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Argentina 2010
Enumerator Instruction Basic Manual B

[Text omitted, pg 1-21]

Section 4: Basic Concepts to carry out the Census

Once you are located on ground, your task will consist of enumerating all of the private dwellings, households, and persons that are found in the route of your segment.
In the census we should have common definitions since some words that we use everyday take on special meanings. Those who participate in Census 2010 should speak "the same language".

4.1 What is a dwelling?
One of the objectives of the Census 2010 is to count all of the dwelling that there are in the national territory. Remember that this is also a census of dwellings.

A dwelling is a space where persons live.
It should be a place that is separated and independent: surrounded by walls or another element of separation, covered by a roof (to be able to sleep, feed oneself, and protect oneself from the environment); and have an independent entrance so that its occupants can enter and leave without passing through the interior of other dwellings.

For the Census, dwellings are the spaces that have been built or adapted to be inhabited and are also the spaces that not originally designated to house persons but that on the day of the Census are used for this purpose (for example, a business space or a warehouse where a person spent the night of reference).

The private dwellings that should be enumerated are of different types:

House, Ranch house, Shack, Apartment [Figures omitted]

These types of dwellings should be enumerated even if they are uninhabited or not used as a place of habitation (for example, an apartment that is used as a medical office, an apartment used as an accounting office, a house that is used as the offices of a foundation or a barber shop, etc.).


Room in a boarding house
Room in a hotel or family pension
Space not built for habitation. For example: a business space, a garage, a public building, etc.
Mobile dwelling. For example: a camping tent, a tarp, a boat, ship, truck, etc.

Each room is a dwelling. If a household occupies more than one room in a boarding house, you should consider this set of rooms as forming one single dwelling.

These types of dwelling will only be considered private dwellings if there were persons who spent the night of reference for the Census 2010.
Persons living on the street
In this category you will register the persons who use a public space on the public routes (street, railway station, subway station, doorway of a building, plaza, etc.) as a place of habitation and/or he/she stayed there overnight on the night of reference of the Census 2010.
In the category of Special Cases we will analyze how to proceed to enumerate the persons who live in the street.

Ask in all of the cases with the goal of not forgetting to count any person.

We will analyze in which cases you should always complete Form C1B and a questionnaire, and in which cases you will not have to do so.

You should enumerate :

When they are inhabited or uninhabited in the reference moments of the Census and for whatever purpose they are being used. For example, a house that is for sale, an apartment that is used as a lawyer's office, etc.
-Houses, Ranch houses, Shacks, Apartments
Only if a person spent the night there on the night of reference of the Census 2010.
- Room in a boarding house, Room in a hotel or family pension, Space not built for habitation, Mobile dwelling:
Persons or groups of persons who live on the street

You should investigate all of the places in which one or more persons could have spent the night, with the intention of enumerating them.

You should not enumerate :

If nobody spent the night there on the night of reference for the Census 2010.
-Rooms in a boarding house, Rooms in a hotel or family pension, Spaces not built for habitation, Mobile dwellings

Nor should you enumerate the collective dwellings that are excluded from your Segment.
If you have any doubt about whether you should enumerate a dwelling or not, enumerate it.


Important: In each dwelling that you visit, ask about the possible existence of other dwelling in the same building that should be enumerated (in the back portion of the property, on terraces, etc.) and about dwellings in the interior of places of work (such as the case of the house of the gatekeeper of a school, of the parish house of a church, the night watchman or caretaker of a factory, etc.).

4.2 What is a household?

In a private dwelling you should identify and enumerate all of the households that spent the night there on the night from October 26th to 27th of 2010.

A household is a person or group of persons, related or not, who live in the same dwelling and share the expenses of food. The persons who live alone also form a household.

Household =

- One or various persons, related or not--share the same roof + have common food expenses (shared pot) = household.
- To be considered as one household, both of these conditions should be met simultaneously.

In the majority of dwellings, you will find only one household. But in some dwellings, two or more households can reside.
We will see some examples:

Private dwelling with only one household: Mario, his wife, their two daughters and his nephew live under the same roof and share the food expenses.
Private dwelling with two households:
Santiago, his wife Carla and their baby, pay for their food separately.
The married couple Daniel and Natalie (sister of Santiago) and their daughter Sara have shared food expenses, since Daniel pays for the food.

We will see later how to proceed when there is more than one household in the dwelling.

4.3 What is Population for the Census 2010?

Population: These are all of the persons who spent the night from the 26th to the 27th of October in each dwelling, or who did not spend the night but are present at the moment of your visit and were not enumerated in another place. Also, persons who live in the street.

In Section 8, we will analyze some particular situation with more details to correctly determine which persons should be enumerated in the dwelling.

Who is the Head of Household (male or female)?

The Head of Household is the person who is considered to be such by the other members of the household.

For the Census, an enumerated household should always have only one Head of Household.


-In your work as an enumerator, you will have one segment under your charge.
-There you will find a set of domiciles.
-In each domicile you should enumerate all of the private dwellings that exist.
-In each of these dwelling, when they are inhabited, you will find one or more household that should be enumerated.
-Finally, you should enumerate all of the persons who spent the night the night of the 26th to 27th of October in the dwelling.
[Text omitted, pg 26-39]

Section 8: Instructions for Completing Questionnaire B

Attention! Remember that for each dwelling and household registered in Form C1B, you should complete one Questionnaire.

