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Presidency of Iran
Deputy of Management and Planning Organization (MPO)
Statistical Center of Iran
2011 National Population and Housing census
Enumerator's Instructions
Population and Housing Census Headquarter

[Table of contents not included in this document]
Chapter 1 -Introduction to census

National population censuses enumerate all individuals in a country and document some of their characteristics. Some population censuses obtain information about dwellings and related facilities and utilities, which brings about the population and housing census.
2011 population and housing census gathers information in three different area: individual's characteristics such as gender, age, religion, citizenship, literacy, educational attainment, field of study, main activity of the workplace, etc.; households e.g., type of residence, available facilities such as the most common form of fuel and source of water supply, etc.; and dwellings for instance the type of skeleton, main construction material, useful floor space (roofed area), and utilities like electricity, water, phone, etc.
Providing us with an accurate count of population in different geographical levels, plus characteristics of the individuals, population, and housing, census allows for effective and improved future planning of and decision-making for the country in economic, social, and cultural realms.
Population and housing censuses, which have been conducted every 10 years in majority of the countries worldwide including Iran, call for a great deal of financial and human resources. The first Iran's census was executed in October 1976, followed by decennial ones until 2006 when the cabinet adopted a 5-year interval bringing forth the 2011 Census.
Using an array of forms [see below] this census obtains information about individuals by directly interviewing the households in their residences:
Form 1-Listing
Form 2-Household questionnaire
Form 3-Institutional household questionnaire
Form 4-Settlement characteristics form
You will get acquainted with this forms, and learn how to fill them in this manual. Each form consists of a number of questions. Your main job as a census enumerator is to complete these form by following instructions in this manual. Successful execution of the census and obtaining accurate results depend on how well this manual is followed.

2-Job description

Given the significance of census, your contribution is of great importance to the nation. It is expected of you to do your best when performing your job. Along the way the executive branch comes to your aid with great deal of effort. To execute your job successfully, undertake what comes below:
? Prior to the start of census, take the class designated to familiarize you with your duties and responsibilities. Your duties and how to carry them will be discussed in detail. Attend the class regularly and actively. Ask questions and master the subject. Bear in mind that inattention leads to mistakes and results in errors. It is necessary to take notice of every topic discussed.
? Your main job is to perform enumeration in a circumscribed area. In order to identify households to be enumerated based on the definitions, you should visit all the places in the predefined area including but not limited to the residential buildings, shops, offices, schools, buildings under construction, etc. First, enumerate households and individuals, then follow the questionnaire to document the required information according to the instructions in this guide.
Note: Precise enumeration of households and individuals is one of the main objectives of census. Therefore, no household or individual whose conventional residence at the time of census, based on definition, is in your assigned area, should be missed, neither those outside of this predefined area should be enumerated.
? You are provided with a map prior to starting your job. Your assignment area is marked on the map. Learn boundaries of this area or else make errors enumerating individuals, households, and dwellings. As you carry on your job if you notice the map requires correction[s] attempt to revise according to instructions in this manual.
? This collection named "Enumerator Manual" is prepared to assist and instruct you. It contains detailed information about how to use and correct map, to reach households, and to complete forms and questionnaires. In addition, this manual teaches you how to receive and return forms and document, and communicate and coordinate with authorities. Read it carefully and follow through. This manual is prepared to make sure all enumerators conduct a uniform job leading to quality improvement. Carry it with you in case you need to review it.

3-Contacting individuals
Respondents affect the quality of information you are gathering because the forms are filled based on the answers they provide. To conduct a successful job you need their assistance. Communicating with them properly is important in gaining their cooperation. Follow the tips below to further effective communication:
? Courteous and polite behavior increases propensity of the individual responding to your questions.
? In all spheres including your appearance and your encounter with them respect their culture and the Islamic code of conductance.
? Carry your ID card with you. Use all tools and accessories embossed with census logo to make yourself known.
? Before starting the interview greet the household and introduce yourself as census worker.
?If you are asked about the necessity of census, answer: In Iran, just like many countries around the world, a population and housing census is conducted every 5 or 10 years to collect information for future planning of the country and to improve people's lives.
? If the interviewee is not interested in answering questions, calmly and gently explain the social and legal duties of citizens to participate in census. If needed, emphasize the respect for confidentiality of the information revealed to the census worker and add that the information is exclusively used toward general statistical purposes and future planning of the country. If your effort is still fruitless reemphasize legal duty of citizens to answer the questions asked of them by the Statistical Center of Iran. If you cannot convince the individual, do not pursue further and report the instance to your supervisor. In rural area, aldermen usually come to your aid to resolve the issue.
? It is not mandatory to ask questions in the formal way printed in the forms. Choose and use the colloquial dialect tailored for the individual and compatible with the culture of the area. Feel free to practice mock interviews with your family, friends, or neighbors in order to adopt a style which is comprehensible for the respondents, and arises the least negative reactions in them.
? Respondents may consider some of the census questions intrusive. With patience and calm, remind them of the purpose of census and confidentiality of the information in order to gain their confidence.
? Do not promise anything in return for their answers.
? Do not assume you know the answers neither guess them. Make sure you ask every question appropriately. In some circumstances the answers are obvious. In order to prevent a negative reaction in the respondent, e.g. the state of literacy of a respondent whom you already know is a physician, instead of asking the question, say the answer appropriately and if the respondent agreed, accept the response to be documented.
? When enumerating households do not ask any question other than those in the questionnaire or else loose the respondent's trust in addition to wasting your own time.
? Respondent has to be an informed member of the same household, if not, return another time to fill the household questionnaire.
? If you find contradiction in answers provided, politely mention it to the respondent and with his aid try to obtain correct information.
? If there are more than one household in one dwelling, interview them separately because presence of non-members may affect the quality of answers negatively.
? If your assignment area is rural, before starting your job in each settlement, meet the members of the Islamic council of the village and the aldermen alike, and explain the purpose of the census to gain their cooperation.
? Upon finishing the interview appreciate the respondent and inform them of possible return for quality control of some households.
Individuals respond to your question. Success and quality of census results depends on their cooperation. With appropriate domineer and creation of desirable atmosphere for the interview, gain their cooperation in order to achieve truthful and trustworthy answers.

4-Why define terms?

In this census information are documented by filling certain forms full of terminologies such as household, head of household, age, literacy, etc.
Each of you are more or less familiar with these terms, albeit having your unique assumption about each, which might be different from other census workers'. For example some may consider "literate" a person holding some form of diploma, others define it a person who can read and write even without a certificate, and some believe being able to read renders a person literate. Such discrepancies interfere with the results and makes your effort useless. Therefore, this manual tries to offer a precise and clear definition of each term in order to facilitate communication. Below comes the definition of household, one key term of census.

Conventional household:
It is a domestic unit consisting of several individuals who live together in a dwelling, share expenses, and usually eat together. Conventional household could be a one-person household. According to this definition, most of the population of the country live in conventional households, and those who do not, are classified under Institutional or Collective households. Bear in mind the following about conventional households:
? Often, members of such households are relatives.
? One of the members is considered the head of the household.
? The household has a stable structure and its composition do not undergo dramatic change.
Examples of conventional households includes but not limited to:
? Husband and wife who live with their children.
? Husband and wife who live with their son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren.
? Sister and brother who live together.
? Mother and child who live together.
? A man or woman who lives with his/her grandchildren.
? A nanny who returns to her own residence at night is not a member of the conventional household she works for.

Conventional settled and conventional unsettled households:
Conventional households, based on their mobility, are divided into settled and unsettled types. Those who live in a fixed residence [dwellings made of hard material, tent, hut, shed, etc.] are considered conventional settled household, and the rest are considered conventional unsettled households. The latter includes:
? Households such as nomads who are migrating at the time of census or live outside cities and settlements in mobile shelters. Upon migration, the household and all of its members move from one point to another, carrying with them all their belongings and shelter, to come back to the same point later. The purpose of migration is to find fresh pastures where their livestock graze.
? Households without a fixed residence such as gypsies, who adopt an itinerant lifestyle, changing their residence uninterruptedly and taking with them their belongings.
? Households who do not have a specific residence and usually spend the night in parks, ruins, under the bridges, etc. namely homeless, usually making a one-person household.

Institutional or Collective households

Among the population are individuals who at the time of census, due to their specific situation, cannot be considered member of any conventional household, therefore, in this census, they are categorized under institutional or collective households, which lack head of household. Their unique characteristic discerning them from the conventional ones is lack of kinship among its members. Below, each type is defined in more details.

Institutional households
Institutional households consist of individuals who live in an institution because they share a specific characteristic or goal, where, according to certain terms and conditions the institution is responsible for providing housing along with services and facilities.
Characteristics of such household are:
? This type of residence along with their facilities are specifically built to accommodate certain type of households.
? The institution is licensed to run such activities according to law.
? The institution is run under a management.
? The members are required to comply with certain rules and regulations.
? The institution holds a stable composition.
? Short term settlement is not common at these households.
Examples of institutional households include but not limited to:
? School-run residence halls restricted to bachelor quarters.
? Garrisons and sentry posts.
? Nursing homes.
? Orphanages.
? Asylums.
? Institutions for physically challenged.
? Prisons and correction facilities.
? Dormitories.
? Boarding schools.

Collective households

Collective households is comprised of individuals who have chosen to live together because of a characteristics shared by majority or all of them. Some of dormitories where college students are housed are considered collective households. They usually house students of a college or university exclusively, even carry the name of an institute of higher education, yet are governed by a student body rather than the university. Given the definition, collective household should have more than one member.
Examples of collective households include but not limited to:
? A few grade school or higher-education students who live in a housing unit.
? A few laborers who collectively live in a building under construction.
? A few laborers who reside in the store they work at.
The main characteristics of collective households discerning them from conventional households include:
? They lack head of household.
? The members intend to live in the collective household.
? The members usually lack kinship.
? Their composition lacks permanency or stability.
The distinctive characteristics discerning collective households from institutional households:
? They do not require a license to operate.
? They are not required to comply with certain rules and regulations.
? They are not run under certain management.

5-Which households should be enumerated?

Enumerate all household in your assigned area which bear the following characteristics:
[1] All conventional households whose usual residence is located within your assigned area.
Usual residence for these households is where they live at the time of enumeration, given the household does not have another residence. Usual residence for those who live in more than one location is where they live for the longest duration throughout the year.
[2] All collective households whose usual residence is located within your assigned area.
[3] All institutional households within your assigned area.
[4] All conventional unsettled households whom you run to in your assigned area during enumeration, given they were not enumerated in another location.

Note: Exact enumeration strongly affects the outcome of census. To prevent redundant inclusions make sure that households with more than one residence are enumerated at the location where they reside for the longest duration throughout the year. Be careful to ask unsettled households if they were enumerated somewhere else. Beware not to enumerate the foreign diplomats, political envoys, and their households who reside in Iran in your assignment area. However, enumerate individuals or households, whether Iranian or foreign, who live at the workplace of or in the residence of those foreign political cadres but are not themselves considered foreign political cadres. For example a cook or servant who lives alone or with his household at the workplace of or in the residence of the ambassador. By definition these households are conventional and should be enumerated in said locations.

Pay attention to the following when enumerating households:
? Do not enumerate travelers in hotels, motels, inns, pilgrim lodging houses, etc. but enumerate households whose usual residence are those locations. These households are:
[1] Foreign immigrants, refugee, and Ajams of Iraq who currently reside in Iran and live in those lodging places.
[2] Iranians whose usual residence are lodging places.
? Some individuals live in buildings under constructions, sheds, slums, or alike. If they do not live in another place, consider these location their usual residence and enumerate them there.
In order to locate a usual residence pay attention to the followings:
? Some individuals live in more than one place due to employment, education, etc. If the respondent is not sure about the usual residence of such individual[s], ask him about the place where such individual resides for the longest duration throughout the month then week. The purpose is to determine the place where the individual resides for the longest duration throughout the year.
? Enumerate engineers, technicians, and laborers who reside in tents, camps, and caravans in the vicinity of their workplace at those locations, if the said locations are their usual residence.
? Inside institutions may reside conventional households. For example army officers and non-commissioned officers who live in garrisons, janitors of asylums who live alone or with their household in such institution.
? Married college students living in residence halls along with their households comprise their own conventional settled households.

