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Enumerator's Manual

Republic of Argentina
Presidency of the Nation
Secretary of the National Council for Development
National Institute of Statistics and Census

National Census of Population, Families and Dwellings
September 30, 1970

[Index is not presented here.]
[Introduction is not presented here.]

[The enumeration instruction includes a lot of examples and quizzes for enumerators. While some of them are helpful to understand the details of the questionnaire, others provide no additional insight. We indicate the places where we omitted an example or quiz. For quizzes, the answers are filled in questions or after questions, and [] is used for the answers filled by IPUMS International.]


A. Geographic location


1. In this section you should note the location of the dwelling that you enumerate in the national territory and in the census organization.
[One example is not presented here.]


2. When you identify the location of a dwelling you should do so thinking of facilitating locating it again later.

Any person should be able to find the dwelling that you have enumerated.

When the dwelling does not have a number, or it is not located by a street or a road, you should identify it using some fixed point as a reference.

[One example is not presented here.]


3. Among various possible points of reference, you should select the one that has the fewest possibilities of disappearing in the future.
[One example is not presented here.]


[One example is not presented here.]


[One example is not presented here.]


6. In the case of a difficult location, you can take more than one point of reference.
[One example is not presented here.]


Dwelling-household Relationship


In the section of the census form reproduced below, you should write the number of census households that occupy each dwelling and the number of persons who form each household.

[The information below is presented in a 4 by 11 table]

Households in the dwelling [column headings]

[] 11 One

[] 21
[] 22

[] 31
[] 32
[] 33

Four or five
[] ____

[] 61
[] 69

Office use ____

Occupants [row headings]
____ Males
____ Females
____ Total

To do this correctly, you should first know:
a) What is a census household
b) What is a dwelling
c) How the relationship dwelling-households is formed

The following will serve to clarify these concepts.


1. A census household is considered to be the person or set of persons [related or not related] who live under the same roof and habitually share their meals.

For a group of persons who live under the same roof to form a census household they should habitually share their [meals].


Panel 1

The census households can be private or collective.

A private census household is the person or group of persons, relatives, or not, who are associated for providing their food necessities or other essential necessities of life.
They cook and eat together.

Collective census household is the group of persons that share the same dwelling, under a regiment that is not a family regiment, for reasons that are military, work, health, discipline, religious, punishment, etc.


-- A family (father, mother, children),
-- An extended family [parents, grandparents, children, uncles, etc],
-- A group formed by a family and a friend,
-- Three students who rent an apartment, or
-- A person who lives alone

who live under the same roof, cook and eat together, each one forms a [private] census household (consult panel 1).


3. A boarding school, a military barrack, a hospital, a jail, a boarding house, a hotel, constitute [collective] census households.

Also considered as boarding houses, or in other words, [collective] census households, are the family homes that have 6 or more boarders on the "day of the census".


4. Classify the following households. Mark the column P if it is a private household, and in the column C if it is a collective household. [Right answers are filled in below]

a) A family group with two servants -- [P]
b) A school with pupils -- [C]
c) A juvenile detention center --[C]
d) A group of employees who live in a small apartment --[P]
e) The third military unit of the Army --[C]
f) An elderly man who lives alone -- [P]
g) A couple who live and eat with their married son and his family and the mother-in-law of their son -- [P]
h) A family with five renters -- [P]
i) A family with eight renters -- [C]


5. A dwelling is any shelter -- non-mobile or mobile -- that has been built or adapted for housing persons.

A house, a tent, an apartment, a barracks, a mobile home, a hospital, and a farm, are [dwellings].


6. The dwellings can be private or collective.
Private dwelling is one that is occupied by one or various [private] census households.
A collective dwelling is one that is occupied by a [collective] census household.


7. The dwellings occupied by families, single persons, groups of students or employees, etc. (which constitute private households), are [private] dwellings.

The dwellings occupied by boarding houses, hotels, barracks, jails, hospitals, convents, boarding schools, etc. are [collective] dwellings.


8. There is a list of dwellings below.
Mark the column P if they are private dwellings and C if they are collective.
[The answers are filled in below]

a) A farm house occupied by two families -- [P]
b) A hospital -- [C]
c) A boarding school -- [C]
d) A downtown apartment with one student -- [P]
e) A family home with three boarders -- [P]
f) A house with a single elderly person -- [P]
g) A barracks -- [C]
h) A juvenile corrections facility -- [C]
i) A house with a couple and eight boarders -- [C]
j) A convent -- [C]


9. A dwelling can be occupied by:

-- One or various private census [households]
-- One collective [census]
-- One collective census household and one or various [private] census households.


10. A private census household (person or set of persons, related or not, who are associate for the purpose of providing for food needs, habitually cook and share their [meals] ) can occupy:

--An entire private dwelling
--Part of a private dwelling
--Part of the site of an institution or a collective dwelling destined for use as a private dwelling (for example, the house of the gatekeeper of a school or the manager of a hotel).


11. A private dwelling can be occupied by one or various census [private] households.

Of the access to the occupied bedrooms for each household can be achieved without passing through the rooms that belong to another household, the space occupied by each of them is considered an independent private dwelling.


12. Various private census households can occupy the same [dwelling].

[One example is not presented here.]

[p. 23]

[One example is not presented here.]

