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Popular Revolutionary Republic of Guinea
Cabinet of the Prime Minister for Planning and Statistics
General Directorate of Planning and Statistics
National Census Bureau

1982 General Census of Population and Dwellings

Decreed by Order number 272/PRG/79 of July 12, 1979
Document RGPH 3

Enumerator's Instruction Manual

Project GUI/77/PO1

[pp. 2-14 omitted]

Chapter III

Concepts and basic definitions

34. The Enumerator should be completely familiar with the following basic definitions:

I. Administrative Units

35. The Popular Revolutionary Republic of Guinea is divided into well-structured political-administrative units:

1) The General Commissariat of the Revolution (CGR)

36. This is the largest political-administrative unit. All state services are represented at this level, which is directed by a General Commissioner of the Revolution. The CGR groups 4-6 Administrative Units territorially, politically and administratively.

2) The Administrative Region (RA)

37. The political-administrative unit which comes directly after the CGR, and which it falls under, is the Administrative Region, directed by a Governor who is an ex-officio member of the Federal Office of the Regional Revolutionary Authority (PRR).

3) District (A)

38. Each Administrative Region (RA) is subdivided into a certain number of Districts, each one of which is directed by a Commandant who is a de facto member of the Managing Committee of the Revolutionary District Authority (PRA). The district falls under the RA and groups several Local Revolutionary Authorities within it.

4) The Local Revolutionary Authority (PRL)

39. This is the basic cell of our Party-State and constitutes the basic political-administrative division. It may be composed of a town, part of a town, or a grouping of villages. The mayor is primarily responsible for the PRL.

II. Cartographic Units

40. For the purposes of census cartography, a number of units have been defined. They are:

1. Village/Township

A village or township refers to any specific grouping of population whose inhabitants live in buildings used as dwellings which are fewer than 200 meters apart from each other and which have a recognized name or status. A hamlet of 2 houses constitutes a town just as Conakry does.

2. Town / City

42. A township or village with at least 1,000 residents, which is easily accessible and has services such as a post office, police, clinic (or hospital), a Revolutionary Teaching Center which goes up to middle school at least a market, stores, movie theater and, possibly, a gas and water supply/network is considered a city.

43. However, a village or township of less than 1000 inhabitants who enjoy all year round running water and electricity and with services such as a dispensary or a hospital, a market, shops, and a movie theatre will also be considered as a town.

3. Village

44. Any town in a rural area with a population of between 200 and 1000 inhabitants is considered a village.

4. Hamlet

45. Any town in a rural area with a population of fewer than 200 inhabitants is considered a hamlet.

5. Census track (ZD)

46. The census zone (ZD) is both a portion of territory and a population gathering of between 500 and 800 inhabitants in a rural area, and between 700 and 1200 inhabitants in an urban area; the enumerator must enumerate this area during the counting phase of the census.

The census zone (ZD) is made up of a PRL or a portion of a PRL, but never overlaps several PRLs.

6. Control Zone (ZC)

47. The control zone is a group of 3 to 5 census zones which are placed under the responsibility of one Team Leader.

III. Demographic Units

1) Building

48. A building is an independent construction having one or several rooms and other areas, covered by a roof and generally bounded by exterior walls shared walls extending from the foundation to the roof.

49. However, a building may also be constituted by a roof sustained by any type of structure, without any permanent wall. A hut or a shelter may be a building, as it is the case for a detached house or an apartment building.

2) Dwelling Unit

50. The Dwelling Unit is a premise or grouping of premises used for habitation by a household at the time of the census.

51. However, Dwelling Units situated in the same enclosure as an establishment, such as a hospital, a hotel, etc., should be considered separately as the dwelling units of the households which live in them. For example, a separate and independent house located within the walls of an establishment (or a hospital) and which is intended to be lived in by the director (or the head doctor) or his family should be considered as the dwelling unit of the director (or the head doctor). In the same way independent apartments that are located within the same building as a hotel should be considered dwelling units if they have an entry directly onto the street or onto a common area located inside the building.

3. Household

52. The concept of a "household" is defined according to the way persons contribute, individually or collectively to their food requirements and their basic needs. Two types of households must be distinguished:

a) A private household

53. A private household is made up of a grouping of people, related or not, who recognize the authority of the same individual, who is called "Head of Household," and who live under the same roof or in the same compound and who take their meals together.

54. A private household is generally made up of:
The head of household (CM)
Each spouse according to her rank
His unmarried children
His married children living in the same household and taking their meals with the rest of the household.
A child who lives with his wife and perhaps his children in the same compound or building as his parents and who provides for his own needs independently of his parents constitutes a separate household
Children with neither of their parents (father or mother) in the home
His or her elders: parents and grandparents
Other relatives: sisters, brothers, cousins, etc.
Domestic help
And lastly, other people with no family relationship (friend, someone you are helping out, apprentice, etc.)

