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National Statistics Office of Mongolia

Population and Housing Census

Instructions and manual
For filling in questionnaires and summary forms of the 2010 national population and housing census

(For official use)

[Information on people who made preparations is not presented here]

[The table of contents is omitted here]


Chapter one
Purpose, significance, and legal background of population and housing census

1.1. Purpose and Importance of population and housing census
Population and housing census refers to the comprehensive process of collecting, developing, analyzing, evaluating, publishing, and disseminating the demographic, economic, social, and housing data pertaining total population in the territory (or specific parts of the territory) within a specified period.

The UN Statistical Commission was convened in 2005. From its 36th session, member states were recommended to undertake a population and housing census at least once during the period 2005-2014 as well as to establish an extensive database that serves as the primary source of information for small-area, national, and international planning, and development and to disseminate results. The main content of the recommendation was to introduce an integrated methodology changing the previous course in which member states undertook population and housing censuses in various periods and to generate worldwide comparable common development goals, explicitly determining and evaluating implementation results of the Millennium Development Goals at the national, regional and international levels and to establish the specialized and extensive statistical database on indicators levels and their changes and to establish evidence-based planning assuring each citizen's benefits. During the period 2005-2014, 223 countries will undertake the population and housing census using integrated methodologies. In 2010, Mongolia is planning to launch its regular 10th population and housing census in the framework of independent law.

Mongolia has rich experience in the population and census undertaken in total 9 times in the twentieth century namely in 1918, 1935, 1944, 1944, 1956, 1963, 1969, 1979, and 2000 and the last four censuses were organized along with housing censuses.

The purpose of the 2010 national population and housing census (hereinafter the census) is to examine the demographic, economic, and social changes in the last decade and their reasons and circumstances and to future demographic, economic, and social development and to elaborate relevant policies and programs and to establish the essential statistics required for academic research.

It is necessary to establish a comprehensive database of Mongolia's population, age, sex structure, education, employment, and economic activities to evaluate past national development and determine future tendencies. Furthermore, it is significant to evaluate government policies and programs implemented toward decreasing unemployment and poverty, ensuring population growth and development, increasing household environments, and providing housing. All these efforts are crucial to develop and implement future government policies and programs.


1.2. Legal basis to undertake the census
The 2010 census will be undertaken in the framework of the legal regulations as follows:

- The first section of Article 7 in the "Law on Statistics"(1);
- The "Law on State Census Population and Housing";
- Resolution No. 19 of the State Ikh Khural, dated February 6, 2008;
- The National Commission's work plan for population and housing census preparation;
- Resolution No. 02 of the Population and Housing Census Commission of Mongolia on the Establishment of the Census Commission, dated May 29, 2009;
- Order No. 01/139 of the Chairman of the National Statistics Office on Approval of the Master Plan for the 2010 Population and Housing Census, dated October 31, 2008;
- Order No. 01/135 of the Chairman of the National Statistics Office on Approval of the Population and Housing Census Questionnaires, Summing-up forms and Instruction to fill out, dated October 21, 2009;
- Resolution No.88 of the State Ikh Khural on Setting up the Census Date, dated December 9, 2009;
(1)" Regular population and housing census to be conducted every ten years, inter census to be conducted every five years".

1.3. Census date and period
The 2010 state population and housing census was set up at 00:00 hour /zero zero/ on the night of November 10-11, 2010.(2)

The census period refers to the duration from 08:00 on November 11 to 24:00 on November 17, 2010, and the census day refers to any day of the enumeration period.
The control enumeration will be organized after the completion of the enumeration period or on November 18-20, 2010.


1.4. Census units
Census units refer to individuals, their residences, and the housing in which they live.

1. The population census will involve individuals as follows:

- Citizens of Mongolia who are residing within the territory of Mongolia;
- Foreigners and stateless persons who are residing in Mongolia for more than 183 days and were granted residence permits from authorized organizations;
- Citizens of Mongolia who are working at diplomatic missions, consulates, and international organizations abroad and their family members;
- Citizens of Mongolia who are working, studying, and staying abroad for private reasons;

2. The housing census will include residences and housing as follows:

- Separate residential house;
- Housing inside public apartments;
- All types of gers;
- Public buildings;
- Other non-residential buildings and areas;

1.5. Principles for conducting the census

- To enumerate each person;
- To enumerate simultaneously in the designated territory during the census period;
- To provide common and comprehensive census information;
- To conduct the census on a frequent and regular basis;
(2) Resolution No.88 of the State Ikh Khural on Setting up the Census Date, dated December 9, 2009

1.6. Administration and organization of the census
The administration and organization structure of the census comprises the National Commission, the National Statistics Office, provincial, census commissions of the capital city, soums, districts, central administrative bodies, temporary all-level census commissions, supervisors, and census staff.


[Figure 1 is omitted here]


Chapter two
Enumerator's duties, responsibilities, and restrictions

2.1. Enumerator's duties
1. Actively and fully participate in training for preparing enumerators, understand the content and purpose of each census question, and acquire knowledge and ability to fill in completely and accurately;

2. Start the census at 08:00 a.m. (local hour) on November 11, 2010, and undertake the census only on the scheduled period or from November 11th to 17th, 2010;

3. Enumerate households, population, and their residential conditions under territorial unit maps;

4. Carry the enumerator's identity card all the time and show it;

5. Carry the enumerator's security alarm and flashlight all the time;

6. Upon entering a house, greet in a friendly manner, introduce the purpose of the census, and the enumerator's identity card, explain the importance of the census to citizens, and inform them that according to Article 17 of the Law on State Census of Population and Housing, every citizen is responsible for giving accurate and complete answers to the census questions;

7. Accurately fill in the census questionnaire and summary form according to the instruction;

8. When undertaking questionnaires, make the enumerated person understand each question, avoid changing the order and composition of questions, fill in answers accurately, and treat respondents diligently not causing them to rush or refuse;

9. When filling in questionnaires, intercommunicate with persons not requesting official documents, and get answers clarifying and finalizing unclear points;

10. The confidentiality of answers in completed questionnaires is to be protected according to Article 18.3 of Law on State Census of Population and Housing and Paragraph 4 of Article 5 of Law of Personal Privacy;

11. Carry census questionnaires and summary forms neatly and carefully without any damage, store questionnaires and summary forms in special folders, and hand over them to the supervisor after the census;

12. The enumerator is responsible for taking care of your health and safety and coordinating one's activities


2.2. Enumerator's responsibilities
The enumerator will carry out basic activities including involving the population in the census, filling in the information provided by citizens accurately and completely in the questionnaires, issuing the census progress report within the due period, and handing over materials to supervisors under the guidance of ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus and daily administration of supervisors. These include:

1. Thoroughly study and fully understand instructions for filling in questionnaires and summary forms in advance, avoid filling in questionnaires based on your perceptions and in breach of the filling instructions, and ask the supervisor for clarification if there is anything unclear, ask census staff of ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus and follow their instructions;

2. Receive census questionnaires and summary forms from supervisors upon careful counting and separate the filled and unfilled questionnaires and forms after the completion of the census, check them up with the originally received number, and hand over them to ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus;

3. Before the census, draw the census territory under your responsibility and agree on households and population. If any mismatch occurs, notify ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus, and get it resolved.

4. Collect telephone numbers of nearby hospitals and police stations from ad hoc bureaus, and use them as necessary;

5. Wear warm clothes according to the weather, avoid dressing up too much, and wear jewelry;

6. During the census, pre-arrange the date of the census with those who work night shifts, go hunting, and take care of patients at hospitals for less than ten days, stay at hospitals for the same period, or are temporarily away from home for other reasons and notify these reasons to ad-hoc bureaus and supervisors;

7. Before the census, clarify and thoroughly study the location of households and populations in the area under your responsibility according to the map with the assistance of the staff of the ad-hoc bureaus;

8. To enumerate the total households and population under your responsibility within 7 days, arrange your workload to enumerate not less than 15% of them in one day and plan where to start and finish each day.

9. Arrange the date and time in advance with the households and population absent during the census.

10. If a visiting person is drunk or communicates aggressively, express your gratitude for your time and leave the place immediately, returning later to fill in the questionnaire.
11. If you lost the enumerator's identity card, notify the ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus in person immediately to prevent misuse by others and get them to take necessary actions.

12. On the first day of the census (on November 14 for local bagas), if any unclear issues occur related to filling questionnaires and summary forms, note them down carefully, and on the second day, ask the supervisors and staff of the ad-hoc bureaus to get a common understanding, do this task every time, avoid repeating same mistakes.

13. Note down the location of the enumerated household and population on the map according to the instruction.

14. Arrive at the ad-hoc bureau's office every day (On November 14, 18 for local bagas) and hand over the materials before 10 o'clock, have the filled questionnaires examined by the supervisor, correct them in case of any errors, and if necessary, revisit the household for clarification.

15. During the period from receipt of the census materials to the handover, prevent the census questionnaires and other materials from loss, stealing, shortage, burning, destruction, damage, wetting, and contamination (during work and in case of keeping at home);

16. Keep the filled questionnaires yourself except handing them over to the supervisor in person;

17. Summarize the process report of the census and inform the supervisor according to the schedule;

18. Issue an enumeration certificate for persons aged 15 and over, carefully inform them to keep it during the census period, if necessary, show it to the enumeration staff, and present it at transportation stations and board checks.

19. Monitor population movements, and note down possible births, deaths, and migration during the census, inform and receive instructions from ad-hoc baga, khoroo bureaus, and supervisors and get their instructions;

20. Get instructions from the ad-hoc bureaus how to enumerate persons in dormitories, hospitals, nursing homes, and homeless citizens, and get them involved in the census;

21.Improve the organization of the daily work; express opinions to the ad-hoc bureaus to solve the encountered difficulties, and work proactively to complete the census on time;
22. Place the census questionnaires in numerical order, put them, together with summary forms, maps, and other materials in archive folders, and get checked and deliver these materials.

23. After the completion of the census, submit a report to ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus, summarize, and get assessed;

2.3. Prohibited items for enumerators
1. Fill in the information of the census questionnaires without visiting households and citizens under your responsibility;

2. Transfer, and display the filled questionnaires to those other than staff of ad-hoc bureaus and supervisors and disclose confidential information;

3. Replace yourself with other persons at your will;

4. Enumerate other households and persons who do not belong to your responsible territory;

5. Lose the completed questionnaires and other materials;

6. Fold, wrinkle, tear, cut, miss, contaminate, and damage the census questionnaires;

7. Enumerate households and population before November 11 and after November 17, 2010.

8. Fill in the questionnaire with ball-point pens other than blue color;

Supervisor's roles, responsibilities, prohibited items

2.4. Supervisor's roles
1. Work under the guidelines, advice, and instructions of ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus

2. Actively participate and complete the training for enumerators and supervisors, thoroughly study the census questionnaires and summary forms, acquire the ability to detect and correct enumerators' mistakes, and provide instructions and advice;

3. Fully supervise the enumerators under your guidance and their responsible households and population;

4. Carry and show the supervisor's identity card all the time;

5. Accept accurate, error-free, and fully completed census questionnaires;

6. Avoid revising responses based on your understanding and other than instructions;

7. Keep the responses of the census questionnaires according to Article 18.3 of Law on State Census of Population and Housing and Paragraph 4 of Article 5 of Law of Personal Privacy;

8. Supervise whether the enumerators fully involve the households and populations according to the census territory's map;


2.5. Supervisor's responsibilities
To carry out the census with high quality, timely, and full participation, the supervisor is responsible for performing the main responsibilities of controlling activities of enumerators, ensuring accurate and fully completed responses of questionnaires, if necessary, getting them revised, issuing the summary forms on due period, and undertaking the control census in the selected bagas and khoroos. These include:

1. Check the borders of the responsible territory with the provided map with the ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus, if there are any discrepancies, notify the ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus to resolve them, agree on the boundaries, responsible households and population with the adjacent census sections;

2. Provide and introduce the approved map of the census territory to each enumerator and participate actively to publicize the purpose and importance of the census;

3. Accept the questionnaires and summary forms from the ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus and hand over them with the package to the enumerators after careful counting;

4. Set up the detailed enumerator's working hours during the census preparation, enumeration, and receipt of census materials, get approved by the ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus, and adhere duly;

5. On the first day of the census, check the attendance of all the enumerators, if any enumerator is absent, clarify the reasons and notify the ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus and get appropriate decisions;

6. On the second day (On November 14 for local bagas), listen to the enumerators' questions and suggestions related to filling in the questionnaires and summary forms and provide a common understanding and relevant advice; do this task from time to time;

7. Give the incorrectly filled questionnaires to the enumerators and return them to the households if necessary;

8. Each enumerator is supposed to enumerate 15% of the total households and population in a day and recommend and supervise the even distribution of workload;

9. Check whether each enumerator marked the location of the households and population on the map according to the instructions, and compare the completed questionnaires with the number of households and population;
10. Sample 4-5 households that the enumerator shall have enumerated each day, check whether these households were enumerated and the certificate for enumeration was issued;

11. Clarify whether the enumerator is aware of persons who may be absent at home during the census, advise them in advance when and how to get enumerated, and if necessary, take joint measures from the ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus;

12. Pay particular attention to the full inclusion of persons who may miss the census and supervise and collaborate with the ad-hoc bureaus and enumerators;

13. Carefully observe issues related to households, births, death, and migration within your responsible territory, and provide relevant information to ad-hoc bureaus and enumerators;

14. Summarize the number of the enumerated persons in the responsible territory and report ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus every day in the scheduled period;

15. Check materials of enumerators daily (November 14, 18 in local bagas), store the error-free questionnaires with ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus;

16. During the overall period from receipt of the census materials to the handover, prevent census questionnaires and other materials from loss, burning, destruction, damage, wetting, and contamination; neatly check the completed questionnaire according to instructions;

17. Improve the organization of daily work, and express opinions to ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus to solve encountered problems;

18. After completion of the census, summarize preliminary results-1 and preliminary results-2, and deliver them to ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus within the due period;

19. Separate filled and unfilled census questionnaires upon receiving them from enumerators, accept them together with other materials, hand them over to ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus, and use them;

20. Write down a report to ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus, report your work, and get assessed;

21. Place census questionnaires in numerical order, put them together with summary forms, maps, and other materials in archive folders, and hand over these materials after checks;

22. Selected supervisors shall participate in control censuses in person;


2.6. Prohibited items for supervisors

1. Transfer and display filled questionnaires to other than staff of ad-hoc bureaus and supervisors and disclose confidential information;

2. Replace yourself with other persons at your will;

3. Lose the completed questionnaires and other materials;

4. Fold, wrinkle, tear, cut, miss, contaminate, and damage the census questionnaires;

5. Use ballpoint pens other than the red color when making necessary corrections in questionnaires;

Chapter three
Instruction for filling in census questionnaire Form HAOST-1

Upon the launch of the census, the enumerator knocks at the door of the household or public building, greets politely, and presents an enumerator's identity card. The first impression of the enumerator will affect their willingness to collaborate with you. Therefore, it is important to introduce yourself first in a friendly manner.

When you communicate with the respondent, try to make them feel confident. Use a few thoughtful and friendly words to attract the respondent. Start the conversation with a smile and greet them such as "How are you doing, are you having a good winter", etc. You greet them related to seasons and the work they are doing. The introduction can be in the following form:

"How are you doing, are you all having a good winter?"

My name is ... I am working as an enumerator in the "2010 State Population and Housing Census" (show the enumerator's identity card). The 2010 State Population and Housing Census is to be undertaken on November 11-17, 2010. By participating in the census and providing accurate information, you are contributing to the future well-being of yourself and your children".

