1900 Person list with the number of people
The persons' names:
____ First name and other names, sorted by households and houses.
In case of children still without name, enter "unbaptized boy" or "unbaptized girl."
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
(Enter M for males and K for females)
[] Male
[] Female
[] If resident of the place mark (b)
[] if temporarily present mark (mt)
[] If temporarily absent mark (f)
____ Cf for comments
____ For those temporarily present, usual residence on 3 December
____ For those temporarily absent, probable temporary residence on 3 December
Family position:
Civil status (mark as ug, g, e, s, and f.)
[]g. Married
[]e. Widower (widow)
[]s. Separated
[]f. Divorced (those separated with respect to table and bed)
Occupation and (social) position:
____ Trade and business
____ Position
____ Comment
Birth year and date:
____ Birth date if under 2 years old
For those who are born in the same municipality as the place of enumeration enter the letter: T; for the others enter the name of the municipality, the sub-parish or the town.
For those born abroad, the name of the country or the place
____ Born in the same municipality as place of enumeration
Born in a different municipality than place of enumeration:
____ Municipality
____ Sub-parish or town
born abroad:
____ Name of the country or the place
[] Norwegian
____ Other
[] Norwegian State Church
____ Others
Was anyone of the listed persons:
[] Aa. Mentally disabled
[] Earliest childhood
[] D. Deaf and dumb
[] B. Blind
[] Sami resident (Lf)
[] Sami nomadic (Ln)
[] Finnish, Kven (F)
[] Mixed (B)
Language spoken in the person's home:
[] Sami (L)
[] Finnish, Kven (F)