Chapter 2 -How to use map and apply corrections
[This section was not translated into English]

Chapter 3-Guide to fill form 1-Listing
[Picture omitted]
1 -Introduction

The main purpose of filling form-1 is to list all locations and households in such a way that none is missed and neither is enumerated more than once. Therefore, identifying all locations occupied or not, is crucial to your work. Accurate listing assures full coverage of population and scientifically valid outcome. Pay attention to the following when filling this form:
? Fill the form with legible handwriting to avoid alterations as much as possible.
? If correction is required, streak the data in such a way that the old data is still legible then enter the correct one right above it.
? Do not staple, pin, or fold the sheets together.
? Enter your full name and date at the bottom of each sheet of form 1.
Note: You are not required to fill form 1 for conventional unsettled households.

2 -Geographical characteristics

On top left of form 1, there is room to enter geographical characteristics such as province, county, district, city/village, and zone number; on top right for block/settlement number [a series of 6 number boxes] and to its right a single entry number box for control number; and below there is line to document the name of settlement.
[Pictures omitted]
? Use the corresponding form 501 to complete geographical characteristics on form 1.
? Use the corresponding form 501 to enter zone number on form 1 [a three-digit number starting with zero]
? Block/settlement number
[] Urban block: Transfer the six-digit block number found on form "501-1 -List of urban blocks" to form 1. Allocate enough boxes out of six but do not enter zero on the left.
[] Settlement devoid of block division: Transfer the six-digit block number found on form "501-2- List of rural blocks" to form 1.
[] Settlement with block division: Transfer the six-digit block number found on form "501-3 -List of rural blocks devoid of block division" to form 1. Allocate enough boxes out of six but do not enter zero on the left.
[] Control Number: It is either a one-digit number or hashtag printed on column 1 of form 501. Transfer it to the single box located on the right of a series of 6 number boxes.
See the examples to fill form 501 in the following pages.
[Pictures omitted]

3 -Page number in block/settlement
You may need several copies of listing form to cover a block/settlement. There is room on top right of the form to enter sheet number in block/settlement. Start with 1 and continue numbering the remaining sheets in succession. Then enter the total number of sheets in the X of Y fashion on every sheet.
[Picture omitted]
-After listing a block/settlement, draw a line under the last item and print "end of listing". The remaining rows on the said sheet should be left blank.

4 -Number of empty locations in block/settlement

On the top left of the form, there is room to enter number of empty residential locations in block/settlement [number of columns filled with code 3]. Do not fill this part and leave it empty to be filled by the reviewer.
[Picture omitted]

5 -Listing of urban areas
Start listing from block number 1 till you cover the last. Using crayon mark the beginning of each block at its southwest, and proceed seriatim for the remaining blocks. Display the clockwise approach with an arrow e.g. 5.
After listing of a block is finished, circle the number assigned to the block, then write "National Population and Housing Census" on top of the arrow and the full date under.
[Picture omitted]
If your assigned area is part of a block, the supervisor delineates the start and end points for you. Blocked settlements are listed similar to urban clusters.

6 -Listing rural area
In rural area, using local help, first delineate the settlement by making yourself familiar with all types of routes, locations, and scattered houses. Start listing from southwest or an arbitrary point and continue to make sure no location is missed. Mark the start point with an X and the direction of movement with an arrow [X]. After listing of a settlement is finished, circle the Xx, then write "National Population and Housing Census" on top of the arrow and the full date under.
[Picture omitted]
If your assigned area comprised only part of a block, the supervisor delineates the start and end points for you. Blocked settlements are listed similar to urban clusters.

Column 1 -Row number

In this column, rows are numbered from 1 to 25, one to 10 on the front of the form and 11 -25 on the back. When filling a row write between the horizontal lines not on a line.
[Picture omitted]

Column 2 -8, Characteristics of the location

[Picture omitted]
The following definitions help you fill this part of form 1.
Location: An enclosure with one or more entrance[s] which opens to a public route [alley, street, market, square, etc.] or common area [lobby, staircase, etc.] Based on this definition a fenced lot with a door is considered a location.
Main location: A location with an entrance which opens to public route e.g. a two-story building comprised of two stores and one housing unit, each having their own entrance, is considered three main locations.
Subsidiary location: In some main locations beyond the entrance, there exists other locations each with their own entrance which opens to a common area [shared corridor, shared staircase, and lobby]. These are subsidiary locations examples of which include individual apartments in a multi-story building.

Column 2 -Type and name of route

[Picture omitted]
Considering that entrance of a main location opens to a route, first enter the type, then the name of the route in this column.
? For locations on the same route enter type and name of the route for the first location only, unless a new sheet is added, and use "//" for the rest.
? If a route does not have a sign or name, document the type then add name of a public place such as mosque or school located on the same route, if any, otherwise fill this part with the name of the head of the first household on this route.

Column 3 -Plaque number
In most cities and some settlements locations have their street number embossed on a plaque by the city, postal service, local officials, or people. In such cases enter the plaque number endorsed by the city on column 3. For those locations with two different city plaque numbers, old and new, use the latter. If the location does not have city plaque number, take the last four digits of the ten-digit zip code mounted on the location by the city to fill column 3. If the location has more than one zip code choose the smallest number and document its last four digits. E.g. enter 5344 if the zip code is 1156785344 -9.
If the location does not have a city plaque for location number or zip code, but bears another plaque, document that number in this column. If there is no plaque at all, put " - " in this column.

Columns 4 and 5, Location number

During listing, designate a number to each main location in block or settlement.
? Assign number one to the first location and proceed seriatim till you reach the last main location. Using a crayon write that number by the alphabet letter "? " where it is easily visible e.g. on the top right corner of the door frame, then document it in column 4.
? If there is subsidiary location[s] inside the main one, starting from 1, assign number to them in series document in column 5.
? Consider a location subsidiary if it has an entrance which opens to common area of the main location e.g. staircase or lobby of an apartment building, or to a vestibule, porch, gated alley, or gated passage.
? If there are sub-subsidiary location[s] inside a subsidiary location, enter main location number on column 4 first. After entering subsidiary location number on column 5 use a slash to separate it from the sub-subsidiary location number you write after the slash. In a compound with several entrances which open to premises and several apartment buildings, assign each entrance of the compound a main location number, entrance of each apartment building a subsidiary location number, and each apartment a sub-subsidiary number.
? Subsidiary and sub-subsidiary locations should be numbered from right to left on each floor and top to bottom on different floors. If the subsidiary locations already have numbers use them even if they are not in a particular order. But if some but not all of subsidiary or sub-subsidiary locations have numbers allocate numbers.

Pay attention to the following when completing columns 4 and 5:

? If the main location is devoid of subsidiary location fill column 5 with " - ".
? Some housing units expand to more than one floor yet considered one housing unit. Do not consider them subsidiary locations even if they house different households. Fill column 5 with " - " for these housing units.
? Repeat the same plaque number and main location number for each subsidiary location inside a main location.
? If a kiosk or stand houses individual[s)]consider it a location and assign it a number, write it on the kiosk/ stand and on column 4.
? For locations with two or more entrances opening to the same route use only one row. Enter the number of the most used entrance on column 4 and the rest in the explanation column. If the 2nd door opens to another route, devote another row to that door, document it on column 4 and write in the remarks column "This location is enumerated at door number X of route number Y.
? Do not write sub/sub-subsidiary location numbers on the walls or doors of apartments.
? Information in columns 4 and 5 will be transferred to "form 2 - Household questionnaire" and will be used as reference in the future censuses.

Column 6 -Is this location considered a usual residence for a household?

This question is concerned about a location whose number is documented in columns 4 and/ or 5. Ask this question for each main location and repeat it for its corresponding subsidiary and sub-subsidiary ones as well, if any. If a household resides in the location, make sure they do not have another residence and if they do, find out where the household lives for the longest duration throughout the year. If the household stays in this location the most, enter 1 in column 6, and if not enter 2.
[Picture omitted]
Consider the following when filling this column:
? Conduct proper research about each location to find out whether or not a household[s] resides in it. Exterior of buildings can be deceiving. Households also live in factories, garrisons, headquarters, hospitals, schools, and government offices. There live some households in mosques, shops, depot, etc., who do not have another residence.
? Foreign political cadres and envoys and their households are not enumerated, therefore, enter one in column 6. However, enumerate individuals or households, whether Iranian or foreign, who live at the workplace or in the residence of those foreign political cadres but are not considered foreign political cadres.
? Conduct proper research for locations which appear to be places of residence, such as country lodge, because they might be the 2nd residence for households. If yes, enter 2 in column 6.
? Find out whether or not individual[s] or household[s] live in buildings under construction. If yes, enter one in column 6.
? If superintendent or security guard lives in an apartment building he works at, consider that location a subsidiary one. Since a household lives in the said location, enter one in column 6.
? Nomads are exceptions. If all household members are in migration, enter 2 in column 6. But if, at least one member resides in this location during census, enter one in column 6 and enumerate all household members in the same location.
? For collective households if at least one member of the household considers the location his usual residence, enter one in column 6.
? Enter one is column 6 for all institutional households.

Column 7 -Condition of the location

If code 2 is entered in column 6, based on the following descriptions specify the location in column 7:
[Picture omitted]
Code 1, business and type of business-This refers to a location exclusive to education, cultural activities, or manufacturing. Enter code 1 in column 7, then add the type of business taken from a posted sign, if any. If the business lacks sign, write what the business is locally known for.
Code 2, second residence-Enter code 2 for a location which is not a usual residence but is occupied by a household temporarily during specific time of the year e.g. a country lodge.
Code 3, vacant residence
Code 4, vacant non-residential location- Enter code 4 for vacant locations known for future non-residential purposes.
Code 5, under construction or demolition
Code 6, other and what type- Use code 6 for locations where nobody lives during census e.g., ruins, abandoned locations, and locations which house nomads sometime during the year but is vacant during the census. Usual residence of foreign political cadres requires code 6 as well. Make sure to specify the type.

Column 8 -Number of households in a location

For locations where code one is in column 6, find out how many households live in the location and enter that number in column 8. Make sure to fill out this column for all subsidiary and sub-subsidiary locations.
[Picture omitted]
Some locations may house more than one household. Without enough research households might be missed e.g., one-person households, households where a few college student live, or absentee households. Some owners who live with their tenants in the same household may not report them due to different reasons e.g. because they consider the nature of tenant's stay temporary. Having definitions in mind phrase your question in different ways to make sure the respondent understands the question. If a usual residence houses a second household as well for less than 6 months of the year, do not consider them household of that residence.

Column 9 -12, Characteristics of the household

Fill this column exclusively for locations considered usual residence [code 1 in column 6], and leave it blank for the rest.
[Picture omitted]

Column 9 -Type of household

After finding how many households reside in a location, allocate a row to each, and fill corresponding columns 9 -12 with the correct code based on the definitions of conventional settled, collective, and institutional household.
[Picture omitted]
? Locations with more than one household need more than a row on form 1. In such instances repeat plaque number, main /subsidiary location number for households on the second row and after but leave columns 6, 7, and 8 blank.
? Number of rows, allocated to a location, to document characteristics of its household(s) should be the same as the number in column 8.

Column 10 -row number of the household

Give each listed household a number in column 10. Start this number from one in each block/settlement and proceed seriatim till all households are covered.
[Picture omitted]

Column 11 -Full name of the head of household
Enter the full name of the head of household for conventional households, any household member for collective households, and the name of institution for institutional household.
[Picture omitted]
? The head of household is the individual who provides the family in full or most part, or make decision about it. Family members recognize the head as such.
? The head of household in not necessarily the eldest, could be a male or female, and is usually more than 10-year old. Obviously in one-individual households the only member is the head as well.
? For institutional households write the name of institution in a way that shows the type as well e.g. X Orphanage, Y Asylum, Z Nursing Home, etc.