[p. 24]

[One example is not presented here.]

[p. 25]

[One example is not presented here.]

[p. 26]

16. A private census household can occupy part of a [collective] dwelling.

When you arrive at the Hotel Plaza on the "census day", you will consider this as a [collective] dwelling. If you encounter a family or single person making this their permanent residence, it will be considered as a [private] census household.

[p. 27]

[One example is not presented here.]

[p. 28]

[One example is not presented here.]

[p. 29]

[One example is not presented here.]


20. The school where Mr. Pereira sends his children has a building for classrooms, a building where students and their caretakers are housed, and a small independent house to the left of the entry, where the gatekeeper and his family live.

The family of the gatekeeper is a [private] census household.
The house of the gatekeeper is a [private] dwelling.
The building for the students is a [collective] dwelling.
The students form a [collective] census household.


21. Even though various census households share the same dwelling, you will use a separate form for each census household.

If you enumerate a dwelling where there are three census households, you will use [three] forms, on for [each] household.

If you enumerate a dwelling with four households, you will use [four] forms.

If an enumerator has used two separate forms for a dwelling, this means that in this dwelling there are [two] census households.


22. In front of a dwelling that is uninhabited you will proceed as if it were inhabited by only one census household. You will complete [one] census form with the data that you can obtain.

[One example is not presented here.]

[Pages 33-37 are not presented here.]


27. Now you are beginning to see the way to enumerate the dwelling-household relationship.

You now know - for the census purposes - what a dwelling and household are.

You also remember that a particular dwelling can be occupied by more than one household.

The box on in the enumeration form is the following. Observe it.

[The information below is displayed in a 4 by 11 table.]

Households in the dwelling [column headings]

[] 11 One

[] 21
[] 22

[] 31
[] 32
[] 33

Four or five
[] ____

[] 61
[] 69

Office use ____

Occupants [row headings]

____ Males
____ Females
____ Total


28. There are five columns on the top of the box.

Households in the dwelling:
One - Two - Three - Four or five - Rental

You will fill in the column One when you encounter one census household.
When there are two households you will write in the column headed with the number [two].

The column Four or five will be used when in the dwelling there are [Four or five] census households.


One - Two - Three - Four or five - Rental

If, in a dwelling, you encounter three census households, you should complete the column with the number [three].

If next to this dwelling you enumerate a single household, you will complete the column headed with the number [one].


30. When in a dwelling there are two or more households, the order for completing the census is determined by the enumerator.

You can decide which household to enumerate first, which second, which third, etc.

The [enumerator] decides the [order] in which to enumerate the households in the dwelling.

If in a dwelling there are three households, household X, household M and household T: in which order do you enumerate these household? [Any order (or an equivalent answer)].


31. Now let's see the second line in the Relationship Dwelling-Household box

[]11 - []21 - []31 - []32 - []33 - []___ - []61 - []69 - Office use___
Observe that in each column there are one or more boxes.

Each box has a two-digit number underneath it.

The first digit indicates the total number of households that are in the dwelling.

In number 21, digit 2 indicates that in the dwelling there are two census households.

In number 32, digit 3 indicates that in the dwelling there are 3 census households.


32. The second digit of the number is the order number of the household enumerated in this form.

In number 21, 2 indicates that in the dwelling there are [two] census households. 1 indicates that the form belongs to the household enumerated first in this dwelling.

If in the dwelling there are three households and you are enumerating the second, you will mark the box:
[]31 - [x]32 - []33
The digit 3 indicates that in the dwelling there are [three] households; digit 2 indicates that the form belongs to the household enumerated in [second] place.


33. Interpret the following codes:

[x]11 - This form belongs to the [only] household in a dwelling occupied by [one] private or collective household.

[x]21 - This form belongs to the [one] household in a dwelling occupied by [two] households.

[x]32 - In this dwelling there are [three] households; this is the household enumerated in the [second] place.

[x]31 - In this dwelling there are [three] households; this form belongs to the household enumerated in the [first] place.


34. Codify the following situations:

Situation - Code

Example: In a dwelling there are two households; the form belongs to the second census household. - [x]22

In a dwelling that is only one census household; the form belongs to this household. You will mark the box. [[x]11]

The form belongs to the household enumerated in second place, in a dwelling occupied by three households. You will mark the box [[x]32]

The form belongs to the first household in a dwelling occupied by two households. You will mark the box [[x]21]


35. In the column four or five, there is only one box underneath it. There is a dotted line.

Four or five: [] ____

The numbers should be placed according to the information that you obtain.

If in the dwelling there are five households and you are enumerating the second, you will write the number 5 and then the number 2.

Four or five: [x] 52

If in the dwelling there are four households and you are enumerating the first, you will write:

Four or five: [x] [41]


Four or five: [x]43

means that there are [four] households in the dwelling and that the form belongs to the household enumerated in [third] place.

Four or five: [x]55

means that there are [five] households in the dwelling and that the form belongs to the household enumerated in the [fifth] place.

Four or five [ ] ____

If in the dwelling there are five households and you are enumerating the third, you will write: [[x] 53]


37. Rental is any dwelling that houses six or more census households and has communal sanitary services.
This is the special code for Rental:

Rental : []61 - []69

The number 6 means Rental.

