1981 Pakistan Census Enumeration Instructions
1.1 Duties of Enumerator and related matters
1.1.1. Responsibilities of Enumerator
1. To get training about Population Census and all matters pertaining to it, carefully read the instruction manual with understanding, keep it under study and consult it when needed, seek guidance from the circle supervisors if any instruction given in the manual is not understandable.
2. To collect all the material and forms pertaining to Population Census from their circle supervisors and make arrangements for additional requirement, if needed.
3. To check boundaries of his block, under his supervision and be familiar with the housing units located in the block.
4. To put numbers on all the unnumbered housing units in his block.
5. To contact responsible members of the household and properly fill in the relevant forms.
6. To check the filled in- forms.
7. To turn the register of completed forms in to the circle supervisor so that he can return it to the concerned officer of Population Census Organization. The enumerator will work under the supervision of his circle supervisor and will bring all the problems arising during his work to the notice of his supervisor. If circle supervisor is unable to solve the problems then he will be authorized to bring it to the notice of the higher officers.
8. The hope is that the enumerators will remain present in area of his jurisdiction during the time of Population Census and if, due to some reason, he is forced to leave his work place, he will not leave without proper written permission of his circle supervisor.
It is expected that the enumerators will not leave their work incomplete in any way. While performing their duties for the census, the enumerators should avoid discussing politics and religion or doing business of any type.
1.1.2 Remuneration of enumerator
The enumerators are expected to do census work as very important national duty and remuneration will be given in appreciation of their performance. The Government realizes that with the resources of the country, it is not possible to pay more than the given amount. The Census block of which enumerators is ten kilometer far away from their place of appointment they will be paid Rs. 150/- in addition for travel costs.
1.1.3. Enumerator's duration of work
[Omitted details about work of enumerator]
1.1.4 Enumerator's working hours
[Omitted details about working hours]
1.1.5. Enumerator's supervisor
Enumerator's supervisor will be circle supervisor who will supervise the work of ten enumerators in every respect
1.1.6 Enumerator's area of work
Generally the enumerator's area of work will be one Census block. The block will be defined in the following section. If a block is smaller according to fixed Population size then it is possible that one enumerator may be assigned Census work in more than one block.
1.1.7. Enumerator's material of Census work
Before start of block, the following articles will be provided to enumerator most of which will be given at the time of housing Census. If he did not get any article he should contact his circle supervisor to obtain it.
1. Enumerators' warrant of appointment
2. Name and designation of circle supervisor
3. Details of boundaries of block or map or both
4. House numbering material
5. Filled-in House listing registered/ Register of buildings and Housing units
6. Population Census register
7. Ball point pen and Rexene bag
8. Manual of instructions for enumerators
1.1.9 Legal base of the Population Census
The Population Census in Pakistan is conducted under the Census ordinance, 1959. This ordinance describes responsibilities to both the government and to the public. All those persons who have been appointed as Population Census Officers such as Census District Officer, Charge Superintendent, Circle Supervisors and Enumerators are Government employees under section 21 of the Pakistan penal code.
Under this ordinance the enumerators have been authorized to collect characteristics pertaining to Population Census from all persons in their area of work and are not authorized to disclose such information other than to officers concerned, the Population Census Officers. The enumerators will be held liable to punishment if they commit irregularity.
It also is the legal responsibility of the public, under this ordinance, that they give accurate answers to the questions asked by the enumerator and cooperate with the enumerator.
1.2 Terminologies of Population Census and their explanation
All of Pakistan has been delimited into blocks for carrying out Population Census work. Efforts have been made that every block comprises equal population, so that every enumerator has equal quantum of work. The census block will generally consist of 200-300 households or fifteen hundred persons, except a few areas where the population can also be more or less.
The rural areas are known as mauza/deh or village. In rural areas where settlement has been done the system of Revenue Estate has been established which in Sind is called Deh and in Punjab, NWFP and Balochistan is called mauza. There may be more than one agglomeration which has its own names. In Sind these are called "Goth" and in other provinces these are called village, dera, dhoke, banda, killy, etc. Therefore, in these areas villages, etc. will be part of mauza/deh. In settled areas the block will be mauza/deh or equal to its part. Any mauza, no matter how small in population size, will be treated as a separate block. A mauza/deh or a part of it part may form a block. In other words, it will never happen that one block consists of more than one mauza/deh.
1.2.2 Building
A building is a structure that has its own unique nature and which has its own outer walls and roof. It can comprise one or more rooms and there should be at least one door for entrance from outside. Generally a building will look like a separate structure from the outside.
Tents, cottages, caves and other temporary places used for residential purpose, although do not come under the definition of a building, will be treated as building for population and housing census.
A building can be a bungalow, house residential plaza, Government or Industrial office. Factory, Mill, Godown, Hospital Jail, Mosque, Church, Temple, Shrine Cottage, Hut, etc.
If more than one buildings is located near one another and are being used by one household, then all these buildings will be treated as one building for the purpose of population and housing census: e.g., if some households live near each other but in separate houses roof tops, rooms, shelters, cottage, etc. - whether there are compound walls or not - then all such place will be considered one building.
A building can comprise the following parts:
One or more non-residential parts
Both number 1 and number 2; i.e., it comprises one or more than one residential parts and one or more than one non residential parts.
A housing unit is a residential place with a separate building structure and is a separate housing unit. There could be one or more than one housing units in a building. Housing unit and house are the same by definition in population and housing census.
Housing units can be two types
2. Collective residence
A house is a housing unit in which a household is residing and, if vacant, then it has been constructed for residence of a household. Non-residential buildings or place which are being used by a household for residence are also treated as house; i.e., cottage, hut, shelter, tent, cone shop, etc.
1.2.5 Collective residence
Collective residence means housing unit which has been constructed for collective residence in connection with semi-government or trading purpose: e.g., hotel, hostel, residential barracks of the Armed or semi-Armed forces, residential camps, jail, sanitarium, mental hospital, disabled, poor, orphans, paupers and special institutions for residences of other such people.
The houses located in hospitals, educational/industrial institutions will not be treated as collective residences but will be considered as separate houses.
1.2.6 Household and its members
Households consisting of more than one person living together under common cooking arrangements (i.e., they use one burner for cooking). However if a person lives alone, he shall also be considered a household. These persons are generally relatives but these could also be friends, servants of the household and other non relatives residing in them. In such a case if the members of household do not eat at the place where they live, then they will be counted at the place where they live rather than at a place where they take their meals.
House and house holds are different by definition as mentioned above but generally these are used interchangeably.
1.2.7 Difference between House and Household
A house is the place a household uses for its residence, while a household represents the persons living there. In other words, the house is the physical place and the household represents the people living there.
1.2 Survey of Population Census block
1.2.1 Introduction of block
You have to know the boundaries of your block and its roads, streets, areas and important places located in it and all residential/non residential buildings during the housing Census. However, if changes have occurred on a block for the purpose of Population Census then it has to be checked again so that no area in it and household living in it may be left uncounted.