Omitting the completion of one Questionnaire when it corresponds to do so can lead to counting a lower quantity of dwellings, households, and persons.

-You will complete on questionnaire for each household that you identify in the dwelling.
-If it deals with one household formed by more than six persons, you should complete more than one questionnaire to enumerate all of the members of the household. Later we will see how to proceed in the section Special Cases.
-And if there is no household in the dwelling? If it is one of the dwellings the must always be enumerated, you will also complete a census questionnaire.

We begin with:

8.1 Geographic Location

This part is of fundamental importance since the data of dwelling, household, and persons that you have enumerated are assigned to a determined geographic space. If it is not completed correctly, the information gets lost.

Street Code:

When to complete this: When you arrive at each dwelling, before you knock on the door.
How to complete this: Transcribing the data that are shown on the Segment Drawing.
Street, Door number, Floor number, Apartment/Flat:
When to complete this: When you arrive at each dwelling, before you knock on the door.
How to complete this: By observation. If the dwelling did not have a number or if it were not on a street or road, you will describe any fixed reference. Any person should be able to find this dwelling through your references. For example, a bridge, railroad lines, etc.
Dwelling Number:
When to complete: When you arrive at each dwelling, before you knock on the door.
How to complete: You will copy the order number consigned on the Form C1B (column b), even when you cannot make contact with the inhabitants on your first visit.
Fraction, Radio, Segment:
When to complete this: In the central office before you leave to enumerate.
How to complete this: Transcribing the data that is included in the Segment Drawing.
Block Number:
When to complete this: When you arrive at each dwelling, before you knock on the door.
How to complete this: Transcribing the data that is included in the Segment Drawing.

Important! The Dwelling Number serves to link the Form C1B with the Questionnaires. You should pay attention when copying this number on the Questionnaire(s) that you use to enumerate the dwelling.
Attention! To note the number and letters, you will use the criteria that is indicated in Section 11.

8.2 Dwelling

Question 1. Type of Private Dwelling
1. Type of Dwelling / Note through observation.

_ House
_ Ranch house
_ Small house
_ Apartment
_ Room in a boarding house
_ Room in a family house or pension
_ Mobile dwelling
_ Persons living in the street (continue with 4). In these cases, you will number the Dwelling Number box with correlative numbers, even when there are no inhabitants of a dwelling.

Mark with an "X" one and only one answer option. This case corresponds only to Questions 1 and 2 of Dwelling.

Question 2. The dwelling is?
2. The dwelling is...


_ with persons present
_ with all of the persons temporarily absent


_for rent or sale
_under construction
_for use in business, office, or medical office
_used for vacations, weekends, or other temporary use
_for another reason

[all answers except 'with persons present']--end of interview
Inhabited with persons temporarily absent: In this case, you should:

Open a Questionnaire, finish completing the Geographic Location (with the codes for street, block, and the data about the domicile), and note the corresponding order number (the same as the one on Form C1B).
Uninhabited: You will finish completing the data for Geographic Location, including the box for Dwelling Number--with the number that was assigned on the Form C1B- and you will register the dwelling type as uninhabited.

Remember: you will mark this option when you find a house, apartment, ranch house or shack that is uninhabited and you find out that nobody spent the night of reference there. For example, a building under construction with more than one floor, a house that is for rent, a house that serves as a radio, an apartament that serves as a medical clinic, a lawyer's office or the office for a tourism company, a farm house for weekends, etc.

You should return twice in different schedules. Remember: only mark this option when you complete the census operation if you could not contact any of the inhabitants. You will end the information for this dwelling here.
Special case: If the person interviewed lives alone and informs you that he/she has already been enumerated in another place, do not forget to open a Questionnaire to enumerate the dwelling. In Question 2, mark the option "Inhabited with all persons temporarily absent".

Guide for detecting Households
The questions on this guide permit you to detect how many households there are in the dwelling. Once you have completed the Geographic Location and questions 1 and 2:

Read the instructions in grey that are shown on the questionnaire and remember that the concepts given previously about Households.

[Figure omitted]
You will complete a questionnaire for each household identified. When there are two or more households in the dwelling, we will see how to proceed in the Section "Special Cases".

Question 3. Number of households in the dwelling and Household number

3. Number of households in the dwelling _
Household number _

Note the quantity of households, completing it with "0" to the left.
Write the number of household at which you are conducting the interview.
If the enumerated dwelling is found uninhabited or its inhabitants are temporarily absent, you will note "00" for both items.


8.3 List of persons who spent the night here from Tuesday to Wednesday

Question 4. Who are the persons from this household who spent the night from Tuesday to Wednesday here, including the babies, small children, and elderly persons?
This question has the purpose of assuring the principal objective of the Census: count all and each of the persons who inhabit the country on the day of the Census 2010.