55. There are cases where the household is reduced to a single person. For example:
A never-married person, a widowed (male or female), a divorcee (male or female) living alone, and who takes care of his or her basic needs, food, and others.

A person who is renting a room in an apartment and who doesn't take his meals with the household living in the apartment.

b) A Collective Household

56. A collective household is made up of a group of people with no family relationship who are living together within the same institution for reasons of health, study, travel, punishment (discipline) or other. The following are included in this description:
Revolutionary Teaching Center (CER) Boarding School
Military barracks
Communal living establishments for beggars, and disabled people and their families
Temporary worksites
Hospitals and other health establishments
Convents and other religious communities

Chapter IV
Enumerator's documents

57. In the course of the General Census on Housing and Population, the enumerator will use the 4 types of documents listed below:

I. Identification Document

58. This is the Enumerator's Card, established in the name of the enumerator to allow him to prove that he is on official census business. This identification document gives him the right to go to all households in the census zone (ZD), according to his instructions, and ask for the information contained in RGPH Document 1: "Household and Dwelling Form."

II. Reference document

59. This is the enumerators Census Zone Map. This map indicates the boundaries of the census zone, the towns that make up the census zone, with their location as well as means of access.

60. In urban areas or in large villages, it will be a detailed map of the neighborhood or town indicating the streets and points of reference: mosque, Revolutionary Teaching Centers (CER), market, residence of the head of the Local Revolutionary Authority (PRL) and any other people who are well known in the PRL, etc.

III. Work document

61. The first work document is the questionnaire titled "The Household and Dwelling Form," RGPH document #1. For each household in his census zone (ordinary or collective), the enumerator needs to fill out one or several pages of this questionnaire, which will then allow columns 1-9 of the "Buildings and Household Form," RGPH Document 2, to be filled out.

62. And finally, this "Instruction Manual for Enumerators," RGPH Document 3, constitutes the indispensable guide which must be consulted whenever you feel it necessary. The instructions contained in this manual should be strictly observed and applied.

IV Control document

63. This is the "Buildings and Households Form", RGPH document 2, which also serves as a rounds notebook for the enumerator. This very important document will allow him to organize the work and classify the questionnaires. It will also serve for the verification and summary of the preliminary census results.

64. The "Building and Household Form" should be filled out as you go from household to household. This also means that as soon as the enumerator has completed interviewing a household he should fill out the form. However, the summary (recapitulation) will be done only at the end of the census zone count.

Chapter V
Conducting the census count

65. The census count period is a 15-day period set for the ________ to the ________1982. On ________, 1982, at 8:00 in the morning, the enumerators should begin the General Census of the Population and Housing (RGPH). The end of the operation is set for ________, 1982, by which date each enumerator should have completed his work.

66. Beginning the work of the census count of course assumes that all necessary steps have been taken in advance and that the necessary documents and materials are available.

67. On ________, 1982, the enumerator will implement the plan that has been previously established. On his itinerary he will travel from one village to another, within a single village, from one dwelling unit to another, and, within a building, from one household to another.

[Rest of the chapter has been omitted.]

Chapter VI: How to fill out the household and dwelling form

A. Overview
73. The "Household and Housing Unit Form", RGPH document 1, constitutes the Census Questionnaire. It is the basic RGPH document and includes 6 sections on 4 pages.

A) First page: This is heading page of the questionnaire and includes the following sections:
I. Localization
II. Dwelling unit (name of buildings, type of building, number of rooms and characteristics of the dwelling unit)
B) The 2nd and 3rd pages: These two pages are together and constitute the following sections:
III. Private household or Institution. In this section are gathered the various population characteristics:
-Demographic characteristics for the entire population;
-Educational characteristics for the population aged 6 years or more;
-Economic characteristics for the population aged 10 years or more;
IV. Administrative information (at the top of page 3)
V. Preliminary count (at the top and to the right of page 3)
C) The 4th page: On this page information related to the following section will be gathered:
Events occurring over the course of the last 12 months (with births on one side and deaths on the other.)

74. The "Household and Dwelling Form" is intended for enumerating households of a maximum of 10 persons. Nonetheless, if a household includes more than 10 people, use as many additional questionnaires as necessary to enumerate all of them. Instructions to that effect are given at the bottom of page 2 of the questionnaire.

75. To fill out the questionnaire, first address the head of household if possible. If the head of household is absent, address the person most qualified to give the correct answers; for example, the eldest wife or an adult brother of the head of household. The enumerator should only address questions to domestic help, neighbors or even children as a last resort, and that only after several visits.

