IV General census of population and housing, 2017
Enumerator handbook
Document No. 6
Maputo, July 2017
[The index from the original document is omitted here.]
The Census of Population and Housing consists of counting and describing the population and houses in a defined area at a particular time. Hence, through a Census, we can determine the number of residents and housing units, including their features.
The Republic of Mozambique has already carried out three General Censuses of Population and Housing: the first was in 1980, the second in 1997 and the third in 2007. From August 1 to 15, 2017, the IV General Census of Population and Housing (2017 Census) will take place.
This Manual is part of the material that will be used in the Census and aims to assist the enumerator in collecting data from family units. This will help you to formulate the questions correctly and fill out the census forms properly. During the training course, the enumerator will receive instructions on how to conduct interviews with the respondents, as well as how on correctly filling out the forms.
On the back cover of this manual, you will find the Census Law, which establishes, among other aspects, the obligation to respond to the questions on the forms, meaning that all individuals covered by the Census are required to provide, truthfully, the statistical data requested of them.
Within this scope, the Census Law establishes penalties for those who refuse to provide the data required in the census forms, or those who provide false statements. Therefore, when taking a census and whenever you notice that the citizen expresses any doubt about the legality of the Census, show the Law, particularly the Articles 6 and 7, which are related to the aspects of response obligation and confidentiality.
Read the manual carefully and ask your instructor any questions you may have during the training for proper clarification. If you need to refer to something, whether during the course and when taking the census of households, use your manual.
During the census, if you still have doubts about a specific situation after consulting the manual, please reach out to your superior.
1. General principles for census taking
1.1. Purpose of the census
The General Census of Population and Housing essentially aims to obtain statistical data that provides an accurate portrayal of the country's population size and characteristics, as well as the available housing stock. As an illustration, through the 2017 Census, among other elements, we will understand the following aspects of every region of the country:
- Number of children, adults and senior citizens;
- Number of men and women and their level of education;
- Type of work each person does;
- Typical construction material in residences;
- Source of drinking water;
- Number of people with electricity in their homes;
- Type of bathrooms used;
- Possession of durable goods;
- Use of information technologies;
- How many people have deceased within the family units;
- etc.
1.2. Who is required to participate in the census?
The census will cover all people living in Mozambique and anyone else who is present in the country at the census moment, regardless of their residency status.
Since the number of people and their characteristics change over time, it is necessary that all answers to the questions in the census forms refer to a specific moment, called census moment. The census moment is the exact day and time that serves as a common reference for stating the responses on the forms. That is, when answering the questions in the forms, the respondent must refer to the situation in which they found themselves at midnight on August 1, 2017, and not provide information regarding the day of the interview.
Understanding the census moment is essential to accurately determine the number of individuals present and residing in each province, district, city, village, municipality, etc., at a specific time. For the 2017 Census, the census moment will be considered to be at 12am on August 1, 2017.
Practically speaking, it won't be achievable to survey all households on August 1. Therefore, most of the population will be surveyed afterward. To comply with the concept of the census moment, enumerators must carefully observe the following guidelines:
Must be registered:
- All people who usually live in the family unit but who, for some reason, did not spend the reference night in the house, as long as the absence has lasted less than 6 months;
- People who lived in the family unit, but who died after midnight of August 1, 2017.
- All people in the family unit who died before midnight on August 1, 2017.
Who is required to participate in the census?
[The chart containing information on persons to participate in the census data collection is omitted here]
1.3. Data collection method
The data collection method to be adopted in the census will be door-to-door interviews, for
the population living in family units. The population residing in institutional households (hotels, guest houses, asylums, nursing homes, orphanages, prisons, etc.) will be included in the census conducted at those facilities.
1.4. Census forms
2 forms will be used: (i) Family Unit Form and (ii) Institutional Household Form.
The family unit form is divided into two parts:
The institutional household form, in addition to the geographic location of the housing, will collect the name, gender and total number of non-residents of the household who spent the reference night in the accommodation and whose maximum period of stay is less than 6 months. This form will only be used for institutional households (hospital unit, hotel/guest house, barracks/military camp, boarding school/college/home, prison and others).
1.5. Who should respond to the family unit and institutional household form?
All adult and suitable people living in family units and all people living in institutional households for a period equal to or greater than six months, if they are present, must personally answer the individual questions in the Family Unit Form (Section C).
Individual information on minors, absent, disabled and deceased people will be provided by the heads of the respective family units, as well as data on the characteristics and conditions of housing (Section D), durable goods and access to information and communication technologies (Section E), agricultural and fish farming activity (Section F) and mortality (Section G).
If the head of the household is absent, ill or unable to provide information, this will be provided by a member designated by the household.
People who live in institutional households for a period of less than 6 months will be counted in the collective census form, which will be answered by the head of the institutional household.
2. Basic concepts and definitions
Family unit-- A family unit is understood as the entire group of people linked or not by kinship, who live in the same house and share meals (food from the same pot) and most of the household expenses.
If there are rooms or areas in a house occupied by domestic workers with their families, or rented to another family, these should be considered as independent households. People living alone in a residence should also be considered as one family unit.
Attention. The person in charge of the family unit is not always the head. Always ask who is the head of the family unit and register that person as such in the part of the form designated for questions for people. This should always be the first person.
Head of family unit -- The person in charge of the family unit or the person who, for the purposes of the census, is indicated as such by the other members. In each family unit, there always must be a head and this person must be a resident, whether or not present at the time of the census, as long as their absence lasts less than 6 months.
Institutional households/residences -- It refers to facilities where people, typically without family ties, live together for reasons of health, education, tourism, military service, religion or for other reasons.
For census purposes, this category includes: hotels, nursing homes, schools, assisted living facilities, barracks, orphanages, hospitals, boarding houses, jails, and other similar facilities.
If, within the institutional household, there are family housings, intended for the administrative or service staff of the facility, its members must be considered as independent family units.
All people or groups of people who have kinship relationships with each other and share expenses, but who live permanently in institutional households, must also be considered as independent family units.
The person's absence from the family unit must be less than 6 months. If the absence is equal to or more than 6 months, the person should not be included in the family unit census.
Examples of the latter cases include people residing in hotels, as customers, and other similar cases that may occur in other institutional households.
Census moment -- This is the moment to which the information collected during the Census refers. In the case of the 2017 Census, the census moment is defined as 12am on August 1, 2017 (the night of July 31 to August 1).
Nationality -- It is the legal citizenship of the individual at the Census Moment. Nationality is considered a bond established between a citizen and a specific State. The nationalities shown on the Identity Card, Passport or Foreign Resident Identification Document (DIRE) will be considered.
Birthplace -- It refers to the place where the person was born, that is, where the mother lived during pregnancy.
Usual resident - A person who usually lives in the family unit, whether present or not, at the time of the interview.
Present resident -- Individuals who usually live in the family unit and spent the night of reference, that is, the night of July 31 to August 1, 2017, regardless of whether or not they were physically present at the time of the interview.
The following cases should be considered as present residents:
[A figure is omitted here]
- People who, on the reference night, did not sleep in their homes, because they were at a party, club or bar/tent, funerals or other ceremonies;
- All people who, due to work commitments, did not spend the reference night at their residence (taxi drivers, police and security agents, doctors, nurses, guards, on-call staff at Electricidade de Moçambique, Mozambique Airports and other companies).
Should not be considered as present residents
Absent resident -- A person who usually resides in the family unit, due to different circumstances, did not spend the reference night (July 31 to August 1, 2017) in their usual residence, and their absence period is no longer than 6 months.
An absent resident should be considered as follows:
The following cases should not be considered as an absent resident:
Visitor -- Refers to people who do not normally reside in the family unit but who spent the reference night there, even if they were not present at the time of the interview.
Habitual residence -- It is the place where the person usually lives.
Marital status -- Refers to an individual's situation concerning marriage or marital experience, as defined by laws, usages and customs. The marital statuses that are subject to census clearance are outlined as follows:
- Married -- Refers to the status of a person who is united to another person through a civil or religious marriage;
- Marital union -- Refers to the status of a person who lives with their partner but is not legally married according to civil or religious registration. Polygamists and their respective wives will be considered to be in a marital union, even if the polygamist has entered into an official marriage with one of the wives.
- Divorced -- A person who is separated or divorced from their spouse, whether by law or not. A person who was in this condition but remarried or is living maritally with someone else should be considered "married" or in the state of "marital union", respectively;
- Widower -- A person who was once married or was in a marital union and whose spouse has died. A person who was in this condition but remarried or is living maritally with someone else should be considered "married" or in the state of "marital union", respectively.
Live births -- This refers to the total number of children a woman has given birth to during her lifetime who showed signs of life such as breathing immediately after birth. All births where the child showed signs of life are included in this count, regardless of whether:
- They are physically present or not,
- They are living with either parent or not.
Children who were born alive (showed signs of life), but who died after childbirth should also be included
Children who were born dead, meaning they did not breathe or show signs of life after separation from their mother's body, should not be included. Stepchildren, meaning children born to the interviewee's husband with another woman, should not be included. Grandchildren, nieces, and adopted children should not be registered as the interviewee's children.
Currently living children -- This refers to the number of children who are currently alive, regardless of whether they are physically present at the time of the census or typically reside in the family unit. For example: married children living in their own homes, children working or studying elsewhere within or outside the country, etc.
Children born in the last 12 months -- Refers to the number of children born in the period from August 1, 2016 to July 31, 2017.
Housing (house) For the purposes of the census, housing is considered to be any place intended for accommodating people.
Enumeration area (EA) A geographically defined space, delimited by the Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (National Statistics Institute), assigned to an enumerator, for the purpose of collecting data over a determined period.
Therefore, each EA has a limited number of family units (80 to 100 in rural areas and 100 to 120 in urban areas).
Farm: refers to a plot of land separated from others by natural (rivers) or artificial borders (roads, paths, hedges, demarcation with other farms, etc.) that is intended for agricultural production. Backyards with crops are not included in this question.
Fruit tree -- It is a plant with a wood structure (stem) that bears fruit (Ex: Orange, Lemon, Avocado, etc.)
Commit to work with discipline, good behavior, and responsibility:
- Complete the forms correctly, ensuring no errors, omissions or duplications of family units or people;
- Attach the surveyed household tag on the top corner of the door;
- Submit the filled out forms to the controller on a daily basis;
- Ensure good cooperation with the population;
- Maintain ongoing communication with the controller, reaching out whenever you have questions about completing the forms or other job-related aspects.
- Inform your controller of any problems that require
Fruit plant -- It is a plant without wood structure (stem) that bears fruit (Ex: pineapple, vine, strawberry plants, etc.).
Aquaculture pond -- Tank built in the ground that can be coated with cement/concrete or not, and which construction follows specific techniques. These tanks are intended for fish farming.
Traditional fishing -- It is a type of fishing characterized by family labor, with small boats, canoes, rafts or even without boats (in the case of mollusks) near the coast.
3. Roles, materials and procedures during data collection
3.1 General roles and working method
The enumerator's main task is to interview people in family units, collect data and record them correctly in the forms. The census will be conducted door-to-door.
