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Government of national unity
The government of everyone

Republic of Honduras
Secretariat of the Presidency
National Statistics Institute
XVII Population Census and VI Housing Census

Enumerator's manual

The census enumerator's manual is a consultation tool that must accompany you permanently, from the moment you are training until the information is collected. This technical document contains the conceptualization and instructions necessary to collect data from the XVII National Population Census and VI Housing Census to be carried out in 2013.

Tegucigalpa, Municipality of the Central District (M.D.C.)
Honduras, Central America (C.A.)


I. Presentation

The Republic of Honduras will carry out its XVII Population Census and VI Housing Census in the last semester of 2013. This census will be the main and most up-to-date source of information on the characteristics of each and every one of the country's inhabitants and their housing, information necessary for the formulation of demographic policy, education, employment, housing, among others.

II. Objectives

1. Provide information on the size of the population, its distribution, age and sex structure, and growth, as well as its economic, social, and demographic characteristics.
2. Determine the quantity and quality of housing, the coverage of its basic services to evaluate the living conditions and specific requirements of the population.

III. Census overview

1. What is a population and housing census?
A population and housing census is the set of operations consisting of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analyzing and disseminating demographic and housing data, relating to all inhabitants and their living quarters (United Nations, 1998), at a given time.

2. Scope and reach of the census
The Population Census and Housing of 2013 in Honduras, will cover the entire national territory, registering all habitual resident persons, that are present or not in the house at the time of registration, as well as all structures intended or not for residential purposes.

3. Legal aspect
The Census is framed in the Law of the National Statistics Institute (INE), Legislative Decree No. 86-2000 of July 8, 2000, which establishes in its Article 25, that all natural and legal persons, public or private, located in the country, are obliged to provide the statistical data requested, and will not be able to excuse themselves from this obligation.

4. Confidentiality of information
The confidentiality of information is one of the most important aspects to take into account within the ethical elements of any study that involves human beings.

Article 31 of the same Law establishes that the data will be strictly confidential and may not be published individually, but rather as part of aggregate figures according to criteria and categories of public interest.


5. Census period
It is the time in which the data collection required by the census form will be carried out. It will be approximately 15 days.

[Sections IV, V, and VI of the original document are omitted here.]


VII. Census interview or registration
An interview is understood to be the dialogue that the Enumerator has with the qualified informant, with the aim of obtaining the data indicated on the census form.

To guarantee that the information to be obtained through this technique is truthful and objective, it is necessary that the interview be carried out in an orderly manner, following the order of the questions contained on the form. Allowing this to be carried out as a conversation and not as an interrogation.

To achieve a good interview, it is necessary for the Enumerator to have control over the structure of the census form.

- At the time of the interview, the Enumerators must:

a) Greet politely and introduce themselves to the informant.

b) It is important to be dressed appropriately, in order to create trust and acceptance on the part of the interviewees.

c) Identify themselves as an employee of the Census (INE), showing their card and credential, if necessary.

d) Explain the reason for the visit.

e) Indicate that the information received is confidential.

f) Try to create an environment of trust, in such a way that any fear or disinterest on the part of the informant can be overcome. Confidence and naturalness in your treatment, good manners and the effort you put in at the time of the interview are determining elements to obtain the necessary collaboration.

- Development of the interview
The interview is the method that the Enumerator uses to obtain from the informant the answers to the questions on the census form. Therefore, it is important that the Enumerator:

g) Identifies the right informant

A qualified informant should preferably be:
- The head of the household
- The partner of the Head of the Household
- In the absence of the two previous options, go to a son, a daughter or a relative of the head of the household, who is 15 years of age or older, and who knows the aspects related to housing and the characteristics of the people who make up the household.

Whenever possible, get each member of the household to provide data on people's characteristics.

h) Know and correctly handle each of the questions on the census form.


To guarantee that the information to be obtained is correct, it is necessary that you know the form and have control over it, and that you ask the questions in an orderly manner, in accordance with what is established in the census form.

i) The form is made up of six sections:

Section A. Geographical location
Section B. Housing data
Section C. Household data
Section D. Household composition
Section E. International migration and mortality
Section F. Characteristics of the people

These sections contain a series of arrows, directions and specific instructions on what the Enumerator should do after marking or recording the answer to the question.

j) General recommendations for formulating questions and recording responses.
- Read the questions with the response options described, and follow the indicated instructions. Follow these directions carefully.

- If the informant has not understood the question, repeat it slowly and provide a brief clarification.

- Listen carefully to the informant's response, and write it with legible handwriting and numbers, so that they can be read without problem later.

- Never use abbreviations when writing your answer.

- Always mark one and only one answer alternative for each question, except in those cases where otherwise indicated.

- If you make a mistake, carefully erase what you wrote without damaging the questionnaire, and check that the correct answer is clear and without stains.

- Differentiate the questions that are for all people: for those that are 3 years old and older, for those that are 5 years old and older, for those that are 12 years old and older, and for those that are 18 years old and older.

- If at the time of the interview, the informant cannot attend to you, ask them to indicate the time when they can do so.

- Please note that the form has the capacity to interview 09 household members.

k) When they refuse to answer


In the event that any of the household members refuses to provide information, keep the following recommendations in mind:

- Maintain a polite and conciliatory attitude at all times.

- Please indicate that these data are being provided by the entire Honduran population.

- Try to start the interview and if the informant allows it, continue with the questions in the order established on the census form.

- Make any observations you deem appropriate and record them in the assigned space.

- If they maintain resistance to not providing the data, make the informant aware of the confidentiality and obligation to provide the information; otherwise, make a second or third visit to try to obtain the information, and if in this last visit you did not obtain positive results, place the sticker and communicate it to your Sector Manager and continue with the next home.

- Avoid conducting the interview in the presence of people who do not belong to the household; the informant could alter his or her answers or omit them.

L) Questions not understood
- Interviewing a person is not just a matter of reading a series of questions aloud and writing down the answers. A question may not immediately produce the expected answer; the person may respond that he or she does not know, or may give an off-topic, vague, or imprecise response, or may completely refuse to respond. In these cases, ask the question again, otherwise write down in observations.

- Another possible situation is that the question has been misunderstood. In this case, you must repeat the question clearly and at a slower pace.

VIII. Instruction for filling out the census form

How to write down the data on the census form
Always use a graphite pencil, in case of making corrections, Delete, Do not cross out and write the correct information.

There are three (3) different ways to record information on the Census Form and they are described below:

1) Marking the answer by checking " ", the corresponding box.
[Omitted figure]
2) Writing down a number
[Omitted figure]

3) Writing clear and legible letters in the corresponding spaces
[Omitted figure]

In general, all questions on the census form have exclusive response options, so you must mark, note or write only one answer.

4) You will also find questions where the response options are grouped with braces. Always observe the note which will tell you which question to continue with.
[Omitted figure]

It is important that you look carefully at the corresponding instruction; otherwise, questions that do not apply will be asked or questions that do apply will not be asked. The above may involve returning to the home to gather the missing information.

