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Population Census
Enumerator's Manual
Municipalities with 10,000 Residents or More

[Table of contents is omitted here.]

[Pages 7-12 not translated]


2.1 How to Collect Data

The census enumeration is related to dwellings and the persons who live in them. The municipality is responsible for it.

Dwellings are identified by their address.

In municipalities of 10,000 inhabitants or more, the census enumeration takes place each year through a sampling of dwelling addresses in which all the dwellings and all the residents are enumerated. A sampling of hotel addresses is added to this, and they should be visited to enumerate rooms which are habitually occupied by permanent residents (rooms rented by the year), or dwellings such as those of the owner or caretaker.

Other Types of Habitation
There are types of habitation other than dwellings in a community, such as boarding schools, workers? hostels, police stations, university dormitories, retirement homes, religious communities, etc. These types of accommodations, called "communities," are not enumerated by municipal enumerators but directly by INSEE [## TR This stands for the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies].

Persons who live permanently in mobile land dwellings [habitation mobile terrestre] (an RV parked in the municipality or a boat which has been immobilized at the dock and turned into a permanent residence), and homeless persons, are also enumerated. However, this enumeration, which is the responsibility of the municipality, takes place only once every five years according to a specific process, and involves the entire municipality.

For municipalities of 10,000 inhabitants or more, the enumeration of mobile land dwellings and the homeless will take place for the first time in 2006. This enumeration takes place the first two days of the data collection period, i.e., January 19 and 20, 2006.

Given the specific nature of data collection in municipalities of 10,000 inhabitants or more, the details of the process and the forms used for this enumeration are described in a separate booklet which will be given to you once you have finished your training.

The enumeration of people working on boats navigating inland waterways [mariniers] will take place in 2006. It will be conducted by INSEE for the entire French territory.
[p. 13]

The Enumerator?s Zone
The municipal coordinator distributes the addresses from the sample among the enumerators in order to coordinate the data collection process in a municipality.

The enumerator will be given a group of addresses which includes about 200 dwellings to enumerate. This group constitutes his/her enumerator?s zone.

An enumerator?s zone may be composed of one or several statistical block groups [IRIS, Ilots regroupés pour l'information statistique] (or parts of a statistical block group). The statistical block group is a sub-municipal area used in the dissemination of previous censuses; it corresponds to a district of about 2,000 inhabitants.

The management documents furnished by INSEE, the list of addresses and the rounds logbook are organized by their statistical block groups. In the same way the address maps are statistical block group maps.

Two types of questionnaires are used for the data collection process:

-The housing form, used to describe dwelling characteristics and list the people who live in the dwelling
-Individual forms, which gather information about each person who is a permanent resident in the dwelling.

The Data Collection Process
The data collection is carried out through the so-called "drop off-pick up" method.

-During his/her first visit to a dwelling, the enumerator drops off the questionnaires with the inhabitants, who fill them out themselves.
-The enumerator picks up the filled-out questionnaires during a second visit, which is by appointment.
The Schedule
The enumerator?s work schedule is as follows:
Before January 19, 2006
The enumerator is trained. The training is required and takes place in the two weeks prior to the beginning of the data collection period. It is made up of two half-days, separated by a few days. The INSEE supervisor gives instruction on the census concepts, the data collection process and the confidentiality of the data, and the municipality on organizational aspects of the data collection process.

The enumerator scouts out the addresses that were given to him/her in the two training sessions.

Beginning January 19 and going to February 25, 2006.
The enumerator collects information for the dwellings s/he is responsible for. The data collection period lasts a little more than five weeks. It begins in the field on Thursday, January 19, 2006 and ends on Saturday, February 25, 2006. These dates are established by decree. The municipality and the enumerators must strictly adhere to this schedule. The enumerator carries out the last operations to finish up the data collection on February 26 at the latest.
[p. 14]

2.2 Definitions

2.2.1 Addresses

Addresses in the "Residential" Category
The residential addresses include one or several dwellings. There are two types of residential categories:
The Normalized Address. In urban municipalities an address is often composed of a street name and a street number, which number may have a repetition index [indice de repetition] such as bis, ter, etc. For example:

3 Condorcet Street
7bis Republic Street

Such an address is called "normalized." It is generally easy to find and the dwellings at that address are easily located.