Column 12 -Name of the head of household's father [exclusively for rural area]
For non-rural households fill this column blank.
[Picture omitted]

Column 13
If the household questionnaire is completed in the first visit leave this column blank, if not, put an "X" in this column. If the questionnaire is completed in the 2nd visit circle the "X".
[Picture omitted]
Consider the following when filling column 13:
? For collective and institutional households with ten members or less, if the present members are not able to provide information about the absent ones, put an "X" in column 13. When in the future the questionnaire is completed, circle the "X".
? Leave this column blank for institutional households with less than ten members.
? In urban areas there is a notice form for absentee households which is explained in chapter 8.
? If your assigned area is rural, as long as the enumeration is not finished, return to the households with "X" in column 13, and try to finish the questionnaire.

Column 14 and 15 -Information about households with "X" in column 13
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Column 14 -Why the questionnaire was not completed?
Ask neighbors to find out the best time to return to the households whose questionnaires were not completed in the first visit. This inquiry helps you fill out column 14 with the proper code.
[Picture omitted]
Code 1, Temporary absence- If no informed member of a household is present at the time of your visit e.g. being at work, school, shopping, etc., but after consulting with neighbors it becomes clear that at least one will be present during enumeration hours, enter code 1 in column 14 indicating temporary absence for the reason the questionnaire was not completed. Return the same or next day, and after completing the questionnaire circle the "X" in column 13.
Code 2, absence during enumeration visiting hours- If after consulting with neighbors it becomes clear that no informed member of a household is ever present during the enumeration visiting hours, enter code 2 in column 14.
Code 3, absence in several consecutive days- If after consulting with neighbors it becomes clear that all household members are absent for several consecutive days, enter code 3 in column 14. For examples in collective households such as dormitories where some students leave for weekends, those present might not be able to provide accurate information about absentees.
Code 4, Unexplained absences- If after consulting with neighbors no information about the absence of a household is found, enter code 4 in column 14.
Code 5, Other [print the reason]- If there is another reason for absence of the household other than above codes, enter code 5 in column 14 and print the reason.

Column 15, The best time to return to the household

For households with an "X" in column 13, after consulting with neighbors, make a note in column 15 about the best time and date to return for enumeration. Enter " - " if you could not find the proper information.
? In rural area take time to return to households with "X" in column 15 as long as enumeration is in progress.
? In urban area for a household with code 1 in column 14, return to the household the same or next day to complete the questionnaire. If any code is printed in column 14 and upon your return the household is not available for interview, fill and leave an absentee notice for the household based on the information in chapter 8 of this manual.
? When enumeration of a settlement/block is finished, deliver the listing forms to the reviewer. For urban areas, transfer information of households with an "X" in column 13, whom you have not been successful completing, to "form 301 -Characteristics of households without questionnaire". See the instruction to fill form 301 at the end of chapter 8.

Column 16 -s
Use this column to add information which help clear specific issues e.g.:
? To document the 2nd or 3rd location number of a location which opens to the same route as the first entrance.
? To add "more than 10 members" for institutional households with more than ten members.
? To document the deleted row number and corresponding sheet.
[Picture omitted]

Chapter 4 -Guide to fill form 2 -Household questionnaire
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In this census, information about households [conventional settled, conventional unsettled, and collective] is gathered by filling "Form 2 - Household questionnaire". Column 1 -42 document characteristic of the individuals, 43 the deceased, 44 the agricultural revenue, 45 -60 the facilities and utilities, respondent's row number, and household contact number. The questionnaire design allows the sheet to be folded in such a way that, full names of the household member[s] are not exposed.
[Pictures omitted]

2 -Geographical characteristics

Transfer corresponding names of province, county, district, city or rural agglomeration, settlement, zone number, and block/settlement number from form 1 or forms 501-1, 501-2, and 501-3 to the proper place in this questionnaire.
? When adding block/settlement number, enter control number on the right. Having in mind the number of available boxes on the form, write block number on the right side of the series of 6 boxes but do not add zero on the left. Enter settlement number in full including zeros on the left.
[Picture omitted]

3- Type of household
On top of form 2, there is room to specify type of household. Put X in the box that corresponds with the type of household namely conventional settled, conventional unsettled, and collective.
[Picture omitted]

4-Household row number

Take the number in column 10 of form 1, add two zeros on the right and write it in the designated box of this form. For example if the row number of a household is 24 write 0024.
[Picture omitted]
Leave row number for conventional unsettled households blank to be filled later by reviewer.

5-The name of the head of household's father [for rural area]

Transfer name of the head of the household's father from column 12 of form 1 to the designated place of this form.
[Picture omitted]

6-Full address of household [neighborhood, plaque number, floor, and unit].
In block/settlement write the address of household in a legible handwriting and with enough detail that it can be easily reached without using map.
[Picture omitted]
Consider the following when writing the full address:
? Neighborhood is a section of a city or settlement which is usually known informally by an old name, after historical place, or arterial route. If the address on the city sign is not the same as the one reported by the respondent, write the former first and add the latter in parenthesis. If the route lacks city sign, write type of the route and add name of a public place located on the route, if any.
? If the location bears city plaque old and/ or new, identify the new and write it just after plaque.
? For boroughs and apartment compounds add their names and the number of the phase, block, entrance, corridor, etc.
? Find floor and unit number if they are mounted on the apartment and unit doors, and if not as the respondent.

7- Main location number, subsidiary/sub-subsidiary location number[s]

Take these numbers from columns 4 and 5 of form 1 and write them in the designated place on this form with no zero on the left side. In the absence of any subsidiary and sub-subsidiary locations leave this part blank.
[Picture omitted]

8-Ten-digit zip code

[Picture omitted]
Consider the following when documenting zip code:
? In cities and settlements where city plaque embossed with ten-digit zip code is mounted on the entrance of the location write it on the form.
? If the zip code is not mounted take it from the phone bill.
? Some locations have a five-digit zip code. Write the digits on the five boxes on the left and leave the 5 boxes on the right blank.
Note: For conventional unsettled household block/settlement number, household row number, name of the head of household's father, full address, location numbers, and ten-digit code are left blank.

9-Is the questionnaire for a household two or more sheets?

[Picture omitted]
Form 1 has 6 rows to document characteristics of the household members, enough for the majority of households. If the number of members is 7 or more use 2 sheets. To fill this section of the form check "no" for households with 6 members or less and check "yes" for households with 7 or more members. In the latter case, starting with one, mark each sheet, then, enter the total number of sheets in the X of Y fashion provided on every sheet.
? If only one sheet is used for a household leave this section blank.
? For households with more than one sheet, complete this section and geographical characteristics, type of household, and row number of the household on all sheets, but leave name of the head of household's father, full address, location numbers, and ten-digit zip code blank. Also, leave columns related to the deceased, agricultural revenue, facilities, utilities and residences, row number of the respondent, phone number, and date of interview at the back of form 2 on sheets 2 and after and blank.

10-Number of household members
This section collects information about total number of household members, males, females, 17-year olds, and 18-year and older. Leave this section blank to be filled by the technical reviewer.
[Picture omitted]

11-Household members
Columns 1 - 42 of form 2 documents characteristics of conventional and collective household members. To complete these columns for each household, you need to know the definition of "household member".

11-1 -Members of conventional household

All individuals who share a residence, whether settled or unsettled, and share expenses, even if are temporarily absent during enumeration, are considered member of a conventional household. Many conventional households are composed of husband, wife, and their children who leave with them. In some circumstances, there are additional household members such as:
? Relatives and friends who live and share expenses with the household.
? Individuals who board at a household.
? Servants, nurses, and other employees who share expenses with the household.
? Missing individuals.
? Household members who left the country to work or study abroad and those who followed them due to adherence, but are expected to return to their own household. [own household is the one that individual was a member of before departing and is expected to return to]
Do not miss the following household members:
? Individuals who are temporarily absent from the household on trips for business, leisure, or pilgrim.
? Individuals serving conscription who spend the night with their own household.
? Individuals who have two places of residence because of employment or education but live with the household under enumeration for the longest duration throughout the year.
? Newborns are sometimes not considered as the household members by the respondent. Make sure to enumerate them.
Do not consider the following individual(s) household member even if the respondent does:
? Temporary guests of a household.
? Individuals who spend part of the year with a household but their usual residence is somewhere else.
? Individuals who have two places of residence because of employment or education but live in a residence in the city or settlement of employment or education for the longest duration throughout the year rather than the one under enumeration.
? Individuals serving conscription who do not return to their own household at night.
? Members of institutional households. Students who live in dormitories or boarding schools are considered member of institutional household, only if they stay there for the longest duration thorough the year.
? Individuals who board at another household rather than the one under enumeration.

11-2 - Members of collective household

Individuals who live in a location, which is based on the definition is a collective household are members of collective household.

Column 1 -Row number
[Picture omitted]
Form 2 has 6 rows to document characteristics of household members. Allocate each individual a row and starting with 01 insert a 2-digit number in each row to proceed seriatim till all members of the household are covered.
? Allocate newborns a row even if they are still in the hospital nursery.
? For households with more than 6 members use extra sheet.
? If due to error you have to delete a row, correct row numbers to keep them seriatim.
? Calculate age of the individual based on the information on column seven but enter the result in the proper place on column 1.

Column 2 -Full name and National Identification Number

1-2 -Full name
? Write full name of individual in such a way that it does not overlap the boxes for national ID.
? If the individual has more than one name, document the name in birth certificate or other official documents.
? Specify household members based on the definitions in this manual. Do not use birth certificate of parents to fill out this column.
? For conventional household, enter the name of the head of household in column one, then the rest of members following the order printed in column 3 [relationship to the head of household].
? For conventional household document children based on their age in decreasing order of frequency.
? If a newborn has not been given a name, write newborn boy or newborn girl.
? When last name is the same for several individual in the same household, enter it in full and do not use "//".
2-2 -National ID
Document national ID of the individual using the national card, birth certificate, or other documents. See below:
? National ID of the individuals born on or after March 21, 1989 is on the first page of birth certificate. Document this ten-digit number in the corresponding boxes.
? National ID of the individuals born before March 21, 1989 can be found in one of the following documents:
[1] National ID Card [bears photo]
[2] Rural area health card [bears photo]
[3] National ID and zip code notification letters [no photo]
[4] National ID approval letter [bearing census bureau insignia]
[5] Duplicate birth certificate.
[6] Some individuals received their national ID via phone contact with Census Bureau. Document the number that individual reports.
Notes on documenting National ID:
? Write this number from left to right in the corresponding boxes.
? Include the zero on the left side.
? The hyphens separating digits are included in the design.
[Picture omitted]

Column 3 - Relationship to the head of household
At this point you have document full name of the head of household on the first row of column 2. Code 1 designating the head of household is included in the design. Ask how every member of the household is related to the head, and document the corresponding code in the designated box located in column 3.
? For households with more than one sheet, use the pink box [box for correction] for the individual documented on the first row of the 2nd sheet.
? Leave this column blank for collective households.

Column 4 - Gender
Put X in the corresponding box. Do not guess gender of the individual based on their first names because both genders share some names.

Columns 5and 6 - Date of birth

Ask the respondent to report day, month, and year of the birth of each individual according to their birth certificates or other official documents. If there is discrepancy between the actual date of birth and what is on the birth certificate, accept the latter.
? If the individual lacks birth certificate or other official document, accept the date that respondent gives. If the respondent is not informative, for individuals less than 100-year old [except the lunar hidjri calendar] enter MM in columns 5 and 6.
? For individuals 100-year or older, put X in the "100-year and older" box.

Column 5 -Month

? For individuals 100-year or older, whether or not the month of birth is clear even in lunar hidjri calendar, just put X in the "100-year and older" box and leave the rest blank.
? For individuals less than 100-year old:
[] If age is expressed in calendars rather than the lunar hidjri and month of birth is clear, document it as a two-digit number and leave the rest blank. See below.
[] For calendars rather than the lunar hidjri if the month is no clear print MM in the boxes in column 5 and leave the rest blanks.
[] When the date of birth is in lunar hidjri calendar, whether or not the month of birth is clear, write X in the lunar hidjri calendar box and leave the rest blank.
Follow the table on page 84 to turn the non-Iranian months to the Iranian ones.