When no reference appears, it means you should continue with the next question.

Section A. Geographical location
This section consists of aspects related to the geographic location of the home. The aim is to ensure the identification and location of said homes in the most precise way possible.

It is vitally important to fill out this information. Before starting the interview It's recommended that You never register a house without first filling out this section.
[Omitted figure]

This section consists of 12 subsections, of which the information in subsections 1 to 6 must be transcribed from the sticker of the folder that will be given to you with the census material to be used in your segment. Apply this instruction to all the forms.

To fill out subsections 7, 8 and 9 that correspond to the name of the Village, City or Farmhouse, Neighborhood or Colony, request this information from the informant.

Take the block number, subsection 10, from the plan or sketch of the segment.
In subsection 11, Housing number in the route, write the number corresponding to each of the houses you visit; this must be done in ascending order as you visit them, that is, write down 001 for the first house, 002 for the second house and so on until completing the last census household within the assigned segment.

In the household number, subsection 12, enter the number of the household you are investigating. When more than one household resides in the house, write down the number in ascending order, always keeping the same house number. Take into account that:

- If you identified only one household, then write 01 in the box corresponding to household No.
- In those cases where more than one household is identified; write 01 in the box corresponding to the household No. on the first form; 02 in the box corresponding to the household No. of the second form; 03 in the box corresponding to the household No. of the third form and so on. On all forms used in the home, keep the same dwelling number that you are interviewing.
- If you found housing with absent people or unoccupied (confirmed after 3 visits), then, write 00 in household No., maintaining the housing number assigned to you on the first visit.
- If the form corresponds to a collective housing, then write 00 in the household number.

In the box corresponding to the exact address of the housing, write the name of the avenue, street, stage, block, and house number, according to the existing nomenclature; also, write down any references that can be used to locate it easily.

In rural areas, housing generally does not have a specific address; thus, it will be important that in the address, you write the name of the farmhouse and the references that allow it to be located.

Note: Every form must have information about the geographic location.

Section B. Housing data
This section requests data on the general characteristics of the housing, such as the type, occupancy condition, predominant materials in the ceiling, walls and floor, and basic services provided by the housing; it is also about identifying the number of households that live in that dwelling. It consists of 12 questions.

Question 1. Housing type
The type of housing is filled out by simple observation. Mark with a check the response category considered. If the housing is Private, continue asking the questions in this section; but if it is Collective, you must go to Section F. People's Characteristics.
[Omitted figure]


To determine the type of housing, the following three characteristics must be considered:

- If the premises are used or available for the accommodation of people.
- If the premises are separated, so that the members staying there can isolate themselves from other members, mainly to sleep and eat.
- If the premises are independent, understanding the independence from the point of view of access to enter the living quarters, which can be directly from the street, from a patio, corridor, hallway, or from a staircase or elevator, without having to go through by any other living quarter occupied by another household in the living quarters or housing.
Take into account that in Private Housing you may find that in the same building there is an independent house, one or more apartments and one or more rooms.
It is a structurally separate and independent place, built, renovated or enabled for the purposes of temporary or permanent accommodation of people. Any other type of fixed or mobile shelter, occupied by people as a place of accommodation, on the date of the census, may also be considered housing.

Private Housing
Private housing can be: an independent house, an apartment, a room in an inn or rooming house, a place not built for housing, or another one. Take into account that in a house or building, there may be several houses.

Collective Housing
It is that house that is occupied by people normally not linked by kinship ties, and who share the house for reasons of work, medical care, studies, military, religion, tourism, etc.

Collective housing with few members must be registered by the regular enumerators of each sector. If the Enumerators find collective housing with numerous members, they should consult about enumerators specially trained for this purpose.

The types of private housing are defined as follows:

1- Independent house: It is a house that is entered directly from the street. It can be surrounded by gardens, land, or walls. Generally, it has its own services of water, energy and sanitation.
[Omitted figure]
2- Apartment: It is the housing that is part of a building with one or more floors or a property in which there is an independent house, separated from other houses by dividing walls or land with access to the street through a hallway for common use, corridor, staircase or elevator or by the separation ground.
An apartment has water service and sanitation for exclusive use.
3- Room in an inn or rooming house: It is the piece that is part of a group of houses that generally have a direct entrance from a patio, hallway or corridor. Generally, they share water services and sanitation.
[Omitted figure]
4- Premises not built for habitation: They are premises that are located within permanent facilities or buildings that were built for other purposes, such as: Schools, Workshops, Factories, etc., but which are being used as houses on census day. For this reason, the existence of these premises must be investigated to be registered.
[Omitted figure]
5- Ranch: It is a type of premises built of natural materials without transformation, such as thatched roof or of palm, leaves, grass and reed. Walls of adobe or round wood. Generally, this type of housing is located in rural areas.
6- Improvised house: It is the type of housing built with waste materials, such as pieces of wood, cardboard, cans, sheets, etc. Generally, this type of housing is located in the marginal areas of large cities, and lacks basic services (water, sanitation, electricity).
[Omitted figure]
7- Other type of private housing: This option must be checked in those cases in which it is not considered in the previous categories, or when there is difficulty in defining what type of housing it is.

Collective housing
It is the one occupied by people normally not linked by kinship ties, and who share the housing for reasons of: work, medical care, studies, military, religion, tourism, etc.

In collective housing, only the data corresponding to the following will be collected:

Section A "Geographical location",
Section B "Housing data" only question 1,
Section F "Characteristics of people".

Keep in mind that in the building where Collective Housing functions, there may be private housing with one or more households. If this happens, use a form for each of the private housing, and assign it a different number than the collective housing.

Example: A Hotel Manager who lives right there (in the collective housing) with his family. To record the data in these cases, you must proceed as follows:
Register all members of the collective housing, and assign them a housing number on the census form. (Example 001), checking option (8) for Hotel, hostel or guest house.

Make another form for the manager and his family members, and assign him another housing number (002), marking the response option (1) apartment, and ask him all the questions on the census form (A. Geographical location, B. Housing data, C. Household data, D. Household composition, E. International migration and mortality F. Characteristics of the people).

The types of collective housing are defined as follows:

8- Hotel, Hostel, Guest House: They are permanent living quarters, intended to provide accommodation and room service for a fee.
9- Hospital, Sanatorium or Clinic: It is an institution where sick people are housed and assisted.
10- Orphanage or Asylum: The orphanage is the housing intended for the permanent care of children, and the asylum is the housing where elderly people are housed and cared for.
11- Barracks, Battalion or Police Post: These are the facilities where members of the Army and the Police permanently live.
12- Prison or Reformatory: They are centers where people are detained. For census purposes, only people who are detained for a period of more than six months will be registered.
13- Other type of Collective Housing: This category includes Collective Housing that does not fit any of the aforementioned definitions; for example, a student boarding school.


Housing construction materials

Question 2. What is the predominant material on the exterior walls of the housing?
[Omitted figure]
Read each of the response categories carefully and mark the response provided with a check. When you ask the question, emphasize that the answer must refer to the predominant material in the construction of the walls.

