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Chapter One

General Information

1.0 Introduction:

The General Household Survey is the core module of the NISH programme and is implemented annually to provide time-series data on the socio-demographic and economic conditions of the country.

The NISH design is constructed to provide estimates at the national, regional and state levels thereby enhancing comparability across states and regions.

2.0 Objectives of Household Surveys:

i. To provide baseline data for other NISH surveys such as labour force, occupational injury, Nigerian Living Standards Survey etc.
ii. Provide information needed by government to actually determine the effectiveness of its policies and interventions.
iii. Monitor changes in household welfare over time
iv. Assist the government with information for improved and effective policy making.
v. Monitor a score of MDG indicators and subsequently help in the achievement of MDG.
vi. Provide a data base for social research.

3.0 Coverage/Scope:

The GHS covers the 36 states of the federation including Federal Capital Territory (FCT). It provides annual indicators for the monitoring and evaluation of:

i. Socio-Demographic Characteristics
ii. Household conditions
iii. Employment
iv. Health
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v. Housing
vi. Household enterprises
vii. Immunization programmes
viii. Child nutrition/Breastfeeding
viii. Information Technology/communication
ix. Income and Expenditure

4.0 Methodology and Sample Design:

The General Household Survey (GHS) is implemented under the NISH Sample design. NISH is the Nigerian version of the United Nations National Household Survey capability Programme and is a multi-subject household based survey system. It is constructed to generate reliable statistics at national and sub-national levels (State). It is an on-going programme of household based survey enquiring into various aspects of households, including housing, health, education, income, expenditure, enterprises and employment. The NISH programme started in 1981 after a pilot study in 1980. The design is a probability sample which involves scientific selection of samples at national and sub-national levels capable of expressing reality on ground.

The main features of the 2006/2007 NISH Design are:

4.1 One-phase sampling: The 2006/07 NISH sample design employed a single phase sampling in which the primary sampling units (PSUs) are selected directly from the entire population. In other words, the sample design is a 1-phase, 2-stage, replicated and rotable design in which the Enumeration Areas (EAs) served as the PSUs and Housing Units (HUs) as the secondary units.

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4.2 Sampling Frame: The EAs demarcated by the National Population Commission (NPC) for the 1991 population census still serves as the sampling frame for the 2006/2007 NISH sample design.

4.3 Replication: The NISH has always used replicated sampling. One reason for this is that the method is quite flexible both in terms of selection procedure and the statistics it can produce. Each replicate is a representative sample of the population capable of generating independent estimates of desired population parameters. The current 2006/07 NISH Master Sample design is having 120 EAs drawn from 12 replicates with each replicate having a size of 10 EAs.

4.4 Sample Design: The GHS records are usually collected on quarterly basis, namely, April -- June (1st Quarter), July- September (2nd Quarter), October-December (3rd Quarter) and January- March (4th Quarter).

In each Quarter, 60 EAs are covered per State, including FCT (Abuja). In each EA, 10 Housing Units (HUs) are canvassed, while in each HU, all households are covered. A total of 600 and 22,200 HUs are covered per State and at the national level respectively. In each year, subsets of the master sample are studied, depending on the objectives of the surveys and the sample size desired.

4.5 Sample Selection:

For NISH surveys, the listings of all housing units in the selected EAs are usually carried out to provide a frame for the second stage selections. For most NBS regular surveys, excluding the National Agricultural Sample Survey (NASS), 10 housing units are systematically selected per EA.

5.0 Training for Field work:
For a better understanding and effective service delivery, a two-level training programme will be implemented. The first level training will be

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for the Headquarters Staff which is the training of the trainers (TOT), while the second level will be conducted at the Zonal Headquarters for the field staff. The training will cover discussions and explanations on the survey objectives, survey design, the roles of interviewers and supervisors and interview techniques. The training will also involve classroom sessions on how to complete the questionnaires and its administration in the field. More importantly, there will be mock interviews and role-playing in local languages.

6.0 Data Collection Arrangement:
The staff of the National Bureau of Statistics will carry out the data collection in the fields. In each state, desired number of interviewers and supervisors will be engaged for data collection.

7.0 Supervision/Quality Control:
In-order to ensure that good quality data, are collected, quality assurance measures will be put in place. The training for the interviewers and supervisors will be well packaged and will be delivered by NBS Headquarters staff in order to equip field staff for accurate and quality data collection.

As part of the quality control, supervisory layers will be mounted, starting from the supervisors who will be in the field regularly with interviewers to ensure good quality work. This layer will be followed by the senior supervisors (State Officers and Zonal controllers) who will also check the quality of the work. In addition, monitoring officers from the NBS National Headquarters will also carry out independent monitoring/supervision in the field.

8.0 Retrieval of Records:
Sequel to the latest restructuring of field operations in NBS, GHS records would no longer be analysed at the NBS Headquarters Abuja, but in each of the six zonal Headquarters located at NC(Jos), NE

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(Maiduguri), NW (Kaduna), SW (Ibadan), SE (Enugu) and SS (Calabar). State Officers in each zone would ensure that their GHS records are directly dispatched to their Zonal Headquarters for processing.

9.0 Processing/Analysis:
The completed questionnaires will be manually edited, while data scanning and verification will be done by computer. The IMFS software will be used for data entry, while SAS and SPSS software will be used for analysis

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Chapter Two

2.0 Concepts and definitions:
This section gives a proper understanding of the GHS manual of instructions for supervisors and enumerators for effective data collection and supervision.

2.1. Locality:
A locality is a district inhabited place in which people live in neighbouring buildings. It has a head and a name or a legally recognized status. The size of the settlement does not matter. It could be a city, village, hamlet or camp. Wards, quarters, or any sub-divisions within a city or town should not be regarded as a locality. If, long time ago, a settlement with a name and a head existed at a fairly short distance from another bigger settlement, but with the passage of time, the bigger settlement has enclosed the smaller one, so that it is now located within the bigger settlement, the smaller settlement will still retain its identify as a distinct locality.

2.2 Building:
A building is any freestanding structure comprising one or more rooms with or without a roof. It may or may not be enclosed within external walls. A building can be used for several purposes such as residential, commercial, industrial, or a combination of residential and commercial/religious activities. When a building is used purely as a dwelling place, that is, where people live, eat, sleep and wake up to go to their various places of work or school, it is called residential.

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a. Residential Building:
This is a structure wholly or partly used for dwelling. In some cases, the outer rooms serve as shops, where occupants of the larger part of the building sell their goods during the day. In as much as people live inside the building, such buildings are regarded as residential. A residential building can be a bungalow when it contains only one floor. But where it has more than one floor, it is called a storey building.

b. Institutional Building:
This is a building occupied largely by persons not related by blood. Examples include school hostels where children from different parents live during the school session, hotels where travellers/holidaymakers or people on business trip stay for a short period of time. Institutional buildings usually contain a larger number of rooms than residential buildings.

c. Compound:
A compound is a premise having one or more structural units with a common entrance; a wall for security reasons usually encloses it.

