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Census '85
Republic of Colombia

XV National Population
and IV of Dwelling

Extended Form Enumerator's Manual

[Pages 1 - 23 not translated into English]

[p. 24]

2. Basic concepts

Since this concerns a population and dwelling census, the basic concepts have as their objective defining the clearest way possible what is understood by dwelling in the case of the census, and what is meant by usual residence of a dwelling since in order to count the population, they will be counted in each dwelling where they reside usually.

2.1 Dwelling

For census purposes, a dwelling is a separated space and with independent access, that serves as human lodging.

The space is separated when it has borders constituted by walls, roof and doors.

There are exceptional cases, like shelters, in which the space is bordered by wooden columns, but lack walls and a door. These cases should be considered dwellings and, therefore, enumerated.

The access is independent

a) When one arrives directly at the lodging from a public road.

[Below the text are two diagrams of independent access.]

The most frequent is a family house.
[p. 25]
b) When one arrives at a lodging passing only through areas of common use or of circulation, like patios, halls, corridors, doorways, elevators, stairs, pavilions, parking lots or gardens.

[Below the text are two diagrams]

The most frequent cases are:

An apartment building,

Rooms of a tenant or passenger.
Private dwelling. It is a dwelling of a person or of a group of persons who share the roof and, ordinarily, meals because they form a family and because they have been associated because of sharing a budget.

Collective dwelling. It is a dwelling of a group of persons who share the roof, and ordinarily, meals for reasons of work, discipline, health, religion, punishment, etc.

2.2 Usual resident

A person who ordinarily sleeps in a dwelling is considered a usual resident of the building.

In particular, they are usual residents of a dwelling and should be enumerated in it:

The members of a family, employees and tenants who ordinarily sleep in the dwelling, even if at the moment of the census they have been absent for a short amount of time for reasons of work, business, visits, vacations, health, studies of short duration, etc.
[p. 26]
Babies born before the census moment and the persons died after the census moment. (1)

(1) Census Moment is zero hours of the day that is established as the reference date for the census information. In Census 85 the census moment is zero hours of October 15, 1985.

Persons who, for reasons of work or study, sleep in the dwelling the larger part of the week, although they have their home in another part. For example, a worker or a student who sleep during the week in the city where they work or study and return to their home on weekends.

Persons who, for reasons of work, are frequently absent from the dwelling but do not have any other stable dwelling to sleep in. For example, a traveling salesperson who only sleeps in the dwelling two or three days a week, but the other days sleeps in different sites.

Guests who live more than six months sleeping in the dwelling.

Persons who are accommodated in the dwelling at the census moment and do not have any other place of residence.

They are not usual residents of the dwelling and should not be enumerated in it:

Members of a family who, for reasons of work or study, have another dwelling they sleep in the larger part of the week.

Members of a family who are in military service.

Members of a family who, for reasons of work, study or health are living in another part, although they are in the dwelling at the census moment. For example, a boarding school student, or university student who live in other residences or a sick person permanently shut in in an institution.

Members of a family who are imprisoned.

Persons who have their residence in another part, although they are accommodated temporarily in the dwelling (for less than six months).

Children born after the census moment.

[p. 27]

3. General indications for filling out

3.1 How to write down the responses in the forms?

a) When you find closed boxes mark "x" in the corresponding box. Never mark more than one box per question. Example:

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

b) When you find open boxes write the corresponding number. Example:

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

c) When you find continuous horizontal lines, write the corresponding word or words.


[Below the text is a filled out form.]

d) Write only with black pencil and with clear print. If you make a mistake, erase with care and write again.
3.2 How and when to fill out each part of the form?

Section I, Geographic location, and section II, Dwelling information, should be filled out before beginning the interview.

[p. 28]

Questions 11, 12, 13 and 14, corresponding to type of dwelling, condition of ownership of the dwelling and predominant materials of the outside walls, and of the floors, should be filled out by observation. Starting with question 15, the questions are directed to the interviewed person.

