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Statistics South Africa
Census 2011
Self-enumeration guide

[Table of contents, omitted]
This enumeration guide will assist you and your household if you are unable to follow instructions in the questionnaire during the process of completing the Census 2011 household questionnaire. Examples on some sections of the questionnaire are also provided to assist. If the guide is still of no help to you, you are encouraged to call the Census 2011 hotline (0800 110 248), where there will be someone to assist you in completing the questionnaire correctly.
Objectives of the guide
To assist households in completing the Census 2011 questionnaire
To outline key aspects of the questionnaire
What is the Census about?
A population census is a total count of people in a country. Basic questions are asked about the number of people and where they live to determine their needs. The census is done to enable the government, private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as community-based organizations (CBOs) to understand the composition of the population and to make plans based on evidence. Most questions in the census are also used as inputs to measure how far the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been achieved.

A census is about benefiting the country as a whole and everybody who lives in it (rich or poor). That is why it is very important for people to understand the census and participate fully in order to make it a success.
After the advent of democracy, South Africa has already conducted two censuses (1996 and2001). The October 2011 census will be the third census to be conducted in the country.

Census in South Africa

South Africa conducts a census where people are counted according to where they spent the census night (snapshot of the country on census night).
People will be counted from where they spent the census night (which is the midnight of9?10 October 2011).
From the morning of 10 October (census day), census officials will visit every home to count all people that:
1. Spent the census night (midnight 9?10 October) with the household including VISITORS
2. Were travelling back home on census night
3. Were working on census night (e.g. nurses, security guards, police, etc.)
4. Were away on census night attending religious gatherings such as night prayers, or social gatherings (e.g. nightclubs, etc.)
On census day, you are requested to write down the names of every person that spent the census night/day (as per numbered points above) with the household. The list will help the household or census official to complete the correct information on the questionnaire without forgetting anybody.

Your answers are confidential
The Statistics Act (Act No. 6 of 1999) sections 17 and 18 states that the information provided for the census shall be kept confidential, and that persons involved in the collection of census data must first take an oath of confidentiality.
The law also provides that any person found guilty of disclosing data collected to other parties, is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding R10 000, or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 6 months or both. This means that the information that you provide as a respondent during the census will be kept confidential and will NOT be discussed with any other government departments or organizations.

Census questionnaire completion

General guidelines:
1. A census questionnaire will be issued to your household for completion if you wish to complete the questionnaire yourselves.
2. In cases where the household may need a second (or third) questionnaire, the census official will provide his/her telephone number on the cover page of the questionnaire. This number can be used for any queries regarding the questionnaire.
3. Every household that has a paid live-in domestic worker (including drivers and gardeners) must obtain a separate census questionnaire for that person, even if the person is considered part of the household.
4. You are requested to complete the entire questionnaire.
5. Please complete the questionnaire only after the census night (midnight 9?10 October 2011).
6. Please consult every member of your household for age and other information that you might not have readily available when completing the questionnaire on their behalf.
7. If words are too long, use standard abbreviations (e.g. Johannesburg Metropolitan
Municipality: Joburg metro, or Statistics South Africa: Stats SA).
8. Do not leave spaces between the words.
9. Some questions may seem personal, e.g. sex, income, children no longer alive, but they are all useful and necessary for planning.
10. Please answer the questions honestly so that the government can obtain accurate information.
11. Please write/mark in the center of the boxes/ovals provided. See example below:
[Figure omitted, example]
1. Skips are there to help you complete relevant questions and leave out the ones that do not apply to you and some of your household members. For example, pay extra attention to instructions on skips such as ?If 01-09 or 11 on Province of birth (P-07), then Go to Citizenship (P-09)?
2. Note that a skip is applicable to individuals, not the whole household.
3. Other instructions are part of section headings, e.g. Employment: ask of all persons aged
15 years and older listed on the flap.
Keep the census form neat and away from children.
When or after completing the questionnaire, do not fold, seal, laminate, remove pages or damage the questionnaire.
All completed and partly completed questionnaires must be given back to the census official on time (before or on 31 October 2011).
In cases where the official requires you to provide information that you could have missed, please do so.