The enumerator adheres strictly enumerating each person individually. Census questionnaires are completed by asking each person in a household aged 16 or older. Information about children under the age of 16 shall be filled in by asking the household head or a family member aged 16 or older. If the household head or household members aged 16 or older are absent during census days, census questionnaires can be asked to children under 16 who are familiar with information on household members and capable to respond. If household members are absent during census days, or if persons who have no family or kinship ties are present, or who are related to family or kinship but not familiar with the information on household members, the enumerator has to revisit for the census. When non-household persons are enumerated (non-relatives or family ties), complete the census questionnaire by asking each person.


3.1. Principles for filling in the census questionnaire
Household and household membership. A household is a group of persons who reside in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement for budget and provision of food and basic needs. Household members can hold family, kinship, and relative ties, and some households can not necessarily be related to each other at all.

Household is different from family. Several families may live in the same household. At the time of the census, in addition to household members, if there are persons living in the same household, who have no family, kinship, or relative ties, they will be enumerated as in this household.

Family members on military service, or studying in other provinces or capitals will be enumerated in the household. As these persons are residing in provinces or capitals other than their main administrative units for more than 6 months (183 days), they will be enumerated as permanent residents in the place of residence. However, if soldiers, students, and pupils are at home on leave or vacation during the census, they will be enumerated as permanent residents.

Detainees, convicts, and prisoners in detention facilities are not enumerated in a household regardless of their terms.

The enumerator carefully discusses household members and determines persons to be enumerated in the household based on the definition of household provided at the beginning of this section. After this process, the enumerator will open a questionnaire for each household. However, the enumerator first clarifies who is permanently residing, temporarily absent, or temporarily residing, and finalizes the number of respondents in the household. Then he first writes down the details of the household head including a family name, a surname, a first name, and then other household members.

When opening a household questionnaire, the enumerator does not consider the type of their housing. In other words, one or several may reside in one dwelling. These households may reside in dormitories, staff dormitories, roofs, entrances, tunnels, heating ducts, warehouses, forests, mountains, and caves.


A group of persons living together and having no family, relative, or kin ties is considered a non-household. During the census, non-household persons living in one dwelling or a part of a dwelling or renting a room together are enumerated in one questionnaire. In question A9 of Address Section I, the "Non-household" or the code "3" is selected. The following cases may occur.

- A group of persons living together in the same room in a student dormitory, a worker residence, military barracks, prison, hospital, sanatorium, nursing home, or hotel and having no family, kin, or relative ties;
- A group of persons living in roofs, tunnels, entrances, heating ducts, warehouses, forests, mountains, caves and having no family, kin, or relative ties;
- A group of persons living in one dwelling or a part of a dwelling and having no family, kin, or relative ties;

The general methodology shall be followed to fill in census questionnaires. It includes:

1. The enumerator asks questions from the respondent in sequence without changing the composition of sentences and fills in responses.

2. If a respondent gives multiple responses, the numerator accepts only one appropriate response. If the numerator does not clearly understand responses, ask carefully and accept an appropriate and final response.

3. To fill in a response, in most cases, the numerator circles a corresponding code behind the response or fills in the square cells. The enumerator shall constantly check whether the response code is correctly circled or marked in the right place. In other words, the enumerator shall be extremely careful to circle or mark the response in questionnaires and avoid filling in above, below, or next to codes, or circling or filling in duplicate codes. For example:

[A figure is omitted here]


4. For responses to questions 3,4,5,6,7,8,10, and 11 of the questionnaires, write down the year, month, day, age, and name of the province/capital city (foreign country) and fill in codes. Look at the corresponding code in the appendices of this instruction and carefully fill in the response in the square cells. Frequently check for accuracy. Responses to questions 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 22, and 23 of the "Population questionnaire" shall be written clearly and neatly in capital letters. Avoid using abbreviations and writing words or letters in square boxes for codes.

[A table is omitted here]

5. The enumerator neatly writes down numbers by one digit in the square cells for codes. If a digit number to be written in each square cell is less than the number of boxes, it shall be filled with "0" in front of it. For example, the age of the one-year-old child is written as follows.

[A table is omitted here]

6. Pay attention that there are arrows behind some responses which indicate to skip the questions. If the respondent gives a response corresponding to the code with an "arrow", circle the code and move to the next question as indicated by the "arrow". For example, "What is your residency status?" If the respondent answered Permanent residence to question 7, the enumerator circles the code 1 and directly asks question 8.

[A figure is omitted here]


For question 15 "What is the highest level of your education completed?" if the enumerator fills in one of the codes between 2 to 9, pay attention to the arrow to ask question 17. For example,

[A figure is omitted here]

7. If an incorrect response is selected, note it with an "X" mark and circle the right response. For example

[A figure is omitted here]

8. Questions 1-13 of the census questionnaire are asked by all age population, question 14 is asked by population aged between 2-39, questions 15-18 are asked by population aged 6 and over, and questions 19-25 are asked by population aged 15 and over respectively.

9. If the enumerator is doubtful about a response, immediately ask the respondent and correct it.

10. After the enumerator finishes asking all questions from one respondent, move on to ask the next respondent.


3.2. Fill in supplemental sheets for the census questionnaire
Each form HAOST-1 will be used to enumerate 6 persons. If more than 6 persons are enumerated, additional questionnaire sheet will be used. Depending on the number of household members and non-household persons, Form HAOST-1a and Form HAOST-1b of "Census questionnaire supplemental sheet" will be used. Depending on the number of citizens residing abroad for more than 6 months, Form HAOST-1c "Additional sheet of the census questionnaire for Group II" will be used.

If there are more than six household members or non-household persons, the Form HAOST-1a Supplemental Sheet (to enumerate 2 persons) will be used from the seventh person. Form HAOST-1b (to enumerate 4 persons) will be used for the "Population Questionnaire" to enumerate non-household persons living in public buildings or other buildings for public use. Form HAOST-1 will be used to enumerate non-household persons residing in dwellings such as student dormitories, worker dormitories, nursing homes, military barracks, and prisons. Form HAOST-1b Additional Sheet will be used to enumerate up to 99 persons. If there are more than 99 persons, reopen a new Form HAOST-1 and use a supplemental sheet for the enumeration.

3.3. Instruction to fill in the address section
Address. Street name. Write the official name of the street where the respondent lives in capital letters without abbreviations. For example, "Peace Avenue" etc.

Building number. Write the building number of households (public residence, apartment) or persons in digits, and if any letters, write them in capital letters. For example, "14B" etc.

Yard/door number: Neatly write down the address in capital letters. The door number refers to the door number of an apartment. The yard number refers to the yard door number in ger districts. For example

I. Address Section
Street name: Peace Avenue
Building number: 14B
Yard/door number: 75
Ger districts:

I. Address Section
Street name: Rashaant-18
Building number:
Yard/door number: 68a

For local households staying in winter quarters, write a land, mountain, river, and winter quarters name. For example, Ikh Uulyn Belchir, Bat's Winter Quarters, Etc.

I. Address Section
Street name: Ikh Uulyn Belchir
Building number:
Yard/door number: Bat's Winter Quarters

A1. Census committee number
The census committee numbers for provinces, capital city, soums, and districts are approved by the National Statistics Office. These numbers can be found in the "Census Committee number" column of Appendix 1 "Codes for Administrative, and Territorial Units in Mongolia and Census Committee Numbers". For example,

A1. Census committee number ................ 101

Write the respective name for province, the capital city, soum, district, baga, khoroo and fill in a code referring to Appendix 1 "Codes for Administrative, and Territorial Units in Mongolia and Census Committee Numbers" of this instruction, and it will be changed for the enumerator. In the column "Province, the capital city, soum, district", look up the name of province, the capital city, sum, district, baga respectively, and in the corresponding code in the back square. The ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureaus issue names and codes of bagas and khoroos.

[A figure is omitted here]

For example, write the official name such as "Khuvsgul" for the name of an aimag and capital city, "Bayanzurkh" for a district, "Agar" for a baga and khoroo. When writing the name of province, the capital city, soum, district, and baga, avoid duplicate writing in the front of square cells for codes.

A2. Aimag, capital city name, and code: Khuvsgul 67
A3. Soum, district name and code: Bayanzurkh district 10
A4. Baga, khoroo name and code: Agar 51


A5. Enumerator name and number.
The enumerator writes his name along with the initials of his surname and fills in the number assigned to the enumerator by ad-hoc baga and khoroo bureau. To fill in the assigned number, the enumerator writes it in two boxes for A5. Enumerator name and number. If it is a 1-digit number, add "0" to the previous digit, such as "01". For example, if the enumerator Gerel.A was assigned the number "5" by the census committee, then A5 shall be filled in as follows.

[The example is omitted here]

The enumerator obtains the census committee number, aimag, soum, capital city, soum, district, baga, khoroo name, code, and assigned number from his respective census committee and ad-hoc bureau. The enumerator fills in each distributed questionnaire with these names, numbers, and codes and can fill in this information in advance.

Approved by the Resolution No. 01/135 of the Chairman of the National Statistics Office.
Form HAOST-1

[A table is omitted here]


A6. Census questionnaire number
The enumerator starts to number subsequently starting from the first household such as 001, 002, 003, etc. The enumerator shall not duplicate the census questionnaire number. Starting from the first day, the first household is to be filled as "001" in the three boxes of the A6. Census questionnaire number. For example

[The example is omitted here]

A7. Village name and code
According to the Law on Legal Status of Towns and Villages, the village population is classified as residents of self-governed settlements with 500-15000 inhabitants and have intensively developed the following sectors such as agriculture, industry, tourism, recreation, sanatoriums, transportation, and trade. If the respondent's place of residence belongs to a village as indicated in the above provisions, the official name of village needs to be written in full. Fill in the village name and code from Appendix 2 "List of villages (urban style settlements) in Mongolia". For example: For Shargaljuut village located in Bayankhongor soum, Bayankhongor province, fill Shargaljuut in the

A7. Village name and "02" in the code boxes.

A8. Location
During the census, the locality of households and population is divided into five categories such as Capital city "1", Aimag center "2", Village "3", Soum center "4", Countryside "5" and the corresponding codes are filled in the back boxes. For example, for Shargaljuut located in Bayankhongor soum, Bayankhongor province, fill "3" in the A8. Location.

A9. Main household
The enumerator asks the household (if the household head is absent, ask any household member aged 16 or over) how many households live in the dwelling, and if there is only one household, it is stated as a "main household", and if there are two or more households, start enumerating from the main household. The enumerator opens a new questionnaire for each household residing in the same dwelling and fills in "1" for the main household. Household residents will decide voluntarily which household to choose as a main household. If a household cannot decide on the "main household", it can be determined based on which household lived in the dwelling for the longest time even though different household owns it with a warrant or rental agreement. For example, if the owner household rents a room to others, the owner household will be called a "main household" and the other will be called a "sharing household". In the census, completing the questionnaire as "Main household" or "sharing household" does not affect the future ownership of housing. Carefully describe the occupants that it is only intended for preventing duplicate enumeration of housing rooms, areas, and other indicators and developing the housing policy. For example, Bold rents his three-room apartment to Bat's family, a single woman named Tsetseg, and two students. But Bold's family does not live in this building. In this case, Bat's family has many older members and will be enumerated as a "main household". The code "1" will be selected.


Sharing household. For households other than the main households living in the same housing, fill in the "sharing household" or code "2". For example, in the above case, Tsetseg will fill in "sharing household" or the code "2"

Non-household. During the census, fill in the code for non-household persons living in all types of housing such as gers, houses, and non-purpose and other housing. For example, in the above case, if two students have no family or kinship ties, circle the "non-household" or the code "3".

A10. Numerated persons
It refers to the number of persons who are enumerated by population questionnaires.

A11. Number of additional sheets
Open an additional sheet for more than six household and non-household persons and continue asking the population questionnaire. In this case, regardless of Form HAOST-1a and Form HAOST-2, the number of newly opened questionnaire sheets will be filled in two cells of Additional questionnaire sheets. The number of pages refers to the number of papers. However, if the household or non-household up to 6 persons are enumerated, "00" must be filled in two boxes of A11 or the Number of additional sheets of the census questionnaire. The census committee number, province, capital city, soum, district, baga, khoroo name, code, and census questionnaire number in the header of the additional sheet shall be the same as the corresponding name, number, and code of the main census questionnaire. As mentioned in previous examples, the codes shall be filled the same as in A1-A6.

A1. Census committee number 189
A4. Baga and khoroo code 51
A5. Enumerator number 15
A6. Questionnaire form number 001


A12. Are there any family members of this household residing abroad for work or study for over six months?
This question is aimed at collecting information on Mongolian citizens who work and study abroad for a long period. If there is any person from the household who study or live abroad more than 6 months (183 days), and if the period of the stay abroad has not reached for 6 months (183) but a person is intended to stay abroad more than 6 months (183 days) in the future, fill in the response "Yes" or "1" and ask to fill in the Section II. Persons residing abroad for over 6 months. If there are no persons who study, work, and study over 6 months, fill in the response "No" or the code "2" and move to the "Population questionnaire" section.

3.4. Information on persons residing abroad for over 6 months
Following persons are enumerated as citizens of Mongolia residing abroad for over 6 months (183 days).

- Persons residing abroad for over 6 months (183 days);
- Persons who have not yet reached 6 months (183 days), but intended to stay abroad for over 6 months (183 days);

Based on the following clarifications, the enumerator determines whether the person who is staying broad will be enumerated in the household.

1. Was the person to be enumerated an official member of the household before moving abroad?

- If a person living abroad is an official household member, enumerate this person in this household. For example, Bat has a son named Bold. He is a household member and has been living abroad for 10 months. In this case, Bold will be enumerated in Bat's family. In another case, Bold's son, Bat is married and has two children. He lived separately from his parents in Mongolia and has been living abroad for 10 months. His wife and two children live in Mongolia. In this case, Bold will be enumerated in his household (his wife).

2. Is there any person who lived separately from blood relatives, such as brothers, sisters, and children, and moved abroad with his family?

- In the event, a person lived in a separate household in Mongolia and gets married and starts his household after going abroad, the oldest person by blood will include this person in his household. When obtaining information about the person residing abroad from the oldest person by blood, the numerator assures non-duplication and omission and fills in the census questionnaire. The following will be cleared out.
- Whether any person lives in Mongolia among household members living abroad;
- Whether any non-eldest brother, sister or younger brother or sister by blood has registered the person living abroad.

B column - Surname name and given name. Based on the provision of Paragraph 3, Article 24 of Law on Family, "A child shall have a father's name", or "The mother's name can be given to a child whose marriage of parents is not registered or the parentage has not been established by the competent institution". Based on these provisions, write the surname of the citizen living abroad.


1st column - Relationship to the household head
Ask what the relationship is between the citizen living abroad for over 6 months and the household head. Fill in the corresponding response code from 02 to 10 for question 1 "What is your relationship with a household head?" in the population questionnaire. If a household head lives abroad, a husband/wife replaces this person as the household head. For example, Gerel and Bat are married. At the time of the census, Bat lives abroad for work. In this case, the enumerator asks for information on Bat and fills in the code "02" for the wife/husband of the household head in the "Relationship with household" column. Gerel, his wife, is selected as the first person in the "Population questionnaire".

2nd column - Sex
Circle the appropriate code for Male-1 and Female-2 to complete this question. The enumerator pays attention that each person duly responds to this question.