People living on the streets, avenues, parks, public places, etc., must be counted on the 1st day of the census. These individuals will be counted by special teams, set up by the Census Executive Offices (OER), operating in neighborhoods and localities. The location where these people stay overnight must be identified before the census start date.
During the census, there will both urban and rural enumerators. The former will work in cities and towns, in teams consisting of 3 or 4 enumerators. Meanwhile, rural enumerators will work in rural areas, in teams consisting of 2 or 3 enumerators.
Each team will have a work area that will be overseen by one controller. Each enumerator must:
- Complete the forms correctly, that is, without errors, omissions or duplications of households and people;
- Paste the registered house label in the upper corner of the door;
- Deliver, daily to the controller, census forms completed;
- Ensure good cooperation with the population;
- Maintain permanent contact with the controller, consulting him whenever he has doubts about the completing bulletins or other aspects of the work and;
- Inform your controller of problems.
[Sections 3.2, 3.3.1, and 3.3.2 from the original document are omitted here]
3.3.3 Prior recognition of the enumeration area
The enumerator should conduct a survey of their enumeration area two days before the census starts to understand its scope, identify its boundaries and inhabited areas. It is advisable to start by identifying the departure and arrival points and to strictly rely on the descriptive text to help you recognize the boundaries of the EA. Also pay close attention to the information regarding the hierarchy of limits, presented in the geographic location, as these generally coincide with the administrative limits.
Most enumeration area boundaries are visible. In urban areas, there are roads and avenues, while in rural areas, there are rivers, paths, mountains, etc. However, the assistance of a local guide is very useful to verify the boundaries of the enumeration area and locate inhabited places, as well as to identify "areas with mines" or other types of restricted areas.
To avoid omissions and duplications of family units, respect the enumeration area limits by listing all residents and not exceeding its boundaries.
3.3.4 How to take a census in institutional households?
Examples of institutional households include hospitals, maternity wards, orphanages, assisted living facilities, training centers, barracks, hotels or guest houses, student dorms, workers' camps, prisons. In these cases, the census must be organized by the Census Executive Office, in advance and in coordination with the head or director of the institutional household, to collect information on the people staying there and that had spent the reference night.
In institutional households, there can be three categories of people:
- Those who work, live and have meals there: these should be registered within the institutional households;
People living in institutional households will be counted by a special team made up of local employees, suitably qualified for the task.
3.3.5 Confidentiality
All statistical information provided by family units or individuals is confidential.
What does confidentiality mean?
- It also means that completed forms should not be seen by anyone, except the person taking the census (when requested), the controller and higher authorities of the Census Bureau.
- It also means that neither local, judiciary, police or other authorities will have access to the completed forms.
- The data collected may only be disclosed in the form of aggregated statistical data, for example, by province, city, village, etc., and never about a specific family unit or person.
The confidential nature of statistical data is determined by the General Census of Population and Housing Law and by the National Statistical System (Law 7/96 dated June 5). Its purpose is to establish an environment of trust, in which people can provide honest answers without being exposed to any form of repercussions. The enumerator must strictly observe the requirements of confidentiality throughout all phases of their work, or else they may face sanctions as stipulated by Law.
3.3.6 How to earn the trust of respondents?
To establish an environment of trust with the people to be counted, the enumerator must:
4.1 General filling instructions
To avoid omitting people within the family unit, write in the Section B (List of family unit members), the names (first name and last name) of all members who usually reside in the family unit, starting with the name of the head of the family unit and then the remaining members in order of the degree of kinship in relation to the head, starting by the spouse, children (from the youngest to the oldest), and then the remaining relatives and unrelated people.
Then, register all visitors who spent the reference night in the family unit, whether or not they were present at the time of the interview.
If the head of the family unit has more than one wife, start by registering him, the first wife and her respective children; next, the second wife and their respective children. That is if both wives and their children live in the same household and live as a single family unit. Otherwise, consider them as independent family units, and one of the wives becomes the head of an independent family unit with their children.
Enumerator: the member's list of the family unit must be filled out directly on the form. Do not use drafts to save time and avoid transcription errors.
If there are visitors who spent the reference night with the family unit, they should also be
After writing down all the names, proceed to the next page (Section C: Questions about
the population), to collect individual data from each member of the family unit, starting with
the head of the family unit and following the same sequence as in the list (section B).
Keep in mind that adult individuals must personally provide their individual data whenever
they are present during the interview; if they are absent, their respective data should be
informed by the head of the family unit or from a competent person who can act on their
behalf. In the case of children, absentees, mentally disabled individuals, deaf, mute and
deceased (after 12am on August 1, 2017), their information will be provided by the head of
the family unit or a person designated by family unit.
When you finish Section C for all family unit members, move on to Section D (Housing characteristics and conditions) to collect data on the housing. Keep in mind that the head of the family unit, or another member designated by the other family unit members, is the responsible for answering sections D to G. Then, move to Section E to collect information on durable goods and access to information and communication technologies. Following that, you will fill in Section F to collect information on agricultural and fish farming activities.
After finishing all other sections, move on to Section G to collect data on mortality.
Once you have completed filling out all sections of the form, you should return to section B
to specify the total number of people living in the family unit.
The forms must be completed by marking an with black ballpoint pen in the corresponding square.
[A figure containing an example is omitted here]
In questions where the answer must be numerical, that is, a number, you must fill in like this "12" if the number is 12, "05" if it is 5.
Write the answer when you are sure that the interviewee understood correctly, the question and that the answer is correct. In case of error, by marking the answer given, do not delete to invalidate the answer. Color the wrong option [completely] and come back to mark the correct option and should not be erased in any way.
[Pages 28-32 from the original document are omitted here.]
4.1.2 How to ask the form questions?
The way you ask the questions and record the answers in the census form is very important. When asking questions you should:
- read the questions in the form and the alternative answers, where available;
- wait for the answers and then write them down correctly in the appropriate space;
- repeat the questions when necessary in order to obtain correct answers. If, after repeating the answers, the respondent is still struggling to understand, explain using your own words or translate it into the local language, without altering the meaning or implying an answer.
4.1.3 How to complete the form?
To save time, the day before the interview, fill out the Section A of forms -- Geographic location -- transcribing the information that appears on the map of your enumeration area.
In enumeration areas, where there is more than one village/communal unit/block or zone/block, write their number as you proceed with the census. For this, you should ask family units in which blocks they are located.
Always bear in mind that, when helping another enumerator in another enumeration area, you must write the code from the EA where you are helping.
4.1.4 Number of forms per family unit/residence
Use a census form for each family unit. Up to 6 people can be registered in a single form. In cases where there are more than 6 persons, use more forms, until the census for the family unit is completed.
For institutional households, use a family unit form for residents and an institutional household form for non-residents. In an institutional household form, you can list 227 individuals. Whenever there are over 227 individuals, make sure to use the additional sheets until the survey is completed.
Enumerator: Transcribe the data from Section A (Geographic location of the housing) of the family unit form for all continuation forms. You should also indicate whether the form is a continuation or not.
[An example of a family unit form is omitted here]
4.2 Specific instructions for filling out forms
Family unit form
In this form, information about the family unit members and the housing where they reside should be registered with their respective characteristics, durable goods, agricultural and fish farming activities, as well as information on deaths occurred in the family unit in the last 12 months.
Do not add information on the housing and its characteristics in the case of collective housing.
Is this a continuation form?
If the number of members of the family unit exceeds 6, use an additional form. In the first form, mark with X (X) in the option "no" to indicate that the form is not a continuation form. From the second form onwards, mark the option "yes" with an X and fill in the number of the first form (copy the number from the footer, between the two bar codes) in the space reserved for this purpose (in the upper right).
In the form number/total number of forms space, add the total number of forms completed for the family unit. For example, if a family unit has 14 members, you will fill out 3 forms.
Note that the first form is not a continuation form. Therefore, you should always select the option "no".
Section A: Geographic location of the housing
This section must be completed by the enumerator before beginning the fieldwork. All forms should contain codes for the place where the census is being conducted (Section A of the form). Fill in the respective codes. These can be found on the enumeration area map; copy them into the forms.
A1. Area of residence
The form is planned for two categories of area of residence: urban and rural. In this part, the enumerator will select only one option. Mark with X the housing area of the family unit. Mark an X in the option "urban" for all cities or villages under the "municipality" category.
Once again, this information appears on the enumeration area map; transcribe it.
The codes for A2. Province, A3. District, A4. Administrative office, A5. Location/village, A6. Neighborhood, A7. Enumeration area, A8. Village/communal unit/block and A9. Zone/Block, are also available on the enumeration area map; transcribe them to the forms.
House number
In this question, the enumerator should first consult and identify the name of the head of the family unit that appears on the list on the enumeration area map and extract the corresponding house number, according to the map (A10).
If there are two or more independent family units living in the same house, each of them will have the same house number.
Number of family units in this house
In this question, indicate the total number of independent family units living in the house that you registered. If you use more than one form for the same family unit, repeat this number on all forms.
If you find a number of family units in the house that is different of the number of family units on the enumeration area map, you should register the number of family units found in the house. If the number of family units is smaller than predicted on the EA map, register the number of family units found and cross out the family units that have moved out of the EA map. And, if the number is greater, register all family units, starting with the family units listed on the enumeration area map. Next, list the new family units on the EA map.
Number of this family unit
In this question, the enumerator should refer to the list of family units shown in column A11
of the enumeration area map, and extract the number corresponding to each family unit.
For example, in the house number 022 (table below), there are three independent family
units and Jaime Alfinete Faztudo's number is 2.
Apolinário Luis Lequechane 022 1
Jaime Alfinete Faztudo 022 2
Ambrósio João Cossa 022 3
Please note that this numbering follows a sequence only within the same residence, meaning you should initiate the enumeration with family unit no. 1 in each house, and not the last one recorded in the previous residence.
If you find a number of family units in the house that is different of the number of family units on the enumeration area map, you should register the number of family units found in the house. Therefore, if any family unit listed on the EA map has moved out, their line on the EA map must be removed. And, if you find a new family unit in the house, that is, one that is not listed on the map, assign the sequential number to this family unit and register it on the enumeration area map, in the space reserved for this purpose.
Village/communal unit/block
The name of the village/communal unit/block can be found on the enumeration area map;
copy it to the form.
Name of the head of the family unit
Each family unit should have a head, who is appointed by its members. Write the name of
the head of the family unit on the form. The list of family units, which can be found on the
map, has the name of each family unit head; however, this name may change upon
recommendation from the family unit members. If applicable, write down the name given at
the time of the interview.
In cases where the form is used to list people living in institutional households (residents for 6 months or more), the name of the person responsible for the household will be added in this field, along with the name of the household.
Write the name of the street, no., floor, and flat number. For example, July 24, no. 1989, floor 5, flat 1.
Description for cases with no address available
The space for description should be used in cases where there are unnamed streets or house numbers. In these cases, you should write down one or more reference points to make it easier to locate the house. For example, write "near the central market", "on the right side of the S. António Church", etc.
Section B: List of family unit members
B1. Person number names of people in the family unit
In this section, list all the people that usually live in the family unit (residents), whether they are present or not, including those who died after 12am on August 1, 2017. Then, list the visitors who spent the night from July 31 to August 1, 2017 (visitors), regardless of whether or not they were physically present at the time of the interview.
