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Housing and Population Census 1980-81

List of Housing Units
(Household and collective living quarters, rural areas)

Page number ____
Hadbast number in case of mauza/deh ____
Block name/number ____

1. Area name
Name of M/D (Revenue state and its parts) ____

2. Serial number of building
Write serial number of any completely or partly residential building (includes tent, boat, hut, etc.) ____

3. Name (head of household/ institution)
Write name of head of each household living in the building on a separate line. For collective living quarter, write the name of the institution. ____

4. Serial number of the household
Write serial number of each household. Write "X" if building vacant, and write "0" for building under construction. ____

Number of persons

5. Persons usually living in the same household _ _

6. Persons previously living in the household but presently staying abroad for employment/education _ _

To be completed during Population Census

7. Date of completion for Population Census ____

8. If "X" or "0" is given in column 4, but at present this housing unit is occupied, then write the name of the head of the household at the end of column 3 and the serial number of the head of the household in column 4. If the housing unit is occupied by a new household, write the name of the head of the present household. If it is found vacant, write "X" in this column.

List of Buildings and Housing Units (For urban areas)
Form 1-B

Page number ____
Block number ____

1. Area name
Write name of street, mohalla, or road ____

2. Serial number of building
Write serial number of any completely or partly residential building (including tent, boat, hut, etc.) ____

3. Function of each unit of the building
Enter each unit of the building separately and specify whether household, collecting living quarter, office, business center, shop, factory, school, college, etc. ________

4. Serial number of the household
For each unit entered in column 3, ask whether anyone living there. If yes, write serial number of the household. If no, write "X" for vacant and "0" for under construction. However, do not write anything for other cases. ____

5. Name (head of household/ institution)
Write name of head of each household living in the building on a separate line. For collective living quarter, write name of institution. ____

Number of persons

6. Persons usually living in the same household _ _

7. Persons previously living in the household but presently staying abroad for employment/education _ _

To be completed during Population Census

7. Date of completion for Population Census ____

8. If "X" or "0" is given in column 4, but at present this housing unit is occupied, then write the name of the head of the household at the end of column 3 and the serial number of the head of the household in column 4. If the housing unit is occupied by a new household, write the name of the head of the present household. If it is found vacant, write "X" in this column.

Name of block (in case of rural areas, write also hadbast number in case of mauza/deh) _______
Block code ____

Form II

For housing units only. One housing unit will be the premises/place occupied by one household.

1. Enter in each row the serial number given in column 4 of listing form ____

2. Number of rooms occupied by this housing unit. Exclude kitchen, bathroom, store, verandah, staircase, hall, balcony, etc. _ _

3. Tenure

[] Owned
[] Rented
[] Rent free

4. Period of initial construction

[] Less than 5 years
[] 5 to 10 years
[] More than 10 years, but after independence
[] Before independence

Construction material of:

5. Outer walls
[] Cement finished (concrete, baked bricks or stone)
[] Mud finished (baked bricks or stone)
[] Sun dried bricks or mud
[] Wood, bamboo, thatch
[] Other

6. Roofs
[] Lintel (RCC/ RBC)
[] Wood
[] Wood / girder and baked bricks
[] Thatch
[] Other

Housing facilities
[Questions 7-12].

7. Source of water

[] Inside piped hand pump/well
[] Outside piped hand pump/well
[] Pond
[] Spring/river/stream karez

8. Source of lighting

[] Electricity
[] Kerosene oil
[] Mustard
[] Rapeseed oil
[] Gas
[] Other

9. Cooking fuel

[] Wood
[] Coal/charcoal
[] Kerosene oil
[] Piped gas
[] Gas in cylinder
[] Electricity
[] Dung
[] Other

[Questions 10-12 for urban areas only.]

10. Kitchen

[] Separate kitchen
[] Kitchen shared with other housing unit
[] No kitchen

11. Bathroom

[] Separate bathroom
[] Bathroom shared with other housing unit
[] No bathroom

12. Latrine

[] Inside flush system
[] No flush system
[] Shared with other housing unit; flush system
[] No flush system
[] None

Population Census (Short) Form
Form Number 3

All persons

1. Name
Give name of every member of your household whether present or temporarily absent on dawn of the first March, 1981. Include guests and visitors. ________

2. Relationship to head of household

[] 1 Head
[] 2 Spouse
[] 3 Son/daughter
[] 4 Other relatives
[] 5 Non-relatives

3. Residence status

[] 1 Household member present
[] 2 Household member temporarily absent
[] 3 Visitor or guest

4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

5. Age

In completed years i.e., age on last birthday (in two digits e.g., 02, 24, 99). Put "00" for infants younger than one year.
_ _

6. Marital status

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

7. Religion

[] 1 Muslim
[] 2 Ahmadi
[] 3 Christian
[] 4 Hindu
[] 5 Parsi
[] 6 Sikh
[] 7 Buddhist
[] 8 Other

[Question 8 was asked of persons whose religion is Muslim, per question 7.]