Colum 6 -Year

Follow the instruction below to fill this column:
? For individuals 100-year or older, independent of the type of calendar, whether or not the year of birth is clear, write X in the box "100-year or older" and leave both boxes in column clear.
? For individual is less than 100-year old:
[] For individual whose year of birth is based on lunar/ solar hidjri [Islamic] calendar, write the last two digits of the year of birth in the boxes in column 6, e.g. write 09 for 1309 and 25 for 1325.
[] For individuals with unclear year of birth write MM in both boxes.
[] If the year of birth is in Gregorian calendar turned it to the solar hidjri calendar before writing the last two digits in the corresponding boxes.
? If an individual's date of birth is not in any of the above calendars, do research and turn it into solar hidjri calendar, then document it.

Column 7 -Age

This column is concerned about the number of full years an individual has lived e.g. all individuals older than 15 and less than 16 are considered 15 year-old.
? For infants less than one-year old put X in the "les than one-year old" box and leave the rest blank.
? For individuals 100-year or older put X in the "100-year and older" box and leave the rest blank.
? For the rest of individuals, write the age as a two-digit number in the corresponding boxes in column 7.
? For all individuals whose date of birth is based on lunar hidjri calendar, subtract the year from 1432 and write the result in column 7.
? For individuals whose date of birth is unclear, accept the age that respondent reports. If the respondent is not sure, try to calculate the date of birth by comparing the individual's age with the ages of other members of the family.
To fill some of other columns in the questionnaire correctly, ages of individuals should be calculated accurately. Consider the summary table on page 86 when filling columns 5-7.

Column 8 -Domicile status
Enter the relevant code for each household member.
Code 1, Present- Indicates the individual resides at the usual residence of the household when such household is enumerated. If the individual is at workplace, school, etc. he will return to the residence at the end of workday or school day.
Code 2, temporarily absent-
? This code is applied to individuals who have left the household temporarily and are on trips for business, leisure, pilgrim, or hospitalization, etc. and are in another place [within the country or abroad].
? Newborn and their mother who are still in the hospital.
Code 3, abroad for education or work- This code is applied to individuals who are expected to return to the household under enumeration after finishing work or education.
Code 4, Other- Code 4 indicates household members who do not belong to any other category e.g. those in the company of individuals marked with code 3, e.g. spouses and children of individuals who live abroad for work or education.

Column 9 -Does the individual reside in another residence?

Complete this section for present and temporarily absent household members [those with code 1 or 2 in column 8], and leave it blank for the rest.
Code 1, in the same city or settlement
Code 2, in another city [include name]
Code 3, in another settlement
Code 4, no for those who do not have another placed of residence
If the individual resides in multiple residences, enter the code indicating the location that individual resides the longest duration throughout the year.
[Picture omitted]

Column 10 -What fraction of the year does the individual spend in the 2nd residence?

Fill this column for individuals with codes 2 or 3 in column 9 and leave it blank for the. If the individual resides in the 2nd residence less than 3 months check 1 and if between 3 -6 months check 2. If the individual stays more than 6 months per year in the 2nd residence, do not consider him a member of the household under enumeration, therefore do not assign him a row in this questionnaire.
[Picture omitted]

Column 11 -16, moving status -General description

Fill this columns if code 1 or 2 is checked in column 8, and leave it blank for the. This column is left blank for conventional unsettled households.
[Picture omitted]

Column 11 -Has the individual changed city or settlement of residence since October 23, 2006 [last census]?

This column documents whether or not individual has changed city or settlement of residence. Leave it blank for those who moved within the same city or settlement.

Column 12 -16, General description

If "yes" is checked in column 11, fill columns 12 -16 but leave them blank for the rest of members. If the individual has moved several times since the last census, fill these columns for the latest move.

Column 12 -Length of residence in the very city or settlement in full years

[Picture omitted]
The very city or settlement refers to the geographical location where the individual has lived continuously till enumeration. Report the length of stay in full years e.g. write 3 in column 12 if the duration of stay is three years and 11 months.
? If the individual has not filled a full year write "0".
? It is obvious that the reported number cannot exceed 5 years.

Column 13 -reason for change of previous residence

[Picture omitted]
Fill this column only if "yes" is checked in column 11. Check only one out of the nine codes in column 13.
? When there are several reasons for moving, document the most important move according to the respondent's report.
? For individuals who have moved several times since the last census, document the reason for the latest move.
Code 1, seeking employment
Enter code 1 for an individual who had been unemployed before leaving the previous residence, and had moved to another city to start an actual job or seek employment.
Code 2, seeking better employment
Enter code 2 for an individual who had been employed before leaving the previous residence, and moved to another city to start a better job or seek a better employment.
Code 3, job transfer
Enter code 3 if individual moved from the previous residence and moved to the city under enumeration due to job transfer.
Code 4, education
Enter code 4 if the individual changed the previous residence in order to start school in the city or settlement under enumeration.
Code 5, graduation
Enter code 5 if the individual changed previous residence because he graduated and moved to the city or settlement under enumeration.
Code 6, mandatory service or discharge
Enter code 6 if the individual moved to the city or settlement under enumeration to start conscription or moved to the very city upon discharge.
Code 7, seeking better housing
Enter 7 if the individual changed the previous residence to find better housing, whether cheaper, with improved facilities, etc.
Code 8, following the household
Enter code 8 for dependents who follow the household or those who changed their residence after getting married.
Code 9, other
Enter code 9 if none of the other codes apply to the individual, e.g. move due to climate, access to advanced facilities, imprisonment, etc.

Column 14 -previous residence
[Picture omitted]
If "yes" is checked in column 11, fill column 14 with one of the 5 codes explained below:
Codes 1 and 2, another residence in the same county
Enter code one for city and 2 for settlement
Codes 3 and 4, another county
Enter code one for city and 2 for settlement
Code 5, abroad
Enter code 5 for all individuals whose previous residences were abroad.
If the individual has moved several times since the last census, fill these columns for the latest move.

Column 15 -name of the county of previous residence [if abroad, write the country]
[Picture omitted]
Fill this column for individuals with codes 3, 4, or 5 in column 14, and leave it blank for the rest. If codes 3 or 4 is in column 14, write the name of the previous county of residence [based on the latest administrative divisions of Iran], and if code 5 is in column 14, write the name of the foreign country. If the respondent does not know name of the county but those of district and/or city, use tables in the addendum to find it.

Column 16 -has the individual changed foreign country of residence to Iran? [write the name]
[Picture omitted]
Fill this column for individuals with codes 1, 2, 3, and 4 in column 14, namely those who had at least one move within the country. Leave this part blank if the individual did not move.
Find out whether or not the individual moved from abroad to Iran since the last census. Check yes or no according to the response.

Columns 17 -22, Internet access, literacy, educational attainment - General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill this section for individuals 6-year or older.

Column 17 -Has the individual used internet in his/her residence at least once in the last 12 months?

If the individual has personally used the internet, ask where the individual accessed internet, and enter the corresponding code in column 17. If the answer is no write X in box number 6.
Code 1, at own residence
Code 2, at work
Code 3, at school
Code 4, coffee net
Code 5, other
Code 6, not used internet in the last 12 months.
? If the individual had access to internet at multiple location, check each relevant box.

Column 18 -Is the individual attending school currently?
[Picture omitted]
Check box 1 for students in compulsory or higher education in the country, seminary students, students in adult education program, and those abroad. If the individual is attending school in Iran check box 1, and if abroad check 2. Check box 3 if the individual is not attending any school.
? Students on leave are still attending school.
? If an individual is accepted in a higher education program and is registered with the institution, he is attending school.
? Individuals taking up courses at Iran Technical and Vocational Training Organization, and those taking unofficial courses in computer science, language, painting, sowing, college entrance prep, etc., are not attending school.
? Individuals taking comprehensive courses offered by higher education but are not accepted in any official higher education program are not attending school.

Column 19 -Literacy status
[Picture omitted]
Fill this column for individual 6-year or older.
Code 1, Literate is an individual who can read and write simple Farsi text whether or not he has an official certificate of education.
Code 2, Illiterate is an individual who is not literate. An individual who can read but is not able to write is considered illiterate.
? Beware not to automatically consider the blind, the deaf, or individuals with impaired speech illiterate.

Column 20 and 21 -Grade, level, degree, and field of study -General description
Fill these two columns if code 1 is checked in column 19, and leave them blank for the rest of individuals.
Answers to these questions are based on the International Standard Classification of Education.
[Picture omitted]

Column 20 -Grade, level, academic certificate

A -Elementary and middle school students
? Document the grade and level in column 20, e.g. 5th grade elementary school or 3rd grade middle school if code 1 or 2 is checked in column 18.
? Report students currently enrolled in adult literacy program the same way mentioned above.
B -Not currently enrolled in school and never finished elementary or middle school
? Document the highest grade completed e.g. 3rd grade elementary school if the individual did not finish elementary school.
? Document the highest grade completed or the last academic certificate obtained if the individual did not finish middle school e.g. if the individual did not finish 1st grade middle school, write elementary school certificate and for an individual who did not finish 2nd grade middle school write 1st grade middle school.
? If the individual finished elementary or middle school document the last academic certificate obtained.
? If the individual was educated in the old education system, document 7th grade, 8th grade, or 9th grade [junior high school], whichever the respondent reports.
C -Secondary school students
Document the grade and level, and if in the 2nd or 3rd grade report the track as well. Example of the latter is 3rd Grade Technical and Vocational Track.
? Write "student of" before college-preparatory school or 4th grade secondary school if the individual is currently enrolled in either.
D -Not currently enrolled in school, neither finished secondary school.
Document the last grade completed or the highest academic certificate obtained, along with level and track; or write high school diploma plus the track, if the individual obtained high school diploma.
? Write college-prep certificate if this is the last academic certificate the individual has obtained.
E -Higher education students
Write "student of" before the level e.g. student of associated degree, bachelor, master, general professional doctorate, or specialized professional doctorate.
? General professional doctorate includes doctorate in medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, and lab sciences.
? Specialized professional doctorate include all medical specialties; and PhDs e.g. PhD in mathematics, economy, statistics, etc.
F -Graduates of higher education
? Write "graduate of" before the highest academic certificate or equivalent e.g., graduate of associate degree, etc.
? If the individual left school before graduating from bachelor studies, document the last academic certificate. For example if an individual graduated from college-prep school and entered a bachelor program but left after 2 years, document college-prep school graduate in this column.
G -Current and former seminary students
? Write preliminary, Islamic jurisprudence 1 -4, and Non-jurisprudential 1 and 2, whichever applies or combination thereof for current and former Shia seminary students. For non-Shia seminaries write Sunni, name other Islam sects, or name other religions.
H -Current students of adult literacy program
? For grades 1 - 4 only write "adult literacy program".
? For students of grade 5 write "Grade 5 adult literacy program".
I - Former students of new or old adult literacy programs
? For grades 1 - 4 only write "adult literacy program".
? For students of grade 5 write "Grade 5 adult literacy program".
J - Current students and graduates of foreign schools up to high-school diploma
? Turn the number of years in school into equivalent of current education system in Iran e.g. if the individual finished 8 years of schooling in United Kingdom write Grade 3 middle school. 11 and 12 years of schooling equals high school diploma college preparatory school respectively.
? For individuals without official certificate, theology students, and those with higher education follow what came above.
K -Literate individuals who lack certificate
? Write "unofficial" in this column.

Column 21 -Field of study

Field of study is related to the grade, level, or certificate written in column 20:
? Write "general" in this column if the level is not divided to tracks e.g. for elementary education.
? Write the name of related track/field of study for high school, college-prep, and higher education.
? Leave it blank if there is no transcript or certificate available.
? Write track/field for theology students if any, otherwise "theology" is enough.
[Tables showing how to fill 20 and 21 omitted]
Answers in column 20 and 21 are read by software. Make sure to write in legible hand writing, avoid script, leave space between words, write in one row, and avoid punctuation.

Column 22 -Place of education

[Picture omitted]
Fill this column if codes 1 or 2 in column 8 and cod 1 in column 18 are checked, otherwise leave it blank.
Code 1, in the same city/settlement
Code 2, in another city and mention the name
Code 3, in another settlement
To fill the columns at the back of the form, bend the sheet on the fold line to make sure information is entered on the correct row for each individual.