Be careful not to record people born after 12am on August 1, 2017, or people who died before 12am on August 1, 2017 in the form.
Begin by writing down the head of the family unit's name, followed by the members in order of their relationship to the head, starting with the spouse, children (from youngest to oldest), and then other relatives and unrelated individuals.
Please note that the name in section a (name of the head of the family unit) should be the first in sections b and c (head of family unit).
if there is more than one wife in the family unit, after the head of the household, list the first wife and her children, followed by the second wife and her children. That is if both wives and their children live in the same household and live as a single family unit. Otherwise, consider them as independent units.
As you fill in the names, ask if they are residents or visitors and mark an X in the box corresponding to resident or visitor, as applicable. This will simplify the preliminary assessment you will conduct after the interview. Don't forget to list any visitors who spent the reference night in the household and then left.
If there are more than 6 people in the family unit, use an additional form and mark an X in the option "yes" (Is this form a continuation?) on the form that is a continuation. Follow these steps for all continuation forms, except for the first form for the family unit. In this case, you should mark the option "No" (Is this form a continuation?).
B2. If it is not a continuation form
write them down by gender. Only habitual residents in the accommodation unit should be interviewed. For easier calculation, count the individuals marked with X in the "Resident" box.
At the end of the interview, the enumerator should count all the people listed and,
When a family unit or residence has more than 6 people and 2 or more forms have been used, the register should be done on the first form (main form), including all individuals listed in the continuation forms. Visitors should not be included in this listing.
- In one unit, 15 people were listed, of which 11 are residents, 5 men and 6 women, and the remaining 4 are visitors.
- Therefore, the correct enumeration will be:
Specify the total number of individuals living in the family unit 1 1
Specify how many individuals per gender:
Male 0 5 Female 0 6.
Section C: Questions about the population
Q1. Name of the individual
Write down the person's name as per the sequence outlined in Section B. The first individual to be interviewed in the form should be the head of family unit, regardless of their gender; then the spouse, and finally the children, from youngest to oldest.
Given the limited space of the form, there's no need to include the full name, just the first and last. For example: Casimira Xavier, Sumail Abacar, Amélia Francisco, etc.
If it is a child that has not been named yet, write "baby". Many times, children who do not yet have a name are omitted. Therefore, pay attention to ensure that this does not happen.
Attention, enumerator:
- If a polygamist who was listed in the house where he spent the reference night insists on also being listed in the other house, enumerate him and, as soon as he leaves the house, delete the page containing his information.
- If, at the time of the interview, a person who usually is head of the family unit has been away from their place of residence for a period equal to or greater than 6 months, do not include them in the form. In this case, consider the wife or other relative indicated by the family unit as the head.
Q2. What is the kinship relationship with the head of the unit?
This question aims to know the degree of relationship of each person who lives in the family unit in relation to the head of the family unit. Read the question and wait for the answer. Mark with an X the number corresponding to the answer, ensuring there is only one answer.
Note that each family unit should have only one head. Therefore, the first page of Section C is intended for the head of the family unit, while the subsequent pages are for the remaining members, who will be recorded in the order mentioned above.
The kinship relationships to be taken into account for the purposes of this census are:
- Biological child: Individual who is a biological child of the head of the family unit.
- Father/mother: Parents of the head of the family unit.
- Stepchild: Biological child of the spouse of the head of the family unit.
- Adopted child: A child who was adopted by the head of the family unit.
- Son-in-law/daughter-in-law: The spouse of the head of the family unit's son/daughter.
- Grandchild: The biological child of the head of the family unit's son/daughter.
- Other kinship: Individual who belongs to another family category not previously mentioned (for example, cousins, nephews, uncles).
- Unrelated: An individual who has no family relationship with the head of the family unit (examples: two friends who decide to live together without being family members, employees, godchildren).
Note: The kinship relationship must be defined in relation to the head of the family unit. For example:
2. Fátima is the mother of the head of the family unit, so mark, with X and in Q2, option 04 (father/mother);
3. Carlos is the son of the head of the family unit's wife from her previous marriage; then, mark option 05 (stepchild) with an X.
Q3. Specify the gender
All the information that will be collected in the census will be cross-referenced in relation to the gender of individuals. Always ask the gender of each respondent, especially in cases where the individual to be listed is not present at the time of the interview. Keep in mind that there are names that, initially, do not reveal the person's gender. Here are some examples of names that can be used for an individual of either gender:
- Nativity
- Jossefa
- Simone
- Feliz
There are also names that are not very common in all parts of our country, such as:
- Ánasse
- Kulambila
- Taferanhica
- Sibosiso
Write X in box 1 if the respondent's gender is male, and in box 2, if female.
Q4. How old is the person?
This question is equally important as it will enable the analysis of all age-based information. For example, illiteracy, fertility, mortality rates, etc., are calculated based on the age declared in the census.
Ensure you write down the age of every member of the family unit accurately.
The age of each person must be specified as the number of years completed on their last birthday, taking into account the census moment. For example, if an individual was born on August 31, 2016, they will not have completed 1 year of age by August 1, 2017. In this situation, the enumerator should write the following on the form: 0 0 0 .
If the person is 9 years old, you should write the age in the form as follows: 0 0 09 etc.
Keep in mind that:
Age is recorded in a 3-digit format. If the enumerated person is 7 years old, first write 00 before the age, like this: 0 0 07.
To determine the age of people who do not know it:
2- If the individual does not know their year of birth, ask for the identity card, personal card, birth certificate or other document issued by official entities that may contain the age or year of birth (check the conversion table in the Annex).
If, through these methods, it is not yet possible to determine the age, the enumerator must try to obtain it by comparing with other enumerated individuals of known age or through the following procedure:
b) Compare the physical characteristics of the individual of unknown age with that of another individual of a known age.
- Special attention should be given to toddlers: if they can walk, they should be around 1 year old; if they can talk, they should be around 2 years old.
c) To determine the age of a child, if the mother has more children, the procedure is as follows:
- Find out the age of one of her children.
- Consider the order and age gaps between children's births to figure out the age of a child whose age is unknown.
d) In cases where it is difficult to calculate age, do not look for easy solutions by arbitrarily assigning ages ending in zero or five. You should always distinguish ages year by year, for example: 36, 43, 78, etc.
Q5. At midnight on august 1, 2017, in this family unit, you were:
This question seeks to establish the count of usual residents present, absent, as well as the number of visitors who were at the family unit on the night of July 31 to August 1, 2017. Read the question and each of the
possible answers (present resident, absent resident or visitor). Please note that only one answer is allowed for this question.
Keep in mind that the following cases should be considered as present residents:
- People who, on the reference night, did not sleep in their homes because they were out at a party, club or bar/tent, funerals or other ceremonies;
- People who, due to work commitments, did not spend the reference night at their residence (taxi drivers, police and security agents, doctors, nurses, guards, on-call staff at Electricidade de Moçambique, Mozambique Airports and other companies), but who later returned to it.
Should not be considered as present residents:
The following example should be considered as an absent resident:
Cases similar to this one below should not be considered as an absent resident:
People who do not usually live in the family unit, but spent the reference night there, even if they are not at home at the time of the interviews, should be considered as visitors.
For people living in institutional households, the following situations should be taken into account:
- If a member of the family unit declares that another member has been living in an institutional household for a period of less than 6 months, this other member should be listed in that family unit as an absent resident.
- If a member of the family unit declares that another member has been living in an institutional household for a period equal to or greater than 6 months, this member should not be listed in that family unit.
Make sure to ask about the duration of the absence to determine who is a member of the family unit. People who have recently moved into the family unit with the intention of residing there permanently are also considered usual residents.
- Students and/or others who are involved in the 2017 census activities, far from their area of residence, should be listed as visitors in the place where they are working and as absent residents (for those who reside in the institutional household for a period equal to or greater than 6 months) in the respective institutional household. In these cases, they should provide all their data to the head of the institutional household to be listed.
Q6. What is your race?
An individual's race is not always easy to identify. For that, make sure you ask people about their race. Read the question and each of the possible answers: black, mixed race, white, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese or other. Mark X in the box of the number corresponding to the answer.
Remember that this question must always be answered. Please note that only one answer is allowed for this question.
Q7. Where were you born?
The aim is to know the individual's place of birth, which can be either Mozambique or abroad. A person may be born in one place and live in another. This question is designed to estimate migration. Read the question and wait for the answer.
If the respondent mentions a district or village that is inconsistent with the province, you'll have to make the necessary adjustments by discussing it with the respondent. If you have any doubts, seek assistance from a member of the family unit or use the table of districts and villages in annex B.
Keep in mind that:
- If the person was born in another district within the national territory, they should indicate the name of the province, district or city/village. You should avoid writing the names of towns, administrative offices or villages. If the person was born abroad, mark the box corresponding to their country of birth with an X. For example, if they were born in Portugal, mark an X in option 06. If it is a country other than those listed in the form, write the name of the country in the space provided for that purpose.
Q7a. How long have you been living in this district?
The data to be collected through this question is essential to improve the statistical information on the migratory patterns of the population residing in Mozambique.
Therefore, ask each person how long they have been living in the district where they are living now and take into account the following possible answers:
- If the answer is that they have always lived in the current district, but were born elsewhere in the district, check box 01;
- If the answer is that they were born in another district or abroad, then ask how many years they have lived in the current district and mark the number of years in the box 02.
02. However, please note that this individual may have lived continuously in the current district, but at different --addresses within the district. As such, the number of years to be stated should be counted from the moment they started living in the current district. Thus, if a person has already lived in 3 different addresses in the same district, calculate the years as follows:
- Lived for 5 years at address 2, and
- Lived for 10 years at address 3 (current location).
Therefore, the number of years to be indicated for this individual is 18 years (3+5+10)
... rather than the 10 years of residence at the current address.
In cases where the person has previously lived in the current district but moved to another district or country, and then returned to the current district, all years of previous residence in the current district should be added together.
Thus, to get correct answers about the situation of individuals who have lived in more than one location within the district where they currently reside, ask if they have always resided in their current location within the district.
Read the question and wait for the answer. The answer should be based on the nationality stated on the identity card, passport, or foreign resident identification document (DIRE). Under no circumstances this question should be left blank. If you face any challenges in confirming nationality, ask for the documents mentioned above.
-For foreigners, ask their nationality and mark an X in the corresponding box. For nationalities that are not included in the form, please fill in the designated space. Example: Zambian, Brazilian, Chinese, etc.
Q9. Do you have any disabilities/difficulties?
This question is very sensitive. Some people are uncomfortable with questions about their disabilities or those of their relatives, especially when related to minors. Therefore, try to be considerate when asking the question.
Consider the following cases as disabilities: blindness; deaf-muteness; arms amputated/atrophied; legs amputated/atrophied; paralysis; mental illness; impaired vision, even when wearing glasses; impaired hearing, even using a hearing aid; memory or concentration impairment; mobility impairment and others.
Avoid using terms such as lame, cripple, as they may offend the respondent.
If the respondent has any disability/difficulty, mark an X in the number box that corresponds to the type of disability. Otherwise, mark an X in box 01 and go to Q11.