2.3. Household:
A household consists of a person or a group of persons living together under the same roof or in the same building/compound, who eat from the same pot and recognize themselves as a unit.

2.4 A Housing Unit:
Housing unit is any building/structure with an entrance. It may be occupied by person(s) or vacant or uncompleted.

2.4 B Residential Housing Unit:
A housing unit is a unit or accommodation, which is occupied by one or more households with a single main entrance and with exclusive right to

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use of the same basic amenities. For face to face, or room by room type of building, each room or set of rooms occupied under one arrangement with one recognized tenant is a housing unit.

2.5 Head of Household:
The head of household is the person/member who the members of the household recognise as such. He/She is usually an adult and is the one who bears the major responsibility of training the household members and takes decisions on its behalf. The head can be a male or female.

2.6 Master Sample:
This is sample of households selected for study in each EA.

2.7 Enumeration Area (EA):
An Enumeration Area (EA) is a small, compact area, carved out of a bigger locality or a group of localities with well-defined and identifiable boundaries. It is an area that a team of enumerators is able to cover during the pre-test, trial census, main census, or Post Enumeration Survey (PES).

2.8. Place of usual Residence:
This is the locality where the respondent lives sleeps, keeps his clothes and other belongings (personal and other household materials) and from where he goes to work or school, as the case may be.

2.9 Live Birth:
This is a complete expulsion or extraction from the mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy. After the separation this product of conception must show evidence of life. Evidence of life includes heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles. A product of such a birth is considered born alive, regardless of the gestation period.

3.0 Death:

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This is a permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after a live birth has taken place, that is, stoppage of vital functions without possibility of resuscitation.

3.1 Questionnaire:
A questionnaire is a survey or census document that contains a number of questions with spaces provided for recording possible responses. It is the form used to collect and record information about people.

3.2 Post Enumeration Survey (PES):
This is a sample survey carried out on a fraction of the population after a census or survey had taken place.

3.3 Literacy:
A person is literate if he can read and write in any language, and can carry out simple activities such as writing letters or engage in simple conversation in a language.

3.4. Economic Activity:
This is a form of work or services rendered by a person in order to contribute to the gross domestic product (GDP) which is a component of national accounts.

2.8 Occupation:
This refers to the type of work, trade or profession that a person does to earn a living.
For examples:

(a) Executive, Managers, Senior Officials including those who decide policies or plan, direct and coordinate the policies and activities of enterprises/establishments or their internal departments or sections.

(b) Professionals which require high level of professional knowledge and experience in the field of physical and life sciences or social
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sciences and humanities. E.g. Computer Programmer, Engineer, Doctor, Statistician, Teacher etc.

( c) Clerk are those whose main task require the knowledge and experience necessary to organize, store, compute and retrieve information e.g. Office Secretary, Library Clerk, Cashier, Telephone Operators etc.

(d) Elementary Occupations involve, mostly simple and routine task using hand-held tools and in some cases considerable physical strength. E.g. janitor, messenger, labourer, garbage collector etc.

2.9 Employment Status:
This describes the working situation and personality engaged in employment. E.g

(a) Employees:
These are workers with employment contracts (explicit or implicit, written or oral), which give them a basic remuneration in cash (in form of wages, salaries, bonuses, commission from sales, piece rates etc) or in kind (in form of food, fuel, housing or training). These include paid apprentices and paid trainees, casual and seasonal workers, employees of producers' cooperative, etc whether in the private or public sector.

(b) Employers:
These are those who work on their own account or with one or a few partners and they may engage on a continuous or regular basis, one or more persons to work for them in their business as employees. Their business may be a corporation or a household or unincorporated enterprise

(c ) Own-Account workers:
This includes those who work on their own account or with one or more partners and do not engage any employee on a continuous
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or regular basis. However, they may engage employees as long as it is not on a regular or continuous basis and they may work with the help of (unpaid) contributing family members

(d) Contributing Family Workers:
These are those who work in a market-oriented establishment operated by a relation living in the same household and are not partners in the business. They include young persons who work without pay in a business operated by a relation (e.g. uncle, grandmother) and may not necessarily live in the same household.

(f) Others:
This is the residual category of workers who could not be classified under any of the group mentioned above.

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Chapter Three

3.0 Roles of Field Staff:

3.1 Roles of the Enumerators:
The success of any survey depends on each enumerator's ability and diligence to collect accurate information from respondents.

The roles of the enumerator include the following:

  • Locating structures and housing units in the sample Enumeration Areas (EAs) which are assigned to him/her by the supervisor.
  • Identifying all persons in each household and conducting interview with them.
  • Carrying on the interviews in accordance with the procedures described in this manual.
  • Going through the questionnaire, after completing an interview and ensuring that all questions are properly filled-in and that questions not meant to be filled-in are completely cleaned and free of marks.
  • Visiting again the households for which information on some members are not available at the first visit.
  • The enumerator should never correct a questionnaire, apart from minor errors, without asking the respondents the question again.
  • The enumerator should never copy information obtained during an interview on a new questionnaire.
  • The enumerator should ask questions slowly and give the respondent time to think to ensure that he/she understands what is being asked.
  • The wording and the sequence in the questionnaire must be maintained. If the respondent misunderstands a question, the enumerator should read the question again slowly and clearly. To
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  • follow the sequence of the questions, the enumerator should respect the filter and skip instructions indicated in the questionnaire.
  • In a situation where the respondent shows no interest, acts bored, detached, contradicts previous answers or refuses to answer the questions, the enumerator must tactfully bring back the respondent's interest in the interview. He/She should always be honest in his/her approach. If the respondent does not have the time, the enumerator should make an appointment for a return visit.
  • Choose words that will make the respondent feel free and at ease for the interview.
  • Open the interview with a smile and salutation. "Good Morning Sir/Madam, my name is (NAME). I am an interviewer of the National Bureau of Statistics. We are conducting a survey on General Household Survey (GHS). Your household has been selected through a random sampling process and we would like to interview you about your household welfare."
  • Proper clothing and attire are strictly required as a sign of respect to the respondents and to represent properly the institution hiring the enumerator for the survey.

3.2 Roles of Supervisor:
Supervision during field work is part of the training and data collection process. The supervisor will play the roles of continuing the enumerators' training and ensuring good quality of GHS data.

The roles of the supervisor include:

  • Observe some of the enumerator's interviews to ensure politeness, asking questions properly and interpreting the ideas correctly.
  • Spot check some addresses selected to ensure that the enumerator interviewed the right households
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  • Spot check some of the selected addresses to ensure that all the members of the household are studied or covered.
  • Review each question to ensure completeness and consistency.
  • Meet with each enumerator regularly to discuss performance and future assignment.
  • Help the enumerator to resolve problems he or she may find with location of households or with difficult respondents.