4. Who are the persons from this household who spent the night from Tuesday to Wednesday here, including the babies, small children, and elderly persons?
List of persons who spent the night here from Tuesday to Wednesday.
-Note the names, starting with the head of household (male or female).
-Continue filling in the list in the following order: spouse or partner, son/daughter / stepson/daughter, son/daughter-in-law, grandchild, father/mother, father/mother-in-law, other relative, other non-relatives, domestic servants and their relatives.
- Refer as much to the family relationships (consanguineous or not) as to the relationships of friendships, work, or other types.

If in this household there are more than six persons:

-Open a new questionnaire and transcribe the same information of Geographic Location, including Dwelling Number.
-Note the same number of household in Household Number (question 3).
-Continue with question --4 and continue the interview, leaving the first line blank.

-You should ask the question just as it is written with the intention of finding out who are the persons who spent the night of reference in the dwelling where you are enumerating, or who are present and will not be enumerated in another place.
-In Person Number, you will number each person correlatively, beginning with the Head of Household (male or female).
-You will register only the given name and the relationship or family relationship with the head of household. List them respecting the Order that is shown in the grey instructions. Noting them and ordering them will facilitate the administration of the questions about Population.
-Take into account that:

-If the head of household (male or female) did not spend the reference night there and will be enumerated in another place, you should complete the corresponding line of head of household with the data for another member of the household that is recognized as such.
-If a couple declares that they share the function of head of household, you should ask them to name one person of reference, with the exclusive intention of establishing relationships of affinity.

The following box indicates some situation that you should take into account in completing the List:


Which persons should be noted in the "List of Persons" (Question 4) and enumerated in the dwelling?
Enumerate all of the persons who?

-Spent the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in the place where the census is being taken.
-Did not spend the night from Tuesday to Wednesday but form part of the household and will not be enumerated in another place. For example, because during this night they were working, traveling for various reasons, in recreational reunions, because he/she lives alone in another place and will not return to his/her household, etc.
- They were born before the zero hour of Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 and are present.
- They died after the zero hour of Wednesday, October 27th, 2010.
Do not enumerate the persons who?
- They did not spend the reference night in this place and they will be enumerated in another place.
- They were born after the zero hour of Wednesday, October 27th, 2010, even if they are present.
- They died before the zero hour of Wednesday, October 27th, 2010.

Given that you can note up to six persons on the List, in the Section Special Cases we will explain how to proceed if in the household you need to enumerate more than six persons.
[Text omitted, Activity 6 pg 44-45]

8.4 Habitation Characteristics of the Household
We will see some considerations for completing the questions that make up this part of the questionnaire (questions 5 to 19).

Questions 5 and 6

5. What is the predominate material of the floors...

_ Ceramic, tile, mosaic, marble, wood, or carpet?
_ Cement or attached bricks?
_ Dirt or loose brick?
_ Other?

Every time that we speak of Predominant Material you should understand it to be the material that is found in the greatest proportion of the floors, exterior walls and exterior covering of the roof of the dwelling. If there are two types of materials in the same proportion, you should register the one that is of the better quality.
Remember that you should only mark one option.

Question 15: How many bedrooms or rooms for sleeping are in this household?
15. How many bedrooms or rooms for sleeping are in this household?

Number of bedrooms or rooms for sleeping: __

For bedrooms or rooms for sleeping we understand that this means all rooms or spaces enclosed with walls or dividers, that have a sufficient floor space to hold a bed for an adult and that is found in conditions to be used for sleeping in the case that it be necessary.
Let's see some examples:
- the dwelling where a household resides is made up of a married couple and their son, it has a living room, a kitchen and one bedroom. The couple lives in the bedroom and the son sleeps on a sleeper-sofa in the living room. In this case, you will count two bedrooms or rooms for sleeping.
- the dwelling where Pablo lives has one single room where he sleeps and also cooks. In this case, you will count one bedroom or room for sleeping.


If in the dwelling there is more than one household, you should only consider the rooms that the persons of the household being interviewed uses for sleeping, even when these rooms are spaces shared with persons of the other household.

Question 16. In total, how many rooms does this household have? (without counting bathroom(s) and kitchen(s))
You should count the total number of bedrooms or rooms:

- the dining room, even if it is integrated with the kitchen (kitchen-dining),
- the mezzanines built in some dwellings, despite not having some of the walls that are indicated in the definition.

Excluded are:
-Rooms that are used exclusively for cooking,
-Laundry areas, garages, shed, halls and entryways, unless they are used as a place for a person to sleep,
-Patios without a roof.

Question 19. Does this household have?

A refrigerator?

_ Yes
_ No

A computer?

_ Yes
_ No

A cellular telephone?

_ Yes
_ No

A landline?

_ Yes
_ No

This question should have one mark for "Yes" or for "No" in each of the options for answers.

8.5 Population

Attention: All of the Questionnaires contain six blocks of questions of Population, one for each person noted in Question 4, "List of Persons".
-First you will enumerate the Head of Household (male or female).
-You will continue enumerating the rest of the members of the household, in the order in which you noted them in Question 4.
-When you complete the interview with this household, you should have as many complete blocks of Population as the number of persons you have noted in the List of Persons. Verify this before leaving the dwelling.
Follow the instructions with the Questionnaire on hand.

Let's see the instructions for completing some of the questions of this block.

Person number and Name of person
You should fill in these boxes to identify which person you are enumerating.

Person number _ / Name of Person _

Copy the order number and given name that you noted in the List of Persons.