Multiple answers are possible for this question. This means that, if the interviewee has an amputated leg and is blind at the same time, mark an X in boxes number 02 and 05.
Q10. What were the causes of the main disability/condition?
For all individuals who marked any type of disability in the previous question, ask what caused their main disability. The aim is to know how the person developed a specific type of disability. For example, if an individual has an amputated arm and says he lost his arm while working, mark X in box 05 (workplace accident).
Keep in mind that option 03 "mines/war" should be marked for individuals who have developed the disability due to this cause, as civilians. While alternative 04 "military service" should be marked for people who have developed the disability while serving in the military forces.
Keep in mind that this question also allows more than one answer, as a disability can be caused by several factors.
Q10a. How old were you when you acquired this disability/condition?
For all people who said they had a disability/condition in Q9, in question (Q10a) they should state the age at which they acquired the main disability/condition. Read the question and write down the answer. If the disability was present at birth or occurred before one year-old, write "00" in the appropriate space.
Q11. What is your religion?
For census purposes, all religions or beliefs should be considered, whether registered, organized or not at all. When in doubt about the religion of minors, the one declared by one of the parents should be recorded.
Read the question and wait for the respondent's answer. If a survey participant states they belong to the Anglican Church, mark box 02 with an X. It's not always straightforward to declare one's religion, as people might be familiar with the church's name only. For example, the respondent may say they belong to the St. Sebastian's Church; in this case, write the church's name in the designated space in legible letters. Do not use acronyms for religious denominations (ZCC, IPM, UCKG, etc.). If the name is too long, abbreviate some words and avoid using the word "church", as it is redundant. In case the name is too long, write it down in the notes (back cover).
Keep in mind that:
- Atheists are those who do not believe in the existence of God;
- Animists are those who believe that things possess a soul similar to the human soul;
- Agnostics are those who doubt the existence of God because there is no proof of it.
Q12. Is your biological mother alive?
This question aims to know whether the respondent's biological (birth) mother is alive or not. In other words, the stepmother, adoptive mother, guardian, or caregiver should not be considered as the mother.
Read the question and wait for the answer. Mark X in box 01 if the respondent's mother is alive; or X in box 02 if their mother has passed away; or X in box 03 if the respondent is unsure.
Q13. Is your biological father alive?
As in the previous question, now the same is asked regarding the biological father. Do not consider as a father, the stepfather, adoptive father, guardian or the person responsible for education and other duties.
Read the question and wait for the answer. Mark an X in box 01 if the respondent's father is alive; or box 02 if he is not alive; or box 03 if the respondent is unsure.
Only for individuals aged 0 to 17
[Questions 14 and 15 are asked only of persons aged 0 to 17 years old]
Q14. Have you been registered at the civil registry?
This question aims to know whether individuals aged 0 to 17 have been registered in the Civil Registry. Read the question and wait for the answer. If the answer is Yes, mark an X in box 01 move on to Q16. Otherwise, mark an X in box 02 and proceed to the next question.
Q15. Why have you not been registered?
For those who answered that they were not registered in Q14, the aim is to know the main reason why they were not registered. Ask the question, wait for the answer and mark X in the respective box. For example, if the respondent answers that child registration is not important, mark X in box 02 and move on to the next question
(Q16). If the respondent mentions another reason different from those provided in the form, write legibly in the space provided for this purpose.
Remember that this question must have only one answer.
Only for individuals aged 1 year or more
[Question 16 is asked only of persons aged 1 year or older]
Q16. Where were you living on august 1, 2016?
This question aims to know where the respondent lived 1 year before the Census date, i.e., on August 1, 2016. Read the question and wait for the answer.
If the respondent mentions a district, city or village that is inconsistent with the province, make the necessary adjustments by discussing it with the respondent. If you have any doubts, seek assistance from a member of the family unit or use the table of districts and villages in Annex B.
Keep in mind that:
- When filling in the province field for Maputo Province and Maputo City, please write the full name. For the city of Maputo, write Maputo City and for province of Maputo, write Maputo Province;
- When filling out the District field, for Maputo City, enter the names of the Municipal Districts. Do not enter any information in the City/Town field;
- In case the interviewee was in a different place within the national territory, please provide the name of the province, district, or city/town in the appropriate field. You should not write names of locations, administrative posts or towns.
- If the person was abroad, mark an X in the box corresponding to the country. If the country in question is not included in the list of countries in the form, please enter the country's name in the designated space.
Only for individuals aged 5 year or more
[Questions 17-21 are asked only of persons aged 5 years or older]
Q17. Where were you living 5 years ago (on august 1, 2012)?
This question aims to know where the respondent lived 5 year before the Census date, i.e., on August 1, 2012.
If the respondent mentions a district, city or village that is inconsistent with the province, make the necessary adjustments by discussing it with the respondent. If you have any doubts, seek assistance from a member of the family unit or use the table of districts and villages in Annex B.
Keep in mind that:
- In case the respondent was in a different place within the national territory, provide the name of the province, district or city/village in the appropriate field, in accordance with Annex B of this manual. You should not write names of locations, administrative posts or towns.
- If the person was abroad, mark an X in the box corresponding to the country. If the country in question is not included in the list of countries in the form, please enter the country's name in the designated space.
Q18. Can you read and write (in any language)?
This question aims to know whether the interviewee has or lacks literacy skills in any language. In this question, there must be only one answer.
- If the person cannot read and write, mark an X in box 02;
- If the person can only read but cannot write, mark with an X in box 02.
Q19. Can you speak Portuguese?
Read the question and wait for the answer. We consider that someone knows how to speak Portuguese when they are able to have a conversation in Portuguese, that is, they can understand and express themselves, even if they do not speak this language correctly. In these cases, mark X in box 01. Otherwise, mark X in box 02.
Q20. What is your mother tongue?
This question intends to ascertain the language the interviewee learned to speak as a baby, regardless of whether they currently speak it or not.
For example, Mr. Carlos learned to speak in Echuwabo, so the answer is Echuwabo. Mark an X in box 07, regardless of whether he speaks other languages or not.
Read the question and write down the answer in the corresponding box. If the interviewee mentions a language other than those listed in the form, you must write the name of the language, in legible letters, in the field reserved for this purpose. For example; interviewees who use sign language. There should be only one answer.
Q21a. What language do you speak most often at home?
This question aims to ascertain the language used most frequently at home, regardless of whether or not they speak other languages at school or at work. The answer is also correct if the interviewee mentions that they frequently speak a language at home that they previously identified in questions Q19 or Q20.
Continuing with the example of Mr. Carlos, who, as we know, learned to speak Echuwabo but speaks Portuguese more frequently at home. So the language he speaks most frequently is Portuguese. In this case, mark an X in the box 02.
02. If it is a language other than the pre-codified ones, write the name of the language in legible letters in the field provided for this purpose.
There should be only one answer.
Q21b. In addition to the language above, what other languages do you use to communicate elsewhere?
This question aims to know people's ability to speak one or more languages. This information is important for understanding which languages can be used to convey public messages or information to the population effectively. Read the question and wait for the answer. Write the answer in the space provided, in legible letters. The correct answer must be a language different from those stated in questions Q19, Q20, and Q21a. If the interviewee does not speak a language other than the ones previously mentioned, mark an X in box 01 labeled "none".
Only for individuals aged 3 year or more
[Questions 22-27 are asked only of persons aged 3 years or older]
Q22. Tell if:
This question refers to school attendance at a regular, public, or private educational establishment, including distance learning courses.
- Mark an X in box 02 if the interviewee is not currently attending school but has attended in the past.
Keep in mind that:
Participation in courses such as cutting and sewing, computing, or language courses (except if they are for obtaining an academic degree) is not considered school attendance.
Q23. Indicate your current level of education, or if you are not studying, the highest level you have attended:
This question should be answered by those who answered option 01 or 02 in Q22:
If the person answered option 01 in Q22 (Currently attending school), indicate the level of education. For example, if Mr. Taibo attends a Vocational School, mark an X in box 09.
If the person answered option 2 in Q22 (I have attended school), specify the highest level of education they attended, even if incomplete. For example, Mrs. Madalena attended a Teacher Training Course but did not complete it, mark an X in box 10 (Teacher Training Course).
Keep in mind that you should include:
- For teacher training courses, include all individuals who have participated/are participating in teacher training courses.
Please note that: Individuals attending a higher education teacher training course should be categorized under the corresponding higher education levels.
- For individuals who studied outside Mozambique, their education levels should align with those recognized in Mozambique.
- For bachelor's degrees, include all individuals who have attended or are currently attending any bachelor's degree program, whether inside or outside the country.
- For license degrees, include all individuals who have attended or are currently attending any course at the license level, whether inside or outside the country.
- For master's degrees, include all individuals who attended or are attending any course at Master's level, whether inside or outside the country.
Enumerator: For those who claim to have attended or are attending Higher Education, you should inquire whether they have completed a bachelor's, license's master's, or PhD degree.
Individuals attending or who have attended the following programs should be included in the Bachelor, License, Master, or PhD categories:
- Academy of Police Sciences (ACIPOL)
- Higher School of Nautical Sciences (ESCN)
- School of Economics and Management (ESEG)
- Alberto Chipande Institute of Higher Education
- Christian Institute of Higher Education (ISC)
- Higher Institute of Public Administration (ISAP)
- Higher Institute of Health Sciences (ISCISA)
- Higher Institute of Science and Technology of Mozambique (ISCTEM)
- Higher Institute of Accounting and Auditing of Mozambique (ISCAM)
- Higher Institute of Education and Technology (ISET)
- Higher Institute of Defense Studies (ISEDEF)
- Higher Institute of Training, Research and Science (ISFIG)
- Higher Institute of Management, Commerce and Finance (ISGECOF)
- Higher Institute of International Relations (ISRI)
- Higher Institute of Transport and Communications (ISUTC)
- Maria Mãe de África Higher Institute (ISMA)
- Higher Polytechnic Institute of Gaza (ISPG)
- Higher Polytechnic Institute of Manica (ISPM)
- Higher Polytechnic Institute of Tete (ISPT)
- Apolitécnica University (ISPU)
- Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM)
- Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM)
- Jean Piaget University of Mozambique (UJPM)
- Mussa Bin Bique University (UMBB)
- Pedagogical University (UP)
- São Tomás University of Mozambique (USTM)
- Technical University of Mozambique (UDM)
- Utivi University (UNITIVA)/ISTEG
During the Census, we will come across people who have attended different education systems. check the equivalence table in the form to find the equivalence to the current system.
For example:
-Mr. Madala says he completed the 9th grade under the old system. The enumerator, using the equivalence table in the "Census 2017" column, should mark box 05 (Secondary Education - 1st Cycle) in Question 23.
Q24. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Not everyone who claimed to have attended a particular level of education actually completed it. Therefore, all respondents who answered Q23 should state the highest level of education they completed. Read the question and write down the provided answer. Remember that you should only write one answer.
For example:
-Mr. Madala says he completed the 9th grade of the old system, which means he completed this level. In Question 24, the enumerator, using the equivalence table in the "census 2017" column, should mark box 05 (Secondary Education - 1stCycle).