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Chapter Four

This chapter gives detailed information about the structure, contents, and how to complete the GHS Questionnaire. The questionnaire has 11 distinct parts of variable.

Indicators (i.e. Part A -- K) such as:

Part A: Identification code, Response status, Housing characteristics/amenities and Information communication Technology (ICT).

Part B: Socio-demographic characteristics and Labour force characteristics

Part C: Information about the people in the household who were absent during the period of the survey.

Part D: Female contraceptive only, and children ever born by mothers aged 15 years and above

Part E: Births of children in the last 12 months, and trained birth attendant used during child delivery.

Part F: Immunization of children aged 1 year or less and records of their vaccination

Part G: Child nutrition, exclusive breast feeding and length of breast feeding.

Part H: Deaths in the last 12 months, and causes of such deaths.

Part I: Health of all members, of the household and health care providers.

Part J: Household enterprises, income and profit made from such activities.

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Part K: Household expenditure, such as school fees, medical expenses, housing expenses, remittance, cloth expenses, transport expenses and food expenses.

Important notes:
Printing and Bubbling (Shading): The responses to the questions in the questionnaire can only be printed or shaded (bubbled).

i) Printing: The responses should be written in capital letters in such a way that they don't touch the edges of the box, e.g. [example omitted.]

ii) Bubbling (Shading) :
Shade responses in such a way that the entire circle is completely shaded, e.g. [example omitted].

iii) Skip Instructions: These instructions are given in order to make questions sequential and at the same time flow as well as to avoid inconsistent responses. Make sure that all such instructions are strictly obeyed.

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Part A: Identification information

Respondent: Household head

Direct informants: Household head /spouse/ responsible adult in the Household.

Purpose of Part A:
The section provides information to identify the household being interviewed. It is important that the actual household being interviewed matches with what appears in the sample list.

How to complete Part A:


Reference Number: This consists of the State code and the Housing unit number.

Interviewer's name

The interviewer will write his/her own name in the box provided

Survey Month
Two cells are provided for two digit figures meant for months, January to December as 01-12, e.g September (Month 9) should be entered as 09

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Survey Year
The two cells are for the last two digits of the year. So year 2006 will be entered as 06.

Housing Unit Master Sample Number:
The housing unit (H.U.) Master Sample Number is also represented by two digit code. Please, enter appropriately. This is the serial number of the selected HUs on a selection form. In GHS, 10 HUs are usually selected per EA. The serial number is recorded as 01, 02?10 in that order.

Housing unit listed:
It states the total number of housing unit listed during the EA listing. It is from this that 10 HUs are finally selected for coverage. The total number must be entered in the space provided.

Housing Unit Sampled:
Ten (10) HUs are normally covered per EA for GHS according to NISH design. The number of housing unit selected must be entered in the two cells provided.

Household listed:
The total number of household listed in the EA is recorded here. It is possible to have more than one household in a HU, especially in Urban EAs and in some rural EAs.

The code should be in four digits and must be entered appropriately.

H.H. Sampled:
The number of households sampled must be entered in the two cells provided.

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Q1.State: This is the name of the state in which the household is located.

01 Abia
02 Adamawa
03 Akwa-Ibom
04 Anambra
05 Bauchi
06 Bayelsa
07 Benue
08 Borno
09 Cross River
10 Delta
11 Ebonyi
12 Edo
13 Ekiti
14 Enugu
15 Gombe
16 Imo
17 Jigawa
18 Kaduna
19 Kano
20 Katsina
21 Kebbi
22 Kogi
23 Kwara
24 Lagos
25 Nasarawa
26 Niger
27 Ogun
28 Ondo
29 Osun
30 Oyo
31 Plateau
32 Rivers
33 Sokoto
34 Taraba
35 Yobe
36 Zamfara
37 FCT

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Q2. L.G.A: The code of each of the local government areas (LGA) within a state is in two digits, enter appropriately. E.g. 01 for the first LGA in the state.

Q3. RIC: This is the replicate identification code of the E.A in which the household is located; it will be given on the household sample list. It has four digit code which must be entered appropriately. E.g. 0341

Q4. E.A Code: The code for each E.A is given in four digits. Enter appropriately. E.g. 3120

Q5. Enumeration area name: This is the name of enumeration area (EA) in which the household is located. It can be copied from the household listing form.

Q6. Sector: The code of each of the sector within a state is one digit. Enter one for urban and two for rural.

Q7. Housing unit number:

The housing unit number is the number given to the HU where interview is being conducted as written in the listing form. It is different from the master sample number.

Enter the housing unit number of the sampled household appropriately.

Q8. Name of head of household: The name of the head of household should be written in the cells provided.

Q9. Address: Write the address of the dwelling unit in the cells provided

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Q10. Response status:
The response options listed are: Completed =1, Partly completed = 2, Not at home = 3; Refused = 4, Household not located = 5, and Moved away = 6. The column for response status should be completed at the end of interview by shading the appropriate bubble. (Only one option should be shaded.)

Q11. Questionnaire reference number:

Q11. Household within housing unit:
This box is to be completed to indicate number of households within housing unit being canvassed. For one household in the housing unit, enter 1 of 1

For two households in the housing unit, enter 1 of 2 for the first and 2 of 2 for the second household and so on.

Q11B. Questionnaire within HH: Each questionnaire has been designed to seek information on 15 members of the household. If there are more than 15 members of the household, additional questionnaire(s) will be required. For 15-member household enter 1 of 1.

But for more than 15-member household, enter 1 of 2 in the first questionnaire, and 2 of 2 will be entered in second questionnaire.
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However if three sets are used, enter 1 of 3 in the first questionnaire, 2 of 3 in the second questionnaire and 3 of 3 in third questionnaire.

Q12. Major Source of water for cooking and drinking:
Different sources of water for drinking (type of water supply) have been listed and pre-coded 1-8. Shade the one that is most commonly used for drinking and cooking in that household.

If there is any other type apart from the options listed, you should specify it under 'others' which is code 9.

Q13. Distance to source of water:
Four major categories of distance to source of water are listed below, you are to shade the appropriate option: In dwelling = 1, Within 500 metres = 2, 500 metres -- 1km = 3, 1km or more = 4

Q14. Types of housing unit:
A list of type of housing unit has been provided and pre-coded.

You only need to shade the code which applies to appropriate type of housing unit occupied by the respondent.

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Q15. Number of living Rooms in Housing Unit:
The number of rooms in the HU that the household use for relaxation and sleeping, including the visitor's room(s).

You are to find out the number of living rooms in the housing unit and enter the number in the box provided. If the number given is less than ten (10), start with a leading zero e.g. 01, 02, etc.

