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Census of Canada

Instructions to
Officers, Commissioners and Enumerators
Approved by Order in Council, 31st March 1911

Government Printing Bureau

Fifth Census of Canada
Instructions to Officers, Commissioners and Enumerators

1. Fifth General Census. The Fifth General Census of the Dominion is required to be taken in the year 1911 under the provisions of the Census Act (revised Statutes of Canada, 1906, c, 68), so as to ascertain with the utmost possible accuracy for the various territorial divisions of the country their population and the classing or grouping of it as regards age, sex, social condition, religion, education, race, occupation and otherwise, and whatever other matters are specified in the forms and instructions to be issued and used as the Act provides.

2. Provisions by order in council. The Act does not specify the plan of the Census concerning details of information, forms to be used, procedure to be followed, or the dates with reference to which the Census is to be taken; but it provides that they are to be such as the Governor in Council shall by Proclamation direct.

3. Details of information. The details of information and forms to be used for the Fifth Census are as indicated in the thirteen schedules contained in the Proclamation of the Governor in Council made June 6 1910, and published on the 9th day of July of the same year in a Supplement to The Canada Gazette, and according to instruction and forms to be used by the Minister of Agriculture for the working thereof. The Proclamation also directs and provides as follows:

1. The de jure system of enumeration. The population to be recorded shall be the population in existence de jure on the first day of June 1911, and other information to be gathered shall also have reference to the same date, unless otherwise specified in the schedules or determined by the Minister of Agriculture.

2. Census districts. The division of the country into Census districts and subdistricts shall correspond as nearly as may be with the existing electoral divisions and subdivisions; and the said Census districts may be further divided into such subdistricts as the Minister of Agriculture may direct as units of enumeration for Census purposes; and in territories not so defined or situated as to admit of adhering to circumscriptions already established special divisions and subdivisions shall be formed for Census purposes by authority of the Minister of Agriculture.

3. Census subdistricts. The subdistricts of a Census district shall ordinarily consist of townships, parishes, cities, towns and incorporated villages.

4. Commissioners and enumerators. There shall be a Census Commissioner for each Census district and one enumerator for each subdistrict or part thereof, or for group of subdistricts when the Minister of Agriculture in special cases so directs; and the duties of such officers and the period of time within which their returns and reports must be completed and made shall be as provided in the Act and according to the Regulations and Instructions authorized by the Act, or as in special cases the Minister of Agriculture may direct.

5. Remuneration and allowance. The remuneration and allowance for the several Census commissioners, enumerators, agents or other persons employed in taking the Census may be a fixed sum, a rate per diem, or a scale of fees, together with allowance for expenses in the outlying parts of the Dominion, according to a table of rates to be prepared by the Minister of Agriculture and approved by the Governor General in Council.

6. Census of Indians on reserves and of persons in the Northwest Territories. A Census of Indians when living on reserves or otherwise may be taken under direction of the Minister of Agriculture by officers or employees of the Department of Indian Affairs, or by enumerators or agents appointet for the purpose; and the Census of the Northwest Territories and other unorganized regions in the northern parts of the Dominion by members of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police or by other persons or agents, as may in each case be deemed by the Minister of Agriculture advantageous and expedient.

7. Provision for enumeration by special agents. At the discretion of the Minister of Agriculture, and subject to such limitations of institutions, of establishments or of territory as he may determine, the Census of infirmities (schedule 1), of the forest (schedule 8), of factories (schedule 9), of fisheries (schedule 11), and of mines (schedule 13), may be taken by the regular enumerators or by special agents appointed for the purpose; but so that in every such case provision shall be made for the complete enumeration of every locality, district and province Dominion.

8. Census of Mortality. The Bertillion or International nomenclature will be adopted in taking the Census of mortality (schedule 2), and to ensure as full a record of diseases or causes of death as possible it is advisable to obtain the co-operation of provincial or local officers of vital statistics where such offices have been organized under arrangements and terms to be sanctioned by the Minister of Agriculture.'
General Provisions for Enumeration

4. Date for recording population. The date selected for recording the population is Thursday, first day of June 1911. The decisive hour of reckoning is made 12 o'clock or midnight on the night of 31st May to 1st June, so that everyone born before that hour and every one dying after it are to be counted in the population.

5. The de jure system. In providing that the Census of the people is to be taken by the de jure system, the proclamation does not give a meaning to that term. Neither does the Census Act, nor any other statute. It must be determined largely by usage, and therefore the practice of former censuses in Canada should be followed with reasonable closeness. In the case of a great majority of the people, their home or usual place of abode is the place where they should be counted; but particular directions are given in dealing with schedule No. 1. See Instruction No. 54.

6. Districts and subdistricts. Census districts are required to conform as nearly as may be with the districts for the representation of the people in the House of Commons· at Ottawa, and Census subdistricts to the cities, towns, incorporated villages, townships and parishes which constitute an electoral district. Where towns, villages, townships, etc., are of small extent, or their population few, two or more may be assigned to one enumerator.

7. Officers for the outside service. Two classes of officers will be provided for the outside service. The first class are The Commissioners. They will receive instructions from officers of the Census and Statistics Office at suitable and convenient 'places to be selected for that purpose in each province, and will have direction of the work in the several Census districts for which they have been appointed. They are required to instruct enumerators in the details of recording the Census as required in the schedules, to revise the work when it is done (for which see Special Letter of Instructions), and to transmit all papers to the Census Office, with which they will conduct all necessary correspondence. The second class are The Enumerators, to whom will be entrusted the actual work of the Census, and upon whose judgment, discretion and intelligence the completeness and accuracy of it will to a very large degree depend. The Census must be taken and all the returns made to the office in Ottawa before the end of the month of June, or within a time to be fixed in the Special Instructions to each commissioner; and, unless otherwise provided in the instructions, every enumerator shall begin his work on Thursday the 1st day of June, and he shall continue it day by day (except Sundays) until the canvass of his area is completed.

8. Mortality, Disability and Compensation. In taking the Census of mortality, schedule No. 2, the causes of death will be entered according to The Bertillon or International Nomenclature (or names of diseases), printed on pp. 64 to 66, Appendix I of these Instructions. See also Instruction No. 149. The records of disability and compensation, columns 18 to 28, will be entered on the same schedule. See Instructions No. 151 to 157.

9. Public Institutions. In the enumeration of inmates of asylums, hospitals, penitentiaries, prisons and educational or other institutions, each enumerator will take the Census for his own enumeration area. See Instructions No. 57, 59, 62, 79.