Sixty-one corresponds to a census household in the first place in a rental household.

Sixty-nine corresponds to all of the other households that occupy the dwelling.
When you arrive at the rental dwelling and enumerate the first household, mark:
[x]61 - []69
When you enumerate the second household, mark:
[]61 - [x]69
When you enumerate the third household, mark:
[]61 - [x]69


38. Remember that in the case of rental:

Sixty one is for the household enumerated first.

All of the other households you will mark 69.

You arrive at a rental dwelling. When you enumerate the first household, mark:
Rental : [x]61 [ ]69
In the forms for the rest of the households, you will mark:
Rental : []61 [x]69


39. Codify the following situations:

-- In the dwelling there are two households; you are enumerating the first [21]
-- The household being enumerated is a dwelling occupied by only one household. [11]
-- The fourth household enumerated in a dwelling occupied by five households. [54]
-- The tenth household in a rental dwelling [69]
-- The first household enumerated in a rental dwelling [61]


40. Now let's see the rest of the lines in the box Relationship Dwelling-household

Men _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Women _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

On these lines, you will write the number of men, women, and total number of persons who form the household, but you will make note of it after you have finished filling the census form.

You have arrived at the house of the Pereira and they have told you that there are two families living there. You then decide to enumerate the Pereira family first. So mark the box [[x]21].

What do you do next?

[ ] a) ask how many persons comprise the family and make note of the information.
[x] b) continue by completing filling out the census form and at the end, write the number of persons who make up the household.

[Pages 51-57, which contain examples, are not presented here.]


B. Dwelling


1. Now we will move on to enumerate the condition of occupancy of the dwelling. The condition of the [occupation] can be (observe the item in B1 of the census form):

1. Occupied
2. Temporarily occupied
3. Uninhabited

Occupied dwelling: is one that on the "Census Day" is occupied by one or various census households.

The Pereiras live permanently in their house on La Falda and they are in the house when it is visited by the enumerator.

Their dwelling is considered [occupied].


2. Dwelling temporarily inhabited: is one that on the "Census Day" is not inhabited, because it is inhabited occasionally for short periods.

The summer houses and the weekend houses are dwelling that are inhabited [temporarily].

If on the "Census Day" you find the house occupied, you will note it as inhabited.


3. Uninhabited dwelling is one that on the "Census Day" is not inhabited by a census household, nor is it occupied temporarily. In general, it is not furnished.

The dwellings for sale or rent, the dwellings under litigation, the dwellings that are going to be demolished, are generally [uninhabited] dwellings.

The dwellings under construction and in conditions to be occupied soon, will also be noted as [Uninhabited] dwellings.

[Three examples for question 1 on p.62-64 are not presented here.]


As soon as you have noted the condition of occupancy of the dwelling, you should specify -in item B-2 of the form-the type of dwelling.

Panel 2

House: is an independent construction that generally constitutes a single family dwelling.

Apartment: is a room or set of rooms inside a building forming a single private dwelling, occupying only part of the building. The "floor" is an apartment that occupies an entire floor of the building.

House, apartment, or room in a school, factory, office, etc. is the room or set of rooms that being a private dwelling, are inside a school, workshop, factory, etc. (For example: the house of a school gatekeeper, the dwelling of the factory guard, etc.).

Rental house: is a dwelling there six or more households are housed, with communal sanitation services.

Hut or cabin [rancho]: a dwelling with adobe walls, straw, bark, or leaf roof, dirt floor (specific to rural zones).

Precarious dwelling: construction made of discarded materials (boards from crates, pieces of cardboard, zinc sheeting, etc. which were previously used for another purpose).

Dwellings in a place not intended for habitation: these are private dwellings that on the "Census Day" are functioning in sites not destined for use as dwellings (dwellings located in sites that have a permanent destination as garages, barns, warehouses, etc.)


7. Classify the following private dwelling dwellings (Use the census form as a guide.):

a) A ranch house occupied by two families - [x]5

b) The tent of a backpacker - [x]7

c) A student's apartment - [x]2

d) A rental house - [x]3

e) A house made of tin sheeting and cardboard on the side of the road - [x]4

f) The house of the gatekeeper of a school - [x]6

g) A dwelling installed in a garage - [x]8

h) The chalet of the Pereira - [x]1


8. Classify the following collective dwellings in some of the 8 types that are detailed in the census form (use the form as a guide):

a) A boarding house that does not serve meals - [x]1

b) A fire station - [x]2

c) The installations where workers are housed while they build a road - [x]7

d) A psychiatric hospital - [x]3

e) The house occupied by a religious order - [x]6

f) A juvenile correctional facility - [x]4


9. In the items 3, 4, and 5, you will note the predominant construction materials of walls, roofs, and floors, according to the specifications on the census form. In the case doubts, consult the occupants of the dwelling or the neighbors. Viewing the census form, specify the following materials for wall construction:

a) Corrugated cardboard - [x]7

b) Straw - [x]8

c) Branches - [x]8

d) Bark - [x]3

e) Wood - [x]4

f) Corrugated metal sheeting - [x]5

g) Brick - [x]1

h) Fiber-cement board - [x]6


If you made any mistakes, carefully reread the section B-3 of the census form.