If they are built with more than one material, ask them to tell you which one is predominant and mark it.

For cases of occupied housing with absent people and unoccupied housing, if the construction material of the walls is mostly visible, you can mark the response option with a check, by observation.

Question 3. What is the predominant material on the roof of the house?
[Omitted figure]
Read each of the response options carefully, and mark the answer provided with a check.
When you ask the question, emphasize that the answer must refer to the predominant material in the construction of the roof of the house. You only need to mark one response option.

In the event that the housing is occupied with absent people or unoccupied, if the construction material is visible, mark the answer, based on observation.


Question 4. Housing occupancy condition
Mark with a check the response option that corresponds to the occupancy condition of the housing. It may be a condition of being occupied or unoccupied.
If the answer is occupied condition, subsection 2: (occupied with absent people), you must terminate the form, only after having made 3 visits, and inform your Sector Manager.
But if the answer is unoccupied, choose from the options: to rent or sell, for temporary use, under repair, under construction or other, finish the form and move on to another housing.
[Omitted figure]

Occupied housing
With people present: it is the housing that, on the day of the interview, is occupied by at least one person with the capacity to provide the requested data.
[Omitted figure]

With absent people: it is a permanently occupied housing, but in which people are not present on Census days, for work or other reasons. Investigate with the neighbors the reason for the absence, and when it is possible to find them. (Fill out the CNPV-02-E form and bring it inside the housing. In the space of Observations of the Route Control Sheet, write down the day and time indicated to obtain the information.)

Do not forget that you must terminate your interview only after having made 3 visits; after that, you can check the option "Occupied with absent people".
[Omitted figure]


Unoccupied housing:
To Rent or sell: It is the housing that at the time of the census is uninhabited and it is available for rent or sale.

For temporary use: It is the housing that is generally used for vacations, weekends, or to live in during planting and/or harvest time.
[Omitted figure]

In repair: It is the housing that is exclusively in the process of repair, be it the floor, walls, roof, etc.

In construction: It is the housing that is in the process of construction, which is finished at wall and roof level, but which, at the time of the census, is uninhabited.

Other: those housing that have been abandoned, are about to be demolished, have been temporarily evacuated, or are simply closed for other reasons fall into this category.
[Omitted figure]

Only for private housing occupied with people present
[Questions 5-12 are asked of private households with present people]

Question 5. What is the predominant material on the floor of the housing?
Read each of the options carefully and mark the provided answer with a check. When you ask the question, emphasize that the answer must refer to the predominant material on the floor of the housing. You only need to mark one response option.
[Omitted figure]


Basic housing services

Question 6. How is water obtained for the housing?
Read each of the response options and mark with a check the option indicated by the informant.
[Omitted figure]

- By pipe inside the house: It is supplied by pipe, and is located inside the house. Water is supplied directly.
- By pipe outside the housing, but inside the building, lot or property: It is supplied by pipe, but is not located inside the house; to obtain it, you have to leave the house, but always remain within the building, lot or property.
- By pipe, outside the building, lot or property: It is supplied by pipe, but to get its supply, you have to go outside the building, outside the lot or outside the property.
- It does not receive water through pipes, but through other means: It is when water is not obtained through pipes, but from other sources. For example; they have to bring water from the public tap, from a neighbor's house, from a relative's house, etc.

Question 7. Where does the water you use in your housing come from?
Read each of the responses, and mark with a check the option that corresponds to the informant's response.
[Omitted figure]

- From the public system: It is the one provided by the state through the Autonomous National Water Supply and Sewage Service (SANAA), or the municipalities.
- From the private system: When it is supplied by pipe, through private companies, employers organizations or water boards.
- From Well Winch: When water comes from a well that has a curb, and it is obtained by means of a rope tied to a bucket.
- From Well with Pump: When water is extracted from the inside of a well, through the action of a pump, either manually, or through an electric or fuel motor.
- From the Slope, from the River or Stream: When water is obtained directly from these sources, through buckets, jugs, barrels, etc.
- From a Lake or Lagoon: When water is obtained directly from these sources.
- From a Street Seller or Delivery Person: They are people who sell water, transporting it in tankers or other vehicles.
- Other: Any other source other than those mentioned in the previous categories.

Question 8. What is the main type of lighting you use?
Mark with a check the response option given by the informant.
[Omitted figure]

- Public system electricity: It is provided by the State through the National Energy Company (ENEE), or by the municipalities.
- Private system electricity: It is provided by a private company or an employer's association.
- Own motor electricity: It is when the housing has its own engine. In cases where an owner of a certain housing has his own engine and sells energy to one or more houses, then, in this case, the owner of the engine must be registered in the subsection of
response own motor electricity, and the houses to which he sells energy must register as private system electricity.
- Oil lamp or gas (kerosene) lamp: They are generally used in rural areas.
- Candle: When the people in the house frequently use it for lighting.
- Montezuma Pine: Wood frequently used for lighting in rural areas.
- Solar panel: When it has a solar panel as a source of energy for lighting, whether exclusive for the housing, or in the community, several houses make use of a community system of this type of electricity.
- Other: It refers to any other form of lighting that the house may use.

Garbage disposal

Question 9. Mainly, how do you dispose of garbage?
Mark with a check the response option provided by the informant.
[Omitted figure]

If you mention more than one way of garbage disposal, ask them to tell you the most common one. You only need to mark one response option.

Question 10. Not counting bathrooms or hallways, how many total rooms does the housing have?

Not counting bathrooms or hallways, how many total rooms does the housing have?
Read the question as it is written, and when the informant gives you the information about the number of rooms, write them down in the box and make sure that the informant has not counted bathrooms or hallways.
[Omitted figure]

It must include all the existing rooms in the house; that is: the bedrooms, the kitchen, the living room(s), the dining room, the study rooms, the cellar, etc., regardless of whether they are used by one or more households. Even those rooms that are physically separated from the main structure of the house must be counted.

Room or Spaces: It is a space or environment of a living quarter, enclosed by fixed walls that rise from the floor to the ceiling, or at least to a height of six point five six feet (6.56 feet) from the floor, and that is suitable for human habitation.

Great care must be taken when recording the data. It should be considered that:

- In independent housing, the total number of rooms of the structure identified as such must be recorded.
- In the apartment, the total number of rooms in each apartment must be recorded and not the total number of apartments in the building.
- In the room in an Inn or Rooming House, the total number of rooms or rooms occupied by the household or households must be recorded, and not the total number of rooms that the building has as a whole.
- In the case raised about the hotel manager, only the rooms occupied by him and his family should be recorded, and not the total number of rooms in the building.

Below is a drawing of a house in which a total of five (5) rooms are displayed.