Column 23 -30, Employment and marital status -General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill these columns for individual 10-year or older.

Column 23 -Employment status in the past 7 days

[Picture omitted]
Employment includes business activities performed either physically or mentally to manufacture merchandise or provide service in return for cash or in-kind income. Employees are divided into paid-employees and own- account workers.
Activities of the following individuals are considered employment:
? Conscription
? Individuals paid to serve in Basij militia [Organization for Mobilization of Oppressed]
? Individuals manufacturing goods or providing services e.g. carpet weaving, sewing, hair-dressing, private tutoring, typing, electronics repair, elderly/baby-sitting, etc. in places of residence to generate income.
? Individuals manufacturing durable goods for own or their households use e.g. carpet weaving, Kilim tapestry, sewing, etc.
? Individuals who are building or remodeling their own place of residence.
? Interns who are directly involved with manufacturing goods or providing services at workplaces whether or not they are paid.
? Individuals involved with farming, horticulture, livestock, animal husbandry, fishing, etc.
Ask specific questions about the status of employment for each household member over 10-year old. Do not automatically consider housewives and students unemployed.
Code 1, worked 7 out of 7 days
? Whether or not this period of individual's work activity involved usual employment.
Code 2, worked unpaid for family business
These individuals are commonly women and adolescents who work in family businesses such as animal farming, carpet weaving, etc. Check code 2 if the individual worked this type of job at least one hour in the past 7 days.
In rural area adolescents and women are involved with activities such as farming. If a household member helped with such activities at least one hour in the past 7 days, consider that person employed.
Code 3, employed but temporarily absent from work in the past 7 days
Code 3 is applied if the absence from work is due to vacation, travel, seasonal nature of the job, shift-work, etc. but the worker is definitely returns to the same job.
[] If individuals are paid workers then should have contract to guarantee their return to work. The absences is authorized based on the conditions and regulations of employment and they are usually paid partially or in full during their absence.
[] If individuals are own- account workers, the business should have continuity in order for the individual to return to activity again.
? Own-account farmers who have not worked in the past 7 days due to seasonal nature of the job.
? Individuals who have not gone to work in the past 7 days due to shift-work or alternate work schedule.
? Individuals who were absent from work in the past 7 days due to sickness, travel, vacation, holidays, etc.
? Individuals who have not gone to work due to temporary organizational changes, failure of equipment, lack of customer or work order.
? Individuals on administrative leave or suspension but still have valid contracts.
Check code 2 for unpaid family workers if have worked at least one hour in the past 7 days. Do not consider the individual temporarily absent if he has not worked at all in the past 7 days, therefore do not check 3 but check code 4.
Code 4, has not worked in the past 7 days
For individuals who have not worked in the past 7 days, and are not unpaid family worker neither temporarily absent, check code 4. The following activities are not considered employment:
? Unpaid activities at home done for the household, e.g. cooking, housekeeping, raising children, etc., namely activities commonly done by women.
? Volunteer work in charities and Basij.
? Minor repairs of residences such changing faucet, window frame and glass, and repair of appliances.
?Investment in stock market or businesses without participation in operation or management.
If codes 1 - 3 are checked columns 24 - 25 should be left blank and columns 26 - 29 should be completed.

Column 24-Status of job search in the past 30 days

[Picture omitted]
Fill column 24 as below if code 4 is checked in column 23:
Code 1, has been seeking employment in the past 30 days
Seeking employment includes registering with or seeking job from recruitment agencies, asking friends, contacting employer, reading employment column in paper, etc. Check code 1 for these individuals.
If the individual has not sought employment, ask about the main reason and check one of the codes 2 - 7.
Code 2, set date of employment in the future
Code 3, awaiting return to the previous job
Code 4, education
For individuals who are currently enrolled in school either in Iran or abroad.
Code 5, homemaking
Code 6, relying on assets and revenues
For individuals who have incomes from retirement, real estate, stock market, term deposit, etc. without being participation with actual work.
Code 7, Others
For individuals preparing for college-entrance exam, elderly, etc.

Column 25, employment readiness
Fill column 25 as below if code 1, 2, or 3 is checked in column 24:
[Picture omitted]
Code 1, available for employment
Check code 1 for an individual who is ready for work for a period of 15 days spanning the past 7 days and the next 7 days. In other words if the individual had found job in the past 7 days he would have remained employment ready for the coming 7 days.
Not ready for employment due to:
Code 2, education
Code 3, homemaking
Code 4, relying on assets and revenues
Code 5, other

Columns 26 -29, main activity of the workplace, job, job status, workplace
[Picture omitted]
Fill these columns if codes 1, 2, or 3 are checked in column 23, and leave it blank for the rest.
? For individuals who were temporarily absent from work (column 23 code 3) fill this column according to their usual job.
? When filling these columns for an individual who worked a job other than his usual one in the past 7 days [column 23 code 1] consider the most recent job carried.
? When filling these columns for individuals who work multiple jobs, consider the main job carried. If the respondent cannot specify the answer, the job that individual worked the highest number of hours carrying in the past 7 days is the main job. If the individual spends equal number of hours at each job, then the main job is the one that the individual has stayed with the longest.

Column 26, main activity of the workplace
[Picture omitted]
All business activities are coded based on the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic activities (ISIC), therefore it is necessary to follow the tables in pages 113 - 115 of this manual and the remarks below:
? Write the main activity of the workplace to accurately convey the activity. Avoid just writing non-specific titles such as store, shop, office, company, factory, etc.
? If the individual does not have a fixed workplace in case of construction workers, cab drivers, peddlers, etc. write the main activity instead.
? Writing titles such as wholesale, import, and export are necessary.
? For individuals who work for ministries, government organizations and agencies, and Islamic revolution organizations, if the name of workplace does not convey the type of activity, add the type of activity as well.
[Picture omitted]
? Write the specific activity of banks and financial institution, rather than just bank.
[Picture omitted]
? Make sure to write either manufacturing or repair, whichever applies, in addition to the main activity of the workplace. If these activities are combined at a workplace write both.
[Picture omitted]
? For mining and also manufacturing goods, specify the type of mineral or goods.
[Picture omitted]
? Specify the type of vehicle for drivers and auto service shops.
? Specify passenger vs freight transportation and intercity service vs. intracity transit in addition to the route such as ground, air, sea, and rail.
[Picture omitted]
? If telecommunication is the main activity of workplace specify wired, wireless, or via satellite.
[Picture omitted]
For natural or legal person who is hired by private sector but works in a government office, e.g. a janitor, the main activity of workplace is the one that individual has contract with.

Column 27, occupation
Occupation, is an activity, based on definitions and examples, which is carried by the individual in the past 7 days. Occupation of temporarily absent individuals is the one conducted by such individual when is employed.
[Picture omitted]
All occupations are named based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations [ISCO].
? In most workplaces there are different types of occupation e.g. in an elementary school occupation titles include director, principal, teacher, janitor, etc. Make sure to ask specific question about the type of occupation an individual carries in a workplace.
? Make a distinction between the field of study and occupation e.g. an agriculture engineer may work in the position of manager of accounting. In this case the latter is the occupation.
? Make sure to find out the main occupation if the individual is a farming because some farmers work in more than one area of agriculture.
? Have the following definitions in mind when documenting farming occupations:
[1] Field crop and vegetable growers are farmers who plant, grow, and harvest one or more annual plants such as wheat, oat, rice, sugar beet, vegetable, etc.
[2] Tree and shrub crop growers are perennial plant farmers who grow apples, pears, grapes, oranges, tea, etc.
[3] Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers.
? Specify whether or not the industry is mechanized and write the term "operator" when necessary.
? If the occupation requires different skills, document the highest level of responsibility the individual carries e.g. for a typist who does archiving in the same workplace, document the latter.
? If the individual carries responsibilities from manufacturing to distribution of goods and does not single out one as the main job, document the job related to manufacturing. For example if the pastry chef sells the confectionary at the counter write pastry chef.
? Document the rank for serviceperson and police officers, except for privates doing conscription.
? For privates who are spending their conscription in military or police force write conscription, otherwise write the job they are performing in the agency.
? For paid individual who is serving in Basij militia write serviceman.
[Picture omitted]
? Avoid general titles such as employee, technician, laborer, physician, engineer, farmer, teacher, specialist, own- account worker, repairman, and goldsmith because each comprise several titles with its individual code. See tables on pages 118 - 122.
[Table omitted]
Quite often there is a relation between the occupation and main activity of the workplace. See examples in table on Page 120.
? Avoid general titles for agricultural and livestock farmers. There is almost always a relation between the occupation and the main activity of workplace, therefore, when documenting the latter, write the type of economic activity and the product. Document the traditional vs. industrial for farming activities. See table on page 121.
? See examples of occupations which are not related to the main activity of the workplace in table on 122.
Answers in column 26 and 27 are read by software.

Column 28, status in employment
[Picture omitted]
Code 1, employer
An individual who hires at least one employee e.g.:
? Owner of a sawmill who has hired a few laborers to run the mill.
? Owner of grocery with one hired laborer working for him
? A mason who has hired a few construction workers to carry the job he has contracted.
? Individuals who run their occupational activities using only unpaid family workers are not employers.
Code 2, own- account worker
An individual who hires no employee, and himself is not a paid worker either:
? A grocer who runs his own grocery store individually or with a partner.
? Individuals who run their occupational activities using only unpaid family workers.
? Farmers who cooperate with each other during harvest are considered own- account worker if they do not hire any laborer.
Code 3, public sector employee
Individuals who work for ministries, institutions, agencies, government offices and agencies and Islamic revolution organizations, public banks, or city, and are paid in cash or in-kind e.g. employees of Ministry of Education or National Bank of Iran or police officers.
? Public sector employees are hired, on contract, temp, or day laborer.
? Employees of manufacturing and business activities under public sector management.
? Privates in conscription.
? Individuals hired to work under private sector contractors are not public sector employees even if the contractor works for public sector.
Code 4, private sector employee
An individual who works in private sector in return for cash or in kind, whether the employee is an individual or institution, e.g. the CEO of a private sector construction company, private nursery teacher, private hospital accountant, cashier of private sector bank, etc.
? An individual hired and paid by private sector whose workplace is in public sector is private sector employee.
? Unpaid internes who work in public or private sector get codes 3 or 4 respectively.
Code 5, co- operative sector employee
Co- operative companies are created and registered according to co- operative law of trade and comprise different types such as consumer co- ops, housing co- ops, etc.
Code 6, unpaid family worker
An individual who works unpaid for another member of the same household with whom he has family ties e.g. a son who helps his father in livestock farm without pay.

Column 29, place of work

Fill this column if code 1 or 2 is checked in column 8 and one of the boxes (1 - 3) in column 23 is checked as well, but leave it blank for the rest.
[Picture omitted]
Code 1, in the same city or settlement
Check code 1 if the individual works in the city or settlement under enumeration.
? Check code 1 for individuals who do not have a specific workplace due to the nature of their job e.g. intercity bus drivers, peddlers, etc.
Code 2, in another city [include name]
Code 3, in another settlement [include name]

Column 30, marital status
[Picture omitted]
Fill this column for household members 10-year or older and leave it blank for the rest.
Code 1, married
Check code 1 for married individuals, whether permanent or temporary in intention, even if the couple have not started living together yet. Engaged individuals are not considered married.
Code 2, widowed
If the individual was widowed before but remarried by the time of enumeration do not consider him widowed.
Code 3, divorced
If the individual was divorced before but remarried by the time of enumeration do not consider him divorced.
Code 4, never married
? Document marital status of individuals who married more than once based on their status at the time of enumeration e.g. if an individual got divorced after the first marriage and became widowed in the 2nd marriage and has not remarried by the time of enumeration, check code 2.
? If a man is polygamist, he and all of his wives are considered married. Check box 1 for each.

Columns 31 -36, reproductive status -General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill this columns if codes 1, 2, or 3 is checked in column 30 and leave them blank for the rest.
? Fill these column for females only.

Column 31, has the individual ever given birth to a live newborn?