1.2.2 Numbering of un-numbered residential buildings
[Omitted information on un-numbered buildings]
1.2.3. Residential building which are likely to be left
[Omitted information on unoccupied residences]
1.3 Instructions before filling up the Population Census Form
1.3.1 Population Census date
Population Census will be carried out between the period of the 1st of March to the 15th of March, 1981 starting the morning of 1st March, 1981 (i.e., dawn will be treated as Census day and all the persons and their characteristics will be collected with reference to this day)
1.3.2 Who will be enumerated?
All the people who are residing in the boundaries of Pakistan on the Census Day (i.e., the dawn of 1st March, 1981) will be enumerated. These include all types of persons (i.e., infants or babies, adults or old, males or females, landlords or tenants, Pakistanis or foreigners). The staff members of diplomats and their families are exempted.
Since the population and its characteristics will be collected with reference to the census date, all such persons who are alive on the dawn of the date but died afterward will come in counting. However, the babies born after the dawn of 1st March, 1981 will not be counted. You should ensure that all the persons on Census Day are counted and nobody is left uncounted.
1.3.3. Who will be counted?
Every person will be counted within the household (i.e., at the house where the household is inhabited). Since the population census is being done in two ways (i.e., counting of persons at their residences and enumeration of persons wherever they are found). Therefore such persons who are residing in a different household will also be enumerated with that household. If somebody has more than one house then he will be counted at that house where be usually spend the night. The ways of counting different persons is explained as below:
Nature of Persons and where they will be enumerated:
1 Members of household who are found present in their house on Population Census day
2. Members of households who are temporarily absent from their house on Population Census Day
b. at house where they are found on Population Census day in column 4 with code-3
3. Visitors/guest, relatives or non-relative whose own house is located somewhere else
4. Such persons (visitors, guests, relatives or non-relatives) who do not have a house
5. Such students who are residing in hostels or living in a house other than his parents or guardian
6. People residing in sanatorium, mental hospitals, jails and other such places
7. Persons residing in orphanages, poor houses, and other such institutions
8. Defense personnel residing in barracks
9. Semi defense personnel and staff of police living in barracks
10. Persons living in hotels and other such places
11. Nomads, seasonal migrants and homeless persons
12. *Households residing in boats
* Enumeration of such persons may be done after counting of all households of your Population Census blocks and before leaving the block but it should be ensured that they have not been counted before.
1.3.1. Collection of information from respondents (interview)
Publicity campaign has been started which will facilitate the population census work but actually it depends on the fact that how you collect the information? In this connection you should keep these guiding principles in view.
No single way can be proper for obtaining information in all the situations. You have to adopt proper way according to the situation you do this work with contentment and in good manners. Besides, it should be done sensibly with tolerance. By greeting respondent with respect he can be induced for cooperation but it should remain short. You may address the respondent with compliments and introduce yourself as I am ___________, and the Government of Pakistan has deputed me for carrying out population census in this area. You are requested to answer the questions of Population Census forms for which I will be grateful to you. If you feel that the respondent is showing indifference and not willing to cooperate. Then shed some light on the importance of Population Census and tell him that all the information will be kept confidential. It is expected that you will be able to get cooperation from the respondent by doing this. As it will not be possible to contact every member of the household therefore you should meet with the head of household or some other responsible person who can give information about all the members of the household so that this information can be entered in the Population Census form.
You should not get the information from children or neighbors; however, you can only do this when there is no other way. You should ask for information from the respondent in front of people other than family members and tell him that the answers of Population census forms shall be kept confidential therefore if respondent and other members of this dwelling unit give these replies in isolation it will be better.
You should ask questions in the way as have been written on this form. If you feel that the respondent is answering then read the question again, listen the information carefully before entering it and it should be ensured that this information is correct the respondent may be thanked for his cooperation after getting the required information.
You can come across such people who do not want to answer some or all questions, it can be avoided with your good manners and understanding, you should assure such people that this information will absolutely be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone. This information will be compiled on aggregated. Efforts should be to induce such persons according to the situation.
Population Census form is being provided in "Urdu" and "Sindhi" languages. If the respondent does not understand either of these languages even then you should not face any difficulty in making him understand these questions in these languages. But it should be taken care of that while translating the questions into respondent's language the meanings of questions should not change.
The use of codes is an easy way of entering information. Coding is a means of entering answers of questions in digits. You have experimented with this method during housing Census. In Population Census the answer of most of the questions will be entered in codes. These codes will be given in English digits.
1.5 Use of House Listing Registers and then completion
As you know that during Housing Census the following types of buildings were numbered.
b) All residential and non-residential buildings or both types of buildings
During Housing Census the households residing in these buildings were also entered in the house listing registers. These registers will be returned to you along with Population Census registers.
All the households of the block for which you were made responsible during the housing Census had been entered in the house listing registers and serial numbers had been given to them. Now you will carry out Population Census of these households. Even then you should check whether all the buildings and households of your block have been entered or not. Now, about three months have passed since completion of the housing census. During this several changes might have occurred: e.g., under construction buildings can be completed. There is possibility of conversion of any building of housing census into several households. Resultantly several new household can come into existence. Buildings can demolish, vacant house can be occupied an inhabited house can be vacated.
1.5.1 Date of completion of Census forms
Column number 7 of Register I-A and Column number 8 of Register I-B.
This column has been kept to record the date of entering the household concerned in Population Census. It can be known through this column whether all the households of any block have been entered or not. You will start your work from household number 00l and entries will be made according to the serial numbers entered in the house listing registers. If it is not possible to enumerate any household in the first attempt then you will visit that place again for enumeration of that household.
1.5.2 Entry in case of changes in House Listing Register
Column number 8 of Register 1-A and column number 9 of Register I-B (Changes in house listing)
1. A cross "X" for vacant building and zero "0" for under construction house was written in the house listing registers. If changes have occurred at the time of Population Census in status of such a house then apply the following instructions. If some vacant or under construction house has been occupied then you should write the name of the head of the household at the end of column 3 of the register I-A and column number 5 of the register 1-B, also give the serial number to this household. This serial number will be the next number to the last serial number of the households entered in column number 4 of the house listing registers
2. If a household present during the housing census has gone somewhere and some new household has occupied this house then write name of the new household will be that which was given to the household which residing previously
3. If a household present during housing census has left the house and gone some where else and the house is vacant. Then at the time of Population Census put a cross "X" in this column. The Population Census form will not be filled for such households.
4. There could be two situations for such temporary residences: e.g., tents, cottages, etc., which were counted at the time of housing census but these are not found now.
b) Tent or cottage, etc may not be present in this block now.
In the first situation, you should try to locate it in this block and enumerate it according to the serial number already given to it. For the second situation: i.e., where about of this house hold is not known in other words the household has gone somewhere else then a cross "X" will be entered in this column and population census form will not be filled for such households.