Questionnaire sections

1. Cover page
Do not complete the cover page of the questionnaire as the census official will complete the information for you before leaving the questionnaire with your household.

2. Flap: Particulars of all individuals
Purpose: This page will collect information on name, age and gender of every household member and all visitors present on census night.

The first person to be listed on the census questionnaire must be the head or acting head of the household (a household member that makes decisions for the household).
If the household has two equal decision-makers, then the oldest person of the two will be put as the head of household (person 01).
F-00: Complete the leading zeros for each person in the household (depending on the number of people in the household). E.g. First person in the questionnaire (head of household) must be 01, followed by person 02, then 03 for the third person, etc.
If there are more than 10 people in the household, use a second questionnaire (start with 11 in the second questionnaire until person 20).
Names are used for reference purposes when completing the questionnaire. Names will not be processed.
The names of the head of the household must be written in full (name and surname). For the rest of the household members sharing the same surname as the head of household, only their names can be completed. Those members with a different surname to that of the head of the household must complete their names in full (name and surname).
For age, please provide completed years, e.g. if a baby is nine months old, complete
000, as the baby is not yet a year old. For a person aged 17 and 11 months, complete
017 as the person is not yet 18 years old.
a. Example ? Flap (below):
This household had three people on census night. Note that the examples are there to guide you when completing information for your own household.

[Figure omitted, example]
3. Section A: Demographics (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: The information is collected to establish the total population of the country, their gender, age and other characteristics.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire.
A person who is not married should not answer the question on who their spouse/partner is, e.g. ?If 3-6 on Marital status (P-03), then Go to Population group (P-05)?.

4. Section B: Migration (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Information is used to measure the movement of people from one geographical area to another for better understanding of the population and for planning purposes.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire.
A person whose usual residence is outside South Africa should not answer the questions on province or municipality of usual residence.
If municipality/magisterial district is not known, leave the question blank.
b. Example - Migration (below):
All three people in this scenario were born in Western Cape.
Questions on country of birth and the year they moved to South Africa are only for those who were born outside the country.
The question on citizenship is answered by all persons listed on the questionnaire.

[Figure omitted, example]
c. Example - Migration cont. (below):

Francinah was visiting her daughter on census night.
Only visitors report on the province, municipality and nearest city/town where they usually live (P-10a, P-10b and P-10c).
Infants (younger than six months) should answer YES on (P-10) if their parents/guardians intend for them to live with the household for at least four nights a week for the next six months.
Persons who have recently moved to a new place and intend to live there for at least four nights a week for the next six months should also answer YES on P-10.

[Figure omitted, example]
d. Example - Migration cont. (below):

Diana has not been living in this place since October 2001.
She moved into this place in November 2007 from within Western Cape.
Adam was born after October 2001 and has never moved.
Francinah has never moved from her place of usual residence (Please note that Francinah is a visitor and is reporting on her place of usual residence).
As Adam and Francinah have never moved, they do not have to complete the questions.
Household members that have moved more than once should report their last move.

[Figure omitted, example]
e. Example - Migration cont. (below):

Household members that moved, should complete the province, municipality and nearest city/town of previous residence.
Diana moved from Stellenbosch local municipality where her nearest city/town was Franschhoek where she was staying with her mother (Francinah).
Adam and Francinah have never moved, so they do not have to complete the questions.

[Figure omitted, example]
5. Section C: General health and functioning (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Helps to determine the number of people with disabilities in the country for planning and provision of services.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire.

6. Section D: Parental survival and income (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Provides information on orphanhood and helps in the estimation of adult mortality.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the flap.
Information on income is used by the National Treasury for budget allocation to provinces and municipalities and also helps in determining the country's socio-economic status.
Social grants income for children should be recorded under the child, NOT the caregiver.