All dwellings located at the same normalized address should be enumerated regardless of the number of buildings or the type of building:

-A residential building with a single dwelling
-Several single-dwelling residential buildings
-A residential building with two or more dwellings
-An administrative building with one or more dwellings
-A hotel with permanent residents

All dwellings with a normalized address have the same address rank [rang d?adresse], including cases where there are several buildings at the address.

There are some special cases:
Normalized addresses with a # symbol in the repetition index
Certain normalized addresses have been split into two or several addresses. In this case, a # symbol is written in the repetition index field, along with one or two characters.

This symbol means that an address is not completely enumerated. The characters placed after the # symbol, or else the supplementary address field [la zone complément d?adresse] specify the part of the address to be enumerated. For example:

24 #D Bellevue Street
19 # Etoile Street, except A,B

In the first example, only dwellings located at 24D should be enumerated
In the second example, the enumerator should enumerate all dwellings located at 19 Etoile Street except 19A and 19B.

An exception is addresses with a repetition index (bis, ter). In those cases a grouping is indicated by the # symbol in the supplementary address field. For example:
2 Bis Gambetta Avenue; #01 Building A
[p. 15]

The Non-normalized Address.
An address is not always normalized. There are cases of addresses in the street with no number indicated or which only have the name of the place-name, an apartment block or a subdivision.

Such addresses are called "non normalized."

The general rule in this case is that a non-normalized address corresponds to a building (or an entrance). The address information generally includes supplementary address information which allows you to locate the building or entrance to be enumerated.

For example:

the blind alley on the Park, 2nd house on the left
Fleurs Apartment Block, Building A

The group of dwellings in the building (or the entrance) thus described by the supplementary address information should be enumerated.

In these cases the positioning on the map is not always definite and so you must trust the address rank indicated on the map, and the elements given in the supplementary address information to identify the building to be enumerated.

All dwellings at a non-normalized address have the same address rank.

To facilitate data collection at non-normalized addresses, INSEE includes in its sample all unnumbered addresses in a street or at a place name. For example:
The blind alley at the Park does not have any numbering. If it is drawn in the sample, all the buildings in the blind alley will be on the address list:

Address rank 001: blind alley at the Park, 1st house on the left
Address rank 002: blind alley at the Park, building at the end
Address rank 003: blind alley at the Park, 1st house on the right

If one or several buildings in addition to those on the list are discovered during the data collection period, they should be enumerated (see part 2, fact sheet 4).

Addresses in the "Hotel" Category
Hotel addresses normally don?t include dwellings; they are addresses which are strictly intended for hotel activity. They should nonetheless be visited to enumerate persons who reside there permanently (rooms rented by the year, or inhabited by a hotel employee with no other domicile), or the hotel keeper or caretaker who live in the hotel.

2.2.2 Dwellings
A dwelling is defined according to the way in which it is used. It is a separate and independent premise used for habitation. It may be located in a private house, a collective building with several dwellings [##TR "immeuble collectif," which is defined by INSEE as any building with 2 or more dwellings], or a building used for other than habitation (for example, a caretaker?s dwelling in a factory or hotel).

It must be separate, that is, completely enclosed by walls and without communicating with another premise except through shared spaces in the building (stairs, entryway).

It must be independent, that is, it must have an independent entrance from which one has direct access to the outside or shared spaces in the building without having to go through another premise.

It must be used for habitation, taking into account its current use and not its original intended use. Thus, old dwellings which are used in their entirety for professional purposes are not considered dwellings on the date of the census and are not enumerated. On the other hand, some parts of professional premises used for habitation are enumerated.

What was formerly two dwellings which have been joined to form a single apartment counts as only one dwelling. A dwelling divided into two independent parts such that each one has separate access, all communication between them has been closed off and each one is occupied by a separate group of persons is enumerated as two dwellings.

