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Government of Pakistan
Population Census Organization
Housing and Population Census 1998

Form 2

Household serial number ________
Census districts _ _ _
Charge _ _
Circle _ _
Block _ _

1. Name

Write names of all persons who were present in the household on the dawn of 1st March 1998. (Enter all members of the household whether present or temporarily absent including guest visitor)

2. Relationship with the head of household

[] 1 Head
[] 2 Spouse
[] 3 Son/daughter
[] 4 Other relative
[] 5 Non-relative

3. Residential status

[] 1 Present
[] 2 Temporarily absent
[] 3 Guest/visitor

4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

5. Age

Write age in completed years in two digits.
(Enter "00" for age less than one year)
_ _

6. Marital status

(Enter "1" for children under 10 years)
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

7. Nationality

[] 1 Pakistani
[] 2 Other

8. Religion

[] 1 Muslim
[] 2 Christian
[] 3 Hindu
[] 4 Qadiani (Ahmadi)
[] 5 Scheduled caste
[] 6 Others

9. Mother tongue

[] 1 Urdu
[] 2 Punjabi
[] 3 Sindhi
[] 4 Pushto
[] 5 Balochi
[] 6 Others

For five years and above
[Questions 10-11.]

10. Literacy

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

11. Level of education completed/passed

[] 0 Never attended
[] 1 Under primary
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Middle
[] 4 Matric
[] 5 Intermediate
[] 6 B.A./B.Sc. or equal
[] 7 M.A./M.Sc. equal or above
[] 8 Diploma/certificate
[] 9 Others

For persons 18 years and above
12. N.I.C. [National Identity Card]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Housing characteristics

Number of rooms

[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Three
[] 4 Four
[] 5 Five
[] 6 Six and above


[] 1 Rented
[] 2 Rent free
[] 3 Owned

Period of construction

[] 1 Under construction
[] 2 Less than five years
[] 3 5-10 years
[] 4 Above 10 years

Construction materials


[] 1 Bricks/block/stone
[] 2 Unbaked brick/mud
[] 3 Wood/bamboo
[] 4 Others


[] 1 R.C.C./R.B.C.
[] 2 Cement/iron sheet
[] 3 Wood/bamboo
[] 4 Others

Source of drinking water

Inside house

[] 1 Tap
[] 2 Hand pump
[] 3 Well

Outside house

[] 1 Tap
[] 2 Hand pump
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Pond
[] 5 Others

Source of light
[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Kerosene
[] 3 Others

[Cooking] Fuel

[] 1 Wood
[] 2 Kerosene oil
[] 3 Gas
[] 4 Others


[] 1 Separate
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 None


[] 1 Separate
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 None


[] 1 Separate
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 None

Does any member of this household

Watch TV

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Listen radio

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Read newspaper

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Form 2-A (confidential)

Household serial number ________
Block code _ _
Present address of head of household ________

1. Name and age

Give names of every member of the household. (including persons present, temporarily absent, guest and visitors present on dawn of 05-03-1998
Enter age under name.

2. Relationship to head of household

[] 1 Head
[] 2 Spouse
[] 3 Son/daughter
[] 4 Daughter-in-law
[] 5 Grandson/granddaughter
[] 6 Father/mother
[] 7 Brother/sister
[] 8 Brother's wife
[] 9 Other relatives
[] 0 Non-relatives

3. Residential status

[] 1 Household member present
[] 2 Household member temporarily absent
[] 3 Guest/visitor living with household

4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

5. Marital status

(Ask this question to persons 10 years and above. Enter "1" for children under 10 years)
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow
[] 4 Divorced

6. Nationality

[] 1 Pakistani
[] 2 Other

7. Religion

[] 1 Muslim
[] 2 Christian
[] 3 Hindu
[] 4 Qadiani (Ahmadi)
[] 5 Scheduled castes
[] 6 Others

8. Mother tongue

[] 1 Urdu
[] 2 Punjabi
[] 3 Sindhi
[] 4 Pushto
[] 5 Balochi
[] 6 Saraiki
[] 7 Darri
[] 8 Gujrati
[] 9 Others

[This form has been used for 8% population]

All persons

[Questions 9-11.]

9. Write name of relevant district in case of birth in Pakistan. If born outside Pakistan, name the country.


10. Period of continuous residence here:

[] 1 Less than 1 year
[] 2 1 year to less than 5
[] 3 5 years to less than 10
[] 4 10 years and above
[] 5 Since birth (skip to col. 17)

11. District of last residence
Write name of district of last residence in Pakistan, if last residence outside Pakistan, name the country.

[Question 12 is asked of persons who have ever migrated, per question 10.]