[Omitted figure]

Question 11. "Is there a person or group of people in this home who buys and consumes food separately?"
Read the question as it is written. Mark with a check the response option provided by the informant. Before marking it, you have to be clear about the concept of household. If you answer yes, continue and if you answer no, go to section C.
[Omitted figure]

Remember that household is one that is made up of a person or a group of people, with or without kinship ties, who live in the same housing and who, at least for food, depend on the same budget (common pot).

Additionally, there may be one or more households in the housing; and it is important that each of these be identified. Read the question as it is written, and if the informant does not understand it, take into account the
household concept. Keep in mind that a person who lives alone also constitutes a private household.

Question 12. Including yours, how many groups or households are there in total?
Read the question and note in the corresponding box the number of households in the dwelling you are registering.
[Omitted figure]

If you find only one household inside the housing, write down 01.

In the event that there is more than one household in that housing, you must follow the following procedure:

a) For the main household (household 01), you must fill out the census form in all its sections and the necessary additional ones.

b) From the second household:
- You must use one form per household, marking the form for another household box on each form, which appears at the top of the first page.
- Fill out the information in Section A. Geographical location. In question 11, write the same dwelling number that you initially gave to household 1 (first household).
- Leave the data in Section B. Housing data blank.
- Fill out all of the following sections: household information, household composition, international migration, mortality, and person characteristics.

Keep in mind that you will use as many census forms as the number of households that share said housing.

Don't forget to fill in the summary table once you have completed the interview. This summary table is found at the end of the first sheet of the census form.
[Omitted figure]


Section C. Household information


Question 1. How many rooms does this household use for sleeping?
Write down in the box the number of rooms or spaces that the household uses for sleeping, regardless of whether during the day the room is used for other uses.
[Omitted figure]

Remember that these are not the rooms that are considered a bedroom; they are the rooms that all members of the household use to sleep.

Question 2. Does this household have a cooking room?
Mark the "yes" option with a check when the household has an exclusive room or space for cooking.
If you answer yes, continue; and if you answer no, go to question 4.
[Omitted figure]

A cooking room is one that is intended for food preparation. Currently, some dwellings include the kitchen with the dining room, separated only by a space. In these cases, consider that this house does have a room for cooking. It is possible that in certain dwellings, there is more than one household; if both use the same room for cooking, each of these households can declare that they do have a room for cooking; this is acceptable.

Question 3. Is the cooking room only used by this household?
Mark with a check the option declared by the informant and continue with the next question.
[Omitted figure]

Energy for cooking

Question 4. What is the main source of energy for cooking?
Mark with a check, only one response option provided by the informant. If you give more than one option, ask for the one that the household uses the most.

If the informant tells you that none are used because that Household does not cook, check the box do not cook.


Sanitation service

Question 5. What type of sanitation service do you have?
Read the question and mark with a check the box that corresponds to the informant's response.
If you check the option of "does not have", go to question 7.
[Omitted figure]

Note that:

1- Toilet connected to sewerage network: It is when the excreta from the toilet and sewage are cleaned by means of pressurized water coming through a pipe or with a bucket of water, and are discharged into a sewage network.

2- Toilet connected to a septic tank: It is when the excreta from the toilet and sewage are cleaned by means of pressurized water coming through a pipe or with a bucket of water, and are discharged to a tank built for this purpose.

[Omitted figure]

3- Toilet with discharge to river, stream, lagoon, sea or lake: It is when the excreta and sewage are cleaned by means of pressurized water arriving by pipe or with a bucket of water, and are discharged directly into the river, stream, lagoon, sea, or lake.

4- Simple pit latrine: It consists of a more or less deep hole, over which a seat of cement or wood is built.


5- Latrine with hydraulic closure: Also known as a peasant seat. Evacuation of excreta with water thrown by bucket.

6- Other: Refers to any other form of service that is not considered in the previous options.

7- Does not have: When the household does not have an excreta disposal system. If you check this option, go to question 7.

Question 6. Is the sanitation service for exclusive use of the household?
Mark with a check the response option obtained.

Don't forget that it is for the exclusive use of the household, that is, the sanitation service is used only by the members of the household that you are registering, in which case check the box "yes" (1). If it is used by members of another household, it is considered shared use, in that case, check the box "no" (2).

Comfort and equipment

Question 7. Do you have your own car for household use?
Ask the question and mark with a check ( ) the response provided by the informant. Remember that it is investigated whether any member of the household has a car for personal or family use, not including vehicles for commercial or work use.
[Omitted figure]

Question 8. Does this household have any of the following appliances, equipment or services?
Read the question verbatim and each of the appliances, equipment, or services that appear in the list of response options, and mark with a check Yes or No, depending on the answer given by the informant.
[Omitted figure]

Please note that this is a multiple response question, so you must mark all the response options with Yes or No.


All must be answered with a response option and for artifacts that are in poor condition awaiting repair, you must check the box corresponding to "yes" it has.


Question 9. The housing occupied by this household is:
Read the response categories and mark with a check the box that corresponds to the informant's response.

To avoid doubts about the options presented, take into account the following concepts:

1- Own: When the household has acquired the right to ownership of the housing and its land through purchase, inheritance, gift, or construction by one of the members of the household, etc.
2- Own paying it in installments: When the household is acquiring the right to ownership of the housing and its land, and on the date of the census, it is in the payment process.
3- Rented: It is the housing for the usage of which an amount of money is paid as rent.
4- Loaned or transferred without payment: This option must be checked when the household that lives in the housing does not pay any monthly payment.
5- Assigned for work services: This option must be checked when the household that lives in the housing occupies it in exchange for services provided by one of its members because they are taking care of it, or because the owner authorizes them to live in it without paying any monthly payment.

Section D. Household composition

This section identifies the number of people who usually make up the household, according to their relationship with the head of the household and the age of each one.
You must consider as people who make up the household those who depend on a common budget, at least for their food, and who permanently live in that housing; even if at the time of registration they are temporarily absent, for reasons of business, travel, health, study, work, etc.

Question 1. Including newborns, boys, girls, elderly men and women, employees and domestic workers who sleep inside. How many people in total usually make up this household?
[Omitted figure]


Read the question verbatim and write in the corresponding boxes, the total of people indicated by the informant. Immediately ask how many are men and how many are women.
Who should be registered.

- All the people who have been in the household for 6 months or more
- All the people who have been there for less than 6 months and declare their intention to establish residence in this place.
- All the people who are alive during the census period
- All the boys or girls, born before midnight on census day.
- All the people who died after midnight on census day

Habitual residence is considered to be the place where the person usually or regularly lives most of the time, even if the person is absent from the home at the time of the census.
Examples: Below are some cases that may arise during registration.
[Omitted table]


Question 2. What is the first and last name of each of the persons who usually make up this household?
[Omitted figure]
Read the question verbatim and write down in the corresponding spaces the order number, first and last name, relationship and age (in years) of the people who usually reside in the home, whether present or absent. The total number of people must match the data reported in question 1.

Note: Make sure you have included newborns, children, the elderly, domestic workers and other people who live at home and are temporarily absent on the list.

Start by writing down the Head of the Household, and then continue with the order established at the top of the box.