10. Supplies for enumerators. The Commissioners of Census districts will be supplied from the Census Office at Ottawa with schedules, instructions, and all other printed matter necessary for the taking of the Census, to be distributed to enumerators when these are called together to receive directions :for their work.

11. Portfolios for supplies. A set of papers sufficient for the requirements of each enumerator, according to the extent and population of the territory assigned to him, will be put in a portfolio furnished for the purpose of keeping them in a safe and cleanly state throughout the progress of his work. It may frequently happen in localities that some of the schedules are not required at all, or only in a very limited quantity, and it will be the duty of the commissioner in consultation with each enumerator to ascertain the kinds of schedules and the number of sheets of each that may be wanted. In villages and towns, for instance, a fewer number of schedules 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 will be required than of schedule 1, while in rural parts a comparatively fewer number of schedule 9 (Manufactures) will be required than in villages and towns. In the case of schedule 2 (Mortality) an estimate of the number of sheets required may be made on the basis of 20 deaths in the year to each 1,000 of the population.

12. Directions for enumerators. Care will be exercised by commissioners to so direct the enumerators that they will fully and clearly understand every detail of their duties, (1) As regards the portion of country or, unit of enumeration each one is to canvass; (2) As to·the entries to be made in the several schedules, and (3) As to making returns to the commissioners of all schedules and papers when the canvass of the portion of country assigned to each enumerator is finished.

13. Duties of commissioners. One of the special duties of commissioners is to ascertain and define by written description for the guidance of each enumerator the boundaries of the territory allotted to him, so that no part of the Census district, may be missed, or be taken by more than one enumerator.

14. Starting point for enumeration. The work of taking the Census should begin at some well-established starting point, whether it is in a township or parish, or in a city, town or village, and should be carried on continuously and regularly, whether it be one or more polling subdivisions or a tract Of larger extent; and the Census of every township, parish, city, town or village must be finished before passing to the next one. See Instructions No. 16 and No. 67. In compiling the records into tables every· township, parish, city, town and village will be kept apart.

15. Records to be kept separate for township, parish, etc. In a township, parish or other country district, where the houses are scattered, it is advisable to start on a road or highway at the border line of the subdivision and visit in succession every house or place until the other side of the area is reached, when the next road may be taken in the same way, and so on until the whole area assigned to the enumerator is covered taking care to finish the Census of one farm or lot before proceeding to the next. See Instructions No. 32 and No. 33.

16. Rural and village enumeration to be kept separate. If an unincorporated village is included in the enumerator's district he should take the Census of it separately from the rural portion proper, but on the same schedule. A short line drawn across the left hand margin above the number of the first family and another below the number of the last family of the village as entered on the schedule, will be a sufficient mark of separation. But if the village have a distinct name it should be written along the left hand margin of the schedule, between the upper and lower lines, on each page until the enumeration of such village is completed. (See Sample Schedule, lines 17 to 34.) This separation will facilitate the tabulation of agricultural statistics, and it will have value as a record for historical use in tracing the origin and rise of future towns in the country. The Census of unincorporated villages however will be included as heretofore with the statistics of rural sections.

17. Enumeration of cities, towns and villages. In cities, towns and incorporated villages, where the land is usually laid out in blocks or squares bounded on four sides by streets, the enumerator should start at one corner of the block and proceed around and through it, entering every house or building in regular order and collecting all the information called for in the schedules before proceeding to the next block or square, and should so continue until the whole of his subdistrict is finished.

18. Separation of town and country. If the enumerator's subdistrict is partly in an incorporated town or village and partly in the country, he should take the two portions separately as described in No. 16, and distinguish the portions so carefully that no mistake of mixing rural and urban statistics can be made in the tabulation work of the Census Office at Ottawa. See Instructions No. 66 and No. 67.

19. Census of crops and livestock in cities, towns and villages. Where grain, fruit and root crops are grown, and domestic animals are kept, and fruit trees, vines, small fruits, etc., are planted, in cities, towns and, villages the statistics of them (including values) should be taken as carefully as the statistics of crops and animals on farms; as also the area of land occupied and the number of barns and other buildings in use by the head of each family or household, or by any member of it.

20. Complete particulars of information to be taken. The head of every family or household (or whoever gives the information for it should be asked particulars concerning all the schedules, in order that full and complete particulars may be gathered covering the whole scope of the Census for every part of the country.

21. Census of produce, livestock, manufactures, etc., to be taken separately for any member of a family besides the Head who is on his own account an owner or producer. if any member of a family or household besides the head thereof is on his own behalf an owner, occupier or tenant of lands or buildings, or an owner of livestock, or a producer of crops, fruits, manufactures, minerals or other articles separate from the head of the family or household, a Census of all such articles shall be enumerated under his own name on all schedules except Schedules No. 1 and No. 2.

22. Oath of office. Every commissioner, enumerator or other person employed in the execution of the Census Act must take and subscribe an oath binding him to the faithful and exact discharge of his duties under the provisions of the Act, and in all respects as required by the forms and instructions issued by the Minister of Agriculture; and every such person who makes willful default in any matter required of him by the Act or the instructions, or who willfully makes a false declaration touching any such matter, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

23. Secrecy of Census information provided for. Every officer or other person employed in any capacity on Census work is required to keep inviolate the secrecy of the information gathered by the enumerators and entered on the schedules or forms. An enumerator is not permitted to show his schedules to any other person, nor to make or keep a copy of them, not to answer any questions respecting their contents, directly or indirectly; and the same obligation of secrecy is imposed upon commissioners and other officers or employees of the outside service, as well as upon every officer, clerk or other employee of the Census Office at Ottawa. The facts and statistics of the Census may not be used except for statistical compilations, and positive assurance should be given on this point if a fear is entertained by any person that they may be used for taxation or any other object.

24. Who may give information of the Census. No result of the enumeration .may be given to the public in advance of the printed bulletins or reports except by the head officer of the Census acting under the authority and direction of the Minister of Agriculture.

25. No employee can farm out his work. It is not permitted to a commissioner, enumerator or other employee of the Census to engage a substitute or farm out his work to another. The position to which he is appointed must be filled by himself, and its, duties must be performed by himself. Prompt and expeditious service is required from the time that the work is commenced until it is finished.

26. Civility and expedition required of an enumerator. It is the duty of an enumerator on entering a house to act with civility, to state his business in a few words, to ask the necessary questions, to make the proper entries, and to leave the premises as soon as his business has been transacted. His conduct must be judicious, and it is only when persons refuse to answer questions or to give the required information that legal proceedings may be taken against them.

