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1900 Person list with the number of people

the 3 December 1900

____ The household's number

____ The persons' number

The persons' names:
____ First name and other names, sorted by households and houses.
In case of children still without name, enter "unbaptized boy" or "unbaptized girl."

_ _ Males
_ _ Females

(Enter M for males and K for females)

[] Male
[] Female

[] If resident of the place mark (b)
[] if temporarily present mark (mt)
[] If temporarily absent mark (f)
____ Cf for comments

____ For those temporarily present, usual residence on 3 December

____ For those temporarily absent, probable temporary residence on 3 December

Family position:

____ Position in the family, such as "house father" (main person), housewife, son, daughter, servant, lodger belonging to the family, single lodger, visitor etc. Use symbols Hf., HM., S., D., Tj., FL., EL., and B.

Civil status (mark as ug, g, e, s, and f.)

[]g. Married
[]e. Widower (widow)
[]s. Separated
[]f. Divorced (those separated with respect to table and bed)

Occupation and (social) position:

Including Housewife's or children's specific occupation. Enter clearly and specifically which trade and business or branch which the person performs or works at, and also the position in this trade. If someone has several occupations enter these, the main occupation first.

____ Trade and business
____ Position
____ Comment

Birth year and date:

____ Year of birth
____ Birth date if under 2 years old

Birth place:

For those who are born in the same municipality as the place of enumeration enter the letter: T; for the others enter the name of the municipality, the sub-parish or the town.
For those born abroad, the name of the country or the place

____ Born in the same municipality as place of enumeration

Born in a different municipality than place of enumeration:
____ Municipality
____ Sub-parish or town

born abroad:
____ Name of the country or the place


For those who are citizens of Norway enter the letter N.; for the others enter the name of the respective nation

[] Norwegian
____ Other


For those belonging to the Norwegian State Church enter the letter: S.; for the others enter the name of their religious community, or in case: "Resign, no community"

[] Norwegian State Church
____ Others


Was anyone of the listed persons:

[] B. Mentally ill
[] Aa. Mentally disabled
[] From birth
[] Earliest childhood

[] D. Deaf and dumb
[] B. Blind


[] Norwegian (N)
[] Sami resident (Lf)
[] Sami nomadic (Ln)
[] Finnish, Kven (F)
[] Mixed (B)

Language spoken in the person's home:

[] Norwegian (N)
[] Sami (L)
[] Finnish, Kven (F)