Approved by Resolution 60, 1988 of State Planning and Economic
Committee of People's Republic of Mongolia
The People's Republic of Mongolia
Population and Housing Census, 1989
[p. 1]
Instructions on Filling out the Census Questionnaire
One. The Procedure on Conducting Population Census
1. The filled out questionnaires for 1989 population census shall be used only for calculating total by an approved program.
2. The monitoring period of the population census shall be 00.00 hours from the 4th to the 5th of January 1989.
3. The population census shall be conducted within 5 days, from January 8 o'clock (by local hour) of January 5 to January 9, 1989.
4. The assigned enumerators shall visit each household (in apartments, dormitories and gers) and fill out the census questionnaire by asking each family. The census questionnaire for the family members who is absent or very ill or children shall be filled out by asking any of adult family members of the family.
Note: Although the perception of family (flat) of city people and the perception of household (ger) of country people of our country are understood differently, in order to simplify census process we referred to them as "household".
5. Enumerator shall not conduct census at factories, economic entities, organizations and schools.
6. A citizen's registration number shall be copied directly from his/her ID (passport or birth certificate or citizen's certificate).
Note: Despite census questionnaires are being filled out by asking each family member, direct copying a citizen's registration number from his/her ID is for ensuring its accuracy.
7. Every citizen of the People's Republic of Mongolia and every foreign citizen who is temporarily living in the territory of the country (except for those who are employees of Foreign Diplomatic Corp, Consulate and international organizations as well as their family members) and people without citizenship shall be covered by census process.
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8. By 00.00 hours of 4-5th of January, 1989 the following population shall be counted:
b) people temporarily residing in a household or flats or dormitories despite having jurisdiction in a different administrative unit (i.e. people who are described by Articles 109 and 110 of this procedure);
c) all children who were born prior to the monitoring period whether they were registered into citizen's family organization or not; people who passed away during the census period after the monitoring period; (therefore, children who were born prior to the monitoring period and people who passed away prior to the monitoring period shall not be counted);
d) people who are being present in a household or flats or dormitories but unable to specifically name a place of his/her permanent residence.
9. People who have not yet registered in the administrative unit they moved in or people who have been living in a Soum or District or Khoroo more than 6 months shall be counted as the permanent residence of the place.
10. Students of Universities or Institutes or colleges or schools or courses (of more 6 months) shall be counted as permanent residents of an administrative unit on the territory of which the Universities or Institutes or colleges or schools or courses (of more 6 months) are located at.
11. The Population Census Commission established by The Ministry of Defense and The Ministry of State Security shall count soldiers and students of Military Schools.
However, Generals or officers or sergeants, who are staying on or Police Officers, or Firemen or Supervisors who are working for The Ministry of Defense and The Ministry of State Security or organizations under their jurisdiction, shall be counted as citizens in the place of their respective residences.
12. Citizens of the People's Republic of Mongolia who is living abroad shall be counted by their respective Census Commission established either Embassy of Mongolia or Diplomatic Corp.
13. The Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of Mongolia shall count foreign citizens and their family members who are working at invitation (of government or other bodies) as well as foreign citizens who are visiting at their invitation.
Foreign citizens who entered into the territory of Mongolia before 00.00 hours of the 4-5 January, 1989 on transit visit shall be counted.
However, foreign citizens who entered into the territory of Mongolia after the monitoring period (i.e., after 00.00 hours of the 4-5 January, 1989 on transit visit shall be not be counted, but Mongolia citizens shall be counted.
14. Census Commission established at the Ministry of State Security shall count people who are in jail. However, people who are being detained for petty crimes for up to 30 days shall be double counted by the Commission at to be temporarily residing in their respective administrative units of their place of detention as well as by the enumerators of their residential administrative unit as to be absentees.
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15. Foreign citizens permanently residing in the territory of the People's Republic of Mongolia or the people accompanied them or people without citizenship shall be counted as citizens of the country.
[pp. 4-10 not presented here.]
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Five. Instructions on Filling out Census Questionnaire
92. Census Questionnaires shall be the first data for incorporating all census totals. Therefore, enumerators should fill them out accurately and diligently in accordance with the guidelines and methods.
93. Census Questionnaires shall be filled out only by a pen and in blue color. Therefore, it shall be prohibited to fill them out in red or black or green colors or ball pens or pencils.
94. The address part for rural population i.e. answers for the questions for 1-3, 9-14 and 14 shall be chosen from the given answers. So the answers shall be underlined with their respective numbers. However, the answers to the questions 4-8, 13 and 15 shall be filled out in words or numbers.
95. The Numbering of Census Questionnaires: Enumerators shall number in sequence the Census Questionnaire for each person he/she counted. The number written on last the Census Questionnaire shall be equal to the total people he/she counted.
96. The Numbering of Census Commissions and Enumerators' Teams on the Census Questionnaires. On this part of Census Questionnaires the numbers of Census Commissions and Enumerators' Teams which were issued to them by State Committee on Planning and Economy should be filled out. This number shall be filled out on each of the Census Questionnaires.
97. Aimag (city) Here the name of the respective Aimag or City should be filled out . For example, like: Khovd or Dornod or Umnugovi or Ulaanbaatar or Erdenet. Appendix 3 shall be referred for writing a code (letters) for each Aimag or city; and it shall be filled out in block letters.
98. Given Name and Family Name Family name of a person shall be filled out fully and is shall not take case suffix "of". For example: it can not be written as Dorjiin Bat, but it shall be filled out as Family Name: "Dorj" Given Name: "Bat".
Given name and family name are not to be written as heard, they shall be filled out based upon a person's passport or birth certificate.
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99. RN (Registration Number) The registration number shall be filled out based upon a person's passport or birth certificate (as to military person then based upon his/her military certificate.
Registration number for Mongolian citizens living abroad or some people working for organization under the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of State Security, and people who do not have their citizen's certificate shall be asked if they have a registration number or not. Then an enumerator shall write "has a registration number" or "does not have a registration number" in the designated space. In case of writing a "does not have a registration number" Enumerator also shall write "1" in the space for a code.
Note: a registration number shall consist from 2 letter and 8 figures.