A live newborn shows at least one sign of life after birth [crying, moving limbs, breathing, etc.] even if dies immediately. Ask this question for every female who married at least once to make sure if she had a live birth by the time of enumeration.

Columns 32 and 33, number of live newborns

Fill these columns if "yes" is checked in column 31 and leave blank for the rest.

Column 32, total number of live newborns

[Picture omitted]
Enter the total number of live newborns delivered till the time of enumeration for each female married at least once.
These children may
? not be alive at the time of enumeration
? live with the household under enumeration or another.
? from one or more marriages
Specify the number of live newborns based on gender as two-digit number e.g. if a woman has one son from previous marriage and two daughters from current marriage write "01" and "02" in respective rows. If all of the live newborns are the same gender, fill the row of other gender with "00".

Column 33, living offspring

Living offspring of a woman married at least once are, by definition, children who are alive by the time of enumeration.
These children may
? live with the household under enumeration or another.
? from one or more marriages
Specify the number of living offspring based on gender as a two-digit number.
? for example if no male offspring is living write "00"
? for women who have given birth to only girls ("00" is in column 32), leave column 33 blank where is says "boys".
? The number in column 33 should be equal or less than the corresponding number in column 32.

Column 34 -36, General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill these columns for females 10 - 54 year-old married at least once [codes 1, 2, 3 in column 30] and gave birth to at least one live newborn ["yes" in column 31], and leave it blank for the rest.

Column 34, has the individual given birth to a live newborn in the past 365 days?

Check yes or no in this column.
? If a woman gave birth to a live newborn during the month of October 2005, make sure to check "yes" in this column only if the child has not filled a full year of life by the time of enumeration. In other words the child should not have passed his first birthday.

Columns 35 -36, General description

Fill these columns for females 10 - 54 year-old married at least once [codes 1, 2, 3 in column 30], with "yes" checked in column 34; and leave it blank for the rest. Enter the number of boys and girls as a one-digit number separately in the corresponding rows.
[Picture omitted]
Total number of live birth in the past 365 days
Fill this column if "yes" is checked in column 34 and leave it blank for the rest.
Ask the number of live births in the past 365 days, whether or not the offspring is still living by the time of enumeration, and document the number based on the gender, boys/girls, in the corresponding rows.

Column 36, number of living offspring born in the past 365 days

Document the number based on the gender in the corresponding row.
? the number in column 36 should be equal or less than the corresponding numbers in column 35 and/or 33.
Consider the following when filling columns 35 -36
If yes is checked in column 34 follow the instruction below when filling columns 35 -36:
? If the individual gave birth to both live boys and girls, document them in each row in column 35. If those offspring are still alive, enter the number in column 36 and if e.g. the female newborn is not living anymore, write zero in column 36 in the corresponding row.
? If the individual only gave birth to female live newborns, document the number of girls in the corresponding row in column 35 and follow the instructions below in rows for boys:
[] If the individual gave birth boy[s] and the number is documented in column 32, write zero in column 35 and leave column 36 blank.
[] If the individual did not give birth to any live boy(s), and zero is documented in column 32, leave columns 35 and 36 blank.

Column 37 -42, General description

Fill these columns for all household members regardless of age and gender.
[Picture omitted]

Column 37, is the mother of individual a member of the very household?

Mother is the one who has given birth to the very child not his step mother or wet nurse. Ask this question for each household member. If the mother passed away or is a member of another household check "no" in column 37.
[Picture omitted]

Column 38, mother's row number in column 1

Fill this column only if yes is checked in column 37 meaning the mother of individual is the member of the household under enumeration.
? Column 37 and 38 are not filled for collective households.
[Picture omitted]

Column 39, place of birth [mother's place of residence at the time of individual's birth]

[Picture omitted]
Birthplace of an individual is his mother's residence at the time of his birth. Birthplace is not necessarily the same as the individual's current residence and is not always the place documented in his birth certificate. Document birthplace of each individual by comparing it with his current residence in one of the four possibilities mentioned below:
Code 1, the same city or settlement
Code 2, another city
Code 3, another settlement
Code 4, abroad
Answer column 39 by considering the administrative divisions of the country at the time of individual's birth, therefore, if the birthplace was a settlement then and a city now, check code 3.
? Leave this column blank for the unsettled conventional households.

Question 40 and columns 40/1 -40/3, disability status
[Picture omitted]
Only certain types of disability are documented in these columns, namely those which are the result of disease, war, and accident, or are congenital.
? If there is no household member with disability in the household check "no" to question 40 and leave these columns blank.
? If there is an individual(s) with disability in the household check "yes" to question 40. After identifying each disabled individual document the disability code in columns 40/1 - 40/3 of the row assigned to that individual.
? If the answer to question 40 is "yes", for each individual without disability, write "X" in his assigned row in column 40/1, where it reads "without the above disabilities".
? If the answer to question 40 is "yes" but the disabled individual's disability is not included in the list, write "X" in his assigned row in column 40/1, where it reads "without the above disabilities".
The following description may help respondent specify disabilities:
Code 1, blind
An individual with visual impairment in both eyes to the extent that no visual aid such as eyeglasses correct the sight. Such individual may retain light perception but is not able to recognize movement of objects more than one meter [3.2 feet] away.
Code 2, deaf
An individual who is not capable of hearing sound neither via using hearing aid nor by increasing the volume of the sound.
Code 3, speech and speech sound impairment
Any impairment in speech or inability to normally produce sound using larynx, such as:
? Individuals who are not capable of producing speech [mute]
? Individuals with distorted speech characterized principally by blocks or spasms interrupting the rhythm [stuttering]
? Individuals incapable of producing normal sound using larynx due to defective larynx, or those whose speech is frequently interrupted or is of lower frequency than is expected e.g. men who had surgery on larynx.
? Individuals whose speech are impaired primarily due to cognitive impairment.
Code 4, upper limb amputation
Missing thumb, all other four fingers, or hand anywhere from shoulder down in one or both upper extremities.
Code 5, upper limb defect
Physical impairment or deformity in hand, forearm, elbow, arm, or shoulder in one or both upper extremities, such as:
? Upper limb paralysis
? missing index finger or thumb [missing middle, ring, or little finger is not considered defect]
? any upper limb deformity e.g. atrophy or shortening
? any physical impairment e.g. lack of grasp or grip
[] Explain the difference between amputation and defect to the respondent to clear common confusion.
Code 6, lower limb amputation
Missing feet, calf, knee, or thigh anywhere from hip down in one or both lower extremities.
Code 7, lower limb defect
Physical impairment or deformity in feet, calf, knee, or thigh, anywhere from hip down in one or both lower extremities, such as:
? Lower limb paralysis
? any lower limb deformity e.g. atrophy or shortening
? any physical impairment causing imbalance or limping
Code 8, trunk impairment
Any impairment in function or anatomy of trunk [neck, back, waist] such as:
? Trunk paralysis preventing position change from supine to sitting or from sitting to standing.
? Any deformity or functional impairment in spine e.g. side-to-side curvature [scoliosis] or forward curvature [lordosis or saddleback]
? Inability to maintain an upright posture due to defective torso
When documenting the impairments mentioned above pay attention to the followings:
? Depending on the level of injury the individuals with spinal injury may have multiple impairments in upper and lower limbs and trunk.
? Individuals with spinal injuries at the level of waist are paralyzed in lower limb and those whose level of injury are at neck or torso may have multiple impairments in upper and lower limbs and trunk.
Code 9, cognitive impairment
Individuals with cognitive impairment have low IQ, which leads to intellectual disability and dependence on others for activities of daily living. Their educational attainment is below their peers. Examples include students in special schools and individuals living in institutions for intellectually disables.
Pay attention to the following when filling these columns:
An individual may have one or more disabilities, therefore, columns 40/1 - 40/3 are allocated to document up to three disabilities.
? If the individual has only one of the above disabilities, document the corresponding code in column 40/1 and write "M" in the other two columns.
? If the individual has two of the mentioned disabilities, document the corresponding codes in column 40/1 and 40/2 and write "M" in column 40/3.
? If the individual has three disabilities, e.g. an individual with complete paralysis who cannot move any limb or trunk, write codes 5, 7, and 8 in the allocated columns.
If the number of disabilities are more than three, document those three which bring about the most limitations.

Column 41, religion

[Picture omitted]
Enter one of the assigned codes as below:
Code 1, Muslim
Code 2, Assyrian or Chaldean Christian
Code 3, Armenian Christian
Code 4, other Christians
Code 5, Jewish
Code 6, Zoroastrian
Code 7, other
[] For individuals younger than 7- year old write father's religion or the influential religion the individual is brought up under.

Column 42, Citizenship

Enter one out of 6 codes for Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, and other.
[] If the individual maintains more than one citizenship, according to the respondent specify them.
[Picture omitted]

Questions 43 -59, death in the household, agricultural revenue, facilities and utilities of the household; General description

Answer questions 43 -59 only for settled conventional and collective households.
[] If you use more than one sheet for a household, leave these sections blank in the 2nd sheet and after.
[Picture omitted]

Question 43, has any household member passed away since October 23, 2006?

Check "yes" or "no" and if the answer is "no" leave questions 43/1 and 43/2 blank.
[Picture omitted]
43/1, was the deceased female?
Check "yes" if the deceased was female, otherwise check "no" and leave question 43/2 blank.
[] In instances where more than one death happened in the household, if at least one of the deceased was female check "yes".
43/2, was the deceased 10 - 60 years old?
If the answer to question 43/1 is yes, ask age of the deceased and check "yes" or "no" accordingly to question 43/2.
[] In instances where more than one female member of the household had died, if at least one deceased was 10 - 60 years old check "yes".

Question 44, which agricultural task is the household engaged in?
[Picture omitted]
This question is directed at households where at least one member, individually or with partners, manages at least one agricultural task mentioned below in the country:
1 Farming
Outdoor or greenhouse cultivation of annual plants to create revenue. Examples include wheat, sugar beet, oat, alfalfa, cotton, onion, saffron, vegetable, and Gladiolus.
Check "1" for households who run a farm 400 square meter or larger [approximately 4300 square feet].
2 Fruit and shade gardening including nurseries
Outdoor or greenhouse cultivation of perennial plants. Orange, peach, grape, tea, Damask rose are examples of fruit plants; while poplar is consider a shade tree.
[] Check "2" for households who run a garden or nursery 200 square meter or larger [approximately 2150 square feet].
3 Livestock and poultry:
? Heavy livestock such as cow, buffalo, camel and light livestock such as sheep and goat plus their young offspring.
? Poultry such as chicken, turkey, duck, and goose bred traditionally not industrially
? Apiculture
? Sericulture
If the household raises any of the following check code 3:
? Minimum of 2 light livestock
? Minimum of one heavy livestock
? Minimum of 10 poultry
? Apiculture or sericulture of any size
4 Greenhouse cultivation
Greenhouses cultivate annual or perennial plants in order to generate revenue. Greenhouse is a structure with foundation and glass or plastic roof where temperature, moisture, air conditioning, etc. are controlled; and the workplace provides sufficient space for workers.
[] If the household runs a greenhouse of any size check code 4
? Mushroom cultivation is not considered greenhouse cultivation and is not concern of this census.
? When a household runs more than one agricultural activity, check as many code as necessary.
5 None
Check code 5 for households with not agricultural activity.
Most of agricultural activities take place in rural area, albeit it is not uncommon in urban area.
Some households run agricultural activity in the country while live in urban area. Make sure to carefully ask these question in both rural and urban area.

Question 45, are these facilities and utilities available to the household?
[Picture omitted]
Ask if motorcycle, light duty vehicle, or computer is available to the household. Light duty vehicles include sedan, minivan, and pickup truck, etc. and excludes mini-bus and bus.
? If a truck used for business is also available to other members of the household for non-business purposes check yes to item 1.
? Document if any type of computer such as notebook, laptop, etc., is available to the household.
? In collective households if at least one member owns a computer check yes to item 3.

