Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
MU1990A_EDATTAIN Primary and secondary education P Mauritius 1990
MU1990A_EDFIELDTER Field of highest qualification in tertiary education (1-digit) P Mauritius 1990
MU1990A_EDLEVVOC Level of vocational or technical training P Mauritius 1990
MU2000A_EDATTAIN Primary and secondary education P Mauritius 2000
MU2000A_EDLEV1 Level of highest educational attainment P Mauritius 2000
MU2011A_EDATTAIN Primary and secondary education P Mauritius 2011
MU2011A_DIPLOMA1 Highest qualification in the past, other than primary and secondary P Mauritius 2011
MU2011A_DIPLOMA2 Second highest qualification in the past, other than primary and secondary P Mauritius 2011
MU2011A_DIPLOMA3 Third highest qualification in the past, other than primary and secondary P Mauritius 2011