Q25. If you have completed a higher education course (bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctorate), please indicate the name of the course:
Only respondents who indicated completion of a higher education course in the previous question (Q24), marked with an X in boxes 11, 12, 13, or 14, should answer this question.
If a respondent has completed multiple higher education courses at the same level (higher), they should specify the most relevant to their profession. For those who are unemployed or economically inactive, please indicate the most recently completed course.
Read the question and wait for the answer. Please record the interviewee's response in legible letters in the designated space.
Q26. In the last 3 months, did you use: computer/laptop/tablet
This question is about the use of information and communication technologies, regardless of the location, which could be at home, work, an Internet café, etc. Internet usage also covers WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter , and other similar platforms. Read the question and wait for the answer. Mark X in box 01 if the answer is Yes. Otherwise, mark box 02; ask if the person has used it in the last 12 months and mark the corresponding answer.
Q26a. In the last 3 months, did you use the internet:
This question concerns the use of the internet, which serves as a worldwide communication network enabling the exchange of messages, access to newspapers and other forms of written or spoken information, online purchase and sales, collaborative work with individuals or organizations worldwide, and more. Internet usage may have occurred at home, work, in an Internet café, etc. It also encompasses the use of WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and similar platforms.
Read the question and wait for the answer. Mark X in box 01 if the answer is yes. Otherwise, mark box 02 and move on to question 27.
Q26b. What was the method of access?
All respondents who answered the previous question (Q26a) indicating they used the Internet in the last 3 months should answer this question. This question aims to know the means of Internet access used during these 3 months. In the census form, two methods of access were considered: Computer/laptop/tablet and smartphone. Therefore, mark X in box 01 if the answer is "computer/laptop/tablet", and in box 02 if it is "smartphone".
Note that this question may have more than one answer. Therefore, if access is through both types of equipment, mark boxes 01 and 02
Q26c. How many times have you used the internet in the last 3 months?
This question aims to know the extent of Internet usage by each member of the family unit. All individuals who have used the Internet, in any form (WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter , and similar platforms), in the last 3 months should answer this question.
Read the question and wait for the answer. Mark an X in the box corresponding to the number of times the interviewee used the Internet.
Q27. Do you have a smartphone (no matter the quantity)?
Read the question and wait for the answer. Mark X in box 01 if the answer is yes. Otherwise, mark box 02.
Note: These are smartphones that are functioning, operational, and currently used for communication, regardless of the number of devices.
Only for individuals aged 7 year or more
[Questions 28-37 are asked only of persons aged 7 years or older]
Questions Q28 to Q30 aim to assess the use of banking and financial products and services in the formal sector. Questions Q31 to Q37 aim to know whether the interviewee engaged in any economic activity for at least 1 (one) hour during the week of July 24 to July 30. An economic activity is defined as one that involves the production of goods or services, either for sale or for self-consumption, and is conducted in exchange for payment in cash. It also encompasses activities that contribute to family unit welfare (family farming, running small businesses, selling various products like cigarettes, soft drinks, roasted peanuts, etc.)
Q28. Do you have a bank account?
Simply put, a bank account is opened when an individual puts money into a bank branch or financial institution (bank). The individual becomes the holder of a bank account or current account. This service allows the bank to safeguard the money from the clients. To initiate this service, the individual must open a current account at a bank and make an initial deposit.
Read the question and wait for the answer. Mark X in box 01 if the answer is Yes. Otherwise, mark box 02.
Q29. Do you have bank credit from a regulated financial institution?
Bank credit refers to a type of loan where money is borrowed. It is a financial product that provides capital to companies or individuals based on trust. The primary goal is for financial institutions to earn profit. This profit is achieved through interest charged on the capital advanced to customers. This interest is repaid over an agreed period of time between both parties.
This question aims to know whether the interviewee has taken out a loan from a regulated financial institution (bank). Read the question and wait for the answer. Mark X in box 01 if the answer is Yes. Otherwise, mark box 02.
Q30. Do you use M-pesa, Mkesh (or similar services)?
M-Pesa and Mkesh are mobile financial services that enable users to transfer and withdraw money, pay for services such as television subscriptions (GoTV, DSTV, TVCABO, and ZAP), utilities bills like water (ADEM, FIPAG), electricity (EDM), purchase credit, Credelec, and more, all directly from their smartphones without needing a traditional bank account. These services are accessible nationwide.
Read the question and wait for the answer. If the interviewee indicates using M-Pesa and/or Mkesh, mark an X in box 01. Otherwise, mark box 02.
Q31. Did you work during the week of July 24 to 30?
Many interviewees tend to omit economic activities. For many people, working means being an employee at a recognized institution or company. Therefore, they might not consider family farming or small businesses as economic activities, and they might say they did not work during this period. In this case, you should ask additional questions to identify people who have engaged in any economic activity.
Work refers to any activity aimed at producing goods or services for either self-consumption or for sale. People can carry out economic activities in various ways: as employees, employers, self-employed workers, family workers, etc.
Consider as having worked anyone who, in addition to household chores, typically carries out other tasks, such as baking and selling cakes, sewing clothes, teaching students, farming, or any other paid work to improve family unit income.
Read the question and wait for the answer. If the answer is Yes, mark an X in box 01 and move on to Q34. Otherwise, mark box 02 and move on to question Q32.
Note: Avoid jumping to conclusions that housewives do not engage in any economic activities.
Here are a few questions that the enumerator should ask before selecting option 02 ("no"):
"Have you worked on the farm for at least 1 hour in the last 7 days?" "Have you done any trade or side job for at least 1 hour in the last 7 days?"
"Have you worked on any business or side job for a family member without compensation for at least 1 hour in the last 7 days?"
You should mark an X in box 02 only after the interviewee negatively answers all of these survey questions.
Q32. Why did you not work from July 24 to 30?
Only those people who, in the previous question (Q31), declared that they had not worked, should answer this question. Read the question and mark an X in the box corresponding to the answer given by the interviewee. If you mark box 01 or 02, move to Q34. If you select one of the alternatives between 04 and 09, move to Q38.
Consider that:
- Was looking for a new job: it refers to a person who did not work in the reference week because they were fired, resigned from their job, or ended a previous contract and was looking for another job opportunity. Mark an X in box 02 and move to Q34.
- Housewife/husband: if the person in the reference week only worked at their own domestic tasks. Mark an X in box 03 and move to Q33.
- Was looking for a job for the first time: if the person never worked and, in the reference week, was actively looking for a paid job. Mark an X in box 04 and move to Q38.
- Was only a student: if the person in the reference week was enrolled in an official, public, private or community school or educational establishment. Mark an X in box 05 and move to Q38. Do not consider student workers as only students.
- Retired/reservist: if the person did not work in the reference week because they live on their military pension or is retired. Mark an X in box 06 and move to Q38. However, if the person on the military reserve force or retired is carrying out any paid activity, they should be considered as to have worked, alternative 01 in Q31.
- Disabled: if the person did not work during the reference week due because is permanently unable to work due to old age or some physical or mental impediment. Mark an X in box 07 and move to Q38. It is important to note that the people who did not work due to illness in the reference week should not be included in this category. They should be included in option 01 in Q32.
- Other: if the person was not in any of the previous situations. Mark an X in box 09 and move to Q38.
Attention: Questions regarding economic activity should be asked taking into account that: Regarding a person who has a job (from profession, main occupation, main economic activity, hours worked) but did not work in the reference week (was on vacation, sick leave, strike, etc.), the information to be collected about the last job or the last time this person worked.
Q33. If the person was housewife/husband from July 24 to 30:
To people who declared themselves housewife/husband in Q32 (alternative 03), ask if, from July 24 to 30, they went to the depositors' farm. If Yes, mark an X in box 01. If they produced or sold products in the market or at home, such as: bread, tomatoes, onions, cakes, fish, fruit, etc., mark X in box 02. If they dedicated themselves to sewing, shoe repairing, tinsmithing, etc., to earn money, also select alternative 02. And for those who helped family members in their production or business, but without remuneration, mark X in box 03.
For people who really dedicated themselves exclusively to domestic tasks (taking care of children, and family members), mark X in box 04 and move to Q38.
Attention: Domestic employees (maids, cooks, babysitters, etc.) should not be considered as housewives/husbands. They should be classified as workers.
Q34. What was your main task (main occupation) in the week of July 24 to 30, or in the last time you worked?
Answer this question:
- People who marked option 01 or 02 in Q32;
- People who marked option 01, 02 or 03 in Q33.
This question aims to know what is the main task/occupation that the person performs at
their workplace, regardless of the main economic activity carried out there.
For example, Mr. Carlos works at the Mozambique Water Company as a car electrician.
Write "car electrician".
Keep in mind that:
- If the interviewee has more than one profession/occupation, indicate the one they consider to be the main one.
- Avoid writing general or incomplete answers in the report. For example: "Public servant" is a completely wrong expression to describe someone's profession for statistical purposes, because it does not describe the specific function that the person performs, and it applies to a wide range of people, from the President of the Republic to the public administration employee, from central to local levels.
Therefore, if the person is President of the Republic, indicate that profession; if it is a driver of light passenger car, write "driver of light passenger cars", etc.
[A table containing correct and incorrect examples is omitted here]
Q35. Describe the main economic activity of your workplace.
This question aims to know the main type of economic activity (branch of activity) of the institution or place where the respondent works. Write the type of activity carried out and not the name of the institution or company.
Read the question and then write down the main economic activity of the company or institution, or the activity that the interviewee carries out on their own.
In the case of those who work in private residences (domestic workers), write employee in a house.
Note: For people who say they sell cakes at home (in Q33), write "sells cakes"; for people who say they sell coal at home (in Q34), write "sells coal"; for people who say they farm or practice agriculture (peasants) (in Q34), write "farming or cultivating the land".
Returning to the example of Mr. Carlos, whose profession is "Car Electrician" and as described in the Q34 instruction: the economic activity of the place where he works is "water distribution services", not car repair. This example is very important to understand the difference between profession/main occupation and branch of economic activity. In an economic activity, people can work in many professions which, at first glance, may not seem to be directly related to the economic activity of the company/establishment. If in the Mozambique Water Company there is a physician who gives consultations, full-time or as his main activity, to monitor the health of workers, his branch economic activity is also "water distribution services".
Keep in mind that: The people who in Q32 stated that were looking for a new job should indicate the economic activity of the place where they last worked.
Other examples of economic activity descriptions: Cement production, repair or manufacture of shoes, beer and Coca-Cola production, beverage sales, banking services, education - basic education, cultivation of corn, cotton, sorghum, orange, etc.
Q36. Are you a worker?
This question must be answered in relation to the occupation/profession indicated in Q34.
Keep in mind the following definitions:
1. "Public administration/state apparatus": it comprises all people who work for the State, at central or local level. Mark X in box 01. Example: employees of ministries and other state institutions, teachers in public schools, health personnel in state clinics, centers and hospitals, etc.
2. "Local authorities": includes all people who work in municipal councils or companies (EMTP), and some schools. Mark X in box 02.