Question 46, main household fuel

[Picture omitted]
Ask individual questions about the type of fuel utilized for cooking, heating, and heating water, then check the corresponding type. If the fuel is not included in the form check other, and if the household does not use any fuel check none.
Solid fuel include, firewood, charcoal, dung, brushwood, harvest waste, etc.
? If the household utilizes more than one type of fuel for one function e.g. for cooking usually uses liquefied petroleum gas and occasionally electricity, document the former.

Question 47, Main source of water supply of the household

[Picture omitted]
Ask individual questions about the main source of water supply for drinking, cooking, and other uses, then check the corresponding type.
? If the household utilizes more than one source of water for a function, document the most commonly used.
? If the household obtains water from "Public water network of city or settlement", without regard to the way reservoir collects and distributes water, check item 1 when it applies.
? In some cities and settlements public water network is treated then sold in some centers. Check item 1 for these households.
? If the source of water supply is well, spring, water reservoir [Ab-anbar] or foggara [qanat, a subterranean canal], find if it is an improved or an unproved source to check what applies. Improvement include repair and restoration of interior and exterior of the well or foggara; refinement, and sanitation of the springs flowing to them, or treatment of the water or prevention of contamination.
? Source of water for water tanks is no of concern.
? Packaged water comes in sealed bottle or jug used for drinking or cooking.

Question 48, type of residential property

This information is also documented in column 4 or 4 and 5 of listing form. Check one of the six items.
[Picture omitted]
1 Apartment
An individual housing unit located in an apartment building. Each unit has one or more bedrooms, kitchen, and bathroom, with an entrance which opens to a shared lobby or shared staircase. Check code one.
? Apartment buildings are composed of more than on individual housing unit, used as residence or for economic activities, etc. Yard, parking, lobby, staircase, etc. are shared.
Units without kitchen and bathroom e.g. janitorial units are not considered individual apartments.
Some of the units in apartment buildings e.g. those in the basement may have their own entrance to public route.
2 House
A one or two-story residential building with an entrance to a public route and usually have a yard. Check code 2.
3 Tent
It is usually made out of wool, cotton, haircloth, nylon, tarpaulin, etc., hold by wood or metal post and rope. Check code 3.
4 Hut
It is made of straw and occasionally mud brick. Check code 4.
5 Shed, slums, or alike
Sheds are housing units made of tin, nylon, tarpaulin, etc., found in cities or city margins. Slums are formed in earth depressions or hills without much building material. For residences formed in caves or tree trunks check code 5 as well.
6 Other
Check code 6 for households whose sole residence is hotels, motels, caravans, etc.
? Check codes 6 for households whose sole residence is a workplace e.g. grocery worker who sleeps in his workplace.
? Check code 6 for construction workers whose sole residence are buildings under construction or demolition or temporary living spaces at the workplace.

Questions 49 -59 -General description

Fill this part for households living in apartments and houses [codes 1 and 2 in column 48].

Question 49, type of residential tenure

[Picture omitted]
Check one out of 5 corresponding codes, otherwise check 6.
1 -Proprietor of the lot and building
Check code 1 for household who own the lot and the building.
? Households living in apartments are usually share the lot as well.
2 -Proprietor of the building
? Check code 2 if the household owns the building but not the lot. Dwellings under endowment belong to this group.
3 -Rental
? Rent is paid in cash and cash equivalents. Check code 3 for tenures achieved via contract for deed as well.
? Occupancy of rental real property is obtained via official contract or unofficially.
4 -In Return for Service
These households pay their rent in return for service either in full but or pay part in cash or cash equivalent. Check this code when employer provide housing for workers in-kind or as fringe and in case of a janitor living in his workplace.
5 -Rent- free
Check code 5 for households who do not pay rent in any form even In Return for Service. Check code 5 for households living in charity housing or housing provided by other households with no payment of any type in return.
6 -Other
If tenure does not fit any of the codes 1 - 5, check code 6.
? If the household owns more than half of the lot and building or half of the building, check code 1 or 2 correspondingly and if owns less than half, find out the tenure of the rest and check corresponding code 3, 4, or 5.
? If the household owns exactly half of the unit, check code 6.

Question 50-Number of bedrooms, living rooms, drawing rooms, closed-off kitchen, etc. available to the household.

[Picture omitted]
This is collectively refers to an enclosed roofed space occupying at least 4 square meter surface area and [43 square feet] at least 2 meter high [6 feet and 7 inches].
Open kitchen, parking, bathroom, water reservoir, and barn are not of concern but storage, closet, and alike are, if are roofed and mount to the sized mentioned.
Room includes bedroom, office, study, etc.
Living room is a space for general household activities, rest, and watching TV.
Drawing room is used to entertain guests, have them rest or sleep in.
? If there is a partition between living room and drawing room count each separately, otherwise consider them one.
Kitchen is a separate space with wash basin, used for cooking.
? Do not count open kitchen.
? If more than one household occupies a housing unit, document only the number of bedrooms, living room, drawing room, open kitchen, etc., occupied by the household under enumeration. If some of the above spaces is shared, do not document them for either household and write "00" in the corresponding box.

Question 51 -how many household live in this housing unit?

[Picture omitted]
To complete this part have column 8 in the Listing form in mind and follow the explanation below.
If one household lives in a housing unit, check box 1, then complete question 53. But if more than one household live in a housing unit, check box 2, then transfer the number of households in column 8 of Listing form in a two-digit format, and complete the next question.

Question 52 -has this form already been filled for a household in this housing unit?

[Picture omitted]
Questions 53 -59 are concerned with the characteristics of the housing unit, and must be completed for one household only out of many, if more than one is living in the same unit. Question 52 is concerned with the household whose housing unit is documented in its household form.
If more than one household lives in a housing unit and questions 53 -59 have already been completed for one of the households, check "yes" to question 52. Then take, from column 10 of the Listing form, the row number of the household with a completed questions 53 - 59 to document in the four boxes provided in question 52, but leave questions 53 - 59 blank. If the answer to question 52 "no", complete questions 53 - 59.
? Ask this questions from the most informed household and document them for that household. Obviously questions 53 - 59 remains blank for the other households of the same housing unit.
[Picture omitted]

Question 53 -facilities and faculties of the housing unit

If the answer to any of the items is yes check the box marked 1, otherwise 2.
? Item 1 is concerned with public power network not home generators.
? Item 3 is concerned with water distribution throughout the house via plumbing which connects to the public water network.
? Item 3 is concerned with gas distribution throughout the house via plumbing which connects to the public gas network.
? Kitchen is a separate open or closed- off space used for cooking usually with a wash basin. In question 53 kitchen does not have to be closed off, roofed or at least 4 square meter or 2 meter high.
? Central heating and cooling system generates heat and cold, then distributes it throughout the housing unit. Examples include fan coil or vapor- compression air- conditioning with more than one outlet.

Question 54 -number of bedrooms, living room, drawing room, open and closed- off kitchen, etc.

[Picture omitted]
Open kitchen is not closed on at least one side. It does not need the measurement requirement of closed- off kitchen.
Write "0" for any non-existing item.
? In housing units lacking bedroom such as studio apartment, living and drawing rooms mount to a bedroom.
? In housing units occupied by more than households, total number of bedrooms, living and drawing rooms, and open kitchen, etc., must be more than the answer to question 50.

Question 55 -roofed surface area in square meter

[Picture omitted]
Square footage includes roofed area such as bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, storage, closet, etc. Roofed surface area in apartment buildings excludes common area such as parking, porch, corridor, and shared staircase but includes private storage. For non-apartment buildings it include all roofed area including staircase, loft, attic, etc.
? In rural area do not count roofed area designated for agricultural activities or raising livestock and poultry.
After inquiring about the roofed area check the corresponding box, for example if it is 105 square meter, check box 5. If footage is 50 square meter (538 square feet) or less or 501 square meter and larger (5,392 square feet) check the corresponding box and document the square footage as a 2- or 4- digit number respectively.
? If the respondent does not know the information, using his help calculate it based on the shape and dimensions of different parts of the dwelling.

Question 56 -skeleton frame of the housing unit

[Picture omitted]
Skeleton frame is a set of integrated supporting columns and beams bearing the weight of the housing unit helping to hold the structure together. Use the following explanation to help the respondent find the answer to this question:
1 -Metal skeleton frame [box 1] is made of steel beams creating final appearance as follows:
? In buildings 4- story or less, if the pillars are visible in the lower floors, dimensions are usually 40 cm [15.7] or less.
? If X- or V-shape steel beams are used to reinforce the structure against earthquake, they make impressions on the side walls
? Metal plates used at the junction of pillars and beams make impression in the ceiling.
2 -Reinforced concrete [box 2] is made of cement, armature, and rebar creating appearances as follows:
? If pillars are visible their dimensions in the lower floors are usually 40 cm or less.
? In buildings 3- story or more, main beams create projections below the ceiling in lower floors.
3 -Other. Check box 3 if the building does not resemble the above descriptions e.g. structures with steel or joist ceiling and load-bearing walls. In these type of buildings:
? Projections as the result of pillars seen in the other 2 types are not present.
? Walls are usually wider.

Question 57 -Housing unit main construction material

[Picture omitted]
1 -Brick and steel or stone and steel
Ceiling is joist or made of steel beam or brick and walls which are bearing the weight are either brick or stone instead of steel. This type of buildings are called brick and steel [barrel vault] or stone and steel with load- bearing walls. Walls are thicker than those in structures with metal frame skeleton.
2 -Brick and wood or stone and wood.
Ceiling is usually joist, board, and brick which along with brick or stone load- bearing walls transfer the weight of the ceiling at the junction of joist and walls to the walls as the ultimate weight- bearer of the building.
3 -Cement block [roof of any kind] makes walls, with steel and joist do the ceiling.
4 -Brick or brick and stone makes both the walls and ceilings in such a way that steel is not required e.g. in domed roofs.
5 -All wood is popular in humid climate.
6 -Sundried brick and wood makes the ceiling but walls are made of wood weather or not brick is used.
7 -Sundried brick and mud
Mud is used to keep the main material, sundried brick, in place and together.
8 - Other. If the main construction material is not mentioned in other choices.
? Do not consider the exterior material as the main one.
? If main material is not the same throughout the structure, check the one used in the segment with the largest roofed area.

Question 58 - Year built

[Picture omitted]
Check one of the options 1 -11 based on the year building was finished.
? When the building is not yet finished at the time of enumeration but part is occupied by households, check the year it was first occupied.
? In instances where housing units are added to the original structure, check the year when the first unit was finished.

Question 59 - Type of sewage disposal
[Picture omitted]
This question tries to find out which one of the five types of disposal, the consumed water of toilet, kitchen, and other [bathroom, etc.] drains to. If disposal type is not named in the form, check box 6 and if no sewage disposal is available check 7.
1 -Public sewage disposal network
Lately the Ministry of Energy [water and wastewater bureau] has constructed and made available public sewage disposal network in some cities and large villages, where sewage from all or some housing units enter public network. Before checking box 1 make sure the housing unit which has joined the network is properly connected as well.
2 -Private network
Check box 2 when the sewage of housing communities or housing complexes drain to private network made and run by the builders which may run the plant as well and not under the public network.
3 -Injection well
Most or the entire sewage of the majority of urban housing units are connected to drain to wells drilled when the unit was constructed. Check box 3.
4 -Septic tank
It is an onsite sewage facility built into towers and high-rises. Septic tank can be emptied but may or may not have drainage. Check box 4.
5 -Outdoor environment
In some housing units, the sewage leaves the unit to enter outdoor environment. It then flows and gests disposed on the surface of streets or in ditches, river, land, and farms. Check box 5.
6 -Other
Check box 6 if sewage disposal of the housing unit is not the same as what is already mentioned e.g. where it is disposed to the garden or yard.
7 -None
Check box 7 if the unit lacks toilet or kitchen or does not produce kitchen sewage.
Question 59 is concerned with the main route of sewage disposal.

Question 60 -Respondent's row number and household's phone number

[Picture omitted]
Find the row number on column 1 and document it as a 2- digit number. Include the area code when getting the phone number.
Full name of the enumerator and the date of interview.
[Picture omitted]
Write your full name after completing the form. Enter the day as a two-digit number when you complete the form not the date you first went to the housing unit.