Q16. Monthly Rent in Naira:
Find how much in Naira, the HH pays monthly for the HU. If the household is living on owner-occupier or pays no rent at all, or pays nominal or subsidized rent, find out how much ordinarily the type of HU goes for in the neighbourhood and enter the inputted rent. If the rent is N506.00 enter it as 00506

In addition, if you are given an annual rent amount, divide it by 12 to get the monthly rent.

Q17. Tenure:
There are four major categories of tenure. You are to shade the appropriate bubble.

Tenure (Rent status):
Rent status has been divided into four groups namely:

(a) Normal rents: This refer to an occupier paying the amount normally paid as rent in the area where he's living, for the same number and types of rooms occupied.
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(b) Rent Free: Where the occupier pays no rent for the apartment occupied, e.g. a family house.

(c) Nominal /Subsidized Rent: Where the occupier pays rent which is below what others pay in the same area. The rent may be due to the relationship between the landlord and the occupier.

(d) Owner Occupier: In this case, the house is occupied by the owner.

Q18. Material for dwelling:
Ask for/ observe the type of material used for the floor of the rooms and shade.

However, three major types of dwelling floor are listed and pre-coded, shade appropriately. If there is other type of floor material used other than those listed, shade the bubble '4' and specify.

Q19. Toilet facilities:
There are eight major categories of toilet facilities. You are to shade the appropriate bubble. If there is another type of toilet facility different from those listed, shade 9 under 'others' and specify.

Q20. Distance of toilet facilities from the dwellings:
There are four major categories of distance to toilet from the dwelling. Shade the appropriate option.

Q21. Types of refuse disposal most often used:
There are five types of refuse disposal listed, Shade the type most often used by the household. If there is any other type apart from those listed, you should shade code 6 'others' and specify.

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Q22. Type of fuel most commonly used for cooking:
Five types of fuel are listed. You should shade the main type most commonly used by the household.

Q23. Electricity supply:
Types of electricity supply have been listed and pre-coded. You are to shade the appropriate code. If however there is no electricity supply at all in the housing unit, shade 6.

Q24. Information and Communication Technology (ICT):
Some information and communication equipment have been listed. Ask the respondent if he or she or any member of the household owns, has access to or does not have any of the gadgets listed and shade the appropriate bubble. For each item, only one option must be chosen.

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How to complete Part B: persons present in household

Member number:
The serial number of each member of the household should be entered in the two digit cells provided. However if there are more than 15 household members extra questionnaire (s) should be used.

Name of household member:
You should list all persons who slept in the household the previous night starting with the head of household and complete columns (1-4) for them. You should list in part C all persons resident in household but are temporarily away and complete columns (1-4) for them appropriately. Provision has been made for 5 persons. In addition, you should also indicate when each person listed was last in the household; the reason for the person's absence and when the person is expected back in the household. You are to record all dates in six digits, that is 2 digits for day, 2 for months and 2 for year. If the date to be recorded is 17th may 2006 you are to record it as 170506

Col. 1: Relationship to head:
The first column should always be coded (01) since the head of the household should always be listed in the first column, regardless of whether or not the head is present at the time of interview, each household must have one and only one head. Other members should be identified in one of thirteen categories.

How each member listed in the household is related to the head of the household should be indicated against each person's name in column 1. Where there are more than one wife in the household, the first wife will

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be listed first, followed by her children and then the second wife, followed by her children in that order.

Col.2: Residence Status:
A member of the household could either be described as usually resident or not usually resident in the household. Circle code 1 for "usually resident in HH", or code 2 for "not usually resident in HH" as may be applicable. A usual resident is expected to live or has been living in the household for at least 6 months.

Col.3: Age last birthday:
Fill in the age [in completed years] for every member of household. If one's age is 12 years and 10 months, you will fill 12 years for the person. For a person who is 99 years or above, write 98 years for such person.

Col.4: Sex:
Shade 1 for male and 2 for female. Ensure that code 1 and 2 are not shaded at the same time for a person.

Col. 5: Marital Status:
The marital status is pre-coded below in 5 categories, shade which ever is applicable: Married = 1, Divorced = 2, Separated = 3, Widow = 4 and Never married = 5. Ensure that no member is left blank.

Col. 6: Form of Marriage:
For a person who is married, the form of marriage is categorised into three,namely: Ordinance = 1, Customary = 2, and Mutual Agreement = 3. Record appropriately.

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Col. 7: Attendance at Formal school:
This is in three categories such as, 'never in school',
'Now in school' and 'in school before but not now' precoded as 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Shade which ever is applicable.

Col 8: Highest level of Education Reached:
Four categories have been pre-coded: Below Pry = 1, Primary = 2, Secondary = 3 and Post Secondary =4. Shade which ever option is applicable.

Col.9: Highest grade reached:
A person must have actually finished a class or form. The HIGHEST CLASS/FORM is the last full class or form completed and not the present one being attended. For example, if the person is now in primary six (6) then the highest class completed is primary five (5). Someone currently attending JSS-3 would be recorded as having completed JSS-2. A doubles zero (00) code is used only for persons who are yet to complete nursery or primary one as the case may be. A person whose highest grade reached is preschool, and also someone who attended standard 1 but did not complete the year may be coded as N1 or N2 accordingly.

Col. 10: Literacy in any Language:
Shade 1 if literate in any language, otherwise shade 2. If a person is literate, he or she can write and read in any language, and carry out simple activities such as writing letters, simple conversation, etc in that language.

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Col. 11: Main Job Previous Week:
This implies the main work done last week. A list of such job is provided and coded 1 to 9. You should note the skip Instructions.

Col. 12: If person did nothing previous week what was the reason:
If the respondent did nothing in the previous week, you need to ask for the reason. Enter which code that is applicable. If however the reason for doing nothing is not among the 7 options listed, then shade 8 (others) and specify.

Col. 13: Length of Unemployment:
If the person did nothing previous week and reasons for doing nothing is any of codes 1 to 6 in column 12, find out the number of months the person has been without job and enter this as the length of unemployment.

Col. 14: Do you like to change job:
This question will ascertain whether someone attempted to change job. It is not sufficient for the person to have desired of new job, an affirmative response is only appropriate for person who actually attempted to change jobs. If the person did not seek to change job, the interviewer will shade/ bubble No (2) and skips to column 16.

Col. 15: Reason for the change:
This question is asked only from persons who wanted to change job(s). Probe to get accurate response(s) and fill in the code of the major reason in the spaced provided.

