alive on July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
CL2017A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last child born alive P Chile 2017
CO1973A_LSTBYR Year of last live birth P Colombia 1973
CO1985A_LSTBYEAR Year of the last live birth P Colombia 1985
CO1993A_LSTBYEAR Year of birth of last child P Colombia 1993
CO2005A_LASTKYR Year the last child was born alive P Colombia 2005
DO1981A_LBIRTHYR Year of birth of last child born alive P Dominican Republic 1981
DO2002A_LBIRTHYR Year of birth of last child born P Dominican Republic 2002
DO2010A_LCHYR Year of birth of last child born alive P Dominican Republic 2010
EC2010A_LSTBYEAR Year of last birth P Ecuador 2010
SV1992A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last child born P El Salvador 1992
SV2007A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last born child P El Salvador 2007
FJ1986A_LASTBYR Year when the last child born alive was born P Fiji 1986
FJ1996A_LASTBYR Year of last birth P Fiji 1996
FJ2007A_LASTBYR Year of last birth P Fiji 2007
GR2001A_LSTCHYR Year of birth of the last child P Greece 2001
GR2011A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last child P Greece 2011
GT1973A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last child P Guatemala 1973
GT1981A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last child born alive P Guatemala 1981
GT1994A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last child P Guatemala 1994
GT2002A_LSTBYR Year of the birth of the last child P Guatemala 2002
HT1982A_BIRTHYR Year of last live birth P Haiti 1982
HT2003A_LSTBYR Year of last live birth P Haiti 2003
HN1974A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last child born alive P Honduras 1974
HN1988A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last child P Honduras 1988
HN2001A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last child P Honduras 2001
ID1976A_LSTBTHYR Year of last live birth P Indonesia 1976
ID1980A_YRLSTBTH Year of birth of last child P Indonesia 1980
ID1990A_YRLSTBTH Year of birth of last child P Indonesia 1990
KE1969A_LASTBYR Date of last live birth P Kenya 1969
KE1989A_LSTBYEAR Last birth, year P Kenya 1989
KE1999A_LBYEAR Last birth, year P Kenya 1999
KE2009A_LBCHYR Year of birth of the last child born alive P Kenya 2009
LA2015A_LSTBYR Year of last live birth P Laos 2015
LS1996A_LSTBYR Year of last live birth P Lesotho 1996
LS2006A_LSTBYR Year of last birth P Lesotho 2006
MX2000A_BYR Year of last birth P Mexico 2000
MX2010A_LSTBYEAR Year of birth of last live-born child P Mexico 2010
MX2015A_LSTBYEAR Year of birth of last live-born child P Mexico 2015
MX2020A_LSTBYEAR Year of birth of last live-born child P Mexico 2020
MM2014A_LSTBYR Year of last live birth P Myanmar 2014
NI1995A_LASTBYR Year of birth of last live-born child P Nicaragua 1995
NI2005A_BTHYR Year of birth of last live-born child P Nicaragua 2005
PA1980A_LASTDYR Year of birth of last child P Panama 1980
PG1980A_LSTBYR Year of last birth P Papua New Guinea 1980
PY1972A_LSTBYR Year of last child's birth P Paraguay 1972
PY1982A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last child born alive P Paraguay 1982
PY1992A_LSTBYR Year of last live birth P Paraguay 1992
PY2002A_LSTBYR Year of last birth P Paraguay 2002
PE1993A_LASTBYR Year of birth of last child P Peru 1993
PE2007A_LSTBTHYR Year in which last child was born P Peru 2007
PE2017A_LSTBYR Year of last live birth P Peru 2017
ZA2001A_LSTYR Date of last birth - year P South Africa 2001
ZA2007A_LSTCHYR Year of birth of last child P South Africa 2007
ZA2011A_LASTBYR Year of last child's birth P South Africa 2011
ZA2016A_LSTBYR Year of birth of last child born P South Africa 2016
CH2000A_YRBTHYNG Year of birth of the youngest child P Switzerland 2000
UG1991A_LSTCHYR Last child born, year P Uganda 1991
UG2002A_LSTCHYR Last child birth year P Uganda 2002
UG2014A_LSTBYR Year of last live birth P Uganda 2014
UY2006A_BTHLYR Year of last live birth P Uruguay 2006
UY2011A_LSTBYR Year of last birth P Uruguay 2011
VE2001A_LASTBIRY Year of birth of last child born alive P Venezuela 2001
VN1989A_LASTBYR Year of last birth P Vietnam 1989
VN1999A_LASTBYR Year of last birth P Vietnam 1999
VN2009A_LSTBYR Year of the last birth P Vietnam 2009
VN2019A_LSTBYR Year of last birth P Vietnam 2019
ZW2012A_LSTBYR Year of last live birth P Zimbabwe 2012