Section V, Population information, should be filled out for each person who usually sleeps in the dwelling, using a different page for each person.

3.3 What to do if the dwelling has more than 14 persons?

An additional form should be used, to register the information of persons who did not fit in the first form.

In the first form, on the page of Person No. 14, at the end of the page, "x" is marked where it says: "If the dwelling has more than 14 persons."

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

On the additional form, on the first page, in the upper right part of the page, "x" is marked where it says additional form.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

In the additional form sections I, Geographic location, and II, Identification of the dwelling are filled out, with the same information of the first form and section III Dwelling information is left blank.

In section IV, Persons in the dwelling and in section V, Population information, the information of persons who did not fit on the first form is written down. In IV one should write down starting with the line that corresponds to person No. 2 and in V, starting with the page corresponding to person No. 2.

The information corresponding to the summary of persons (total number of persons, of men and women in the dwelling) only should be written down in the first form and it should be understood to be both persons registered in the first form as well as persons registered in the additional form.

3.4 Take into account the "flows"

In the case of the form, the instructions that indicate with which question the interview should continue, in accordance with the obtained response are called "flows" ["flujos"].

These indications are found in front of the possible responses. They are inside a box and in front of a bracket that indicates the alternatives or possible responses to which the "flow" ["flujo"] refers.

[p. 29]

Always be careful to observe these indications. If not, asking wrong or illogical questions will occur.


[Below the text is a filled out form.]

II. Instructions for filling out the form

Section I. Geographic location

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

The information that you should write is in the Identification Form of the Area of Enumeration, that the head of the group will give you. Copy it exactly in the lines and boxes of the form.

In front of number 7 (number of the enumerator), write the number or code that the head of the group assigned to you. This number is what corresponds to you as enumerator.

If you have any doubt, or if any information is incomplete or not filled out in the identification form of the area of enumeration, consult with the head of the group.

[p. 30]

Section II. Identification of the dwelling

Keep in mind the definition of census dwelling. Fill out this section before the interview.

Question No. 8 Neighborhood, administrative section or site

[Below the text is a form.]

Write the name of the neighborhood, administrative section of site where the dwelling is located.

If the neighborhood, administrative section or site has many names, write them all. For example, Neighborhood "La Culebra" or "El Rosario"; administrative unit "Los Andes" or "San José"; site "El Limonar" or "Mochuelo".

Question No. 9 Address or location of the dwelling

Write the complete address of which a dwelling is identified.


SEM No. 230

Street 7 No. 2-14, apt. 101

White house with balcony, kilometer 3 highway to Nariño.

To write down the address take into account the following instructions:

The following abbreviations can only be used:

[Below the text is a list of abbreviations.]

If you find a building with many dwellings inside of it, assign each dwelling a consecutive number: 01, 02, 03, etc. The address of each dwelling will be the address of the building accompanied with its corresponding consecutive number. Example: In a building located at Street 2 No. 1-22 en which 3 census dwellings are found, the address that should be written down is:

Street 2 No. 1 (01), in the first dwelling

[p. 31]

Street 2 No. 1 (02), in the second dwelling

Street 2 No. 1 (03), in the third dwelling

If you find that a dwelling has two entrances with different addresses or an entrance with two signs, write the two addresses or the two numbers of the signs.

If you find a dwelling without a sign that identifies it, register the address in accordance with neighboring signs. Example: Highway 8a between numbers 28-10 and 28-18.

If a dwelling does not have any signs or neighboring numbers, but does have any other type of numbering, write down this numbering. Example: No. 278 of SEM. (Service of the Eradication of Malaria).

When it is not possible to identify a dwelling by any of the previous means, write down the name of the head of home.

In rural areas whose dwellings do not have nomenclatures, identify a dwelling by the name of the farm or ranch. If it does not have a name, locate it taking as reference geographic accidents of easily recognized sites.


Above the ridge of Piedras Negras;

Kilometer one of the route that goes from San Benito to el Triunfo;

The house with green windows at the front of the gallery.