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Col. 16: Primary or Main occupation column:
Columns 16 -- 21 are to seek information about primary occupation of the respondent whose answer to column 11 was any of codes 1 -- 5. For those that answered codes 6 to 9, enter NA (Not Applicable).
Primary Occupation: The exact nature of job would determine the occupation of the person. Write clearly the job as coded at the back page of the questionnaire (page 12)

e.g. Accepted Reply: Supply Agent, Insurance agent , account clerk, administrative clerk, civil engineer, radio mechanic, driver, executive officer, nurse, etc. Vague Reply: agent, clerk, engineer, mechanic, civil servant, servant, etc.

Col. 17: Industry:
Record the code of the industry where the respondent is working. The industries are Agric, Forestry and Fishing; Mining and Quarrying: Manufacturing; Electricity, Gas and water; construction; Whole/Retail Trade, Hotels and Restaurants, Transport, Storage and communications, Financing, Insurance, Real Estate, Business Services; Community, social and personnel services; activities not adequately defined. A nurse in Shell Company will be classified as in Mining and Quarrying industry, while a nurse in the General Hospital will be in community, social and personnel services industry.

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Col. 18: Employment Status:
The employment status of an individual is any of options 1 to 5. You only need to shade the appropriate code of the respondent's employment status and shade bubble (6) for others.

Col. 19: Hours of Work (Main Job):
On the main job, state the number of hours (approximate) the respondent spends per week and enter it in the space provided. It attracts a code of two digits. Official working hours per week is 40 hours.

Col. 20 Institutional Sector:
Five codes were provided for institutional sector shade appropriately.

Col. 21 Contribution to Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS):
A respondent can either contribute to NHIS or not, shade accordingly.

Col. 22: Secondary Job:
Any other economic activity engaged in by the respondent during the week apart from the main job is referred to as secondary job. Enumerator should carefully probe for secondary occupation. One way of finding out about secondary jobs is to ask how a person spends his/her time after his/her main occupation hours. If the respondent does not have secondary job, skip to col. 26.

Col. 23: Industry of Secondary Job:
The industry of the secondary job engaged in by the respondent during the previous week of the survey should be entered here. It should be noted however that household chores career done by a lady should not

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be considered as secondary job because she does not earn income from it. For persons without secondary job, leave the space blank and skip to col. 26.

Col. 24: Employment Status:
The employment status of an individual are listed and coded 1 to 5. Shade the appropriate code or shade bubble (6) for others and specify.

Col. 25: Hours of Work in Secondary Job:
Hours of work spent on secondary job should be recoded in two digit.

Col. 26: Extra Hour:
If somebody is working for less than 40hrs in the combination of both primary ( main ) job and secondary occupation, ask whether she/he will do extra hours if given the opportunity and shade appropriately.

Col. 27: Voluntary or Social Work:
Two codes are provided for voluntary or social work, which is classified as non profit institution. Ask if the respondent is engaged in voluntary or social activities and record 1 for yes and 2 for No.

Col. 28: Area of Volunteering:
Eleven areas of volunteering have been provided for social or voluntary work. Write the appropriate code.

Col. 29: Hours of work per week:
This question is asked of all persons that are engaged in volunteering or social work.

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Col. 30: Income Last Month:
Enter the income in thousand from all jobs and including allowances in previous month (Last Month). In the three cells provided. E.g a man who earns N 20,000 as income will be recorded as 020

Information will be recorded for all persons that are engaged in economic activities and those that are engaged in social work. Record also for retirees who receive pension and invalid persons who get allowances.

Cols 31-36: Ownership of ICT:
The listed ICT equipment in the questionnaire are Radio, Television, Mobile Phone, Personal Computer and Internet Service. Find out if each of these equipments is personally owned by the respondent. Note that information is collected on persons that are 10 years and above.

Cols 37-42: Number of each ICT equipment owned:
Record the number of each ICT equipment owned.

Cols 43-48: Access to ICT:
Indicate by shading "1" if a respondent has access to any of the ICT and "2" if No. A respondent who owns equipment has automatic access.

Cols 49-54: Source of Access to ICT:
Sources of Access to ICT have been listed, shade the appropriate code.

Cols 55-57: Favourite TV Stations:
You are required to record three favourite TV Stations in order of preference for each respondent. If NTA is the 1st preference, then code 04 in col. 55. If AIT is the 2nd preference, code 05 in col. 56, etc.

Col. 58: Operators of ICT business outfit:
Indicate whether the respondent operates a business outfit.

Col 59: Type of ICT business operated:
Code 1 for those operating under business umbrella centre, or code 2 if the business is operated in a business centre.

Col 60: Kind of service provided in the ICT business outfit:
Four options are provided namely:

Telephone calls = 1
Computer Services = 2
Cybercafés = 3
Others = 4

Note that only the main service should be shaded.

Col 61: Persons working in ICT business outfit:
Record the number of persons, by gender that are working in the ICT business outfit.

Col 62: Daily Customers:
Record number of persons that patronized the ICT business out fit on a daily basis.

Col 63: Daily income from ICT business outfit:
Record the average daily income realised from the ICT business outfit.

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Col 64-67 Housing Project:
Only persons that are aged 20 years and above are eligible to answer the questions on housing project.

Col 64: Starting a new building project:
Ask whether the eligible member of household started any new building project last year. Enter '1' if yes, otherwise enter '2' and skip to next person or next part.

Col 65: Type of building started:
Indicate the type of building project that the household member started last year.

Col 67: Period the Project was completed:
For those who completed building project that they embarked upon within last year, ask which quarter of last year that the project was completed.

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How to complete Part C: Usual residents absent

Usual resident absent: Record this for persons that are not available in the household during the period of the survey.

Col. O Member Number:
Two boxes are provided for member number. Complete appropriately.

Name of Household Member:
The name of the household member that was absent should be written in the space provided.

Col.1 Relationship to Head:
Thirteen options have been provided for relationship to the head, record the appropriate responses in the boxes provided.

Col. 2 Sex:
Two options have been provided, shade the appropriate bubble.

Col. 3 Age at Last Birthday:
Two boxes have been provided record the age in completed years.

Col. 4 Marital Status:
Options 1- 5 have been provided, fill in the appropriate code.

Col. 5 Attendance at formal School:
Three options are provided, fill in the appropriate code.

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Col. 6 Date last in household:
The date that the respondent was last around should be recorded in the six boxes provided, e.g. 26th May 2006: 250506

Col. 7 Date Expected:
The date the respondent is expected back in the household should be recorded in the six boxes provided, e.g. 12th December 2006: 121206

Col. 8 Reason For Absent:
Five different options have been provided, such as Schooling = 01, Visitation = 2, Hospitalization = 03, Temporary Transfer = 04, On Holiday = 05 and Others = 06 (specify). Shade the appropriate option, where there is any other reason, 06 should be shaded and specify.

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How to complete Part D: Female contraceptive prevalence.

Col 0 List of women ever married or Aged 15 years and above:
Look through the general list of all persons in the household and copy out the names of all women that are ever married or those that are aged 15 years and over, and enter them in the space provided in this column.