3rd column - Age
The age of a person residing abroad shall be determined based on the date of birth. A person's age shall be calculated in advance or even a few days left for the birthday. The age of a child under one-year-old is written as "00". The enumerator asks date of birth and compares it with the census date. If the age does not match, the enumerator rechecks and fills in it correctly. If the person is aware of the year of birth, refer to Appendix 3a, "Age reference chart". However, the respondent does not know their age by the calendar but is aware of his date of birth by the lunar calendar. In this case, refer to Appendix 3b to determine the age. For example, Bat was born on November 12, 1978, and his full age will be "31". Because Bat's birthday falls behind the census date. For more information on age calculation, refer to the definition of question 4 of the Population questionnaire.

4th column - Residing country
If a person has moved to several countries for study and work, the destination by November 2010 will be filled in. For example, Tsetseg first moved to Ireland to study and live in England at the time of the census. She will be registered as living in England. For this question, the place of residence is important. Fill in the name and code that will be found in Appendix 4 "List of some world countries".

5th column - Purpose
Determine the initial purpose for living abroad for over 6 months (183 days) and fill in the corresponding code. It includes

Study - 1. This category refers to persons attending foreign universities, colleges, secondary education schools, and language courses under scholarships of Mongolian and foreign governments, international organizations, student exchanges as well as on private financing.


Contractual employment - 2. This category refers to persons who were sent to work abroad under contractual employment and internships through enterprises or organizations with special permissions for intermediary services1.

Regular employment - 3. This category includes persons working abroad other than under contractual employment and internships. For example, persons went abroad at the invitation of one of their relatives or friends living abroad and are currently working abroad.

Official missions - 4. This category refers to persons working in diplomatic missions and international organizations. It does not include citizens sent to Afghanistan, Iraq, Sierra Leone, and other countries under the order of the Ministry of Defense.
1According to Law on sending labor force and receiving labor force and receiving labor force and specialists from abroad

Medical reason - 5. This category includes persons who are staying abroad for treatment and medical reasons.

Others - 6. This category includes persons staying abroad for reasons other than the above-stated. For example, if Delger went to study in England in 2005 and is employed there after his graduation in 2007. The purpose is filled as education/study.

6th column - duration of residence abroad
Fill the residence period with a full year. For example, if it has been 8 months since he went abroad, fill in "01". The period of less than 6 months shall be transferred to the previous year. The period over 6 months shall be transferred to the next year. citizen Chimed has lived abroad for 1 year and 5 months, fill in "1", and if citizen Dolgor has lived abroad for 1 year and 6 months, fill in "02". On the other hand, if citizen Tuya has been living abroad for 4 months, but it is clear that he will live for more than 6 months in the future, fill in "01".

3.5. Instruction to fill in the population questionnaire

Family name. According to Part 1, Clause 7, Article 3 of the Family Law, "Family name which has been used traditionally among a group of people who are related to father's side", the family name must be spelled out and written completely in capital letters without abbreviations.

Surname. According to Clause 3, Article of Family Law, "A child shall have a father's name", and Clause 4, "The mother's name can be given to a child whose marriage of parents is not registered or the parentage has not been established by the competent institution", the surname of the respondent shall be fully completed in capital letters. For example, the surname is Dorj and the given name is Bat. In this case, it shall be written as Dorj Bat.


Given name. Write the person's name in full in capital letters without using abbreviations. If the respondent has two names, the name provided in official documents shall be filled in the census questionnaire.

Please note that questions 1-13 of the census questionnaire are filled out by asking all age persons.

Question one -- Are you a household head? What is your relationship with the household head?
Ask how household members are related to the household head and circle the corresponding code from 02-11 for each person. For households, only fill in the information on the household head on the first page of "Person No.1". For non-household members, fill in the information on one of the persons in the "Person No.1" sheet and circle "None" or "11" for the response.

Household head. If the household head is not clear, household members shall decide the household head voluntarily. A household head can be determined as any household member who is over 16 years old and employed or the main contributor to a household income, and who has the main responsibility to solve household matters. The opinion of household members over 16 years old shall be taken into account.

Wife/husband. Married or cohabiting woman and man who enjoy equal rights and obligations;

Son/daughter. Biological and adopted son, daughter, stepson and step daughter;

Father/mother. Biological and adopted parents, stepparents;

Father-in-law/mother-in-law. Biological, adopted father, mother and stepfather and stemother of a household head;

Son-in-law/daughter-in-law. Son's wife or daughter's husband;

Grandfather/grandmother. Grandfather or grandmother of a household head;

Grandson/granddaughter. A child of biological, adopted daughter or son, and stepson or stepdaughter;

Other relatives. A household head's uncles and aunts and spouse's uncles and aunts, their spouses, children, brothers, sisters, younger brothers, younger sisters, grandmothers, and grandfathers are included.

Non-relative. Persons who have no kinship or family ties with the household head and non-household members shall be included. On the front page of the questionnaire, if response "3" or "non-household" is filled in, all persons remunerated in the questionnaire shall be filled as "non-relevant" or "11".

Question two -- Your sex
The enumerator shall note that each respondent must answer this question. Ask the respondent and fill in the corresponding response. A young child shall not be determined as a male or female based on their name and outwears.


Question three -- What is your date of birth?
Write the year, month, and day of the enumerator's birth as stated. However, it shall be noted that the date shall match the identity card, birth certificate, foreign passport, residence card, and other documents if the enumerator is unsure of the birth date, foreign passport, birth certificate, and similar documents with a respondent's consent. If the respondent is unsure of the birth date by the calendar but knows the birth date by the lunar calendar, find out the year of birth after careful discussion and convert it into the Western year using the "Age reference chart" in Appendix 3b.

Question four -- How old are you? (In a completed year)
The age of the respondent is calculated by completed years. Although a few days left to reach the complete year, the enumerator does not raise the age of the respondent. The age of a child under one year shall be recorded as "000". The enumerator first asks for the person's birth date (year, month, day) and compares it with the census date of January 9, 2020. If it doesn't match, ask the respondents again to determine the correct age. However, if the enumerator knows the year of birth, the enumerator shall fill up the age from Appendix 3a "Age reference age".

For example, citizen Bat was born on November 12, 1978, and his complete age shall be "31". Because his birth is after the census date. Refer to Appendix 3a as follows.

Age reference chart based on birth year
As of November 11, 2010
(Only for population and housing census)

Following orders shall be applied to determine the respondent's age with Appendix 3a.

1. Determine whether a respondent's birth year falls before or after the census date in November 11.

2. Determine the birth year from the Chart.

3. A respondent's age is determined by numbers corresponding to the "Age" column.

If the respondent does not know age by calendar, but is aware of lunar birth year, use Appendix 3b to determine the age.


Question five -- What is your citizenship?
Information on citizenship shall be collected from a respondent. For all citizens of Mongolia, circle the code for Mongolia or "01". For foreign nationals, refer to "List of some countries in the world" instead of official names of countries and fill it up in the column Foreign (specify a country) in capital letters. If parents' citizenship is different, a citizen over the age of 16 can decide independently which citizenship of parents will be chosen. But the citizenship of children under the age of 16 shall be based on parents' decisions. If parents disagree on their children's citizenship, fill it up based on a mother's citizenship. For persons without citizenship, circle the code "02" or "stateless". If the enumerator fills in codes other than "Mongolian", move on to Question 7. For example, citizen Kim Jang Min is a citizen of the Republic of Korea, fill in the questionnaire as follows.

[The example is omitted below]

Question 6 -- What is your ethnicity?
Only Mongolian citizens shall answer this question. Foreign nationals and stateless persons will not respond to this question. Fill in the ethnicity of a Mongolian citizen based on his or her response. Parents determine a child's ethnicity. In case parents are not able to determine it, the child's ethnicity shall follow the mother's. For Khalkh ethnicity, circle the code "01". For other ethnic groups other than Khalkh, fill in the corresponding code from Appendix 5 "List of ethnic classification in Mongolia and codes" of this instruction. This is not intended to disregard or ignore other ethnicities, and only aimed to facilitate enumerators' jobs. According to the 2000 Population and Housing Census, nearly 80 percent of Mongolia's population belonged to the "Khalkh" ethnic group, so enumerators will be prevented from writing the Khalkh numerous times.

Question 7 -- What is your residency status?
The enumerator will write the residence place as of midnight 00 o'clock of November 10-11. Based on whether the respondent has resided in the administrative unit for 6 months (183 days) and over or less, the residence place is divided into permanent residence, temporary absence, or temporary residence and circle the appropriate code. If persons are temporarily absent in the main administrative unit at the census date, they shall be enumerated as temporary residents in their place of residence.

Permanent residence or "01":

1. At the time of the census, persons who were living in the administrative unit for over 6 months (183 days);
2. At the time of the census, persons who have lived in the administrative unit for less than 6 months (183 days), but are certain to reside for over 6 months (183 days);

3. Persons who are registered as permanent residents in the household and population register before the census, but who are temporarily absent from their homes at the time of the census, and who return home without being enumerated elsewhere, shall be enumerated as permanent residents. It includes:
- Persons on shifts (guards, watchmen, keepers, etc.)
- Persons on duty for several days (railway workers, air or road transport workers, postmen, etc.)
- Persons who are attending military gatherings and field-practices;
- Inpatients and their caregivers hospitalized for 10 days or less;
- Persons on the way home (preparing firewood, herding cattle, looking for lost herds, hunting, etc.)
- Mothers and infants at delivery hospitals;
- Persons residing in main administrative units and households in the territory of soums or districts;
4. Persons who resided in main administrative units before the census date, but who went abroad, to other provinces or soums after the census date, will be enumerated as permanent residents. For example, when the enumerator visits a household on the census date of January 13th, if a household member left for another province for 14 days on the 11th of the same month, this person shall be enumerated as a permanent resident. If the place of residence or address (homeless or wanderers) is unknown, these persons shall be enumerated as permanent residents on their place of residence at the time of the census.

Temporarily absent or "2":

Persons who left their main administrative units for less than 6 months (183 days) before the date of the census are considered "temporarily absent". These persons shall be enumerated in the place of residence as "temporary residents".

Temporary resident or "3":

Persons who moved from other administrative units and are living in a census area for less than 6 months (183 days) are enumerated as "temporary residents". Persons enumerated as "temporarily absent" in their usual residence (territory) shall be counted as a "temporary resident" in their place of residence at the time of the census.

If it is proven or (no certificate) that a person is not enumerated in the census during checks at airports, trains, bus stations and other control points, they shall be enumerated as a "temporary resident".

For example, Citizen Bat.L lives in Sukhbaatar province. Just before midnight on November 10th to 11th, he went to Ulaanbaatar on the official assignment and is staying at a hotel. In this case, he shall be checked for his participation. If he is not enumerated (no certificate) as a "temporary resident" in question 7 of the population questionnaire.

Name of province, capital city (foreign country), soum, district (city) for place of current residence for temporary absent or place of usual residence for temporary resident.

If the response to question 7 is "Temporary absent", complete their name of province, capital city (if from abroad, complete names of foreign countries and cities) where temporary absentees currently reside. If the response is "temporary residence", complete their names of province, the capital city, soum, district (temporarily residing foreign countries and cities) of their temporary residence. Refer to names and codes in Appendix 1 "Codes for administrative and territorial units of Mongolia" and Appendix 4 "List of some countries in the world" in this instruction.

Question eight -- What is your place of birth? Location
According to a respondent's answer, the province and capital city (foreign country) of birth shall be written by current names without using abbreviations in capital letters. For citizens born in Mongolia, the first two cells shall be filled in from Appendix 1 "Codes of administrative and territorial units of Mongolia" and the last cell shall be filled in by looking up the code of A8. Location of the Address section of this questionnaire. For nationals born in a foreign country, the first two cells shall be filled from Appendix 4 "List of some foreign countries" and the last cell shall be filled with "1".

Question nine -- In the present place of usual residence, have you lived since birth or moved in?
During the census, the enumerators will ask whether they have been living in their province or capital city since their birth or whether they moved. The responses include since birth, returned after permanently living in a different place, and moved in from a different place, and these responses are understood as follows. It includes:

"Since birth" or "1" includes native citizens who have not lived, worked, studied, or served in the military for 6 months (183 days) or over in a province or capital city other than their permanent residence since birth. If it is filled in "since birth", skip questions 10, 11, and directly ask question 12.

Returned after permanently living in a different place, moved in from a different place or "2" includes citizens who were born and raised in their birthplace but lived, worked, served in the military, or studied in another province and capital city for over 6 months (183 days) and returned their birthplace.

Persons who have moved from a different place or "3" includes persons who were born in a place other than provinces or capital city of their permanent residence. However, explain carefully that
the term "moved in" does not necessarily mean officially migrated or moved in, but when they moved or settled in a province or soum of their residence.
For example, citizen Luvsan came from Uvs province to Ulaanbaatar and is enumerated as a temporary residence as arriving before the census date. In this case, the enumerator shall ask citizen Luvsan question 9 "In the present place of usual residence, have you lived since birth or moved in ''. Make it clear to each respondent that it is asking "Have you lived in Uvs aimag since his birth or moved in".

When persons are registered as "temporarily absent" living abroad for less than 6 months (183 days), fill in the response by asking whether they lived in the province or capital city since birth before going abroad. Mongolian nationals born abroad and foreign nationals, immigrants, and stateless living in our country for more than 6 months (183 days) are considered as "moved in".

Question ten -- What was the place of your previous residence?
In question 9, the respondent answers "returned after usually living in a different place" or "2" or "moved in from a different place" or "3", he shall be asked for a name and year of province/capital city (foreign country) which they last moved in. At the time of the census, it does not consider how many times or places they have moved. Ask respondents the last province or capital city of residence before they moved to their province usual place of residence. Record names in the space behind province/capital city (foreign country). Refer to Appendix 1 for province and capital city codes and fill them in the first cells. Refer to Appendix 4 for country names and codes where Mongolian and foreign citizens lived. The last code cell shall be filled from the A8. Locality of Address section in the questionnaire. For the question of the year moved in, fill in the year of the respondent last moved in their usual place of residence.

Question eleven -- What was the place of your usual residence in January 2015?
Each person born before January 1, 2015, or aged 5 or over (full age) at the time of the census shall answer this question. Record the respondent's usual place of residence (province or foreign country) as of January 1, 2010. Fill this information in the first code cells from Appendix 1 and Appendix 4, and the last code cell from A8. Locality of the questionnaire. This question aims to show the locality of these persons five years ago before the census. It does not only emphasize January 2015. For question 9 "Have you been living in your province/capital since you were born or have you moved?", if respondents answered "since birth" or "1", they do not answer this question.

Question twelve -- Do you have any disability?
Please specify. "Persons with disabilities" means those who have physical, intellectual, mental, and sensory impairments, which in interaction with various barriers; hinder them from effectively participating in social lives fully and for a period over 12 months. Types of disability cover their origins of disability.


Congenital or "2" refers to those who have physical, intellectual, mental, and sensory impairments due to genetic diseases, defects or complications during pregnancy and birth. Their ability to participate in social relations is limited.

Acquired or "3" refers to those who have physical, intellectual, mental, and sensory impairments due to domestic accidents and industrial injuries, ordinary and occupational disease. Their ability to participate in social relations is limited.

Question thirteen -- If you have any disability, please specify the type.
The following types of disability may exist.

Visual or 1: Visual ability is lost or limited due to visual organ injuries, defects, and diseases.

Speaking or 2: Speaking ability is lost or limited due to speech organ injuries, defects, and diseases.

Hearing or 3: Hearing ability is lost or limited due to hearing and speech organ injuries, defects, and diseases.

Mobility or 4: the ability to execute daily activities is lost or limited due to having difficulty in moving some parts of a body.