Question No. 10 Number of the dwelling

[Below the text is a form.]

The number of a dwelling is the order number of the dwelling in the box.

If you find any dwelling that has not been registered in the dwelling box, write it down in the following box of the last dwelling registered on the block or area not divided into blocks and assign it the consecutive number that corresponds to it. For example, if the last registered dwelling is number 25, write down below the dwelling not registered and assign it the number 26.

Section III. Dwelling information

The first four questions (numbers 11, 12, 13 and 14) are responded to by observation, the remaining should be asked to the interviewed person.

In case of doubt, ask.

[p. 32]

Question No. 11 Type of dwelling (filled out by observation)

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box, taking into account the following definitions:

House, shack, hut or dwelling of discarded material. Fixed dwelling (affixed to the ground), whose construction is independent of other constructions, although it can share some of its walls.

Apartment or room(s). Fixed dwelling, whose construction forms part of a bigger construction, in which other dwellings are found.

Mobile dwelling. That which can be transported, like camping tents, vessels, coaches, cars, etc.

Natural refugees or bridges. They are forms of lodging in caves, rocks, hills, bridges, used as a place of residence by its occupants.

Dwelling within a building meant for uses different than habitation. They are dwellings that are found within buildings that do not have as their purpose the lodging of persons; for example, inside boarding schools, factories, stores, wine stores, etc.

Question No. 12 Condition of occupancy of the dwelling

(Filled out by observation)

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark an "x" in the corresponding box, taking into account the following definitions:

Occupied, with persons present. It is a dwelling that is inhabited and in which persons are found in any visit. If you mark this box, continue filling out the form.

Occupied with all persons absent. It is a dwelling that is inhabited and which, after multiple visits, no person is found. If you mark this box, count the interview terminated. The form of this class of dwellings should remain filled out until this question.

[p. 33]

Take into account the instructions about visits and interviews.

Unoccupied. It is a dwelling that is not inhabited by any person. If you mark this box, count the interview terminated. The form of this class of dwellings should remain filled out until this question.

Question No. 13 Predominant material in the exterior walls

(Filled out by observation)

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box.

Take into account that the question refers to the outside walls and that if a dwelling has materials of many classes, the predominant should be marked.

Question No. 14 Predominant material in the floors

(Filled out by observation)

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box.

If the floors of a dwelling are made of materials of many classes, mark the one that predominates (for example, the class of material that exists in the majority of the rooms).

Examples of synthetic materials are rubber and vinyl.

If the floors are covered, ask if the rug that is placed over a floor is of wood, cement, tile, rubber, etc and mark the alternative that corresponds.

Question No. 15 Number of rooms

[Below the text is a form.]

[p. 34]

Write the number of rooms or sleeping quarters that a dwelling has in total.

Count the living room, dining room and the bedrooms. Do not count the kitchen, bathroom or garage.

Question No. 16 Electric energy in the dwelling

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box.

Question No. 17 Connection of the dwelling with a water system

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box, taking into account that a dwelling is considered to have a connection with a water system when running water from a water system is brought into its interior, that is to say, from a system of pipes, property of the State or private.

Question No. 18 Toilet facilities of the dwelling

[Below the text is a form.]

Toilet facilities are understood to be any system that permits the elimination of excreta and excrement. This system receives different names according to the regions of the country and according to the type of facilities; for example toilet, lavatory, toilet bowl, taza campesina, latrine, etc.

Mark "x" in the corresponding box taking into account the following definitions.

Toilet connected to a sewer system is a toilet bowl connected to a system of pipes that collect the sewage of the city.

[p. 35]

Toilet connected to a septic tank is a toilet bowl connected by means of a pipe with a subterranean well or hole where excreta is deposited.

Latrine is a well or hole into which excrements directly fall from the bowl or seat.

Bajamar, when excrements fall directly from a bowl or seat to a site from which they are taken away by water.

Question No. 19 Use of toilet facilities

[Below the text is a form.]

Take into account that a dwelling is a census dwelling. For example, if a dwelling is a room, the persons of the dwelling are those who live in this room.