B. Instructions for filling out the household and dwelling form

A) First Page

I. Geographical location

76. The enumerator will write very legibly (and will print in block letters if possible) the data related to the geographic location of the household:

1. General Commissariat of the Revolution (CGR): Write the name of the CGR in which the census zone is located.
2. Administrative Region (RA): Write the name of the administrative region.
3. District (A) (arrondissement): Write the name of the district where the census zone is located.
4. Local Revolutionary Authority (PRL): Write the name of the PRL to which the census zone belongs.
5. PRL Sector (S): Write the name of the sector in which the enumerator is currently working.
6. City/Village/Hamlet (V/H): Write the name of the town where the enumerator is by crossing out the unnecessary words to specify if it is a question of a town, village or hamlet (see the definitions above in paragraphs 41-45).
7. Control Zone Sequence number (ZC): Write the control zone to which the census zone belongs in capital letters.
8. Census Zone Sequence number (ZD): Indicate the two-figure number of the census zone which the enumerator is enumerating.
9. Building Sequence number: Write the three-figure number of the building which the head of household lives in.
10. Household Sequence number: Give a number to each household and write it using a three-figure number.

The information for points 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 will be provided by your team leader, and will possibly be written on the enumerator's bag.

II. Housing

11. Indicate the building number of all types of buildings inhabited by the household (NB)

77. The enumerator should first indicate the number of all buildings inhabited by the household. To do this the enumerator should refer to the definition of building given in paragraphs 48 and 49. When the number is greater than 9 (that is, 10 or more), write 9 in the box provided for that purpose.

12. Type of Building (TyB)
78. When the household occupies several buildings or several apartments, the characteristics about the Dwelling Unit to record are those of the building or apartment inhabited by the head of household. It is a question of the following characteristics: the nature of the exterior walls and the ceiling, the layout/appearance of the terrain; type of lighting and water use and supply.

79. After observing, or visiting, the building inhabited by the household head, the census enumerator (AR) will define the type of building (according to the criteria displayed below), and mark the corresponding box. The following types are differentiated:

Traditional Hut

80. The census enumerator (AR) will place in this category the detached buildings, which are typical of the ones seen in rural areas. They are generally of circular shape, with walls made of adobe [banco] or bamboo, and with a thatched roof.

Modern Hut

81. This category includes huts whose walls are made of brick (or stone) and whose roof is most often made of something other than straw: sheet metal, tile, cement, etc. However, note that a hut with a sheet metal roof is not necessarily a modern hut, just as a hut with a straw roof is not necessarily a traditional one. In any case, common sense and characteristics others than that of the roof will allow one to specify whether this is a traditional or a modern hut.

Multi-dwelling House

82.This is a single detached house, with only one floor, and which holds several dwelling units, usually with 2 or 3 rooms, often labeled "one bedroom and a living room" for the 2-rooms apartments, or "two bedrooms and a living room" for the 3-rooms apartments.

Detached house [villa simple]

83. Classify under this item all high standing buildings, enclosed by a fence, and usually inhabited by one single household. A detached house may be a simple ordinary building or one with a single floor. This is the case for houses found in residential neighborhoods, or on the sea shore.

House with outbuildings [Villa avec annexes]

84. This is a detached house, with surrounding small outbuildings (usually in the backyard), which are used as lodging by the household members.

Apartment Building

85. These are buildings with several floors, which include in whole, or in parts, several apartments or dwelling units.

Other (please specify)

86. Use this heading to classify all other types of buildings which do not correspond with any category defined above (paragraphs 80-85); and specify the type.

13. Indicate the total number of rooms used by the household (NTP)
87. The census enumerator (AR) must visit all the buildings which are part of the dwelling unit of the household, and count all the rooms that are available to the household members. He or she will write the total number (with 2 digits) in the appropriate box.

88. In order to count the number of rooms, here is the definition of a room that the census enumerator (AR) shall keep in mind:

89. Are counted as rooms: the bedroom, the living room or the dining room, whatever their footage, as well as the kitchens and the storage room if their size is large enough to be enable a person to sleep in it. The corridors, the verandas, the bathrooms and the restrooms or other premises shall not be counted as rooms.

90. If a room is occupied by two or more households (for instance the kitchen or the living room), it shall be attributed to only one household. Furthermore, it shall be noted that a hut (traditional or modern) is counted as one room if it is not divided into several well defined quarters.

14. Characteristics of the Dwelling Unit
91. The characteristics to record here are those of the building inhabited by the head of household, namely: the type of exterior walls and roof, the layout/appearance of the terrain; type of lightings and water use and supply.

Type of exterior walls

92. The census enumerator will observe directly (or will ask questions about) the type of external walls of the building or of the apartment inhabited by the household head (CM), then will check the appropriate box.

Type of roof

93. The census enumerator will observe the type of roof of the building or of the apartment inhabited by the household head, then will check the appropriate box.

Layout/appearance of the terrain

94. After having observed the layout of the building or apartment terrain occupied by the head of household, check the appropriate box.

Type of Lighting

95. Check the box corresponding to the primary method of lighting in the household. Do not count on the number of electrical fittings that you see, because it may be that they are not supplied with an electrical current.