The first two letter of a registration number shall indicate the name of Aimag (City) or Soum (Khoroo or District), then the following 6 number shall indicate date of birth and the 7th figure shall indicate whether the person is male or female (as well as the number he/she was registered in his/her respecting Soum or Khoroo or District). The 8th figure (the last figure) shall be calculated by a special algorithm (in order to prevent misspelling of the registration number. For example: Baatar Darjaa. DOB: September 17, 1942. Male. Place of Birth: Noyon Soum, Umnigovi Aimag and was registered as the second person among the males who were living in the same areas when registration numbers were being issued; Altantsetseg Davaa. DOB: November 03, 1959. Female. Place of Birth: Dalanzadgad, Umnugovi Aimag and was the first person among the females who were living in the same areas when registration numbers were being issued. Then their respective registration numbers shall be filled out as follows:
Baatar's registration number shall be written as:
KZ 42091735
Altantsetseg's registration number shall be written as:
KYu 59110309
100. Household Numbering Enumerators shall number each household he/she counted. A household number shall be the same for each family member. For example: If there is family of three: Bat (a husband), Dulmaa (a wife) and Sergelen (a son). And if Bat's household number is 49 then respectively his wife Dulmaa' and son Sergelen's household numbers also shall be 49. A household number for "single" people or "separated people" shall be the same as their Census Questionnaires' household number.
101. The Names of Cities and Settled Areas Only an official name of a city or a settled area of a person is being counted in a Census Questionnaire (for the names and codes for cities and settled areas in please, refer to the list the in Appendix 4). Codes (words) should be written very diligently and clearly in block letters.
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102. The Names of Districts and Khoroos The names of Districts shall be written only in Ulaanbaatar and names of Khoroos shall be filled out in other cities (for codes for Districts and Khoroos of Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan and Erdenet please, refer to the list the in Appendix 3). Codes (words) should be written very diligently and clearly in block letters.
103. "Oron Suuts Gudamjnii" (OSG "of this street of apartments"). The part "the . . . . . .th Khoroo of OSG" shall be filled out in Ulaanbaatar and any other cities which have Khoroo of OSG.
104. The Names of Streets Only official names of streets which were given by PDM Administration. For example: "Enkhtaivan", "Altain -- 3", "Uurkhaichin -2" etc.
105. The Number of House The Number of Flat. The Number of Fence. The number of a house or flat or fence (around of ger) of a person being counted shall be filled out.
106. The Name of Soum or Khoroo Only names of Soums or Khoroos which were given by Order of Leader of People' Great Khurals of the People's Republic of Mongolia shall be filled out (without abbreviating them). In order to further define the person location in the Soum or Khoroo, one of those 3 answers shall be underlined (with respective their number). The three answers are: in the center (of Khoroo) -1; in the center of either farm or brigade -- 2; and in rural area -- 3.( for codes for Soum or Khoroo please, refer to the list the in Appendix 3). Codes (words) should be written very diligently and clearly in block letters.
Question One. Relationship to the Household Head
107. Any person of a household older than 16 may be considered the head of the household and household members shall decide whom to name as their household head. If they are unable to decide then a person who brings in the most income shall be considered as the head of the household. As to the other members of the household a respective answer from the given answers for the first question shall be found and underlined. "Single" member or "separated" member of the household shall be counted as the other members.
Singles. A person who is not married or lives separately from his/her household permanently and does not have any financial obligation shall be considered as "Singles".
Separated. A person who lives separately from his/her family permanently but has a financial obligation or is temporarily living separately from his/her household shall be considered as "separated".
Question Two.
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108. Either one of the following three statements shall be underlined for a person who is being counted in his/her Census Questionnaire. The three statements are: "residing permanently" or "temporarily absent" or "residing temporarily".
109. Residing Permanently. People who live permanently in the territory of his/her administration unit and are counted by being present shall be considered as "residing permanently". In addition to the people described below also shall be considered as "residing permanently":
watchmen or doormen or guards;
people who work for a shift (for a few days) such as (people who work
for railway or airline or truck drivers or postmen etc).
people who went for stay over 1-2 days at resorts or children
attending 24 hour kindergarten;
people on the road (such as hunters or who looking for their cattle or
preparing their wood etc).
110. "Temporarily Absent". People who are not living in their administrative units by living outside it (for less than 6 months) and absent during counting shall be considered as "temporarily absent".
Below described people also shall be considered as being "temporarily absent":
people on business trip abroad (for temporary duration or quarterly assignment);
people who left for holiday or treatment or as tourists;
practicum's at factories;
people staying at hospitals (no more than 6 months);
women and babies at maternity hospitals;
people who left to visit their relatives;
students studying in "forest resort";
people who are on military calls or field training;
people who are being held at detention centers;
people who are arrested for petty crimes for up to 30 days.
111. Residing Temporarily. People who are residing in an administrative unit
other than their own for duration of less than 6 months shall be considered as "residing temporarily". In other words, the people who registered as being "temporarily absent" in their own registered administration unit (paragraph 110) shall be counted as "residing temporarily" in the administration unit where they are residing temporarily. In addition to them people who are staying at airports or railway or bus stations during the census process and do not have "certificate" shall be counted there as "residing temporarily".
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112. The Address of Permanent Residence of People who "residing temporarily". The name of Aimag or City or Soum or Khoroo or District for each person counted as "residing temporarily".
Question Four.
114. A person's date of birth shall be filled out as it is written in their registration number. (for example: 1940 -- 2 -- 25). However, the age shall be taken as the years aged. Age shall not be added up even if there is only a few days are left before the actual birth day. For example: if a child is 12 years and 11 months and 25 days old his/her age shall be filled out as being 12 not13. The age for young children up to 12 months shall be filled out as 0.
115. People ages shall be defined through the following method: Age for people who were born before January 5 of each year shall be defined by subtracting their year of birth from 1989. For example: if Baldan was born January 3, 1939 then he will be 50 years old (1989 -- 1939). Age for people who were born after January 5 of each year shall be defined by deducting their year of birth from 1989, then subtracting 1 from the remainder. For example: if Dash was born January 10, 1943 then he will be 45 years old (1989 -- 1943 - 1). (For defining age please, refer to the Table in the Appendix 5).
116. Table 1 shall be used to determine the age for old people who are not able to say their DOB but knows them in the old lunar calendar.