Mark "x" in box 2 when the facilities are used only by the persons of the dwelling, where the interview is being done.

Mark "x" in box 4, when the services of the persons of the dwelling where the interview is being done, are used also by persons of other dwellings.

Question No. 20 Place to cook

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in box 1, when persons of this dwelling cook within a room that they also use as bedroom or living room, but in which a dishwasher or toilet bowel ["poceta"] does not exist.

Mark "x" in box 2, when persons of this dwelling have a kitchen that is in a space used as living room or as bedroom and in which exists a dishwasher or recipient with drain used to clean dishes.

Mark "x" in box 3 when persons of this dwelling have a kitchen that is found in a room dedicated only for cooking.

[p. 36]

Mark "x" in box 4, when persons of this dwelling have a kitchen that is found in a hall, corridor, patio or shelter.

Mark "x" in box 5, if a dwelling does not have a place to cook. If you mark this box, go to question 23.

Question No. 21 Use of the site for cooking

[Below the text is a form.]

Take into account that a dwelling is a census dwelling.

Mark "x" in box 2, if the site for cooking is only used by persons of the dwelling.

Mark "x" in box 4, if the site for cooking is also used by persons of other dwellings.

Question No. 22 What do they cook with in this dwelling?

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box. For it take into account the following:

If in a dwelling there are persons who cook in a manner [blank space] (example, electricity) and persons who cook with another (example, gasoline), accept as a response what the group that is considered as principal in the dwelling uses.

If in a dwelling many fuels are used, mark only what is used the most.

Cocinol is a fuel used only in Colombia.

Coal is understood to be mineral coal, vegetal coal or from firewood and charcoal briquettes.

[p. 37]

Discarded materials are cardboard, paper, clothes, tires, car batteries, etc.

Question No. 23 Ownership of the dwelling

[Below the text is a form.]

Take into account that the question refers to a census dwelling.

Mark "x" in box 1, when any of the persons of a dwelling is the proprietor or owner of it, although the rest pay rent.

Mark "x" in box 3, when the members of a dwelling pay rent and none of them is the owner of the dwelling.

Mark "x" in box 5, when the inhabitants occupy a dwelling in loan or as de facto occupants (invader, holder) of any other form different than owned or rented.

Question No. 24 Where does drinking water come from?

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark the corresponding box.

If many sources exist mark only the principal.

[p. 38]

Section IV. Persons in the dwelling

Question No. 25 List of the persons of the dwelling

[Below the text is a form.]

Write the name of each one of the persons who slept ordinarily in this dwelling and their relationship with the head of the dwelling. Do not write the surname.

Write them down in the following order:

  • Head of the dwelling
  • Spouse or companion of the head,
  • Children of the head, from oldest to youngest,
  • Sons and Daughters-in-law of the head,
  • Grandchildren of the head,
  • Parents and in-laws of the head,
  • Other relatives,
  • Employees,
  • Non relatives.

Take into account the following:

[The original language document explicitly refers to both male and female grammatical endings in this section.]

Head. It is a person recognized as such by members of the dwelling, by reason of authority, age or economic role. The head of the dwelling can be man or woman, married or single.

In each dwelling a head must exist.

Spouse or companion: It is a person who lives with the head of the dwelling and is united by matrimony or freely.

Child - stepchild: It includes both children of the current union as well as those of previous unions and also those adopted or raised.

Son - daughter-in-law. Son-in-law is the spouse or companion of the daughter. Daughter-in-law is the spouse or companion of the son.

Grandchild. They are children of the children of the head of the home.

Parents and in-laws. They are the parents by blood or by raising of the head of the home and parents of the spouse or companion.

Other relative. It is a person related to the head of the dwelling or to the spouse or companion and does not appear in any of the previous alternatives, such as niece/nephew, siblings, brother/sister-in-law, aunt/uncle, etc.