Question 1. What is your relationship to the head of household (male or female)?

Remember that you will begin by enumerating the Head of Household, using the first block of questions of Population. For the rest of the members of the household, you will note the relationship or family relationship of each one in the population blocks.

Question 3. How old is this person (in years)?
3. How old is this person (in years)?

If the person has not completed one year, write 000.

Register the age of the enumerated person in years, which means, the number of years completed on the day of the interview and not the age that the person will soon complete.

Question 5. In which country was he/she born?
Take into account that:

-If the person being enumerated is Argentinean and under 3 years old, you should end the interview here for this person. When the person is over three years old, you will continue with question 7.
-If the person being enumerated is a foreigner, you will continue with question 6 to write the name of the person's country of origin.

Pay attention to the reminders that indicate the age limits when you are asking the questions.

Observe the reminder:

Starting here, all of the persons three years old and older answer the questions.

The questions 7 to 12 refer to the education of the persons.

Question 8. Does or did he/she attend an educational establishment?

School attendance is the current or previous concurrence (attends or attended) to a recognized establishment in the formal educational system, of the public or private sector, in the country or in a foreign country.
8. Does or did he/she attend an educational establishment?

_ Attends
_ Attended
_ Never attended (continue with 12)

Attends. Mark this option if he/she concurs in the present.
Attended. Mark this option if he/she attended any time in the past.

Excluded from concurrence are: private academies and institutions that to not belong to the formal education system.

For example: courses for foreign languages, literacy courses, courses for musical instruments, for updating teaching credentials, technical courses given in institutions dedicated to teaching hairdressing, electricity, brief computing courses, etc.

Question 9. . What educational level does/did he/she attend?
9. What educational level does/did he/she attend?

_ Initial (kindergarten, pre-school) - Continue with 12
_ Elementary
_ Secondary -- Attended: _ 6-year elementary/ _ 7-year elementary?
_ Polimodal (Secondary)
_ Higher education, non-university
_ University
_ Post-graduate
_ Special education (for persons with disabilities) -- Continue with 12

This refers to the level of education that he/she attended or is currently attending.
If the person being interviewed attends or attended the level "Secondary", mark this with an "X" and then ask if the elementary that he/she attended was for six or seven years, since in our country these two possibilities co-exist.

Question 11. What is the highest grade or year that he/she passed in this level?
11. What is the highest grade or year that he/she passed in this level?

_ Grade or year
_ None
_ Does not know

Complete this with the number of grade or year that he/she passed. Do not add "th" since this is already printed.
In the case of Primary and Secondary Education for adults, the duration of these levels is generally three years. For those who are attending the elementary school for adults, consider the equivalency with the grade or year and not the cycle. For this, use to following table:


Type of studies: Elementary School or Center for Adults
Cycle 1 -- Mark 3
Cycle 2 -- Mark 5
Cycle 3 -- Mark 7

For those who are attending the secondary school for adults, you should use this conversion table:
Type of studies: Secondary School or Center for Adults
Cycle 1 -- Mark 2
Cycle 2 -- Mark 4
Cycle 3 -- Mark 5

If the highest level of education that the person being enumerated passed was elementary school and this was done before 1966, take into account the changes produced in the numbering of the grades starting in this year, where first year of secondary was eliminated and seventh was added.
Grade up to 1966 / Equivalent grade of the Non-reformed System
Lower 1st grade / 1
Upper 1st grade / 2
2nd grade / 3
3rd grade / 4
4th grade / 5
5th grade / 6
6th grade / 7

[Text omitted, pg 51-75]

Appendix II: Conceptual Glossary

A. Definitions of the Basic Questionnaire

I. Definitions of Dwelling

Dwelling: A space where persons live. This is found separated by walls or other elements, covered by a roof, and its occupants can enter or leave without passing through the interior of other dwellings. The dwellings can have been built or adapted to be inhabited or can just be used for this purpose on the night of reference for the Census.
Based on the regiment of habitation of the persons that occupy them, the dwellings can be classified as:

Private dwelling: Dwelling designated for housing persons who live under a family regiment. Constituting private dwellings are: houses, ranch houses, shacks, apartments, rooms in a boarding house, rooms in a family hotel or pension, mobile dwellings, dwellings in places of works, commercial sites not built for habitation. The mobile dwelling and commercial sites not built for habitation are considered private dwellings only if there were persons who spent the night there in the night of reference for the Census.

Collective dwelling: Dwelling designated for housing persons who live under an institutional (not family) regiment, regulated by common norms for administrative convenience, military, religious, health, reclusion, work, education, etc. The habitually occupy buildings constructed or adapted for this purpose. These constitute types of collective dwellings: barracks, religious housing (including convent and seminaries), hospitals, centers for the elderly (including geriatric care), prisons (including commissaries) camps/labor camps, student, university or boarding school residences, housing for minors, tourist hotels.

Type of private dwelling:

- House: Dwelling with a direct exit to the exterior (its inhabitants do not pass through common-use hallways or corredors) built originally to be inhabited by persons. Generally, they have walls made of brick, stone, concrete block, or reinforced concrete.