Year of Birth, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 8, 9, 10
Mouse, 5, 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77, 89, 101, 113
Cow, 4, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76, 88, 100, 112
Tiger, 3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75, 87, 99, 111
Rabbit, 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86, 98, 100
Dragon, 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97, 109
Snake, - , 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108
Horse, - , 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83, 95, 107
Oxen, - , 10, 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82, 94, 106
Monkey, - , 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81 93, 105
Hen/Rooster, - , 8, 20, 32, 44, 56, 68, 80, 92, 104
Dog, - , 7, 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79, 91, 103
Pig, - , 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78, 90, 102
117. Place of Birth (Aimag (City), Soum (Khoroo). The name of Aimag (City) or Soum (Khoroo) of a person who was born in it shall not be abbreviated. For example: Ulaanbaatar shall be filled out as Ulaanbaatar not UB. ( for codes for Aimag (City) or Soum (District , Khoroo) please, refer to the list the in Appendix 3). Codes (words) should be written very diligently and clearly in block letters.
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Question Five. Nationality
118. Nationality shall be recorded by a person's answer. Parents shall define their children's nationality. If parents are not able to define their child's nationality then the child's nationality shall be defined as his/her mother's.
119. Nationality of people shall be recorded as answered. Nationality of all citizens of the People's Republic of Mongolia shall be recorded as "Mongol" and nationality for people of other countries shall be defined as such as Russian or Bulgarian or Cuban or Chinese as shown in the Appendix 6.
120. If parents of a child are from different countries then the nationality of the child shall be defined as parents said. If parents have disagreement then the child's nationality shall be recorded/defined by their country of residency.
121. People without citizenship shall be recorded as people without citizenship.
122. People who reside in People's Republic of Mongolia but have not become citizens shall be recorded as nationality of their country of origin the word: "residing" shall be added.
Question Seven. Place of Work and Place of Studying
123. Place of work of a person shall be filled out in a way that it would be possible to define of the field or industrial type of the business; and a place of studying shall be filled out without any abbreviation. For example: It shall be filled out as "Shariin Gol Coal Mining" or "Transportation Base II" but not ""Shariin Gol Mining" or "Transportation Base".
However, the name of the person after whom a place of work or a place of studying is named shall not be written in Census Questionnaire. For example: it shall not be written as "State Publishing Combinatory named after D. Sukhbaatar but: "State Publishing Combinatory".
124. Sub-branches of factories or combinatory shall be filled out without mentioning the head factory or combinatory. For example: it shall be filled out as "Wool Washing Factory" or "Children's Garment Factory" but not "Wool Washing Factory--the subsidiary of Joint Wool Factories" or "Children's Garment Factory--the subsidiary of Joint Sawing Factories".
125. Places for public services shall not be written as an "organization" in the box for organization but they shall be specifically named like: For example: "Shoe Repairs" or "Hairdresser's" or "Garment Repair" or "Hotel" or "Office of Apartment Buildings" etc.
126. If a place belongs to Vegetable Farm/s or Agricultural Entities or Cooperatives of Joint Agricultural Entities then the name of the place shall be filled out in a way that it would be possible to define it's owner. For example: "Bakery of Vegetable Farms" or "Canteen of Agricultural Farm" or "Tractors Repair Workshop of Cooperatives" etc.
127. Place of work for people who are engaged in construction shall not be written as generally employed "in construction" but as "City's Construction Office" or "Renovation Brigade" or "Water Pipe Installation Office" etc.
128. The names of canteens or cafe or medical checkup point or any other type of service which are working for serving the organization's employees (in its building) shall not be written under the organization's jurisdiction it is serving for but under the jurisdiction under which it belongs to. However, if an organization has its own canteen or kindergarten then both the organization's name and name of the service shall be filled out.
For example: If a canteen 49 serves for workers and employees of State Construction Committee then it shall be filled out as "Canteen 49, Public Catering Establishment, Sukhbaatar District" and if a Carpet Factory has its own canteen then canteen shall be filled out as "Canteen of Ulaanbaatar Carpet Factory".
129. Names of Soviet Union organization operating in the territory of the People's Republic of Mongolian shall have an adjective of "Soviet Union" in front of them. Names of factories or organizations jointly established with Soviet Union or other countries may be written wholly or abbreviated. For example: "Soviet Union Construction Office III" or "UB Railway Choir Trade Office V" or "Joint Mongolsovtsvetmet factory" or "Joint Mongolbulgarianmetall factory" etc.
130. If a person who is working for two organizations then it shall be the person's decision under which one of her employments he/she would like to be registered. However, it is advised he/she shall choice the organization from where he/she gets most of his/her income.
131. The work place for women who are either on pregnancy or maternity leave shall be the organization where her vacancy is reserved.
132. If herders or other citizens or their adult family members are engaged in their own private business then a work place for them shall be filled out as "engaged in supplementary income".
133. People working for cooperatives shall be filled in as follows:
b) If a person is engaged in cooperative after he/she was retired or despite his/her disability benefit then a work place to be written for him/her shall be his/her cooperative;
134. If a person is retired because of his/her age then his/her pension type shall be filled out as "retired of an old age"; if a person is unemployed because of disability then his/her work place shall be filled out as "disability benefit I or II or III" and if a person is retired for the reason other than mentioned previously his/her work place shall be filled out as "other type benefit".
135. A work place to be written for a person who is being stayed at a State Welfare Shelters shall be filled out as "being in a State Welfare Shelter".
136. If a person from rural areas is happen to be working for any of state organizations then the organization shall be filled out as the work place of the person.
137. A work place to be written for students studying at Universities or Institutes or Colleges or Vocational Training or Schools and people who is studying after leaving their work of place shall be their place of studying.
138. A work place to be written for people who is studying without leaving their work of place shall be the organization they were working for (prior to the studying).
139. A work place to be written for any painters or musicians or authors or sculptors who does not belong to any organization shall be "freelance". However, if anyone of them happens to be working for an organization then this organization shall be filled out as his/her work place.
140. A work place to be written for any creative people or people engaged in their own business or people who use their vehicle for public transportation or their adult family members shall be filled out as being "being engaged in private business".
141. A work place to be written for an au pairs or housekeepers of cooks shall be filled out as "being hired by others" (upon payment).
142. A work place to be written for children of pre-school age or people with congenital disability or mental retarded or old people without pension shall be filled out as "being cared for by others".