Employee. It is a person who lives in the dwelling working at the service of its inhabitants and who receives remuneration in money or in kind (food clothes) as nannies, cooks, domestic employees, chauffeurs, gardeners, etc.

Other non-relative. They are all persons who do not have any relationship with the head of the home. Examples: pensioned (persons who pay for their dwelling and their meals to another member of the dwelling), tenants (persons who only pay for the dwelling), guests (persons who are lodged without pay in a dwelling in the case of spending more than six months living in it), children of domestic employees, etc.

Take into account that a dwelling can be occupied by persons without relationships between themselves (for example, students or workers). In such case, a person will be as head and the rest as non relatives.

If there are more than fourteen persons in the dwelling, you should list the first 14 in the first form and the remaining in an additional form, starting at number 02.

Section V. Population information

The questions of this section are for each one of the persons who you wrote down in the previous square. Each person corresponds to the page that has the same number as the box. For example person number 05 in the square corresponds to the page that says Person No. 5. In order to take the information of the persons follow the same order that is in the square.

[p. 40]

A. For all persons of the dwelling

(Questions 26-33)

Question No. 26 Name

[Below the text is a form.]

Copy here the name of the person who you wrote down in the square for question 25, putting it with the corresponding number. For example, if the page is for person No. 6, write down the name of person number 06 of the square.

Question No. 27 Relationship with the head of the dwelling

[Below the text is a form.]

Take into account the person No. 1 is always the head and because of this is the only box corresponding to head. Mark it.

Starting with person No. 2 many boxes appear. Mark the corresponding box, taking into account the relationship written down in the square of question 25.

Question No. 28 Sex

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box.

Take into account that there are names that are used both by men as well as women, for example René, Abigaíl. In such cases make certain that you have written down the correct sex.

[p. 41]

Question No. 29 Age in complete years

[Below the text is a form.]

The information that is obtained is the number of years that a person became on their last birthday and not the age that they are going to be.

When a person does not remember their age, request an identification document where their date of birth appears; in case they do not have one, help establish the age making reference to personal deeds such as their age when they were married, age of the oldest child, etc. In the last case, the enumerator should calculate the age related with any national, international or local event whose date is well known.

For minors under one year write 00; Examples: If a child is 11 months old write 00, if 4 months old write 00; if 15 days old write 00.

For those older than 99 write 99; Example: if a person is 103 write down 99.

Question No. 30 Is your mother still alive?

[Below the text is a form.]

This question refers to the mother of each person. Be careful that the interviewed person is responding in relation to the person about whom they giving the information and not in relation with themselves or any other person.

Mark "x" in the corresponding box.

Question No. 31 Attendance in any education center

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in box 2, if a person attends any center of formal education at any level (preschool, primary, secondary, classic bachelor, technical, pedagogical,) or university (intermediate, professional or post-graduate careers).Include here also those who attend schools of special education.

Mark "x" in box 4, if a person does not attend any education center previously mentioned, although they are attending another class or course.

[p. 42]

Question No. 32 Were you born in this municipality?

[Below the text is a form.]

This question has as its purpose knowing if a person was born in the same municipality where they are being enumerated. If they tell you that a person was born in a site where you do not know if it corresponds or not to the municipality being enumerated, resolve the doubt by requesting an identification document or by consulting other persons.

Mark "x" in box 1, if a person whose information you are discovering was born in this municipality. If you marked this box and the person that it concerns is less than 5 years old finish the interview for this person. If you marked this box and the person it concerns is 5 years old or older, go to question 35.

Mark "x" in box 3, if born in another municipality. If you marked this box, continue the interview with question 33.

Question No. 33 Department or country of birth

[Below the text is a form.]

This question is filled out only for persons who were not born in the municipality where they are being enumerated.

Write the name of the department, administration, or precinct where a person was born. In the open boxes write the numbers of the code that corresponds to the department, administration, or precinct, according to the table of codes or numbers of the departments that you find in the first page of the form. Do not forget to do it.

If a person was born in another country, write down the name of the country, mark "x" in front of box 01 and go to question No. 34.

