Census of the Population 1851
Householder's Schedule
(Prepared under the direction of one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State.)
____ Parish
____ City, Burgh, Town or Village
____ Street, Square, etc., or Road
____ Name or No. of House
You are requested to insert the particulars specified on the other page, respecting all the persons who slept or abode in your house on the night of March 30th, in compliance with an Act which passed the House of Commons and the House of Lords in the last Session of Parliament, and received the assent of Her Majesty, the Queen, on the 5th August, 1850.
This Paper will be called for on Monday, March 31st, by the appointed Officer, and it will save trouble if, as the Act requires, you have the answers written in the proper columns by that time. It is his duty to verify the facts, and if you have omitted to comply with the above Instructions, to record them at your residence on that day.
Persons who refuse to give correct information, incur a Penalty of Five Pounds; besides the inconvenience and annoyance of appearing before the Sheriff or two Justices of the Peace, and being convicted of having made a willful misstatement of age, or of any of the other particulars.
The Return is required to enable the Secretary of State to complete the Census; which is to show the number of the population- their arrangement by age and families in different ranks, professions, employments, and trades- their distribution over the country in villages, towns, and cities- their increase and progress in the last ten years.
George Graham, Register General
Approved: Whitehall
24th Jan, 1851
1. and 2. Name and Surname.
No persons absent on the night of Sunday, March 30th, to be entered
Write after the Name of the Head of the Family, the Names of his Wife, Children, and others of the same Surname; then Visitors, servants, etc.
____ Name.
____ Surname.
3. Relation to Head of Family.
State whether Wife, Son, Daughter, or other Relative, Visitor, or Servant.
____ Relation to Head of Family
4. Condition
Write Married, Widower, Widow, or Unmarried against the Names of all Persons except Young Children
____ Condition
5. Sex
Write M against Males and F against Females
[] F
6. Age [Last Birthday]
For Infants under One Year, states the Age in Months, writing Under 1 Month, 1 Month, 2 Months etc.
____ Age
8. Rank, Profession, or Occupation
Before filling this column you are requested to read the Instructions on the other side.
The superior Titles of Peers and other Persons of Rand are to be inserted, as well as any high office which they may hold. Magistrates of Burghs, Justices of the Peace, and other important public officers are to state their profession after their official titles.
Army, Navy, and Civil Service - Add after the rank, Army, Artillery, Royal Navy, Marines, East India Company's Service, as the case may be - distinguishing those on half-pay. Persons in the Civil Service are to state the Department to which they are attached, after their title or rank; those on the Superannuation List to be so distinguished. Chelsea, Greenwich, and other Pensioners, are to be clearly designated.
Clergymen of the Church of Scotland to return themselves as Minister of ____, Assistant and Successor to the Minister of ____, Assistant to the Minister of the Parish of ____, Probationer of the Church of Scotland, Chaplain of the Prison of ____. They are requested not to employ the indefinite Minister. Ministers of the Free Church are to return themselves as Minister of the Free Church at ____. Episcopalian Clergymen and Roman Catholic Priests are to return themselves as such, and to state the name of the church of chapel in which they officiate, describing themselves as Minister (United Presbyterian) of ____ Chapel, Independent Minister of ____ Chapel, Baptist Minister of ____ Chapel. Local or occasional preachers must return their ordinary occupation.
Legal Profession - Advocates, to state whether or not in actual practice; Officers of any Court, etc., to state the description of Office and name of Court. Writers to the Signet are to return themselves as such. The Designation Procurator, or Solicitor, to be confined to those actually admitted to practice in a Court of Justice, and regularly enrolled in such Court, and to state the Court in which they are so enrolled. Advocates in Aberdeen will take care to add the words in Aberdeen to the description. Advocate Persons practicing in the law, and no so enrolled, to designate themselves Writer in ____, All the above classes of persons to specify whether or not they are in practice. Persons in the offices of any of the above parties should distinguish whether they are Advocate's Clerk, Writer to the Signet, or Solicitor's Managing, Writing, or General Clerk, or Apprentice.
Members of the medical profession to state the University, College, or Hall of which they are Graduates, Fellows, or Licentiates; also whether they practice as Physician, Surgeon, or General Practitioner, or are not practicing.
Professors, teachers, public writers, authors, and scientific men, are to state the particular branch of Science or Literature which they teach or pursue; Artists, the art which they cultivate. Graduates should enter their degrees in this column.
Persons engaged in commerce as Merchants, Brokers, Agents, Clerks, Commercial travelers, to state the particular kind of business in which they are engaged, or the staple in which they deal.
The term Farmer is to be applied only to the occupier of land, who is to be returned Farmer of [317] acres, employing [12] laborers; the number of acres, and of in and outdoor labourers, on March 31st, being in all cases inserted. Sons or daughter employed at home, or on the farm, may be returned Farmer's Son or Farmer's Daughter.
In Trades the Master is to be distinguished from the Journeyman and Apprentice, thus Carpenter-Master employing [6] men; inserting always the number of persons of the trade in his employ on March 31st.
In the case of workers in mines of manufactures, and generally in the constructive arts, the particular branch of work and the material are always to be distinctly expressed if they are no implied in the names, as in Coal-miner, Brass-founder, Wool-carder, Cotton-spinner. Where the trade is much sub-divided, both trade and branch are to returned thus Watchmaker-Finisher; Printer-Compositor.
A person following more than one distinct trade may insert his occupation in the order of their importance.
Messengers, porters, laborers, and servants, are to be described according to the place and nature of their employment.
Persons following no profession, trade, or calling and holding no public office, but deriving their incomes chiefly from land, houses, mines, or other real property, from dividends, interest of money, annuities, etc. may designate themselves Landed Proprietor, Proprietor of Iron Mines, Proprietor of Houses, Fund-holder, etc. as the case may be. Persons of advanced age who have retired from business to be entered thus Retired Silk Merchant, Retired Watchmaker, etc.
Alms people and persons in the receipt of parish relief should, after being described as such, have their previous occupations inserted.
Women and Children - The titles or occupations of ladies who are householders are to be entered according to the above instructions. The occupation of women who are regularly employed from home, or at home, in any but domestic duties, are to be distinctly recorded. So also of children and young persons. Against the names of the children above five years of age, if daily attending school, or receiving regular tuition under a master or governess at home, write Scholar, and in the latter case add, at home.
____ Rank, Profession, or Occupation
9. Where Born
Opposite the Names of those born in Scotland, write the County, and Town or Parish.
If born in England, Ireland, the British Colonies, the East Indies, or in Foreign Parts, state the Country; in the last case, if a British Subject, add British Subject.
____ Where Born
10. If Deaf-and-Dumb, or Blind
Write Deaf-and-Dumb, or Blind, opposite the Name of the Person.
____ If Deaf-and-Dumb, or Blind