Norwegian census of 1875
The digit one (1) for every single person (Lodgers who eat at the family's table
are not enumerated as single) ____
2. Person Number:
3a. The persons' names (first name and other names):
a) All those who on 31st December stayed the night in the house, including visitors
b) All those who usually live in the house, but where absent on 31 December [The latter listed towards the bottom of the questionnaire]
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
3b. Residence
_ _ Birthplace of visitors
4. Ethnicity:
____ Father's ethnicity
____ Mother's ethnicity
5. Did anyone stay the night in a separate building or outhouse detached from the main building, and in that case in which? ______
6. Sex:
[] Male
[] Female
7. Family position:
8. Marital Status:
[] ug. Unmarried
[] g. Married
[] e. Widower (widow)
[] f. Divorced (those separated with respect to table and bed)
9. Occupation:
For persons under 15 years, who had salaried work, specify what kind? ____
10. Birth year:
11. Birth place:
____ Town
____ Parish
____ Sub-parish
If someone is born abroad:
____ Place name
____ Country
12. Citizenship:
____ Other
13. Religion:
14. Infirmities:
[] Deaf and dumb
[] Blind (Blind is enumerated anyone without ambulatory vision)
15. Detailed description on infirmity
[] If mentally ill after the completed fourth year of age
[] Under 3 years old
[] Cattle and calves
[] Oxen (2 years old and over)
[] Cattle (2 years old and over)
[] calves, under 2 years old
[] Sheep and lamb
[] Goats and kids
[] Swine
[] Pigs
[] Reindeer
[] Rye (in tons)
[] Barley (in tons)
[] Mixed grain (in tons)
[] Oats (in tons)
[] Oats for green fodder (in tons)
[] Peas (in tons)
[] Vetch (in tons)
[] Grass seed (in pounds)
[] Potatoes (in tons)
[] Other root vegetables (in tons)