5. You can come across such building which was numbered during the housing census but it has now been demolished and the household residing in it has shifted to some other place in the same block or some where else. If the household has shifted to some other place in the same block then enumeration will done according to the serial number given previously. In other situation enter cross "X" in this column and population census form will not be filled for such household.
6. It is possible that some household has been left uncounted in a numbered building or some new household has also come in building or a house hold has been divided into many households. In such a situation this new household will also be entered at the end of house listing registers. The serial number of this household will be the next number to the serial number of last household number in column number 4 of the house listing registers. However, the building's number will remain the same that has been marked earlier. Enter other characteristics of such household in the relevant columns.
7. If a number has been put on some left-over building or newly constructed building or semi residential building during population census, then you will enumerate all the households of this building, will give them a serial number, and this number will be the next to last number of household entered in the house listing registers. Enter other characteristics of this household in the relevant columns.
2.1 Population Census forms and Registers
2.1.1 Importance of two Population Census forms
Two forms will be used in Population Census on short form, in which there will a few question: e.g., (1) Name, (2) Relationship with hired of household, (3) Residential status, (4) Sex, (5) Age, (6) Marital status, (7) Religion, (8) Ability to read the Holy Quran, (9) Literacy, (10) Level of education, (11) Language spoken by the household. These questions will be asked to about ninety percent of the population. There will a long questionnaire for the rest of the Population. In which, besides all the above mentioned questions, the following additional questions shall be asked:
2. Field of education
3. Migration
4. Economic characteristic:
ii) occupation
iii) nature of work of institution or business
iv) employment status of worker
5. Children born alive
6. No of children still living
7. Children born during the last twelve months
8. Disability
9. Number of persons gone abroad and still residing there.
This method was adopted to save more than ninety percent of the population from the trouble of answering additional questions and to make the level of information obtained, through comparatively difficult questions, better. This could only be possible if these characteristics are collected through the specially trained enumerators under strict supervision. The short questionnaire is form number 3 and the long questionnaire form number 4. In which blocks of Population Census form number 4 will be used its information will be given to the enumerators through their circle supervisors.
2.1.2. Register of Population Census: form number 4
Form number 4 will be provided in the shape of registers. Registers of form number 4 will consist of hundred or fifty forms. One form will be on two pages in front of each other. One form will be used for each household, on which the particulars of twelve persons can be entered. If members of the household are more than twelve, then the next form will be used; and if the members of the household are less than twelve, then the rest of the blank lines may be crossed with a slash. Two or three registers will generally be required for one block. If the second or third register is required for entries of more than fifty households, then use a register of hundred forms, otherwise a register of fifty forms will be sufficient. If you have used more than one register then fill in first page of additional registers according to instructions, but on the first page of the additional register the part of summary and affidavit may be left blank. Attach additional register with the actual filled in register.
2.1.3. Unit of Enumeration
The unit of enumeration is a person, but every person is counted with reference of the household with which is residing.
2.2. Instructions of filling up first page of the register of Population Census
2.2.1. Block Name/Number
2.2.2. Block code
2.2.3. Boundaries of block and its details
2.2.4. Administrative area of block and its details
2.2.1 to 2.2.4 can be copied from the first page of the house listing registers. Your block after completing it according to the instructions written in paragraph 1.5.2 will help as a complete list of households in Population Census
Make entries in the specified blank places here
b) Number of households
c) Total number of persons
d) Number of males
e) Number of females
Total number of persons, on the inner page of the title page male and female will be entered. The number of such persons only will be written here for whom in column number 4 the codes "1" or "2" have been entered. The visitors and "guests" for whom code number 3 has been entered will not be included in it. After completion of entries of all pages the total of all the registers will be entered at this page with which the total households, total persons, total males, and total females will be known easily.
2.2.6 Affidavit
Since the work of the enumerators is very important therefore the affidavit reminds him of the responsibility to perform duties properly. Put name, signature and date on the place left under the affidavit to complete it. The summary and affidavit will be entered after completing Population Census work in the block.
2.3 Instructions to fill up form No. 4
2.3.1 Name/Number of Block
The name/number of the block will be same that will be entered on the title page. It will be repeated on every page of the list.
2.3.2. Mauza/hadbast number in case of deh
Write the hadbast number of the mauza/deh in which the block is located where the revenue system has been established. In Sind province, the number given by the Revenue department may be written in place of the hadbast number. In such areas where revenue system is not in existence put a cross "X" in place of the hadbast number.
2.3.3. Serial number of household
Write here the serial number of the household that has been entered in the house listing registers column number 4 of forms 1(a)/1(b). As you have been told earlier, one form of population register is sufficient for twelve members of the household. If the number of persons is more than twelve then the next page of the register will be used and serial number of the household should be written on the next page, but it should be kept in view that no mistake is committed while coping the serial number of the household from the house listing register
2.3.4. Page number
Every filled in page in the register will be given page number. If more than one register are used in some block then number next to the last page number of the last register will be written on the first page of the additional register/registers.
2.4. Instructions for filling up of various columns of form number 4
2.4.1. Column number 1 - Serial number of every member of household
Write serial number of every member of household, this number will start from 1 for every household.
2.4.2. Column number 2 - Name
Write name of all members of the household (name of one person in one line). Though these persons are present in the house on the dawn of 1st of March, 1981 or temporarily absent means such persons who have gone somewhere in connection with employment, business. Absence from the house to see the relative and execution will also come under temporary absence. All the visitors and guests present in the house on the Census date, i.e. 1st March, 1981 will also be entered though they have home or not.
Full names should be written and nick names be written in brackets. If you have written only nicknames it should be ensured that this person is not being entered again. If some male is not ready to tell the name of females of his house or some female is not ready to tell the name of her husband or some other relative according to customs of that area then do not force them for the names and these names may be written like: wife of that son of that; daughter of that; mother of that; husband of that. If the name has not been given to some infant, then his name may be written as: son of that; daughter of that. Such members of the household who are unfortunately residing in sanitarium, mental hospital, jail or this type of institutions or hostels, camps, defense forces/semi defense forces or police in barracks will not be entered. These persons will also not be counted who were members of this household earlier but are now residing somewhere else in the country or abroad in connection with study employment or business.
Members of the household will be entered in specific orders: first of all the name of the head of the household will be written, then comes name of wife or husband. The names of unmarried children according to their ages will be written thereafter. The married children of the head of the household their wives and their children will be entered only if they are member of this household. They will be entered after unmarried children according to this order:
His wife/husband
His children according to ages and then married boy/girl younger to him and his children, etc
Other relatives if they are members of the household will be entered. Non-relatives guests, visitors will be written in the last. Head of the household can be a male and also female. It means that persons to whom all members of the household consider as head of the house. This person could be the oldest or respected or bread winner of the household. If someone is residing alone he himself will be considered as head of the household.