In other relatives, cousins, uncles, grandparents and any person who, by blood, is related to the head of the household are registered.

In other non-relatives, godparents, in-laws, guests, among others, are registered.

Domestic employee includes the people who provide that service, and the family members of the employee, as long as they reside in that home.

Note: Remember that this section is designed to obtain information from 9 people who make up the household. If a household is made up of more than 9 people, you must use additional forms and to do this, you must follow the procedure below:
[Omitted figure]


On the first form:

The data for the following sections is filled out:
A. Geographic location,
B. Housing data,
C. Household data and
D. Household composition: fill out question 1, writing down the total number of people who make up the household, and in question 2, write the names of the first 9 people who make up the household.
E. International migration and mortality
F. Person characteristics

On the second form (additional form):

a) The additional form box is checked.
b) The data in Section A. Geographical location is filled out.
c) In Section D. Household composition, the names of the rest of the people who make up the household are noted.

From this moment, the first form must be resumed to fill out the data corresponding to Section F. Person characteristics, until the data for the last person recorded on the second form is obtained.

Section E. International migration and mortality
This section collects information about household members who emigrated to other countries; as well as mortality of household members.

Question 1. In the last 10 years (as of 2003), does anyone who belonged to this household currently live in another country?
[Omitted figure]
Read the question verbatim and mark the informant's response option; if the response is yes, mark with a check box 1, and immediately ask about the number of people who have emigrated, write it down in the boxes (How many people); record the order number consecutively and investigate each of them: Record the information provided one by one, the sex, the year of departure, the age they were when they left and the country where they currently live.
If the answer is no, please mark with a check box 2 and go on to ask the next question.

Question 2.
Including boys, girls, elderly men and women. From January 1 to December 31, 2012, did anyone who belonged to this household die?
[Omitted figure]

Read the question verbatim and mark with a check the yes (1), or no (2) box, according to the informant's response. Emphasize that they must provide information on the number of deaths (muertes o defunciones) that occurred in their household, during January 1 to December 31, 2012 (previous year), whether they were boys, girls, adults, older adults, men or women. They should include people who, having their habitual residence in the home, died elsewhere (hospital, nursing home, etc.).
If the answer is yes, mark with a check ( ) box 1, and immediately ask about the number of people who have died, write it in the boxes How many people?


Write down in correlative order the first and last name of each of the people who died the year before the census (reference year), and investigate each of them: For sex, mark with a check, if he is a man, mark box 1, and if she is a woman, box 2. For the age at death, write it in years. For the next column on whether the death has been registered in the National Registry of Persons, mark 1 for yes and 2 for no.

If the deceased persons were women between 12 and 49 years old, record in the corresponding spaces: 1, if she died during pregnancy; 2, if she died during childbirth; 3, if she died within 2 months after giving birth; and 4, if she died from another cause.

If the answer is no, mark with a check ( ) box 2 and go to Section F, People's characteristics.
Do not include people who died before January 1, 2012, nor people who died after December 31, 2012.

Section F. Person characteristics

For all people
[Questions 1-8 are asked of all persons]

[Omitted figure]
Initially, you are asked to enter the Order number, name and last name of the person from which the information in this section is being filled; these data must match those registered and assigned in Section D Household Composition.

Question 1. What relationship or kinship does [the respondent] have with the head of the household?
Read each of the response options and mark with a check the kinship that the person interviewed has with the Head of the Household.
[Omitted figure]

Remember that the first page of Section F. People's characteristics is for exclusive use by the Head of the Household.

If the registered person lives in a Collective housing, check box 14 "Resident in Collective Housing". In these cases, the kinship that may exist between the people residing in this type of housing is not important. Only in those cases in which, in collective housing, the existence of a private household is identified; the information must be obtained in the same way indicated for the private housing.


In Other relatives, check cousins, uncles, grandparents; that is, all those who have some degree of kinship considered by the Head of the Household

In Other non-relatives, register those who do not have any relationship with the Head of the Household, such as friends, godparents, etc.

Question 2. Sex?
Mark with a check the option that corresponds to the sex of the person investigated.
[Omitted figure]

If the person from whom you are taking information is not present, do not rely on the name and ask the question, since it is common to find names that are used for both men and women; for example: Carmen, Jesus, Guadalupe, Concepción, Santos, Trinidad, María, etc.

Question 3. How old is [the respondent]?
Ask the question and write down in the boxes the answer given by the informant.
[Omitted figure]

Emphasize that the data obtained is of completed years, to record the age of the person at the time of the census. Never leave this question blank, get the answer. In case the identity card is lent to you, you can obtain the number of years completed by difference. If this is not possible, try to help the person calculate their age, mentioning historical dates, such as age at marriage, age at having the informant's first child, etc.

Write down the information in the three available boxes, for example, if they are 3 years old, write 003 and when they are less than one year old, write 000.

Question 4. Is [the respondent] registered in the National Registry of Persons?
Ask the question and mark the response option with a check.
[Omitted figure]

Question 5. How does [the respondent] identify himself or herself?
The main objective is to quantify the indigenous and Afro-Honduran population.
[Omitted figure]


Read the question and each of the categories and mark with a check ( ) the box that corresponds to the answer given by the informant.

If the answer is 1 (Indigenous), 2 (Afro-Honduran) or 3 (Black), continue with question 6. But if the answer is 4 (Mestizo), 5 (White), 6 (Other) go to question 7.

If you get as the answer subsection 6 (Other), specify in the space provided how people identify themselves.

Question 6. What community does [the respondent] belong to?
Remember that this question will only be asked to those who answered the first three response options (Indigenous, Afro-Honduran, and Black) of the previous question (5).
[Omitted figure]

Read each of the options and mark with a check ( ) the box that corresponds to the informant's response.

The option with the "other" box should only be checked when the person responds that they do not belong to any of the mentioned groups and must specify which other ethnicity they belong to.

Question 7. Has [the respondent] permanently got any limitation for:
Read each of the response categories and mark with a check ( ) the option obtained from the informant, in the yes or no box.
[Omitted figure]

The last column must be answered only when the answer is yes.

To those who answered yes, ask them: "Your limitation is because of": Birth (1), Illness (2), Accident (3) or Age (4). You need to get the answer, to know the cause of their limitation. It may be the case that a person has more than one limitation.


1.- Moving or walking: It is when the registered person cannot move or walk, so they need help to get around.
2.- Using their arms or hands: If the person has a physical disability manifested by the absence or decreased ability to move the arms or hands, either as a consequence of amputations, strokes, spinal cord injury or polio.
3.- See, even using glasses: When the person cannot see even though they wear glasses.
4.- Hearing, even using special devices: In this category, people who can't hear or who use devices such as hearing aids or sound amplifiers to hear. In general, it is the deaf who are known as deaf-mute.
5.- Talking: When the person cannot speak.
6.- Having some intellectual disability or deficiency: When the registered person has a decreased level of intelligence due to intellectual disability. This group includes people affected by Down syndrome, microcephaly, cretinism, autism, etc.
7.- Taking care of oneself (bathe, dress or feed oneself): When the person cannot take care of themselves and needs help bathing, dressing or feeding.
8.- Another deficiency: When the registered person permanently presents another limitation that does not appear on the census form.

