[p. 1-3 comprising the introduction and enumerator etiquette are omitted here]
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Part 2. General Instructions
Census night and the plan of enumeration
16. The date set for the census is Monday, 13th September 1976.
17. You are responsible for enumerating everyone in your area at midnight on the night of Monday/Tuesday 13th/14th September.
18. You will not be able to enumerate everyone in your area in one day. Instead, during the ten days before the census you will visit every household in your area and you will enumerate all persons who are expected to spend census night in your area. In this way you will have done most of the work before the census itself.
19. You must visit each household individually. It is not allowed to call heads of household to a Community Hall or central place. Information cannot be kept confidential in such circumstances and many people dislike answering questions about themselves and members of their household in public.
20. On Tuesday 14th September and during the next two days you will revisit each household in your area for the purpose of checking your first records and making sure that they correctly show the particulars of everyone who was actually present on census night. Add details of newly born children and new arrivals. Delete persons who have died or left the household between your first visit and census night.
21. The second round of visits will not take you as long as the first because you will know your area and the number of changes in the record will be relatively few.
[Section on enumerator map area and journey is omitted here]
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The household
27. Those persons who usually eat together food prepared for them in the same kitchen and who together share the work and cost of providing the food are called a household.
28. The household is the most convenient small group of persons for the purpose of the census and you will enumerate the population by household.
29. Very often the household will consist of a family living in a single dwelling.
30. If two or more groups of persons, each of which has its own separate eating and housekeeping arrangements, live in the same dwelling, treat them as separate households.
31. A domestic servant who eats with the household should be included with the household. If the servant cooks and eats separately he/she should be enumerated as living in a separate household.
32. In the same way, a visitor or any of his/her children who eat with the household are counted as members of the household.
33. A household may consist of one or more persons and may occupy a whole building, part of a building or many buildings.
34. There are cases where the rules used to decide what is a household do not apply. Here are some further guidelines to help you:
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b. Hotels will be supplied with a stock of schedules and envelopes. On the evening of 13th September, Managers will give each guest a schedule and an envelope. All persons staying in the hotel on census night will be required to complete a schedule, seal it in an envelope and hand it to Reception the next morning. The completed schedules will be collected from the Manager.
c. Those who work in hotels or institutions but who live in their own households should be enumerated with their own households and not with the institution. Thus a nurse on night duty during census night should be enumerated with her household and not with patients. The same applies to night workers of all kinds.
d. Any vessel which is in port in your area at midnight on 13th/14th September, or arrives in port the following morning without having been enumerated elsewhere, should be regarded as a household in your area.
35. It is not likely that you will see all members of the household, nor is it necessary that you should. It is best if the head of the household and his wife are present but it will be enough if there is one responsible adult present who can give you the information required of all members of the household.
Whom should you enumerate?
36. On the first visit you should enumerate every person who is expected to be present at midnight 13th/14th September.
37. As a general rule you will enumerate all persons who are living in the household at the time of your visit. If there is any doubt about whether a person will be present on census night but who is there at the time of your first visit you should enumerate him/her with the household.
38. On your second visit you will bring the record up to date and amend it to show particulars of all persons who were present in the household at midnight on census night. If a person whose particulars you have recorded on your first visit has since died or gone away you should strike him/her from the record by drawing a line through his/her name and writing 'died' or 'gone to ____'. If a person whose particulars you have not recorded at your first visit was present on census night you must add him/her to the
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record. Add newly born babies.
39. Sometimes there are persons who would normally have slept with the household on census night but who are known to have been absent and not to have slept in any other house -- for example, night fishermen, night watchmen, police officers and nurses on night duty, persons working a night shift in factories or hotels. Such persons are to be enumerated with the household.
40. Persons staying in hostels, hospital patients, prisoners and the like will be enumerated with their institutions. They should not be included in the household.