Cognitive or 5: Mental illness refers to changes in thinking, feeling, awareness, and behaviors. Due to these reasons, their social interaction or acts changed. Based on external (dementia at the ages 0-3 due to birth difficulties) and internal (chromosome changes and metabolic disorders) causes, the ability for understanding, thinking, and feeling is lost or limited.

Other or 6: Disabilities other than the mentioned above are included. For example, infernal organ defects and two or more disabilities are present in one person.

Question fourteen -- Are you currently attending school (including preschool or kindergarten)? Be asked from ages 2-39.
Ask children from ages 2-5 whether they are attending kindergarten and persons from ages 6-39 whether they are attending a formal school. Kindergartens have the following types: regular, special, sanatorium, and orphanage. For children aged 2-5 who are brought up in these kindergartens, fill in the response "Yes" or "1" in the questionnaire. If a respondent attends a school of any level of formal education, day or evening, in any class, fill in the response "Yes" or "1" in the questionnaire. If a respondent does not attend school, circle the response "No" or code "2". In addition, those who attend informal educational equivalent programs are considered as attending school. However, those who attend informal educational courses and distance learning courses are not considered as attending school. Non formal education refers to organized learning activities outside of school, including various vocational training (driving, foreign language, cooking, computer, etc.) or life skills training (gardening, goldsmithing, etc.). Distance learning refers to non-formal education.


Question fifteen
This question is asked of each person aged 5 and over.

The enumerator asks the respondent whether he or she has any education. Circle for non-education or code 1 and move to question 16. Non-education refers to those who attend 1-5 grades, and those who left their schools. If the response is "Yes", ask the level of education and circle the corresponding code, then move to question 17. The level of education refers to the highest level of education acquired by the respondent. For example, citizen Tserendulam studied at the Finance and Economic College (former name) and acquired vocational education as an accountant. Then she graduated from a university and defended her master's degree. Tserendulam's educational level will be "Postgraduate" or code "08".

The education completed up to secondary school is determined by the following chart.

This includes persons who graduated from full-time, part-time or non-formal education equivalent programs.

Technical and vocational education. It refers to those who graduated from Technical and Vocational Education Centers (formerly Technical and Vocational Schools - TMS) and obtained a professional certificate;

Specialized secondary. It refers to those who graduated from a foreign or domestic specialized secondary school (former technical schools) or equivalent schools, and obtained a certificate or diploma.

Higher education /diploma, bachelor, master, doctorate or above/. It refers to those who graduated from full-time or part-time programs at domestic and foreign universities, institutes, and colleges and obtained bachelor, master, and doctoral degree certificates or equivalent higher education diplomas. A diploma course for higher education cannot be less than 90 credit hours. Credit hours cannot be less than 120 for bachelor's courses including previous degree credits, 150 for master's courses, and 210 for Ph.D. courses3. In addition, the following persons are considered as "diploma higher education". These include those who graduated from State Pedagogical University for 3 years before 1964, the former Party Institute before 1966, two-year courses at the Former Party Institute, part-time courses at the former Marxism-Leninism Institute, and the former Eastern Workers' University (EWU).

Question sixteen -- Are you literate?
This question shall be asked by each person aged 6 and over who answered as uneducated in question 15. Literacy is divided into the following categories. It includes:

- Literate: Those who can read, understand, and write a simple daily sentence in any language (regardless of writing types and forms) and this ability was preserved after a certain period.

- Illiterate: Those who cannot read, understand, and write a simple daily sentence in any language (regardless of writing types and forms), and this ability was lost after a certain period. Illiterate refers to those who can read, but can't write. In other words, persons have not acquired one of the skills including reading, understanding, and writing.


Question seventeen -- Are you a mobile phone user?
A mobile phone user refers to those who use a compact and portable telephone (mobile phone) based on cellular technology and connected to a public telephone network (mobile operator). If a person owns a mobile phone and mobile number, circle "Yes" or code "1". If the response is "No", circle the code "2". In addition, if a person has a mobile number but owns no mobile, he is considered as "No" or no mobile phone user.

Question eighteen -- Are you an internet user?
An internet user refers to those who use telephone lines, leased lines, high speed consumer digital lines (DSL, ADSL), permanent exits, high-speed cable modems, and fiber optic cables in general. A telephone or a dial-up is the possibility to connect to the internet via telephone lines or modems. Choose a response and circle a corresponding code.

Yes, always - at home. Those who connect to the internet at home

Yes, always - other places. Those who have the internet at work or visit internet cafes (at least five times a week).

Yes, when necessary. Those who sometimes visit internet cafes and use the internet at homes and works of parents, brothers, sisters and friends when necessary.

No. Those who do not use the internet at all.

Question nineteen -- What is your marital status?
To be asked from ages 15 and over. According to the Family Law, the age of marriage is 18. However, in reality, many youngsters are married under the age of 18. In the international methodology for the population census, it is recommended to ask about marital status starting at 15. The enumerator shall ask this question gently to persons under 18, especially children aged 15-16 without making them embarrassed or discomfort. If persons under 18 are living together, they are enumerated as not confirmed marriage.
According to the Family Law and traditions, the following types of marriage shall be counted.

Never married or "1". Never married persons at age 15 or over

Married or "2". Persons who registered the marriage at a civil family organization and obtained a certificate of marriage.

Living together or "3". Despite living together, persons who have not registered their marriage at a civil family organization and not officially confirmed (regardless of the duration).

Separated or "4". Persons who are living separately and not officially divorced. A couple living separately due to official work is not considered as "separated".
Divorced or "5". After official divorce, persons who were not remarried or do not live together regardless of the period.

Widowed or "6". Persons who were not remarried or do not live together with others regardless of the period after the death of their spouses.

The enumerator fills each person's marital status in the questionnaire. For example, Bat and Tsetseg were married and later divorced. At the time of the census, Bat is living with Dolgor with no official registration. At the time of the census, his marital status shall be filled in as "not confirmed marriage".

Question twenty -- What is your religion?
This question shall be asked by Mongolian citizens, foreign nationals, and all persons aged 15 and over whether they have any religion. If yes, please specify and circle the appropriate code. In the questionnaire, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Shaman are recorded with each separate code. Other religions are recorded as "Others" or "6". This is not at all disrespectful to other religions. These codes are only used to facilitate the enumerator's job.

Question twenty-one -- Last week, did you have a job of any kind?
This question shall be answered by all persons aged 15 years and over. It is aimed to determine whether they participated in economic activities for at least one hour for the last 7 days before the census or after January 1, 2010.
Fill in "Yes" or code "1" if a respondent has been employed in the last 7 days in the following circumstances. It includes:

- All persons who have been employed by payment for 7 days or any days before the census.
- All persons working irrespective of industrial sectors, types and ownership, level of work, and all persons involved in informal sectors including market and street traders, shoe polishers, newspaper sellers, car washers, craftsmen, and raw material collectors.
- All persons who are not working during 7 days before the census, but have labor contracts with their employees and can return to work after a certain period.
- On maternity leave for pregnancy, delivery, and nursing infants under 2.
- On long-term or short-term temporary leave due to disease and injuries.
- On administrative leave (paid or unpaid).
- On vacation.
- On strike.
- Seasonal jobs such as agriculture, gold mining, construction, and geology with intervals in wintertime.
- Persons who are not temporarily working due to temporary industrial or institutional reasons (industrial damage or strike, natural disasters, electricity, raw material, fuel cut-off, etc.), training, and other reasons.

If the respondent answered "Yes" or "1" to the above-mentioned question, he shall move to questions 22, 23, and 24. If a respondent answers that he did not work for the last 7 days, circle "No" or code "2". Then move to question 25 (what is the reason for your unemployment). After careful discussion of their unemployment reasons, circle the code for "No".

Question twenty-two -- What is your occupation?
If a respondent answered "Yes" to question 21, this question will be asked. The question shall be asked in a way "What is your occupation?", "What is your position?". The response shall be recorded in detail, and neatly in capital letters.

Consider the following points to determine an occupation precisely. It includes:

- The enumerator shall be clear that he is asking about the duty and description of the job, not his occupation. Occupation and engaged job must not necessarily be the same as well. For example, an accountant could work as a head of a human resource section.
- If the respondent answers this question in general as a teacher, operator, or driver, the enumerator shall clarify by asking "Where do you teach?" "Which classes do you teach?", "What kind of operator do you do?", "What kind of manager do you do?", "What kind of car do you drive?" and complete the question in a complete and detailed manner as a mathematics teacher at university, dry cleaning operator, sales manager or truck driver.
- If the person is engaged in various kinds of jobs, the job in which takes the most time shall be recorded in the questionnaire. If the person is engaged in two kinds of jobs equally, the job which he earns more income or holds a higher position shall be recorded in the questionnaire.
- If the person is not working for 7 days before the census, has a labor contract with his employee and can continue work after a certain period, his/her position and work fields shall be written.

Question twenty-three -- What is the main economic activity of your work (organization)?
If the respondent is answered "Yes" to question 21, this question shall be asked. The main duties of the person and activities of the organization or enterprise shall be determined based on the main products and services provided by the person or organization. These questions include "What areas of economic activity do you (your organization) operate in?" "What products do you (your organization) produce?". It is aimed to determine their main duties and economic activities based on their main products and services.

This question shall be asked to determine their main duties and enterprise activities based on their main output and services. The questions are "What kind of economic activity does your enterprise have?" or What kind of main output and services does your enterprise provide?". The response shall be written in detail, and neatly in capital letters. Consider the following points to determine the main duties of the employee and the economic activity of the enterprise or organization precisely. It includes:

- Clarify and write the main economic activity of the enterprise or organization. For example, if the enterprise or organization is specialized in trade, it shall be asked what kind of goods, and products they sell, whether it is wholesale or retail, what kinds of services it has if it is a service establishment, what kind of products it produces if it is a factory.
- Clarify whether the establishment is independent at the management and financial level. If an enterprise or organization has several branches within it, but has unified management, finances, and registration, the branches and units shall be subordinated to the activities of their main areas. For example:

In this case, the main economic activity of persons working in "Ulziit brick" branch of "Ulziit" company shall be "brick production". It is the same for doctors, chefs, and salesmen in the affiliated branches of this factory. For those (tellers, accountants, chefs and etc.) working in the "Ulziit" bank, the main economic activity shall be "banking". For those (doctors, nurses, builders, etc.) working in the construction branch company, it shall be "construction". For those (engineers, bulldozer drivers, keepers, etc.) working in the mining branch company, it shall be "mining".

The main economic activity of chefs working in the cafeteria of the brick factory will be "brick production". For chefs working in the "Ulziit" bank, it will be "banking". For doctors working in the hospital of the construction company, it will be "construction". The main economic activity for employers working in branch companies shall be based on branch companies but on the main company. Because, these companies have separate management and financing.


c. An enterprise is engaged in various activities. It is difficult to determine the main economic activity of the enterprise. It shall be defined by the branch which hires the largest number of employees. For example, "Otgon" company has a bar, shop, barbershop, and billiard services.

These companies have unified management and finances. So, the main economic activity of "Otgon'' company will be based on the unit with the largest number of employees. If the bar of "Otgon" company has the largest number of employees, the main economic activity of employees (sellers, hairdressers) will be "restaurant, canteen, cafeteria services".

The main activity of paid employment needs to be clarified in detail. For example, it includes areas such as housekeepers, babysitters, food retailers, public transportation, cargo transportation, knitted fabric production, clothing production, baking production, cattle breeding, vegetable, grain farming, and other paid jobs.

The main economic activity of employees at educational institutions is classified by educational levels provided by institutions. In detail, it shall be filled as preschool and elementary, basic (incomplete secondary), secondary, technical and vocational, higher education and other educational activities. All types of medical services shall be considered "human medicine activities" and "veterinary medicine activities".

Question twenty-four -- What is your employment status?
Discuss with the respondent and circle the appropriate code based on his job, roles and duties in the enterprise or organization, and status of the contract. Employment status is defined by economic or authority, duties and responsibilities of the employee concerning the enterprise and individual.

The respondent is engaged in two different types of work and his employment status is different. In this case, record the work which takes most of the working hours. If the same hours are spent on each work, the employment status is based on earned income.


Paid employee or "1" is defined as a citizen who is engaged in a verbal or written contract or mutual agreement for labor or contracted work, and paid work, and whose labor relations are regulated by the Labor Law, the Civil Law, and other related legislations, and who is paid in cash or non-cash for providing work or services to the employer. Paid employees include as follows.
- All civil servants in government, administration, and state budget organizations. This category includes persons who are appointed or elected in government, administration, and state budget organizations, and who have the authority to hire or dismiss, and related responsibilities. For example, ministers and governors are not considered as employers. Because these persons are paid from the state budget and work for government organizations. In other words, it is different from employment in private organizations.
- Paid employees in the private sector. This category includes employees, apprentices, and trainees in private companies, cooperatives, partnerships, private enterprises or organizations (owners of enterprises, cooperatives, partnerships, and cooperative members are not included) and employees and apprentices of state-owned factories and companies, contract workers with individuals.
- Employees of non-governmental organizations. Employees of public organizations such as trade unions, political parties, movements, religious, charity, humanitarian organizations, and other non-government organizations.
- Other paid employees. Housekeepers, babysitters, herding and agriculture workers, and public transport workers.
Employer or "2". This category includes owners and organization management who make independent decisions related to economic activity, directly depend on profits or profit possibilities from their products and services, and hire one or more employees for a long period (for 6 months or over) under labor or other contracts. Employers include owners and directors of private enterprises or organizations, partnerships, and cooperatives. If the respondent is not the owner, but an elected or appointed director, he does not become an owner. He will be a contract employee. If a family is engaged in a household enterprise that hires others regularly for cattle herding in cash or in other physical forms, then they are considered as an employer, rather than self-employed.

Self-employed or "4". This category includes citizens who independently or jointly use their own tools, equipment, and other materials, and conduct economic activity dependently. They make independent decisions on business activities and do not employ others (can be temporarily employed for a short period) for a long period (6 months or over). It includes those who do not employ others regularly as follows.

Owner-directors of private enterprises and organizations, household head engaged (not engaged in other profitable activities) in the household enterprise;

Self-employed is defined as all persons who are self-employed with or without permission. For example, the household head is engaged in livestock farming and agriculture (not engaged in other profitable activities). He does not regularly employ others. In this case, he is considered self-employed.
Partnership, cooperative member or "4". This refers to citizens who unified their property and labor to industrial and service partnership or cooperative and joined as members on a volunteer basis and who equally participate in internal work of the organization such as production, sales, investment activities, and profit allocation among members.

Contributing to household enterprise or business without payment or "5". This refers to a household member who participates in the household enterprises and services and provides personal consumption as well as a non-household citizen who is participating in business activities.
It also included members other than household heads engaged in the household enterprises and services (not engaged in paid employment); as well as non-household members engaged in household enterprises and services. For example, those who help their relatives with livestock activities and stay at their home.

Other or "6". It refers to employers who have insufficient information or cannot be included in any of the above categories. In order words, it is not possible to categorize in any of the above-mentioned employment statuses.

Question twenty-five -- What is the reason for your unemployment?
What is the reason for your unemployment? If the respondent answers "No" or "2" to question 21, this question shall be asked. After a careful discussion with the respondent, circle the corresponding code to determine the main reason for unemployment.

"Studying" or "1". This refers to citizens of working age and able to work who are studying at a university, college, specialized vocational primary or secondary school, vocational education centers, attending vocational training for more than 6 months, or secondary education.

Question 14 "Do you go to school" aims to determine the level of school attendance. The response to question 25 "studying" aims to clarify the reason for his/her unemployment.