- Ranch house: Dwelling with a direct exit to the exterior (its inhabitants do not pass through common-use hallways or corredors) built originally to be inhabited by persons. Generally, they have walls made of adobe, dirt floors, and a roof made of leaves or straw.

- Shack: Dwelling with a direct exit to the exterior (its inhabitants do not pass through common-use hallways or


corredors) built originally to be inhabited by persons. Generally, they are built using poor quality or discarded materials.

- Apartment: Dwelling that forms part of a building or structure with a common entrance that has at least two dwellings (or one dwelling and one or more commercial spaces) to which the access is through corredors, entryways or elevators that are for shared use.

- Room in a boarding house: An area located in a boarding house or house of rooms, it is a building that to contain various rooms that have an exit to one or more spaces for common use with the intention of housing people permanently as renters. Generally, the building has bathrooms and/or kitchens that are shared; this does not exclude that some of the rooms have their own bathrooms and/or kitchens.
Each room in the boarding house in which there were persons who spent the night of reference for the Census, in considered a dwelling.

- Room in a family hotel or pension: room located in a family hotel or pensions, this is a building that contains various rooms that have exits to one or more spaces for common use with the intention of housing, in permanent manner, persons in the condition of guests or pensioners. It is characterized by a) payment for housing made daily, weekly, bi-weekly and/or monthly and, b) the authorization under the legislation established for this type of business is exhibited in visible places of the said establishment or in the registry books of the establishment.

Each room or the family hotel or pension in which there were persons who spent the night of reference of the Census is considered to be a dwelling.

- Commerial space not built for habitation: a dwelling that has not been built or adapted to be inhabited by persons but in which there were persons who spent the night there on the night of reference of the Census.

- Mobile dwelling: This is a structure that is used as a dwelling, built to be transported (camping tent, tarp, or tent) or that is made of a mobile unit (ship, boat, railway car, mobile home, truck, wagon, etc.). It will be considered a private dwelling only if there were persons who spent the night there on the night of reference of the Census.

Condition habitation of the dwelling: this established if the dwelling is found inhabited or uninhabited on the night of reference of the Census.

The dwelling is...

Inhabited with persons present: a dwelling originally built to be inhabited by persons or adapted for this purpose in which at least one of the inhabitants is present on the night of reference of the Census and at the moment of the interview of the enumerator.
Inhabited with all of the persons temporarily absent: a dwelling originally built to be inhabited by persons or adapted for this purpose, that has furniture and other goods of frequent use and whose inhabitants for some reason were not present on the night of reference of the Census or at the moment of the interview of the enumerator.


Uninhabited: a dwelling originally built to be inhabited by persons or adapted for this purpose which is not inhabited by any person on the night of reference of the Census. The categories are:

- for rent or sale: a dwelling originally built to be inhabited by persons or adapted for this purpose which on the night of reference of the Census is not inhabited by any person and its condition of "for rent or sale" is identifiable through signs of information from neighbors or other persons.
- under construction: dwelling whose construction has not been completed and that is not inhabited by persons at the moment of the Census. This includes those dwelling with an independent entry with a roof and all buildings under construction with one or more floors built.
- is used for a business, office or medical office: dwelling originally built to be inhabited by persons or adapted for this purpose, that is used in totality for purposes other than habitation (business, administrative or professional and where nobody spent the night of reference of the Census. For example, an apartment that is used as a medical office, a house that is used for the local radio, etc.
- is used for vacations, weekends or other temporary use: a dwelling originally built to be inhabited by persons or adapted for this purpose but that is used in recreational periods (weekends, vacations) or for some other temporary use (rental to foreigners, work-related travel) and where nobody spent the night of reference of the Census. For example: house on a small farm, dwellings in the country, in clubs, in vacation zones or winter vacation zones.
- for another reason: with persons present: a dwelling originally built to be inhabited by persons or adapted for this purpose but in which nobody spent the night of reference of the Census. Nor does it have a sign for rent or sale, it is not used for vacations or weekends, nor for commerce, office, or medical clinic. Its situation is not contemplated in the previous options.

Household: person or group of persons who live under the same roof and share the foos expenses.

II. Definitions of Habitation Characteristics of the household

Construction materials of the floors, walls, and roofs of the dwelling

Predominant material: element used in the construction of the floors, exterior walls and exterior coverings of the roof of the dwelling. The reference to "predominant" corresponds to the material that is found in the greatest proportion; if there are two types of materials with the same proportion, you will consider the one of the better quality.

Floors: surface with a solid base on which the structure of the dwelling is seated (for example: cement, ceramic, wood, etc.).

Exterior covering of the roof: material of the roof that is observed from the outside of the dwelling. In apartments located in vertical constructions, the exterior covering of the roof is that of the last floor of the building.

Interior or ceiling covering: covering of the roof from the inside of the dwelling, that can be concrete coating, plaster, wood, and/or sheets of expanded polietilin, etc. The false ceiling is an additional insulation


roof that serve to protect the inhabitants from the noises and inclement climates.

Water supply: the manner in which water is obtained in the dwelling. The categories are:

-through pipes inside the dwelling: a system of water supply connected to a network of tubes through which water is distributed to the interior of the dwelling.
-outside the dwelling but inside the property: a system of water supply within the boundries occupied by the property, but not available in a network of pipes to distribute it to the interior of the dwelling.
-outside of the property: supply system for water is found outside the dwelling and outside of the boundaries of the land.