Col 1 Woman member number:
The woman member number in part B can be transcribed into the two cells provided.

Col 2 Relationship to Head:
State the relationship to the head of household.

Col. 3 Age Last Birthday:
Enter the respondent's age in completed years.

Col. 4 Educational level of the woman:
Copy the educational level of the woman from part B.

Col.5 Ever pregnant:
Indicate by shading '1' if the woman has ever been pregnant and '2' if she has never been pregnant.


If 'no' is the answer to Col. 5, skip to col. 13 for the woman.
If 'Yes' is the answer to Col. 5, continue interview with the woman.

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Col. 6 Number of own Children Living in this Household:
Indicate the number of the children living in the household by gender.

Col. 7 Number of own Children Living Elsewhere:
State the number of the children of the woman living elsewhere by gender. For example, some of the children may be in boarding school.

Col. 8 Number of own Children that have Died:
State the number of the children that may have died by gender. However, care should be exercised in asking about children who have died. Note that Children of previous marriage should be included in the answers to columns 6-8

Col 9 Currently Pregnant:
If the woman is currently pregnant shade 1, otherwise, shade 2.

Col. 10 If pregnant -- Ask whether registered with clinic:
For pregnant women, ask whether they are registered with the clinic (Public or Private). Shade 1 if yes, otherwise, shade 2.

Col. 11 Attendance at the Clinic:
If pregnant and registered with clinic, ask for the number of times the woman attends clinic in a month.

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Col. 12 Receive Anti-Tetanus Injection:
Ask whether the pregnant woman received anti- tetanus and shade the appropriate bubble.

Col. 13 Family Planning (Woman age 15-49 yrs only):
If the woman is using family planning, shade 1, otherwise, shade 2 and skip to col. 15.

Col. 14 Method of Family Planning Used:
For women that are currently using family planning, ask for the method and record as provided in the options 01-16.

Col. 15 If Ever Married -- Age at First Marriage:
For women who have ever been married, state the age at first marriage.

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How to complete Part E: Birth in the last 12 months:

Col. 0 Name of child:
Record the name of the child born in the last 12 months which can be copied from Part B.

Col. 1 Child Member Number:
Child member number should be copied from part B. You have to be very careful not to transfer another person's member number.

Col. 2. Mother's member Number:
Copy the corresponding member number of the mother of the child from Part B.

Col. 3 Age of Mother:
Record the age of the mother of the child, which you can copy from Part B.

Col. 4 Sex of Child:
Copy the sex of the child from Part B.

Col. 5. Date of birth:
Record the exact date of birth of the child in the space provided which should be specified in day, month, and year. If the date to be recorded is 8th November, 1993, you will enter it as:

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Col. 6. Weight at birth:
For each child, the interviewer will ask the weight at birth. Note that the decimal point is already printed in the cells. Weight of less than ten kilogrammes will be recorded with a leading zero; e.g. 3.5kg will be recorded as 03.5. Ensure that you have collected the right weight. Weight at birth can be obtained from card or from recall (Memory of mother or father). If unknown you will record 999. Do not lead respondent to give a weight at birth. Where births had taken place at home and the child was immediately taken to hospital, ask mother weight at birth. But if the mother took the child to the hospital one day or week after birth, this is not weight at birth. If the child does not have any record of weight at birth, then leave the box blank for that child.

Col. 7. Delivered by trained birth attendant:
If the child was delivered by trained birth attendant, shade 1, otherwise, shade 2 and skip to Part F.

Col. 8. What type of Trained Birth Attendant:
For a child that was delivered by trained birth attendant, record the attendant that delivered the child. Only one response is expected.

  • A doctor
  • Nurse, or Midwife would have received formal training at a medical institution
  • A traditional birth attendant (TBA) is one who assists the mother during child birth. She may have acquired skill by delivering babies herself, or through apprenticeship from other TBAs.
  • A trained traditional birth attendance. (TTBA) is one who has undergone a training course conducted by the modern health care sector.

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How to complete Part F: National Programme for Immunization (NPI) (for children 1 year or less)

Col. 0: List of all Children:
Copy the children who are 1 year or less from Part B.

Col. 1: Child member number:
Copy the child's member number from part B.

Col. 2: Age of child:
Copy the age of the child from Part B. The age should be recorded in months. If the age of the child is, say, 6 months, then enter it as 06.

Col 3: Sex of child:
For the sex of the child, shade '1' if Male and '2' if female. You are also to verify from Part B for consistency.

Col. 4: Vaccination Card:
If the child has taken any immunization, shade 1, otherwise, shade 2.
In addition, if the child did not have a card, go ahead with the next question, since it is possible for a child to have been immunized without record card.

Col 5: Vaccination Records for Measles:
If the child has taken this vaccine, enter 1 otherwise, enter 2.

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Col 6: Vaccination Records for BCG:
If the child has taken this vaccine shade 1, otherwise, shade 2. If the card is not available, obtain information from the mother or any other adult household members. In such a case, make a note under the table that the card was not seen.

Col 7, 8, and 9: Vaccination records for DPT:
DPT means Diphtheria, peruses and Tetanus. The vaccine is given in three stages. If the child has not completed all the three, shade 1 for those taken and 2 for those not taken.

Col 10, 11, 12 and 13: Vaccination Records for OPV:
Polio vaccine is given in four stages. Obtain records for all the stages. Then shade appropriately.

Col 14: Yellow Fever Vaccination:
This may be recorded in the health card of the child. The injection is given on the thighs for infant or muscle for older children. It can safely be given at the same time as other vaccines. Shade the appropriate response.

Col 15: MMR:
Is a combined vaccine against measles, Numps and rubella. If the child has taken this shade 1, otherwise, shade 2.

Col 16: Vitamin A:
If the child has taken vitamin A shade 1, otherwise, shade 2.

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How to complete Part G: Child Nutrition (Breast feeding module)

Information should be collected on children who are less than one year old

Col 0: Copy the list of all children less than 1 year old in the household from Part B.

Col 1: Child Member number:
Copy the member number of the child from Part B.

Col 2: Age Of Child in Month:
The age of the child should be written in completed months.

Col 3: Ever breastfed:
Ask whether the child has ever been breastfed. As long as the mother has introduced breast milk (even if for one hour) that child has been breastfed. Shade 1, otherwise, shade 2 or 3 and skip to Col. 22.

Col 4: First milk colostrums:
Ask whether the child was given first milk, colostrium (Yellow coloured milk). If Yes or don't know, skip to column 13, otherwise, continue the interview.

Col. 5-12: Reason for not given first milk (Colostrums):
If the child is not given first milk (colostrums) the response must be given to each of the reasons highlighted.