"Retired" or "2". This includes persons who are retired under ordinary, facilitated, and special terms.

"Disabled" or "3". This refers to persons of working age who lost their whole or partial work ability permanently or for a long period. The ability to work cannot be restored.
Persons are temporarily absent from work for 7 days before the census due to illness or injury. They have not terminated their employment contract and intend to return their work. In this case, they are enumerated as "employed".
"Homemaker" or "4". These persons of working age are not employed due to the nature of their housework such as taking care of children, elders, patients, and family members. At the time of the census, their main activity is considered to be non-economic.

According to the legislation, the working population includes
- Persons on maternity and childbirth leave
- Persons on administrative leave to take care of children under 2
- Paid housekeepers
- Persons working at home to earn physical or monetary income
"Not suitable work available" or "5". This includes persons who are eager and ready to work, and who were actively looking for a job in the past, but did not look for a job in the last 7 days before the census due to a lack of confidence, unaware of where to look for a suitable job, or belief in not finding a suitable job.

"Looking for a job" or "6". This includes citizens registered at a department of labor welfare and services. Persons who have not been employed in the last 7 days before the census, and who are actively looking for a job are considered "looking for a job".

"Not interested in working" or "7". This includes persons of working age and able to work, but not interested in contributing labor force to economic activities through, or paid or self-employment.

"Other" or "8". This includes persons who are not working for reasons other than the above-mentioned.

Instruction and examples to fill in the responses for questions 21-25 in the population questionnaire
Questions are "What is your occupation?", "What is the main economic activity of your work (organization)?". The enumerator shall neatly record responses in capital letters to make them clear, specific (not general), and easy for coders. For example, in question 22 "What is your occupation?", the response is "a teacher". In question 23 "What is the main economic activity of your work (organization)?", the response is "private company". Avoid writing such vague responses, and writing only the name of the company/organization. So, let's explain with the following examples to make it understandable.

a. Ask thoroughly and fill in the respondent's occupation and the main economic activity of the enterprise and organization.


Example No.1. The respondent answered that his occupation is a "manager" and the main economic activity of the enterprise is "industry and trade". In this case, ask the respondent in detail such as which section or department and what kind of manager (general manager, sales manager or marketing manager) and what kind of industry and trade. The respondent answered for clarification that he works as a marketing manager in a sausage production and sales company. Furthermore, ask questions like "Do you get paid? or do you own the enterprise or organization?". If he does not own but gets paid for it, the employment status will be "paid employee".

If the respondent answers that the main economic activity of the enterprise is "trade" and he works as a salesman. In this case, clarify which type of whole or retail sales and what kind of trade the enterprise is engaged in.

Example No.2, if the respondent is engaged in vegetable wholesale, fill in the vegetable wholesale. According to the above example, as the respondent works as a vegetable salesman in the wholesale place, his employment status is clear. Because he gets paid as a salesman. Clarify who owns the wholesale place. If he does not own the place, write the employment status as "paid employee".

Example No.3, It is necessary to clearly state specialized workers' jobs by their specializations. If the respondent answers only "operator", it is not enough to simply record "operator". Write which machinery or equipment the respondent is specialized in. In example No.3, the respondent is specialized as an equipment operator at a cement plant. The employment status will be filled in as follows. Regarding the main economic activity of the enterprise, it is clear that he is engaged in paid employment at the plant. So, the employment status is "paid employee".

b. Examples to fill in questions if the respondent has double jobs.

Example No.4, If the respondent has more than one job in the last 7 days before the census date, fill in the questionnaire with his/her main job. The main job refers to the work where he spends more hours in 7 days before the census date. If he spends the same hours, the most earned job will be the main one. In example No.4, Tsetseg works as a general accountant in a gold mining enterprise. At the time, she had a part-time job as an accountant at a shop. In this case, her occupation is an "economist" as she spends more time in this job. Her main economic activity is "gold mining activities". From her occupation, it is clear that Tsetseg is engaged in paid employment. However, clarify who owns the enterprise in which she works. If the property is not related to her, she will be considered a "paid employee".

c. Examples to fill questionnaires for the self-employed.

Fill in questions 21-24 as follows (Example No.5a) for those aged 15 or over except household heads. These are engaged in household enterprises (livestock breeding, agriculture, etc.) and not engaged in paid jobs. Because they do not get paid for participating in household enterprises. So, their employment status will be "unpaid household enterprise member". In other words, their employment status cannot be considered as self-employed. Because they participate in a household enterprise. They are not engaged in individual production or services. Furthermore, they have 10 horses, 18 cattle, 7 camels, and 15 sheep. The cattle are the most numerous. The main economic activity will be "cattle breeding".


The household regularly hires other household members for livestock breeding and pays physical and monetary wages. The employment status of the household head will be "employer", not "self-employed" (Example No.5b). The household has 17 horses, 24 cattle, 15 camels, 339 sheep, and 121 goats. The economic activity of the household will be "sheep breeding".
Fill in the employment of any petty trading, handcrafts, and service providers as follows. The employment status of these persons will be self-employed. Because they have their production and services. In example No.6, if the respondent answers that he washes cars, ask whether he washes them individually and what kind of cars he washes.

3.6. Instruction to fill in the housing questionnaire.

Question one -- What type of living quarter does your household occupy?
The term "quarter" used in the housing census is extensively broad. It includes all types of housing in which families live at the time of the census. For example, all types of houses, gers, Tsaatan tents, student dormitories, pupil dormitories, and staff accommodations, public buildings, military camps, prisons, nursing homes, and other types of housing units (places in apartment basements, wells of heating networks, manholes, wagons, etc.). Dwellings can be either residential or non-residential. Quarters include all types of housing built for trade, service, industry, agriculture and but repaired and furnished for residential use. Residential housing can be divided into four categories including ger, house/building, living quarter not intended for human habitation, and others.

- Ger. This includes all types of Mongolian gers and Tsaatan tents.
- House/building. This includes a dwelling with one or more rooms, a roof, external walls, and an area divided by walls from the base to the roof. Buildings include apartment buildings, independent comfortable apartments (houses), detached residential buildings (brick, mud, and wooden-walled residential buildings in ger districts yards or khashaa) and public buildings.
- Non-purpose quarter. This includes housings not originally built for human habitation or renewed for residential use but occupied at the time of the census. It is considered non-purpose housing if a household or population lives in a room or a part (intended for enterprise or organization use) of school, factory, office, or organization buildings. For example, if a household or population lives in a wagon, storeroom, booth, warehouse, shop, kiosk, etc.), these are considered non-purpose quarters.
- Others. This includes places and areas which are occupied at the time of the census, and not suitable for human habitation, as well as temporary shelters. Others include building roofs, tunnels, entrances, wells of heating networks (manholes), forests, rocks, and caves.

If a household owns two or more buildings and homes, fill in the housing questionnaire based on housing where the household usually lives and is located most of the day, or where the household head lives. The household lives in more than 2 dwellings built for private use. The dwellings have no special layout and were built under the same housing conditions. They have the same address. In this case, these dwellings can be considered "one dwelling". Fill in the number of rooms and infrastructure provisions as the same quarter. For example, the rooms of two buildings will be added and considered the same quarter. The infrastructure provision includes a kitchen, bathroom, electricity, heating sources, water supply, sewage systems, waste disposal, and toilets. Before filling in the housing questionnaire, the enumerator shall find in the details as follows and fill in the appropriate codes. It includes:

- How many households live in the housing?
- Which type of quarter is it? Ger, house/building, non-purpose housing, or others?

If the respondent answered to live in a ger, circle the code "1" and move to question 9 or questionnaire for households living in a ger. If the respondent answered to live in a house or building, circle the code "2" and ask the next question (question 2) or questionnaire for families living in a house. If the enumerator filled codes "3" and "4" for non-purpose and others, move on question 11 or to be asked from all households.

For example, Gerel and Erdene's family live in a rented building built for office use. Gerel's family rented 3 rooms in this building. One room is used for running a grocery store. They live in two rooms. Fill the code "3" or "non-purpose housing" and skip the question 10 and move to question 11. Erdene's family rented 2 rooms in an apartment basement. One room is used for shoe repair services. They live in the other room. Circle Erdene's housing type as "4" or "other" and move to question 12.

Households living in a house/building will answer.


Question two -- What is the type of your house/building?
The main goal of the housing census is to collect detailed information about the conditions of individual housing in which the population lives. This is because information about this is the most important need for developing policies and programs for housing the population and evaluating the implementation. According to the type of building, it is classified as an apartment building, comfortable independent apartment, separate apartment building, public housing for students and pupils, public housing for employees, and other public housing.

All types of quarters are divided into 2 main categories, namely independent houses and public buildings. The housing questionnaire aims to collect detailed information on the conditions of individual residential housing. This information is essential to develop housing policy and programs and to evaluate the implementation. The house/building is divided into apartments, convenient single-family house, single family house, student dormitories, staff dormitories, and other public dwellings.

Apartment/condominium. This refers to a quarter within a fixed building used wholly or partly for residential purposes. At the time of the census, it is not used for purposes other than human habitation. It is built for household residence. Each household is supposed to have one or more rooms, complete equipment and infrastructure. An apartment is equipped with all kinds of basic infrastructure. The following conditions are fully met as follows:
(a) Electricity, heating system, water supply system;
(b) Indoor toilet;
(c) Indoor bathtub and shower;
(d) Kitchen and cooking area
Convenient single-family house. This house is intended for one household with the following.
- Connected to a central utility network system or
- Independent connections and inputs to the utility network system, heating ventilation systems, water supply, sewage network, electricity supply, communication networks
- Toilet equipped inside an apartment (water flushing). The rooms are not located above rooms of other households. Entrances, utility rooms, attics, basements, utility tunnels are not for public or common use. It has rooms /bedrooms and living rooms/, kitchen, toilet, shower, toilet, storage room, wall closet, attics or no attics.
Single-family house. This refers to a quarter which consists of one or more rooms with a complete or partial infrastructure (kitchen, bathtub, shower, heating system, water supply, indoor toilet).
Dormitories. This includes quarters where citizens live in a mass or groups and which have many rooms within a building. At the time of the census, these buildings will be enumerated as dormitories. Dormitories usually have common kitchens, toilets, showers, and meeting rooms.
Dormitories consist of student, pupil, and staff dormitories.
Student and pupil dormitories: This refers to student dormitories of all levels of schools and other similar public accommodations.

Staff dormitories: This refers to staff dormitories of enterprises and organizations for single or shared occupancies.
Other public buildings. This includes other public quarters where citizens live in a mass or groups including resorts, spas, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and military campuses. Resorts refer to a complex that provides entertainment and services, located in cities, towns, and outside of them, and equipped with recreation and leisure facilities.
Spas refer to a place equipped with medical facilities.

Hotels refer to a complex that provides accommodation, food and other services to guests and clients, located in cities and other settled areas.

Residential hotels refer to a place that provides accommodation, food, and other services to guests, located in public residential housing.

Temporary accommodation refers to motels, inns, and other places with similar services.

Before filling in the question related to house/building types, the enumerator clarifies it and fills in the corresponding code in the questionnaire. House/building types include apartment/condominium, convenient single-family house, single-family house, dormitories, and other public dwellings. If the enumerator circles the code "6" or "other public dwelling", move to question 11 to be asked from all households. For example, Orgil's family lives in a 2-room apartment in the residential building No.27 (suitable for 360 units), khoroolol 1. Munkhgerel is Orgil's sister. She lives in a convenient single 6-room house in Sharga Morit with her family. For Orgil's family, circle the code "1" or "Apartment/Condominium". For Munkhgerel's family, circle the code "2" or "Convenient single family house". Orgil's father lives in a ger district and owns a 3-room house connected to infrastructure. In this case, circle the code "3" or "Single family house".

Question three -- How many rooms are there in your dwelling?
The term "Room" refers to a space located in a dwelling, separated by a wall, floor, and roof, with a total area of 4m2 and a height of at least 2 meters. In order, it is a space where at least an adult bed can be placed. Rooms include living, bed, kids, and office rooms, but do not include auxiliary rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, hallways, closets, storage rooms, and balconies.


One or several households may live in the dwelling. Questionnaires will be opened for each household in the apartment. In this case, the number of rooms will be duplicated for the questionnaire. The main household is enumerated under code "1" in A9. Section Address. This household will be enumerated with the number of rooms (living, bed, kids, and office rooms) as a whole. However, for sharing households (filled the code "2") and non-household members (filled the code "3"), the enumerator fills only the number of rooms which these persons occupy in the apartment. In dormitories, persons are unrelated to each other and live in the same dwelling. In this case, for those enumerated in the same questionnaire, the number of their rooms will be filled as a whole. The number of rooms shall be filled (as 01, 02, etc.) in the cells behind the question. For example, Bat's family lives in one room of a 3-room apartment. He rents one room for Tsetseg's family and another one for two students respectively. In this case, Bat's family will be the "main household". The number of rooms will be 03. Tsetseg's family will be the "shared household" and the number of rooms will be 01. These two students will be the "non-household members" and the number of rooms will be 01 as well.

Question four -- What is the size of the total floor space?
The total floor space is the sum of the living areas /living, bed, kids, office, and dining rooms/ and auxiliary areas /kitchen, bathroom, toilet, hallway, closet, and store room/. Please refer to the below layout for the living area. (Living room -S1, bedroom- S2, kids' room - S3, dining room - S4) and auxiliary area (Kitchen - S4, toilet - S5, hallway - S6, Closet - S7, Store room - S8).

A dining room can be a separate area next to leisure or living rooms. It also can be the area in the corner of the living room with or without separated walls.

If the respondent does not know the total floor space, the enumerator may advise him to look at the dwelling owner's contract, and the state registration certificate of real estate ownership. If the respondent has bought a newly-constructed building, it will be the area that he is paying for. For self-built dwellings, the enumerator shall advise him to use an accurate method for measurement. For example, the owners measure the area themselves. If the respondent is unable to determine the size of the floor space in any way, please fill in "Don't know" or "999". For example, one or several households may live in the dwelling. Questionnaires will be opened for each household in the apartment. In this case, the size of the total floor space will be duplicated for the questionnaire. The main household is enumerated under code "1" in A9.


Section Address. This household will be enumerated with the size of the total floor space as a whole. However, for sharing households (filled in the code "2") and non-household members (filled in the code "3"), the enumerator fills in only the size of the floor space which these persons occupy in the apartment. In dormitories, persons are unrelated to each other and live in the same dwelling. In this case, for those enumerated in the same questionnaire, the size of their occupied floor space will be filled as a whole. For example, Bat's family has a 3-room apartment with 86 square meters. His family lives in one room of this apartment. Bat rents one room for Tsetseg's family and another one for two students respectively. In this case, Bat's family will be the "main household". The first room's area is 35 square meters. The second room's area or Tsetseg's family is 25 square meters. The third room's area for two students is 15 square meters. The additional or auxiliary area covers 10 square meters. In this case, the enumerator fills in the size of the total floor space equal to 85 square meters. It includes 35 square meters for their residing area, 10 square meters for the auxiliary area, 25 square meters for Tsetseg's room, and 15 square meters for the room area of two students. However, as a shared household, please only fill in the living area of Tsetseg's family equal to 25 square meters. As non-household members, please fill in the living area of two students equal to 15 square meters.

Question five -- Do you have a kitchen?
A kitchen is an area that meets the definition of "room" and is originally equipped for preparing food and drinks. The following details shall be clarified.