Water Supply

96. Ask the questions to the household members, and check the box corresponding to the dominant source of water. Do check "running water" only if the water is available from taps in the kitchen, in the bathrooms, or in the backyard.

Type of Occupancy

97. Any person lodged in a building or an apartment where he/she is not the owner, even if he/she is housed by the Party-State and pays a minimal rent, is considered to be a renter. The "Function" occupation is reserved for any person housed by the Party-State or a private enterprise (or joint public-private enterprise) and who does not pay any rent at all. The category "free lodging" designates any household housed for free by a relative or a friend of the household head or of another household member.

98. It is specified that the enumerator should check off one box and one box only in each column related to the Housing Unit characteristics.

B) Second and Third Pages

III. Household

99. The General Census on Population and Dwelling (RGPH) will be conducted in the entire territory of the Popular Revolutionary Republic of Guinea from the ________, 1982. It is the ________, 1982 which will be used as the date of reference for the RGPH.

100. The census enumerator (AR) shall visit all the various households in order to gather the information on each member of the household. Two types of household will be considered: the private household, and the institutions (see definition on paragraph 52-56).
If it is a question of a private household, check the corresponding box and go directly to individual characteristics.

If it is a question of a collective household, check the corresponding box and indicate the name of the collective household in question. Then specify its type by checking off the appropriate box. If it is, for example:

CER Boarding School

All students of a Revolutionary Teaching Center (CER) Boarding school are counted in their CER, as Present Residents (RP) or Absent Residents (RA). If they are with their family when the enumerator visits, they should be counted as visitors (VIS). However, the head of household should not enumerate in his household his child who is studying and who is absent and will be absent for at least 6 months. The enumerator should be vigilant and should not count students in this category unless they study in a CER, whether it is a boarding school or not.


Households which have chosen to live in a hotel should be enumerated as a private household (as in the case of foreign consultants and their family living in the Camayenne Hotel, for example). They are to be distinguished from the other hotel clients who are there for just a few days. The latter will all be counted as members of the "Camayenne Hotel" collective household.
Example: For the Foulaya College of Agronomy (Kindia), write:
Name of establishment: Foulaya College of Agronomy (Kindia), and check off box 1, CER Boarding School below.

101. For a private household, the enumerator should first get a very exact idea of the total number of members of the household. Then proceed immediately to recording [them] in a very specific way (see paragraph 103) with their first name and last name, their relationship to the head of household, their sex, and their residence status, in columns (2), (3), (4), and (5).

102. Once this information is filled out, ask for the various pieces of information, going person by person and always starting with

[Several pages not presented here.]

For example, the son or daughter whose father is head of household (rank 01) and the mother (rank 04) will be recorded as Son 01 x 04 or Daughter 01 x 04.

4) For children who don't have one of their parents in the home, write:

Son (or daughter) of 01 x 0 if it's a boy (or girl) of a head of household whose mother is not in the home following a divorce with the head of household, or a death.
The daughter whose mother has number 02 in the household and the father is absent from the household: daughter of 0 x 02.

5) For ascendants and other relatives specify the family relationship that connects them to the head of household or to other members of the household. For example:

For the brother of the head of household, write: Brother of 01
For the nephew of the first wife (rank 02) write: Nephew of 02
For the aunt of the second wife (rank 04), write: Aunt of 04

6) In the case of friends and household servants, write:

For the friend of the head of household: Friend of 01
For the household servant of the first wife: Servant of 02

Column (4): Sex
109. Man or boy, mark "M" (male sex); Woman or girl, mark "F" (female sex).

110. Do not hesitate to ask the parents about the sex of their children, since the type of cloth or even the physical appearance may be misleading.

Column (5): Housing Status
111. The census enumerator (AR) must write in this column:

-P for Present Resident

These are the people who have routinely resided for more than 6 months in the household and who spent the night prior to the enumerator's visit in the household.

Persons having arrived in the past 6 months and who plan on staying there are considered present residents ([for example], in the case of recently-transferred government employee, or a woman who has just married.)

The same goes for a person who normally resides in the household who did not spend the night preceding the enumerator's visit in the household and who is not registered elsewhere; that person is considered a present resident.

-A For Absent Residents
These are people who have resided for more than 6 months in the household and who did not spend the night prior to the enumerator's visit in the household. However, the enumerator must verify the person in question does not intend to stay more than 6 months.

If the length of the absence is greater than 6 months, the person should not be counted in the household. The person has become a resident elsewhere.

-V For Visitors
Any absent resident is necessarily a visitor someplace [else]. A visitor is thus a person residing in the household for fewer than 6 months and without the intention to stay more than 6 months, and who spent the night prior to the enumerator's visit in the household.
If, however, the person intends to continue residing in the household for more than 6 months, he/she shall be counted as a Present Resident (PR).

Persons who have been visiting for more than 6 months are to be considered as present residents.

112. The example below indicates how to register information related to 13 members of a household in the first 5 columns of the "Housing and Dwelling Form."