B. Only for those born in another country

(Question 34)

34. What year did you arrive in Colombia?

[Below the text is a form.]

Write the year in which the person came to live in Colombia. Observe that it is only necessary to write down the last numbers of the year; for example if they arrived in 1939, it is only necessary to write down 39.

[p. 43]

C. For persons 5 years old or older

(Question 35 to 41)

Take care to fill out this part C of Section V, only for persons who are 5 years old or older.

Question No. 35 Where did you live in October 1980?

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in box 1, if a person lived in the same municipality where they are being enumerated. And go to question No. 38.

Mark "x" in box 2, is a person answers that they lived in another municipality that is in a municipality different from the one they are being enumerated in. And continue the interview asking question No. 36.

If a person was born outside of Colombia, mark as such:

If they were in Venezuela, mark "x" in box 3,
If they were in Ecuador, mark "x" in box 4,
If they were in the Unites States, mark "X" in box 5,
If they were in a country different than the three previous, mark "x" in box 6.
If a person responds that they were outside of Colombia, go to question No. 39.

Question No. 36 Department where you lived in October 1980

[Below the text is a form.]

This question is asked only to persons who in October 1980 lived in another municipality.

Write the name of the department where the person lived in October 1980. In the open boxes write the code or number that corresponds to this department, according to the table that appears on the first page of the form.

[p. 44]

Question No. 37 Did you live in the capital of this department?

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box.

Question No. 38 In October 1980 did you live:

[Below the text is a form.]

This question is asked to all persons who lived in this or another municipality. Its object is to find out if these persons lived in the municipal capital (where the mayoralty is) or outside of the municipal capital.

Mark "x" in the corresponding box.

Question No. 39 Do you know how to read and write?

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in box 2, if a person knows how to read and write a paragraph or a simple section in their first language, even if it is done slowly.

Mark "x" in box 4, if a person does not know how to read or write a paragraph or a simple section, if they know how to read but not write or if they only know how to write their name.

Question No. 40 Number of years of study passed

[Below the text is a form.]

Write in the box the last year of study passed. Take into account that the level (primary, bachelor, etc) is marked in the following question (No. 41). If a person has passed no year, write 0.

If they are taking university classes take into account that many careers are done by semesters and should be written down only in years passed; so, for example, if anyone is in their third semester of engineering school, they have passed a year of their career and consequently should be written down 1, not 3.

In some cases the information about education can be supplied in accordance with Decree 088 of 1976, which divides basic and medium education into 11 grades, equivalent to five of primary and six of secondary. In these cases use the table of conversions and write down the information according to old regulations. Example: If a person answers that the last year passed is 9 of basic education, write four of bachelor.

[p. 45]

6th grade = 1st Bachelor
7th grade = 2nd Bachelor
8th grade = 3rd Bachelor
9th grade = 4th Bachelor
10th grade = 5th Bachelor
11th grade = 6th Bachelor

In cases of persons who have done two university careers or who are doing post graduate work, all the years passed should be added up and the total should be written down.

Question No. 41 Educational level

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box. Take into account the following situations:

Primary: It is the initial cycle of education. It consists of 5 years.
Secondary of bachelor: In this level classic or academic bachelor, technical bachelor (agriculture, commercial, industrial or of social promotion) and pedagogic or primary school teacher bachelor should be included.
Superior or university: It is the education that requires having taken bachelor courses.

D. For persons 10 years old or older
[Applies to questions 42 - 45]

Question No. 42 Civil or conjugal state

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box.

If necessary explain the following definitions:

[p. 46]

Consensual union. A person who lives in marital union without being married by the law or the church.
Separated. It is a person who, having been married or in free union, at the moment of the census now does not live with the spouse or companion.
A person who has to be absent occasionally for reasons of work, vacation, sickness etc. should not be considered separated.
Divorced. It is a person whose wedding was dissolved for legal or religious means and did not marry again or does not live in free union.
Married. It is a person who was legally married according to the Civil Law (before a Judge) or according to the religious rites of any creed (catholic, baptist, jewish, etc.) and continues living with their spouse.
Widowed. It is a person whose wife or companion died and has not married again and does not live in free union.
Single. It is a person who has not married and does not live in free union.