It is necessary to enter all the persons before asking and entering the information about other columns. If, while entering names of persons, information about relation with head of the household, sex could be obtained then these two columns may also be filled in with the column of name. Read the names of all the members of the household before the respondent of the household and ask him if is there is some other person besides them who generally reside in this house, or residing in his house on the dawn of 1st March, 1981, e.g., children, females, older, other residents. If this is the case then names of all such persons may also be asked and entered in this column.
2.4.3. Column number 3 - Relationship with the head of household
Write here the relationship of every person entered in column number 2. Relationship of every person with the head of he household will be written in the following order.
[] 2 Wife/husband - will be entered for wife/husband of head of household
[] 3 Son/daughter - will be entered for son/daughter of the head of household
[] 4 Other relatives - will be written if there is some other relation with the head of house
[] 5 Non-relatives - will be written if there is no relation with the head of household
2.4.4. Column number 4 - Residential status
You will ask residential status of every entered person. Residential status is of the following three types:
[] 2 Member of household temporarily absent. If member of the household is temporarily absent from the house on population census day, write code number "2".
[] 3 Guests or visitors. If the person is a guest or visitor instead of member of household then code number "3" will be written.
2.4.5. Column number 5 - Sex
Code number "1" will be written for male including boy and child; emasculate will also be entered as male and his code will be "1".
For women including girl and baby will be written code "2".
2.4.6. Column number 6 - Age
For age, you will inquire the age on the last birth day and write age in two digits (age 02 will be written for those who have completed two years, age 34 will be written who have completed thirty four years and 99 years for those who are of ninety nine age or more). Those infants who are of age less than 1 will be written as "00". In some cases the respondent may not be able to tell correct age of a few persons; then he may be helped in determining the age.
National or international events like World War II 1939-45, creation of Pakistan 1947 Quaid-e-Azam's death in 1948, Indo-Pak War in 1965 and 1971, etc. or the reference of certain local events can help in determining correct age.
The age of some persons can be determined with reference to those people whose age is known, especially when you start with youngest person. The married people know their age with reference to their marriage. They may also remember after how many years of marriage their eldest child was born and after how many years gap was there between later children. If age of one member of the household is known the correct age of other members can be determined.
2.4.7. Column number 7 - Marital Status
Marital status of every person of twelve years age or more will be entered. The marital status is of the following four types:
[] 2 Married. This includes all persons who are married. All such couples which are living separately will also be included. The widowed women or widower males, who have married a second time will also be included. Code number "2" will be written for married persons.
[] 3 Widower/widowed. If husband of any women or wife of a husband has died and he/she had not married again then code number "3" will be written for him/her.
[] 4 Divorced. If someone has been divorced and has not been married again, code number "4" will be written for him/her.
2.4.8. Column number 8 - Religion
You will ask for every person and enter the code of the religion given in answer.
The following are codes of religions:
[] 2 Ahmedi
[] 3 Christian
[] 4 Hindu
[] 5 Parsi
[] 6 Sikh
[] 7 Buddhist
[] 8 Others
Code "8" will be written for the religions that are not included in the above mentioned religions. If some person has no religion or he does not tell about his religion even then code "8" will be written.
2.4.9. Column number 9 - Can he/she read the Holy Quran
This question is asked only to Muslims - that is, persons for whom in column number 8 the code number "1" has been entered.
The answer can be of the three types.
[] 2 He/she is learning. If this person cannot read the Holy Quran but is learning to read it, then write code "2" for him/her.
[] 3 No. If this person neither can read the Holy Quran nor learning to read then code "3" may be written for him/her.
2.4.10 Column number 10 - Literacy
For this column you will ask about the person of ages five and above whether he can read news paper and can write a simple letter? If answer is "No" then write code "0". But if the answer is "Yes" then ask in which language he can read newspaper and write simple letter write codes of relevant language/languages in the following ways.
[] 2 If they can read/write in English, then write code "2"
[] 3 If they can read/write in language/languages other than Urdu and English, then write code "3"
[] 4 If they can read/write in both Urdu and English languages, then write codes "1" and "2".
[] 5 If they can read/write in Urdu and some other language/languages (except English) then write codes "1" and "3".
[] 6 If they can read/write in English or some other language/languages (except Urdu), then write codes "2" and "3".
[] 7 If they can read/write in some other language/languages besides English, then write codes "1", "2", and "3".
If a person has been reported as literate but did not pass primary school from then some questions may be asked verifying his literacy, for example, which newspaper or which type of books do you read, etc.?
2.4.11. Column number 11 - Education in school/college/universities
You will ask from entered persons whether he is studying in school/college/university, there could be three answers.
[] 2 He/she has attained education. If this person is not studying now but he studied in some educational institutions earlier, write code "2" for such person. Those who have completed and those who left the education half way are both included in it.
[] 3 Never attended any educational institution. If this person has never attended any educational institution, for attaining education then write code "3" for him.
2.4.12. Education status
This column will be filled about only those persons for whom code "1" or "2" has been written in 2.4.11 (for those persons who are/were students)
2.4.12. Level of education
The highest level of education which has been completed by this person will be written in this column. If any person could not pass examination of any level or did not appear in the examination or could not complete it but have studied in this level, such persons will be treated as possessing this level of education and his education level will be considered as lower level of education then this; i.e., that level which he has completed or relevance code of completed level of education be written. Detail of levels is as below:
[] 01 Middle
[] 02 Matric
[] 03 Intermediate
[] 04 Certificate/diploma (less then degree)
[] 05 BA/BSc
[] 06 MA/MSc or higher level
[] 07 BSc engineering or higher level
[] 08 MBBS/BDS or higher level
[] 09 LLB or higher level
[] 10 Other level of education
2.4.13. Column number 13 - Field of education
The persons who have been entered in column number "12" are asked about his field of education. Field of education means those subjects in which highest level of education has been attained and entered in column number "12" write relevant code of field of education. Detail of field of education is given below.
Primary, Middle, Metric Intermediate and Bachelor degree (BA/BSc in accounts or science are included in it)
[] 2. Technical/engineering:
The following departments of arts and engineering are included in it: civil, electrical and electronic, industrial, metallurgical, mining (related to mining), mechanical, agricultural, forestry, chemical, petro-chemical, aviation, nautical (related to ships). This department includes: survey, drafting and programs of designing and every type of engineering. Technical programs and cottage industry, hand crafting and industrial programs are included; archeology and town planning program are also included in it.
[] 3. Medical /tib:
In this field are included program of diagnosis and treatment, medicine and surgery. Techniques of X-ray dental, pharmacy are included.
[] 4. Health
General health, nursing, midwifery and other educational program related to health are included in it.
[] 5. Commerce/business, administration
Typing, shorthand, clerical, office, use of mechanics, ledger keeping, accounting, data processing business administration, marketing and sales, financial administration and investment general administration, industrial management, staff management and other trade business and educational programmers of general administration are included.
[] 6. Teaching
These are such education programs through which the persons who want to be teachers get training of teaching in every type of subjects to teach all types of students. This includes all types of programs of higher education.