7. Section E: Education (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: This section collects information regarding the knowledge and skills in the country.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire aged 5 years and older.
All persons attending school (P-17) must answer questions on educational institution (P-18).
Level of education should be the highest level completed by the person, not what is currently being attended.
E.g. if a child is currently attending grade 4, then the child's highest level of education is grade 3.
If someone has completed grade 12, and is currently doing their last year before graduating with a degree/diploma, then their highest level of education is Grade 12.
P-21, if a person has a diploma or degree (from university or technikon or college), they should answer from option 01 to 22. Those who have qualifications from FET colleges should answer options 23 to 36.
f. Example - Education (below):
No response is expected for Adam because he is younger than 5 and this question addresses people that are 5 years and older.
Diana's highest level of education is a Bachelor's degree, hence her choice of option 25 (Note the skip to P-21).
Francinah only has Grade 2 as her highest level of education (Note the skip to P-22).

[Figure omitted, example]
g. Example - Education cont. (below):

The question on field of education (P-21) is to be answered by people who have post- school qualifications.
NOTE: options 01 to 22 are for people with qualifications from a university or technikon while options 23 to 36 are for people with qualifications from FET colleges.
Diana is the only person in the household who should complete this question.
Diana reports that her degree is in health care (option 09).

[Figure omitted, example]
h. Example - Education cont. (below):

Household members who are 5 years and older, without any formal education and those with primary education (up to grade 7) (P-20) must complete this question.
Francinah is the only person in the household who can complete this question.
Francinah reported that she has some difficulty in writing her name, a lot of difficulty in reading, she is unable to complete a form, some difficulty in writing a letter and that she is unable to read road signs and calculate change.
Only codes 1 to 5 can be written in the boxes provided.
A person whose level of education is secondary school or tertiary should not answer the question on literacy (P-22).

[Figure omitted, example]
8. Section F: Employment (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Provides information regarding the country's labor force (people who are employed, in business, unemployed and not economically active).

This section must be completed for everyone aged 15 years and older listed on the flap.
Employment: P-23a, P-23b and P-23c: You must complete all of the questions (a, b and c), and if you answered a 'Yes' on any of them, you skip the following questions and continue answering on P-29a (Industry).
For employment (P-29a), PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD refers to domestic workers and gardeners only.
i. Example ? Employment (below):
No response is expected for Adam, because the question is for people who are 15 years and older.
Diana and Francinah provided answers to all the three questions (P-23a, b and c).
Neither Diana nor Francinah worked for a wage, ran a business or helped in a family business in the seven days before October 10 (NO to P-23a, b and c).

[Figure omitted, example]
j. Example- Employment cont. (below):

Diana has a paid job, although at the time of completing the questionnaire, she was on maternity leave.
Francinah is a pensioner.

[Figure omitted, example]
k. Example ? Employment cont. (below):

For those who are working, the industry (P-29a) question must be completed.
For people with no-name businesses (from home or street), write OWNHOUSE or
Diana works at the Chris Barnard Memorial Hospital.

[Figure omitted, example]
l. Example ? Employment cont. (below):

For those that have a job, P-29b (main goods or services), P30a (occupation), P-30b (main task/duty) and P-31 (type of sector) must be completed.
If a member of the household has more than one job (e.g. has a paid job and runs a business), he/she should report on the one where they spend most of their time.
See Diana's example.
Type of sector:
Formal sector employment is where the business, institution or private individual is registered in some way with the government or statutory bodies to perform the activity. Registration may involve collecting taxes (e.g. PAYE), making UIF contributions or having a business licence.
Informal sector employment is where the business or private individual is not registered with the government or any statutory body in any way.

[Figure omitted, example]
9. Section G: Fertility (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Provides an estimation of fertility in the country which helps in population projections.

This section must be completed ONLY for women aged 12 to 50 years.
This should not include miscarriages, stillbirths and adopted children.
If the woman stays with all her children and none have died, then put 00 on P-36 to P-37 (for boys, girls and total).
If a woman is a visitor, the question on total children living with her in the household (P-35) must be about the children she is visiting with. Then all her other children who are not there with her will be living elsewhere.
If she is visiting alone, then P-35 will be 00 as she does not have any children with her in the household that she is part of on census night.

10. Section H: Housing (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Information collected here is important to all users such as Eskom, Telkom, etc. as it can be used to monitor progress regarding service delivery issues (or lack thereof).

This section must be completed for every household.
H-02: Other dwelling refers to another structure that the household occupies other than the main house/dwelling.

11. Section I: Mortality (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Provides an estimation of mortality in the country which helps in population projections.

This section must be completed for every household.