- Whether a dwelling has a kitchen, cooking corner or space;
- Whether a dwelling has or does not have a special room, section or area for cooking;
- If there is a separate room, whether it is for exclusive use or in common/shared;

If there is a kitchen corner or area for cooking and preparing food in one part of the living room, it is considered to be a kitchen. If there is a separate kitchen, choose an appropriate code from 3 responses: "exclusive use", "shared", and "no kitchen". For example, Orgil's family has a separate kitchen. Munkhgerel is Orgil's sister. Her family has a kitchen corner in the living room. Orgil's father has a kitchen section separated by a wall fireplace from the living room. All kitchen utensils are placed in this kitchen area. They also prepare their meals there. In this case, all these households are considered to have a separate kitchen. As each household resides alone in their dwelling, please circle the code "1" or "exclusive use".


Question six -- Do you have a bath or shower in this dwelling?
It is important to collect data through the census to determine whether a shower or toilet is installed in each dwelling. This question specifies whether there is a shower or bathtub in each dwelling, whether it is for exclusive use or in common/shared, and whether no shower and bathtub is installed at all.

- Exclusive use.

Fixed bath or shower - This refers to a shower or bath installed for exclusive use in an apartment/condominium, convenient single-family house, dormitories, and public dwellings.

Mobile bath or shower - This refers to a mobile shower or bath which is not installed in an apartment/condominium, single family house, dormitories, other public dwellings, and which is only used by the household living in the dwelling.

- Shared. This refers to a shower and bath installed in apartments, and dormitories and shared by households and population in these dwellings.
- No bath or shower available. This refers to dwellings without any installed and mobile baths or showers available.

If the enumerator selects "exclusive ownership", please clarify from the appropriate code from four responses namely "installed", "assembled/mobile", "shared", and "not available". For example, Orgil's family has a 2-room apartment and rents one room to a student. They share a shower and bath. In this case, the response will be "shared" or "3". Orgil's sister has a separate bathroom. It shall be filled with "fixed bath or shower" or code "1". Orgil's father uses an assembled shower for their exclusive use. It shall be filled with "assembled/mobile" or code "2".

Question seven -- What is your water supply system?
This question collects basic data on whether a dwelling is connected to the centralized or individual water supply system or has a portable water supply including wells, springs, ponds, rivers, streams, or lakes.

Central water supply. Central water supply. This includes a system that distributes water centrally from state or local heating and water supply enterprises and organizations to apartments, convenient single houses, dormitories, and other public dwellings. The central water system is state-owned. The centralized networks are operated by public authorities. In some cases, they are operated by cooperatives and private enterprises.


Non-central water supply system.

Independent system: This refers to a small-sized system installed for providing the needs of the dwelling. This system distributes water independently, not related to state or local heating and water supply enterprises and organizations. For example, this system is regularly installed in convenient single houses and single-family houses. It comprises water heating boilers, and a small-sized water supply system designed for household needs, etc.
Regardless of the types and shapes of water carriers, portable water supply for households includes the following.

- Water transported by water trucks;
- Water distribution system (for example, wells which are transported by water trucks, etc.);
- Deep wells (Wells which were constructed by digging according to the layout, and which draw water directly through motors or other equipment);
- Mining wells (Simple wells dug by citizens);
- Collected water in large tanks;
- Surface waters such as reservoirs, canals, irrigation pipes, springs, fountains, rivers, streams, lakes
- Rain and ditch/permanent water

The enumerator fills in "central water supply" or code "1" of "individual system" or code "2". If there is no access to the water supply system, please circle "portable" or code "3" and skip question 8 "do you have hot or cold water?", questions 9-10 or to be asked by households living in gers, and move to question 11 or "what is the main source of your drinking water?". For example, Orgil's apartment is connected to the central water supply system ("Central water supply system" or code "1"). Munkgerel's family has a small sized water supply system that distributes water from a deep well. This system is for their household's need or exclusive use ("Independent system" or code "2"). Orgil's father has a portable water supply ("portable" or code "3").

Question eight -- Do you have hot or cold water?
If the household lives in a building and is connected to a central or independent water supply system, please clarify whether they have cold or hot water. Then please circle the appropriate code, skip questions 9-10 or to be asked from households living in gers, and move to question 11 or "what is the main source of drinking water?".

For example, orgil and his sister munkhgerel have both hot and cold water in their dwellings. In this case, please circle "both hot and cold water" or code "1". Orgil's father does not need to answer this question. So please skip questions 9-10 or to be asked from households living in gers and ask question 11 or what is the main source of drinking water.


To be asked from households living in gers

Question nine -- How many gers does your family household have?
One household may live in several gers. Please record the number of gers for this question. It includes Tsaatan tents as well. For example, Bat's family has six members. At the time of the census, two members live in their winter quarter. Bat's wife lives with the youngest son in one ger. Other children live in another ger. In this case, record the number "2".

Question ten -- How many walls does the main ger have?
At the time of the census, the number of ger walls (khana) shall be recorded in the cells, regardless of the number of wall tops. If the household has two gers, please record only the wall number of the main ger. The main ger refers to a ger where the household mainly lives in wintertime or where most household members or the household head live. The number of Tsaatan tent's walls will always be written as "05" in the cells of "Number of walls". For example, Bat lives with his wife and youngest son in a 6-wall ger, and his children live in a 5-wall ger. In this case, the number of ger walls is based on where the household head resides. So, it shall be written as "06".

To be asked from all households

Question eleven -- What is the main source of drinking water?
This aims to determine the main source of clean drinking water for the population. The guaranteed drinking water sources include central systems, water stations connected or not connected to central systems, protected wells, springs, fountains, and purified bottled waters. However, surface water such as unprotected wells, springs, foundations, portable water, rivers, streams, and lakes are not included in improved drinking water sources.

Central system. This includes a system that distributes water centrally from state or local heating and water supply enterprises and organizations to apartments, convenient single houses, dormitories, and other public dwellings. The central system is state-owned. The centralized networks are mostly operated by public authorities. In some cases, they are operated by cooperatives and private enterprises


Water station connected with central water. This refers to water distribution premises connected to a centralized water supply system in cities and towns.

Protected wells. This refers to wells that were built according to the layout, draw water directly through motors or other equipment, and that have facilities over them, and are fenced to establish sanitary zones and protected, and that can't be entered by animals or herds. In most cases, deep wells (deep wells connected to the network) are also included.

Protected streams and fountains. This includes streams and fountains which are protected and fixed, where animals and herds can't enter.

Purified, bottled water. The enterprises receive special control and permissions. This refers to the water which was purified and bottled by these enterprises under standards and prepared for drinking water.

Water station not connected to central water. This applies to cases where water is distributed to the water distribution facilities by using special vehicles of authorized organizations and enterprises.

Portable water. Authorized organizations, enterprises, and citizens supply water directly to households through vehicles and regular machines.

Rivers, streams, lakes, unprotected wells, springs, wells. This refers to unprotected mine wells dug out by citizens, springs, fountains. Rivers, streams, lakes, rain, snow and ditch waters are also included.

If the household collects water from various sources, please choose the mainly used water source. If the main water source is the central system, please skip question 12 or "How far do you get drinking water from?" and ask question 13.
For example, Orgil's apartment is connected to a central system. Circle the code "2" or "Central system" and skip question 13 or "how far do you usually get your drinking water from?". Munkhgerel, Orgil's sister, has a small water distribution system for exclusive use and gets water from a deep well. Circle the code "3" or "protected well". However, Orgil's father gets water from a water station that transports from a protected well. In this case, circle the code "6" or "Water station not connected with the central water supply system".

Question twelve -- How far do you usually get your drinking water from?
According to "Global water supply and sanitation assessment 2000 report", "Reasonable access to water is defined as the availability of at least 20 liters per person per day from a source within 1000 meters of the user's dwelling". In the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses for UN member states, households with water systems within 200 meters of their dwellings are regarded to have "reasonable access". The ordinary protected zone shall be established at least 200 meters from the bank of the water basin area and the hygiene zone shall be established at least 100 meters from the water supply source.


If a household or population has drinking water access from a source other than a central system, please select the distance informed by the respondent. Circle the appropriate code, namely "1" or "within 200 meters", "2" or "200-1000 meters" or "3" or "over 1000 meters". If the respondent does not know the distance, the enumerator can advise to estimate distance like 200 meters from any corner of Sukhbaatar square to Sukhbaatar monument, 500 meters from the entrance of the State Department Store to the circus. The estimation can be based on the distance of 200 meters between rural electricity poles.

Question thirteen -- What is the main source of the electricity of this dwelling?
Electricity supply is one of the important indicators of household housing conditions. Most countries collect data on electricity consumption through household censuses. In the conditions of our country, the sources of electricity are classified as hydro and thermal power plants, diesel plants, renewable energy devices or solar and wind energy devices, small-sized generators, and no electricity sources.

A household or population may have several sources of electricity. In this case, ask about the main source of electricity for the dwelling and circle the appropriate code, namely "1" or "Central power system", "2" or Diesel generating plants, "3" or Renewable energy system, "4" or "Small-sized generator". If electricity is not used at all, circle the code "5" or "No electricity source".

Central power system. If a household gets its electricity from the state power and hydropower plants, the dwelling is considered to have a central system. Power networks (sub stations) connected to power stations are understood as a central system.

Diesel generating plants. In local areas, this refers to dwellings with power networks connected to independent diesel stations. Here we shall understand power networks connected to specially built diesel plants.

Renewable energy system. This includes equipment that collects solar and wind energy and turns it into electricity.
Small-sized generators. This includes small-sized motors and generators that use combustion or other materials to meet the needs of one household or a group of households.

For example, the following three live in the capital: Orgil, his sister Munkhgerel, and Orgil's father. Their electricity is supplied by power plants. Circle the code "1" or "Central power system". Bat's family lives in the countryside. They use solar energy equipment to meet electricity needs. Circle "3" or "Renewable energy system". Let's look at another example. Tsengel, Bat's younger brother, works as a security guard for a private enterprise in a province's center. He lives in a ger located in the yard of his workplace and gets electricity from his office. The company has a diesel station that only supplies electricity to its own company. In this case, circle the code "2" or "Diesel generating plants" as the electricity source for Tsengel's family.


Question fourteen -- What is the main source of heating of this dwelling?
This question collects data on heating, and its energy sources used for these dwellings. This includes types of heating systems for keeping dwellings warm. It can be a central heating system, low-pressure stoves, furnaces, ordinary stoves, and other types of heaters for warming the whole dwellings. Ask the main source of heating of dwellings, circle the appropriate code, "1" of Central heating system, "2" or "Low-pressure stoves", "3" or Electric heaters, "4" or "Fire stoves".

Central heating system. At the national and local levels, dwellings with a heating system connected to thermal power plants, and boilers are considered as central heating systems.

Low-pressure stoves. This includes small-sized stoves used in an integrated heating system to provide needs of a single or several households.

Electric heaters. This includes electric heaters for exclusive household use.

Fire stoves. This includes ordinary fire stoves used for firing and heating.
For example, Orgil's family is connected to a central heating system, and receives heating from it. In other words, the heaters (steams) are used in his apartment. The main source of heating will be "1" or "Central heating system". Munkhgerel, Orgil's sister, uses the floor heating system. It will be "3" or "electric heaters". Orgil's father uses a wall furnace. Bat, a countryman, uses fire stoves for heating. It will be "4" or "Fire stove" respectively.

Question fifteen -- What is the main type of fuel used for cooking?
The number of households using solid fuel is an indicator of the Millenium Development Goals. The use of solid fuel has negative effects such as increasing air pollution, reducing the size of forested areas, creating soil degradation, and emitting greenhouse gasses. Therefore, it is important to collect data from households and the population on fuel use for cooking.


Fill the appropriate code for this question, namely "1" or "Electricity", "2" or "Gas", "3" or "Wood" (sawdust is included), "4" or "Coal", and "5" or "Dung". This question aims to clarify which type of fuel is mainly used for cooking. For example, the household uses both electricity and gas for cooking. In this case, record the mainly used fuel. If there is no appropriate code (for straws and paper), circle the code "2" or "others".

For example, Orgil and Munkhgerel, Orgil's sister, live in the buildings and use mainly electricity, but sometimes gasses. Orgil's father used electricity, coal, paper, and wood for cooking. But electricity is mainly used. In this case, circle the code "1" or "Electricity". The Bat's, a country family, use wood, and dung for cooking. But they mainly use the dung for cooking. In this case, circle the code "5" or "Dung". Bat's younger brother lives in the province's center. His family uses electricity, coal, paper, and wood for cooking. They mainly use coal for cooking. In this circle the code "4" or "coal".

Question sixteen -- What type of toilet facility do you have?
This refers to a place (in everyday language "00" or "Jorlon") used for the removal and collection of human urine and feces. The Millennium Development Goals set a target to reduce the proportion of the population with no access to improved sanitation (toilets) by 2015. The 2010 National Population and Housing Census will collect data to evaluate this target. Improved sanitation facilities include sanitary facilities with sewers (sewers are a network of lines for the collection, removal, and treatment of wastewater) as well as conventional pit latrines. "Bio" or so-called biological toilets have recently appeared. Regardless of their location, they will be included in improved sanitation facilities. If there is a toilet, circle the appropriate code, namely "1" or "within a housing unit", "2" or "outside a housing unit", and "3" or "no toilet available". If circled the code "3" or "no toilet available", move to question "18".

Within a housing unit. This includes toilets installed within a housing unit, and connected to central or independent sewage systems, and bio-toilets installed for regular use inside dwellings.

Outside a housing unit. This includes pit and bio-toilets located outside housing units. A pit toilet refers to a place with a ventilation pipe and exhaust, dug into the ground, lined with tiles, set up a hole for the seat, enclosed from the sides to prevent the entrance of surface water, or covered the hole with sacks.

No toilet available. This includes no fixed places, open places, or natural environments such as gullies and ravines used for toilets.

Question seventeen -- Do you share your toilet facility with others?
Circle an appropriate code based on whether the household shares or does not share the toilet with others, namely "1" or "Yes" and "2" or "No". For example, Bat's family has a 3-room apartment and rents one room. In this case, they share their toilet. So, circle the code "1" or "Yes".


Question eighteen -- How do you dispose of household solid waste?
It is understood as methods and forms to dispose of domestic sewage. In the conditions of our country, wastewater is removed using centralized and independent systems with pipelines and buildings for collection, removal, and treatment, collection in sewage pits, or dumping in open areas. You can understand how sewage is disposed of as follows.

Central sewage disposal system. The state and local sewage disposal enterprises or organizations dispose wastewater from apartments, convenient single-family houses, single-family houses, dormitories, and public dwellings.

Individual sewage disposal system (septic tanks). This includes a small-scale sewage disposal system installed for use in the given dwelling. This system is independent of local water supply companies or organizations. For example, it includes small-scale sewage disposal systems (waste and excrement neutralization tanks) for use in households in private and public dwellings.

Pit latrines. It is understood that sewage shall be dumped into designated sewage wells and latrine pits.

Open discharge. This includes incidents where sewage is dumped in open places with no special sewage disposal pipes or when the sewage is removed with manual methods such as hauling or burying. The enumerator clarifies whether sewage is discharged through a central or independent system, pit latrines or open discharge. Orgil's family lives in an apartment and disposes of sewage through a central system. Circle the code "1". Munkhgerel, Orgil's sister, disposes of sewage through an individual system. Circle the code "2". Orgil's father lives in the yard (khashaa) in the capital and disposal of sewage to a designated well. Tsengel, Bat's brother, lives in the yard of his workplace located in province's center. He disposes sewage into pit latrines. In this case, circle code "3" or "pit latrine". Bat's family lives in the countryside and disposes of sewage in open areas near his home. Circle the code "4" or "Open discharge or none".