[Omitted figure]


Question 8. Where was [the respondent] born?
Read the question and you must slowly mention the three response options: A. In this municipality? B. In another municipality in the country? and C. In another country?; then mark with a check the response option obtained.
[Omitted figure]

If the answer is A (In this municipality), go to question 9. If the answer is B (In another municipality in the country), fill the spaces of Municipality and Department; and if the answer is C (In another country), write the name of the country and fill in the year of arrival in Honduras. You only need to mark one response option.
Insist that this information refers to the geographical place where the person was born and not the establishment (hospital, housing) where the person was born. The informant is likely to respond that some persons were born in a place other than where their mother resided at that time.

In these cases, the place where the mother resided when the person about whom the information is being given must be recorded as the place of birth of the person.

For 3-year-old people and older
[Questions 9-13 are asked of persons aged 3 or more years old]

Question 9. Can [the respondent] read and write?
Mark with a check ( ) the corresponding box.
[Omitted figure]

If the person interviewed only reads or only writes, or only knows how to sign, check box NO (2).

Question 10. At the moment, is [the respondent] studying in an educational center such as kindergarten, school, college or university?
Ask the question and mark with a check the box that corresponds to the informant's response.
[Omitted figure]

When the answer is "yes" you must include people who attend special education schools (deaf and mute, blind, etc.) and also people who study with private teachers, as long as the level of study belongs to formal education; furthermore, it must include the
education programs at the elementary and high school level of the Honduran Institute of Education ("IHER").

If the person is attending an establishment of the system that is not part of the regular education system such as beauty academies, gardening courses, etc. check box NO

Question 11. What was the last grade, course or year that [the respondent] passed at this educational center?
Read the question with all the options, and circle the number that corresponds to the last grade, course or year approved at the highest level of study that the informant has completed. In each answer, you will find the numbers located on the right.
[Omitted figure]

Keep in mind that if the answer is one of the first 5 options (None, Literacy, Kindergarten, Elementary, High school common cycle), and if it is under 5 years old, the interview ends. But if you are 5 years old or older, go to question 11.

Examples of correct annotation:
1. A person declares that he passed the third year of basic education
Elementary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2. The person declares that has passed and completed the fourth year of Non-University Higher Education.
Non-university higher education 1 2 3 4

3. The person declares having passed Literacy
Literacy 0

To record the answer you must consider that:

1- None: When the person has not attended any school or literacy program.
2- Literacy: Adults generally attend this level to acquire basic knowledge of writing and reading.
3- Kindergarten: It is the level prior to elementary school. It is the level known as: pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and high school. It is a basic level that helps stimulate the formation of habits and development of skills in children, before entering elementary school.
4- Elementary: It is the first level of elementary or formal education, it consists of 6 grades; includes elementary centers that have 9 grades.
5- High school, common cycle: This level consists of three academic years, it is known as the common cycle of general culture or basic plan. The requirement for entry to this level is having passed the sixth grade of elementary education.
6- Diversified high school: It is the level that consists of 4 academic years. Students who passed the common or ninth cycle enter. It includes the courses of study of Commercial Expert and Public Accountant, Elementary Education Teacher, Plastic Arts Teacher, Commercial Secretary, Technical Bachelor in Computer Science, Bachelor in Business Administration.
7- Advanced technician: They are short courses taught by universities for high school graduates and other intermediate or diversified level professionals. They last two years. This level includes people graduated as Technicians in Marketing, in Elementary Education, in Preschool Education.
8- Non-university higher education: This level includes graduates or students of the National School of Agriculture (ENA) of Catacamas, the National School of Forestry Sciences (ESNACIFOR) of Siguatepeque, the Pan-American Agricultural School (ZAMORANO), Military Academies, Police Schools, Major Seminary "Nuestra Señora de Suyapa", Center for Design, Architecture and Construction "CEDAC", etc. It also includes people who graduated from what was formerly the Francisco Morazán Higher Teachers' School.
9- University: It constitutes the training system for professional staff and is taught in public or private universities, as well as abroad.
10- University postgraduate: These are university-level studies that are carried out after having completed a university degree. The duration of postgraduate courses varies from 1 year to a period of no more than 5 years.

Question 12. Did [the respondent] finish that course of study or specialty?
Read the question and mark with a check the response option obtained from the informant.
[Omitted figure]

This question is related to the answer to the previous question. If the answer is yes, it means that you finished the degree or specialty and if the answer is no, it means that it takes one or several years to complete.

Question 13. What is the name of the course of study or specialty of the last year approved?
Ask the question and on the corresponding lines, write the name of the course of study or specialty to which the last year passed corresponds.
[Omitted figure]

Example: Elementary education teacher, high school education teacher in social sciences, bachelor's degree in science and literature, bachelor's degree in computing, bachelor's degree in business administration, forestry engineering, postgraduate degree in finance, dentistry, chemistry and pharmacy, general medicine, public accounting, etc.

For 5-year-old people and older
[Questions 14-21 are asked of persons aged 5 or more years old]

Question 14. Where did [the respondent] live 5 years ago?
[Omitted figure]
Read this question and mention the three options: A. In this farmhouse, village or city?, B. In another place in the country? and C. In another country. Mark with a check ( ) the response option obtained.

If the answer obtained is option A, go to question 15, which is next. If the answer obtained is option B, fill in the spaces for farmhouse, village or city, municipality and department and if the answer obtained is option C, enter the country.

Do not confuse the term "In another part of the country", with another neighborhood in the same city, the same farmhouse or the same village, explain to the informant that you are referring to another geographically different jurisdiction.

Question 15. Did [the respondent] work at least one hour during the past week?
Read the question and if the person reports that during the past week they carried out one or more activities, paid or unpaid, inside or outside the home, at least for an hour, mark with a check the box of yes (1), and go to question 17.
[Omitted figure]

This question is for people who, during the
past week, worked performing an occupation in a public or private company, in their own workshop or business or that of a family member, on their own or family ranch or farm, in exchange for a remuneration, salary in cash and/or in kind (food products, housing, clothing, etc.), profit or utility, or as an unpaid family member.

If the answer obtained is no, mark with a check the "no" and continue with the next question.

Question 16. During the past week [the respondent]:
Read each of the options verbatim and mark with a check ( ) the response option obtained from the informant. You only need to mark one response option.
[Omitted figure]

This question aims to include all the people who really do a job and who answered in the previous question no, but they do have an economic activity that generates a profit, or they work in a family business. For example: making tortillas for sale, making bread, making clothes, repairing shoes, etc.

