The Census of 1880
Schedule 1: Free Inhabitants in ____, in the County of ____, State of ____, enumerated by me, on the ____day of ____, 1880.
____, Enumerator.
____ Enumeration district Number
____ Name of street
____ House number
01. ____ Dwelling houses numbered in order of visitation
02. ____ Families numbered in order of visitation
03. The name of every person whose place of abode on the 1st day of June, 1880, was in this family
_ _ Females
04. Color:
[] B Black
[] Mu Mulatto
[] C Chinese
[] I Indian
05. Sex :
[] F Females
06. Age:
____ Age at last birthday prior to June 1, 1880.
07. ____ If born within the census year, give the month
08. Relationship of each person to the head of this family:
[] Son
[] Daughter
[] Servant
[] Boarder
[] Other
09. [] Single.
10. [] Married.
11. [] Widowed; Divorced
12. [] Married during census year
13. ____ Profession, occupation, or trade of each person, male or female
14. ____ Number of months this person has been unemployed during the census year
15. Is the person (on the day of the enumerator's visit) sick or temporarily disabled, so as to be unable to attend to ordinary business or duties?
[] No
Is so, what is the sickness or disability?
17. [] Deaf and dumb
18. [] Idiotic
19. [] Insane
20. [] Maimed, crippled, bedridden, or otherwise disabled
22. [] Can not read
23. [] Can not write
24. Birthplace:
____ State or Territory of United States,
____ Country, if of foreign birth
25. Father's birth place
____ State or Territory of United States
____ Country, if of foreign birth
26. Mother's birth place
____ State or Territory of United States
____ Country, if of foreign birth
Note A: The census year begins June 1, 1879, and ends May 31, 1880
Note B: All persons will be included in the enumeration who were living on the 1st day of June. No others will. Children born since June 1, 1880 will be omitted. Members of families who have died since June 1, 1880, will be included
Note C: Questions Nos. 13, 14, 22, and 23 are not to be asked in respect to persons under 10 years of age
Note D: In making entries in columns 9, 10, 11, 12, 16 to 23 an affirmative mark only will be used -- thus / , except in the case of divorced persons, column 11, when the letter "D" is to be used
Note E: Question No. 12 will only be asked in cases where an affirmative answer has been given either to question 10 or to question 11
Note F: Question No. 14 will only be asked in cases when a gainful occupation has been reported in column 13
Note G: In column 17 an abbreviation in the name of the month may be used, as in Jan., Apr., Dec.