10. Keeping the census form in hand, specify which number you would mark for the following roofing materials.

a) Corrugated cardboard - [x]5

b) Palms - [x]6

c) Fiber-cement corrugated sheeting - [x]4

d) Metal sheeting - [x]3

e) Clay tiles - [x]2

f) Asphalt covering/coating - [x]1

g) Straw - [x]7


11. Viewing the census form, specify in which number you would mark the following flooring materials:

a) Bricks - [x]4

b) Loose bricks - [x]5

c) Dirt - [x]6

d) Plastic flooring - [x]3

e) Wood - [x]2

f) Cement - [x]4

g) Marble - [x]1

h) Ceramic - [x]1

i) Discarded materials - [x]5

j) Parquet - [x]2


12. When you mark the materials for roofs, floors, and walls of the dwelling you mark only the [predominant] material.


Item 6 says for office use. This space should be left blank.


13. Starting with item 7, the data that you collect will refer to the space occupied by each household in the dwelling.

In item7, we move on to registering the number of rooms occupied by each [household] in the dwelling.

Each room that has the capacity for an adult-sized bed is considered a room. In consequence, when you register the number of rooms you will count all of those that have the capacity for [adult-sized bed].


14. Although every room with capacity to [an adult-sized bed] is considered [room], you will exclude from this criteria the kitchen, the bathroom, the laundry room, the garages, the storage areas, and the rooms used for industrial and commercial purposes, unless they are used for housing.


15. Of the following cases, which are considered rooms? (Answer yes/no.)

-- A laundry room with the capacity to hold an adult-sized bed. [no]
-- A kiosk installed in a passageway. [no]
-- A garage with the capacity to hold an adult-sized be. [no]

16. Any room with capacity to hold an adult-sized bed is considered [room].
The [bathroom] and the [kitchen] are not counted as rooms.


17. Mark which space from the following list would be considered a room:

[x] a) The servant's room
[ ] b) Bathroom
[ ] c) Storage
[x] d) Rented garage where a couple lives permanently
[x] e) The family room
[ ] f) The kitchen


18. In the section 8 of the form, you will register the characteristics of the water service.

In the first place we will consider the supply system.

If the members of the a household tell you that they must go as far as the neighbor's wall to obtain water, what would you mark on the census form? (Use the form as a guide.)

a) Supply system - [x]3


19. If the water is only obtained from a faucet located in the yard of the house, what would you mark on the census form?

a) Method of supply - [x]2


20. After noting the supply system, you will register the origin of the water service.

When the supply is obtained through pipelines of a domestic network, what would you mark on the census form?

b) Source: - [x]1


21. When the water is obtained through pipelines of a domestic network, it is classified as [running water from a domestic network].

On the other hand, if it originates from a cavity where there is a replacement water supply, the answer would be [well].


22. If the water is obtained from a well by using a motor pump and stored in a tank where it is distributed the entire dwelling through pipes, how would you register this case? (Consult the census form.)

a) Method of supply - [x]1

b) Source - [x]2


23. Item 9 of the census form considers the kitchen services.

When you enumerate the Perez family, who occupy a dwelling with another family, the woman informs you that the kitchen is used by both families.
In item 9 a) you should mark (consult the form): [x]1

As for use of the kitchen you will mark (consult the form): - [x]2


24. In a house inhabited by a census household there is a room for cooking, it is used exclusively, or shared? [exclusive]

If the fuel used is gas packaged in bottles, which box gets marked? - [x]2


25. Now let's look at item 10, referring to the sanitation system. (Answer by consulting the form.)

What type of toilet will you mark when you encounter one with a drain to a septic tank at the end of dwelling?

a) Toilet facilities


If in the dwelling there is only one household, what would you mark for the use of the toilet?


[An example for question 10 on p.87-88 is not presented here.]


28. The item 11 of the census form is a very simple answer.

You only need to verify is the lighting service is provided through [electricity] or not.


29. In the itegm 12 we ask about the system of occupancy of the dwelling.

A family provides services on a ranch and occupies a dwelling ceded by the owner. In which box would you mark the answer? (Respond according to the form.)

12. Occupancy



30. Classify the following types of occupancy (consult the census form):

a) a family occupies a dwelling in a bank because the father is the manager of it
b) Mr. Rodriguez occupies a dwelling that is ceded to him by a friend without any type of payment
c) The Pereira family rents the house that the family occupies
d) Mr. Ramos inhabits a precarious dwelling that he built
himself, on lands that are owned by the municipal government
[x]5 (specify) municipal lands


You now know all of the data that can be collected in chapter B-Dwelling on the form.

Chapter B is completed in a different manner, according to whether this dwelling is occupied by one or various private census households.

[Pages 93-100 of the original document are not presented here.]


C. Population


General characteristics

Panel 3

The first item that corresponds to Chapter C. Population is that of General Characteristics.

In this item you will note the data of all of the persons to be enumerated, whatever their age.

You will enumerate in each household all of the persons who spent the night in it during the night before the morning of the "census day", even if they were not present at the time of the arrival of the enumerator, or if being absent because of reasons related to work, and they returned to the their household on the morning of the "census day."


1. Arriving at a household where six students live, they inform you that the night before the "census day" two extra persons slept there. You will enumerate all of the persons who [spent the night] there during the night previous to the morning of the census.