143. A work place to be written for children aged 0-7 or school children or old people or person looking after sick person or being unemployed due to seasonal nature of his/her job or due to spousal problem or just being unemployed without any particular reason shall be filled out as being "unemployed".
Question Eight. Position at Employment
[p. 18]
144. A position of employment shall be filled out as specifically as possible. The same positions shall be distinguished by a respective adjective. For example: it shall be filled out as "Kindergarten Principal", "Library Principal" or "Movie Operator", "IT Operator" or "Construction Engineer" , "Electrical Engineer" but not plain;" Principal" or "Operator" or "Engineer".
145. A position of employment for a person who works for Vegetable Farm or Agricultural Entity Farm shall also be written as specifically as possible (not to be generalized by the term: "herder"). For example: "Herder for Cattle" or "Horseman" or "Tractorist" or "Vegetable Grower" or "Milk Woman" or "Zoo-technician" etc.
146. A position of employment for a person who works for administration or for a person who works at managerial position at factories or companies or organizations shall be filled out including the department or division. For example: "Chairman of Human Resources" or "Inspector from Quality Division" or "Chief Accountant from Finance Department".
147. A position of employment for a freelance person e " who does not work for any organization shall be filled out as "Painter" or "Musician" or "Author shall be "freelance". However, if anyone of them happens to be working for an organization then this organization shall be filled out as his/her work place.
148. A position of employment for a person who works for cooperatives (without taking double employment at other organization) or a creative person who does not work for cooperatives or a person who is engaged in his/her own business or a person who is hired by others vehicle for shall be written by the name of their trade. For example: "Tailor" or "Jewelry Designer" or "Carpenter" or "Cook" or "Au pair".
149. A position of employment for a person who is attending refresher training or an apprentice at factory shall be the position he/she was engaged prior to his/her training or apprentice.
150. A position of employment for students of all types of Universities or schools shall be filled out as such and will include the course's year and grade at school. For example: "the fourth course student" or "pupil of the 7th grade" etc.
151. A position of employment for women who are either on pregnancy or maternity leave shall be the position at the organization where her vacancy is reserved.
152. A position of employment for a person who is working for two or more organizations shall be his/her position of employment where he/she gets most of his/her income.
153. A position of employment for a person who is engaged in seasonal employment shall be the position at employment the person is being engaged at the moment of the census.
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154. A position of employment for a person who is working for an organization after being retired shall be the position at employment the person is being engaged at the moment of the census.
155. A position of employment for a person who is retired or receives disability benefits or any other benefits shall be defined by the type of the person pension or benefit. For example: "Is retired" or "Disability benefit I" or "Disability benefit II" or "Disability benefit III" or "Benefit for Losing the Breadwinner".
156. A position of employment for a person who is looking after a child or old person or a person (of labor age) who is being unemployed without any particular reason shall be defined as clearly as possible. For example: "Au pair for child of 0 -- 3" or "The Specifics of Spouse's Job" or "Taking Care of a Sick Person" etc. If there is no particular reason then the position at employment shall be filled out as "no particular reason".
Question Nine. Social Status
157. A social status of either of a person's parent at the moment of his/her birth shall be the person's social status. Upon an answer of a person being counted one of the following social status answers choices shall be underlined: "Worker"; "Employee"; "Herder"; "Cooperative" and "Other".
158. Worker. Any person who is mainly engaged in physical labor (at state or public organizations) and participating in the process of creating material values shall be named as to be "Worker". For example: If either one of a person's parent is/was a driller or a digger or a bricklayer or a plaster or an operator for all types of machinery or a tailor or a weaver or a carpenter or a shop assistant or a loader or a herder (for horses or cattle) or a milk woman then the person's social status shall be defined as to be "Worker".
159. Employee. A person who is mainly engaged in mental labor (at state or public organizations) shall be named as to an employee. For example: If either one of a person's parent is/was a chairman or a deputy chairman or an economist or an engineer or a teacher or veterinarian or zoo technician etc then the person's social status shall be defined as "Employee".
160. Herder. If either parent of a person at the moment of his/her birth was engaged in livestock herding (not livestock of cooperative but of their own) then the person's social status shall be defined as "Herder".
161. Cooperator. If either parent of a person at the moment of his/her birth was a member of any cooperative (livestock or handcrafting) then the person's social status shall be defined as to be "Cooperator".
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162. Others. If either parent of a person at the moment of his/her birth was engaged in employment other than specified by the paragraphs 158-161 of this Guideline shall be defined as "Others.
Question Ten. Social Groups
163. A person's social group shall be defined based on a person's organization he/she is working for and the position he/she is engaged in. Social groups shall be divided into 4 categories, such as: "Working Group"; "Employee's Group"; "Herder's Group"; "Cooperative's Group" and "Other Group". (Please, refer to the Appendix 9 for a list of positions at employment which are complicated to be defined).
164. Working Group. Any person who is mainly engaged in physical labor (at state or public organizations) and participating in the process of creating material values as well as his/her acknowledged dependants or a person who is retired from such a position of employment shall belong to "Working Group".
165. Employee's Group. A person who is mainly engaged in mental labor (at state or public organizations) as well as his/her acknowledged dependants or a person who is retired from such a position of employment shall belong to "Employee's Group".
166. Cooperative's Group. A person who is a member of cooperative or a person who is retired from cooperative as well as his/her acknowledged dependants shall belong to "Cooperative's Group".
167. Other Group. Social groups other than specified by the paragraphs 161-166 of this Guideline shall be defined as to be "Other Group".
168. A social group for children up to the age of 16 or those more than 16 years old but stays under the care and guardianship of others shall be defined either by social group of the household head or his/her guardian.
169. A social group for a person who went on to study at Universities or Institutive or Vocation Training Courses or Colleges directly after finishing his/her school shall be defined by either one of his/her parent's social group or his/her guardian.
170. A social group for a person who went on to study at Universities or Institute or Vocation Training Courses or Colleges after having worked (being employed) or a person who is receiving disability benefit shall be defined by the social group they belonged to either prior to becoming students or receiving disability benefit.
171. A social group for a freelance person (such as a painter or a musician or an author or a sculptor) who does not work for any organization shall be filled out as to an employee's group.