[An example demonstrating how the information should be filled in has been omitted.]

Column (6): Age or Date of Birth
113. Age is a very important data for the census. It is crucial to make all possible efforts to obtain the most accurate estimate of age possible. For this doing, the census enumerator (AR) must proceed the following way:

Ask the person his/her date of birth. If it is known, write the month and year of birth. For example, for a person born October 12, 1953, write 10/53;

If the person does not know his/her date of birth, ask his/her age. If it is known, verify it and write it in completed years, that is, in the number of complete years lived by the person. For example, write:

00 years for a child aged less than one year old (fewer than 12 months)
09 years for a child aged 9 years and 3 months
43 years for a man aged 43 years and 11 months

-If the person knows neither his/her date of birth or age, ask if he/she has any identification (birth certificate, identity card, professional card or other) which might indicate his/her age. If he/she has nothing like that, estimate the age either through historic events or by comparison with other people whose exact age is known.

114. The census enumerator (AR) will refer to past events, which are recognized, in order to determine the age. If the enumerated person declares an age, the census enumerator (AR) must activate his or her common sense, and check the likelihood of this age.

Column (7): Place of Birth
115. If the enumerated person declares to be born in the Revolutionary People's Republic of Guinea, write the name of the region where the person was born.

116. If the person was born outside of Guinea, write the name of the foreign country: France, Senegal, USSR, etc. or Republic of Mali, to distinguish the foreign country from the "Mali" region in Guinea.

Column (8): Marital Status
117. Write the status as it is at the time of his/her visit. Write:

C for single men and women (i.e., never married)
M followed by the number of wives for a married man. For example, M1 = married, 1 wife; M2 = married, 2 wives, etc.
M for a married woman
V for widows and widowers
D for divorced men and women

118. The enumerator must ask the question carefully so that those being interviewed do not confuse single (never married) with divorced (marriage ties dissolved) or widow (loss of spouse through death.)

Column (9): Nationality
119. Note the current nationality of the persons enumerated. For all Guineans, write "Guinean." For foreigners write the declared nationality; for example: Senegalese, Malian, Soviet, from the Ivory Coast. For the countries of Niger and Nigeria only write out the name of the country. For those who have dual nationality, write the name of the 2 nationalities.

Column (10): Religion
120. Write the religion practiced by the enumerated person, or the religion he/she says he/she belongs to. Depending on the religion, write the following:

MUS for Muslim
CAT for Catholic
PRO for Protestant
ANG for Anglican
ANI for Animist
SAN for those who say they have no religion
AUT for any religion other than those indicated above.

B. Educational characteristics for the population aged 6 and older

121. This heading (columns 11 to 14) is pertains only to household members aged 6 and older. For all household members less than six years put a dash (--) in columns 11-18.

Column (11): Literacy
122. A person is considered literate in a language if he/she knows how to read and write in that language. Depending on whether or not the person being interviewed is literate or not, record:

ILL for illiterate, .i.e., is not literate in any national or foreign language;
LN for literate in [the] National Language only;
AR for literate in Arabic. Those who can read and write the Koran are considered literate in Arabic;
FR for literate in French;
LN/AR for those who are literate in both the national language and Arabic;
AR/FR for those who are literate in both Arabic and French;
AUT for those who are literate in languages other than those indicate above.

Column (12): School attendance
123. Attending school (la fréquentation scolaire) is attending school in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th cycle in a Revolutionary Teaching Center (CER), or attending any other training establishment to carry out regular studies at any level. Students on vacation are considered to be attending an academic institution.

124. The census enumerator (AR) shall ask the question in order to know whether the enumerated person attends any teaching institution. Depending on the answer, the census enumerator (AR) will write "Yes" or "No" in this column.

Column (13): Level of Education
125. The level of education here designates the last year of study at the highest level in the system completed by the person in the country where he/she studied.

126. Ask for and record the cycle (Cy) and the last class taken by the enumerated person. For example:

First Cy, 4th year for a child having attended the 4th year of the first cycle.
Third cycle, 11th year for one having attended the 11th year of the 3rd cycle.
FAC, 3rd year for one having attended the 3rd year of a university.

127. For those who have completed their highest level of studies in a training school, note the name of the establishment and the last class attended. For example, [write] ENI, 3rd year for one who attended the 3rd year of the National Teachers Institute (ENI).

128. For someone who has never attended school, put a dash (--).

Column (14): Diploma Achieved
129. Write the highest level diploma that the person has achieved at the end of his/her studies. For example:

BESCT: Certificate of 2nd Cycle Technical Studies
BAC I (ou II): Baccalaureate Part 1 (or Part II)
State nurse
Doctorate in Letters
-Statistical Engineering Assistant
Medical Doctor
Technical Sciences Engineer
Electrical-Technical Engineer

130. The census enumerator (AR) will provide as much details as possible on the diploma received. Indeed he or she must not only specify:

Engineering Assistant, but instead record Statistical Engineering Assistant, or Building Engineer Assistant;
Doctor, but instead record Medical Doctor, or Doctorate in Economics, or Doctorate in Sociology;
Engineer, but instead record Statistical Engineer, or Chemical Engineer, or Geological Engineer.