3. "Public company": includes all employees of public companies, i.e. companies that are majority-owned by the state. Example of public companies: Mozambique Airports (ADM), CFM, Correios de Moçambique, EDM, EMOSE, LAM, RM, TDM, TVM, PETROMOC, mcel, TOTO-LOTO, Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos (ENH), DINAME, EMODRAGA, EMOPESCA, Administração Regional de Água (ARA),etc. Mark X in box 03.
4. "Private company": includes all employees of total or majority private capital companies. Examples: Mozal, 2M Beer Factory, Soft Drink Factory (Coca-Cola), Hotel Polana, etc. Also part of this category are people who work for third-parties, such as shoemakers, barbers, carpenters, bricklayers, salespeople, drivers and ticket collectors (semi-collective transport), etc. Mark X in box 04.
5. "Cooperative": includes all people who work in a cooperative where they are not members or associates. Ex: workers from the General Union of Cooperatives. Mark X in box 05.
6. "Non-profit institution" : includes all people who work in institutions or organizations that essentially carry out non-profit activities. Ex.: Workers of: church or mosque; union; professional or scientific society; consumer association; political party; social, cultural, recreational and sports club; charitable, assistance and aid organization, etc. Mark X in box 06.
Note: Workers from national and foreign NGOs (ADPP, FDC, CVM, Muleide, Joaquim Chissano Foundation, Oxfam, Visão Mundial, Save The Children, Caritas, Care International, Handicap International, International Federation of Red Cross, Lutheran World Federation, SOS, etc.) belong to this category and not to international organizations.
7. "Private house": includes all people who work as employees in someone else's home. Ex.: domestic workers, security guards not linked to any company. Mark X in box 07.
8. "Self-employed with employees": includes any person who, when carrying out their profession, employees other people in exchange for remuneration in cash. For example: a mechanic who works in his workshop with employees, etc. Mark X in box 08.
9. "Self-employed without employees": includes any person who, when carrying out their profession, does not employee any other person, and whose income reverts only to themselves. For example: a peasant who works on his farm without employees, a mechanic who works alone in his workshop without employees, etc. Mark X in box 09.
If the person is helped at work only by members of their family unit without any remuneration, they should still be considered as "self-employed without employees".
10. "Unpaid family worker": includes any person who is working for the family unit without receiving remuneration. Mark X in box 10.
Are examples of "unpaid family workers": the member of the family unit who helps a relative with work on the farm, workshop, etc., as long as they do not receive any remuneration as payment.
11. "International organizations/embassies": international organizations includes anyone who works for entities established through formal political agreements between their members, and which have the status of international works, their existence being recognized by law of their members. Ex.: UNDP, UNFPA, FAO, UNICEF, UNESCO, IMF, World Bank, European Union, SADC, etc.
Note: International organizations should not be confused with foreign NGOs, as these are part of non-profit institutions.
Embassies includes any person who works for a diplomatic representation. Ex.: Embassy of South Africa, Embassy of Portugal, Embassy of Brazil, etc. Mark X in box 11.
Q37. How many hours did you work per day in the week of July 24 to 30?
Indicate the number of hours the respondent worked per day from July 24 to 30. If you have not worked the same number of hours on different days of that week, add up the hours worked on each day of the week and divide by
number of days in the working week, to calculate the average number of daily hours you worked in the indicated week.
Note: When estimating the hours worked, take into account the time when the interviewee's working day normally begins and ends. Thus, the hours worked are the result of the difference between the start time and the end time of the activity during the day. However, if there are interruptions for lunch or rest, the duration of these interruptions should not be added to the hours worked.
Write the number of hours worked in the appropriate space, legibly.
Keep in mind that:
Only for individuals aged 12 year or more
[Question 38 is asked only of persons aged 12 years or older]
Q38. What is your marital status?
This question aims to know the marital status of people aged 12 or more. Record the marital status declared by the respondent and not what appears on the Identity Card. Read the question, wait for the interviewee's answer and mark X in the box corresponding to the answer given by the respondent, bearing in mind that:
- Married is a person who has entered into a civil or religious marriage and lives with their spouse. Mark an X in box 02.
- Marital union is the status of the person who lives with their spouse, but is not married according to civil or religious registration. Mark X in box 3.
- Divorced or Separated is the person who was married or lived maritally, and who is currently in dissolution of the marital bond (by law or not). Mark X in box 04. If the person has remarried, consider them married or under marital union, as appropriate.
- Widower is a person who was married and is no longer married due to the death of their spouse. Mark an X in box 05. If that person remarried after the death of their spouse, consider them married or in marital union, as appropriate.
Only for women aged 10 to 50
[Questions 39-42 are asked only of females aged 10 to 50 years old]
The questions that follow are sensitive. Try to obtain precise answers, formulating questions clearly and recording the answers correctly.
Pay attention to the answers to detect whether or not there are inconsistencies, as the questions are related to each other.
To identify the women who should answer the following questions, check the age declared in Q4.
Q39. How many children born alive did you have?
Read the question, wait for the answer. If she had children born alive, write the total number of children legibly in box 02, the number of male children in box 03 and the number of female children in box 04.
If the woman never had children, mark X in box 01 and end the interview.
Attention, Enumerator:
- A child is considered to have been born alive when he or she showed some sign of life, i.e. breathed, cried or moved, even if he or she died shortly afterwards.
- Children who were born dead should not be included, that is, after the separation from the mother's body, they did not breathe or show any other sign of life (stillbirths).
- It should also not include children born after 12am on August 1, 2017.
Example for filling out the report: If, of the 3 children born alive and declared by the woman, one is male and 2 are female, the enumerator should fill in the form as follows:
02. One or more, indicate the total: 0 3
- And in boxes 03 and 04, where it says "indicate how many by gender", the enumerator should fill in as follows:
03. Male 0 1 04. Female 0 2
Q40. How many living children do you currently have?
Read the question, wait for the answer. This question is related to Q39. The enumerator should write the number of children of each gender who are still alive, out of the total she declared in Q39. Write down the declared number in the corresponding space. The total number of children declared in this question must not be greater than the total declared in Q39.
From the example in question Q39, if the woman says that of the 3 children born alive, 2 are currently alive, one male and the other female, fill in as follows:
02. One or more, indicate the total: 0 2
- And in boxes 03 and 04, where it says "indicate how many by gender", the enumerator should fill in as follows:
03. Male 0 1| 04. Female 0 1.
Attention, enumerator: the interviewee should inform all currently living children, regardless of age and gender, whether or not they live with her
If the woman currently has no living children, check X in box 01. This question is filled in the same way as Q39.
Q41. How many children born alive you had in the last 12 months?
Read the question and wait for the answer. This question is also related to Q39. The respondent should inform, of the total number of children declared in Q39, how many were born in the last 12 months, that is, between August 1, 2016 and July 31, 2017. Write down the declared number in the corresponding space.
- You should not include in this question children who were born after 12am on August 1, 2017.
- In box 02, where it says "one or more, indicate the total no.", write the total number of children like this:
02. One or more, indicate the total: 2
- And in boxes 03 and 04, where it says "indicate how many by gender", the enumerator should fill in as follows:
03. Male 1 04. Female 1.
If the woman did not have children in the last 12 months, mark X in box 01 and end the interview.
Q42. Of the children born alive in the last 12 months, how many are currently alive?
Read the question and wait for the answer. This question is also related to Q41. The interviewee should inform, of the total number of children declared in Q41, how many are alive at the census moment. Write down the declared number in the corresponding space.
Keep in mind that:
- It should not include children who were born after 12am on August 1, 2017.
Pay close attention when filling in this question, as the number cannot be higher than that of the previous question (Q41). It can only be equal or lower.
Continuing with example of Q41, but assuming that the male child died. We will have:
- In box 02, where it says "one or more, indicate the total No.", write the total number of children like this:
02. One or more, indicate the total: 1
- And in boxes 03 and 04, where it says "indicate how many by gender", the enumerator should fill in as follows:
03. Male 0 04. Female 1.
Section D: housing characteristics and conditions
This section should be answered by the head of the family unit or by the person identified to do so. If there is more than one accommodation unit within a family unit, the following questions should refer to the main unit.
A housing is considered to be any place intended for housing people, as long as it is being used for that purpose at the census moment.
For census purposes, two types of housing are considered: private and collective. People who are listed on the street or under bridges will be considered homeless.
If there is more than one housing unit in the same family unit, fill in questions D1 to D13 only for the primary housing unit.
D1. Type of housing
Observe the housing and classify it correctly. If you have questions, ask the interviewee.
Remember that there can only be one answer. The family unit either lives in a private or a collective housing, or is homeless, if they are listed on the street, under bridges, etc.
Private housing units are those that serve as accommodation for family units and can be: a conventional house with bathroom and kitchen inside; conventional house with bathroom or kitchen inside; flat/apartment; hut; improvised house (shacks, house built of tin, cardboard, tents, etc.); mixed house; basic house (detached rooms without bathroom or kitchen); part of a commercial building; and others.
In institutional establishments, such as schools, prisons, barracks, hotels, etc., independent housing occupied by employees should be considered as private housing.
Keep in mind the following definitions of private housing:
- Conventional house without bathroom or kitchen inside is a single-family housing unit with bedroom(s), bathroom or kitchen (only one of these 2 infrastructures) inside the house and which was built with durable materials (cement block, brick, zinc plates/fiber cement, tile/concrete slab). It can be on the ground floor, 1 or 2 floors; figure 3. It is a single-family housing unit that has bedroom(s), bathroom or kitchen inside the house, and built with durable materials (cement block, brick, zinc plates/fiber cement, tile/concrete slab). It can be ground floor, 1 or 2 floors; figure 3.
- Flat/apartment is a housing unit that has bedroom(s), bathroom and kitchen, belonging to a multi-family housing unit with 1 or more floors, which may be a block or set of blocks; figure 4.
- Hut is a house whose predominant construction material is vegetal (grass, straw, palm trees, thatch, bamboo, reeds, adobe, mud-coated wooden poles, etc.) Huts are not always circular and not all houses with a circular shape are huts; figure 5.
- Makeshift house (tent, can, cardboard) is a house built with improvised and precarious materials, such as paper, bags, cardboard, cans, tree barks, etc.; figure 6.
- Mixed house is a house built with durable materials (cement block, brick, zinc plates/fiber cement, tile/concrete slab) mixed with vegetal materials (grass, straw, palm tree, thatch, bamboo, reed, mud-coated wooden poles, wood, etc.) and adobe; figure 7.
- Basic house is a housing unit that only has bedroom(s) and no bathroom or kitchen, built with durable materials (cement block, brick, zinc plates/fiber cement, tile/concrete slab). This category includes a set of semi-detached rooms (without bathroom or kitchen) that use the same service rooms (bathroom, kitchen and water service); figure 8, 9.
Note: If you find several semi-detached rooms (rooms without bathroom or kitchen), as shown in figure 9, and there is a family unit in each of them, collect the characteristics and housing conditions of each unit.
Each room (without bathroom or kitchen) may have different characteristics, regarding the type of construction material. For example, one of the rooms may have different flooring and ceiling than the rest.
- Other includes all forms of accommodation not included in the previous categories, examples: tents, caravans, boats, etc. and places not intended for human habitation, but used as housing at the census moment. If this is the case, specify in the space reserved for this purpose; figure 11.