2. A doctor - head of the household to be enumerated - spent the night before the morning of the "Census Day" covering the turn in the hospital.

Where do you enumerate him?

[ ] a) In the hospital where he works
[x] b) In his private household.


3. To obtain an exact count of the population of the country, we adopted as the standard to enumerate all of the babies born before the zero (0) hour on the "census day."

[An example is not presented here.]


4. Following the same convention you will enumerate those who died after the zero hour (0) on the "census day."

[An example is not presented here.]


5. In the first place you should locate the head of the census household.

The head of the census household is the person recognized as such by the rest of the members of the household.

To locate the head of household, it is necessary that you find out who is the person [recognized] as such by the members of this household.


6. Identify as the head of household the person [recognized] as such by the rest of the members, even existing in this household a person who is older or has the economic responsibility of the same.

Six students live in a census household. You will register as the head of household whoever is [recognized] as such.


7. In all of the private households there must necessarily be a [head of household], whom you will register in the form, in the first place under the column: First person.

In the collective households you enumerate, in the first place, the person with the greatest hierarchy.

Therefore, when you enumerate a convent, a hospital, a jail, etc., you will write in the first column, which corresponds to the head of household, the person of [greatest hierarchy].


8. In the [private] households, after enumerating the first persons who will always be the [head] of the household, you will enumerate the rest of the members, according to the ties or relationship that they have with the head of household.


9. In the collective households that you enumerate, in the first place, the person with the [greatest hierarchy] and you will not take into account the category of relatives that exists between the members. Therefore, you will enumerate them in any order.


10. If the head of household is not present and did not spend the night in the household on the night before the "census day", in the place reserved for head of household you will enumerate the person who in his/her absence is [recognized] as such and occupies the place of head of household.

Example: the spouse or the eldest child, etc.


11. When, due to the absence of the head of household, another person is enumerated as such, it is in regard to this last person that you should note the relationship to the rest of the members.

In the household of the Diaz, a month ago the head of household is in Europe. In his absence, the eldest son occupies his place. Another daughter of Mr. Diaz also lives in there.

You will enumerate the son in the [first] place.
When you enumerate Miss Diaz you will mark in relationship or ties (consult the census form) the box number [[x]6].

[The instructions on the order to enumerate household members on pages 114-116 is not presented here.]


15. In the box number 6. Other relatives, you will note: uncles/aunts, nephews/nieces, grand-nephews/grand-nieces, cousins, daughters/sons-in-law, brothers/sisters or brother/sister-in-laws of the head of household.

[An example is not presented here.]


16. The persons employed in domestic service are enumerated as members of the family in a census household when they live and sleep in the dwelling that this family occupies.

[An example is not presented here.]


17. When you get to question number 2, in which it corresponds to register the name and last name, you will note the given name and the paternal last name.

[An example is not presented here.]


18. If the woman who you are to enumerate is married, you will register her given name and the paternal last name and the last name of the husband.

[An example is not presented here.]


19. The question number 3 of the Population chapter is very simple. You should only verify if the person is [male] or [female].

[Two examples for question 3 are not shown here.]


20. When you get to question number 4, you should register the date of birth, which means, the day, month, and year in which the person was born.

[An example for question 4 is not presented here.]


21. If the person you are enumerating does not remember his/her date of birth, you will register the age in completed years in the box on the extreme right.

The mother-in-law of Mr. Pereira does not remember the date of her birth. You will then note the age in [years completed].


[Two examples for question 4 are not presented here.]


23. Now you must move to question number 5. If the person you are enumerating was born in a location or place where he/she is completing the census, you should mark the box: Here.

[An example for question 5 is not presented here.]


24. If the person to be enumerated was not born in the place where the census is completed, you will register the location, department or area and province.

[An example for question 5 is not presented here.]


25. If the enumerated person was born in a foreign country, you will complete the line that corresponds to the Province of foreign country.

[An example for question 5 is not presented here.]


26. For the persons who were not born in the place where you are completing the census, you should register the name of the location, department or area, and province.

If a person does not remember the name of the department, you will complete, at least, the lines that correspond to location and province.

[An example for question 5 is not presented here.]


27. In the question number 6 you should write the place where the person habitually resides.

If the person habitually resides in the location or place where you are taking the census, you will mark the box: Here.

[An example for question 6 is not presented here.]


28. One of the forms of considering habitual resident is that of identifying as such the persons who have lived in the place where they answer the census for the past six months or more.

The mother-in-law of Mr. Pereira has lived with this family since a year ago.

So you will consider her as [habitual resident], and in the form you will mark:

[x] Here
____ Location or place
____ Department or area
____ Province or foreign country

29. Another of the forms of considering habitual residence is that of locating as such all persons who, despite not living in the place where they are enumerated, since six months ago or more, has decided to establish residency in this place.

You encounter in a census household a person in service who arrived from Paraguay a month ago to the place where the census is taking place, having decided to establish his/her residency there.

You will then consider this person [habitual resident].

If the person arrived at the place where he/she is enumerated less than six months ago, you should consider him/her [habitual resident] if he/she has decided to [establish] his/her residency in the place where he/she is enumerated.