131. For the persons who do not have a diploma, the census enumerator (AR) will write a hyphen (-).

C. Economic characteristics for the population aged 10 and older

132. This series of items (column 15 to 18) concerns only the household members aged 10 years and above.

Column (15): Type of Activity
133. The census enumerator (AR) will ask each member of the household aged 10 years and above in order to know what economic activity he or she had in the week preceding the census. According to the answers, the census enumerator (AR) will write:

OCC for employed, i.e., any person having a job, even seasonal.
In rural areas, farmers and their family helpers are employed (OCC) even if the census takes place during an inactive period (during the dry period, for example).
People who have been laid off or are on sick leave or other type of leave during the census are employed (OCC).

ST for without work, i.e., any person who does not have a job and would like to have one at the time of the census. This category is found in urban areas above all. In rural areas it is generally a question of paid agricultural workers (workers, unskilled agricultural laborers and others in the same category), if there are any, who do not find work at the time of the Census. However, a farmer (farmer-stockbreeder) who finds himself in the city for a determined amount of time for family, health or other reasons is considered employed (OCC).

MEN for housekeeper, i.e., any woman who is employed only in taking care of children and the household (cooking, maintaining the house, etc.).
A craftswoman (seamstress, for example) should be recorded in the "employed" (OCC) category, even if she does her sewing at home.
In rural areas most, perhaps even all women, should be recorded in the "employed" (OCC) category because, in addition to childcare and housework (cooking, finding food, maintaining the house, etc.) they are very active participants in agricultural work.

ELE or ETU for any person who is attending an academic institution: any primary school, high school or university student.
It should perhaps be clarified that for the census, any person who was involved strictly in learning/training during the week prior to the census should be included in the ELE-ETU category, even if that person is a civil servant who is in training, for example.

RET for retired, i.e., any person receiving benefits from a previous job.
However, a retired person who helps a relative in his work or who exercises an activity that pays him should be classified in the "employed" (OCC) category.

HAN for handicapped: any person who is afflicted with a serious physical or mental infirmity which prevents him/her from working.

AUT for any other type of activity not mentioned above. In this category, for example, are the following:

Children aged 10 years and above, who are neither OCC, nor ST, nor ELE, nor ETU;
Elderly persons, who do not receive any pension, and who cannot work at the time of the census, except if they are disabled or handicapped (HAN).

134. The following 3 columns, (16), (17) and (18) are relative to the branch of economic activity and professional status and will only be filled out for employed (OCC) and unemployed (ST) from column 15.

135. For housekeepers (MEN), high school students (ELE), university students (ETU), retired people (RET), the handicapped (HAN) and those in the category "other" (AUT), put a dash (--) in columns 16,17 and 18 without asking any questions, which would be pointless.

Column (16): Profession

136. Indicate very precisely:

The current profession, if the person is employed (OCC)
The last profession exercised, if the person is unemployed (ST). For example, write:
Banana planter, but never planter
Cabinet maker, but never artisan
Shoemaker, but never artisan
Auto or motorcycle mechanic, but never mechanic
Medical doctor, but never doctor
Tractor driver or taxi driver, but never driver
Assistant electrical engineer, but never assistant engineer
Statistical engineer, but never engineer

Column (17): Branch of economic activity
137. Ask questions and record very precisely the institution (company, establishment, workshop) for which the person:

-works, if they are employed (OCC)
-worked, if they are unemployed (ST)

For example, you will write:
-Private sewing workshop for a tailor working in his own workshop or with his apprentices;
-Private jewelry shop or carpenter's workshop, etc., depending on the situation
-Photo studio for a photographer working with his apprentice(s);
-Road transport for a taxi driver [or] private carrier;
-TUC or COTRA for an employee of the TUC enterprise or of COTRA;
-BNDA (National Bank for Agricultural Development) for an employee of this bank;
-Ministry of Health Office for anyone working in the office of the Ministry of Health (regardless of his/her profession). However, for others workers [whose jobs come] under the Ministry of Health, specify according to the case: Ignace Deen Hospital, 'X' Clinic, 'Y' Maternity Hospital, the National Health Institute, etc.

This distinction should be made for all Ministries, giving as much detail as possible about the place of work.

-Family plot/field for an Agricultural Worker (farmer, stockbreeder) and the members of his household who work with him.

-CER November 22nd for any CER worker, whether it be an orderly, professor, CER director or driver.

-ENTA for anyone who works for the National Tobacco and Match Company in whatever capacity.

