Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
BJ2002A_BSLYR Surviving children born last year P Benin 2002
BJ2013A_BSLYR Children born last year still surviving P Benin 2013
BW2001A_CHSURVM Number of male children born since Independence Day 1999 still alive P Botswana 2001
BW2001A_CHSURVF Number of female children born since Independence Day 1999 still alive P Botswana 2001
BW2011A_CHSURV Children born alive since Independence Day 2010 and still alive P Botswana 2011
BR2010A_CHBNYR Last child born alive was born in 12 months up to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_CHLIVEYR Last child born alive still alive on July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
EC2010A_LSTBYEAR Year of last birth P Ecuador 2010
EC2010A_LSTBMON Month of last birth P Ecuador 2010
EC2010A_LSTBSURV Last birth still alive P Ecuador 2010
ET1984A_CHLIVEYR Number of children born alive in last 12 months that are still alive P Ethiopia 1984
GN2014A_BTHSURVM Number of male surviving births in past 12 months P Guinea 2014
GN2014A_BTHSURVF Number of female surviving births in past 12 months P Guinea 2014
IR2006A_BRTHSURM Boys born last year currently alive P Iran 2006
IR2006A_BRTHSURF Girls born last year currently alive P Iran 2006
IR2011A_SURVLYRF Number of female children surviving who were born in the past 365 days P Iran 2011
IR2011A_SURVLYRM Number of male children surviving who were born in the past 365 days P Iran 2011
JM1991A_BIRTHLIV Baby(ies) born last year still alive P Jamaica 1991
LR2008A_CHLIVE Child born in last 12 months alive P Liberia 2008
MW1987A_LASTYRMS Births last year, surviving males P Malawi 1987
MW1987A_LASTYRFS Births last year, surviving females P Malawi 1987
MW1998A_BTHYRMS Male children born in past year, still alive P Malawi 1998
MW1998A_BTHYRFS Female children born in past year, still alive P Malawi 1998
MW2008A_BLIVE Children born last year surviving P Malawi 2008
MA1982A_CHLSTYR Number of children born in past 12 months, still alive P Morocco 1982
MA1994A_CHSURVYR Children who are alive (born in previous 12 months) P Morocco 1994
MA2004A_CHBORNYR Children born in the last 12 months P Morocco 2004
MA2004A_CHDEADYR Children born in the last 12 months who died P Morocco 2004
MA2014A_BTHLYRSURV Number of births still alive last year P Morocco 2014
MZ1997A_CHLIVEM Number of male children that were born in the past 12 months who are still living P Mozambique 1997
MZ1997A_CHLIVEF Number of female children that were born in the past 12 months who are still living P Mozambique 1997
MZ2007A_SURVLYRM Male children born alive in the last 12 months and still living P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_SURVLYRF Female children born alive in the past 12 months and still living P Mozambique 2007
NI1971A_CHBORN70 Children born alive in 1970 P Nicaragua 1971
NI1971A_CHDEAD70 Children born in 1970 who died P Nicaragua 1971
PS1997A_CHLIVY Number of births still alive during last 12 months before the census P Palestine 1997
PS2007A_BTHSURV Number of births during last 12 months still surviving P Palestine 2007
PS2017A_BTHLYRSURV Live births still alive during last 12 months P Palestine 2017
PA2010A_CHLIVEYR Is the child born during the last 12 month currently alive? P Panama 2010
PY1972A_LSTSURV Last child surviving P Paraguay 1972
RW1991A_CHB12M Males born in last 12 months P Rwanda 1991
RW1991A_CHB12F Females born in last 12 months P Rwanda 1991
RW1991A_CHDEADM Males who died before age 1 last year P Rwanda 1991
RW1991A_CHDEADF Females who died before age 1 last year P Rwanda 1991
RW2002A_CHL12M Male children born in the past 12 months still alive P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_CHL12F Female children born in the past 12 months still alive P Rwanda 2002
RW2012A_BTHSURVM Male children born in last 12 months still alive P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_BTHSURVF Female children born in last 12 months still alive P Rwanda 2012
SL2004A_LSTBLIVE Status of the last child born (in last 12 months) P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2015A_BTHLYRSURV Number of children born in last 12 months still alive P Sierra Leone 2015
SS2008A_LIVBTHM Males born last 12 months surviving P South Sudan 2008
SS2008A_LIVBTHF Females born last 12 months surviving P South Sudan 2008
SD2008A_BTHLSTYR Children born last year P Sudan 2008
SD2008A_SRVLSTYR Children born last year surviving P Sudan 2008
TZ2012A_SURVLYR Children surviving from births last year P Tanzania 2012
TG2010A_BTHSURV Surviving children born in the last 12 months P Togo 2010
TT2011A_BTHLYR Live births last year P Trinidad and Tobago 2011
TT2011A_DTHLYR Children born last year who have died P Trinidad and Tobago 2011
TR1985A_BTHLSTYR Number of children born alive last year P Turkey 1985
TR1985A_CHDEATHS Number of children born alive last year who have died P Turkey 1985
ZM1990A_BRTHLYR Live birth in last 12 months P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_LASTMHH Males born in last 12 months in household P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_LASTFHH Females born in last 12 months in household P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_LASTMAWAY Males born in last 12 months living elsewhere P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_LASTFAWAY Females born in last 12 months living elsewhere P Zambia 1990
ZM2000A_BTHLYR Any live births in last 12 months P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_LBMHOME Number of past year's male births living with you P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_LBFHOME Number of past year's female births living with you P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_LBMAWAY Number of past year's male births living elsewhere P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_LBFAWAY Number of past year's female births living elsewhere P Zambia 2000
ZM2010A_BRTHS12MTHS Any live births in last 12 months P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_MALES12LIV Number of male live births in past year still living with you P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_FEMS12LIV Number of female live births in past year still living with you P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_MALES12ELSE Number of male live births in past year living elsewhere P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_FEM12ELSE Number of female live births in past year living elsewhere P Zambia 2010