Provenance of the water: source and system of supplying water that the household uses for drinking and cooking. In the case that the household is supplied by more than one source, you should consider the source that predominates in the daily household use. The categories are:

-public network (running water): a system for collecting, treating, and distributing the water through a network of community pipes that is submitted to the inspection and control of the public authorities. The system can be under the charge of a public organism, cooperative, or private company.
-drilled well with a motor pump: a system for collection that consists of the extraction of water from deep reserves, through the use of a motorized mechanical elevation system.
- drilled well with a manual pump: a system for collection that consists of the extraction of water from deep reserves, through the use of a manual mechanical elevation system.
-well: a system for collection that consists of the extraction of water from superficial reserves, through the use of a mechanical elevation system (that can be manual or motorized) or though the use of a bucket or similar (without using mechanical elevation systems).
-cystern transportation: supply though a tank truck, a water train, etc.
-water from rain, river, channel, ditch or spring: supply of water from rain, rivers, channels, ditches, or springs.

Sanitary service

Availability of bathroom/letrine: a space enclosed by walls, or dividers (wall that comes up from the floor to the height of two meters), used by the household for the removal of excrement. The bathroom/latrine can be inside or outside of the dwelling and be for exclusive use by the household or shared with other households.

Availability of a button, chain, or tank for cleaning the toilet: automatic or semi-automatic system for flushing the water to clean the toilet (artefact installed inside the bathroom/letrine).

Toilet drain: system of pipes that permits drawing the water and the elimination of the excrements from the toilet. The categories are:

-a public network (sewer): a system of inside pipes that links with a network of communal pipes.
-a septic tank and septic field: a system of interal pipes that connects to an internal system for treating and eliminating excrements (not connected to any communal network) that consists of holes: the black or blind well and the septic tank.
-only a septic field: a system of interal pipes connected to an internal system for the elimination of excrements, not connected to any communal network. This consists of only one hole, the black well, where the excrements drain without previous treatment.
-a hole, excavation in the dirt, etc: well or ditch that is shallow and of a small diameter that is used for the driect drainage of the excrements.

Use of the bathroom / letrine: Habitual utilization of the bathroom for exclusive use or shared with another household.

Primary fuel used for cooking: substance that has the attribution of burning or source of energy that is used with the greatest frequency for cooking food. For example: gas fuels (natural or liquified); solids (charcoal, products of charcoal, firewood); petroleum and derivates (kerosene) and others such as electricity and alcohol.

Bedroom or rooms for sleeping in the dwelling: rooms closed in by walls or dividers (wall that rises from the ground to a height of two meters) that have a floor space that is sufficient to contain a bed for an adult and that is found in conditions to be used for sleeping in the case that it is needed.

Total rooms or spaces that the household has: the total of rooms available to the household, including those that are in conditions to be used for sleeping. Count: the dining room, the living room, (even if they are integrated with the kitchen: kitchen-dining) and the mezzanines (bult in some houses, despite not having some of the walls indicated in the definition). Exclude: bathrooms, kitchens (used exclusively for cooking), laundry areas, garages, corredors, halls, entryways, and covered patios (only and if they are not used for any person to sleep there) and unenclosed patios.

Regiment of ownership of the dwelling that the household occupies: the relationship of legal possession or de facto possession of the household in regards to the dwelling. The categories are:

-owned: the dwelling belongs to any or some of the members of the household that occupies it, even if the dwelling is pending payment or he/she/she have possession with the legal transaction pending.
-rented: the household pays, for the use of all or part of the dwelling, an amount of money or in goods (yearly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc.), independent of whether there is a legal contract.
-lent: the household used the dwelling provided by the owner free of charge. The dwelling is not the property of any of the occupants, it is not under a rental regiment and there is no service in exchange for the use of said property.
-ceded for work: the household used the dwelling that is provided without charge or partially without charge by the employer, organism, or business where any of the members of the household works as a consideration of his/her labor relationship, such as, for examply, occurs with doormen, night watchmen, caretakers of houses, rural workers, etc.
- other situation: the household uses the dwelling through a manner that does not adjust to any of the previous manners.

Property of the land: the land on which the dwelling is located belongs to any/some of the members of the household on the property. Even when this is property is pending payment or does not have a legal contract, the household can dispose (legally) of the land. The owner of a dwelling that is of the type "apartment" is also owner of the land.

Possession of the household of:

- Landline: electric system of telecommunication through cables, applying the transmission of words, through a reception apparatus and a transmitter connected to a telephone network. This excludes the cellular telephone.

- Cellular telephone: mobile telephone from which calls can be made and received, in a telephone network made up up cells. This is considered to be available if any person in the household has a cellular telephone.

- Refrigerator: domestic appliance with insulated walls provided with a motor that generates low temperatures.

- Computer: an appliance that is used for the storage and processing of information (data, words, images, etc.) which is available to the occupants of the household.