8. If Muslim, can ____ read the Holy Quran?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 Learning
[] 3 No

[Questions 9-10 for persons 5 years and above.]

9. Can ____ read newspaper etc, and write a simple letter?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[Question 10 was asked of persons who can read and write, per question 9.]

10. If yes in column 9, what is his/her highest educational level passed/completed?

[] 0 Primary
[] 1 Middle
[] 2 Matric
[] 3 Intermediate
[] 4 Certificate diploma/undergraduate
[] 5 B.A./B.Sc.
[] 6 M.A./M.Sc. and above
[] 7 BSc. and above (engineering)
[] 8 MBBS/BDS and above
[] 9 LLB and above
[] 10 Others

Population Census (Long) Form
Form number 4

All persons

1. Name
Give name of every member of your household whether present or temporarily absent on dawn of the first March, 1981. Include guests and visitors. ____

2. Relationship to head of household

[] 1 Head
[] 2 Spouse
[] 3 Son/daughter
[] 4 Other relatives
[] 5 Non-relative

3. Residence status

[] 1 Household member present
[] 2 Household member temporarily absent
[] 3 Visitor or guest

4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

5. Age

In completed years i.e., age on last birthday (in two digits e.g., 02, 24, 99). Put "00" for infants less than one year.
_ _

6. Marital status

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

7. Religion

[] 1 Muslim
[] 2 Ahmadt
[] 3 Christian
[] 4 Hindu
[] 5 Parsi
[] 6 Sikh
[] 7 Budh
[] 8 Other

8. Migration
For how many years is ____ living continuously in this district?

[] 1 Always
[] 2 Less than 5 years
[] 3 5 years but less than 10 years
[] 4 10 years or above

9. If codes 2 to 4 in col. 8
In which district (if in Pakistan) with urban and rural indication country was ____ last living before coming here?

[Question 9 was asked of persons who are not living continuously in the enumerated district, per question 8.]

[Questions 10-14 for persons 5 years and above.]

10. If Muslim, can ____ read the Holy Quran?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 Learning
[] 3 No

11. School/college/university attending

[] 1 Now attending (enrolled)
[] 2 Attended earlier
[] 3 Never attended

Educational attainment

[Question 12 was asked of persons who have ever attended school/college/university, per question 11.]

12. Educational codes 1 or 2 in column 11, what is his/her highest educational level passed/completed?

[] 0 Primary
[] 1 Middle
[] 2 Matric
[] 3 Intermediate
[] 4 Certificate diploma/undergraduate
[] 5 B.A./B.Sc.
[] 6 M.A./M.Sc. and above
[] 7 BSc. and above (engineering)
[] 8 MBBS/BDS and above
[] 9 LLB and above
[] 10 Others

[Question 13 was asked of persons who have ever attended school/college/university, per question 11.]
13. Field of study

[] 1 General education
[] 2 Technical/engineering
[] 3 Medicine
[] 4 Health
[] 5 Commerce/business
[] 6 Teacher's training
[] 7 Agriculture forestry/animal husbandry
[] 8 Law
[] 9 Other

14. Literacy.
If code 3 in col. 11, can read newspaper, etc. and write a simple letter?

[Question 14 was asked of persons who have never attended school/college/university, per question 11.]
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

For persons 10 years and above
[Questions 15-17.]

Economic characteristics

15. What does ____ usually do?

[] 1 Works (ask column 16 to 18)
[] 2 Does not work but is looking for work (ask column 16)
[] 3 Housewife
[] 4 Student
[] 5 Other

16. What is ____ main job, profession, trade or what kind/type of work does usually do?

[Question 16 was asked of persons who work or are looking for work, per question 15.]

17. What is the activity of organization business in which works?

[Question 17 was asked of persons who work, per question 15.]

18. What is ___ the working status or capacity in which working?

[Question 18 was asked of persons who work, per question 15.]
[] 1 Self employed
[] 2 Employee - government
[] 3 Employee - private
[] 4 Employer
[] 5 Unpaid family helper

For ever-married women
[Questions 19-21.]

19. How many children were born alive? _ _

20. How many of these children are now living? _ _

21. How many children were born alive to ____ in past 12 months? _ _

22. Disability

[] 1 Blind
[] 2 Deaf and dumb
[] 3 Crippled
[] 4 Mentally retarded
[] 5 Insane
[] 6 Other