When a dwelling (or independent room) is vacant, a certain minimum of facilities must be present in the premise for it to be enumerated as an inhabitable dwelling. If the dwelling is in ruins, walled up or very dilapidated and there is no possibility of connecting to the water supply or electric grid, it is not enumerated. Enumerate an empty dwelling if it can be occupied by the owner or if it is available for rental.

Special Dwelling Cases

A hotel room which is permanently inhabited by a person is equivalent to a dwelling.

Makeshift housing, dwellings occupied by squatters which are located in buildings being demolished, and shelters not intended for habitation which are nonetheless inhabited are considered dwellings and should be enumerated if they are in the address sample. This is only if the housing is the principal residence.

Dwelling Category
There are four types of dwelling. The enumerator determines the category based on the information provided by the persons who live in the dwelling, or, if the dwelling is unoccupied, based on information gathered from the neighbors.

1. Principal Residence. This is a dwelling (or independent room) where one or several persons habitually live.

A dwelling or an independent room occupied by an adult student (aged 18 or older) for reasons of study also falls in this category, regardless of the length of occupation.

Special Principal Residence Cases
A mobile home, hotel room, building-site shed, cabin/shack, make-shift housing or dwelling occupied by squatters may also be classified as principal residences if it is permanently occupied.

[p. 17]

2. Occasional Dwelling. This is a dwelling (or independent room) which is occupied on occasion during part of the year for professional reasons by a person who has a family dwelling. The persons in this dwelling at the time of the census should be enumerated in their family dwelling.

Example: A dwelling occupied during the week for professional reasons by a teacher who returns to his/her family dwelling, located in another municipality, on the weekend.

3. Secondary Residence. This is a dwelling which is only occupied on weekends, during vacation or for recreational purposes during part of the year. The length of the occupation by the same person must be less than six months per year.

Some examples are:
-A dwelling where a family spends its week-ends
-A dwelling where retired people spend four months per year during the high season
-A rural cabin rented by the week or month
-A furnished dwelling rented or for rent during the tourist season
-A multi-owner dwelling

4. Vacant Dwelling. This is a vacant dwelling which is also one of the following:
-Available for sale or rent, regardless of its age
-Already has a buyer or renter who has not yet occupied it
-Awaiting settlement of an inheritance
-Without specific classification [sans affectation précise] (a dwelling which is dilapidated but inhabitable, etc.)
-Being held by an owner for future use by an employee, relative or friend
-Uninhabitable following the occupant?s departure to community-type lodging (retirement home, long-term hospital care, etc.)

*In some cases an enumerator may not able to determine the category of the dwelling to be enumerated. In these cases, which should be the exception, please do not check off any category on the housing form. Such dwellings will fall into the "Undetermined" category of dwellings. This will be done with the consent of the municipal coordinator.

Type of Construction
There are six types of constructions that describe the building in which a dwelling is located.

1. Residential Building with a Single Dwelling, Isolated. The building does not share a wall with another building.

[p. 18]

-A one-story house with a yard
-A three-story house with a yard in which there is a single dwelling

2. Residential Building with a Single Dwelling, which Building Is Part of a Duplex or Town-house [bâtiment en bande] or Grouped in any Other Fashion. The building has at least one wall shared with another building, regardless of whether the other building is a residential building. (3)
Some examples are:
-Mining villages in mining regions
-Recently-built detached houses in suburban "new towns."
-Town houses [maisons de ville] which share a wall with an apartment or office building.