Question No. 43 Months worked during 1985

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in box 00 if they did not work any months.

If they worked, write in the open boxes the number of months worked.

Take into account:

That they do not necessarily have to have been continuous months; for example, they could have worked the month of January and then the month of April.

That also the work of non remunerated family workers should be included, that is, persons who work in a family business without receiving remuneration.

[p. 47]

Question No. 44 Condition of activity

[Below the text is a form.]

Read the alternatives in order, if the response is negative, do not make any mark in the boxes. If the response is affirmative mark "x" in the corresponding box and follow the instructions you have at the front, in the square, that is to say:

If you marked boxes 1, 2 or 3, go to question 45.
If you marked boxes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 and the person that it concerns is a man or woman younger than 15, go to the other person.
If you marked boxes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 and the person that it concerns is a man or woman 15 years old or older, go to question 46.

Help the person found the pertinent response, taking into account the following definitions:

Worked. A person worked during the indicated week.

If they carried out any activity in the production of goods (food, drugs, clothes, etc.) or services (of education, guarding, etc.) in exchange for income, for a time not shorter than 1 hour (or not less than 15 hours if it is a family helper worker without pay. In this case the duties of "key persons" ["amas de casa"] in a home are not considered jobs.

If they received income from two or more pensioners (persons who pay because they prepare meals for them).

Did not work but had a job. If a person had employment during the week indicated, but was temporarily absent for it for any reason like passing sickness, on leave or with permission, vacations, labor conflict, machines in repair, suspended, etc.

[p. 48]

Looked for work but had worked before. If a person has worked any time in their life and in the indicated week did not have a job but was looking for work, that is to say was taking steps to get it or was waiting for results of applications.

Looked for work for the first time. If a person never has worked before but in the indicated week looked for work for the first time.

Lived from investments and did not work or look for work. If a person did not work or look for work during the indicated week but receives income or investments for their goods (interest, participation in company benefits, lease, renting of land, etc.)

Lived on retirement benefits or pension and did not work or look for work. If a person did not work or look for work during the indicated week but lived on pensions (widow, physical incapacity, etc.) or on retirement benefits (by retirement form work because of becoming a certain age or number of years of service).

Studied and did not work or look for work. If a person, during the indicated week, spent the largest amount of time in any school, secondary school, university, or academy or was dedicated to studying in their own house and were not working or looking for work.

This box also should be marked is a person is dedicated to studying, even if in the indicated week has not studied because of sickness or vacation.

If a person worked and studied they should not be marked in this box, but rather in front of box 1 (worked).

If a person, along with studying, carried out household duties, mark the box corresponding to studied.

Did domestic duties and did not work or look for work. Duties of the home are understood to be the care of children and chores of the dwelling like cooking, washing, cleaning, repairing the dwelling, arranging the gardens of the dwelling, etc. when these duties are not carried out by an employee.

Take into account that persons who do these labors are not necessarily women.

Mark this box if a person, during the indicated week, was dedicated to directing their home or carrying out household duties and did not work or look for work. This box should also be marked if a person is dedicated to the home even if during the indicated week, for temporary reasons (trip, sickness, etc.) did not do this activity.

Take into account that persons who do household duties and non remunerated family workers are different in that family workers work in companies of any family member and not in household duties.

Was without activity. Is a person, during the indicated week, who did not carry out a paid or remunerated job and did not look for work.

[p. 49]

Persons who worked without pay (for friendship, for charity, for solidarity, etc.) and persons who, because of permanent disability or old age, now cannot carry out any class of job and do not have an income should be included here.

Question No. 45 Occupational position

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box, taking into account the following definitions.

Manual laborer or day laborer. It is a person who is directly employed in the production of goods and services under the direction of an employer (or their representative), from whom they receive a fixed salary or a produced unit.