27. What the term Census year means. Unless otherwise specified in the detailed instructions, or in the schedules, the Census year shall be the year beginning June 1, 1910 and ending May 31, 1911 for all questions and subjects under schedules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, and the year beginning January 1 and ending December 31 1910 for all questions and subjects under schedules 8, 9, 10 and 11.

28. When the work of the Census shall begin. Unless otherwise instructed for particular localities, enumerators are required to begin the canvass of their respective districts on Thursday the first day of June, and to prosecute it continuously from day to day except Sundays until the work is completed.

29. Day's work and daily earnings. The day's work of Census officers, commissioners, numerators and other employees for the taking of the Census is not limited by hours of service unless otherwise specified, as payment is made upon a scale of rates and allowances. They are required to use all practicable expedition to complete the service in the shortest time consistent with accuracy, efficiency and fullness, and their daily earnings will depend on the amount of Census work completed each day.

30. The Census Act. The Census Act published with these Instructions (pp. 67 to 72, Appendix II) should be referred to for other duties of Census officers of the several classes, especially as provided in sections 16 and 17 of the Act; and also for the authority under which they may proceed to collect every particular of information called for in the schedules, as provided in sections 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 and 51 of the Act.

Instructions Relating to All Schedules

31. Preparation of· schedules for enumerators. The commissioner will fill in the blanks in the heading of at least one of each schedule with the name of the Province or Territory, the name of the electoral district, the number of the polling subdivision or other unit of enumeration, and the name, of the city, town, village, township or parish in which the polling subdivision or unit of enumeration is situated, according .as the blanks in each schedule heading requires; and he will :furnish each enumerator with a written or printed copy of the boundaries of the area assigned to him, whether a polling subdivision or an area of greater or less extent. See Instruction No. 69.

32. Boundaries of enumerator's territory. The enumerator will study with great care the written description of the boundaries of the territory assigned to him as provided in Instructions 13 and 31, so that he may have a thorough knowledge of it. He should make himself acquainted not only with the precise boundaries of his territory, but with every portion of it which may be rural or urban, so that farm lands may be distinctly separated from towns, villages and hamlets, or parts of such centres of population. He should be careful to set at rest any doubt that may arise as to boundaries between his own and adjoining enumeration territories in order to assure himself that no single house or portion of land is omitted from the enumeration, and that none is included which belongs to the territory of another enumerator.

33. Grouping of townships or parishes. In some sparsely settled regions several townships or parishes may be grouped to form one polling subdivision or unit of enumeration assigned to one enumerator, and where this occurs the name of each township or parish should be entered in the blank line. But in every such case the name of each township or parish should also be written by the enumerator on the left hand margin of the sheet as required in No. 16 of these Instructions in order that the Census of each may be kept separate and distinct.

34. In the case of united townships. Where two or more townships or parishes are united to form one municipality the same instruction should be followed for the purpose of future reference and comparison when each one of such townships or parishes may become organized as a distinct municipality.

35. Pagination of sheets. The number of each page will be entered consecutively on the sheets in the blanks left for it in the headings, and in the exact order in which they are filled as the work of enumeration progresses. The page number on the left and right hand sides of each sheet will be the same. (See Sample Schedule.) When a page is filled the enumerator will sign his name in the blank left for it in the heading. He should also enter after the word "Enumerator" the day or days on which the sheet was filled, thus: June 2 or June 3-5, or as the case may be. See Instruction No. 70.

36. Clear and legible records. The enumerator is required to make all entries on the schedules in ink of good quality, and every .name, word, figure or mark should be clear and legible. If a schedule cannot be read, or if the entries are made with a poor quality of ink or in pencil, or if they are blurred or blotted, the work of the enumerator may be wholly wasted. The Census is intended to be a permanent record, and its schedules will be stored in the Archives of the Dominion. See Instruction No. 65.

37. Abbreviations. The names of the provinces and territories will be denoted as follows:

Alb. for Alberta.
B.C. for British Columbia.
Man. for Manitoba.
N.B. for New Brunswick.
N.S. for Nova Scotia.
N.W.T. for· Northwest Territories
0. for Ontario. ·
P.E.I. for Prince Edward Island.
Q. for Quebec.
Sask. for Saskatchewan.
Yuk. for Yukon.

Other contractions will be explained in the Instructions for the several schedules wherever the use of them appears to be required.

Rates and Allowances for Employees

38. Payment of commissioners. The commissioner of each Census district will be entitled to payment at a rate of one cent per name for each person enumerated in the population schedule for correspondence with departmental and staff officers, personal studies instruction of enumerators, examination and correction of enumerators' reports and accounts, and making up returns for transmission to the Minister of Agriculture according to the Book of Instructions; and for all other duties and to cover expenses of travel and charges of office he will be entitled to the special allowance mentioned at the time of his appointment.

39. Expedition required of enumerators. The day's work of a Census enumerator is not limited by hours of service, as payment is made upon a scale of rates and allowances. He is required to use all practical expedition to complete the service in the shortest time consistent with accuracy, efficiency and fullness, and his daily earnings will depend on the amount of Census work completed each day.

40. Allowance for persons enumerated. For every living person recorded in the population schedule (No. 1) the enumerator will be entitled to an allowance of five cents.

41. Allowance for mortality and compensation. For every death in Schedule No. 2, and for every disability and compensation in the same schedule, he will be entitled to ten cents. Every death record counts one, and every disability and compensation record counts one.

42. Allowance for farms recorded. For every farm of five acres and over in the agricultural and forestry schedules (No. 3 to No. 8 inclusive) he will be entitled to an allowance of twenty-five cents; and for lesser areas, providing a record is made of products with a value of not less than $50 in the Census year, he will be entitled to an allowance of fifteen cents for a lot of one to less than five acres, and of ten cents for a lot of less than one acre.

43. Allowance for factories. For every factory or manufacturing establishment employing five persons on salary or wages during any part of the year, and producing not less than $500 in value of goods or articles in the year (schedule No. 9), he will be entitled to twenty-five cents for each factory or establishment.

44. Allowance for churches, etc. For every church Sunday school, college, public or private school, charitable institution and penal institution (Schedule No. 10) he will be entitled to an allowance of twenty cents for each one.

45. Allowance for fisheries, etc. For every record of fisheries or fishing plant with a product of $500 or over in the Census year (Schedule No. 11) to be taken by officers or employees of the Department of Marine and Fisheries, a sum to be agreed upon between the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Marine and Fisheries.

46. Allowance for dairy factories. For every factory or plant producing butter, cheese, condensed milk or cream to a value of $500 or over in the Census year (Schedule No. 12), he will be entitled to an allowance of twenty-five cents for each factory or plant recorded.

