2011 Census Form
Household indicative information
Province _ _
District _ _
LLD_ _
Urban area or rural ward _ _
Census unit _ _ _
Workload No. _ _
Household No. _ _ _
House type _ _
Response code _ _
Office use only
Total persons in this household _ _ _
Collection: The information asked for is collected under the authority of the Statistical Services Act (1981).
Authority: Your co-operation in completing this form is important to the success of the census.
Privacy: The law protects your privacy. No one outside of this office can see your form or link your answers with your name and address.
Coverage: All persons present on the Census Night must be counted whether they are family members or not. Check whether persons who spent Census night but have since gone away are included.
For all persons
1. What is the name of each person including visitors who slept here on the night of Sunday 10th July 2011?
Name ____
2. What is the person's relationship to the head of household?
[] 2. Husband/ Wife
[] 3. Own son/daughter
[] 4. Step/ adopted child
[] 5. Other relative
[] 6. Non-relative
3. Is the person male or female?
[] 2. Female
4. What is the person's date of birth or age in years?
Day/month/year _ _ _ _ _ _
Age in years _ _
5. What is the person's present marital status?
[] 2. Married
[] 3. Separated
[] 4. Divorced
[] 5. Widowed
6. What church or religion does the person belong to?
7. Is the person's own father still alive?
[] 2. No
8. Is the person's own mother still alive?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
Mother's person number _ _
____Province/ country
10. What is the person's place of usual residence now?
____Province/ country
____ District
11. What was the person's place of usual residence one year ago?
____Province/ country
____ District
12. What is the person's citizenship?
Continue only for persons aged 5 years or more.
[Questions 13 and 14 were asked of persons age 5+]
13. Is the person attending any formal schooling now?
[] 2. No - Attended in the past
[] 3. No - Never attended
14. What is the highest formal educational grade completed by the persons?
_ _ Grade
Continue only for persons aged 10 years or more
[Questions 15 to 21 were asked of persons age 10+]
15. Has the person completed a certificate, diploma, or a university degree, or any other educational qualification since leaving school?
[] 1. Yes, specify____
[] 2. No
16. Which languages can the person read and write with understanding?
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
17. In the last seven days, has the person done any of the following?
If code 7 "none" go to Q.20.
[] 1 Gardening/fishing for money
[] 2 Gardening/fishing for own use only
[] 3 Business (any type) with paid help
[] 4 Business (any type) without paid help
[] 5 Helping in family business without pay
[] 6 Wage job (including temporary absence)
[] 7 None (go to Q.20)
18 (a). What kind of work did the respondent do in the last seven days?
Type of work ________
18 (b). What are the main tasks/ duties done in that work?
Tasks of duties ________
19. What kind of business is done at the place where the person works?
Kind of business ________
Go to Q.22
20. Has the person actively sought any kind of wok in the last four weeks?
[] 2. No
21. What was the person doing mostly in the last seven days?
[] 1. Housework
[] 2. Studying
[] 3. Waiting to start a new job
[] 4. Looking for work
Not working because
[] 6. Too old/ retired
[] 7. Sick
[] 8. Permanently disabled
[] 9. Other, describe ____
Continue only for all citizen women aged 15 years or more
[Questions 22 to 26 were asked of citizen women age 15+]
For Q. 22 to 26, write answer in boys or girls columns.
22. How many children have you given birth to?
_ _ Girls
23. How many of your own children are living in this house?
_ _ Girls
24. How many of your own children are living elsewhere?
_ _ Girls
25. How many of your own children are dead?
_ _ Girls
26. How many children have you given birth to in the last 12 months?
_ _ Girls
For the household, ask the following questions
27. Deaths in the household in the last 12 months: Total number of deaths
[] 2. Female
[] 2. Delivery
[] 3. Within 6 weeks of the end of pregnancy or childbirth
[] 4. Not pregnancy related
28. Does this household grow/raise any of the following for:
[] 2 Own use
[] 3 None
[] 2 Own use
[] 3 None
[] 2 Own use
[] 3 None
[] 2 Own use
[] 3 None
[] 2 Own use
[] 3 None
[] 2 Own use
[] 3 None
[] 2 Own use
[] 3 None
[] 2 Own use
[] 3 None
[] 2 Own use
[] 3 None
[] 2 Own use
[] 3 None
[] 2 Own use
[] 3 None
29. Does this household get any money from the following?
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2. No
31. If rented, who do you rent the house from?
[] 1. National Housing Corporation
[] 2. Semi-government
[] 3. Other government
[] 4. Other private
[] 5. Not rented
32. How many rooms are there in the house?
_ Rooms
33. Which type of building materials were used for the part of the dwelling unit? Enter appropriate code for each part of the dwelling.
[] 2. Metal sheet/ tin
[] 3. Tile
[] 4. Wood
[] 5. Traditional
[] 6. Other, specify ____
[] 2. Concrete
[] 3. Fibra
[] 4. Wood
[] 5. Metal sheet/tin
[] 6. Traditional
[] 7. Other, specify
[] 2. Floor mat
[] 3. Concrete/ brick
[] 4. Wood
[] 5. Traditional
[] 5. Other, specify ____
Form Number _ of _ total forms for this household
Totals from this form
_ 18 years old and over
_ 18 years old and over
_ 18 years old and over