-Buildings and TP for all workers responsible for the construction of buildings, bridges, roads, etc. These workers should be distinguished from those of the Office of the TP Ministry and the Office of the Ministry of Urbanism. These latter are classified in the Branch of Economic Activity: "Public Administration and National Defense."

-SNE for all employees of the National Electric Company in whatever capacity, whether in Conakry, Kindia, Boké or Labé.

138. The enumerator is asked to indicate as precisely as possible the place of work to allow an easy breakdown of employed (OCC) and unemployed (ST) in the various economic branches of the nation.

Column (18): Work Status
139. By "work status", it means the status or hierarchical position of an individual within the company or service with relation to his current employment in the "employed" (OCC) category, or previous [employment] for the "unemployed" (ST) category. Depending on the case, write:

-EMP for Employer: one who uses workers other than himself and pays them either in room and board (en nature) or in cash;
-IND for an Independent Worker, or one who works alone: he who is self employed in a profession or craft and who does not employ any paid workers, but who may have a family helper or helpers;
-AF for Family Helper: he who works without pay for a member of his family, a relative. The family member or relative should be the owner of a company in the broad sense (family farm, workshop, enterprise or company) and must work within the company.
-AP for Apprentice: he who completes his work with or without remuneration, with a goal of learning a trade;
-AUT for Other situations not classified in the above categories.

IV Administrative information
140. This purpose of this section (which is at the top left-hand side of the 3rd page) is to record the first and last names of the Enumerator and the Team Leader, along with the date that the enumerator visited the house and the result of the visit.

141. Depending on the result of his visit, mark an "X" in the "Result" column if all the members of the household are enumerated. If not, re-visit [the household] as many times as necessary to enumerate the household members, and at the end mark an "X" in the "Result" column.

V Preliminary count:
142. After having finished the enumeration of all the members of a household, proceed with the preliminary count. Thus, refer to the questionnaire, columns (4): "sex", and column (5): "Housing Status" to count the number of Present Residents (P), Absent Residents (A), and male visitors (M). Write the results in columns (2) through (5). Proceed in the same way for the female sex (F), writing the results of the count in columns (6) through (9).

143. For verification purposes, note that the name written in column (1) should indicate the sequence number/rank of the last person enumerated in the household. This number is also the total of those contained in columns (2) and (6), with column (2) constituting the sum of columns (3), (4) and (5) on the one hand, and column (6) constituting the sum of columns (7), (8) and (9) on the other.

144. Once this table of the preliminary count (located at the top right-hand side of the 3rd page of the questionnaire) is filled out, take as much care filling it out as you do filling out the rest of the questionnaire.

145. When enumerating a household requires several questionnaires, do the preliminary count on the same questionnaire in which the last member of the household is enumerated.

D) Fourth Page

VI Events occurring in the last 12 months

146. The goal of this section is to summarize the births and deaths which may have taken place during the 12 months prior to the enumerator's visit to the household, i.e., the period from the ________ to the ________, 1982.

147. The enumerator must respect the limits of this period and do everything possible to obtain the exact number of birth and deaths occurring among [people of] all ages in the household.

148. Ask questions to find out if there have been one or more births over the period from ________ to ________, 1982, regardless of whether the child or children are present or absent, living or deceased since. If there have been births, write down the mother's rank in the first column, the sex of the child in the 2nd column, and the age or date of birth of the mother in the 3rd column.

149. The mother's rank is the 2-figure number written in column (1), and the mother's age or date of birth appear in column (6) of the questionnaire.

150. Ask questions to find out if there have been one or more deaths in the household over the previous 12 months (the same reference period as for births). If there have been one or more deaths, mark the sex of the deceased person (in the 4th column) along with his/her age (in the 5th column). It should be pointed out that a child who was born during the reference period and who, unfortunately, died between the time of his/her birth and the time of the enumerator' visit, should appear in both "Births" and "Deaths."

How to fill out the building and household form

A. Overview
151. The "Buildings and Housing Form (BBM), also called "Enumerator's Rounds Notebook", is a 29 page document which allows the enumerator to number all the inhabited buildings and households located in his Census Zone (ZD). It also allows him to:

-Carefully track the progress of his work;
-Complete the cover verification;
-Summarize some of the collected data at the end of the census, notably the size of each household in his census zone organized by residence status and sex.

152. When referring to your census zone map (carte de ZD), number all the inhabited buildings from 001 to 999 according to the route established at the beginning. This numbering should begin from the point farthest to the north (see paragraph 69).

153. Write in white chalk (supplied by your Team Leader) the sequence number on the outside of the building's main door, out of the reach of children if possible. The number will be preceded by (possibly, in urban areas) the initials RGPH to distinguish it from other numbers already written on the door.

154. Buildings not used for dwelling, such as a shop, garage, store, storage depot, barn, etc., should be marked RGPH X, but will not be recorded on the Buildings and Households Form (BBM).