III. Definitions of Population

Family relationship with the head of household (male or female): relationship of each member of the household with the person who has been designated as head of household (male of female) of the same. This refers as much to the family relationships (consanguineous or not) as to the relationships of friendship, work, or other types. The categories are:

- Head of household (male or female): the person recognized as such by the rest of the members of the household.
- Spouse or partner: the partner of a legal union (marriage) and the partner in a de facto union (concubine) of the head of household (male or female).
- Son (daughter) / Stepson (stepdaughter): this includes biological and legally adopted sons and daughters or those de facto of the head of household or the children of the head of household and/or includes the sons and daughters of the partner even if they are not those of the head of household.
- Son/daughter-in-law: spouse or partner of the son/daughter or stepson/stepdaughter of the head of household.
- Grandchild: grandchildren of the head of household (male or female). This also includes the children of the stepchildren.
- Father / Mother / Father/mother-in-law: these relationships are also applicable to ties that are functionally equivalent, such as the step-father/mother with sons-in-law, grandchildren, etc., refered as much to the marriages as to de facto unions.
- Other relatives: persons with some other type of relationship to the head of household (for example uncles, etc.).
- Other non-relatives: persons who form part of the household and who have no family ties to the head of household (friends, etc) and who are not included in any of the above categories.
- Domestic servants and their families: person hired (legally or de facto) to carry out tasks related to the care and maintenance of the dwelling and/or the members of the household. The renumeration for his/her labor can be in money or goods. Include their relatives.

Sex: condition of "male" or "female" for the person being enumerated.

Age: years completed on the date of reference of the same census.

Date of birth: day, month and year of birth.

Place of birth: place where the person being enumerated was born (the province in the case of those born in Argentina and the country in the case of foreigners).


Knows how to read and write: ability to read, write and understand a simple phrase about daily life in any language. This requires the knowledge to do both.

The definitions that are present below refer to the formal education of all of the persons. This means, the education whose structure and contents are organized sequentially in four level of education: Initial, General Basic Education or Elementary, Poli-modal or Secondary, and Higher (non university or post university). This excludes the attendance at: academies, private institutions that do not belong to the formal systems, and therefore do not accredit for continuation or to begin studies in formal education. For example: courses in foreign languages, information and computers, literacy courses, musical instruments and theater, for teacher courses to stay up-to-date, labor training, technical courses, and courses for hair dressing, dress making, mechanics, electricity, etc.

Attendance at an educational establishment: present or past attendance at an establishment that is recognized by the formal educational system.

Current and past educational level: this is the educational stage that the person being enumerated is attending or attended.
Various educational structures coexist in the country, two of them have levels with the same names. These are the structures before the Federal Education Law and the one that results from the new National Education Law (2006). This last consists of two levels: Kindergarten and Pre-School/Initial, Elementary, Secondary, Terciary non-university and University and Post-Graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate).
If the application of the new structure is found to be functioning, in many provinces the educational structure established by the Federal Educational Law is still governing, with its levels that are: Initial Education, EGB, Poli-modal, Terciary non-university and University and Post-Graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate).


The levels of education that are presented in the question are:

-Initial (kindergarden, pre-school): this stage of the structure consists of the the children (boys and girls) who are from three to five years old.
- Elementary: stage after the initial level, of an obligatory nature and whose duration can be six or seven years (1st to 7th grade or 1st to 6th grade).
-EGB: period after initial level. Its duration is nine years and it is composed of three cycles of three years each, EGB 1 (1st to 3rd grade); EGB 2 (4th to 6th grade) and EGB 3 (7th to 9th grade).
-Secondary: level of education after elementary. It can be five or six years (1st to 5th year or 1st to 6th).
-Poli-modal: level of structure later than EGB. Its duration if three years.
- High non-university: this is a period of studies that are done in non-university terciary education, state or private with plans of study approved by the Ministry of Education (of the nation or of the provinces). It includes the professors of initial leve, for adults, special education and physical education, history, letters, etc. It also contains specialties that are not for teachers, for example: industrial technica specialization, journalism, tourism, computers, plastic arts and the formation of officials of the armed forces.
- University: level of studies that is carried out in the national, provincial, or private universities. It consists exclusively of the fields that give professional titles (lawyer, surveryor, audiologist, engineer, professor, etc.) and the baccalaureate degrees (in sciences of education, letters, mathematics, systems, etc.).
- Post-graduate (specialization, master's or doctorate): stage of studies that includes the fields of specializations, master's and doctorates or by private entities recognized by the Ministry of Education. For this type of study, it is a requirement to have a university degree with a grade.
- Special Education: this is the set of services, techniques, strategies, knowledge and pedagical resources within the National Educational System directing their attention to the persons with special educational needs.

Completed the level of education: passing the last year of studies and obtaining a diploma or certificate that corresponds to a determined level.

Last grade or year passed at this level: highest grade or year that the person being enumerated who attends or attended a recognized establishment of the the formal educational system passed.

Use of a computer: ability to manage any program or software on a computer (for example: Internet access, utilities, etc.).

Labor activity

Work is to carry out any activity (paid or not) that generates goods or services for the "market". This deals with labor activities that the person has carried out, for at least one hour, during the week before the day on which the Census begings.


Considered Work:

-The labor activity is paid in money or goods.
-Labor activity that is not paid. For example: attending doctors, an ad-honorum assistantship in the faculty, pro-bono legal services, etc.
-The activity carried out to aid a family member to achieve an income. For example: make empanadas, bread or cakes so that the husband can sell them.