[Figures of house types are omitted here]
[Figures of house types on this page are omitted here]
Collective housing or institutional household are institutions occupied, mostly, by people whose relationship is restricted to administrative subordination and compliance with residence rules. Collective housing includes hospitals, maternity hospitals, clinics, hotels, guesthouses, barracks, military camps, convents, seminaries, boarding schools, student or worker homes, orphanages, nursing homes, etc. Especially in hotels and guesthouses, there may be family units that are not subject to administrative subordination.
[Figures of house types are omitted here]
Enumerator: If you marked the alternatives 21 to 27, end the interview with this family unit.
D2. This house is:
Read the question and each of the alternatives. Wait for the answer. Mark X on the number corresponding to the answer. If the answer is "occupied", mark X in box 01 and move to D4. And if the answer is "unoccupied", mark X in box 02 and move on to the next question (D3).
D3. Why is the house unoccupied?
Read the question and each of the alternatives. Wait for the answer. Mark X in the space of the number corresponding to the answer. If the answer is "it is under construction", mark X in box 03 and end the interview with this family unit.
If the answer is different from alternative 03 "it is under construction", that is, one of the alternatives: 01, 02, 04 or 05, try to obtain as much information as possible about the housing characteristics, asking questions D6 to D13, and end the interview.
Enumerator: If you marked alternatives 01, 02, 04 and 05, ask questions D6 to D13 and end the interview with this family unit.
D4. The house is:
This question should be answered by those who answered option 01 "occupied" in question D2. Read the question and each of the alternatives. Wait for the answer. Mark an X in the box corresponding to the answer.
If the answer is "own", mark X in box 01 and move on to the next question. For those who answered 02 "rented" or 03 "temporarily rented or loaned" or 04 "other", mark X in the box of the number corresponding to your answer and move on to question D6.
Attention, enumerator:
- Rented/leased house: when the house is occupied by tenants of APIE, EMOSE, or another owner, to whom they pay a monthly or periodic rent.
- Temporarily assigned or loaned: when it has been temporarily lent by the employer, friends or relatives.
- Other: includes any other form of home occupation other than those listed above.
D5. If you own the house, say if:
Read the question and each of the alternatives. Wait for the response. The license referred to in alternatives "01" and "02" is the building permit issued by the competent authorities (municipalities or district planning and infrastructure services). Therefore, you should not confuse construction license with the right to use and benefit from land (DUAT).
Mark X on the number corresponding to the answer. If the answer is 06 "Other" (Acquired in another way), specify in the space reserved for this purpose in legible letters, the other way in which the house was acquired.
D6. The house is built with:
The housing can be built with walls made of different materials. If several types of materials were used in the construction of the walls, indicate the predominant type of material. Read the question and wait for the answer. Mark X on the number corresponding to the answer.
There should be only one answer.
[Figures of wall material types are omitted here]
[Figures of wall material types are omitted here]
D7. The house is covered with:
This question aims to know what type of roof the house has. For the census, the following types of roofing materials were considered: concrete slab, tile, fiber cement plates, zinc
plates, grass thatch and others. The alternative "other" should be marked when the house is covered with a material other than those in alternatives 01 to 05.
There should be only one answer. If several types of materials were used to cover the house, indicate the predominant type of material. And if you have two types of overlapping roofing material, consider the visible material.
[Figures of house roofing are omitted here]
D8. The house flooring is made of (not considering kitchen/bathroom):
Read the question and each of the alternatives. Wait for the answer. Mark X on the number corresponding to the predominant material used in the house flooring.
The following types of construction materials were considered: wood/parquet, marble/granite, cement, mosaic/brick, adobe (rammed earth), bare and others.
There should be only one answer.
[Figures of house flooring are omitted here]
D9. How many rooms does the house have? (not counting the kitchen or bathroom)
Information on the number of rooms indicates the degree of comfort and reflects the socioeconomic conditions of the family unit. Read the question and wait for the answer. Write the total number of rooms in the house, excluding the kitchen and bathroom. The minimum number of rooms in a house is 1.
The so-called common rooms (dining and living rooms) count as one and not two rooms, but when there is a room between the living room and the dining room, these must be counted separately.
If there are huts or outbuildings belonging to the same family unit, these should be counted as rooms in the house, without considering kitchens.
If a house has only one room, write "01".
[A figure containing an example is omitted here]
D9a. Of these rooms, how many are used to sleep?
The aim is to know, of the total number of rooms mentioned in E9, how many are used for sleeping. Read the question and wait for the answer. Write the number of rooms that the family unit uses for sleeping.
If a household, in addition to the main house with 2 sleeping rooms, has 4 huts with 1 room each and also uses them for sleeping, write "06".
Remember: the number of rooms that the household uses for sleeping can never be greater than the number of rooms that the house has.
D10. What is the main source of water used for drinking in this family unit?
The question aims to find out the main source of drinking water used by the family unit. The form of water supply determines the quantity and quality of water and the hygiene conditions of the family unit.
Read the question and each alternative. Wait for the answer. Mark X on the number corresponding to the answer.
There should be only one answer. If the family unit uses more than one source of water, only the main source should be considered. If the source varies according to the season, select the source that the family unit is using during in the moment of the interview.
Keep in mind the following definitions:
- Running water outside the house/yard: when the water connection is located outside the house, but inside the yard; figure 36.
- Running water in the neighbor's house: when the family unit is supplied with water from the neighbor's house; figure 37.
- Water from public fountain/faucet: when the family unit is supplied with water from a fountain. Fountains can have one or more faucets and usually are made with a cement structure; figure 38.
- Water from protected borehole/well with manual pump: when the family unit is supplied with water from underground drawn through a manual pump. The well or borehole is protected; figure 39.
- Water from a protected well without manual pump: when the family unit is supplied with water from underground drawn through a container or bucket, and the well is protected; figure 40.
- Water from an unprotected well: when the family unit is supplied with water from a
well without any protection; figure 41.
- Water from spring: when the family unit is supplied with water collected from a spring;
figure 42.
- Surface water (river, lake, pond): when the family unit is supplied with water located
above ground and includes rivers, dams, lakes, ponds, streams and irrigation canals
from which the water is drawn directly, regardless of how it is accumulated and
distributed in the house; figure 43.
- Rain water: when the family unit is supplied with water from rain that is collected from
the roof and stored in a container, tank or cistern; figure 44.
- Water from tank trucks/stored in barrels: when the family unit is supplied with water
provided by a supplier, transported by tank truck and sold to the community. The types
of water transportation may include carts, motorized vehicles, or other means; figure
- Mineral/bottled water: when the family unit is supplied with mineral water, bottled in
plastic or glass containers. Note that this only refers to bottled water that is
commercially available. Sometimes family members may store water from other
sources in bottles. This should not be considered bottled water; figure 46.
- Other: other sources not included in the previous categories.
[Figures for water sources are omitted here]
[Figures for water sources are omitted here]
D11. The house has:
The question refers to the type of toilet or latrine available in the house. The purpose of this question is to know type of basic sanitation used by the family unit members, that is, the mechanism by which they dispose human waste.
It may be necessary to check the type of latrine. If so, ask for permission to do it.
Read the question and each of the answers. Wait for the answer. Mark X on the number corresponding to the answer. There should be only one answer.
The following categories were considered:
- Toilet without flushing: toilet connected to a septic tank, but not a flush toilet, that is, it works without running water, usually with a bucket or basin; figure 48.
- Improved latrine: it consists of a pit, a concrete slab, usually concave, measuring 1.20
or 1.50 meters in diameter. The slab has a strong layer of concrete that controls the propagation of disease-causing elements and reduces the smell. To allow privacy, the latrine is protected by a hut, usually covered with grass, thatch or a sheet metal; figure 49.
- Improved traditional latrine: it consists of a pit, wooden slab or mortar slab (round or square). Foot supports are provided on mortar or wooden slabs. To offer privacy and protection, is built a structure of bamboo and thatch, or other local material; figure 50.
- Unimproved latrine: it consists of a pit covered with bamboo/trunks to provide support to the user. The surface is finished with a mixture of animal manure and soil. Hollow or wooden blocks are used to support the feet. To offer privacy and protection, is built a fence; figure 51.
- No toilet/latrine: consider that the house does not have a toilet/latrine when its occupants use the forest, beach, rivers, etc., to do their needs (major and minor); figure 52.
[Figures of types of latrines are omitted here]
[Figures of types of latrines are omitted here]
D12. Indicate the main form of waste treatment used by this family unit:
This question aims to collect data on the main way in which each family unit treats domestic waste. Domestic waste is made of the remains of solid products (leftover food, food that is no longer fit for human consumption, packaging of any kind, such as glass or plastic bottles, broken household appliances, such as radios and televisions, etc.) abandoned/dumped by people living in a particular place, regardless of whether that place is considered urban or rural in the respective statistical classification.
This question has only one answer.
The following response possibilities were considered:
- Collected by private company/association: this applies to cases where a private company or a residents' association takes responsibility for waste collection, usually with payment made by a public office or by duly organized residents.
- Burn: when the family unit burns the waste, usually on its own place, or in a place where it is then burned together with that of other residents.
- Discarded on waste ground/wetland/lake/river/sea: when the family unit disposes/throws away the waste on a waste ground, wetland or water area.
- Other: when the family unit uses another procedure, different from the above, to treat/dispose the waste.
D13. Indicate the main source of energy used for lighting the house:
Read the question and wait for the answer. If the family unit uses more than one form of waste treatment, it should choose the one used to treat the largest amount of waste. Mark an X in the box corresponding to the answer.
Read the question and wait for the answer. This question refers to the main source of energy for lighting the house and not for other purposes. There should be only one answer. If the family unit uses more than one energy source, only the source that is used most frequently should be considered. Mark an X in the box corresponding to the answer. The following energy sources were considered: Public electricity, generator/solar panel, gas, oil/paraffin/kerosene, candles, batteries, firewood, cells and others.
[Figures of lighting sources are omitted here]
[Figures of lighting sources are omitted here]
Section E: Durable goods and access to information and communication technologies
E1. The family unit has:
Read the question and each of the alternatives. Wait for the answer. Mark X in all the boxes that correspond to the goods and services that the family unit has. If the family unit does not have any of the goods listed, mark 13 (None of the above) with an X.
Note that this question may have more than one answer.
The following goods and services were considered: radio, television, landline telephone, computer, internet, iron, charcoal/wood stove, electric/gas stove, fridge/freezer, car, motorcycle, bicycle, and none of the above. Please note that you should only write assets that are working or in working conditions.
If the interviewee says that some item, for example, a radio, is out of order, try to find out whether this item will be repaired or not. If the asset appears to be temporarily out of use, consider that the family unit has this asset.
Section F: Agricultural and fishing activity
The aim of this section is to get to know some general aspects of the agricultural activity carried out by the family unit. It also aims to gather information on the ownership of fields, their location, types of crops, animal ownership, among other aspects. The results will serve as a basis for carrying out the Agricultural and Livestock Census.
The questions in this section should be asked for all family units living in rural and urban areas.
F1. The family unit has any farms?