30. In the question number 7 you will write the place of habitual residency in September 1965.

If the place of habitual residence was the same location or place where the person is enumerated, you will mark the box:

[x] Here
____ Location or place
____ Department or area
____ Province or foreign country
When you enumerate Mr. Gomez, he says that he reside in the place where his is being enumerated since 1967. Would you mark the box: Here?

[ ] Yes
[x] No


31. If the place of habitual residence in September 1965 is not the place where the person is being enumerated, you will register the name of the location or place, and the department, province, or foreign country where the person being enumerated lived in this year.

Mr. Pereira, who in September 1965 lived in Pergamino, area of Pergamino, province of Buenos Aires, currently lives in La Falda, department of Punilla, province of Cordoba, how would you write this in the census form?

[] Here
Pergamino: Location or place
Pergamino: Department or area
Buenos Aires: Province or foreign country


32. The question number 8 says: in what year did you arrive in the country to live in?
This refers to the persons who in question 5 answered having been born in a foreign country, although at the moment of the census they have Argentinean nationality.

[Two examples to show when question 8 is asked are not presented here.]


[Administrative instruction on p.135-136 is not presented here.]


Educational Characteristics

For all persons five years old and older.


1. We will pass now to examine the item Educational Characteristics of Chapter C-Population.

Here you will note the data for all of the persons five years old and older.

[An example for children to be enumerated is not presented here.]


Now let's look at question number 9 of the item Educational Characteristics.

We understand as school attendance going to school, at the date of the census, to an official educational establishment, private or public, at the elementary, secondary, university, or other level.

They are official educational establishments, for example:

--Teacher's Training School, number 4
--Superior Professorship in Biological Sciences
--School number 5 of the Educational Center 7
--La Salle private school
--Post-graduate course in the Medical Faculty

The Pitman Academy, the Teniente Sewing School, the Lingaphone Institute, etc., are not official educational establishments.


2. If the person normally attends an official [educational] establishment, you will mark the box "Attends?" with an x.

The son of Mr. Pereira attends the National Business School number 2. Which box would you mark?
[x] 1 Attends?
[ ] 2 Does not attend but attended?
[ ] 3 Never attended?
[ ] 4 Does not know


3. The person who never attended an educational establishment is considered "never attended."

[An example is not presented here.]


In the question number 10 you will move on to ask about the highest educational level that the person attends or attended, whether they completed it or not, either in the country or in a foreign country. Remember that the questions 10A, 10B, and 10C should only be asked of the persons who have boxes 1 or 2 marked in question number 9.

In the Panel 4 you will write the possible educational levels. Read them carefully.

Panel 4

1- Elementary [Primary]

The common elementary schools - home schools - schools for adults - Special schools - Adult literacy centers - schools in hospitals - schools in jails - schools annexed to Armed Forces

2- Secondary schools
National schools - private preparatory schools - specialized secondary [baccalaureate] schools

3- Commercial
Commercial schools

4- Teacher training schools
Public teacher training schools - Regional teacher training schools


5- Technical or industrial
Industrial schools- Night classes for specialization - Regional and mixed industrial schools - Professional schools for women - factory schools - Worker training schools - Schools for professional preparation for women - Cyclical technical institutes - Agro- technical schools - School for auxiliary medical personnel

6- Other secondary education
Specialized secondary educational institutes, for example: Military high school - Naval high school - Police and firemen school - Penitentiary schools - Sub-officers schools in the Armed Forces - Mission mono-technical and cultural schools - Mission for rural cultural and domestic training - Nautical school.


7- University and higher education
a) Faculties: medicine - engineering - architecture, etc.
b) Professorates in history, physical education, pedagogy, languages, etc., and specialized teachers in child care, special education, education for the blind and deaf-mutes, etc.
c) Non-teaching specialties: Courses for university graduates, courses for graduates of industrial schools, newspaper writers, librarians, and museums.
d) Military higher education: Military college, Naval School, Higher War School, etc.


4. If the youngest of the Misses Garcia studies in Pharmacy and Biochemistry, where would you place her response? (Consult Panel 4, pages 142-144.)
[]7 University and higher education

If the oldest son of Mr. Pereira responds that he is a student at the Commercial School Number 2, in which box on the census form would you mark his response?
[]3- Commercial


5. If a person says that he/she works in a factory and that after the work schedule he/she takes workers' training courses, would you take this answer into account?

If another person says that she graduated from the National Industrial School and is taking a specialization course, where would you place this answer? (Consult Panel 4.)
[]7 University and higher education


6. Below you will ask question 10B, regarding whether the person being enumerated completed this level or not.

This question refers to the level of [instruction] indicated by the person in question 10A.

[An example is not presented here.]


7. Next you will ask question 10C, to find out which is the highest year or grade that the person passed at this level.

This question will be answered by all persons, five years old or more, who have or have not completed the level of instruction that they attended.

[An example is not presented here.]


8. You should mark the box zero [0] for those persons who entered a determined level of instruction, but did not pass the first year or grade of that level.

[An example is not presented here.]


[An example is not presented here.]


[An example is not presented here.]