Col. 13: Exclusive Breast feeding: (A child less than 1 year old):
The number of months that exclusive breast feeding is given to the child must be indicated. Exclusive breast feeding is breastfeeding given for six months without water or any fluid. Do probe and do not just take given number. Exclusive breastfeeding must be equal or less than the age of child.

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Fill in the correct month(s), e.g. A child that was exclusively breastfed for three months will be recorded as 03. If the child is exclusively breastfed for six months or over, skip to Col. 21.

Col. 14-20: Reason for not being able to exclusively breastfeed the child:
Each of the reasons for the inability to give exclusive breastfeeding to the child must be answered by the respondent.

Col. 21: Currently breastfeeding:
The respondent should say whether the child is currently being breastfed. If not, skip to col. 30.

Col. 22: Vitamin mineral supplement or medicine in the last 24 hours:
The respondent should say whether the child was given Vitamin mineral supplement or medicine in the last 24 hours.

Col. 23: Plain water:
Ask whether the child was given plain water in the last 24 hours.

Col. 24: Sweetened flavour water or fruit juice or tea or infusion:
Ask whether the child received sweetened, flavoured water or fruit juice or tea or infusion in the last 24 hours.

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Col. 25: ORS Solution:
Ask if the child is given Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) in the last 24 hours.

Col. 26: Tin powdered or fresh milk or infant formula:
Ask if the child is given any tin powdered or fresh milk formula in the last 24 hours.

Col. 27: Any other liquid (Specify):
Indicate whether the child is given any other liquids in the last 24 hours and specify the liquid

Col. 28: Solid or semi-solid (Mushy) food:
Indicate whether the child is given solid or semi solid (mushy) food in the last 24 hours.

Col. 29: Breast milk only:
Indicate whether only breast milk is given to the child in the last 24 hours.

Col. 30: No longer breastfed:
For a child that is no longer breastfeeding, indicate the age in months that breast feeding was stopped for the child.

Col. 31: Drinking from bottle with nipple or teat:
Indicate whether the child is given anything to drink from a bottle with a nipple or teat in the last 24 hours.

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Col. 32: Complementary food:
Find out whether the child is currently receiving complementary food. If yes, record the age (in months) that the complementary food was introduced to the child.

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How to complete Part H: Deaths in the last 12 months

This section collects information on death(s) that has/have occurred in the household in the last 12 months. You have to be very tactful in collecting this information, since some people may not want to recall the memory of mortality.

Col. 0: Name of Deceased:
List the member(s) of household that died in the household within the last 12 months.

Col. 1: Age in completed years at the time of death:
Record the age of the deceased in completed years.

Col. 2: Sex:
Record the gender of the deceased by entering '1' for male and '2' for female.

Col. 3: Date of Death:
Record the date that the death occurred. E.g. 12th March 1999 is entered as: DDMMYY: 120399

Col. 4: Course of death:
Shade the appropriate bubble to indicate the cause of death.

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How to complete Part I: Health (for all persons in the household)

This part must be completed for all member(s) of the household that was (were) injured/sick in the last four weeks.

Col. 0: Name of Member:
Record the name of all members that were sick in the last 4 weeks.

Col. 1: Member Number:
This information can be copied from part B which must correspond to the particular member of the household.

Col. 2: Injured/Sick:
Indicate whether the member was sick or injured in the last 4 weeks.

Col. 3-11: Sort of Sickness/Injury:
For injured or sick member of household, record the type of sickness or injury that the member may have suffered in the last4 weeks.

Col. 12: Absent from Work/School:
Indicate whether the member missed work or school in the last 4 weeks due to the injury or sickness suffered.

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Col. 13: Days of Absent from Work/School:
Record the numbers of days of work or school missed due to injury or illness in the last 4 weeks.

Col. 14: Health Provider:
Indicate whether the member of household consulted any health provider (traditional healer inclusive) for any reason in the last four weeks.

Col. 15: Consultation fees:
Indicate the major way by which the member of household paid consultation fees to the health Provider visited.

Col. 16: Main Health Provider:
Ask the respondent the main health Provider seen in the last 4 weeks.

Col. 17: Service Usage:
Ask the respondent the number of times that the service of the health provider was used in the last 4 weeks.

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How to complete Part H: Household Enterprises:

Information will be collected on household enterprises.

The household enterprises are: Manufacturing = 1, Wholesale and Retail Trade = 2, Hotel and Restaurants = 3, Construction = 4, Food Preparation = 5, Crop Farming = 6, Livestock = 7, Fishing = 8, and Services = 9. If the household owns more than one enterprise, then enter each enterprise on a separate row.

Col. 1: Indicate whether the household owns any enterprise by shading 1 = Yes, otherwise, shade 2 = No and skip to Part K.

Col. 2: Name of Enterprises:
Write the name(s) of enterprise(s) owned by any member of the household, e.g. Jossy Bakery Industry, George Barbing Saloon or Bola Hair Dressing Saloon etc.

Col. 3: Kind of Activity:
State the activity (ies) that is/are carried out by the enterprise. An enterprise may be engaged in more than one activity, you should write the one to which the main activity belongs.

Col 4: Location of Enterprise:
Give the location (address) of the enterprise you have named.

Col. 5-12: Number of persons engaged by the enterprise:
Give the number of persons engaged by the enterprise, indicating those who are paid employees and those that are unpaid household member. Also indicate whether they are engaged in full time or part time and by gender.

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Col. 13: Enterprise registration:
Indicate whether the enterprise is registered or not.

Col. 14: Income /Profit Enterprise Last Month:
Enter the income/profit realized by the enterprises last month in Naira (N).

How to complete Part K: Household expenditure:
The section collects information on monthly expenditure of the households. Great care should be taken to collect reliable information in this section. Make efforts to probe any amount given, to find out if that reflects the reality on ground.

Ensure that the actual amount (in Naira N) spent on the highlighted items is recorded. E.g. if a household has spent N200.50 on medical needs, then enter the record as 0000200 (right justified).

Col. 1: School Fees
Col. 2: Medical Expenses
Col. 3: House Expenses
Col. 4: Remittances
Col. 5: Cloth Expenses
Col. 6: Transport Expenses
Col. 7: Food Expenses
Col. 8: Others (specify)

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Chapter 5

Editing Guidelines

5.1 Introduction:
Editing is the next important stage after data collection phase has been completed. It is a stage that deserves much attention if the quality of the data collected is to be guaranteed. Coding on the other hand becomes indispensable for computerized data processing. As regards the GHS questionnaire, a number of the questions are pre-coded. Others will, however, require coding by the editors during the editing stage. To do a good job, the editors will be hardworking, dedicated and must have good understanding of what should be done.

The editing guideline for General Household Survey (GHS) Questionnaire is written to help the field and other control personnel in checking and correcting errors that might be committed on the field and also to guide them on how to identify the errors found in a completed questionnaire.