Question nineteen -- How do you dispose of household solid waste?
In the context of ensuring the safety of sustainable development, this question collects data on how solid waste is removed and processed from households. However, animal excrement and wool are not included in the waste. Circle the appropriate response from the choices, namely, whether rgw waste is disposed of by authorized collectors or dispone themselves, including at a designated or approved point or not a fixed location.


Authorized collectors. This refers to incidents where the official state or local utility service agencies or others (collectors) are contracted for regular or irregular waste removal. For example, waste disposal pipes are usually found inside urban apartments or there are also garbage dumps outside the apartments.

Self-disposal. This includes cases where households dispose of their waste.

Disposed to a special site. This includes cases where households dispose of their waste in public garbage dumps, or special sites under the instruction of official utility service organizations or without official regulations.

None. This refers to cases where households don't have a specific place for waste disposal, and throw, bury or burn it in open areas.

For example, Orgil's family pours garbage into a waste disposal pipe located at the entrance of the apartment. In this case, circle the code "1" or "collected by authorized collectors". Munkhgerel, Orgil's sister, collects and transports garbage by vehicles and disposes it to a local dump area. Circle the code "2" or Dispose in an "Authorized" dump area. For Tsengel, Bat's younger brother, the waste is collected by a special vehicle from the province's utility service agency. Circle the code "1" or "Collected by authorized collectors". Bat, a countryman, disposes of garbage in near open areas. Circle the "3" or "None" for this case.

Question twenty -- What is the type of ownership for this dwelling? Housing
Programs in most countries include both public and private housing. Data collected by the Housing census is used to develop the housing policy and programs. There are two main types of housing in our country: public and private.

State-owned - State-owned housing includes state-owned, local administrative, and state-dominated (over 51 percent state-owned) enterprises and organizations' dwellings (the residing dwelling has been not privatized).


Company's. Housing owned by private enterprises and organizations (over 51 percent of the property owned by private property) is covered.

Individual's. Private dwelling includes housing built, purchased or privatized individually.
For example, Orgil works in a government organization. His apartment was leased under a 10-year contract to work in this organization. Circle "1" or "state owned". Tsengel works as a guard in a private company. His family lives in a ger provided by his company. In this case, circle the code "2" or "Private: Company's". Orgil's father lives in a privately-built family house. Circle the code "3" or "Private: Individual's".


Question twenty-one -- Under what kind of tenure is this dwelling?
Tenure is different from ownership. It is defined based on conditions.

- Whether the household lives in its dwelling;
- Whether the household rents the dwelling;
- Whether the household occupies the dwelling free of charge;
- Other arrangements;

If the household is the owner of the dwelling, circle the code "1" or "Owner-occupied". If the household rents the dwelling, circle the code "2" or "Rental". If the household lives with no rental, circle the code "3" or "Occupied free of charge". For other conditions, circle the code "4" or "Other arrangements".

Owner-occupied. It includes privately owned housing privatized, purchased, or built individually.

Rental. This refers to dwellings rented by households or populations. These dwellings are owned by private or public enterprises, organizations, and other persons. If the household pays utility payments, it is not considered as rent.

Occupied free of charge. This refers to dwellings of state or private enterprises, organizations and private housing where households or populations reside free of charge.

Others. Arrangements other than the above-mentioned are included in this category.

For example, Orgil lives in an apartment owned by his organization free of charge. Circle the code "3" or "Occupied free of charge". His sister Munkhgerel lives in a privately owned dwelling. Circle the code "1" or "Owner occupied". Tsengel, Bat's younger brother, lives in a ger rented from his company. Circle the code "2" or "Rental".

3.7. Instruction to fill in Form HAOST-1-1 Death and maternal mortality questionnaire
All households must answer Form "HAOST-1-1 Death and maternal mortality questionnaire". The following information in Form HAOST 1-1 must be the same with corresponding numbers in Form HAOST 1.

- A1. Census committee number
- A4. Baga/khoroo number
- A5. Enumerator number

Column "A": Questionnaire number -- The questionnaire number must be filled in the same as the questionnaire number of Section Address. A9 Main household or the code "1", "Shared" or code "2" the same as A6. Questionnaire form number.

Column "1": Do you have any household members who passed away within the last 12 months? -- If any person has passed away from the household, fill in the response "Yes" or code "1" and continue this questionnaire. If the response is "No" or code "2", finish this questionnaire.

Columns "2-3": Age and gender at the time of death. -- Fill in the full age of the deceased person in Column 2, gender in Column 3 as defined by the respondent. If the respondent answered "Male" or "1", finish this questionnaire.

Column "4": Whether the deceased woman was aged 15-49. -- Based on responses in Columns 2-3, the enumerator fills in this question without asking the respondent. If the deceased woman was aged 15-49, circle the code "1" for "Yes" or "2" for "No".

Column "5": Describe whether the cause of death was related to pregnancy or delivery. Whether the death occurred at the delivery or within 42 days after delivery? -- If the death was caused by pregnancy and delivery or occurred within 42 days after delivery, fill in the "1" or "Yes".


3.8. Summary of the enumerated population
The "Summary of enumerated population" shall be completed with relevant responses from the "Population questionnaire" upon completion of the Population and Housing Census. It is suitable to release the "Summary of the enumerated population" after the census.

Table. Summary of the enumerated population

Data on Row 1 of the "Summary of the enumerated population" must be equal to Rows 2-4. Fill in the information of the "Summary of the enumerated population" as follows.

- Fill in Rows 2-4 from the response code of question 7 (What is your residency status?);
- Fill in Row 5 from the information of Section II. Information of persons residing abroad for over 6 months.

Data on Columns in the Summary must be filled from questions 2 (Sex) and 4 (Age) of the "Population questionnaire".

The numbers of Row 1 and Column 1 must be equal to those of "Section Address" A10 (Number of persons enumerated) in the population questionnaire. The numbers of Row 5 and Column 1 must be equal to those of "Section Address" A12 (Number of persons abroad).

Let's describe principles to fill in the summary.

Bat's family has 3 members.

[A table is omitted here]

According to the examples, the information of these persons shall be filled as follows.


The "Summary of enumerated persons" will be filled in from questions 2, 4,7 of the "Population questionnaire" as follows.

Chapter four
Instruction to check the validity of the completed questionnaire

The following shall be taken into account to check the validity of completed Population and Housing questionnaires.

1. First of all, check whether each question is fully completed per the instruction.

2. Check whether the questionnaire has follow-up questions in conformity with additional sheets in the front section.

3. Check all the responses thoroughly. All the questions shall be answered except those with age limits or to be skipped.


[A table is omitted here]

4. To check responses, logic, thinking, calculation, and comparison methods are applied. Multiple responses to one question are not acceptable.

5. If the response is recorded in numbers, check whether it is recorded correctly and fitted in the cells. If it is in letters, check whether it is recorded clearly and neatly in capital letters, and whether the corresponding code is filled correctly. If the number is less than cells, it must be recorded with "0" before this number.

6. Carefully check whether transfers to the next questions are correct after each response is given. For example, Question 7 is "What is your residency status?". The response is "Usual resident" or the code "1". In this case, the enumerator moves to Question 8. Another example is Question 21 "Last week, did you have a job of any kind?". If the response is "No" or code "2", the enumerator must move to Question 25.

7. The enumerator must fill in the following name, number, and code in the questionnaire respectively.

- Census committee number to be filled from Column 1 "Census committee number" of Appendix 1 "Codes for Administrative, and Territorial Units in Mongolia and Census Committee Numbers".
- Name and code for province, the capital city, soum, district, baga, khoroo to be filled from Appendix 1 "Codes for Administrative, and Territorial Units in Mongolia and Census Committee Numbers".
- Name and code for villages to be filled from Appendix 2 "List of villages (urban style settlements) in Mongolia".
- Name and code of ethnicity to be filled from Appendix 3 "Classifications of ethnic groups in Mongolia".
- Country name and code to be filled from Appendix 4 "List of Some World Countries".

8. Record only one code for the question in Section Address A8. "Locality".

9. The response to question "What is your relationship to the household head" shall be checked in conformity with other responses.

- If the present marriage status of the household head is divorced, separated or widowed, the code "02" or "Wife/husband" shall not be in the second person's questionnaire.
- If the respondent answered "yes" or "married" in the first questionnaire, he must be 16 or over and etc.


10. Check the response of question 4 thoroughly as follows.

- Whether the age matches according to the date of birth, or whether the date of birth matches according to age.
- Whether the question of age and level of education is correlated. For example, a 6-year-old child cannot have primary or higher education;
- Whether the responses of age and marital status were correlated. For example, questions 19 to 25 shall not be answered if the respondent's age is 14 or less.

11. Check whether question 5 or "What is your citizenship" and question 6 or "What is your ethnicity" are filled according to the instruction and circled the corresponding codes.

12. For question 7, fill in the current address of the temporarily absent person, and the usual residence address of the temporarily residing person.

13. For question 9, the respondent answered "Returned after usually residing in a different place" or the code "2" or "Moved in from a different place" or the code "3". In this case, question 10 must be answered and filled in "Province/the Capital city (foreign country name) name and locality", and "moved-in year". If the response is the code "1" or "since birth", he does not need to answer questions 10 and 11.

14. For question 12 or "Do you have any disability", if the responses are "2" and "3", question 13 must be asked. If the response is "1" or "No", move to question 14 to ask persons aged 2-39. If the respondent is under 2, finish the population questionnaire. If the respondent is 39 or over, question 15 must be asked and filled.

15. For question 15, the response is "1" or "No education", fill in Question 16. In other responses, fill in question 17.

16. For question 19, persons aged 15 and over must answer it. For couples living together, fill in the code "3" or "Living together".

17. For question 21, persons aged 15 and over must answer it. If the response is "Yes" or "1", check whether the indicators such as their occupation, main economic activity of the organization, and employment status are correlated. For question 21, if the response is "No" or he did not have a job of any kind, skip questions 22-24, and then move to question 25.

18. For the Housing questionnaire, check thoroughly that Questions 02-08 shall be asked only for apartment households, Questions 09-10 for ger households, and questions 1, 11-21 shall be asked for all households.


Chapter five
Instruction to fill in the summary questionnaire form and to accept census materials.

5.1. Progress report on the census
For the capital city, province's center, or soum center, the enumerator shall provide a daily progress report of the census using Form HAOST-2. Each report shall be submitted to the supervisor before 09.00 a.m. of the next coming day. It must be in increased amounts.

For local bagas, the enumerator shall issue the progress reports before 09.00 a.m. on November 14th (from 11th to 13th), on the 18th (from 14th to 17th), and the summary report on November 19th.

[Table 5.1. is omitted here]

The census progress report belongs to the category of urgent statistical data. If it is interrupted or delayed, heads of province and district statistics divisions and state inspectors will charge a penalty for responsible persons per the relevant laws for each occasion.

The census progress report -1 shall be issued by using Form HAOST-4. The number of households and persons (number of household and non-household persons) shall be submitted to each enumerator from ad-hoc baga, khoroo bureaus.


5.2. Instruction to fill in Census progress data-1 Form HAOST
At the top of the table, fill in the census commission number, province, capital, soum, district, baga, khoroo name, code, enumerator number respectively. This information shall be filled in the same as Section I. Address A1-A5 in the population questionnaire (Form HAOST-1).

"Percentage eligible for enumeration" column shows the percentage of total households and population eligible for enumeration from the first day of the census on November 11, 2010, to the end of the census until November 18, 2010. For example, the following table shows that 14 percent of eligible households and non-households shall be enumerated on the first day of census on November 11, 2010.

"Census days" column shows the days on which the census will take place. For example, the following table shows that the first day of the census is November 11, 2010.

In column A of Form HAOST-4, fill in the first number of the census questionnaire of the units enumerated on that day, and in column B, fill in the last number. For example, enumerator Bat counted 9 households on the first day on November 11, 2010, and 10 households on the 12th. The number of census questionnaires shall be filled as follows.

The following numbers shall be filled in the cells.

- The number of total households and persons (from which household or households to be enumerated) to be enumerated on the census days are recorded in the cells "Numbers of households and persons to be enumerated". For example, Bat, enumerator will count a total of 75 households and 300 persons on the census days, in November 11-18, 2010. He will enumerate 280 household persons and 20 non-household persons. These numbers will be filled as follows respectively.

The supervisor first checks the number of enumerated households and persons (households and non-households) and accepts them with no errors. After this, the Form HAOST-1 can be filled in.
In column 1 of the form HAOST-4, the enumerator fills in the number of households enumerated on that day. Then he calculates the coverage percentage with the following formula and fills it in column 2.

Column 2 = (Column 1: Households to be enumerated) *100

In the example above, enumerator Bat shall enumerate a total of 75 households on the census days. 9 households were enumerated on the first day and 10 households were counted on the next day. The coverage percentage will be calculated and filled as follows.


Coverage percentage of households enumerated on the first day:
Column 2 = (9: 75) *100=12.0

Coverage percentage of households enumerated on the second day:
Column 2 = (10: 75) *100=13.3

In column 5 of the form HAOST-4, fill in the number of persons enumerated in households. The coverage percentage of these persons is calculated by the following formula and filled in column 6.

Column 6 = (Column 5: Number of persons to be enumerated in the households) *100

For example, enumerator Bat will count 280 persons in the households. If 39 persons were enumerated on the first day and 38 persons on the next day, the coverage percentage was calculated as follows.

Coverage percentage of persons enumerated in the households on the first day:
Column 5 = (39: 280) *100=13.9

Coverage percentage of persons enumerated in the households on the second day:
Column 5 = (38: 280)*100=13.6

In column 7 of the form HAOST 4, fill in the number of non-household persons. The coverage percentage of non-household persons is calculated by the following formula and filled in column 8.
Column 8 = (Column 7: Number of non-household persons to be enumerated) *100

For example, enumerator Bat must count 20 non-household persons. If no household persons were enumerated on the first day, and 4 persons were counted on the next day. The coverage percentage is calculated and filled in as follows.

Coverage percentage of non-household persons enumerated on the second day:

Column 8 = (4: 20) *100=20.0

In column 3 of the form HAOST-4, fill in the total number of enumerated persons. From this, check the correlation between the number of household persons and number of non-household persons.
Correlation: Column 3=Column 5+Column 7


In column 3 of the form HAOST-4,

In column 3 of the form HAOST-4, fill in the total number of persons counted on that day. The coverage percentage is calculated by the following formula and filled in column 4.

Column 4 = (Column 3: Number of persons to be enumerated) *100

For example, enumerator Bat counts 300 persons. He counted 39 persons on the first day and 42 persons on the second day. The coverage percentage is calculated and filled in as follows.

Coverage percentage of persons enumerated on the first day:
Column 4 = (39: 300) *100=13.0

Coverage percentage of persons enumerated on the second day:
Column 4 = (42: 300) *100=14.0

According to rows 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13 of the form HAOST-4, the enumerator shall fill the number of enumerated households and persons and the coverage percentage with increased amounts.

Finally, the enumerator gets the number of households and persons (the number of household and non-household persons) enumerated and reported on each day in column 9 checked together with Form HAOST-1 or census questionnaire and signed by the supervisor if there are no errors.

5.3. Census progress data to supervisors, ad-hoc baga, khoroo bureaus, census committees of soum, district, province, and capital city.
The census progress data shall be compiled by enumerators, supervisors, baga, khoroo, soum, district, capital city, district supervisors respectively. For the capital city, province's center, and soum center, the census progress report is submitted from November 11 to 18. For local bagas, it is submitted on November 14 (report from 11th to 18th) and on November 18 (report from 14th to 17th). The summary report is to be submitted on November 19 with Form HAOST-5, and is to be reported in the increased amounts.