If a person declares having passed the third grade in an elementary school having studied, according to the educational plans in effect at the time, the lower first grade, in the last year or grade passed, you will mark box 4 because:

-- First lower grade from the previous plan is equivalent to first grade now
-- First upper grade from the previous plan is equivalent to second grade now
-- Second grade from the previous plan is equivalent to third grade now
-- Third grade from the previous plan is equivalent to fourth grade now
-- Fourth grade from the previous plan is equivalent to fifth grade now
-- Fifth grade from the previous plan is equivalent to sixth grade now
-- Sixth grade from the previous plan is equivalent to seventh grade now


11. If the mother-in-law of Mr. Pereira says that she attended the elementary school and passed the first upper level, you will mark:
[]9- Don't know

If another person says that he/she went to the elementary school (having attended lower first grade, now called first grade) and got to fifth grade, but did not pass and stopped studying, you will mark (see page 152):
[]9- Don't know


12. If in the second situation from the previous box you do not mark 5, the answer is wrong, because this person got to fifth grade which is the equivalent to sixth grade now, but did not pass the grade; therefore we mark 5, which is equivalent to fourth grade previously.

If another person says that he/she attended the elementary school, but does not remember which grade he/she passed, you will mark:
[x]9- Don't know


[An example for questions 10A, 10B, and 10C is not presented here.]


14. Below you will formulate question number 11. Remember that you should only ask it in the cases where you marked box 5 (Technical or industrial) or 6 (Other secondary education) or 7 (University or higher) in question 10A.

If a young lady days that she is a student in the field of mathematics in the Professorate training, you will note in question number 11:

[Professorate in mathematics]


15. If another young lady declares that she is a professor of drawing and visual arts, graduated from the Professional School number 14, you will write:

[Drawing and visual art]

[Two examples for question 11 are not presented here.]


16. Now we will consider the part dedicated to literacy (question number 12).

You will ask the persons answering the census if they know how to read and write in our language or any other.

To mark the box "Yes" it is necessary that the person know how to [read] as well as [write] in any language.


17. If the elderly aunt of the Misses Garcia tells you that she only knows how to read, on the census form, you will mark:

[ ]Yes

If a person answering the census is of Russian origin and says that he knows how to read and write his native language, you will mark:
[ ]No


Economic Characteristics

1. In this section of the form, all persons should respond who are [10] years old and [more] (consult the census form).


2. The Census will take place on September 30.

You will ask each person who you are enumerating: What did you do during the majority of the week from September 21 to 26.

The question refers to the week immediately [before] the "Census Day."


3. To complete the following box, consult the census form, question number 13.

The concept of "the majority of last week" refers to [4] normal work shifts, according to the occupation that the person practices, or if he/she worked more than [35] hours a week.


4. Observe that the question number 13 includes ten alternatives that are listed in a column. Once you have read question number 13, without waiting for an answer, begin reading each of the ten choices. If the person answers affirmatively to the choices 1, 2, or 3, you should mark the corresponding box and then continue with the question 14.

Miss Garcia answers "Yes" to choice 2 (Didn't work, but had employment?). You mark [x]2 and move immediately to question number [14].


5. When you enumerate Mr. Pereira you ask: What did you do during the majority of the week from September 21 to 26? Immediately, without waiting for an answer, begin to read the ten possible options. When you read the first (worked?), Mr. Pereira answers, "yes." You mark this answer [x]1, and immediately move on to question number [14].


6. If a person answering the census answers "Yes" to the alternative [1], [2] or [3], you move on to question 14, then mark the respective box.

But if person answering the census answers "Yes" to any of the alternative 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10, you move directly to question number 17.

[The questions on p.166 are not presented here.]


8. Now let's consider questions number 14, 15, and 16.

These questions will be asked exclusively in the cases in which you marked one of the boxes [1], [2], or [3] in the question number 13.

Mr. Pereira fixes radios in his house and in addition works in a store that sells electrical goods. Mr. Pereira says that he "earns more" as a vendor.

What answer will you mark for the question number 14"
[vendor of electrical goods].


9. The name of the occupation, job, or profession that the person answering the census gives as an answer to the question number 14, should always be the one that provides him/her with the [greatest income].

This name should provide a precise idea of the occupation, job, or profession that the person carries out.


10. If a person says: "I work in a family home, where I only take care of the children."

In the question number 14, of the following occupations, which would you mark? [nanny]


11. The oldest of the Misses Garcia works as a supervisor in the Purchasing Office for the National Sanitation Works.

In this case, you would write:
[Supervisor of the Purchasing Office]


12. Immediately afterward, you will ask: What is the primary product of the establishment where you work, or what does the primarily do? (question number 15).

The answer to this question should give a clear idea of what the establishment [produces], or what the establishment where the person works [primarily] does.


13. If the principal occupation of Mr. Pereira is that of "vendor of electrical goods" in the business called El Rayo (remember that you already noted "vendor of electrical goods" next to question number 14).

What answer then corresponds to question number 15?
[Sale of electrical goods]


14. Observe that you should avoid noting vague designations such as: business, office, store Fenix, factory Las Violetas.

These names do not give a [clear] idea of what these establishments [produce] or what their primary [activity] is.


15. A young lady works as a seamstress in two workshops, one for under garments and the other for work clothes. She says that she earns more in the first one.

Complete the questions numbers 14 and 15 based on this case (consult the census form):

14. Seamstress
15. Workshop for manufacturing under garments


16. You enumerate a person who cleans shoes; this man tells you that he is a "shoeshine" on public streets.

In this case, what answers would you write next to questions number 14 and 15?