[] 7. Agricultural education/forestry/animal husbandry
The programs related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries and programs of general agriculture, cattle farming, horticulture, gardening, crop cultivation, agricultural technology, science and technology, animal husbandry science of fisheries and technology come under it.
[] 8. Law
This includes philosophy of law, history of law, international law, civil and criminal law, labor laws and other laws
[] 9. Other departments
Such departments will come under it which have not been identified in the above mentioned list
[Questions 2.3.14 - 2.4.15]
2.4.14. Column number 14 - Duration of continuous residence
You will ask every person how long he has been residing in the district continuously where he is being enumerated. There could be four types of answers
[] 2 Less than five years. If this person has been residing in this district for less than five years continuously, then write code number "2".
[] 3 Between five and ten years. If a person has been residing in this district continuously for five years or more but less than ten years, then write code number "3".
[] 4 Ten years or more. If the period of continuous residence in this district is ten years or more, then write code number "4".
2.4.15. Column number 15 - Location of previous residence
If the answers in the last column are in code "2", "3" or "4" (the person has not been residing in this district since his birth) then write name of that district in this column in which he was residing earlier. Urban/rural will also be clarified along with the name of the district. For example, if the entered person migrated from a village of district Lahore then Lahore (R) will be written in this column, and if the entered person has migrated from some town or city of Lahore then Lahore (U) will be written.
For migration from the other countries, write the name of that country.
Economic Characteristics
[Questions 2.4.16 to 2.4.19]
2.4.16 Column number 16 - Work
You will ask every person of ages ten years or above what does he/she usually do. There could be five possible answers.
2.4.17 Column number 17 - What is main job, profession, trade or what kind of work usually do?
The question will be asked to those persons for which code number "1" and "2" have been written for question 2.4.16. The nature of profession or business may be given if the person himself does such things and may not be entered if the profession could not be identified. In some cases the respondent may not know the profession of a person but he can tell the field of work. You should explain the field so that later on his profession could be determined.
If this person is in search of employment, enter that profession according to his ability or which experience he/she had. But if he neither has ability nor experience, write the profession he is searching for.
All the occupations have been divided into seven major groups. Every major group of occupation has been further divided into detailed occupations. Detail list of occupations has been given in the Annex-I. Major groups are as follow:
[] 2 Production and related works, transports equipment operators and laborers
[] 3 Clerical and related workers
[] 4 Sales workers
[] 5 Service workers
[] 6 Administrative and managerial workers
[] 7 Professional, technical and related workers
2.4.18. Column number 18 - Nature of activities of this organization/business in which he/she works.
This question will be asked about that person for whom code number "1" has been entered. This column is not for the profession of that person who has been entered in question 2.4.17. Rather, the nature of the employer institution will be written here, and where this person is working. But if some person is not an employee (does his own work), then the nature of his work will be written. In other words, the economic field will be written here. If the employer institution or the person himself works in more than one economic field, then write that economic field which is of important nature.
Economic fields have been divided into 9 major groups. Every major group has further been divided into detailed economic fields. Detailed list of economic fields is given in Annex number "2".
Economic fields of major groups are as follow:
[] 2 Mining and quavering
[] 3 Metal are mining
[] 4 Electricity, gas and water
[] 5 Construction
[] 6 Wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels
[] 7 Transport, storage and communication
[] 8 Finance, insurance, real estate, and business services
[] 9 Community social and personal services
2.4.19 Column number 19 - What is his/her working status or capacity in which working
This question will also be asked from that person for whom code "1" has been entered in column number 16. This column is for employment status of the worker. Employment status could be of the following five types.
This is a person who is working himself on agriculture farm or run business or industry or practicing in his own profession and has not employed any servant in this connection. Write code "1" for such persons.
[] 2 Employee - government
This represents person who works in government/semi-government institution for salary. Write code "2" for such a person.
[] 3 Employee - private
This represents person who works for pay with some person/agricultural farm/shop/firm/institution or office which is not in the administrative contract of federal/provincial/local government or autonomous organizations with code "3" for such persons.
[] 4 Employer
This represents a person who runs his own agricultural farm, or business, or industry, or practice in some field and has employed one or more servants; write code "4" for the employer.
[] 5 Unpaid family helper
This is for persons who work on their family farm, or business, or industry without pay or profit; write code "5" for such person.
[Questions 4.2.20 - 4.2.22: for married/widow/divorced women]
2.4.20 Column number 20 - How many children were born?
Ask of every woman who is not unmarried how many children were ever born to her. Still births will not be included in it. Write here the number of children that are given in the answer. Children born alive include those children that were born alive but died later on. If a women married once or more times, then write the number of all the children born to her. The married children will also be included in number of children.
Sometime due memory loss, the exact number of children is not remembered - e.g., such children are not remembered who are not alive or who are not living with the household - and there may be reluctance in getting such children enumerated. In order to know the factual position such type of questions should be asked: "Have you included those children who have died or are not living in this house?"
2.4.21. Column number 21 - How many children are still living?
You will ask every woman whose number of children has been entered in question 2.4.20. It will be asked: "By the grace of God, how many children out of the given number are still alive?" Enter the number given in the answer in this column.
2.4.22 Column number 22 - Children born during the last twelve month?
Every women of less than 50 years for whom any entry has been made in column number 20 will be asked: "Was any child/children born alive to her during the last twelve months?" The still births are not included in it. Enter the number of children given in the answer. Generally the answer will be one child but in some exceptional cases there can also be two children.
2.4.23 Column number 23 - Disability
You will ask to the respondent: "God forbid, are there any disabled persons in the household?" If the answer is yes, then ask the name of the disabled person. Enter relevant code of disability for the disabled person the detail of which has been given below:
[] 2 Dumb and deaf
[] 3 Physically disabled
[] 4 Mentally retarded
[] 5 Mad
[] 6 Other disabled
Disability means the physical or muscular improvement of any person which could be by birth or caused as a result of sickness or accident.
1. Blind
2. Dumb or deaf:
3. Crippled:
4. Mentally retarded:
5. Mad:
6. Other disabilities:
2.4.24. Column number 24 - Serial number of every member of the household
Write here again the serial number of every member of household written in column number "1" of this form.
Both of these questions are related with household and will be asked to the respondent after entering characteristics of all persons
2.4.25 Column number 25 - Migration
You will ask the respondent if any earlier members of the household migrated out of the country during the last ten years and are still residing there. If the answer is "Yes", then enter the number of such persons in the blank space left before the question. Such members of the household who went out of the country for business or normal visit are not included in this answer.
2.4.26 Column number 26 - Language
The last question you will ask the respondent is what language is spoken by the household and the language given in the answer may be entered in the blank space left before the questions.