The census progress report belongs to the category of urgent statistical data. In case of interruption or loss of the report, the responsible person will be held accountable by the provincial and district statistics departments and state inspectors of statistics per relevant laws.


The number of households and persons (including the number of household and non-household persons) to be enumerated in Census Progress Report-2 shall be issued using Form HAOST-3 for the pre-registration of the household population. Then, it shall be submitted from ad-hoc baga, khoroo bureaus to supervisors, and from supervisors to enumerators.

5.4. Instruction to fill in the census progress report-2 Form HAOST-5
At the top of the table, fill in the census commission number, province, capital, soum, district, baga, khoroo name, code, the enumerator name, and number respectively. This indicator depends on the stage at which the census progress report is issued. For example, if the census progress report is issued by enumerators and supervisors, it shall be the same as the header section A1-A4 of Form HAOST-4. If the census progress report-2 Form HAOST-5 is issued by bagas and khoroos, it shall be the same as the header section A1-A4 of Form HAOST-5 sent by supervisors. If it is issued by soums and districts, it shall be the same as the header section A1-A3 of Form HAOST-5 sent by bagas and districts. If it is issued by the capital city and provinces, it shall be the same as the header section A1-A2 of Form HAOST-5 sent by soums and districts.

For example, the ad hoc bureau of Gurvanbulag baga in Undurshiree soum, Khentii province is issuing the census progress report. In this case, the data is filled in as follows:

- Census committee: 065
- Aimag name: Khentii
- Code: 23
- Soum name: Umnudelger
- Code: 46
- Baga name: Gurvanbayan
- Code: 53

In the "Date" column, record the year, month and day for the summary of census progress. For example, if the census progress report is issued on November 12, 2010, it shall be written as follows.

In column "A", the subject reporting the census progress shall mark "[check mark]" in the cell corresponding to his level.

For example, if the supervisor reports the census progress, mark "[check mark]" in the cell behind "Supervisor". If each enumerator's name, code, baga, khoroo are provided, and if each supervisor' name, code, soum, and district are provided, and if each baga, khoroo name, code, province is provided, fill in the soum, district name and code.


For example, as of November 11, 2010, the 1st baga of the aimag's center has three supervisors, namely supervisor Bat (code 01), supervisor Davaa (code 02), and supervisor Suren (code 03). They are issuing the census progress report. It shall be filled as follows.

In the cells of "Number of households to be counted", "Number of persons to br enumerated", "Number of household persons", and "Number of non-household persons", fill in the numbers provided from ad-hoc baga, khoroo bureaus to supervisors, from ad-hoc baga, khoroo bureaus to ad-hoc soum, district bureaus, from ad-hoc soum, district bureaus to ad-hoc aimag, capital city bureaus.

When counting in the above example, if 245 households and 986 persons are counted in this baga, of which 941 persons are in households and 45 non-household persons, then it will be filled as follows.

In columns 1, 3, 5, and 7, the "Enumerated" numbers (number of enumerated households, number of persons, number of household persons and number of non-household persons) are filled per corresponding levels respectively. For example,

- If the supervisor issues the census progress data, the number is filled from each enumerator's census progress report-1 Form HAOST-4;
- If the baga or khoroo issues it, the number is filled from the census process report submitted by the supervisor;
- If the soum or district issues it, the number is filled from the census process report submitted by the baga or khoroo,
- If the province or capital city issues it, the number is filled from the census process report submitted by the soum or district.

In columns 2, 4, 6, and 8, fill in the coverage percentage of enumerated households and persons, of which household and non-household persons enumerated. It shall be calculated and filled in the same as the census progress report-1 Form HAOST-4.
Coverage rate:

Column 2 = (Column 1: Number of households to be enumerated) *100
Column 4 = (Column 3: Total number of persons to be enumerated) *100
Column 6 = (Column 5: Number of household persons to be enumerated) *100
Column 8 = (Column 7: Number of non-household persons) *100

Based on the above example, let's calculate the coverage rates as follows.

Supervisor Bat has counted 30 households, 119 persons, of which 115 household persons, and 5 non-household persons.


Supervisor Davaa has counted 31 households, 126 persons, of which 120 household persons, and 6 non-household persons.

Supervisor Suren has counted 26 households, 98 persons, of which 90 household persons, and 8 non-household persons.

For supervisor Bat:
Column 2= (30: 245) *100=12.2
Column 4 = (119: 986) *100=12.1
Column 6 = (115: 941) *100=12.2
Column 8 = (4:45) *100 =8.9

For supervisor Davaa:
Column 2 = (31: 245) *100=12.7
Column 4 = (126: 986) *100=12.8
Column 6= (120: 941) *100=12.8
Column 8 = (6:45) *100=13.3

For supervisor Suren:
Column 2 = (26: 245) *100=10.6
Column 4 = (98: 986) *100=9.9
Column 6 = (90: 941) *100=9.6
Column 8 = (8: 45) *100=17.8

On each day of the census progress reports, the number of households and persons enumerated, and of which household and non-household persons enumerated at the relevant level shall be issued in the increased "sum", and drawn with a red line.
According to the above examples, the baga issues the second day's census progress report as of November 11, 2010 with 3 supervisors. The coverage percentage will be filled as follows.

Increased sum= First day's sum + Second day's sum

5.5. Instruction to fill in the Form HAOST-6 for the document delivery
The Form HAOST-6 will be filled ad used for delivering the completed questionnaires along with the marked maps as follows.

- From enumerators to supervisors;
- From ad-hoc baga, khoroo bureaus to ad-hoc soum, district bureaus;
- From ad-hoc soum, district bureaus to ad-hoc district province, capital city's bureaus;

At the end of the census period, the enumerator fills out the Form HAOST-6 for the document delivery. He puts Form HAOST-1 questionnaire, Form HAOST-1-1 Death and maternal mortality questionnaire, together with the map in the archive folder. Then, he hands these documents over to the supervisor.

To fill out Form HAOST-6, the enumerators shall fill the relevant data individually and correctly from "Section address" A1-A6, A9, A10 of the Form HAOST-1 Census questionnaire. The enumerator shall follow the below principles to fill in the Form HAOST-6 to hand over the completed questionnaires.

Each enumerator fills in the Form HAOST-6. In the header section of each form, the following data including census commission number, aimag, capital city, soum, district, khoroo, baga name, code, enumerator's name and number are listed. These data shall be filled from A1-A5 of Section I. Address in Form HAOST-1 (Census commission number, aimag, province, capital city, soum, district, baga, khoroo name, code, enumerator's name, code).

[A table is omitted below]


The enumerator calculates the "a total number of households enumerated" under the table of the Form HAOST-6 by summing up the numbers circled as "Main household-1" and "Shared household-2" of Column 1. A total number of non-household persons is calculated by summing up the numbers circled "non-household-3" in Column 1. A total number of persons enumerated is calculated by summing up the numbers of persons enumerated in Column 2.

The supervisor, the head of ad-hoc baga, khoroo, soum, district, province, capital city bureau, staff of the Statistics Committee of the NSO shall receive the census questionnaire Form HAOST-1, Form HAOST-1-1, and the map by filling up Form HAOST-6 for the census questionnaire delivery. They shall sign and verify it.

5.6. Instruction to fill in the Preliminary result-1 Form HAOST 7.
In the Preliminary census results -1 Form HAOST-7, the number of the enumerated households, types of housing, residence status of enumerated populations, age groups, sex, and citizens residing abroad are issued respectively.

The Preliminary result-1 Form HAOST-7 is opened for each supervisor. The census committee number, province, capital city, soum, district, baga, khoroo name, code, enumerator name is filled from the header section A1-A5 of Section I. Address of the Form HAOST-1.
The following principles are adhered to fill in the Preliminary census results -1 Form HAOST-7.
The form shall be filled in blue ink. When calculating the sum, it is highlighted with a red line.

[A table is omitted here]

[Formulas are omitted here]


After filling in the indicators of the census questionnaire completed by the enumerator to Form HAOST-7, draw a red line under the last indicator, and then provide the result. To do so, the indicators from each column are added from the first query to the last one and the sum is recorded at the bottom of the red line. After issuing the summary, draw a red line below it and close it.

To calculate results of the Columns 1 and 35, count the number of times the code is circled. The result of column 1 shall be written under columns 2, 3, and 4, and the result of column 35 shall be written under columns 32, 33, and 34.

When the enumerator fills out less than 85 census questionnaires, circle "No" or code "2" for the question whether the Form HAOST-7 continues to the second page. If he fills more than 85 census questionnaires and the response is "Yes" or code "1" to this question. Fill the header section of the continuation page as same as Form HAOST-3. Record the questionnaire indicators and generate the summary. If the form is continued, the summary shall be issued only once under the Continuous form.

After summarizing the results, the compiled supervisor writes his name and date and verifies it with his signature.

5.7. Instruction to fill the Preliminary census results-2 Form HAOST-8
The Preliminary census results-2 Form HAOST-8 is used to issue preliminary results by supervisors, and baga, khoroo supervisors. In the form table "the total enumerated households", it summarizes the total enumerated households, of which the number of main households, shared households, non-households, the number of persons residing abroad by sex, and housing types. Fill in the form indicators with blue ink.

To mark the level at which preliminary results are issued, put "[check mark]" in the cell behind the levels "as supervisor enumerators" and "as baga, khoroo supervisors". These responses can be found in the header section of column "B" of the table "Total counted households, population, and dwellings".


Preliminary census results-2 Form HAOST-8 is compiled by enumerators, the following principle shall be adhered to complete the table "The total enumerated households, population, and housing". It includes:

[A table is omitted here]


Chapter 6
Instruction to prepare for the handover of census materials
Organize materials by considering only one enumerator's census questionnaire, summary form, map, and presentation sheet per archive folder. Sort questionnaires and summary forms received from the supervisor into filled and unfilled parts, and place the filled questionnaire in a numerical order in the archive folder. Do not put census materials of the same enumerator in 2 separate folders. It is strictly forbidden to write anything other than the following on the front and back of the cover.

Write the following on the front cover.

1. Census committee number:
2. Province, capital city name, code:
3. Soum, district name, code:
4. Baga, khoroo name, code:
5. Enumerator name, code:
6. Questionnaire number:
7. Number of households:
8. Number of populations

On the back side of the cover: write the census committee number, baga, khoroo name, code, enumerator number.

One folder contains post-census filled and marked materials. It includes:

Census questionnaires, summary forms:
1. Census questionnaire Form HAOST-1, death and maternal mortality questionnaire Form HAOST-1-1, additional sheets HAOST-1a, HAOST-1b, HAOST-1c;
2. Census progress report Form HAOST-4;
3. Form HAOST-6 for Handover of completed census questionnaires;

- Enumerator's hand drawing (Noted location numbers of households and population during the census);
- Presentation sheet

Chapter seven
Instructions for preparing and working on the enumerator's hand map

7.1. The purpose of using the enumerator's hand map
1. Determine the location of census units¹;
2. Fully cover households and population in the census;
3. Check and control coverage of census units;


7.2. Significance
1. Accurately determine the location of households and population;
2. The enumerator controls the coverage of households and population of the census territorial unit under his responsibility;
3. The enumerator plans and organizes the daily enumeration work, and sets the route from where to start in the enumeration area;

7.3. Instructions for preparing a hand drawing
1. The enumerator shall work under the guidance, instructions, and advice of ad-hoc baga, khoroo census bureaus (hereinafter ad-hoc bureau) to prepare the hand map.

2. Before the enumerator prepares the hand map, the ad-hoc bureau shall mark the number of households and population on the map, determine borders of census territorial units, and assign them by enumerators. The enumerator shall make his hand map based on the territorial map. The number of households and population allocated by the ad-hoc bureau is marked by its location.

3. The enumerator draws the picture by hand on the A3 size paper.

4. The enumerator carefully observes the map displaying the borders of the assigned territorial unit. Then, he determines whether it will fit on the A3 paper, whether to enlarge or reduce it, and whether to vertically or horizontally draw it on the A3 paper.

5. The enumerator makes the hand map on the A3 paper vertically or horizontally. It depends on the shape of the census territorial unit map assigned to the enumerator by the ad-hoc bureau. Based on this factor, there will be two types of the location for the map content3.

[Footnotes are omitted here]

[Figures are omitted here]


6. The enumerator draws only the assigned section from the khoroo and baga's map. He draws grids4 in the "II. Hand map section" using a pencil, and divides them into square cells5 (Figure 3). This makes elements of the map fit into small cells instead of large areas, and draw it with spatial orientation avoiding errors.

[Footnotes are omitted here]

7. After determining the grid cells on the map, the enumerator draws a grid with the same cells in the "??. Hand map section" of the A3 paper. The size of the grid cells on the hand map does not necessarily have to be the same as the ad-hoc baga, khoroo map. Because the census territorial unit on the map may not fit in the A3 paper. Therefore, if the grid of the ad-hoc bureau map does not fit into the "II. Hand map section", the enumerator may draw in a smaller size. if it is smaller, it will be enlarged. In other words, the number of the grid, rather than its size matters here.

8. When drawing the hand map, the north is at the top of the map and the south is at the bottom of the map (Figure 5).

9. Assign the same number to the corresponding cells of the ad-hoc bureau map and hand map grid. In this way, each element (its location, direction, and shape) on the ad-hoc bureau map can be fully captured in the hand map.


10. Draw the elements corresponding to map grids or cells as a legend in the corresponding cell of the hand map. For example, there is a lake located in Cells 3,4 vertically, and Cells 7,8 horizontally on the map. Draw this lake as the same in Cells 3,4 vertically, and Cells 7,8 on the hand map (Figure 5).

[Footnotes are omitted here]

11. Objects in nature are depicted as seen from a steep angle. The enumerator shall also draw his hand map as seen at the steep angle. It shall be similar to the ah-hoc bureau map.

12. The following items must be noted in the content of the hand map.

- Verification of the hand map: Name and signature of the ad-hoc bureau;
- Resolution number of the ad-hoc bureau;
- Date of the hand map verified;
- Title of hand map

The title of the hand shall be written in capital letters. The title consists of the ad-hoc baga, khoroo name to which each enumerator belongs, and the enumerator number. For example, the hand map of enumerator No.1 of the ad-hoc census bureau in Bayankhairkhan baga, Yosonbulag soum, Gobi-altai province, the hand map of enumerator No.8 of the ad-hoc census bureau in Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaatar city, etc.

The first 8 digits of the household/unit location number (aimag, capital city, soum, district, baga, khoroo code, enumerator number);
Each enumerated household or unit has a location number, called a household/unit location number. This number consists of 11 digits.

The number structure is shown in the below example.

Write the first 8 digits of the household/unit location number in the "I. Address and verification section" of the hand map. The first 8 digits are repetitive or the same for the enumerator. Once the enumerator writes it on the hand map, it is not necessary to write it again for each household/unit. For example, enumerator Bat is No.10 of ad-hoc census bureau of Gurvanbayan baga, Umnudelger soum, Khentii province. He fills in "23" for Khentii province, "46" for Umnudelger soum, "53" for Gurvanbayan Baga, "10" for the enumerator number, the household/unit number shall be 23465310. At the time of the census, the numerator writes only the last 3 digits or the census questionnaire number, not 11 digits when he fills in the number next to the location of the household/unit.


[The rest of the document contains sections on drawing maps and writing verification. These sections are not presented here.]