Question Eleven. Income Source
[p. 22]
172. Factory, Economic Entity, Organization. An income source of a person who works for any of state or public (except for an Agricultural Entity negdel) shall be filled out as "Factory, Economic Entity, Organization".
173. Agricultural Entity. An income source of a person who works for an agricultural entity or cooperative of joint Agricultural Entity entities or cooperatives shall be filled out as "An Agricultural Entity".
174. An income source of a person who working after being retired shall be filled out based on the present employment. And an income source of a person or a person who is attending a refresher training or a woman who is on maternity leave shall be filled out based on their previous employment. In such cases either "Factory, Economic Entity, Organization" or as "An Agricultural Entity" shall be underlined.
175. Pension. An income source of a pensioner (other than those who is working after being retired) shall be filled out as "Pension".
176. Stipend. An income source of a person who is studying at day classes of Universities or Institutes or Vocation Training Colleges with stipend shall be filled out as "Stipend". (Those who studies at evening shift or individually shall not be included here).
177. Other Stage Benefits. An income source of people who are staying at state Welfare Shelter or children who staying at Children's Shelter or those who are receiving benefit for loss of the breadwinner shall be filled out as "Other Stage Benefits".
178. Under the Care of Others. An income source of pre-school and school children or people who stay under others' care and do not have their own income shall be filled out as "Under the Care of Others".
179. Supplemental Private Entity Income. An income source of people who are engaged in their own business (and who do not receive a pension from Agricultural Entity) and their family members who are more than 16 years old shall be filled out as "Supplemental Private Entity Income".
179a. An income source of people who are engaged or work for a cooperative or manage a cooperative and receive most of their income from there shall be filled out as "cooperative". However, if a cooperative is a person's second place of employment then an income source of the person shall be filled out as "Factory, Economic Entity, Organization".
180. Other Source of Income. An income source of a person who is hired by others as (an au pair or cook or housekeeper etc) or a freelance person or person who is earning an income by renting his/her flat or person who is earning an income from interest rate of his/her private account shall be filled out as "other source of income".
[p. 23]
Question Twelve. Education
181. Complete High. People who graduated from University of Institute either locally or internationally shall be considered as being educated at "Complete High" level.
Also people who graduated from the Pedagogical Institute before the year of 1959 shall be considered to be as having a "Complete High" education.
182. Incomplete High. People who are studying at Universities or Institutes or people who graduated from the Pedagogical Institute after the year of 1959 or graduates from of Marxism -- Leninism Evening Institute or Institute of Eastern Studies or two years courses at Party's Institute shall be considered to be as having an "Incomplete High" education.
183. Vocational School. People who graduated from technicums or vocational schools or music and dance schools either in Mongolia or abroad shall be considered as having education of a Vocational School.
184. Education of Secondary School. People who finished the 10th grade of a secondary school shall be considered to be as having "complete secondary education"; people who finished the 7th (by an old system) or the 8th grade as having "incomplete secondary education" and people who finished the only 4th (by an old system) or the 3rd grade as having "primary education".
185. Literate or Illiterate. This question shall be answered by those people who are older than 11 and do not have any education. A person who can read and write in Cyrillic or old Mongolian script or any other county's language shall be considered as literate. However, if the person is not able to read at all he/she shall be considered illiterate.
186. School children of the second and third grades shall be considered as literate.
187. For school children of the first grade or children mentally retarded who are younger than 9 and do not go to school the section for education shall not be filled out.
188. The section for profession shall be filled out as clear as possible, For example: "Teacher of Literature" or "Teacher of Physics" or "Surgeon" or "Pediatric " or "Dentist" or "Planner -- Economist" or "Financier" or "Mining Engineer" or "Heating Engineer" etc (like as it was specified in their Diploma). Therefore, the section shall be not filled out as plain "Teacher" or "Doctor" or "Economist" or "Engineer".
189. If a person has two or more professions then the profession of the highest Degree or if his/her professions are of similar level then the profession he/she is being engaged at the moment of counting shall be filled in.
[p. 24]
Question Fourteen. Marital Status
190. Married. Married or not married section should be filled in based on a if a person answers whether he/she is married or not depending on whether he/she has a marriage certificate.
However, if a person is younger than 18, then he/she shall be considered as married as well.
191. Widow. A person whose spouse passed away and is not remarried shall be considered as widow.
192. Divorced. A person who is divorced and not remarried shall be considered as divorced.
193. Never Married. A person who is 18 or older and has never been married shall be considered as a person who never married.
Question Fifteen. The Number of Children ever born
194. The Number of Children ever born. The question for this shall be asked only to women. A woman shall tell the number of all children she gave birth to (whether a child lives with her or not; dead or alive; or was given up for adoption or shelter).
For women who are 18 or older and have never given birth to a child, the answer shall be written as "-". For women who are younger than18 years old then the number of her child shall be written.
195. Living Children. All children a woman gave birth to and who are living shall be written in this section.
Instruction of Filling Out Household Questionnaire.
196. An enumerator shall count how many households are living under one roof and fill out a separate questionnaire for each household.
Note: For the below mentioned people who are living together without creating a household, "a household" shall be a room they are living in:
Vocational Training Colleges or Secondary Schools either in Mongolia or abroad;
People (who do not have a relationship) living in one room of dormitories of their employer;
197. A enumerator shall number his/her households counted. The last household number shall be the same is the number of Household Census Questionnaire.
198. The Number of Census Commission and Census Team. For numbering of Census Commissions and Census Teams paragraph 96 of this Guideline shall be complied.
199. Aimags (provinces) or Soums (Districts, Khoroos). For numbering of Aimags (provinces) or Soums (Districts, Khoroos) the paragraphs 97, 101, 102 and 106 of this Guideline shall be complied.
200. Number of Households. For numbering of households the paragraph 196 and 197 of this Guideline shall be complied.
Note: Since the Household Questionnaires shall be filled in prior to filling in Household Census Questionnaire the number from the Household Questionnaires shall be directly copied onto the Household Census Questionnaire. Therefore, the numbers on both questionnaires shall be the same.
201. The Number of Household Members. People who live under one roof and who have either family or relationship relations and who have one budget shall be considered to be one household. However, during the Census process there might be some guests (people) staying at the household who do not belong to the household or any household member who might be away from the household (like soldier or students or pupils or those who are away temporarily).