12. Reason for migration from last place of residence recorded in column 13.

[Question 12 is asked of persons who have ever migrated, per question 10.]
[] 1 Study
[] 2 Marriage
[] 3 Moved with head of household
[] 4 Job/business
[] 5 Transfer
[] 6 Return home
[] 7 Health
[] 8 Others

13. Can read Holy Quran

[For persons 5 years and above]
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

14. Can ____ read a newspaper and write a simple letter in any language

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

For persons 5 years and above
[Questions 15-17.]

15. School/college/university attendance

[] 1 Attending/enrolled
[] 2 Attended earlier
[] 3 Never attended

16. Level completed/passed

[] 1 Below primary (Skip to column 20)
[] 2 Primary (Skip to column 20)
[] 3 Middle (Skip to column 20)
[] 4 Matric
[] 5 Intermediate
[] 6 B.A./B.Sc.
[] 7 M.A./M.Sc. and equivalent
[] 8 Professional/certificates
[] 9 Diploma/certificate
[] 0 Others

17. Field of specialization

[Question 17 is asked of persons who have completed Matric or higher, per question 16.]
[] 1 General education
[] 2 Engineering
[] 3 Medicine/health
[] 4 Law
[] 5 Agriculture/forestry
[] 6 Business/commerce
[] 7 Teaching/education
[] 8 Religious
[] 9 Others

For persons 5 years and above
[Questions 18-22.]

18. Did he/she do any work other than household work in the last year?

[] 1 Worked
[] 2 Never worked but looking for work (skip to column 24)
[] 3 Had a job but looking for work (skip to column 24)
[] 4 Unpaid family helper
[] 5 Student
[] 6 Engaged in household activities only
[] 7 Landlord/property owner (non actually worked/supervised)
[] 8 Retired
[] 9 Disabled (not economically active)
[] 10 Others

Economic characteristics

19. Kind of work did (he/she) usually do during the last one year: ________

20. Nature of activity of organization/establishment/business in which (he/she) worked: ________

21. Employment status

[Question 21 is asked of persons who worked last year, per question 18.]
[] 1 Self-employed
[] 2 Government employee
[] 3 Autonomous bodies employee
[] 4 Employee (private)
[] 5 Employer
[] 6 Unpaid family helper (skip to col. 25 for women and 33 for men

22. Reason for unemployment

[] 1 Unable to get job
[] 2 Just completed education
[] 3 Laid off by the employer
[] 4 Going to run own business
[] 5 Others

For ever married women (15 to 50 years)
[Questions 23-30.]

Number of children

Born alive
23. Male _ _
24. Female _ _

Still living
25. Male _ _
26. Female _ _

Number of children born since 1st March, 1990.

For ever married women (15 to 50 years)
Born alive
27. Male _ _
28. Female _ _
Still living
29. Male _ _
30. Female _ _

31. God forbid, is there any disabled person in the household, if so, state the nature of disability.

[] 1 Blind
[] 2 Deaf/dumb
[] 3 Physical handicapped
[] 4 Mentally retarded
[] 5 Multiple disabled
[] 6 Insane
[] 7 Others

32. Did this boy/girl immunize?

For children of below 10 years
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 Don't know

33. Do you have N.I.C.?

For persons of 18 years and above
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Particular of Housing Census

34. Number of rooms

[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Three
[] 4 Four
[] 5 Five
[] 6 Six or more

35. Nature of residence

[] 1 Personal
[] 2 Hired
[] 3 Not hired

36. When constructed?

[] 1 Under construction
[] 2 Less than five years
[] 3 Five to ten years
[] 4 More than ten years

Construction materials

37. Walls
[] 1 Bricks/block/stone
[] 2 Unbaked brick/mud
[] 3 Wood/bamboo
[] 4 Others

38. Roof
[] 1 R.C.C./R.B.C.
[] 2 Cement/iron sheet
[] 3 Wood/bamboo
[] 4 Others

Residential facilities

Source of water

39. Inside house
[] 1 Tap
[] 2 Hand pump
[] 3 Well

40. Outside the house
[] 1 Tap
[] 2 Hand pump
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Pond
[] 5 Others

41. Source of light

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Kerosene
[] 3 Others

42. Fuel

[] 1 Wood
[] 2 Kerosene oil
[] 3 Gas
[] 4 Others

43. Kitchen

[] 1 Separate
[] 2 Combined
[] 3 No

44. Bathroom

[] 1 Separate
[] 2 Combined
[] 3 No

45. Latrine

[] 1 Separate
[] 2 Combined
[] 3 No

Does any member of this household

46. Watch TV?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

47. Listen radio?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

48. Read newspaper?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Total number of persons in this household

Female _ _
Male _ _