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Census 1845

[Description of fields]

Identification number:

Unique identifier.

Entry number:

The source entry number given to each unit transcribed by the volunteers. Normally a parish. This number is used for identifying the geographical area.


The year of the census.

Record number:

In each entry the unique record number.

Source reference:

Reference to the source used for the transcription. The quality of the information varies greatly.

Place name:

Name of locality within the specific census unit.

Household number:

The unique identifier for each household. It is unique across the whole census.


Additional information on the address.

Families in house:

Number of families in each farm or house.


Name of the person.


Gender of the person.


Age is not the age you have but the next age, e.g. you are 25 then you will be stated as 26. New born should have the age: 1.

Marital status:

Marital status.


Name of town or parish where the person was born.

Position in the household:

Position in household in relation to the head of household.


Occupation as stated in the census in Danish.


Comments from the census taker or from the volunteer during the transcription.

Geographic code:

Geographical reference. Refers to the tables 'administrative types, parish, counties, districts and regions.'


Code for urban or rural type.


Nationality. Here da=Danish.

[Description of geography fields]

Geographic code:

The same as the geographic code in the census.

Type of unit:

Code for administrative unit: parish, town, ...


Code for the county. Refers to the table counties.


Code for district. Links to the table districts.


Name of region in Denmark.


Rural or urban.

Entry number:

Entry number. Links to the census.