If you check any of the options in block "A"; numbered 1 to 5, continue with the next question. But if the answer is any option from block "B", from 6 to 12, Go to question 22.
Each of the alternatives of the question is described below:

1- Tended agricultural crops, forestry or animal husbandry owned by themselves or a family member: This should include any person who worked last week, whether on a farm, ranch or company dedicated to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry or any activity related to agriculture, whether self-employed (as an employer or as an independent worker) or in a family business (unpaid family worker).
2- Attended or helped in their own or family business or workshop: This should include any person who last week worked in a business, workshop or own company (as an employer or as an independent worker), or in a family business (unpaid family worker), dedicated to the production of a product (Manufacturing industry), marketing (Purchase and sale) or the provision of a service (Law Office, Customs Agency, etc.).
3- Prepared food or made items for sale: Includes people who are dedicated to preparing food (candy, cakes, etc.) and any type of article or product (tortilla, bread, embroidery, hats, piñatas, crowns, etc.) for sale, which allows them to obtain some income to contribute to the household economy.
4- The person had a job but did not work due to being on vacation, leave, illness, etc.: It refers to people who have jobs; however, last week they did not carry out their activities due to being on vacation, on leave (permission), due to illness, seasonality, lack of raw materials, etc.
5- The person looked for work and had worked before: It refers to the people who, having lost their employment, job or business, did not work but did look for a job or took steps to start their own business or to cultivate the land. All the people who were training last week to apply for a job should also be included here.
6- The person looked for a job and had never worked: It is anyone who is looking for a job for the first time, that is, who has never worked, not even in their own or family business. This should also include all the people who were training last week to apply for a job, but who have never worked before. This case is very common in young people.
7- The person lived off their retirement or pension: This includes any person who did not work last week, because they live off the income from a retirement, whether due to their age, years of service provided in a company or pension for widowhood, disability, etc.
8- The person lived off their income: It is anyone who did not work, because they live off the income they receive from rent, real estate (buildings, homes, etc.) or the interest accrued on the capital they have saved in banking institutions. Those people who rent agricultural machinery for construction should also be included here, as long as they do not participate directly in the administration or management of the company.
9- The person just studied: It refers to the people who during the past week dedicated themselves exclusively to studying, that is, who did not do any type of work.
10- The person only did household chores: The people who in the previous week dedicated exclusively to domestic chores (homemaker) in the home they live in are considered as such.
11- The person is permanently unable to work: This category refers to people who are physically or mentally permanently unable to work.
12- Other: This category must be marked when the informants do not fall into any of the previous categories, either because they did not work last week, did not look for a job, nor are they interested in working.

Question 17. What is the name of the main occupation, trade or position [the respondent] holds or held in this work?
Read the question and write down in the corresponding spaces the name of the occupation, employment, trade or job position that the informant states.
[Omitted figure]

If the person has carried out more than one occupation in the week before the census, ask and write down the occupation that the person considers to be the main or most important one.
In many cases, the profession differs from the occupation, for example: A doctor may have the occupation of being a hospital administrator, an engineer may be the manager of a company, a lawyer may serve as a judge, etc.

Also in many cases, the occupation is synonymous with the position held by the person, for example, President of the Republic, President of the National Congress, Municipal Mayor, Municipal Councilor, Executive Secretary, School Principal, Hospital Director, Director of Orchestra, etc.

Some examples of occupations and the correct way to write them on the form:
[Omitted table]

It is necessary to indicate that what should be noted is the occupation and not the profession, even though there may be cases where the occupation and the profession coincide.

To strengthen the knowledge, it is necessary that, during training, a list of the most frequent occupations that exist in villages and municipalities be prepared.


Question 18. In this work, does or did[the respondent] work as:
Read the question and each of the response categories; mark with a check, the corresponding box.
[Omitted figure]

The categories incorporated in the form respond to the following definitions:

1. Private employee or worker: It is the person who works for an employer or private company, and who receives remuneration in the form of salary, wages, commissions, payments in money or in kind, for performing managerial, technical, administrative or support occupations.
2. Public employee or worker: It is the person who works in the public administration (Central Government, autonomous institutions and municipalities) performing executive, technical, administrative or support occupations.
3. Employer with employees: It is any person who owns an economic unit (factory, business, workshop, farm, ranch, etc.) that hires or employs one or more people on a permanent basis.
4. Independent worker: It is the person who carries out an activity independently, does not have an employer, nor hires permanent salaried personnel. In some cases, family members who are not paid for their job work with them, for example, independent professionals and technicians, street vendors, small merchants, shoemakers, plumbers, farmers, etc.
5. Unpaid family worker: It is the person who works in a family business, without receiving any remuneration in return.
6. Domestic employee: This category should include all the people who are responsible for the care of a house and its inhabitants, in exchange for a monetary payment
and/or payment in kind, for example, housekeepers, butlers, cooks, nannies, laundresses, gardeners, exclusive drivers for the housing, etc.
7. Unpaid worker: It is the person who works in a company, farm, ranch, etc. without receiving remuneration.
8. Other: This category should include any person whose occupation category does not fall into any of the above.

Question 19. How many hours did [the respondent] work the past week or during the last week the person worked?
Write, in the corresponding boxes, the number of hours of work that the informant did in the past week or in the last week in which the informant worked.
[Omitted figure]

Insist that the number of hours worked must be during the past week. If the information is provided in daily hours, ask how many days the person worked per week and confirm the schedule, make the respective calculation and write down the number of hours worked.
For those who were on vacation, sick, or on leave, ask about the number of hours they worked in the last working week.

Question 20. What activity does [the respondent] do or what does the company, institution, or place, where this person works or worked the last time, produce?
Write down what they produce or what activity the industry, business, farm, institution, public agency, etc., where they work, or last worked, is dedicated to.
[Omitted figure]

If the establishment carries out more than one activity, write down the main activity in which the informant works.

If the person carries out an occupation on the street as an itinerant worker, write down the branch of activity Street vending (newspapers, fruits, vegetables, sweets, etc.).

For people who provide services, such as laundresses or domestic employees in private houses, write down Private house.

Activity is what the company, workshop, institution or organization produces or does; it is what all workers do together to produce a product, to provide a service or to sell goods.

You must specifically write the product that the company grows, manufactures or produces, the product it sells, or the services it provides.

Below are some examples of activities and the way to write them on the form:
Examples branch of activity
[Omitted table]
It must be taken into account that in many cases, the occupation is identical to the activity, especially in small companies, or when the person carries out an activity in a traditional way in their housing.

To strengthen the knowledge, it is necessary that, during training, a list of the most frequent activities that exist in villages and municipalities be prepared.

Question 21. In which municipality is the company, institution or place where [the respondent] works or worked the last time located?
Read this question and mention the two options: A. In this municipality? and B. In another municipality in the country? Mark with a check the response option obtained.
[Omitted figure]

If the answer obtained is option A, check box 1 and go to question 22, which is next. If they answer option B, check box 2 and fill in the spaces for municipality and department.