47. Allowance for mines and quarries. For every mine, quarry or works in operation in the Census year, and producing not less than $500 in value of metal ore, mineral, structural materials of stone and clay, fuel and light materials, etc., in the year (Schedule No. 13) he will be entitled to an allowance of fifty cents for each mine, quarry or works.

48. Special allowances. In Census subdistricts or regions of sparse population, remote from settlement and deficient in means of communication, the rates and allowances to enumerators shall be such as the Chief Officer with the approval of the Minister, may direct; and the same rule shall also apply in subdistricts or regions ·where the service of an interpreter, or guide or other assistant to an enumerator may be required. But in no case shall an interpreter, or guide or other assistant to an enumerator be employed except with the written authority of the Chief Officer.

49. Allowance for expenses. In lieu of horse-hire and all other expenses, the following allowances will be made to enumerators in places exclusive of cities, towns and incorporated villages, viz.: (1) In Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime provinces, three dollars per one hundred names of persons enumerated in schedule No. 1. (2) In Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, four dollars per one hundred names of persons enumerated in Schedule No. 1, excepting where the population of a township or parish is less than one hundred, when the allowance will be at a rate of six dollars per township or parish. (3) In British Columbia, an allowance of twelve dollars per one hundred names of persons enumerated in Schedule No. 1. But these allowances will not apply to subdistricts or regions provided for in the preceding instruction No. 48.

50. Travelling expenses for enumerators. Census enumerators called to receive instructions from Commissioners before commencing enumeration work will be entitled when on such duty to actual expenses of travel by railroad or other conveyance and to cost of living at hotels or other places from time of leaving home to return thereto, as shown by vouchers, and to an allowance of two dollars per day for time spent in receiving instructions as certified by the Commissioner.

Instructions for Schedule No. 1.

51. Object of this schedule. Schedule No. 1 is framed with the object of enumerating the population of the country by name. Every person whose habitual home or place of abode is in an enumerator's district on the first day of June 1911 is to be entered by name on the schedule, with the details of information asked for on the schedule carefully filled in according to instructions. See Instruction No. 5.

52. Blank spaces of heading to be filled. All the blank spaces at the head of each page must be filled in before entering any names thereon, with the name of the province, district number, sub-district number, enumeration district number, and the name and class to which the division belongs: as Wright township, Elmira town, Hamilton city (ward 4) or St. Joseph parish.

53. Who are to be enumerated? This is the most important question for enumerators to determine; therefore the rules and regulations should be carefully studied.

54. Habitual home or place of abode. The Census and Statistics Act provides that the population shall be enumerated under the de jure system. The literal meaning of the term de jure is 'by right of law', 'legally', or 'rightfully', but the term has no legal meaning. For the purpose of a Census the home of any person shall mean the habitual place of abode of that person, that is to say where the person usually sleeps or dwells, where his fixed home is. See Instructions 5 and 64, and the 'Absent-from-Home' Cards.

55. Residents absent on Census day. In every case where members of a family or a household are temporarily absent from their home or usual place of abode, their names and records should be entered on the schedules, the facts concerning them being obtained from their families, relatives or acquaintances, or other persons able to give the information.

56. Domestic servants and such cases. There is a probability that some persons may be counted in two places, and that others may not be counted at all, under the de jure system. A domestic servant, for example, may be reported at the home of her parents as a member of the family de jure, and she also may be reported as de jure of the family or household where she is employed; or if absent from her home for a comparatively long time, and in her present place of service for· only a short time, she may be left out of the enumeration altogether. The same thing may occur in the case of farm labourers and employees in other callings. The enumerator is instructed to take all such persons where they are found at service,-but not at the family home.

57. General rule. It is not possible to lay down a rule applicable to every case; but generally a student at college, a sailor or fisherman at sea, a lumberman in the forest, a commercial traveller on the road, inmates of hospitals and other like persons whose period of absence is more or less known, should be entered with the family, and the enumerator should always before finishing the enumeration of a family specifically ask the question whether there are any such absent members. But a son or daughter permanently located elsewhere should not be included with the family.

58. Doubtful cases. Where there is a doubt as to whether the absent member of the family or household is temporarily removed to another part of the Dominion, the enumerator should enter the complete record of such person on Schedule No. 1, and at the same time make a record in column 4 of present P.O. address.

59. Persons not to be enumerated. If the head of the family or household, or whoever gives the information, is in doubt concerning the intention of such persons to return, and if they be absent twelve months or more, they are not to be enumerated on Schedule No. 1, the presumption being that they have settled elsewhere. As a rule, therefore, the enumerator should not include with the family he is enumerating any of the following classes:

(a) Persons visiting with this family;
(b) Transient boarders or lodgers at hotels or elsewhere who have some other usual or permanent place of abode;
(c) Persons who take their meals with this family, but lodge or sleep elsewhere;
(d) Servants, apprentices or other persons employed in this family and working in the home or on the premises, but not sleeping there;
(e) Students or children living or boarding with this family. in order to attend a college or school, but whose home is elsewhere;
(f) Any person who was formerly in this family but has since become the inmate of an asylum, almshouse, home for the aged, reformatory or prison, or any other institution of a similar kind; or
(g) Members of this family who have been away from home for twelve months or more.

60. Servants. Servants, labourers or other employees who live with the family or sleep in the same house or on the premises should be enumerated with the family.

61. Construction camps. Members of railroad or other construction camps or of mining camps, which have a shifting population composed of persons with no fixed place of abode, should be enumerated where found.

62. Prison inmates. It is to be specially noted that in the case of prisons, penitentiaries, etc., the prisoners should be there enumerated however short the term of sentence. The name of the home address of such person (if in Canada) must be entered in column 4.

63. Information must be furnished. The heads of families, households and institutions are required to furnish the enumerator with all particulars regarding every person in the family, household or institution as called for in the schedules. But if the head of a family, household or institution cannot give information concerning boarders, lodgers or other inmates (including miners, men employed on construction work, etc.), and if such persons are out of reach when the enumerator calls, he shall leave with the head of the family or household one copy of special Form 'A' for each such person, to be filled up by a date and hour required in a notice given thereon by the enumerator, and the names of all such persons and the information concerning them shall be entered by the enumerator in Schedule No. 1 under the name of the head of the family or household of which such persons are members. The enumerator will exercise great care to leave as many blank lines under the head of the family in Schedule No. 1 for the transcribing of this information as he leaves copies of Form 'A' to be filled up by absentees of the family or household.