5.2 Objective:
The main objective of the editing guideline is to control the quality of data collected through Identification of the sources of errors and Measurement of the errors overtime.

5.3 Questionnaire Review:
The GHS questionnaire has been divided into eleven parts (A,B,C??.K). A review of the questionnaire consists essentially of

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checking each part for possible errors. For the purpose of the review/editing/skim check, the following shall be adopted as working definitions for the possible errors that could be found.

5.4 Types of error:

(i) Omission:
This refers to cases in which an entry is required in an item, but none was made e.g. leaving E.A. Code cells blank. Here the supervisor as a field personnel has called the attention of the interviewer to it. Where this is not done, then it is the work of the manual editor to look through the list of the E.A. codes of that particular state and fill in the blank cells.
(ii) Inconsistencies:
Cases in which entries in two or more items are not consistent with each other e.g. a household member classified as son to head of household and his sex is written as female.
(iii) Unreasonable Entries:
Cases in which an entry is beyond the reasonable limits of an item or becomes doubtful. For example if the age of a member of household is 5 years and, he is recorded as being married under marital status.
(iv) Impossible Entries:
Cases in which a code written is out of range of codes given for a variable e.g. if state code is given as 39.
(v) Double Entries:
These are cases where more than one response is given to an item when only one is expected. For example if two bubbles were shaded for tenure (free o, owner occupier o)
(vi) Transcription:
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These are cases where a piece of information is wrongly copied from one part of the questionnaire to another e.g. a child member number copied from part B to either part E of I.

5.5 When to check for errors:
As a general practice, it is important to conduct these reviews in the field at an early point during the data collection stage. The enumerators should, after completing a questionnaire, quickly review the entries therein before leaving the vicinity of the household. This is the first level of editing. The supervisor, at the next level, should review promptly the work of interviewers under him/her. This should be very intensive during the first few days of the data collection since early detection and further instruction on how to proceed can prevent repetition of the same kind of errors. Where necessary, return visits should be made by the interviewer to correct any error which cannot be corrected after referring to other related information in the questionnaire.

5.6 General instructions:

(i) The first thing to do when an editor is to start editing the questionnaire is to organize questionnaire, E.A. by E.A and by households. Also verify that a questionnaire is filled for each household listed in the selected housing units and that each E.A. has correct number of housing units (i.e 10) and households (i.e. all households in particular HU).
(ii) The next thing is to verify that the result of the interview on the front page of the questionnaire (Q10) corresponds to the real status of the interview (i.e. Completed, Partly completed, Not at home etc).
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(iii) Thirdly, the editor must make sure that the household number and the name of head of household correspond to what is written in the household listing form.
(iv) Be sure that all items (bubbles) are shaded and all digits printed in the boxes.
(v) Lastly, all the skip instructions must be followed by verifying that the proper individuals have responses corresponding to their age and sex at the beginning of some sections.

5.7 Editing of the questionnaire:

Reference Number:
Check that the reference number is duely completed on all pages of the questionnaires. Note that the reference number is a combination of housing unit number (Q7) and questionnaire reference number (Q11).

Note: that the reference number of a particular housing unit changes if and only if there are more than one household in the housing unit. For a housing unit with two households, the first household in the housing unit will carry the HU number and 01 as the last two digits in the reference number while the second HH carries 02 as the last two digits in the reference number.

Part A:

(i) Check that the interviewer's names are printed correctly in the cells provided
(ii) Ensure that all digits are printed correctly in the boxes for Qs 1 - 9
(iii) Ascertain that the bubble corresponding to the result of the interview is shaded for Q10.
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(iv) The questionnaire reference number and the questionnaire within household (Q11) are two important boxes that determined the number of questionnaires used for a particular HU. Therefore, the editor has to pay a special attention to the completion of the boxes to give a desired result in the data entry for the correct information for the HU. For example,
(a) [example omitted]
(b) Questionnaire within HH:
If the household members are more than 15 persons in part B, where usual residents, Absent (part C), list of women ever married or age 15 years and above (part D), Births in the last 12 months (part E), List of all children, one year or less in this household (parts f and G), in the household in the last 12 months (part H0 and Health (part I) are more than 5 persons each and household enterprises owned by the hh is more than 7 then there must be continuation of questionnaire(s). The explanation is as above.
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Ensure that all bubbles are shaded for Qs 12 -- 24 and that number of living rooms and monthly rents in Naira must be printed correctly for Qs 15 and 16

Part B: Person(s) Present in Household:

(i) Check that information is shaded and printed for all members of household where necessary.
(ii) Check that the skip instructions are followed e.g. Col. 6 is skipped for unmarried members(s) of household.

Note: From col. 11 responses are required for person(s) age 10 years and above.

  • Col. 11: There are two types of skip instructions here (a) for options 1-5 to skip to Col.14 and (b) options 6 and 7 to skip to part c.
  • Col. 12: If the option bubbled is between 6,7 or 8 then skip to Col. 42.
  • Col. 26: Is skipped if the response in Col 19 is up to 40 hrs or the hours worked in Cols 19 and 25 are added up to 40 hrs.
  • Cols. 28 and 29 are skipped if col. 27 is no.

Part C: Usual Resident Absent
Ensure that all information is recorded for member(s) of household that is/are temporary away at the time of the interview.

Part D: Female Contraceptive Prevalence:
Check that the list of women ever married or age 15 years and above are completely copied from Part B to col. 0 and that their member number,

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relationship to head, age and education level correspond with what you have in Cols. 1,2,3, and 4.

  • Cols. 10-12 are skipped for those that are not currently pregnant
  • Cols. 13 and 14 are skipped for women above 49 years
  • Col. 15 must be completed for all married women.

Part E: Births in the last 12 Months:
Verify that all children of age less than one year are copied from part B to Col. '0' of part E and all other information supplied correctly.

  • Col.8 is skipped for a child or children that is/are not delivered by any trained birth attendant.

Part F: National Programme on Immunization:
Ascertain that the list of all children one year or less in the household is exhausted in Col. '0' and every other information supplied.

Part G: Child Nutrition (Breastfeeding Module):
Check that all children less than one year old in the household are completely copied here.

  • Cols. 4-21 are skipped for a child or children that had never been breastfed.

Part H: Deaths in the last 12 Months:
If there is any record of death in the household, all information must be recorded.

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Part I: Health (for all persons in the HH):
Be sure that the name and the member number tally with what is in part B. If no one in the household is sick or injured skip to Part J.

Part J: Household Enterprises:
Ensure that this part deals with own account worker (col. 18 option 3) of part B and employee of informal sector (col. 18 option1, combined with col. 20 option 1 of part B).

Note that if the household owns no enterprise, then the part is skipped, else all questions in the part are expected to be answered.

Part K: Household Expenditure:
Ensure that all questions relating to the household spending are recorded appropriately in the cells provided.