The number of household members shall be written in the indicator of "the members of the household". The number of the household members may not be the same as either the number of the household members counted or the number permanently living in the household.
Note: In the part "b" of Household Questionnaire only household members living together shall be written (people living separately from their household such as soldier or students or pupils shall be counted wherever they are being located).
202. Status of Employment. People if the household working for state or public organizations or cooperative shall be written in the section.
203. Children aged from 0 to 16. All children of the household aged 0-16 (less than 15 years, 12 months and 30 days) shall be filled in the Census Questionnaire for this question. However, a enumerator shall pay attention that children are only being categorized according to their age and children aged 16 and working are also being double counted under the question of "working children aged 0-16".
[p. 26]
204. Address. Whether a household is living in a city or settled area or Soum (Khoroo) or brigade or rural areas shall be underlined. The addresses of household members in the Census Questionnaire shall be the same as this address.
205. For a family name and given name the paragraph 98; for sex the paragraph 113; for living permanently or temporarily or being away the paragraphs 108-111; for social groups the paragraphs 163 - 171; for marital status the paragraphs 190 -- 193; for employment status the paragraphs 144 - 156 and for relationship in relation to a household head the paragraph 107 of this guideline shall respectively be complied.
Note: If answer choices are underlined in Census Questionnaires, then in Household Questionnaires answers the "predicate" of the question is written together with codes in the designated space (see sample questionnaires).
206. Every household member written in Household Questionnaire shall be given a Census Questionnaire, because as the Note under the paragraph 201 stated that only people living together shall be written in the Household Questionnaire.
Instructions of Filling in Housing Questions
208. Enumerators shall write how many families (or households) are living in one flat or house or ger. If two or more families are living in one flat or house or ger then Enumerator shall specify whether the flat or house or ger is being owned by one of the families or jointly by all of them.
209. In case if a household has both a house or a ger then Housing Census Questionnaire shall be filled in which one of them the household is living at the moment of counting. If household members live separately then both Housing Census Questionnaires shall be filled in separately without double counting.
210. Either "single" or "separated people" who are living with another household in their house or ger shall be not considered as household but be counted as people living permanently with the household.
211. People or households living temporarily in a flat of a family who left abroad or other place shall be counted as the owners of the flat.
212. Types of Housing. All residential apartment and flats shall be divided into the following 4 categories: "a whole flat"; "a part of the whole flat"; "a public flat" and "a dormitory".
[p. 27]
b. A part of the whole flat. Flats which were given by a housing office or factory or other organizations for two families by issuing orders for both of them or a private flat in which two or more households are living shall be considered as to be "a part of the whole flat".
In case two or more households are living in a whole flat (not depending whether the flat was issued by a housing office or factory or other organizations for two families by issuing orders for both of them) one of the household shall be considered as living in a whole flat and the remaining households shall be considered as to be living in" a part of the whole flat".
In order to conduct a survey on housing provisions and condition the indicator of "a part of the whole flat" was added into the census questionnaire. In order to make distinction between "a whole flat" and "a part of the whole flat" a question "the numbering if the households in the flat" was added.
Note: Enumerators shall explain to the households living in one flat that there is no significance in numbering them as 1; 2 or 3 and ask them to decide which one of them they would like to be written under the number One. If they have disagreement on that then the Enumerator shall choose which one he/she shall write under the number One.
The Housing Census Questionnaire for the household under the number one shall include answers for questions on the total number of rooms; the size of living (or useful) area; the number of rooms; the number of permanent residents; conditions and total area of the flat. The Housing Census Questionnaires for the households (they shall be considered as living in "a part of the whole flat") under the numbers 2, 3 or 4 shall include only the number of rooms of the size of the living (or useful) area they are living in as well as the number of its own household members. And conditions of the flat shall be the same as the household's under the number one.
d. Dormitories for Students or Pupils. A flat designed for accommodating students of Universities or Institutes or Colleges for Vocation Training as well as school pupils shall be considered to be "dormitory".
213. The ownership of flats and houses. The ownership of houses (flats) shall be classified as owned either by state or Agricultural Entities or Cooperatives of Joint Agricultural Entities or Organizational (Ulaanbaatar Railway etc) Cooperatives: OR private built by owners own resources or private built upon credit resources.
[p. 28]
a. State owned (flats). Flats owned by either by state or public organizations (Ministries or Special Departments or Factories or Vegetable Farm or other organizations) shall be considered as to be "state flat" (state property);
b. Flats owned either by Agricultural Entities or Joint Agricultural Entities Cooperatives shall be considered to be "flats of Agricultural Entities or Joint Agricultural Entities Cooperatives".
c. Flats with Joint Ownership. Flats jointly owned by organizations belonging to two countries such as Railway or Sovmongoltsvetmet shall be considered to be "flats with joint ownership".
d. Flats owned by Cooperatives. Flats owned by Cooperatives of private individuals such as "Teacher" or Enerel in Unaalbaater shall be considered to be "flats of cooperatives".
e. Private houses shall be divided into two categories: a house built by the owner's own resources and a house built upon credit resources.
A house built by resources of its owner shall be considered to be a house built by "individual's own resources" and a house built on resources its owner borrowed from a bank shall be considered to be a house build by "credit resources".
214. Numbering of households living in one flat (ger). Households living in one flat (ger) shall be numbered 1, 2 ,3 etc. Which household shall be written under the number one shall be decided by the households and the numbers shall be written in the Housing Census Questionnaire accordingly. Enumerators shall understand that the number of household and the numbering of households in the Census Questionnaire are different.
The household which is written under the number one shall be considered as to be living in a "whole flat" (even if it is jointly owned). (Note under the sub-paragraph "b" and the paragraph 215 of this guideline).
215. The Housing Census Questionnaire for the household under the number one shall include answers for questions on the total number of rooms; the size of living (or useful) area; the number of rooms; the number of permanent residents; living conditions and total area of the flat. The Housing Census Questionnaires for the households under the numbers 2, 3 or 4 shall include only the number of rooms of the size of the living (or useful) area they are living in as well as the number of its own household members.
216. And living conditions or ownership of the flat (ger) living in one flat (ger) shall be filled in the same.
217. The Number of Rooms. The number of rooms shall be written only in figures (1, 2, 3 and 4 etc.) and the sub-paragraph "b" and the paragraph 215 of this guideline shall be complied.