Read the question and write down the answer. This question refers to the ownership of farms by the family unit or by its members on their own. If one or more members of the family unit have a farm, mark X in box 01 and continue with the next question. Otherwise, mark X in box 02 and move to question F3.
Exclude family unit members who are carrying out agricultural activities on behalf of others, for example, on the farm of a company or owned by a private person.
Farm: refers to a plot of land separated from others by natural (rivers) or artificial borders (roads, paths, hedges, demarcation with other farms, etc.) that is intended for agricultural production. Backyards with crops are not included in this question.
F2. Where is the main farm located?
Read the question and write down the answer. Register the province and district where the farm is located, according to the interviewee's answer. Describing the location of the field is important to help correctly identify it, especially when it is necessary to measure it later.
Keep in mind that:
F3. How many of these animals does the family unit has?
This question is addressed to all family units and aims to know the type and quantity of animals owned by the family unit.
Read each type of animal out loud, and record the number corresponding to the answer. Add the number of males and females, including any offsprings for each type of animal, if the respondent provides separate numbers.
If the family unit has animals, but the interviewee does not know how many, record the number "99998" in the space reserved for the type of animal. If the family unit does not have animals, leave the respective space blank. And if they do not own any of the animals listed in the form, mark X in box 07 "None" and move on to question F5.
F4. Where are most of these animals located?
The family units that declared owning animals in F3 should answer this question. With this question, we aim to identify the correct location of these animals. Read the question and write down the answer. The province and district where most of these animals are found should be recorded, according to the interviewee's response.
Keep in mind that:
- If the respondent answers that most of the animals are located elsewhere within the national territory, indicate the name of the province, district or city/village. Avoid writing the names of locations, administrative posts or towns.
F5. How many fruit trees the family unit has?
This question aims to know whether the family unit has fruit trees and/or fruit-bearing
plants, namely the number of cashew, coconut and other fruit trees or fruit-bearing plants.
Fruit tree: a woody plant (stem) that bears fruit (e.g.: cashew tree, coconut tree, orange tree, lemon tree, avocado tree, etc.)
Fruit-bearing plant: a plant without woody structure (stem) that bears fruit (e.g.: pineapple, vine, strawberry, etc.)
If the family unit has fruit trees and/or fruit-bearing plants, write the respective number in the reserved space and with legible numbers. For example, if the family unit has 56 coconut trees, fill in the squares number 02 like this: 0 0 5 6
F6. Does the family unit has aquaculture tanks?
When asking this question, the enumerator should explain to the head of the family unit or its representative what an aquaculture tank is. If the family unit owns aquaculture tanks, please mark X in box 01 and enter the number of tanks in the space provided, using legible numbers, and continue with the next question. Otherwise, mark X in box 02 and continue with the next question.
Aquaculture tanks : tanks built on the ground that can be lined with cement/concrete or not, and which construction follows specific usage techniques. These tanks are intended for fish farming.
F7. Does the family unit practice traditional fishing?
This question aims to know whether the family unit practices traditional fishing. If the family unit practices traditional fishing, mark X in box 01. Otherwise, mark X in box 02.
Traditional fishing : a type of fishing that is practiced close to the coast or in inland waters and by family labor, with small vessels such as small boats, canoes and rafts, or without vessels (in the case of mollusks).
Section G: Mortality
This section aims to understand the structure and level of mortality by gender and age. Mortality is one of the important indicators for measuring the health status of the population and the level of development of a country. Therefore, it is important to correctly collect information on deaths occurred in the family unit during the indicated period.
Remember that it is very delicate and sensitive to talk about deaths. Try to be delicate and careful when asking the following questions.
G1. Has anyone in this family unit died in the last 12 months? (August 1, 2016 to July 31, 2017)?
This question aims to know whether anyone in the family unit has died in the last 12 months.
Always be careful not to omit any deceased people, especially newborn children.
To be sure, ask if, during that period, no newborns or babies died.
In this question, only the deaths of people who were members of the family unit at the time of death and who lost their lives in the last 12 months (from 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017) should be included, regardless of the place of death.
Who should be listed as a death in the family unit:
Example 2: A member of the family unit who had been working outside their usual place of residence (another district, province, country, etc.) for less than 6 months, even if they died outside their usual place of residence, should be included on the list of deaths in this family unit.
Who should not be listed as a death in the family unit:
b. The child of the head of the family unit, who was a member of another family unit, even if they died in the last 12 months.
c. A family member who was spending vacation in this family unit and died here, despite the event having taken place in the last 12 months, should not be included, as their are not a member of this family unit.
d. A member of the family unit who usually lived in the family unit and had been working in South Africa for at least 6 months, although they died within the last 12 months.
- And also if it was understood that the question only refers to deceased people who lived in the family unit.
- It should not include family members who died but
did not live in this family unit.
Mark X in box 01 if the family unit members declared that a member of the family unit died in the last 12 months and collect information about the deceased person. Otherwise, if no one in the family unit died in the last 12 months, mark X in box 02 and end the interview.
If in G1 you marked X in box 01, specify:
If the deceased person is a child who did not yet have a name, write baby.
- Gender of the deceased person: ask the gender of the deceased person and mark X in the male or female box, as appropriate.
- Age at date of death: ask how old the deceased person was at the time of death and write the number of years in the corresponding boxes.
- Date of death: family unit members may include deaths that occurred two or more years ago, that is, outside the reference period. Therefore, ask the day, month and year in which the death occurred and fill in the details in the corresponding boxes. The date is very important, because it will allow to know whether the death occurred within the reference period; Therefore, you should insist, even if it is difficult to obtain information about the day; but try to get the month and year.
- When they died, they lived in this family unit: sometimes the family unit may declare deaths of family members that occurred outside the family unit where the
- Was the death registered? (civil registry): our country does not have information on death registration coverage; the census provides the opportunity to obtain this information. Therefore, ask whether the death was registered in the civil registry and mark X in boxes "yes" or "no", depending on the answer. If the deceased person is a child who did not yet have a name, write "baby. a"
[ The example for filling out Section G is omitted here]
Only for women aged 10 to 50
Enumerator: If the deceased person is a woman whose age ranges from 10 to 50 years, ask whether the death was during pregnancy, childbirth, or two months after the end of pregnancy or childbirth:
Death during pregnancy: death of a woman during pregnancy, that is, with the baby still in her womb.
Death during childbirth: death of a woman during childbirth, that is, at the moment she was giving birth.
Death two months after the end of pregnancy or childbirth: death of a woman within two months after the end of pregnancy or childbirth.
The questions that are only for women aged 10 to 50 (in the section about mortality) should have an affirmative answer (Yes) only for one of the causes of death.
The death was during pregnancy or during childbirth or two months after the end of pregnancy or childbirth.
Institutional household form
Use an Institutional Household Form for each residence. Up to 227 people can be registered in a single form. If there are more than 227 non-resident people present in the institutional household, use the necessary additional sheets until the residence census is completed.
For those residing in institutional household, complete the Family Unit Form.
Section A: Geographic location of the institutional household
As already mentioned, this section must be completed by the enumerator before beginning fieldwork. All forms should contain codes for the place where the census is being conducted (Section A of the form).
Filling in the geographic location of the housing is similar to that on the family unit report (see the image above). The codes of the province, district, administrative post, locality, neighborhood/village, enumeration area, town/communal unit/block and zone/block are available on the sketch. Transcribe them to the forms.
Number of the institutional household
In this question, indicate the sequential number of residences as you register the information. For example, the first residence registered will have the number 0 0 1, the second 0 0 1, and so on.
Village/communal unit/block
The name of the village/communal unit/block can be found on the sketch, copy it to the report.
Type of institutional household
In this space, mark X in the box corresponding to the type of institutional household you are registering. Remember that you should only select one alternative. The report includes the following categories: hospital unit, hotel/pension, barracks/military camp, boarding school/seminary/school/home, prison unit, and other. Alternative 26 (Other) is reserved for institutional households other than those previously listed. To use it, specify in legible letters in the space reserved for this purpose.
Address of the institutional household - street/avenue
Write the name of the street/avenue, number, floor and flat. For example, July 24, no. 1989, floor 5, flat 1.
Description for cases with no address available
The space for description should be used in cases where there are no streets with a name and house number. In these cases, write one or more reference points to make it easier to locate the household.
For example, write "near the Central Market", "on the right side of the S. António Church", etc.
Section B: Fill in after the interview
After the interview, fill in the Section B (B1 to B2.3).
B1. Name of the institutional household head
Each residence should have a head; usually, this person is responsible for the residence. Write the name of the head of the institutional household on the report.
B2. Number of people listed
Question B 2.1 is reserved to write the number of male gendered people listed. Write with very legible numbers.
Question B 2.2 is reserved to write the number of female gendered people listed. Write with very legible numbers.
Question B 2.3 is reserved to write the total number of people listed. Remember that the total number of people listed should be the sum of questions B2.1 and B2.2. Write with very legible numbers.
After taking the census, stick the registered tag (white) on the residence entrance door (top right) or in a visible place to show that its members have already been listed.
Completing the preliminary clearance form (ap no. 1, ap no. 1a and ap no. 1b) and the batch cover
At the end of each working day, the census enumerator should carry out the preliminary count, filling in Form AP No. 1 and AP No. 1A. To complete AP No. 1, the enumerator should:
b. In column 1, write the date corresponding to the day on which the reports to be verified were completed.
c. Transcribe the house number of each report completed that day into column 2. This number corresponds to the house number of section "A" of the report (geographical location). If there is more than one family unit in a house, this number will be repeated as many times as necessary, corresponding to the number of family units in that house.
d. In column 3, a sequential number is assigned to the registered houses. Note that this sequence should be daily, and made per work day, that is, the numbering of family units in this column on each day will start from 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on, until you finish the houses of that day. In houses with repeated numbers in column 2 (houses with more than one family unit), assign the sequence number only in the line corresponding to the first family unit and make a horizontal line on the lines corresponding to the remaining family units in the same house.
f. In column 5, a sequential number is assigned to the family units. Note that this sequence should be daily, and made per work day, that is, the numbering of family units in this column on each day will start from 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on, until you finish the unit of that day.
g. Finally, in columns 6, 7 and 8, write the number of residents in each family unit, divided by gender: Male (column 6), female (column 7) and total (column 8).
Note: After completing a day's count, the enumerator should leave a blank line that will serve as a separator between one day's count and that of the next.
Once AP1 has been completed, AP No. 1A is filled in, which corresponds to the daily summary of the enumerator's work.
i. Write in column 1 the date of the count. Only one line should be used for each day.
j. Write in column 2 the total number of houses registered on each working day. This number corresponds to that recorded in the last line of each day in column 3 of AP1.
k. Write in column 3 the total number of family units registered on each working day. This number corresponds to that recorded in the last line of each day in column 5 of AP1.
l. Write on columns 4, 5 and 6 the number of residents who were registered on each working day, divided by gender: Male (column 4), female (column 5) and total (column 6).
m. Finally, in the last line of this form (total), write the total number of houses registered in the enumeration area (sum of column 2), total number of family units (sum of column 3), total number of men (sum of column 4), total number of women (sum of column 5) and total number of people (sum of column 6). This total will only be filled in at the end of the census period.
[The appendix of the original document is omitted here.]