64. Thorough canvass. The enumerator should visit every occupied building or other place of abode in his district, and make sure before leaving it that, he has taken all persons living therein. He should also make careful inquiry whether any members of the family are temporarily absent, and whether there are any boarders or lodgers or servants or any other persons in the same house who have not been recorded in his book. Nor should an enumerator take it for granted because a dwelling house or apartment is closed on the day of his visit that the place is unoccupied. He should by inquiry find out whether any one is living there. In an apartment house he should consult the janitor to make sure he has omitted no one. Neither should an enumerator take it for granted, because a building appears to be used for business purposes only, that no one lives or sleeps in it, but should satisfy himself by careful inquiries. See Instruction No. 54.

65. General method of making the record. Black ink should be used. Care should be taken to write legibly and not to blot the page. The work should be done carefully and the entry should be made in the proper column, so as to avoid erasing and interlining. Ditto marks or any other marks to show repetition must not be used except as authorized in the instructions for entering names. See Instruction No. 36.

66. Separate enumeration of subdivisions of enumeration districts. An enumerator's district may comprise two or more parts or subdivisions, such as:

(a) Two or more townships, districts, parishes or other divisions of an electoral district, or parts of such divisions;
(b) The whole or part of an incorporated city, town or village, and territory outside such incorporated place;
(c) Two or more wards of a city, town, or village, or parts thereof;
(d) Two or more incorporated towns or villages, or parts thereof.

67. Complete one division before beginning another. In all such cases the enumeration of one such division of an enumeration area should be completed before beginning the enumeration of another. The entries for each subdivision should begin at the top of a new page of the population schedule; and at the end of the entries of the population for that subdivision the enumerator should write 'Here ends the enumeration of ........,' giving the name of the township, city, town, village, ward or other subdivision, as the case may be and leave the remainder of the lines on that page blank. If an enumeration district .contains the whole or part of an incorporated city, town or village, the enumeration of such incorporated place must be completed before beginning the enumeration of the remainder of the district.

68. Unincorporated villages. Read carefully Instruction No. 16.

The Heading of the Schedule.

69. Fill out head-lines. The enumerator will fill out the spaces at the top of each page of the schedule before entering any names on that page, with the name of the province, the district number, the subdistrict number, the enumeration district number, and in the last blank on the right hand side of the sheet he will state whether his enumeration area is part of a city, town, village, township or parish, and his own name. See Sample Schedule. The commissioner will be particularly careful that every enumerator under his direction thoroughly understands how to fill in the heading of the schedules properly. He is moreover required to have the enumerators fill the headings of some of their schedules with the proper designations for their enumeration area in his presence. See Instruction No. 31.

70. Closing a day's work. At the end of each day's work the enumerator will draw a line in the right hand margin of the schedule below the record for the last name entered on that day and give the date thus: June 10. See Sample Schedule.

71. Numbered in order of visitation. In columns 1 and 2 the dwelling house and the family, household or institution will be numbered in the order of visitation and as in the same house there may be one or more families or households the numbering under the two heads of the schedule will not necessarily correspond.

72. Dwelling house. Any structure which provides shelter for a human being is a house. It need not be a house in the usual sense of the word, but may be a room in a factory, a store or office building, a railway car, or the like.

73. Apartment house. An apartment house counts only as one house no matter how many entrances it may have or how many families it may contain, and it should be recorded by number only once in this column; and to provide against errors the enumerator will write opposite the record of the families living in it the words 'Apartment House'. See Sample Schedule.

74. Tenement house. A building with partition walls running through it from cellar to attic and making of each part what is usually known as a 'whole house' and having a separate entrance to each part, counts for as many separate dwellings as there are separate front or principal entrances, but a two-apartment-house with one apartment over the other and a separate front door for each apartment counts only as one dwelling house.

75. Numbering the dwelling houses. The first dwelling house enumerated should be numbered as '1', the second as '2', and so on until the enumeration of the subdistrict is completed. The number should always be entered opposite the name of the first person enumerated in each dwelling house, and should not be repeated for other persons in the same family, or for other families if it be an apartment house. See Sample Schedule.

76. Family, household or institution. In column 2 the families or households should be numbered in the order in which they are enumerated, entering the number opposite the head of the family as shown in the Sample Schedule.

77. Family. In the restricted sense of the term a family consists of parents with sons and daughters in a living and housekeeping community, but for Census purposes it may include other relatives and servants, and every such community which has its housekeeping entirely to itself should be returned as a separate family.

78. Household. A household may include all persons in a housekeeping community, whether related by ties of blood or not, but usually with one of their number occupying the position of head. All the occupants and employees of a hotel or lodging house, if that is their usual place of abode, make up for Census purposes a single household. See Instruction No. 54.

79. Institution. An institution household includes such establishments as hospitals, poorhouses, asylums for the insane, prisons, penitentiaries, schools of learning, military barracks, homes for the aged, homes of refuge, etc. The officials, attendants, servants and inmates of an institution who live in the institution building or group of buildings form one family and must be recorded in the order mentioned, and the name of the institution is to be written in column 1. But where an officer or other employee does not live in the institution he will be enumerated with his family if he lives with them.

Residence and Personal Description.

80. Name of each person in family, household or institution. The members of the family or household in column 3 are to be entered in the following order, namely: Head first, wife second, then sons and daughters in the order of their ages, and lastly relatives, servants, boarders, lodgers or other persons living in the family or household. The persons in an institution may be described as officer, principal, inmate, patient, prisoner, pupil, etc.

81. How to write names. The last name or surname is to be written first, then the given name in full. Where the surname is the same as that of the person in the preceding line it should not be repeated. See Sample Schedule.

82. Place of habitation. The place of habitation, column 4, refers to the place of residence. In the case of a city, town or incorporated village, the enumerator will enter the number of the house and the name of the street, as 14 Bay street; and in the case of rural districts the name of the township, lot, parish or cadastral number: Provided, however, that in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta the location be designated by township, range and meridian, as T. 14, R. 9, W. 3. See Sample Schedule.

83. Sex. The sex in column 5 will be denoted by 'M' for males and 'F' for females.

84. Relationship to head of family or household. The head of the family or household in column 6, whether husband or father, widow or unmarried person of either sex is to be designated by the word 'Head', and the other members of the family as wife, father, mother, son, daughter, grandson, daughter-in-law, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, partner, boarder, lodger, servant, etc., according to the relationship which the person bears to the head of the family. Persons in an institution may be designated as officer, inmate, patient, pupil, prisoner, etc., and in the case of the chief officer his title should be used, as Warden, Superintendent, Principal, etc.