14. Shoeshine
15. Cleans shoes


17. If the person being enumerated is a national, provincial, or municipal public employee of a centralized, decentralized, or autonomous organism, you will write the proper name of the section in which he/she works.

If Miss Garcia is a supervisor in the Purchasing office for National Sanitation Works, next to question number 15 you will write:

[National Sanitation Works].


18. If a person practices an occupation in an establishment that has two or more different activities, you will note the activity with which the person is directly affiliated.

A man is a furniture polisher in an establishment which both a factory for furniture and a refrigerator factory.

Complete questions 14 and 15 for this case:

14. Furniture polisher
15. Furniture factory


19. If a person works in his/her house manufacturing specific products, which he/she then delivers to a commercial establishment or factory that sells or produces, in question number 15 you should note the principal activity of said establishment or factory.

A woman declares that she works in her house, making pants for a manufacturer of this product. What would you write in question 15? [Factory that manufactures pants]


20. In the same manner as for questions 14 and 15, you will ask the question number 16 only of those persons who have given answers to one of the boxes [1], [2], or [3] for question number 13.

The question number 16 refers to the [category] or [position] that the person has in the exercise of his/her occupation (consult the census form).


Panel 5

1- Worker

Person who carries out an activity that is predominantly manual and who works for a day wage or a salary, for a public or private boss or employer.

These are workers, among others:
a) The domestic employees (cook, nanny, butler, maid, chauffer, gardener, etc.);
b) Builders and other construction laborers;
c) Supervisors, laborers, and other workers in agricultural enterprises;
d) Drivers of public transportation vehicles;
e) Stackers, porters, deliverymen, packagers, workers, etc.


Person in whose work the predominant work involves intellectual activities over physical activities and who work for a salary, for a public or private boss or employee. The following are employees, among others:

a) The directors, managers, inspectors, bosses, secretaries, etc;
b) The professors, salaried professionals, assistants to independent professionals;
c) The employees who work at a desk, counter, or in an office;
d) The payment collectors, salesmen, traveling salesmen, etc.


3- Self-employed (does not have employees)
Person who without depending on a boss, exploits his/her own economic enterprise, or who practices, on his/her own account, a profession or job, without employing any paid worker.

4- Boss or partner (has employees)
Person who exploits his/her own economic enterprise, or who practices, on his/her own account, a profession or job, and has one or more paid workers.

5- Unpaid permanent family worker
Person who works in an enterprise or business that is owned by a relative and who does not receive fixed payment.

[The examples for question 14, 15 and 16 in pages 183-188 are not presented here.]


27. Below you will move on the formulate the question number 17.

This question is important because it allows us to locate the person in the household who [earns] more or who receives the [greatest] income (consult the census form).


28. If you arrive at the household of the Olmos family, make up of the father who does not work and receives a very high monthly rental income, and the mother who works and earns less than what her husband receives, and the son who is a student.

Who would you consider to be the one who earns the most?:
[The father].

In the household of the Rodriguez, you encounter the head of household, who is Mr. Rodriguez, retired, his wife, who does domestic chores, and the son, who works and whose income is greater than the father's retirement income.

You will consider [the son] as the person who earns the most.


29. You arrive at the home of the Gonzalez couple. They live alone and both of them work. Both earn the same salary. In this case, you will consider as the person who earns the most, the head of household.

If Mr. Gonzalez is recognized as the head of household and earns the same amount as his wife, you will consider him as the person who [earns the most] in this household.


Other Characteristics

1. In this section there are two questions: number 18 and number 19. Remember that you should ask question 18 of all women who are twelve years old and older.

[An example is not presented here.]

[p. 193]

2. Remember that the sum of the partials a) and b) should coincide with the number that corresponds to "Total number of children born alive".

[Three examples are not presented here on p.194-196.]


4. Any data that you can obtain about fertility (question number 18) you should place in the corresponding box.

In the case that, due to the absence of the person or another motive, you do not obtain any data on this topic, you will mark the box next to [Don't know].


5. The last question on the census is number 19. This question will be answered by all of the [persons] of [12] years or older (consult the census form).

Ask one question at a time in the indicated order, and when you receive an affirmative response, mark the corresponding box.


6. How would you place the following answers in the census form next to question number 19?

--Single person who lives with her partner under martial condition and in stable condition, without having contracted legal marriage.

[x]1 Consensual union?
[]2 Married?
[]3 Separated or divorced?
[]4 Widow?
[]5 Single?
[]6 Don't know

-- Single person who has never been married and also does not live in a consensual union.
[]1 Consensual union?
[]2 Married?
[]3 Separated or divorced?
[]4 Widow?
[x]5 Single?
[]6 Don't know


7. If you receive this answer:
"Three years ago I was widowed and then I remarried; currently I live with my second wife."

Would you mark box 2 or 4?: [Box 2]


8. If in the previous case you mark box number 4 you will be making a mistake, because you should consider the marital status on the day of the census.

If another person tells you: "Five years ago I got married, shortly after, I separated from my wife and now I live in a union without contracting legal marriage. For the effects of the census, the marital status is:
[x]1 Consensual union?
[]2 Married?
[]3 Separated or divorced?

[General Recommendations on p.201 - 12 are not presented here.]