Not considered Work
-The domestic labor of the housewife.
-Unpaid volunteer work. For example: those done by supporting aids in neighborhood dining services.
-The activity aimed at auto-consumtion, whether personal or family. For example: cultivating a family vegetable garden for the consumption by members of the household.

Looking for work: this is the person who does not have a job, who actively seeks employment and is available to work in the past 30 days before the date of reference of the Census.
The activities of looking for work imply: respond to or publish ads requesting work in newspapers or other mediums; register in labor offices; ask in the places of work, shops, ranches, factories, markets, and other gathering places; look for financial resources or materials to establish one's own business; request permission and licenses to begin a labor activity; look for work through acquaintances, friends, family, etc.

This includes: persons who have momentarily interrupted the search in the past thirty days before the date of reference of the Census for circumstancial reasons and those who have been suspended for more than a month and who actively looked for work.
Does not include: persons who were suspended and their pay was not maintained.

B. Definitions on the Segment Cover

I. Surrounding area and infrastruction of the segment.

The following items correspond to characteristics of the segment where the dwelling is located. In the case the any of the characteristics that are being identified to cover the totality, you should consider and register the predominant situation.

Registry of flooding in the past five years: segment affected in the past five years by rising and overflowing rivers, lagoons or ditches, or by intense rains that generated accumulation of water and caused damages more or less considerable or that caused a rise in the water level that, in urban areas, comes up to at least twenty centimeters over the line of the building (the sill) or the first step of the dwellings.


The existence of permanent garbage of at least 300 meters (3 blocks) : segment located at a distance of less than 300 meters from a place/land where, in a permanent manner, residues or waste products that are organic, chemical, industrial, and/or other toxic substances are thrown (for example, .food waste in that is decomposing, construction waste, woods, metals, glass, excrements, paint, etc.). Exclude the piles of trash or containers of trash that are placed in the street occasionally.

Existence of sewage service: existence in the segment of a system for eliminating excrement, conteccted to a public network or drainage.

Existence of a water network the service (running water): existence in the sector of the service of water that is provided through pipes. The service can be provided by a state or private company, or a cooperative or through "potabilization plant" belonging to a habitational group.

Existence of gas service through a network (natural gas): existence in the segment of a system of pipes that is installed to connect the individual service of gas in the dwelling. The service can be provided by a state or private company, or a cooperative.

Existence of electrical energy service though a domicile network: Existence and availability in the segment of the lines of electricity of the public network that is installed to connect the individual electrical service to the dwellings. The service can be provided by a state or private company, or a cooperative.

Regular trash removal service (at least twice per week): existence in the segment of a regular service of trash collection, with a frequency of at least twice per week. The service can be provided by a state or private company, or a cooperative.

Existence of public transportation at least 300 meters (3 blocks): presence of public transportation services (for example: collective bus, omnibus for short or long distances, microbuses, train, subway or boat for passengers whose stop or station is located in a distance of 300 meters (3 blocks) of the segment in which the dwelling is located. This excludes the use of taxis and hired vehicles.

Existence of public telephone, semi-public telephone or operator within 300 meters (3 blocks): The presence of a pubic or semi-public telephone or if nothing else, a place with telephone cabins, within 300 meters of the segment where the dwelling is located.

Location of emergency villages or squatters: establish if in the segment to which the dwelling belongs there is a habitational nucleous located in fiscal property or land belonging to a third party that were occupied in an illegal manner.

In the emergency villages, the dwellings are not located with a criteria of organized building, instead they appear "scattered" around the property, without separations between them, there are no circulation streets laid out nor an organized subdivision of properties. This means that they are not blocked neighborhoods, but instead organized around intricate passageways, where vehicles generally cannot pass, product of slow and unplanned occupation of very poor quality urban and suburban lands. Included among these are


villages that are in the process of urbanization. A precarious isolated dwelling is not a dwelling in an emergency village or squatters' area.

Location in the neighborhood plan or monoblock: establish if the segment to which the dwelling belongs is located in a nucleous made up of economic habitational units that can be single-family or multi-family. They have common areas; generally they are surrounded by internal streets and have boundaries in the interior areas for dwelling, recreation, etc. The construction of these habitational nuclei general has its origen in plans for social dwellings under public supervision (national, provincial, or municipal) or private efforts (such as cooperative, non-governmental organizations --NGO- or trade organizations).

Location in the country or a closed neighborhool: establish if the segment to which the dwelling belongs is found in a neighborhood with two or more separated houses that have a common infrastructure and are separated from the public space by a wall or fence and gates.

Existence of pavement: Presence in the segment of at least one block that has a covering of asphalt, bricks made of wood or stone, cobblestone pavement, reinforced concrete, or another makerial that covers it and facilitates that it be usable for transportation.

Existence of at least one storm drain or sewer: presence in the segment of at least one drain that serves as a rain drain, that permits the evacuation of the rain waters.

Existence of public lighting: presence in the segment of electrical lines to which streetlights, columns of mercury light, sodium light, etc., are connected for the illumination of public spaces, streets, plazas, etc.