Form 314 -Census certificate

[Picture omitted]
After completing the household unit fill form 314 and hand it over to the respondent for future official review. Households may also use this form to enter the census raffle.

Chapter 5 -Comments and general recommendations to fill forms and questionnaires
[This section was not translated into English]

Chapter 6 -Guide to enumerate institutional households and fill the form 3
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1 -General description

Current census uses form 3 to enumerate institutional households.
Institutional households consist of individuals who live in an institution because they share a specific characteristic or goal, where, the institution is responsible for providing housing along with services and facilities according to certain terms and conditions.
Consider the following when enumerating institutional households:
? College students living in institution- run dormitories are considered members of such household, if the institution is their usual residence.
? Inside institutions may reside conventional households for whom you should fill form 2:
[] Households of army officers and non-commissioned officers living in garrisons
[] Caretakers or gatekeepers living alone or along with their households in a mental institution
? Fill form 2 for married college students living in residence halls along with their households because they comprise their own conventional settled households.

2 -How to fill form 3 -Institutional household questionnaire
Characteristics of the household members are documented in column 39. Compared to form 2, this form lacks columns for: relationship of the individual to the head of household, whether mother of the individual is a member of the very household, mother's row number; and sections about death in the family, agricultural revenue, and facilities and utilities of the household.
To fill geographical characteristics, main location number, and household row number in form 3 follow form 2 instructions.
Leave the number of household members, number of females, number of individual aged 17, and those aged 18 and above to be filled by the reviewer.
Follow form 2 instructions if more than one sheet is used to complete form 3. Record the sheet's number and the number of sheets as a 4-digit number by adding zeroes to the left of designated boxes. After completing the institutional questionnaire, write the total number of sheets used on each sheet.
? If more than one sheet is used to complete form 3, in addition to sheet number, add geographical characteristics and household's row number on each sheet, but write number of household members, mail location number; name, address, and phone number of the institution; postal code, type of household activity, and full name of the respondent only on the first sheet.

Column 1 -Row number

There are 7 numbered rows to document characteristics of each household member individually. Add sheets if the numbers exceeds seven. The row numbers do not have to be consecutive, therefore, when it is necessary, delete the row only, according to instructions, but do not correct the following row numbers.

Columns 2 -39

To fill these columns in form 3 follow the instructions to fill the same columns in form 2.
Obtain the name, address, 10-digit postal code, and phone number of the institution from the respondent, and document his full name in the designated place.
Type of institutional of household activity
[1] Dormitories and boarding houses
Check box 1 for college dormitories, boarding houses, dorms housing stationed nomads and gifted students, faculty housings, seminary students' dorms, and teachers' halls.
[2] Defense, law enforcement and public safety
Check box 2 for residences provided by garrisons, posts of duty, revolutionary court, police force, correction facilities, prisons, rehab camps and centers, half-way houses, and juvenile detention and correction centers.
[3] Welfare housing and hospitals
Check box 3 for residences provided by orphanages, nurseries, almshouses, housings for homeless women and children on welfare, chastity houses, nursing homes, houses for physically and mentally disabled, and sanitariums.
[4] Other
Check box 4 for institutional households such as refugee camps or foreign immigrants.

3 -How to enumerate institutional households

After listing an institution fill form 3, if the number of members is below 10, otherwise, enter the address of institution on form 302, sign, and return it to the specialist to take necessary steps.
Form 302 -address of household with more than 10 members
? Enter the name of county, city or rural agglomeration, and zone number based on the information entered on the listing form. Check the corresponding box for rural or urban area on the left side of the form.
Column 1 -Starting from one, allocate a numbered row to each household
Column 2 -enter the name of settlement in column 2 and leave it blank for urban area
Column 3 -For institutional households enter the block number in column 3. Repeat this for blocked settlements but leave it blank for non- blocked ones.
Columns 4-9 -Fill these columns based on the information entered on the corresponding columns in the Listing Form. [Document the main route and the one just before in column 4 to make the household easily traceable].
Column 10 -Acquire the number of household member from the superintendent or respondent.
Column 11 and 12 -Enter full name of the superintendent or respondent in column 11 and the phone number of institution in column 12.
Column 13 -Enter the date the questionnaire was completed.
Column 14 -This column is assigned to remarks.
[Picture omitted]

Chapter 7 -Guide to fill form 4 -Settlement Identification Form
[Picture omitted]
1 -General description

Form 4 gathers some characteristics of settlements. Fill one form 4 for each individual settlement. Find the name of settlements in each rural district in the map folder under form 501-2. The specialist decides which enumerator fills Form 4 for settlements large enough to be enumerated by more than one enumerator.
Populated settlements
Filling form 4 after completing Listing form and Household Questionnaires is easier because by that time you will have known the settlement. Islamic Council or other informed residents are of help to complete form 4.
Non-populated settlements
Fill a Listing Form with the geographical characteristics of such settlements and add "settlement is not populated at the time of census" on top of the form. When filling Form 4, enter the geographical characteristics, then, to complete parts 1-3, get help from individuals who are present in the very settlement or nearby ones.

2 -Geographical characteristics and the name of settlement
[Picture omitted]
Using the tables in the map folder [form 501-2], enter these information on Form 4. If according to informed sources the name of the settlement has changed or the name on form 501-2 is not correct, use the very name found in column 2 of form 501-2.
If the settlement has more than one name or had a name different from the one mentioned in form 501-2, record those name as well.
[Picture omitted]

Section 1 -Natural state of settlement

Section 1 indicates the natural state of the land holding most of the houses and buildings of the settlement. Consider the definitions below:
[Picture omitted]
1 -Flatlands are lands having little in the way of elevation change. The vegetation varies depend on the climate, consisting of meadow and trees in temperate climate, and scrubland in arid climate. In deserts, land is devoid of vegetation and is covered with dune or small rocks. Check box 1 if the buildings of a settlement are located in nonforest flatlands.
2 -Flatland forest
Check box 2
3 -Highland
Check box 3 if the buildings of the settlement are located on the nonforest summit, foothill, hill, valley.
4 -Highland forest
Check box 4 if the buildings of the settlement are located on the summit, foothill, hill, valley in a forest.
A valley is a low area between hills, often made by a river running through it.

Section 2 -Type of roads

Check the corresponding box to indicate road(s) leading to or passing by the registered or non-official confine of the settlement. Roads are divided to three main types: land, Railroad, and waterway.
[Picture omitted]
A -Land [except railroad] indicates:
1 -Paved road
2 -Gravel Road with base
3 -Gravel Road without base
4 -Dirt Road suitable for pedestrians, bike, and quadrupeds
Check corresponding box 1-4. If the settlement has more than one type of road report only one type based on the priority given in the form.
B -Railroad station
Check box 5 only if there is a railroad station in the settlement, allowing passengers to board or get off.
Check box 6 for settlements accessible only using boat, ship, etc.
? If the settlement has railroad station or waterway in addition to land road, check box 5 or 6 in addition to one of the boxes 1-4.

Section 3 -Is the settlement populated?

[Picture omitted]
If the settlement is populated at the time of census, find out if it becomes uninhabited sometime during the year. If the settlement is populated all year check box 1 [continual]. Check box 2 [seasonal] if the settlement is populated only part of the year.
If the settlement is populated at the time of census, find out if it becomes populated sometime during the year. If the settlement remains uninhabited throughout the year check box 3 [continual]. Check box 4 [seasonal] if the settlement becomes populated sometime during the year.
If box 2 or 4 are checked record months of start and termination of inhabitation as a two-digit numbers.
Month of start, is the month when the first household arrives the settlement, and month of termination is the month when the last household leaves the settlement.

Sections 4-13 -General description

Fill these sections for populated settlements [those with checked boxes 1 and 2 in section 3] and leave them blank for uninhabited settlements [those with checked boxes 3 and 4 in section 3].

Section 4 -Advancement project
This project includes improvement of paved roads and building raceway and sidewalk in rural routes. Check box 1 if the project is complete, box 2 if in the progress, or 3 if has not been considered yet for the settlement under enumeration.
[Picture omitted]

Section 5 -Where village supplies are purchased?

This section consists of 3 questions concerned with the rural shopping centers. Questions 1 and 2 asks about shopping centers located in the settlement under enumeration, where habitants of the very settlement and of other settlements purchase primary supplies. Question 3 asks the name of one or two cities where the residents of the very settlement travel to shop.
[Picture omitted]
Primary supplies are those necessary for everyday life, e.g. food, tobacco, garment, etc.
Check yes, if most of residents purchase their primary supplies in the same settlement, otherwise check no. If the residents of other settlements travel to this very one for shopping, check the corresponding box yes, otherwise no. Find out if the residents of the settlement under enumeration travel to city to purchase primary supplies. If the answer is yes, write the name of a city or two.

Sections 6-13 -General description
These sections are concerned with establishments or individuals whose availability in a settlement are considered facilities:
6 -Education
7 -Cultural and athletics
8 -Religious
9 -Political and administrative
10 -Power, gas, water
11 -Public health
12 -Business and commercial
13 -Transportation and communication
For each, check box 1 if such facility exist in the settlement, otherwise check box 2.
[Picture omitted]

Consider the following definitions:
Village nursery is designated for education of pre-school age children.
Rural Park is a piece of confined and fenced garden under the village mayoral office offering cultural, athletic, and social services.
Sports and athletics run by private or public sector are exclusively devoted to one or more athletic fields. Facilities solely recreational are excluded from this category. Arena is an open and gym is a roofed space for sports and athletics.
[Picture omitted]
Seminary, is where, under the Center for Seminary Administration, clergy are trained.
Ordained minister conducts mass prayer at least once a day in a mosque regularly and permanently.
Rectory, is the residence of one or more priests or ministers under the Islamic Propagation Organization.
[Picture omitted]
Council for Dispute Resolution, refers to the judiciary council responsible for rectifying local rural disputes between natural and legal persons.
[Picture omitted]
Electrical power
Find out how the majority of population receives electricity. Check box 1 for public network and box 2 for Diesel and new sources such as solar or wind sources.
[Picture omitted]
Water plumbing refers to the availability, whether or not it is accessible from within or outside the residential units of the settlement. If plumbing is available, then check box 1 for treated and 2 for untreated systems. Leave it blank if there is no plumbing system available in the settlement.
Water treatment system refers to the procedure under a responsible organization which removes existing water contaminants or so reduce their concentration that their water becomes fit for its desired end-use such as drinking or cooking.
Health clinics consist of physicians, nurse aides, and family health technicians, concerned with general and dental public health, infectious disease control, and lab technology.
Health house provides primary health care to a population under service.
Midwife center offers natural delivery services.
Nurse assistants spend 3 years in professional school directly after middle school or just before obtaining HS diploma, or attend a one-year professional school if already have obtained HS diploma.
Rural midwife, is a local resident with official midwifery training of 6 months.
Nurse aids, require at least elementary school education before completing nurse aid education.
[Picture omitted]
Kerosene distribution dealership
Liquefied petroleum gas dealership
Filling station provides gas, gas oil, and natural gas to the settlement.
[Picture omitted]
Post office offers postal services such as dispatch, delivery, and distribution of mail and stamp. Check post office if the settlement has postal dealership.
Telecommunication Office has operators for long-distance and international telecommunication. Some settlements do not have such offices but have landlines for businesses and households.
Rural ICT provides access to internet, distribution of postal packages, internet banking, etc. under Telecommunication Company of Iran.
[Picture omitted]
Public Transportation is considered access to means available in the very settlement or passing by it excluding railroad.
Railroad: If box 5 of section 2 is checked or there is access to railroad via nearby settlements, then, check box 1 for item 8 in section 13 as well.

After completing the Settlement Identification form, add the full names and phone numbers of up to three informed resources, then add your full name and date it.
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Chapter 8 -Technical points and tips
[This section was not translated into English]

Chapter 9 -Executive guide and Job description for the enumerators and specialists
[This section was not translated into English]

Form 303 -Enumerator's Progress Report
[This section was not translated into English]

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Form 304 -Specialists' Progress Report
[This section was not translated into English]

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[The rest of the document, including the index, alphabetical list of districts, and alphabetical list of cities was not translated into English]