For 12-year-old people and older
[Questions 22-24 are asked of persons aged 12 or more years old]

Question 22. What is [the respondent] current marital status?
Mark with a check ( ) the box that corresponds to the answer given by the registered person.
The marital status of individuals at the time of the census must be recorded, regardless of legal status.
[Omitted figure]

1- Common-law marriage: It is the marital relationship between two people, who without having contracted marriage by Civil and/or religious Law, live in a consensual union.
2- Married: That Person who has married by Civil Law and/or by any religion.
3- Separated: A person who, being married, does not live with the spouse or in a common-law marriage with another person.
4- Divorced: A person who legally ended the marriage bond (judgment of the competent authority) and has not remarried nor lives in a common-law marriage with another person.
5- Widowed: A person that after the death of the partner has not remarried, nor does the person live in a common-law marriage with another person.
6- Single.- A person who has never married and does not live in a consensual union.

Question 23. Does [the respondent] have an email account?
Read the question and mark with a check the response option obtained.
[Omitted figure]

Question 24. Has [the respondent] got a cellphone?
Read the question and mark with a check the response option obtained.
[Omitted figure]


For 12-year-old women and older
[Questions 25-29 are asked of women aged 12 or more years old]

Question 25. Has [the respondent] had any son or daughter born alive?
Read the question and mark the appropriate box with a check. If the answer is 1 (yes), continue the interview; if it is 2 (no), go to question 30.
[Omitted figure]

This question should always have information for 12-year-old women and older Regardless of their marital status.

If the person who is giving you the information is a man, it is preferable that you request the presence of the woman (if possible) so that she can answer, regardless of her marital status, since she will be able to provide accurate information.

It is understood that a son and daughter born alive is one who cried, breathed, or showed any other sign of life at birth, even if he or she died immediately afterward.

In the event that the woman about whom the information is provided has had sons and daughters born alive, she must mark with a check the "yes" option, regardless of whether they are currently alive or have died. If you get a negative answer, check the box "No" and go to question 30.

Question 26. How many sons or daughters born alive have [the respondent] had in total?
Get the answer and write in the box the number of sons and daughters you have had who were born alive, although some have died later.
[Omitted figure]

Question 27. How many sons and daughters are currently alive?
Write down the total number of sons and daughters who are currently alive, in the corresponding spaces. In this case, you must take into account children who are married or not and who no longer live in the house.
[Omitted figure]

Question 28. On what date was your last son or daughter born alive?
Ask the question and write down the day, month and year of birth of the last son or daughter born alive.
[Omitted figure]
This date must be recorded regardless of whether the last son or daughter is currently alive or has died. If the last birth was twins, the date of birth is the same.

The numbering of the months is as follows:
[Omitted table]

Question 29. Is your last son or daughter born alive currently living?
Mark with a check the response option obtained by the informant.
[Omitted figure]

For 18-year-old people and older
[Question 30 is asked of persons aged 18 years and older]

Question 30. Has [the respondent] got an identity card?
Read the question and mark with a check
[Omitted figure]
the response obtained.

IX. Instructions for registration in collective housing
Collective housing is a place of accommodation occupied by people who, without being related to each other, live together for reasons of health, education, work, confinement, etc., and that at the time of the census they reside in that housing.

Collective housing can be hotels, hostels, guest houses, hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics, orphanages, asylums, boarding schools or nursing homes, student boarding schools, barracks, battalions, prisons, reformatories, etc.

Registration Procedure:
Depending on the number of people that make up the collective housing and the type of housing modality, the population residing in these housing units will be registered by personnel, either specially designated for this purpose or by regular enumerators designated by the head of the sector.

In this sense, if the number of people in the household is low (less than "fifteen" members), and is fully identified within the route of the segment and is not part of the list of collective housing previously drawn up, then the head of the sector will designate a regular enumerator to process it.
If, on the other hand, collective housing exceeds the "fifteen" members, and is also part of the special list of collective housing created for this purpose, it will be counted by the teams of enumerators specifically assigned for these tasks.

The data collection strategy is similar to that implemented for residents of private housing, with the exception that only geographic location data will be applied; question No. 1 of section B (housing data, categories 08 to 13) and section F (population characteristics).

Initially, the enumerator must contact the person responsible for the collective housing, to obtain the necessary conditions for registration and to provide the guidance of the case. Some housing will have different treatment, such is the case of the following:

Prisons and Jails: Selected enumerators must be assigned from each penitentiary center, specifically from its administrative personnel. These personnel must join the training provided in the reference municipality.

Psychiatric hospital: The census personnel will take the data from existing administrative records.

Orphanages: The census personnel will take the data from existing administrative records.
Boarding School: Selected enumerators must be assigned within each boarding school. They must be incorporated into the training provided in the reference municipality.

Battalions and barracks: Selected enumerators must be assigned from each battalion or barracks, specifically from its administrative personnel. These personnel must join the training provided in the reference municipality.

Who must be registered in collective housing:
- People who usually reside in collective housing.
- People who work and usually reside in collective housing.
- People who do not work in the collective housing but are habitual residents of it.
Who should not be registered in collective housing:
- People who are only employees of collective housing and reside in another house.
- People who for circumstantial reasons are temporarily in the house, for periods of less than six months (days, weeks or months), such as hospital inmates, hotel guests.
- Travelers (Hondurans or foreigners) who reside in another country and are passing through the country.

If private households live independently inside the collective housing, you must complete the interview in its entirety, completely filling out the form and following the same instructions given in the case of people who reside in private housing.

In order to illustrate the place of registration, two examples of collective housing are presented below:
[Omitted list]

Specific Instructions for Filling Out the Census Form in Collective Housing:

Section A: Geographic location
- Follow the same instructions given in the case of private housing, with the exception that in box No. 12 (Household Number) you will enter double zero (00)

Section B: Housing data
- From this section only question No. 1 will apply, marking the corresponding alternative between categories 08 to 13. The rest of the questions must be left blank. You must then go to section F on population characteristics.


Section F: Population Characteristics
- Except in cases where instructions are established in this regard, in general, the data in this section must be obtained from each of the residents of the housing.
- The person's order number will always and in all cases be 99.
- In question No. 1, mark option 14: Resident in collective housing.
- Apply the rest of the questions (2 to 30) to each member of the collective housing, following the instructions given in the case of private housing in the Enumerator's Manual.

X. Form review
Once each of the interviews of the habitual residents of the household is concluded; before leaving the housing, carefully review the recorded data and make sure that all questions on the census form are filled out with the required information.

Don't forget to fill out the population summary table, which is at the bottom of the first page of the form. Write down the total number of people and describe how many are men and how many are women.

This Summary table must be completed at the housing level, including collective housing, once the interview has concluded.
[Omitted figure]

On the last page of the census form there are lines intended for observations; the enumerator must write down any information that is considered useful for the subsequent interpretation of the census data.

For each observation, the section number and question number should be noted for reference. At the end, indicate the date of the interview, write your name and the name of the Sector Head.
Finally, do not forget to place the sticker of registered in a visible and safe place, out of the reach of children.

Thank for the information provided and give farewell politely

[The rest of the original document, including the appendix, is omitted here.]