Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
CA1971A_INCSELF Income from self-employment P Canada 1971
CA1981A_INCSELF Self-employment income P Canada 1981
CA1991A_INCSELF Self-employment income P Canada 1991
CA2001A_SELFIP Self-employment income P Canada 2001
IL1995A_INCSE Gross monthly income from self-employed work (ILS) P Israel 1995
IL2008A_INCSELFYR Annual gross income of a self-employed work (ILS, New Israeli sheqel) P Israel 2008
PA1990A_OWNACC Monthly income from own-account work P Panama 1990
PA1990A_AGSALES Monthly income from agricultural sales P Panama 1990
PA2000A_INCIND Independent income P Panama 2000
PA2010A_INCIND Income for independent work of self-employment in Panamanian balboas P Panama 2010
PR1970A_INCBUS Non-farm business income P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_INCFARM Farm income P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1980A_INCBUS Non-farm business income P Puerto Rico 1980
PR1980A_INCFARM Farm income P Puerto Rico 1980
PR1990A_INCBUS Non-farm business income P Puerto Rico 1990
PR1990A_INCFARM Farm income P Puerto Rico 1990
PR2000A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income, 2000 P Puerto Rico 2000
PR2005A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income, 2000 P Puerto Rico 2005
PR2010A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income, 2000 P Puerto Rico 2010
PR2015A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income, 2000 P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2020A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income (in US$), 2000 P Puerto Rico 2020
TT2000A_INC2 Monthly gross income from self-employment (nearest TT dollars) P Trinidad and Tobago 2000
US1970A_INCBUS Non-farm business income P United States 1970
US1970A_INCFARM Farm income P United States 1970
US1980A_INCBUS Non-farm business income P United States 1980
US1980A_INCFARM Farm income P United States 1980
US1990A_INCBUS Non-farm business income P United States 1990
US1990A_INCFARM Farm income P United States 1990
US2000A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income, 2000 P United States 2000
US2005A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income, 2000 P United States 2005
US2010A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income, 2000 (US$) P United States 2010
US2015A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income, 2000 P United States 2015
US2020A_INCBUS00 Business and farm income (in US$), 2000 P United States 2020