85. Conjugal condition. The description in column 7 will be given by the use of the initial letters, 'S' for single person, 'M' for married, 'W' for widowed (man or woman), 'D' for divorced and 'L.S.' for legally separated. Persons separated only as to bed and board will be described as married.

86. Month of birth. The month of birth of each person will be denoted in column 8 by writing the first syllable of the name of each month except in the case of May, June and July, which will be written in full.

87. Year of birth. Column 9 calls for the year of birth of each person.

88. Age last birthday. Make the entry for age at last birthday in column 10. The age of a person if over one year will be the age in completed years at the last birthday prior to June 1 1911, but in· the case of a child not one year old on June 1, 1911 the age should he given in completed months expressed as twelfths of a year. Thus, the age of a child one month old should be expressed as 1/12, two months 2/12, three months 3/12, four months, 4/12, etc. If a child is not a month old the age should he expressed in days, as 5 days, 10 days, as the case may be. The age of a child who is just one year old on June 2 or any other near date following June 1, 1911 should be expressed as 11/12, because that is its age in completed months on June 1st, the day of the Census. In the case of young children it is very important that the enumerator should obtain this information and carefully record it.

Citizenship, Nationality and Religion.

89. Country or place of birth. If the person was born in Canada the name of the province or territory in which born should be given in column 11. The names of the provinces and territories will be denoted by abbreviations. See Instruction No. 37.

90. If born out of Canada. If the person was born outside of Canada the enumerator will enter the name of the country (not city, town or state) in which he or she was born.

91. If born in British Islands. Instead of Great Britain or British Isles, the particular country should be given, as England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, Hebrides, Orkneys, Shetlands, etc.

92. If born in Austria-Hungary. In the case of persons born in the double kingdom of Austria-Hungary care should be taken to give the particular provinces, as Austria, Tyrol, Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Galicia, Bukovinia, Dalmatia, Hungary, Transylvania, Croatia, Sclavonia, etc.

93. If born in Poland, Lithuania or Finland. In the case of persons who say they were born in Poland, which is no longer an independent country, inquiry should be made whether the birthplace was in what is now known as German Poland, or Austrian Poland, or Russian Poland, and the answer should be written accordingly as Germany (Pol.), Austria (Pol.), or Russia (Pol.). Similarly for persons born in what was formerly Lithuania, the answer should be written Russia (Lith.) or Germany (Lith.), and not simply Russia or Germany as the case may be 'Finland' and not 'Russia' should be written for a person born in Finland.

94. If born in Turkey. If the birthplace given is Turkey, the enumerator should ask whether European or Asiatic Turkey, and write Turkey (E.) or Turkey (A.) accordingly.

95. Language not evidence of birthplace. The language spoken should not be relied upon to determine birthplace. This is especially true of the German language, for over one-third of the Austrians and nearly three-fourths of the Swiss speak German.

96. If born at sea. If the person was born 'at sea' his birthplace should be so recorded.

97. Write birthplace in full. To prevent errors and to facilitate the work of compilation in the Census Office, the names of the place of birth of persons born out of Canada must be written in full.

98. Year of immigration to Canada. This question, in column 12, applies to all persons, irrespective of age or sex, who were born outside of Canada, and also to Canadian born persons who had formerly become domiciled in a foreign country but have returned to their native soil. For those of foreign birth the year of their first entry into Canada should be given, and for those of Canadian birth the year of their returning home to remain permanently should be given.

99. Year of naturalization if formerly an alien. This question, in column 13, applies only to persons 21 years old and over who were born in some other country than the United Kingdom or any of its dependencies. It does not apply to foreign-born persons under 21 years of age, or to persons born in any part of the British Empire. If a person has applied for papers but has not yet reached the full status of citizenship, the fact should be indicated by writing the letters 'pa' for papers.

100. Racial or tribal origin. The racial or tribal origin, column 14, is usually traced through the father, as in English, Scotch, Irish, Welsh, French, German, Italian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Bohemian, Ruthenian, Bukovinian, Galician, Bulgarian, Chinese, .Japanese, Polish, Jewish, etc. A person whose father is English but whose mother is Scotch, Irish, French or other race will be ranked as English, and so with any of the others. In the case of Indians the origin is traced through the mother, and names of their tribes should be given, as 'Chippewa,' 'Cree,' etc. The children be gotten of marriages between white and black or yellow races will be classed as Negro or Mongolian, (Chinese or Japanese) as the case may be.

101. Nationality. It is proper to use Canadian in column 15 as descriptive of every person whose home is in the country and who has acquired rights of citizenship in it. A person who was born in the United States, or France, or Germany or other foreign country, but whose home is in Canada and who is a naturalized citizen, should be entered as 'Canadian'; so also should a person born in the United Kingdom or any of its colonies whose residence in Canada is not merely temporary. An alien person will be classed by nationality according to the country of birth, or the country to which he or she professes to owe allegiance.

102. Religion. In column 16 the religion of each person will be entered according as he or she professes, specifying the denomination, sect or community to which the person belongs or adheres, or which he or she favours. If the sons or daughters belong to, or adhere to, or favour another denomination, or profess a different religious belief to that of their parents or either of them, the fact should be so recorded. The information regarding the religious belief of every person of mature years enumerated in column 3 must be written out in full,-abbreviations must not be used.

Profession, Occupation, Trade or Means of Living.

103. Chief occupation or trade. Chief or principal occupation or means of living will be entered in column 17 and in column 18 the employment or occupation by which the person for whom the entry is being made supplements the earnings obtained from the chief or regular employment. An entry should be made in this column for every person of ten years and over. The record in column 17 should be either (1) the word or words which most accurately indicate the particular kind of work done by which the individual earns money or money equivalent, - as 'physician,' 'carpenter,' 'farmer,' 'stenographer,' 'nurse,' etc.; or '(2) 'income;' ,or (3) if no occupation the entry will be ' none.'

104. Income. For every person who does not follow a specific occupation but has an independent income, as from investments, pensions, superannuation, etc., the fact should be noted by writing the word 'income' in column 17; and the entry 'none' should be made for all persons ten years old and over who follow no occupation and who do not live on income.

105. Persons retired. Persons who on account of old age, permanent physical disability or otherwise are no longer following a gainful occupation should not be reported as of the occupation formerly followed. If living on their own income the entry should be 'income,' but if they are supported gratuitously by other persons or institutions the entry in this column should be 'none.'

106. Exceptions. Farmers or business men who have retired from active service but who still control an interest in the farm or enterprise in which formerly engaged are to be returned as under the name of the occupation, business or trade from which their living is obtained and the entry will be made thus: 'Farmer r.' for farmer retired, and 'Grocer r.' for grocer retired, or as the case may be.