[p. 28]
218. Useful Area. The useful area of a flat shall be equal to the sum of the area of the flat (living room, working room) and supplemental rooms (corridor, kitchen, bathroom, toilets). For the household written under the number one the areas of the useful area shall be the total sum of the useful areas of the flat and for the households under the number 2,3 and 4 it shall be the total sum of the area of the room in which they live in.
219. The Area of the flat. The sum of areas of living room and working room of the flat shall be considered to be "the area of the flat". For the household written under the number one the area of the flat shall be the total sum of the flat and for the households under the number 2,3 and 4 it shall be the total sum of the area of the room which they live in.
220. If a flat owner does not know the size of the useful area and the total area of the flat then a enumerator shall get that either from their flat ownership contract or measuring the areas himself/herself.
221. The number of households. As for the households written under the number one the total number of the households shall be written in and for the households written under the number other than one it shall be only 1.
222. Permanent Residents. As for the households written under the number one, the total number of the permanent residents shall be written in and for the households written under the number other than one it shall be only the number of their permanent residents.
223. Heating Heating for flats shall be divided into 3 categories: "central heating", "non-central heating" and "simple heating".
b) Non - central heating. Flats which are heated by specially built power plant shall be considered as having "non-central heating".
c) Simple heating. Flats which have a simply stove shall be considered as having "simple heating".
Either one of the above described shall be chosen for the answer for the heating question in the census questionnaire.
[p. 30]
224. Water Supply Any type of water supply system of flat like whether the flat has hot water or cold water supply or has water supply inside or outside of the flat shall be specified and the respective answer in census questionnaire shall be circled accordingly.
225. Sewage Pipes Any type of sewage pipe of the flat whether the sewage pipes are installed internally or externally shall be specified and the respective answer in the census questionnaire shall be circled accordingly.
226. Kitchen One of the answers: whether a flat "has its own kitchen" or "kitchen is for general use" or "does not have a kitchen" shall be chosen and circled accordingly for a question about kitchen in the census questionnaire.
227. Bathroom One of the answers: whether a flat "has its own bathroom" or "bathroom is for general use" or "does not have a bathroom" shall be chosen and circled accordingly for a question about bathroom in the census questionnaire.
228. Tunnel for Rubbish Dumping One of the answers: whether a flat "has its own tunnel for rubbish dumping" or "tunnel for rubbish dumping is for general use" or "does not have a tunnel for rubbish dumping" shall be chosen and circled accordingly for a question about tunnel for rubbish dumping in the census questionnaire.
229. Electricity One of the answers: whether a flat "has electricity" or "does not have electricity" or "has a stove" or "does not have a stove" or "a building has a lift" or "a building does not have a lift" shall be chosen and circled accordingly for a question about electricity in the census questionnaire.
If any electrical stove or lift happens to be broken or taken away for repair than it shall be circled as being there.
b. Ger
230. The Numbering of Households in a ger shall be filled in as it is specified by the paragraph 214 of this Guideline. If only one household is living in one ger then the answers for indicator "the numbering of households in a ger" shall be filled in as 1. If two households are living in one ger then a Household Questionnaire shall be opened for both of them and the answers for living conditions shall be circled accordingly.
231. Gers shall be divided into three categories: "state", "entities" and "private".
a. State owned gers. gers owned by either by state or public organizations (Ministries or Special Departments or Factories or Vegetable Farm or other organizations) and being lived by their workers or employees shall be considered as to be "state owned gers";
b. Gers owned by entities. gers owned either by Agricultural Entities or Cooperatives of Joint Agricultural Entities being lived by their workers or employees shall be considered as to be "gers owned by either Agricultural Entities or Cooperatives of Joint Agricultural Entities".
c. Gers of Private Ownership. gers privately owned by individuals shall be considered as to be gers of Private Ownership;
d. Otriin ger -- shall mean the gers which are used for pasturing animals (to move around) and be filled in only by asking from herders if they have one or not.
[p. 31]
232. The number of gers The number of gers shall be defined by how many gers (1,2 etc) a household owns. Gers shall be differentiated with the number of their walls. For example: if a household has 2 gers one of which one has 5 walls and the other one has 65 walls then the ger number shall be filled in as 2 and the number of walls as 5.
233. The number of Households and Permanent Residents. As for the households written under the number one the number of the households shall be written in total and for the households written under the number other than one it shall be only 1. As for the households written under the number one the number of the permanent residents shall be written in total and for the households written under the number other than one it shall be only the number of their permanent residents.
234. For answering a question whether a household living in a ger has electricity or not either one of "yes -- 1" or "no -- 0" shall be chosen.
235. An enumerator shall ask each household whether they have a summer house or not.
236. The number of summer houses shall be defined by how many gers (1, 2 etc) a household owns. The houses which are located inside the fence and in which a household reside during the summer time (by moving from their ger) shall be filled in as a summer house.
237. Useful Area. The whole area of a summer house shall be filled out as a useful area.
238. The Number of Households. The number of the households which live in one summer house shall be filled out in this section.
Question Seven. The Instructions on preparing preliminary estimation of Population number of the People's Republic of Mongolia
239. Each Soum or Khoroo or Local Cities' Census Commission shall produce preliminary estimations of the population census of 1989 in 3 copies in each of questionnaires of UD -- 1,2,3,4 and SUD -- 1. He/she shall leave on copy to him/herself and the remaining 2 copies and relevant census materials (census questionnaires, households questionnaires, check lists, questionnaires of survey on unemployed population, questionnaires of survey on women and the enumerator's filled out personal questionnaire) shall send to Temporary Committee at his/her respective Aimag or City Population and Housing Census Commission by a messenger.
[p. 31]
240. After receiving Census Questionnaires and materials Aimag or City Temporary Committee shall incorporate them at Aimag or City Level in 2 copies. It shall keep the first copy and send the second copy with census questionnaires (UD -- 1,2,3,4 and SUD -- 1) and other materials submitted by Soums or Khoroos or Local Cities' Census Commissions to The Population Census Department at State Committee on Planning and Economy by a messenger.