[] 1 1-15: Agricultural, animal husbandry, forestry workers, fisherman and hunter
[] 2 16-97: Production and related workers, equipment transport, laborers
[] 3 98-118 Official workers
[] 4 98-131: Salesman
[] 5 132-145: Service workers
[] 6 146-150 Administrative and managerial workers
[] 7 151-196 Professional technical and related workers
1 Agricultural, animal husbandry, forestry workers, fisherman and hunter
1 Farm manager and supervisors
2 General farmers
3 Specialized farmers, excluding tea planting workers
4 General farm workers
5 Field crop and vegetable growing workers
7 Livestock and poultry farming
8 Dairy farming
9 Tea plantation workers
10 Nursery workers and gardens including labial workers
11 Farm machinery operators
12 Loggers
13 Forestry workers and loggers
14 Fisherman
15 Hunter trappers and game wardens
2. Production and related workers, transport equipments, and laborer
16 Production supervisors and general foremen
17 Miners and quarrying men
18 Mineral and stone treaties
19 Well drillers, borers and related workers
20 Miners and quarrying men, well drillers, borers and related workers including workers extracting gold from river sand
21 Metal smelting, converting and refining workers
22 Well drillers, borers and related workers
23 Metal meters and repeaters
24 Metal casters
25 Metal molders and core makers
26 Metal anteaters, temperas and case hardness
27 Metal drawers and extruders
28 Metal platters and coaters
29 Metal processors not elsewhere classified
30 Wood traders
31 Sawyers plywood makers and related wood processing workers
32 Paper makers
33 Crushers, grinders and mixers operators
34 Cookers, roasters and related heat treating machine operators
35 Filter and Separator operators
36 Still and reactor operator
37 Petroleum refining workers
38 Fiber preparers
39 Spinners, winders and twisters
40 Weaving and knitting machine setters and pattern card preparers
41 Weavers and related workers (textile)
42 Knitters
43 Bleachers, dyers and textile product finishers
44 Tanners and fell mongers
45 Pelt dressers
46 Grain millers, rice huskers and related workers
47 Sugar processors and refiners
48 Butchers and meat preparers
49 Food preservers
50 Dairy product processors
51 Bakers, confectionery and seat meat makers
52 Tea coffee and coca prepares
53 Bewares, wine and beverage makers
54 Tobacco preparers
55 Cigar makers
56 Cigarette makers
57 Bidi makers
58 Tailors and dressmakers
59 Fur tailors and related workers
60 Milliners and hat makers
61 Patternmakers and cutters
62 Sewers and embroiders
63 Upholsters and related workers
64 Rubber and plastics product makers (except tire makers and tire vulcanizers)
65 Type makers and vulcanizers
66 Paper and paperboard product makers
67 Compositors, typesetters and phototypesetters
68 Printing pressmen
69 Stereotypes and electrotypers
70 Printing engravers (except photo engravers)
71 Photo engravers
72 Book binders and related workers
73 Photographic darkroom workers
74 Printers
75 Musical instrument makers and tuners
76 Basketry weavers and brush makers
77 Non metallic mineral product makers
78 Other production and related workers
79 Bricklayers, stonemasons and tile setters
80 Reinforced concreters, cement finishers and terrazzo workers
81 Roofers
82 Carpenters, joiners and parquetry workers
83 Plasterers
84 Insulators
85 Glaziers
86 Power generation machinery operators
87 Dockers and freight handlers
88 Riggers and cable splices
89 Crane and hoist operators
90 Earth moving and related machinery operators
91 Ships deck ratings, barge crews and boatmen
92 Ships engine room ratings
93 Railway engine drivers and firemen
94 Railway brakemen, signalmen and shutters
95 Motor vehicle drivers
96 Animal and animal drawn vehicle drivers
97 Cycle rickshaw drivers and pullers (manual)
3. Official workers
98 General Office supervisors
99 Non-gazette officers in local administration and government
100 Stenographers, typists and teletypes
101 Card and tape punching machine operators
102 Book keepers, cashier and related workers
103 Office machine operators
104 Automatic data processing machine operators
105 Railway station masters
106 Post masters
107 Railway passenger and goods train guards
108 Bus and tram conductors
109 Inland water transport conductors
110 Postmen and sorters
111 Messengers
112 Tele communication operators
113 Stock clerks
114 Material and production planning clerks
115 Correspondence and reporting clerks
116 Receptionists and travel agency clerks
117 Library and filing assistant
118 General clerks including government clerks
4. Salesmen
119 Managers (wholesale trade)
120 Managers (retail trade)
121 Working proprietors (wholesale and retail trade)
122 Sales supervisors/representatives
123 Purchasing agents and buyers
124 Technical salesmen and service advisors
125 Commercial travelers and manufacturer's agents/representatives
126 Insurance, real estate and securities salesmen
127 Business and advertising services agents
128 Auctioneers
129 Salesmen, shop assistant and demonstrators
130 Street vendors/canvassers
131 Money lenders and pawn brokers
5. Service workers
132 Managers (catering and lodging services)
133 Working proprietors (catering and lodging services)
134 Housekeeping and related service supervisors
135 Cooks and chefs
136 Waiters, bartenders and related workers
137 Building caretakers
138 Char workers, cleaners related workers
139 Launderers, dry cleaners and pressers (including dhobies)
140 Hair dresses, barbers, beauticians and related workers
141 Fire fighters
142 Policemen and detectives
143 Guides
144 Undertakers and embalmers
145 Other service workers
6. Administrative and managerial workers
146 Governors, ministers and legislators not otherwise occupied (employed)
147 Government administrators and executives
148 Manages, directors and working proprietors mining and quarrying, manufacturing, construction, communications, transport utility and sanitary services, excluding wholesale and retail trade and production managers
149 Production managers, except farms
150 Managers, directors and working proprietors of wholesale and retail trade including banks, insurance, real estate and other financial and business services institutions.