107. Persons temporarily unemployed. Persons who are out of employment when visited by the enumerator may state that they have no occupation, when the fact is that they usually have an occupation but happen to be idle or unemployed at the time of the visit. In such cases the occupation followed by the person when employed should be obtained and recorded.

108. Farm workers. A person in charge of a farm should be returned as a farmer, whether he owns it or operates it as a tenant, renter or cropper; but a person who manages a farm for someone else for wages or salary should be reported as farm manager or farm overseer; and a person who works on a farm for someone else, but not as manager, tenant or cropper, should be reported as farm labourer.

109. Women doing housework. In the case of woman doing housework in her own home, without salary or wages, and having no other employment, the entry in column 17 should be 'none.' But a woman working at housework for wages should be returned in column 17 as housekeeper, servant, cook, chambermaid, etc., as the case may be; and the entry in column 22 should state the kind of place where she works, as private family, hotel, or boarding house. Or if a woman, in addition to doing housework in her own home, regularly earns money by some other occupation, whether pursued in her own home or outside, the kind of occupation should be stated in column 17 and the place where employed in column 22. For instance, a woman who regularly takes in washing should be reported as laundress or washerwoman in column 17, and the entry 'at home'' should be made in column 22.

110. Children working for parents. Children of ten years of age and over who work for their parents at home at general household work, or on the farm, or at any other work or chores, when attending school, should not be recorded as having an occupation. Those, however, who spend the major portion of their time at home, and who materially assist their parents in .the performance of work other than household duties, should be reported as of the occupation in which their time is employed.

111. General or indefinite terms not to be used. The kind or class of occupation must be stated precisely in column 17, and the place where the person is employed, as 'farm,' 'woolen factory,' 'cotton factory,' 'mine,' etc., will be carefully recorded in column 22. The occupation or trade of any person should not be described in column 17 by such indefinite terms as 'manufacturer,' 'merchant,' 'cotton mill employee,' 'labourer' 'miner,' 'manager,' etc. A worker in a mine may be described in column 17 by his precise designation as miner, labourer, driver, foreman, driller, etc., but unless the kind or class of mine in which he operates is stated in column 22 the record will be useless for compilation into statistical tables. See Sample Schedule.

112. Mechanic. The word 'mechanic' should be avoided in all cases, and the exact occupation given, as carpenter, blacksmith, painter, etc. Generally the term means one who has the art of using tools in shaping wood, metal, etc., as a handicraftsman or artisan; but this is not the sense in which it is to be understood in taking a census of the trade or occupation of the people. Specify the trade by its particular name in common use.

113. Agent. The different kinds of 'agents' should be carefully distinguished by stating in column 22 the line of business followed. See Sample Schedule.

114. Retail or wholesale merchants. The enumerator will distinguish carefully between retail and wholesale merchants; the kind or class will be entered in column 17 as retail or wholesale, and the kind of business, as dry goods, groceries, hardware, etc., will be entered in column 22.

115. Clerk. The use of the word 'clerk' should be avoided whenever a more definite occupation can be named. Thus a person in a store who is engaged in selling goods should be recorded as a 'salesman' or a 'saleswoman.' A stenographer, typewriter, accountant, bookkeeper, cashier, etc., should be reported as such, and not as clerk.

116. Illustrations of occupations. The following examples will illustrate the method of returning some of the common occupations (column 17) and places of employment or industry (column 22); these will also suggest to enumerators the distinctions which they are to make in the nearly two thousand other classes of occupation:

[Table omitted]

117. Employer. If persons, in column 19, such as mill owners, store keepers, manufacturers, large farmers, etc., employ helpers other than domestic servants in their own business they are to be classed as employers, and the entry 'emp.' (for employer) made in this column. The term 'employer' does not include managers, superintendents, foremen, agents or other persons who may engage help to carry on a business, but who are conducting the enterprise for some other person than themselves. All such persons should be returned as employees, for while any one of these may employ persons, none of them does so in transacting his own business. Thus no individual working for a corporation either as an officer or otherwise, should be returned as an employer.

118. Employee. A person who works for salary or wages (column 20), whether he be the general manager of a bank, railway or manufacturing establishment or only a day labourer, is an employee, and should be so recorded, and the entry 'W' :for (wage-earner) made in this column. The term employee does not include such persons as lawyers, doctors and others who work for fees and who in their work are not subject to the control and direction of those whom they serve. A domestic servant should always be returned as an employee, although the person employing a domestic servant may not always be returned as an employer.

119. Working on own account. Persons who are employed in gainful occupations and who are neither employers nor employees are considered to be working on their own account, and the entry 'O.A.' for (own account) made in column 21. Such persons as farmers physicians, lawyers, small storekeepers, country blacksmiths, etc., who employ no helpers,-in short, independent workers who neither receive pay, salaries nor regular wages-are to be classed as working on own account. Dressmakers, washerwomen, laundresses or other persons of similar occupations who work out by the day are employees, but if they perform the work in their own, home or shop they are to be classed as working on own account unless they employ helpers, in which case they are to be returned as employers.

120. Domestic gainful and non-gainful occupations. If married women or other female dependents or children of ten years or over carry on a gainful or wage-earning occupation in any capacity, the kind of· occupation will be given, and they will be classed as employers or employees as the case may be; but if they are only carrying on domestic affairs in a household without wages they are not to be classed as having any occupation.

121. Piece-work at home. A person doing piece-work at home will be entered in column 17 according to the occupation, whether employed under contract or agreement with a manufacturer or other employer of labour or as help to the person so employed, and will be classed in column 20 as an employee.

122. Wage earners. Entries under the heading of wage earners will be made in columns 22 to 29 inclusive for every person named in column 3 whose occupation or trade is recorded in column 17 and who is classed in column 20 as an employee.

123. Place or occupation. Column 22 asks where the person whose occupation or trade is denoted in column 17 is employed. For example, if the person named in column 3 is described in column 17 as a labourer, then in this column the class or kind of work he does must be given, as 'odd jobs,' 'street work,' 'garden,' 'railway,' 'sawmill,' 'stone quarry,' etc., and similarly for every person whose occupation or trade is specified in column 17.

124. Time employed. The entry in column 23 will show how many weeks of the calendar year 1910 the person was employed at his chief occupation or trade, and in column 24 the number of weeks employed at other than chief occupation or trade. Entry should be made in column 24 only when there has been an entry made in column 18.

125. Working hours per week. In column 25 will be entered the number of working hours per week employed at chief occupation, and in column 26 the number of hours employed at other work than chief occupation or trade.