155. If you cannot immediately enumerate a household in a building because the head of household or others qualified to answer are not present, give the same sequence number to this household that you would if you had been able to interview it immediately. Put the questionnaire aside and fill it out during later visits.

B. Instructions for filling out RGPH document 2

1. Cover Page and First Page

156. These 2 pages are identical and should be filled out in the same way.

Geographic Location
157. Write clearly the complete names of the General Commissariat of the Revolution, the Administrative Region, the District (arrondissement) and the Local Revolutionary Authority (points 1-4) which your census zone belongs to. Also give the numbers of your Control Zone and your Census Zone. These numbers will be communicated by your Team Leader and may be written on the label of your bag.

Administrative Information
158. Fill in the empty spaces which correspond to the first and last names of the enumerator and the Team Leader (CE).

2. Fourth Page
159. This page will be filled out by the Team Leader and should include:

A) The first and last names of the enumerator with the control zone and census zone numbers where he will be conducting the count;
B) The amount of documents and supplies received;
C) Possible remarks.
3. Pages 3 to 25

160. These 20 completely identical pages are intended to establish the list of households that will be enumerated in the different areas of the census zone.
Each page will comprise a table composed of 16 columns and 21 lines, with one line for each household enumerated. Before beginning to write the building numbers and household numbers of a town make sure that you first write the name of the town on one of the first lines of pages 5 through 24.

161. Fill out this form as you visit the households. By no means should you wait until the end of the count of your census zone.

Column (a): Building Number
162. In this column (a) record the number written in chalk on the main door of the building. In the case where several households live in the same building, only write the number of this building on the line of the first household. In the case where several buildings are occupied by a single household, write first the building number inhabited by the head of household and then the numbers of the other buildings (inhabited by the household), and across from which you will write a dash (-) in all the other columns.

163. The numbering of the buildings begins first with the building occupied with the head of household, followed by the other buildings of the household.

Column (b): Household Number
164. Just as with buildings, the numbering of the households is continuous within the census zone and goes from 001 to 999.

165. If a household uses just one building, the household number will be written across from (en face de) the number of this building. However, if the household uses several buildings, write the household number on the line of the building number inhabited by the head of household and put a dash (-) across from the numbers of the other buildings (see table paragraph 168).

Column (c): Name of head of household or type and name of establishment
166. In the case of a private household. Write the name of the head of household. In the case of a collective household, write the name of the collective household. For example:

-The Independence Grand Hotel
-Donka Hotel
-Ratoma Solidarity Community

167. The following example illustrates what has been said about filling in columns (a), (b) and (c):

[An example has been omitted.]

Columns (d), (e) and (f): Dates of visit
169. Write in column (d) the date of your first visit expressed in days and months, for example 22/11 for the 22nd of November. If all the information was collected for this household, put an "X" in column (g): "Result". If the household was not completely enumerated, write the date of the second visit in column (e). If during the course of the latter the enumeration of the household is completed, put an "X" in column (g). Otherwise, note the date of the 3rd visit in column (f).

170. However, if the household is not completely enumerated for some reason or another after the 3rd visit, even with the assistance of the PRL (a very exceptional case), mark a zero (0) in column (g).

171. In order to avoid multiple visits, establish a very precise plan indicating the day and time of your visit so that the responsible party in the PRL can warn the households involved in time.

Column (g): Result
172. Remember that, depending on the result of your visit, you should mark an (x) or a zero (0) in this column (see paragraphs 169-170).

Column (1) through (9): Population Enumerated
173. Here it is a question of carrying over to these 9 columns the total number of persons enumerated organized by sex and housing status. These various columns will be filled in from the numbers of the preliminary count table

(see paragraphs 142-145) on the upper right-hand side of the 3rd page of the "Household and Dwelling Form".

Total to Transfer to Page 25
174. The enumerator will complete this operation, which will be verified by the Team Leader. It will serve to calculate, on page 25 of the Buildings and Household Form the total number of:

-Buildings: column (a)
-Households: column (b)
-Persons of both sexes enumerated: column (1)
-Men, according to residence status (P, A and V): columns (2) through (5)
-Women, according to residence status (P, A and V): columns (6) through (9)
4. Page 25: Summary Table or Census Results
175. This page is reserved for the census zone summary table. Before doing the summary (page 25), verify that all buildings and all households have been visited and enumerated. Make sure that all members of all households are enumerated.

5. Page 26 and 27: Certificate of Discharge
176. These 2 pages each contain a "certificate of discharge" which the enumerator should draw up and have validated/initialed by his Team Leader at the end of the census work. The Team Leader will detach the 2nd certificate, RGPH Document 2b (page 27) at the perforations and give it to the enumerator. The enumerator should keep this and give it to the person responsible for paying the ground personnel in his Administrative Region.

6. Page 29
177. This page is reserved for the observations recorded by the enumerator in the course of his census work, and for possible suggestions for improving future censuses. It is on this page that the enumerator should write his "mission report."

[Last 4 pages not translated]