7. Professional technical and related workers
151 Chemists
152 Physicists
153 Physical science technicians
154 Architects and town planners
155 Civil engineers
156 Electrical and electronics engineers
157 Mechanical engineers including marine and aeronautical engineers
158 Chemical engineers
159 Metallurgists
160 Mining engineers and metallurgical engineers
161 Industrial engineers
162 Surveyors
163 Draughtsman and cartographers including lithographic artists
164 Civil engineering technicians
165 Electrical and electronics engineering technicians
166 Mechanical engineering technicians
167 Chemical engineering technicians
168 Metallurgical technicians
169 Mining technicians
170 Aircraft pilots, navigators and flight engineers
171 Ships deck officers and pilots
172 Ships engineers
173 Biologists, zoologists and related scientists
174 Bacteriologists, pharmacologists and related scientist
175 Agronomists and related scientists
176 Lift science technicians
177 Medical doctors and surgeons
178 Medical assistants
179 Dentists
180 Dental assistants
181 Veterinarians
182 Veterinary assistant
183 Pharmacists
184 Pharmaceutical assistants
185 Dieticians and public health nutritionist
186 Professional nurses
187 Professional midwives
188 Optometrists and opticians
189 Physiotherapists and occupational therapists
190 Medical X-ray technicians
191 Hakims/vieds and homoeopathic doctors
192 Statisticians
193 Mathematicians and actuaries
194 Systems analysis and programmers
195 Statistical and mathematical technicians
Annex 2
List of Economic Professions
[] 1 1-10: Agricultural forestry, fishery and hunting
[] 2 11-18: Mining and quarrying
[] 3 19-159: Manufacturing
[] 4 160-164: Electricity, gas and water
[] 5 165-176: Construction
[] 6 177-281: Wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels
[] 7 282-294: Transport, storage and communication
[] 8 295-303: Financing, insurance, real estate and business services
[] 9 304-360: Community, social and personal services
1. Agricultural, forestry, hunting and fishery
1 Agricultural production - field crops
2 Service related to agriculture
3 Hunting, trapping and game propagation
4 Cattle farming
5 Diary farming
6 Poultry farming
7 Forestry
8 Logging
9 Fishing n.e.c
10 Ocean and coastal fishing
2. Mining and quarrying
11 Coal mining
12 Crude petroleum and natural gas products
13 Natural gas production
14 Iron ore mining
15 Non ferrous are mining
16 Stone quarrying,
17 Clay and sandpits
18 Salt mining
3. Manufacturing
19 Slaughtering, preparing, canning and preserve of meat
20 Manufacturing of dairy products
21 Processing, canning and preserving of fruits and vegetables
22 Processing, canning and preserving of fish and other sea foods
23 Flour mills
24 Rice milling
25 Manufacture of bakery products
26 Sugar factories and refineries
27 Manufacture of cocoa chocolate sugar confectionery
28 Processing of tea
29 Manufacture of prepared animals feeds
30 Manufacture of vegetable ghee
31 Manufacture of ice
32 Edible salt refining
33 Manufacture of miscellaneous food products
34 Cotton seed oils
35 Non-alcoholic beverage industries
36 Cigarettes Manufacture
37 Cigar manufacturing
38 Bidi manufacturing
39 Tobacco industries n.e.c
40 Cotton textiles mills, except handloom industry
41 Woolen textiles mills, except handloom industry
41 Jute textiles mills, except handloom industry
43 Silk, art silk and synthetic textile mills except handloom industry
44 Spinning weaving and finishing of narrow fabrics
45 Handloom industry
46 Dyeing bleaching and finishing of textiles only
47 Knitting (hosiery) mills
48 Manufacturing of carpets and rugs
49 Cordage rope and twine industries
50 Spooling and thread ball manufacturing
51 Manufacturing of readymade garments
52 Manufacturing of hats and caps
53 Manufacture of wearing apparel except footwear
54 Tanning and leather finishing
55 Fur dressing and dyeing
56 Manufacture of products of leather and leather substitutes except footwear and wearing apparel
57 Manufacture of footwear except vulcanized or molded rubber or plastic footwear
58 Cotton ginning pressing and baling of fibers
59 Wood Processing
60 Saw and planning mils
61 Plywood and plywood products
62 Manufacturing wood articles except furniture
63 Particle-board mils
64 Manufacturing of products of Bamboo reed and others canes
65 Manufacture of wood and wood and cork products n.e.c. except furniture
66 Manufacture of wooden furniture and fixtures
67 Manufacture of cane furniture
68 Manufacture of pulp and paper
69 Manufacture of paper board
70 Manufacture of articles of pulp, paper and paper board
71 Printing and publishing
72 Allied industries of printing and publishing
73 Manufacture of allopathic medicines and drugs
74 Manufacture of Uniani medicines
75 Manufacture of "Ayurovedic" medicines
76 Manufacture of homeopathic and bio-chemic medicines
77 Manufacture of basic industrial chemicals except fertilizer
79 Manufacture of compressed, liquefied and solidified gases
80 Manufacture of fertilizers
81 Manufacture of pesticides
82 Manufacture of synthetic resins, plastic materials and man-made fibers except glass
83 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and lacquers
84 Manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics
85 Manufacture of soap (all kind) and detergents
86 Manufacture of polishes and waxes
87 Manufacture of matches
88 Manufacture of ink (all kinds)
89 Manufacture of candles
90 Petroleum refining
90 Manufacture of miscellaneous products of petroleum and coal
91 Manufacture of tires and tubes
92 Manufacture of earthen ware
93 Manufacture of pottery, china and earthenware
94 Manufacture of glass and glass products
95 Manufacture of bricks, tiles and other structural clay products
96 Iron and steel mills
97 Manufacture of cement products
98 Manufacture of cement
99 Iron and steel foundries
100 Iron and steel re-rolling mills
101 Non-ferrous metal basic industries
102 Manufacture of cutlery
103 Manufacture hand and edge tools
104 Manufacture razors, safety razors and razor blades
105 Manufacture furniture and fixtures primarily of metal
106 Manufacture structural metal products
107 Metal stamping, coating, electroplating, galvanizing and enameling, etc.
108 Manufacture of heating, cooking and lighting equipment
109 Manufacture of wire products
110 Manufacture of utensils - aluminum
111 Manufacture of utensils - copper and brass
112 Manufacture of utensils - steel
113 Manufacture of metal barrels and drums
114 Manufacture of tin cans and tin-ware
115 Manufacture of metal trunks
116 Manufacture of bolts, nuts, rivets and washers
117 Manufacture of metal sanitary ware and plumbing equipment
118 Safes, safe and vaults
119 Manufacture of engine and turbine
120 Manufacture of agricultural machinery and equipment excluding agriculture hand tools
121 Manufacture of metal and wood working machinery
122 Manufacture of textile machinery
123 Manufacture of industrial machinery except agricultural metal and wood working and textile machinery
124 Manufacture of office, computing and accounting machines
125 Manufacture of sewing machines
126 Manufacture of electrical industrial machinery and apparatus
127 Manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus
127 Manufacture radio and television
128 Manufacture of electrical appliances and house wares
129 Manufacture of wires and cables
130 Manufacture of electric bulbs and tubes
131 Manufacture of batteries
132 Manufacture of telephone and telegraph equipment
133 Ship building and repairing (mechanically propelled
134 Boat building and repairing (non-mechanical)
135 Manufacture of rail road equipment
136 Manufacture of motor vehicles
137 Manufacture of motor cycles, auto-rickshaws
138 Manufacture of cycles
139 Manufacture of aircraft
140 Manufacture of animal and hand drawn cars and carriages
141 Manufacture of surgical, medical and dental instruments, equipments and supplies
142 Manufacture of watches and clocks
143 Manufacture of weights and scales
144 Manufacture of photographic
145 Manufacture of optical goods