126. Earnings. In column 27 the total earnings per week at chief occupation or trade will be recorded, and in column 28 the total earnings per week from other than chief occupation or trade. The earnings recorded in column 28 may be regarded as extra earnings.

127. Wages per hour. Generally in the building and mechanical trades the wages are fixed according to a schedule of rates per hour. For persons so employed the enumerator will enter in column 29 the rate of pay per hour received by such persons for their services.

128. Insurance held at date. If any person, male or female, carries insurance upon his or her life whether in an 'old line company,' 'an assessment company' or·'fraternal organization,' the total value of the policies in force at June 1 1911 will be entered in column 30, and in column 31 the amount of insurance carried against accident or sickness should be recorded. In column 32 the total cost per year of the insurance represented in columns 30 and 31 for the twelve months immediately preceding the date of the Census, namely June 1 1911, will be entered.

Education and Language.

129. Columns 33 to 37 relate to the education and language of each person named in column 3 of the age of five years and over.

130. Months at school in 1910. This question refers to persons of school age which may be taken as those over 5 and under 21 years. If the person has attended a school or college or other institution of learning during the calendar year 1910, the time will be indicated by writing the number of months; but if the person has not attended school the space in column 33 will be left blank.

131. Can read. If the person can read in any language the question will be answered in column 34 by writing 'yes,' and by 'no' if unable to read.

132. Can write. If the person can write in any language the question will be answered in column 35 by 'yes' and by 'no' if unable to write.

133. Language commonly spoken. This question in column 36 applies to every person enumerated of the age of five years and over. For a person who speaks English only, the entry will be 'E' for English; for a person who speaks French only the entry will be 'F' for French; and for a person who speaks English and French and whose mother tongue is either of these languages the entry will be 'E' and 'F' respectively. But for foreign-born persons whose mother tongue is neither English nor French and who have acquired either or both of these languages, the name of the language of origin or race, if spoken, will be written out in full on the line and the initial letter 'E' for English or 'F' for French, as the case may be, will be entered in the space above the line. For example, if the person was born in Russia and his mother tongue is Russian, the entry will be made thus: [E ? Russian] or [F ? Russian] or [E and F ? Russian], and similarly for every foreign-born person whose mother tongue is neither of the official languages of the Dominion, namely English and French. If neither English nor French has been learned, the name of the language spoken must be written. See Sample Schedule. The enumerator should not take it for granted that either the place of birth or the racial origin of the foreign-born determines the language spoken, but should by diligent inquiry in every case obtain the information.

134. List of languages. The following is a list of the languages other than English or French likely to be spoken in Canada. The enumerator should avoid giving other names when one given in this list can be applied to the language spoken:

Slovenian or Wendish
Yiddish or Jewish

135. Cost of education. In column 37 will be entered the cost of education for the calendar year 1910 for every person over 16 years of age, whether at high school, collegiate institute, college, seminary, university, or other place of higher learning.

136. Respect for the sensitiveness of relatives. The enumerator is specially enjoined to use great care and tact in obtaining the answers to the last four questions-columns 38 to 41. People as a rule are sensitive as to the existence in their family of infirm persons, especially those designated in columns 40 and 41. Usually idiots and nearly always the insane are cared for in 'homes' or 'institutions.' There are but few cases in which the enumerator cannot from personal knowledge or previous inquiry gain the information, and so prevent him unnecessarily wounding the sensibilities of parents or others by personal interrogations.

137. Age of person when infirmity appeared. It is not necessary that the degree of infirmity should be absolute or total, but that it should be so sufficiently marked in any one of the classes as to have reached the stage of incapacity. The answers to each of these questions will be given by entering the age at which the person became incapacitated because of the infirmity. In all other cases the spaces will be left blank. If the infirmity is born with one, or dates from childhood, the entry will be made by writing the word 'child' for childhood. See Sample Schedule. Persons who are deaf but not dumb are not to be reported on this schedule.

Special Population Form A
138. No. 63 of these instructions requires the heads of families, households and institutions to furnish the enumerator with all particulars regarding every person in the family, household or institution, as called for in the schedules. It may happen however in the case of boarders, lodgers and others that the head of the family, household or institution is unable owing to their temporary absence to give the details of information regarding such persons at the time when the enumerator calls, and to provide for such cases Special Form A has been prepared. It is an individual form, similar in every particular to schedule No. 1, and one copy of it will be left by the enumerator with the head of the family, household or institution for each such person, to be filled up by a date and hour marked thereon by the enumerator, and to be collected by him and entered in its proper place in schedule No. 1.
139. Section 46 of the Census and Statistics Act provides that every person who wilfully, or without lawful excuse, refuses or neglects to fill up, to the best of his knowledge and belief, any schedule which he has been required to fill up by any enumerator or other person employed in the execution of this Act, or refuses or neglects to sign and deliver up or otherwise return the same when and as required, or makes, signs, delivers or returns, or causes to be made, signed, delivered or returned, any wilfully false answer or statement as to any matter specified in such schedule, shall incur a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars and not less than ten dollars.

Instructions for Schedule No. 2

140. Mortality, Disability and Compensation. In this schedule will be entered the record of all persons who have died in the enumerator's subdivision or enumeration area during the twelve months ended at midnight of May 31 1911; and also the record of all persons who have suffered loss or injury by accident and the amount of compensation received therefor, whether from employer or insurance company.

141. References. In column 1 will be entered the page and in column 2 the line of schedule No. 1 on which occurs the name of the head of the family, household or institution of which the deceased or disabled person was a member, and from whom the information regarding the deceased is to be obtained.

142. How to procure information. The information in reference to disability and compensation should be procured if possible from the person injured or disabled, and, failing him, from the person who furnished the personal record of such person for schedule No. 1.

143. Personal description. The entries in columns 3 to 8 will be made according to Instructions 80 to 88 inclusive.

144. Country or place of birth. Make the entries in column 9 according to Instructions 89 to 97 inclusive.

145. Origin. Racial or tribal origin will be entered in column 10 according to Instruction 100.

146. Religion. This information will be entered in column 11 according to Instruction 102.

147. Occupation. The entry in column 12 will be made according to Instructions 103 to 116. But as there is no column provided in this schedule for 'place where employed' the information will be entered by writing the occupation on the line and the place of employment or industry in the space above.


148. Month of death. It is important that the month of death should be carefully stated in column 13. The enumerator will therefore be specific in his inquiries and write the month of death plainly.

149. Disease or cause of death. The head of the family, household or institution or other person who furnishes the information concerning the deceased.

[pages 42-64 omitted]
[Appendix I and II omitted]