3. Residential Buildings with Two Dwellings or More. The building has at least two dwellings with the same address, regardless of whether the access to the street is shared or separate.
Some examples are:
-A house with a ground-level dwelling (entrance from the street) and a dwelling on the second floor (entrance through the yard from a stairway)
-Building with a single exterior access and a central stairway inside which is used by several dwellings
-Government-supported low-income housing projects [barre "HLM"] with three independent stairways, each one having access to the outside but all located at the same address

4. Building Used for Other than Habitation
This building is not intended for principal use as habitation (factory, train station, stadium, office building, etc.) but nonetheless contains residences for one or several employees.
Some examples are:
-Caretaker?s lodging in a factory
-Teacher?s lodging in a school

5. Provisional Construction, Mobile Home
A construction-site shed, a fixed mobile home, an RV on blocks, make-shift housing or shelter used as lodging by a person or group of persons.

6. RV, Mobile Dwelling [habitation mobile]
This type of building is not used in the dwelling census, but only in the census of mobile lodgings and the homeless. This population category will be enumerated in 2006.

By convention, this modality will also be used for the homeless.

(3) Excluding outbuildings (garage, garden shed, etc.)

[p. 19]

2.2.3 Persons
The enumeration is for all persons alive on the census reference date who normally live in a dwelling located at one of the sample addresses.

*The reference date is January 19, 2006 at 0 hours

A reference date is defined because the planned data period extends across five weeks. All persons alive on this date must be enumerated. Thus, a person who died January 19 or in the days that follow is enumerated. However, a person who died on January 18 is not enumerated.

In the same way, a child born before January 19 is enumerated and a child born January19 or later is not enumerated.

*All persons residing in France, regardless of nationality, are enumerated.

All foreigners residing in France should be enumerated unless they are living in an embassy or consulate (diplomats and personnel).

However, do not enumerate foreigners who are only here for a few days or weeks (tourists, business people), or if they work in France but do not reside here (workers on the border), or if they are seasonal workers in France for a limited time period (fewer than six months).

Note: French people residing abroad should not be enumerated, even if they are in France at the time of the data collection.
[p. 20]

3.1 Questionnaires
3.1.1 Housing Form (form number 1)
This questionnaire is related to any premise used for habitation, occupied or not.

The housing form describes the characteristics and amenities of the dwelling (year of construction, number of rooms, area, heating, etc.). It is also used to draw up a list of the dwelling?s occupants.

The housing form is four pages long. It is pre-printed with the name of the municipality and the department and municipal codes. You should point it out if it that is not the case.

A bar code is printed at the bottom of the first page. It is used by INSEE to manage the forms after the data collection. It does not contain any information about the enumerated dwellings; it is simply a different sequence/serial number for each questionnaire.

Page 1
*There is a box to be filled out by the enumerator with the following information:

-Dwelling Identifier. this is the statistical block group [IRIS] number, address rank (rank A) and dwelling rank (rank L) from the information on the rounds logbook. This process is called numbering.
-Dwelling Category as determined from information provided by the inhabitants according to the modalities described in paragraph 2.2.2.
-Type of Construction of the building in which the dwelling is located, according to the modalities described in paragraph 2.2.2.
-Number of Individual Forms collected: this information is filled in after the questionnaires have been picked up.

*Inhabitants indicate their address localization at the bottom of page one.
This location includes the address of the dwelling, and possibly information about the stairway, floor, its position in relation to the stairway or door number, as well as the name of the principal occupant.

The heading is filled in by the enumerator if it is a secondary residence, a vacant dwelling or occasional dwelling.
[p. 21]

Pages 2 and 3
These pages are filled in by the inhabitants of the dwelling only if it is their principal residence. All persons who normally live in the dwelling are recorded there. These persons are distributed among three lists; only those on list A are enumerated in this dwelling.

Persons who are temporarily present in the dwelling during the enumeration (for example, people who are visiting or on vacation) should not be recorded on the housing form.

If it is a secondary residence or a vacant or occasional dwelling, do not fill out pages 2 and 3.

List A
All persons who are permanently residing in the dwelling, whether they are present or temporarily absent at the time of data collection, should be recorded.