146 Handicrafts
147 Manufacture of sports and athletic goods
148 Manufacture of jewelry precious metal
149 Manufacture of imitation jewelry
150 Manufacture of musical instruments
151 Manufacture of toys mechanical
152 Manufacture of pencils
153 Manufacture of pens and other office articles and supplies
154 Manufacture of umbrellas and walking sticks
155 Manufacture of buttons, studs, hooks and fasteners
156 Manufacture of signs and advertising displays
157 Bone crushing
158 Manufacture of bangles
159 Manufacture of broom and brushes
4. Electricity, gas and water
160 Hydroelectric power
161 Thermal electric power
162 Nuclear electric power
163 Gas manufacturing and distribution
164 Water, work and supplies
5. Construction
165 Building construction
166 installing electric fittings in buildings
167 installing electric city and water supply and gas line fittings in buildings
168 Carpeting work in building
169 Heating and air-conditioning in buildings
170 Construction, repairing, maintenance street, road, highways and bridges.
171 Construction, irrigation project
172 Construction hydroelectric project
173 Construction, repair and maintenance of railway projects
174 Construction, repair and maintenance of telecommunication project
175 Construction, repair and maintenance of docks, harbors
176 Construction, aviation project
6. Wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels
177 Grains wholesale
178 Cotton wholesale
179 Hides and skins wholesale
180 Wool and hair wholesale
181 Fertilizers wholesale
182 Coal and coke wholesale
183 petroleum production wholesale
184 Lumber and timber wholesale
185 Bamboo and cane wholesale
186 Bricks, cement and masons materials wholesale
187 Plywood, glass and other similar articles
188 Paints, varnishes and colors wholesale
189 Lumber and construction materials wholesale
190 Industrial machinery, equipment and supplies
191 Office and commercial machines, equipment and supplies
192 Agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies
193 Motor vehicles, accessories and parts
194 Hardware and related items
195 Electrical appliance apparatus, equipment and supplies
196 Textiles textile products apparel and accessories
197 Cloths wholesale
198 Yarn and thread wholesale
199 Garments and hosiery wholesale
200 Second hand cloths
201 Footwear
202 Fruits, fresh wholesale
203 Vegetables, fresh wholesale
204 Groceries and provisions wholesale
205 Tea wholesale
206 Poultry and eggs wholesale
207 Dairy products wholesale
208 Ghee and cooking oils wholesale
209 Fish and sea foods wholesale
210 General merchandise
211 Medicines and drugs
212 Paper and paper products
213 Leather, leather substitutes and products
214 Sports, athletic good and toys
215 China, glassware etc
216 Cigarettes, cigars and "bidi"
217 Flue-wood and charcoal
218 Cycles and parts
219 Importers and exports
220 Agents and brokers
221 Groceries and other food item
222 Meat - mutton
223 Meat - beef
224 Poultry
225 Fish
226 Fruits fresh
227 Vegetables, fresh
228 Milk
229 Sweet meats
230 Pan and cigarettes
231 Bread butter and eggs
232 Retail bakeries
233 Alcoholic beverages
234 Cloths - retail
235 Garments and hosiery
236 Carpet and rugs
237 Caps and other head-wear
238 Footwear
239 Second hand clothing
240 Furniture - retail
241 Radio, television, etc
242 Household electrical and gas appliances
243 Including fans, refrigerators, etc
244 Earthen wear
245 Utensils, metal
246 Suitcases, leather and substitutes
247 Trunks and suitcases metal
248 Sewing machines
249 Hardware- retail
250 Paints, varnishes and colors
251 Timber and lumber
252 Plywood, glass, c-retail
253 Bricks, cement and other masons materials
254 Sanitary-ware and plumbing supplies
255 Electrical building supplies
256 Motor cars and trucks
257 Motor cycles, scooters and auto-rickshaws
258 Motor vehicle parts and accessories
259 Cycles-retail
260 Cycle parts and accessories
261 Department stores
262 General merchandise stores
263 Medicines and drugs
264 Books, periodicals and newspapers
265 Stationary sports, athletic goods and toys
266 Sports, athletic goods and toys
267 Watches and clocks
268 Optical goods
269 Camera and photographic goods
270 Jewelry and ornaments
271 Bangles
272 Flowers
273 Handicrafts-retail
274 Second hand stores except clothing
275 Petrol stations
276 Fuel wood, charcoal, coal and coke etc
277 Hay, fodder and animal feeds
278 Restaurants, cafes and cafeterias
279 Wine bars
280 Eating and drinking places
281 Hotels, rooming houses, camps and other lodging places
7. Transport, storage and communication
282 Railway transport
283 Passenger transport
284 Passenger transport mechanized
285 Freight transport by road - mechanized
286 Freight transport by road - non-mechanized
287 Inland water transport - mechanized
288 Stevedoring services
289 Air transport
290 Supporting services to air transport
291 Services incidental to transport
292 Storage and warehousing
293 Postal services
294 Telegraph services
8. Financing, insurance, real estate and business services
295 Telephone services
296 Monetary institutions
297 Other financial institutions
298 Insurance
299 Real estate and business services
300 Accounting, auditing and book keeping services
301 Data processing and tabulating services
302 Engineering, architectural and technical services
303 Advertising services
9. Community, social and personal services
304 Central government (federal government and defense services)
305 Provincial government
306 Local government
307 Semi government and autonomous bodies/organizations
308 Cleaning and other services
309 First level general education
310 First level specialized education
311 Second level general education
312 Second level specialized education in teaching
313 Second level specialized education in commerce
314 Second level specialized education in craft and technology
315 Second level specialized education in medicine
316 Second level specialized education in agriculture forestry and fishery
317 Second level specialized education not elsewhere classified
318 Third level general education and specialized education in humanities
319 Third level specialized education in teaching and education
320 Third level specialized education in law
321 Third level specialized education in commerce and business administration
322 Third level specialized education in technology and engineering
323 Third level specialized education in medicine
324 Third level specialized education in agriculture forestry, and fishery
325 Third level specialized education not elsewhere classified
326 Madrasah and other religious education
327 special education for physically, mentally or socially handicapped
328 Education not definable by level and not elsewhere classified
329 Research and scientific institutions
330 Medical, dental and other services
331 Veterinary services
332 Orphanages homes for blind, aged and crippled persons
333 Home for blind aged and crippled person
334 Business, professional and labor associations
335 Homes for destitute women, girls, boys and children
336 Religious services
337 Motion picture production
339 Motion picture projection
340 Radio and television broadcasting
341 Theatrical producers and entertainment services
342 Individual singer, dancer and amusement and recreational services
343 Libraries and reading rooms
344 Museums
345 Botanical and zoological gardens
346 Libraries, museums, botanical and zoological gardens and other cultural services
347 Individual writer, journalist, landscapist and other creational artists
348 Recreational and cultural services
349 Repairing of shoes, leather and other goods
350 Repair services of electricity
351 Repairing of motor vehicles and motor cycles
352 Watch, clock and jewelry repairing services
353 Services of carpenter
354 Services of blacksmith
355 Other repair centers
356 Laundries, laundry services and cleaning and dyeing
357 Domestic services
358 Barber and beauty shops
359 Photographic studies including commercial photography
360 International and other extra territorial bodies