241. In submitting census questionnaires (UD -- 1,2,3,4 and SUD -- 1) and other materials of Population Census 1989 Aimag or City or Soum or Khoroo or District or Local Cities' Census Commissions shall follow the below shown time table.
7.1. Instructions on Preparing Preliminary Estimation of Population Number in the Questionnaire UD- 1
242. Aimag or City or Soum or Khoroo or District or Local Cities' Census Commission shall prepare preliminary estimation of population number in Questionnaire UD -1 per:
Rural Area.
[p. 33]
243. Out of the people (or described by the paragraphs 109 of this Guideline) who answered "permanently living" to the second question of The Census Questionnaire the women shall be classified by age in the column 11 and the men in the column 6.
244. Out of the people (or described by the paragraph 111 of this Guideline) who answered "temporarily living" to the second question of the Census Questionnaire the women shall be classified by age in the column 12 and men in the column 7.
245. Out of the people who answered "temporarily living" but "temporarily being absent to the second question of the Census Questionnaire the women shall be classified by age in the column 13 and men in the column 8.
246. Out of the people who answered only "temporarily being absent" to the second question of the Census Questionnaire the women shall be classified by age in the column 14 and men in the column 9.
247. Out of the people who answered "Mongolia" to the sixth question (citizen of which country) of the Census Questionnaire the women shall be written in the column 15 and men in the column 9.
248. The total of people in age categories (0-4; 5-9 etc); the total of columns 1,2,3,4 and 5; the total of (the row 86) population number per Soum or Khoroo or Local City as well as the sum of city and rural population shall be checked against the total numbers of the Census Questionnaires.
7.2. Instructions on Preparing the Number of Households, Population Social Groups, Education Status and Citizenship in the Questionnaire UD -- 2.
249. Social Groups Social groupings of population shall be based on the answers to question 10 of Census Questionnaires. The totals of Columns 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 (the 5th row) shall match the respective columns of questionnaire UD -1 (1,6,11,3,8 and 13).
250. Marital Status: The categorization of population by marital status shall be based on the answers for the questions 4 (age) and 14 (marital status) of Census Questionnaire as well as answers on "residing permanently, but being absent temporarily.
251. Education The categorization of population by social groups shall be based on the answers to question 2 of Census Questionnaires and be categorized in city and rural population as well as by sex.
Note: Children described by the paragraph 187 of this Guideline shall be included in category of education.
[p. 34]
252. The Number of Households The number of households shall be based on the answers given in Household Census Questionnaire and categorized in urban and rural areas and the number of household members.
Citizenship of population shall be based on the answers to question 6 of Census Questionnaire and categorized in population present (the sum of the population residing permanently and the population residing temporarily) and permanent population present (the sum of population residing permanently and the population residing permanently but being temporary absent).
254. The sum of the population (with citizenship of People's Republic of Mongolia) residing permanently (the 2nd column of the 27th row) and the population present (the 1st and 2nd columns of the 31st row) should match the sum the Questionnaire UD -- 1 (sums of columns 5,1 and 3 of the row 86 of total of Soum or Khoroo or Local City added to city and rural areas).
7.3. Instructions on Preparing Population Employment Status in the Questionnaire UD -- 2.
255. Only the population residing permanently shall be categorized by employment status. The categorization of population residing permanently shall be based
the answers for the questions 3, 4, 7,8 and 11 (on sex, age, employer, position, income source) and categorized in rural and urban population, males and females and field.
256. Categorization of organizations by field (in some case employment) shall be based on Guideline for Composing Labor Resources Balance, issued in 1987 by Central Statistics Department (by old name).
Individuals who are engaged in growing their own vegetable shall be included in agricultural fields and individuals who are working for cooperatives shall be included in the respective field of state economic entity.
People who are temporarily working in a different place; or people who are either on a leave of absence or annual leave; or women who are either on pregnancy or maternity leave; or people who are waiting for an employment in a new place; or people who are arrested for up to 30 days for a petty crime shall not be considered as unemployed population but included in their respective categorization of population employment status based on their previous employment.
However, people who are unemployed (organized socially) or creative people who are engaged in self employment or freelance people or people hired by others shall be categorized as "the population not engaged in a particular employment".
Instructions on Preparing The Number of Soums or Khoroos or Local Cities' Population in the Questionnaire SUD -- 4
257. The Number of Soums or Khoroos or Local Cities' Population shall be based on the answers address part (urban and rural areas) and the questions 2 and 3 in Census Questionnaires (residing permanently but being absent temporarily and sex) and be prepared only for the population residing permanently (or the sum of the population residing permanently but being absent temporarily).
[p. 34]
258. The population of Soum (Khoroo) (underlined as to be rural address -- 2) shall be shown in the "A' part of the Questionnaire SUD -- 2 and the population of city and settled area shall be shown in the "A' part of the Questionnaire SUD -- 2 (underlined as to be urban address -- 1).
259. Soums names shall be written as they were approved by The Presidium of People's Great Hural.
260. "Rural Address" in Census Questionnaires shall be classified in Soum or Khoroo or brigade or farm center or rural area and counted in males and females.
7.5. Instructions on Preparing The Number of Houses or gers or Summer Houses in the Questionnaire SUD -- 1
261. The number of private houses or gers or summer houses shall be based on the answers to the questions of Population Census Questionnaire - 2.
262. Winter flats. The number of winter flats shall be based on the answers of the households which gave the answer "1" to the question on "the numbering of households in one house (flat)" and the households which gave the answers "5" and "6" to the question "the ownership of the house" of the questions part "A" (House -1) of Household Questionnaires and categorized in number of rooms, useful areas and total areas and numbers of residing households or people residing permanently.
263. Gers. The number of winter flats shall be based on the answers of the households which gave the answer "1" to the question on "the numbering of households in one ger" and the households which gave the answer "private" to the question "the ownership of the house" of the questions part "B" (House -1) of Questionnaires and categorized in number of walls as well as numbers of residing households.
The number of Otriin gers shall be added to the "total" of the 10 row of Census Questionnaire 2, however is shall not added to the total sum of gers in the 6th row.
264. Summer Houses. The number of summer houses shall be based on the answers of the households which gave the answer "yes" to the question on "summer house" (summer house -- 3) of the questions part "B" of Household Questionnaires and categorized in the size total area and numbers of residing households.
The Population Census Section
State Planning and Economic Committee