Sub-letters and co-tenants who occupy part of the dwelling are also included in this list. Also include:

-Minor children who live elsewhere for schooling and for whom this dwelling is the family residence
-Spouses (4) who have another domicile for professional reasons and who come to this dwelling for weekends and vacations
-Persons of legal age who live in the dwelling for their studies (student boarders)
-Persons who are present in the dwelling and who do not have permanent residency elsewhere
-Domestic employees, staff or nannies who live in the dwelling

Write the complete name and family relationship or relationship to the person recorded on the first line of list A for each individual on the list. Follow the example indicated on the questionnaire.

The order in which are people are recorded should be helpful in identifying family units [noyaux familiaux]. For this reason is it advised that you begin with an adult, then his/her partner and children, then the other persons.

Whether a person is or is not recorded on list A is independent of family relationships with other persons inhabiting the dwelling.

An individual Form should be filled out for every person recorded on list A, including additional persons beyond the 8th person.

(4) The decree specifies: spouse, partner, or persons joined by a civil solidarity pact [pacte civil de solidarité].
[p. 22]

List B
This list is only for adult children lodged elsewhere for their studies (a room in the city, independent dwelling, university dorm, boarding school, etc.) and who periodically return to live in the dwelling on weekends or vacations.

Write the complete name and family relationship or relationship to the person recorded on the first line of list A for each individual in list B. Also write the year of birth and the address where this person lives when s/he is studying.

No individual form should be filled out for these persons. They should be enumerated in the dwelling or room they occupy when they are studying.

List C
This list groups persons who do not normally live in the dwelling.
In particular, record in box C1:

-Minor children who live in the dwelling for reasons of schooling and whose parents reside in another municipality in France

Record in box C2:

-Children being cared for by a different parent (after a separation or divorce) or who, in case of joint custody, reside most of the time with the other parent
-Spouses who live in the dwelling for professional reasons and return on weekends to the family dwelling
-Persons for whom this dwelling is the principal residence and who are lodged in an institution (retirement home or hospice, hospitalization for more than one month, home for the disabled, workers? hostel, members of the military housed in a base or serving abroad, penal establishments, etc.)
-Persons who inhabit the dwelling at the time of the census but who reside most of the year in another dwelling.

Write the complete name and family relationship or relationship to the person recorded on the first line of list A for each individual on list C. Also write the year of birth.

No individual questionnaire should be filled out for these persons; they should be enumerated in their other dwelling or in the institution where they are lodged.

Page 4
This page records the dwelling characteristics and amenities. These questions should be filled out for all dwellings, whether they are occupied or not.

If it is for a principal residence the inhabitants fill it out.

The enumerator fills in the questions for other dwellings (occasional dwellings, secondary residences, vacant dwellings) based on information provided by the caretaker or neighbors.
[p. 23]

Note: A housing form is not drawn up for:

-An apartment occupied exclusively for professional use
-A room inside an apartment, even if it is rented to a non family member. The person should be enumerated in the dwelling.
-A principal residence whose inhabitants are impossible to get in touch with or who refuse to answer (see paragraph 3.2.1, "Non-enumerated Housing Form.")

A sample of the housing form is included in the appendix.

3.1.2 Individual Form (form number 3)
This is the census questionnaire for each inhabitant on list A of the housing form. It is a two-sided sheet.

The department and community codes, as well as the name of the municipality, are pre-printed on the questionnaires. You should point it out if they are not.

The individual form has questions about:

-The person?s civil status (sex, date and place of birth, marital status, nationality)
-The person?s place of residence prior to January 1, 2001
-The person?s education and training (diplomas/certificates/degree)
-The person?s professional activity
-The person?s commute between home and work.

It is filled out by the inhabitants who sign it. The enumerator may help them if they request it.

As with the housing form, a bar code is pre-printed on the front page. It does not contain any information about the person; it is simply a different serial/sequence number for each questionnaire. It is used by INSEE to facilitate the management of the forms in the post data-collection phases.

The individual forms collected from a dwelling are inserted into the corresponding housing form and filed according to their order in list A.

A completed sample of an individual questionnaire is included in the appendix.

[Section 3.2 - Other data collection documents is omitted here.]
[Part 2 - Fact sheets describing the data collection process in the field is omitted here.]