Office worker. It is a salaried worker who works in a company that produces goods and services, without working directly in the production of tasks, doing functions of direction, administration, organization or guarding.

Patron or employer. It is a person who, to run an economic activity, has one or more salaried employees, that is to say, workers who receive remuneration or payment in money or in kind (food, clothes, services, etc.). Make clear that heads of the home are not employers by the fact of having domestic servants in their private house, nor persons who only help as non paid family workers.

Directors of entities or companies are considered office workers.

Independent or for their own account. It is a person who runs their own economic company or who manages for their own account a profession or trade with the help or not of non remunerated family workers, but without using any salaried worker (office worker or manual laborer). These persons can work alone or be associated with others, in equal conditions.

Family worker without remuneration It is a person who helped the work in a family economic company for 15 hours or more a week without getting a salary.

If by any work done they received money that can be considered salary, you should qualify them as office worker or manual laborer.

[p. 50]

Habitation or clothes received is not considered salary.

Domestic employment. It is a person who works on domestic chores of the dwelling where they live or in other dwellings in exchange for remuneration in money or in kind (food, clothes, services, etc.).

Persons who are dedicated to the care of their house without receiving payment or remuneration should not be classified in this alternative.

E. Only for women 15 years old or older

(Questions 46 to 50)

Take into account that this part of the form is directed only to women and that it should only be filled out for women who are 15 years old or older, even if they are single.

Question No. 46 Children born alive

[Below the text is a form.]

Take into account the following:

Born alive is the child who upon being born, breathes, cries or moves.

If a child, upon being born, shows any of these signs of life and later dies, it is a live birth, and therefore, should be registered in the form. This is clarified because frequently the interviewed mother declares as still born children who, having been born alive, die during their first hours or months of their life.

Mark "x" in box 00 (none), when a mother has not had any children born alive in her life and go to the next person.

Write in the box "number of children born alive" the total number of children born alive that a mother has had during her whole life, even if they are dead.

Mark "x" in box 98 (does not know), when a woman or the interviewed person does not remember or know the number of children born alive that she has had.

Question No. 47 Children currently alive

[Below the text is a form.]

[p. 50]

Take into account the following:

Children currently alive are those that on the date of the interview are found with life, even if they do not live with the mother.

Mark "x" in box 00 (none) when on the date of the interview none of her children are found with life. Go to question 50.

Write in the box "number of children alive" the total number of children alive that the woman has at the moment of the interview.

Mark "x" in box 98 (does not know), when a woman or the interviewed person does not know the total number of children alive at the moment of the census.

Question No. 48 Children alive in another country

[Below the text is a form.]

Write the number of children currently alive who reside or live in another country. Write the total number of male children in the corresponding box and the total number of female children in the corresponding box; if none of the sons or daughters who are alive currently lives abroad, write 0 in both boxes.

Question No. 49 The last child born alive is:

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in box 1, if the last child that was born alive is dead.

Mark "x" in box 3, if the last child born alive is currently alive.

Mark "x" in box 5, if a woman does not know if her last child born alive, is dead or alive.

Question No. 50 Date in which the last child born alive was born

[Below the text is a form.]

[p. 52]

Write in the open boxes the number of the month in which the last child born alive was born, taking into account the following table that you find on the first page of the form.

[Below the text is a form with numbers corresponding to months of the year. January 01, February 02, etc.]

Write in the open boxes the last two numbers of the year in which the last child born alive was born, since the first two numbers are already written.

Once the interview of every one of the persons of the dwelling is finished, make sure that the number of pages of persons is equal to the number of persons written down in the square of question 25. If you find any difference, revise the form until you find the error and correct it.

Fill out then the "Summary of persons" that appears in the first page of the form, making sure that the total number of persons of the dwelling is equal to the number of men plus the number of women.

If you used two forms, the total numbers should only appear on the first, but all persons registered on the second should be included.

Check that the total number written down is equal to the number of persons written down in the square of page 25.

Write your name and the head of the group or supervisor.